The Sudden Adventure X One Pi...

By wussuphuhh

115K 3.8K 1.6K

[ Reincarnated ff] " One Piece ? Seems like i have heard that words before ?" Cha y/n who had an accident is... More

chapter 1*
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56**
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70
chapter 71
chapter 72
chapter 73
chapter 74
chapter 75
chapter 76
a/n announcement
chapter 77
chapter 78

chapter 59

918 35 17
By wussuphuhh

Setting out for the New World!

3rd pov

"Hurry up, y/n chan, Luffy!" Sanji runs off as Zoro thanked Reyleigh for everything.

"Well then, Reyleigh... Im going now!"

"Yes sir! Thank you and bubyee my lovely, caring Reyleigh san~!" Y/n winks and blow him a kiss before running off and almost tripping over in the process.

"...I hope we meet again in the future, Cha Y/n, haa."


Zoro sees that the Marines went around so as to catch them but Perona appears after two years with her Negative Hollow ability and used it against the marines.

"What are you still doing here?" Asks Zoro quite rudely.

Perona flies close to his face.
"You cant talk to me like that! I bought you back here! If it were'nt for me, you would be...

"Lost!" Y/n completed Perona sentences with a laughs after. "Homie got scolded by his most closest friend, huh?" Y/n wriggles her brows at the fuming Zoro.

Perona stops nagging at Zoro when Sanji suddenly sniffs her.

Sanji asks if she is a real woman, her negative ghosts defeated Sanji.
"Iam sorry, iam... scum..."

"Pfft-" Y/n snorts and at the same time Chopper arrives on a big bird to take them to Grove 42.


At The Thousand Sunny.

"By the way, i dont see everybody here yet." Asks Brook after getting a kicked from Nami. (Ifykyk)

"Oh yeah." Robin answered. "Chopper went to pick them up.--"

"--Heeeyyy!!" They hear Luffy's screams from above coming toward the ship.

"Here they are." Says Franky.

Luffy, Y/n, Zoro, Sanji and Chopper arrive at the ship.

"Luffy san! Y/n san! I missed you two so much!" Cries Brook, while waving his hand.

Meanwhile, Franky who's taking off his black sunglasses to look at them all.
"You guys sure do look stronger!"

Usopp cries and laugh happily. "We all got together again!"

When Sanji looks at Nami and Robin his nose started gushing blood and it become worser when he realised that y/n is sitting next to him which made him fell into the sea.

Y/n flinch as she let out a cursed. "What. The. Fuck. Sanji?!!" Y/n eyes follow Sanji that soon fell into the sea.

"That's disgusting!" She spats as soon as she steps on the coated ship.

Usopp rescues Sanji and Luffy is admiring Franky's new body.
"F-F-Franky, you're...!" Luffy eyes beam with light.

The Marines come and they are shooting at the Straw Hat Pirates and then the Kuja Pirates came and intercepted the Marines.

The crew is impressed when they see Boa Hancock. Sanji turns to stone and then becomes upset at Luffy because he went to Amazon Lily and befriended Hancock.

"Damn... It's not fair...! It's not fair...!" Sanji bangs on the wooden floor with jealousy.

"Though, she treated me quite unfair, hmph!" Y/n sulkingly says, remembering the moment she had in the island. Luffy giggles looking at her silly face.

Fast forward, Franky then dives under the Thousand Sunny to remove air sack and releases the air inflating the coating.

"What? This jelly inflates?" Questions y/n, weirdly.

"Woah, we got a bubble roof!" Chimed Chopper excitedly.


When it's all ready, they are now waiting for Luffy commands.

"Guys! I've got a lot of things that i want to share with you but in any case, thank you for going along with me and y/n selfish decision for 2 years!"

This startled y/n from her leaning position against the rail.
"Eh? Me? Hell naw, i was unconscious at that time, so its your decision." She arch a brow before continuing scrolling on her phone which is weirdly still alive.

"Hahaha, y/n's right. You've always been selfish!" Tells Usopp while snickering.

Luffy grins as he gives the command to sail.

"Set sail!!"


"Let's go to the Fish Man Island!"


Under The Sea Near Sabaody Archipelago

Y/n pov

"The surface is far up there already." I hear Robin says as she looking up at the sun light pierced through the water.

