The Ark of War (Crossover x E...

By Primarch_MJ

9.2K 218 152

I do not own WH40k, Arknights, Azur lane, or references to other franchises, or Halo for that matter. I don't... More

Prologue (Revised)(Mostly)
Bio Pt. 1 (Revised, little change)
Chapter one: A new Faction. (Revised)
Yelena's Birthday (Revised)
The Twin-Headed Eagle (New-ish)
A Simplified Explanation of the Imperial Navy & HIM Kansens
Pest control. (New)
Beginning of a bizarre adventure (New)
Midway, Pt. 1 (New-ish)
H.I.M. Texas & Wyoming Complement (New-ish)
Midway, Pt. 2 (New-ish)
Eagle Union, The Imperium, and the UN. (New)
Bio: Pt. 2 (New)
Take a Break! Or we'll make you. (New-ish)
Rhodes Island Operator Tracking. (New-ish)
Tail terror. (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 1 (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 2 (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 3 (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 4 (New)
Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 5 (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcements Pt. 6 (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcements Pt. 7 (New-ish)
Gancaster reinforcements Pt. 8 (New-ish)
Preparations. (New-ish)
Other Gancaster Officers (New-ish)
Awakening the Giant, Pt. 1 (New-ish)
Awakening the Giant, Pt, 2 (New)
Awakening the Giant, Pt. 3 (New-ish)
Neck deep in trouble and a whole lotta 'Nids
The Fall of Ursus, Pt. 1
The fall of Ursus, Pt. 2
Thanks to those reading.
The Search/Meetings and Discoveries
Lost and Found
Treatise of a Treaty
The Debate (Arrival)
The Debate (The Foundation/Tala's 'fun')
The Debate (Politics . . . Ugh.)
Reactions/Slice of Life 1
Meet the Fleet, Pt. 1 (new)
Meet the Fleet, Pt. 2
Meet the Fleet Pt. 3
Just another day/Western Front: Beachhead
Dies Commemorationis
Authors Note 1
Dies Aurorae
The Western Front: The Serran Dragoons, Pt. 1 (edited slightly)
The Western Front: The Serran Dragoons, Pt. II
Fools and defiance
The Pacific Front: Hood's Understanding/Selene's panick
The Pacific Front: A New Arrival (emperor-class specifications edited)
The Pacific Front: A New Arrival Pt. 2 (shorter)

Scarab Troubles (New-ish)

101 3 0
By Primarch_MJ

"When they call upon the Emperor in battle, it is to witness the deeds of men and to judge the fallen"-Vice Admiral Trenton Xeytan, Commanding officer of battlegroup Lanius.

For those wondering why the Imperium uses UNSC/IMC and 40k Imperial tanks, it is simply a matter of purpose and tactical advantage. UNSC/IMC tanks are better at Urban combat, being quad-treaded and more maneuverable the their 40k counterparts, and are best used in places that haven't been touched by the death Korps, meaning no extensive trench lines, since those are a nightmare for quad-treads. 40k Imperial tanks are not restricted by this and can be used anywhere, due to their design of rhomboid dual treads, but are slower than the UNSC/IMC tanks, and are better suited for attrition warfare and are mainly useful for heavy conflict and sieges. The two tank categories are mostly interchangeable though.


???: When the wind howls, in the dead of night, who else is there in the shadows? Always watching, always waiting for the perfect moment. Are they friend or foe? Do the mistakes of the past haunt us? Or does the promise of the future guide us? In the end, only man may decide, knowingly or not, and when they inevitably walk into the fire of their own mistakes, regret and remorse may take hold of them. Should they succumb to the desperate pleas, they have no right to call themselves a man. A true Imperial lives without regret, and yet here we are . . . Isolated, alone, and crippled . . . And we remain unbroken and faithful, until the end . . . Whilst we stand, we fight, whilst we fight, we prevail, and whilst we prevail, we stand. Look upon the works of the Emperor and tremble . . .

For we are your doom.

