Blissful Encounter(Hyunlix)

By jasmineStayAmryExoL

101K 5.3K 2.3K

With his parents dead and brother sent to prison out of self-defense, Felix was left to fend for himself in a... More

Character Introduction.
chapter one. (Rated M)
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight.
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter Fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
The end.

Chapter twenty three

2.2K 128 107
By jasmineStayAmryExoL

Felix's jaws clenched and his eyes widened in horror "Who is coming?" He asked his son.

Jae blinked a few times, as they changed back to the normal brown color. "The bad uncle and lots of other bad men with guns."

"Jung-gu" Felix breathed out briefly glancing frantically at Hyunjin, turning his gaze to Soobin. "I thought the realm cannot be tracked"

"By wolves. Yes, but I was told that the President's son has taken some of Dae's grace, which means he can have access to the realm."

"Oh my God, what do we do now? You heard Jae said he's coming with a army, how do we stop–"

"Forgive me for cutting you off but we have only one option." Jaehyun said, rising to stand now completely healed.

"And what's that?"

"Fight, we're going to be ready when they get here"  Jaehyun said. "I will go tell our army to gear up" He added bowing deeply at Felix and Hyunjin before making his way out with Taeyong trailing behind his mate.
Sighing, Felix turned to face Soobin, his brows ceased with worry."Is this the only solution?" He asked helplessly, he didn't want any sort of bloodshed.

"I think there might be something–" Soobin started but Felix quickly cut him off.

"What is it?"

"Mating the wolf prince, it would make everyone bow to your will, just like how it's been stated in the book of prophecies, you can command them to stand down and they'll follow you both" 

Felix went silent as he allowed the information to sink in. Would that really be the best thing to do? He wasn't sure because he felt as if he would be taking the people's choices away from them. He ran his fingers through his hair, letting out another sigh. "I get it, but won't that be like taking the people's choices away? I mean they'll have to follow us no matter what it might cost them"

"Believe me my prince, it won't cost anything but harmony between the two species, you're both born to rule us whether we like it or not, so please don't see it negatively, see it in a positive way. It will help and save a lot of lives, I've waited for this moment for a very long time my prince. I spent almost a century dreaming of the day you'd both arrive and take this country under your rule. We've suffered enough, our kind have suffered so much. It's time for foxes to rise, is time for everyone to be happy and live freely, and you princes are the only ones capable of bringing that harmony to everyone. I am not saying this because I am a fox, I am saying this as a citizen of this country. Like gravity from underneath, we can’t outrun our destiny, it is your destiny to rule us, It’s in your flesh, in your blood. This reckoning has just begun." Soobin finished with a deep breath. 

"You think the people would follow us willingly?"

"The foxes will lay their lives for you"

"And the wolves?"

"They'll lay their lives for the true Royal. Which is Mr. Hwang Hyunjin here"

"And what if– wait a second" Felix just realized what Soobin had said. "You lived almost a century?" He asked eyes going wide.

"Yes your highness"

"You're almost a 100 years old?" He asked, disbelief on his face.

"Yes, I am 84"

"How? You don't look any more than in your thirties, how's this possible?"

"Not just me but many other foxes in this realm looks younger than their actual ages, like Jaehyun, he's 57 but I bet he'll pass as 27 year old" Soobin chuckled softly before he continued. "Two hundreds years ago when our ancestors built this realm, they had an ancient witch put a slow aging spell, afraid that soon our species would go extinct because of how the wolves had began to exterminate out kind,  in other to make sure we remain until the day the prophecy would be fulfilled, when wolves and foxes will live together as one, thus they put a spell." He explained. "And every fox or wolf who stepped a foot in here will benefit from it.  For example your friends that you came with are now all under it as well, they won't age quickly just like all of us . Even after going back to the outside world the effect will last forever."

Felix blinked at Soobin, not sure whether to be awed or horrified."My children, will they ever grow or they'll remain the way the are now for a long time?"

"Ah forgive me, I didn't explain about that. Well no they'll grow until they matured before their aging process starts to slow." 

Felix let out a breath in relief, he couldn't imagine his pups being stuck the way they were for a long period of time. He nodded in understanding. "What about the baby i am carrying? Would it take more time before its born?"

Soobin shook his head. "No, it will be born the time its supposed to be born. Though pregnancies in the realm are a bit different. It takes less time than the normal 9 months, in here it takes 6-7 months for one to give birth but it doesn't imply on your now pregnancy."

"You said you're going to create a portal and we'll be able to travel between the realm and the outside world, would it effect it? I mean would I give birth within 6-7 months too?"