I look up with a smile on my lip.
"I cant believe i will ever experience this." I mutter with a chuckles as i then hear Franky made a conversation with Robin.

I sit down on the fake grass, leaning on the rail while taking some pictures around me.

"It is beautiful, indeed." I mutter, turning to my left to take a final picture before i flinch away seeing a green haired face zooming in my phone. "Ah! What the heck!-- Zoro!"

I saw the way his face turned into scowl as he puts my phone down. I arch my brow in confusion as he stares at my face for a few seconds.

When i look away, he take my cheeks in his hand just to continue inspecting my face. With muffles voice, i speak.
"What wrong, Zworo..?" In some way, it's started to ache my skin.

He lets go my face with a sigh. I look at him weirdly before leaning back on the rail to take a short rest.

A few minutes had passed, then Zoro suddenly starts to speak.
"You- y/-- i mean, woman."

I turn to look at him who's already looking at me with my face amused at the choices of named he chosed.

I nod at him to let him continues. I hear him grumbles and muttering something in his voice about me being so rude to not greets him but others.

"I can hear you, one eye." I nudge him with a grin after. "What? You wanna get a hug from me too, like others?" I wriggle my eyebrow playfully as he gently pushes my face aside.

He is fuming red with a deep scowl on his face.

"You're angwie, one eyed~?" I taunt mockingly and move to touch his face only to get it slap away.

"Touch me and you're dead, woman." He exclaims before hiding his face away for a second then turns to me while exhaling a breath. "Listen--"

"Yes, iam?"

"... Are you okay?"

... Me..?!

".... You- you're talking to me bro?" I asks with a pure confusion as i look to my back and right to find any person.

No one.

He grunts hearing my response before letting out a string of curse.
"You know what? Nevermin--"

"Okay, okay, i get it. You're talking to me. And to answer your question, yes. Yes iam fine. What's wrong?" Again, i find him lost staring at my face.

"I heard from Mihawk that you changed-- i mean your power- eh, ugh! No--" i made a face, not understanding what he's trying to say before i heard him short gasps.

When i look at him, his face became serious. He pulls my wrist toward him which made my body stumbles forward.
"Ow! What--" i put my hands on his shoulder and i find myself blushing as shiver running down my spine at the skin contact he made on my bare waist. "Hey! Zoro, what are you doin--"

"What is this." His voice hoarse and stern. I was about to reply but got distracted by the smell of food--

"Cha Y/n, what is this scar on your tummy." He tighten his holds on my waist with a squeeze.

"Ack-- hey, dont touch me as you like either!" I slap his hands away with a scowl on my face. He takes his hands away, groans and rubs his face with his palm in frustrated.

"Because you didnt answered my question--"

"Ask me nicely, then?" I sit straight with my both palms on my waist.

"...tch! What is that nasty scar you got there." He says lowly before turning aside. When he didnt hear any respond, his neck snaps to me again and as he about to exploded once again, i cut him.

"Okay, okay chill!" I put my palms infront, as if to calm the beast ahead. He huffs, crossing his arms on his big boo--

"Since you asked me nicely, i will answer your question. Anyway, this was a scar i got from the war 2 years ago from trying to save Luffy's brother; Ace." I shrug, touching the scar on my tummy.

Zoro just sitting there, quiet. It's akward.
"Buttttt....!" I drag the word to attracks back his attention while snapping my fingers. "Look here bitches~!" I point at my belly. He look down at it with an arch brow.

"I got some tummy piercing!" I say out loud cheerly getting a few mates attention.

"What?! Y/n got tummy piercing, for real?!" Usopp yells, rushing to me with Chopper following his steps. "W-What is tummy piercing?"

"Lemme see! Woah!" They made the 'woooo~' sound once they saw it.

"Y/n, that's amazing. I wish i got one, too!" Chimes Chopper, poking on the small belly.

"Wow, y/n. That's a cute piercing i would say." Nami says with a smile before sitting on the seat-mast.

I grin wide before turning to Zoro who suddenly focusing on his swords. I whine. "Aw, Zoro. Such a pityy-- ARGH!! What the fuck?!-- Luffy, you dumbass!!" I run to chase after Luffy who's suddenly pulling the nub piercing by force.