Le small timeskip


I am currently traveling with the combat droid squad from earlier. Haven't run into any enemies yet, surprisingly, but I have a feeling that it isn't going to last. The battle in the sky is still raging, battlegroup Lanius hasn't lost any ships yet, and Imperial troops are still attempting to regroup at the FOB at the Hope's crash site. Some are engaged at the moment, but since we have frigates providing fire support, along with defending the FOB, it should be fine.

Y/n: Hey! How much longer till we get to the nearest allied LZ?

GCD/Greenhorn command Droid: Not long sir, an hour at most. It should be three klicks beyond this ridge.

A flight of three C712 GA-TL1 (C12 is the variant optimized for in atmospheric operation) Longswords pass over us, firing at something on the other side of the ridge.

(C712 GA-TL1 Longsword)

We then hear gunfire as we begin to cross the ridge, me and the squad of Greenhorn Combat droids look at each other and double time it to the top of the ridge, the sound of gunfire getting closer and closer the farther up the ridge we get. When we finally reach the top, the sight at the bottom of the ridge would make a non-Imperial feint. Tyrranids charging several Imperial positions, lots, and lots, of tyrranids. Not only that, but they seem to be devouring banished forces too. Seems like whatever deal the Crimson Axis somehow made with the 'nids is off now. I also see several banished Scarabs, which were what the longswords from earlier were firing at. There is a Paris-Class frigate moving over the battlefield and opening fire on the Tyrranids, ignoring the banished Scarabs. Smart choice, right now the Nids are the more dangerous enemy.

GCD: your orders, sir?

Y/n: Where is the LZ?

The GCD then points to . . . Of course it's the FOB being attacked by the Scarabs . . . *sighs* Fudge.

Y/n: *facepalms* well, we'll need to go there to GTFO or get reinforcements, so . . . We need armor, at least a small armored column if we're going to take on that many Scarabs, but how are we going to get that when the FOB with the LZ is under attack?

GCD (sorry about the change in font, just got a new computer, and apparently font on mibile and laptop are different): Sir, I may have an Idea.

Y/n: What?

GCD: What about getting reinforced from your rigging?

Y/n: Can't, all my ships are too far away or anchored in the Warp, these particle cannons aren't true rigging, they're just specially made Promethean Particle Cannons. They need to recharge due to their smaller size compared to regular particle cannons too.

GCD: Are there any ships in orbit above the battlefield that can orbital drop some armor? Maybe even our own Scarab Tanks?

Y/n: I'm not sure, Comms cut out with anything not in range of an allied transmitter, only thing working right now is Vox, and even that is kind of spotty from what I've seen.

GCD: . . .

Y/n: . . .

GCD: Sir, I may be a droid, but even I know whatever your thinking is crazy, even for you.

Y/n: . . .

GCD: Sir?

Y/n: What if I try something a little more . . . Archaic?

GCD: What do you mean?

Y/n: You'll see.

GCD: For some reason I'm scared, and I don't even have an emotional processor.

I then do something that I haven't tried yet, one of the powers that my Chaos-God status has given me, summon some golems.

Warp energies Arc, crackle, and sizzle along the ground in the vicinity, and along my own body, I concentrate some of my warp energies into the very earth itself, and call upon ancients to aid me in my goal. I feel the call being answered as Gaia itself heeds my bidding and sends forth it's own machinations of rock and mud, soil and dirt, metal and rust . . . A warp-rift opens, and before me stand several Primordial constructs, much older than myself. Golems . . . Old ones, by the looks of it. We've known they've existed since we've encountered Chaos, but they have never attacked the Imperium or encountered us, and vice-versa. They serve the god that summons them . . . and the will of the planet they are summoned on. Before me stand an Arch-Golem, some of the oldest and most powerful of their kind, a Light golem, an Ice golem, a Metal Golem, and a Metal Golem.

(Arch Golem)(Nenios, guardian of Triumph)

(Light Golem)(Vaslyn, Guardian of Light)

(Ice Golem)(Xoros, Guardian of Winter)

(Metal Golem)(Gonas, Guardian of vengeance)

(Molten Golem)(Uhtin, guardian of Flames)

The Arch Golem then Speaks, likely to me, but it doesn't have pupils so I cannot tell.