"No it will not. like I said it won't imply to your now pregnancy, because the baby was not conceived in the realm, so it'll be just like how you're used to, but if you happen to conceive within the realm then the pregnancy will last for 6-7 months even if you are to stay in the outside world till its delivery"

Felix nodded. "Thank you for the information. Soobin"

"It was my pleasure to enlighten your highness. Ah I– uhm I have a daughter that has already mated last year. She's 23. But she looks nothing more than a nineteen year old, which was the age she presented as an Alpha and I have two sons the eldest is 16 and the younger is 12"

Felix smiled at that. "That's amazing" he said. "But you said you're almost a century old, isn't your daughter supposed to be like 60 or something?" He wondered.

"I couldn't find my mate in time, well he was born way younger than me, I was already 40 when he was born, I had to wait for another 20 years to mate him" he pointed at the place Yeonjun stood smiling back at his mate. "At first I thought I was born mateless or my mate had died before they presented" 

"Oh!" Felix breathed. "Does that mean one in this realm can't mate with anyone other than his or her destined mate?"

"No, of course they can, not everyone find their soulmates, they can have potential mates. Like Jaehyun and Taeyong, they're not destined mates, but Jaehyun changes that when he fell in love with Taeyong, and now they have two lovely kids Stephan and Stephanie. And they're happy. Taeyong found his true mate years after he's mated Jaehyun but he didn't feel that special connection, and she understood and let him live his life. So what I am trying to say is that, it was me who wanted to find my true mate, not because i couldn't mate with anyone but because I was determined to find them, that's why I waited that long"

Felix nodded once again, he patted Soobin's shoulder and said. "That's very romantic of you" he glanced briefly at Hyunjin with a smile. Soobin story left an impression on him. He was going to tell Hyunjin how he truly feel about the Alpha, he was determined to do that now, he didn't want to wait anymore. He turned to Soobin once again."Now let's get back to the matter of importance, you said I have to mate with Hyunjin before the war starts?" Soobin nodded. "But there's no time for sex at the moment, you heard what Jae said, they're coming_"

"I know my prince, the thing is you don't need to be in sexual ecstasy to mate, you're going to mate amidst everyone when Jung-gu arrives, but after you defeated him" 

"How are we going to defeat him if we can't control his army? I thought the idea was to make them stand down without needing to shed blood?"

"Yes" Soobin nodded once again. "Wolves have a code for one on one fight, either you or your mate will have to challenge him, he'll have no choice but to fight one of you–"

"I will fight him, I am not going let my pregnant boyfriend fight." Hyunjin declared.

"Hyunjin he have powers, you can't–"

"They're to fight in their wolf forms,  Jung-gu's powers won't be able to work against prince Hyunjin that way"

Felix let out a breath. "What if something goes wrong? What if he disagree on not wanting to fight one on one, instead ask for a war."

"Nothing will go wrong. I will take him down i know I can, besides his wolf won't be as big as mine"

Soobin agreed. "He's right, the wolf prince have that advantage, he'll be bigger and stronger and if Jung-gu disagrees then we'll give him what he needs."

"I get it, but i–"

"Lix!" Came Jeong-In's voice as he walked into the room causing Felix to stop mid-sentence.

"Jeong-In" Felix called back turning to smile at his friend, Chris was walking right behind the omega.

Jeong-In took long strides to reach Felix, pulling the other into his arms. " I am so relieved you're back, I am sorry, I was having a hard time with my stomach, I couldn't come to see you sooner. Chris told me how things went, I just saw Dae, he's still asleep though."

Felix held his friend tighter. "It's okay."he said. "So how are you feeling now?"

"I am better, thanks to Yeonjun he gave me some herbs that really did helped."

Felix hummed as he pulled back."You shouldn't be out here, you should go get some rest, the baby needs it"

Jeong-In shook his head. "No I am fine, besides you're supposed to be resting as well in that case"

"Well obviously I don't have the luxury to do that, I am learning how to run a nation."

Jeong-In chuckled. "Yeah right, but still you shouldn't stress yourself and you should go see Dae'in"

"I will, I just need to take care of a few things." He said, glancing to Soobin. "Can we please get a change of clothes for Hyunjin and I?"

"Of course my prince, I will be right back" the advisor bowed before walking toward the exit.

"So what Now?" Chris asked coming to stand next to his brother as Jeong-In walked to where Jae was sat quietly on a couch.

"Jung-gu is on his way here with a battalion, but Hyunjin and I will do everything in our power to stop any blood from spilling today– except Jung-gu's of course."

Chris' eyes widened. "What? How did you know he's on his way? I thought the realm can't be seen or tracked by_"

"I don't know how he's going to do it, but you know he have Dae's grace in his system which means the dome will be visible to him, but Hyunjin is going to challenge him for a duel."

"And you think that lunatic is going to agree to it? What if Hyunjin couldn't defeat him?"