"You're dead meat if i got you, Luffy!!"

"Shishishishi, come and get me, then! Yeayy!"


"Woahh, now that i see it right, it's beautiful down here!" My eyes gleams in pure adoration at the sight i saw.

"Yohoo! Look there!" Called Brook to look at the root which are enormous and thick.

That's what she said.

Sanji stands beside me with a smile as he looks over the rail.
"Oh yeah. Come to think of it, Sabaody Archipelago consists of giant mangroves!" Sanji tells us and he smiles at me when our eyes locked.... with blood pouring out of his nose.

.... I cant get used of him being like this for real.

"Im overwhelmed by the beauty of nature! Im so surprised- my eyes could pop out! Ah! I dont have eyes though! Yohohoho!" I shake my head hearing the same phrase of Brook.

I glance over Sanji's when i heard Zoro voice who's standing beside Sanji.
"I've seen this already." His voice steadily shameless.

"Yeah, because you got on the wrong ship! Shut up! Everybody's having a great time!" Sanji scolds then turns to me with love-like-eyes. "Right, y/n chan?" His leg wriggles side to side.

I laugh, nodding in respond. I walk away from the guys and to the Chopper and Usopp.
"BAAA!!" I tried to surprised Usopp, which he did screams at my surprised.

I akwardly laugh, not expecting Usopp to be shocked that much.
".... err, you're scared, Usopp?" I tease him which he later stabs me on my side.

"Iam NOT and dont jump suddenly behind someone's back next time!" He huffs, before continues. "By the way, i think there's something behind the tree!" Usopp says, me and Chopper let out a short gasp. "What?!"

Me and Chopper look at the said tree before screaming out.
"Wahh, it's huge!!"

"I wonder if we can lived in that fish stomach." I said and glance at Chopper and Usopp who's mouth gape at my wish.

"You're crazy, dont talk to me." Usopp shoves his palm at me, shaking his head in mocking, trying to walk away. Chopper followed him.


"How exciting! An underwater adventure! It's like a dream come true!" Luffy expressed his feeling of happiness. "Oh, fish!" He jumps and clinging at the coated bubble, trying to catch the fish.

"Get down, Luffy!" I became protective when it comes to Luffy. Then, i look behind, finding Zoro who's unsheathing his sword after he said the fish look delicious.

I grit my teeth, fisting my fist.


"Stop it, you fools!!" I yell in scolding after giving them a punch on the head.

"What if the bubble pops! Dont ever do that again or i kill you!" Shouts Chopper, angry. I smirk at his braveness.

Sanji then asks Nami how Rayleigh's ship coating works. Nami happily tells him, saying that Rayleigh had given her notes.

Nami turns around and reveals her boobs to Sanji, causing him to suffer a massive nosebleed and fly out of the ship's coating.

"Oh no, that dumbass!! The drastic changes that motherfuc-- ehem He's not that overly pervert before??!!"

Meanwhile, Robin comments how the coating hasn't broken despite being pierced at such deep pressure.

"Sanji! Come back!" I turned my focus on Luffy who's stretching his arm to grab Sanji back into the ship, combatting the effects of the water on since he is a devil fruit user.

"Hang in there!" Chopper and Usopp give him support and Luffy succeed on catching Sanji before he's far away.

"...crazy..." I sigh in relief, plopping down on the floor.

Then, Nami explain on how the coated bubble can break and how to avoid from it to break.
"As long as we dont do anything foolish from inside, it'll be fine." She adds.

I chuckle watching Chopper and Usopp sigh in relief as they smiles with a calm heart.
"I see! It's tougher than i thought!" Usopp praised the bubble strength before laughing akwardly.

"...But 70% of ships that head for the Fish Man Island... end up sinking. So be cautious." Nami says with serious face in warning.

The long nose man and reindeer gasp.
"What's gonna happen?!!" They shriek out in questioning tone.

"With my Gatling, i can catch a whole school of fish!" Luffy suddenly said proudly while pointing at the fish.

"Then, let's see which of us can catch more fish!" Zoro challenged.

I roll my eyes before making eye signal with Usopp and Chopper as they both knocked the head of Luffy and Zoro.


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