Arch Golem?: Are you the Divine that hast summoned us? 

Y/n: Well, I wouldn't really call myself a divine, but yeah, I am.

Arch Golem?: Then you are the one me and my kin are bound too. What is your name?

Y/n: Y/n, yours?

Arch Golem?: In your tongue  I am called Nenios, Guardian of Triumph. These are my kin, the passive one with excessive amounts of gold is Vaslyn, a guardian of Light, the Molten one is Uhtin, guardian of Flames, The Metal one is Gonas, Guardian of Vengeance, and the one made of Ice is Xoros, guardian of Winter. Do note that we are not the only ones to retain our titles, and there are many guardians of the same Essence.

Y/n: Anything else?

Nenios: Now that we know your name, and you know ours, we must form a contract, our half is already complete, and yours should automatically follow suit.

 Just as he said that, I felt a noticeable pain flow through me, throughout my entire body, I clenched my fist, no tears were shed, because there were no tears to shed. I have endured far worse than this. A large, gold Magic circle materialized beneath me and the Golems, and an unknown form of green energy began to Arc around me and the ground within the Circle . . . it felt, different, Even more Archaic than the power that the Primordials of light and Dark had passed on to me, and it imbued me with renewed vigor and vitality. I could feel that whatever the entity that sent me this newfound strength is enlightened . . . happy, even. But I can also feel it's own doubt in its decision, the entity wondering if . . . the safety of the omniverse itself is secured. All of the green energy then arced towards me and struck my body, with me painfully absorbing the blast. I am thrown back ten twenty feet and land on my back.

Y/n: Aughhh . . . What just happened?

Xoros: interesting . . .

Y/n: What?

Vaslyn: It seems that the outer gods have taken a liking to you . . . or rather see you as their only chance for survival against the Being you know as the Darkness.

Y/n: The outer-what now?

Uhtin: The outer-gods are primordial beings that exist outside the interdimensional boundaries, much like your Primordials of the Elements, who are the Order Equivalent to them. They are essentially the Chaos god's Elder Family members . . . and it seems that their ruler has bestowed upon you his powers. As has the second most powerful of them.

Y/n: And who might these entities be?

Gonas: Azathoth and Yog-Sothoth . . . Interesting, they have never chosen a successor before. Perhaps it is due to the Darkness now being loose?

Y/n: If they're so powerful, why are they afraid of the Darkness?

Gonas: The Darkness, is an amalgamation of all the terrors and evils that the Omniverse can muster given physical and meta-physical form, and, if all of the god's theories are correct, it has existed long before the Omniverse has, as well as the respective multiverses . . . It seeks only to corrupt and consume, and though the gods, with the help of the outer gods and primordials, once managed to seal it away, even all of them combined struggled to rein in the full force of it, as it is the manifestation of nothingness, and seeks to revert the Omniverse into it's most Ancient state . . . where it didn't exist at all, and it was the only being. As such, this also poses a threat to the Outer god's very existence, as without the omniverse to feed them, with all of it's wicked energies, they will die out and starve . . . so they sought a solution, and possibly found one in you.

Y/n: Meaning?

Nenios: They have been watching your progression from birth . . . because they are the ones that orchestrated it, along with their more orderly counterparts, the Primordials of the elements. The other, newer god's, have or had no Idea, and this extends to Oryx and the Chaos Gods, who were not aware of your status as the heir to the Outer Gods and Primordials . . . They created you, specifically, to fight the Darkness. Your siblings were a mere byproduct, something of an emotional support in case you ever found out, and here we are, telling you everything. But do make note that not even the Outer Gods and Primordials know the full extent of your abilities, and they purposefully put locks on certain powers so that you learn how to use your abilities as you progress. For some aspects, you may even need physical fragments of some of the few outer gods that have sacrificed their souls for the sole purpose of nurturing your power . . . you just have to find them. This planet, Gaia, as you Imperials Call it, was also fashioned by the Upper Echelon of the Primordials and Outer gods to help Nurture your power, and to be the Perfect bastion against the Darkness, however, this was done by mashing many dimensions versions of Terra together, many of them are nothing like Terra, with no humans, some have humans, and many are in a primitive age. This whole Dimension was created as a . . . Playground, if you so wish. 