"I don't know hyung, but that won't stop us from trying"

"How about I fight him instead? I am a Hybrid I have more privileges than Hyunjin–"

"No Alpha Prince, it is not your fight, it's either Felix or the wolf prince" Soobin rejoined them with new sets of clothes in his hands. "Here" he bowed, passing the clothes over to Felix.

"Why the hell not? Felix is my brother if he can fight so should I"

"No, I am sorry but you can't, he's the one to rule us not you, so it's his fight for the Honor of his people, the best you can do is stand by him and let him or prince Hyunjin take care of it"

"This is bullshit. Don't you think?" Chris snapped turning to face his brother properly.

"Hyung it's fine, Hyunjin can handle him, I know he can." Felix said rubbing his brother's arm to calm the Alpha down. "I will just go in there and change" he pointed at a white door he believed to be that bathroom. "Be right back" he then turned to usher Hyunjin along, holding up the clothes for the Alpha to see.

He could see Chris sighing, defeated."Okay"

After changing his clothes Felix turned around to see Hyunjin struggling with the buttons of his shirt. He moved to the Alpha and took the task to button the shirt for him. "Let me" he said.

Hyunjin hummed, fixing his eyes on the Omega's face. Felix ooked up at him and smiled a little. "What?" He asked.

"Just thinking how our lives changed overnight, from normal citizens to the ones who are supposed to rule the country" he let out a soft chuckle at his own words as if still not believing this was actually happening. "Do you think we're going to win this fight?"

Felix finished up with the task before he nodded, running his palms up and down Hyunjin's chest. "We will" He said because he have faith, it might not going to be easy but he think they could do it. "We have to, for the sake of our pups and our people"

"Oh now you consider them your people?" Hyunjin teased.

Felix giggled. "I do, I can feel it deep within me, we're born for this Hyunjin, to rule them to save our people. Even if I don't have the slightest idea on how to run a country, but I have faith that we're going to do just fine, both of us as long as we have each other." 

Hyunjin nodded in agreement. "You're right." He said leaning to kiss Felix's lips but the omega moved back a little to avoid his lips and Hyunjin blinked at him in confusion. "Something wrong?" He asked.

"No" Felix shook his head. "Nothing is wrong, I just want to tell you something." He said and Hyunjin jerked a nod urging him to continue. "with you by my side everything seems perfect, you make me feel so strong like I could take down the world by just staring at you, you're one of the most beautiful things that has happened in my life. Without you I will be incomplete" he took a deep breath, staring deeply into Hyunjin's eyes. "You complete me Hyunjin because I love you. I don't know what might happen today but I want you to know that I feel the same way you do before you go out there."

Hyunjin blinked rapidly as if to keep the gathering tears at bay."I- I love you too– so, so much baby, you have no idea how much, you're my everything. I will never stop loving you till death do us apart"

Felix smiled amidst the tears burning his eyes. "I am so sorry it took me so long to say it back, I've been wanting to tell you but I kept hesitating."

Hyunjin shook his head slightly. "No baby, it's perfect, the way you said it now is perfect. You're perfect. I am so happy I get to hear you say it back."

Felix surged forward and connected his lips with his intended mate's. Hyunjin held him close, with no space between them"I love you" he whispered against Hyunjin's lips.

"I love yo–" Hyunjin's words were interrupted by a loud explosion.

They pulled back as they stared at each other in horror. "What the hell was that?"

"It means Jung-gu is here" Hyunjin said, tugging his hand, heading for the exit.

Soobin, Jaehyun, Taeyong, Chris, Minho, Mark, Haechan, Jisung, Luhan, Yeonjun, itzy members, and Beomgyu and some 4 other men Felix didn't recognize were all standing at the middle of the room. They all turned to face them the moment the two stepped out of the bathroom.

"Felix!" Haechan called running up to his friend. 

Felix held Haechan's hand and squeezed it a little. "We're going to be fine" he told him. Then his eyes landed on Beomgyu. "you're  back! I thought he really portals you to another dimension?"

Beomgyu bowed deeply . "He sent me to Africa my prince, but I was able to get back with the help of my mate through our bond, she located me and got me back through a portal as well"  He finished, straightening.

"I am glad you're okay, I am sorry for not trying to find you. I just got–" he sighed. "Too much on my hands"

"You don't have to feel sorry my prince, it's okay."

Felix nodded, he turned to face Jaehyun when he saw the other moving toward him. "You need to see this your highnesses" he said. "This way please" 

They all walked behind Jaehyun as the fox led the way and made a stop in a room Felix believed to be the security room. It had several large screens all around it, there were six men inside and they all stood to bow at them the moment they stepped in. The screens showed different parts of the realm and  some places in the outside world. A certain screen caught his attention as he moved closer, it was the sight of thousands of armored soldiers on foot and several battle tanks. Felix felt as if he had been visibly slapped. Like someone was constantly prodding a wound without giving it time to heal.