Y/n: How do you all know about this?

Uhtin: The Outer Gods and Primordials told us right before we were summoned, don't worry, we didn't say anything we weren't supposed too. Also, you have any metal? I'm STARVING over here.

Gonas: Uhtin, Stay away from me.

Uhtin: What? Why-Ohh, Metal, right.

Nenios: On another Topic, you summoned us as familiars for a reason, tell me, what do you require of us?

Y/n: Oh yeah! So there are these things called Scarab Tanks, even though they are technically Super-Heavy Infantry, and are SUPER Hard to Kill . . .

Nenios: So you want us to kill them?

Y/n: Yes.


I look to see Xoros knocked Uhtin out . . . How does that even work with Golems?

Xoros: Sorry about him, he tends to get excited when killing is involved. Or food, Or fire, Or lava, Or deserts . . . You get the Idea.

Nenios: Where are these "Scarabs"?

Y/n: Over the ridge attacking one of my outposts, They're the big four legged things shooting the missiles and the focus beams. Will you also deal with some of the Tyrannids please?

Nenios: We will.

Y/n: Thank you. GCD-767?

GCD (767): Sir?

Y/n: Have one of your droids call in a Frigate to get everyone by the FOB over the ridge and other positions the heck out of here. We're not leaving anyone behind. After that, We'll go and see how the forces at the Queen of Heart's wreck are doing and reinforce their position.

GCD (767): Yes sir!

The Greenhorn Command droid then runs off to it's squad.

The golems then cross over the ridge, with us following close behind. The engagement below us seems much the same, another flight of C712 Longswords fly overhead, and open fire on the Tyrranids in a gun and bombing run, killing many, but not enough of them. There is gunfire all throughout the valley, and the roars of the Tyrranids and the sounds of the missiles and focus beams are so loud that even we can hear them, near 10 kilometers away . . . 

and we begin on our way.

Le small timeskip


We are almost at the FOB, the overhead Frigate from earlier has killed many of the 'nids, but they're definitely still there, I can see the frigate launch Salvo after Salvo of fire from it autocannons and in front of us are distant marines fighting in close quarters and at range with banished and Tyrranid alike . . . we are just above the fighting on a small outcrop.

GCD (767): Sir? when do we begin?

Y/n: Now.

I then walk backwards a bit . . .

GCD (767): Wait, wha-

And then I run to jump right into the battle below us.


I Summon my thunder-hammer and storm-shield, without my armor . . . I might regret that later.

I land in front of a banished hunter and it's bond-brother. The two banished hunters look at me, and then back at each other, and back at me again.

(Banished Hunters)

Y/n: Umm . . . Hi?

Hunters: *angry Guttural noises*

One of the banished hunters then shoots it's focus cannon at me, which I dodge by ducking under it, but that was my mistake, because the second, taking advantage of this, ran at me and smacked me with it's shield, sending me flying backwards and going through a tree.

Y/n: Augh . . . someone remind me to where my armor next time.

As I get up I see the Golems I summoned earlier charge in and begin to attack the enemy scarab tank units, even wrestling with a few when they go close quarters, you'd expect the Scarabs to win, with their four legged frame, but these were golems, they were made for melee, meanwhile Scarabs, even with their four legs, were not. I then see Uhtin Literally pick up a Scarab by two of it's legs and start spinning it around, and then throwing it at another, causing the reactors on both to explode somehow. And then I remember that I am trying to deal with a Hunter pair. I look away from me, me still being on the ground, having rested a tidbit, to see the two Hunters charging through some trees to get to me. . . I summon my Storm-Shield and Thunder-hammer, No armor. The reason why I'm not wearing my armor, is because I have to perform maintnance on it. Normally I'd have a group of Mechanicus scholars or Salamanders . . . Or my legion, deal with it, since I can't currently deal with it myself, The first two are nowhere on this battlefield, except for maybe some Skitarii, and my legion is . . . gone, as far as i know, the only survivor is my daughter Elizabeth . . . come to think of it, shouldn't I be sending her to a Warrior's college or an academy of some sort? she's currently the non-Imperial age equivalent of twenty, (Imperials have extended lifespans, but during their pre-pubescent and early adult years, they age the same as normal humans, once they reach their thirties, their aging slows drastically), so I probably should, but where?

I am then brought from my thoughts by an awfully close blast from a focus cannon's incendiary Gel. I should probably deal with those hunters.

Y/n: You guys again? all I did was say hi! 

Hunters: *Enraged Guttural sounds*

Y/n: Excuse me? (A/n: Yes, Y/n speaks Lekgolo, he can also speak Jirilhanae and Sangheili, not to mention the Imperial standard languages, High and low gothic, which are Latin and English)

Hunters: *The same Guttural noise*

I then raise me shield to block a Focus cannon blast, readying my hammer for a strike, Imbuing it with Fire . . . If there's one way to get rid of Hunters, even with all of their armor, It's fire.

Y/n: You two know how I get rid of grubs? 

Hunters: *still firing* *Angry guttural noises*


Just as I say that, I lower my Shield and Swing my Thunder-Hammer, It creates an Arc of fire as I swing, heading towards the hunters, but it isn't any fire, no . . . Us elementals (A/n: what replaced the Perpetuals in this, remember?) use Hellfire, which is a thousand times more deadly than even the hottest artificial fire. It also changes color based upon said Elemental's preference, mine are normally a Vibrant Crimson Red, Black, or an assortment of different colors at the same time.  This time they were Crimson. The wave of fire and heat, with the added shockwave from the Thunder-hammer hit the two Hunters, Launching them back and incinerating them at the same time, even their armor was nothing but slag and ash in the aftermath. I also appear to have roasted all of the trees in front of me. I see the GCD that I have been with and his squad.

GCD (767): Now I see why people hate it when you get Ideas.

Y/n: Come on, Don't be like that! at least we arrived in time to help the FOB, The main FOB is still at the Hope's crash site though . . . which is a long way away.

GCD (767): We haven't saved the FOB yet! The 'Nids are coming towards it, and there are still some banished the Golems Haven't dealt with yet.

I then turn to him.

Y/n: Then let's deal with them, shall we? 767, go deal with the Banished Stragglers and round up the Forces and Patrols in the immediate area. the Golems, as far as I know, have de-materialized after dealing with the Scarabs and are in the Warp. Have the troops scrounge up all the ammo they can, set up defense turrets, fortifications, you name it.

GCD (767): understood, Sir!

I then turn away, summon some long-range binoculars, wanting to see how far away the 'nids are. I look through them an-


We need to get those turrets up . . . AND FAST!!! THERE ARE SO MANY!!! IT'S LITTERALLY A WAVE OF GREENSKINS BUT INSTEAD OF ORKS IT'S 'NIDS!!! I then realize how close they are too me.

I throw away the Binoculars and run to the FOB as fast as I can . . . While running, I take out a Radio and fumble with it, before finally contacting The Frigate overhead for an Evac of all troops in the Area around the FOB.

Y/n: *Does anyone hear me?!*

Frigate?: *This is Paris-Class heavy frigate IMC Wildcat. We read you Emperor, What can we do for you?*

Y/n: *I need an Immediate Evac for all forces within the vicinity of the nearby FOB and an area-denial Op by way of CAS Gunships, over.*

Wildcat Actual: *Orders have been received, Emperor. We'll show those grubs that they chose the wrong day to party.*

I sigh in relief, knowing that not all of my troops will be eaten alive.

Wildcat Actual: *Vulture Gunships en-route. They should hold the 'Nids back long enough for our boots on the ground to get the hell out. Vice Admiral Trenton Xeytan also wanted me to tell you that all banished dreadnought class ships have been dealt with, and now there are only a few straggling corvettes.*

Y/n: *That's good to hear Wildcat, Good to hear. Just saying, when I get on board the ship, I may have to commandeer it temporarily.*

Wildcat Actual: *Anything for the Emperor, my lord.*

a flight of three Vulture gunships flies overhead, along with several of our Orbital Insertion Craft. not the same as the landing craft on Gancaster, but they can fly without a nearby FTL capable ship. Some Pelicans fly overhead too.

(D-77 Pelican Dropship)

(Imperial Orbital Insertion Craft, usually used for vehicles or supplies)(also, if you're wondering, those triangular hexagon things near the front are missile launchers, same thing if they are on other ships, but bigger).

(Vulture Gunship, can also be used as an infantry only transport. Essentially a flying tank, with armor and weapons to boot)

I then hear the familiar roars of Tyrranids . . .

GCD (767) POV

I am currently overseeing the evacuation of this imperial Firebase, as well as ensuring other nations don't even have a chance of reverse engineering our tech by placing antimatter charges everywhere, so that everything here is reduced to nothing after we reach a safe distance . . . and no, there is less than one gram of antimatter, we are only trying to destroy the base.

I turn to a Marine that came to me to give a report.

Marine: Sir, Evacuations are underway, they should be complete within the hour. C-250 Demolition charges have also been planted.

GCD (767): Good, any word on the Emperor?

Marine: One of our scouts sent us footage of him running to the FOB with a horde of tyrranids on his tail, before, well, the scout got devoured.

GCD (767): He didn't have a family, did he?

Marine: No sir.

GCD (767): Good, I may be a robot, but even I hate paperwork. Tell me, do you know why we joined this war?

Marine: No sir, only that it is the Emperor's will that we fight.

GCD (767): And fight we will, but, what is the real reason he holds so much contempt for Kazdel?

Marine: I don't know sir.

GCD (767): Well, we'll likely find out after the Emperor Recovers Sergeant Al, Annie, and Balroth.

I then sit down on a nearby crate and begin to go through the manifest of valuable supplies we are about to destroy . . .

100 MBT Canister shells . . .

3000 grenades . . .

250,000 rounds of 5.56 Ammunition . . .

le small timeskip

20 Warthog force application vehicles . . .

five Scorpion MBTs . . .

and two Grizzly MBTs. . .

If I had to guess, any non-Imperial would view this sacrifice of materiel and resources to be horrendous, but we're Imperials, every piece of equipment is just as expendable as it is irreplaceable. Time for the next repor-

*Distant Screeching and gunfire*

Now that Is probably the Emperor. Good thing I'm the only person still here. Wait. I'm the only person still here, and that means that there isn't anyone piloting the pelican.

I see the Emperor running towards me, yelling some incoherent phrases. All I could make out was, "GET TO THE PELICAN!!!". Behind him I could see several Hive Tyrants and Carnifexes.

And so I started running . . .


A/n: How was the Chapter? also since no one voted if we should do love interest or not, I just decided to do it.

No harem though, those just make everything odd and confusing to the plot. There is a very slight chance I will allow two love interests.

Also, before the next chapter, I will be going back and proof-reading/revising/editing previous chapters, just a quick heads up. Also, here are the options for the love interests, again, NO HAREM! only one, comment on which one ya'll want.



Cmdr. Annie Brundage

Arsene Drake (has not been heavily featured yet)

TB (Tester Beta)

Prinz Eugen

Roon (please no, I'm scared for both the fourth wall and Y/n, and m-Oh, hi roon . . . fancy seeing yo-WAIT NOT THE-*Crash/Gunfire/Metal clashing*)



Shionne Nikos

??? (Will fit plot/my messed up lore the best, has not been introduced yet)

Shiela Bramley



Hornet (has not been featured heavily yet)




??? (not introduced yet)(Will fit plot second best)

??? (also not introduced yet)

(anyone want another character, vote for them here)

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