How was he supposed to save his people from all this? He swallowed thickly before he asked the one question that had been bugging him since they heard the explosion. "How did Jung-gu managed to breach the dome with explosive?" He wondered, pacing the opposite end of the room with a face that only described sheer panic, one hand over his mouth while the other ran through his hair.

"Felix calm down" Soobin said placing a hand to stop the prince from pacing.

Felix stopped, turning to Jaehyun, when he heard the Alpha spoke.

Jaehyun moved closer and zoomed in a part of the screen that showed the car holding up the explosives, all glowing in some sort of white light.

"Foxes grace, he used it to create those explosives"

"What? How did he get his hands on it?" He asked looking up from the screen. "Where is Seungmin, I need him on this, he seemed to know more about how the foxes grace works."

Jaehyun shook his head slightly. "Seungmin, he got a call the moment we got back and he asked one of my friends to portal him back to the outside world, he left and he–" He paused taking in a deep breath "it was Seungmin who told Jung-gu how to breach the dome, he was the one who showed him how to make the explosives with a fox's grace."

"What?" Felix shook his head in denial. "No no, Seungmin wouldn't do that, he wouldn't betray me like this, he believed in me–" he shook his head once more, how could this be possible? Seungmin had been nothing but helpful, he was the one that encouraged and pushed Felix to agree into this royal bullshit in first place, he couldn't do this, anyone could betrayed him but not Seungmin. "He can't do this to me"

"I am sorry my prince but he really did it, I saw it."

Felix took a shaky breath as he felt Hyunjin's hand on his shoulder. "I don't know how Jung-gu got to him but I know Seungmin has a reason to why he did it" the Omega said, turning slightly to face Hyunjin.

"I've known Seungmin since I was 19 when I first took over the company from my Dad, he's been nothing but a trust worthy employee. I believe Felix, Seungmin wouldn't betray us without a reason. Before concluding anything we should wait and hear what he has to say." Hyunjin said in Seungmin's defense and Felix nodded instantly .

"Yes he might have a tangible reason and I couldn't see why he did it, but we don't have time to ponder on that right now, we should get the Omegas and children to safety–"

"I've already ordered for them to evacuate in case things didn't go as planned" Yeonjun said and Soobin nodded in confirmation.

"Then let's move to the gates, the soldiers are already marching there as we speak, everyone is waiting for your orders" Jaehyun said with his ever serious expression.

Felix took another deep breath, throwing his head back. Damn! he never thought he would find himself in this position, it still felt like a dream. But he had to be strong for his people. He brought his head back and stared at Soobin. "What should I do?" He asked the Advisor.

"We'll go with the plan, if Jung-gu refused to fight prince Hyunjin then you should fight him, he won't refuse because he thinks he has the upper hand over you."

"No, no I can't let him fight, we've talked about it" Hyunjin said protectively pulling Felix closer by the waist.

"Hyunjin is right, my brother is not a fighter, he doesn't even know how to defend himself. I prefer to go for a war if he refused to fight Hyunjin." Chris argued.

"No I don't want war Chris, I am not a fighter but I have to try, I might not be good in combats but I have powers–"

"Felix you're not making sense, you don't have much control over your powers–"

"He won't have to worry about that." Soobin intervened bringing out something from his pocket, he raised it to their view, it was the Box Of Eden, Felix had seen the time they came. It had a chain attached to it, the Advisor moved closer. "This holds the powers of our ancestors, it will enhance and bring out every power in you, and it will give you the skills when it comes to combat fighting, it is said and believed the spirit of our first king lays in it, he was a great fighter, an amazing leader. He was the first Omega king of all foxes" he finished raising the necklace to Felix's head. "May I?" He asked and Felix hummed. And Soobin slipped it over his head. "It should be on you when you mate with prince Hyunjin"

"Why not just mate before all this start? I mean we can bend Jung-gu to our will if we just mate already and stop all this" Hyunjin said crossing his arms over his chest.

"The evil must be defeated before the mating should take place."

"I still don't understand this" 

"You don't have to understand everythin–"

"Felix! Felix!! Felix!!!" Jung-gu's voice resonated through the room, Felix quickly turned to face the direction the voice came from. "You're keeping me waiting, it's not a good thing to keep your Alpha waiting. Don't you think?" He moved his face closer to the camera. "I know you're scared but it's okay, just come out and let's get this over with, I have a country to run. Stop wasting your time on planning strategies that won't work" he clicked his tongue. "You can try but you can't hide from the big guns. You guys should recognize a losing battle when you see one. " He laughed again. "Come out already, or I am going to send in another bomb, and who knows maybe this time it will land on those precious pups of yours.–"

"You son of a bitch."Hyunjin growled fisting his hands.

"He can't hear you your highness but I can make it so he could, but still won't be able to see you if you want to communicate with him" Soobin offered.

"Yes please." Hyunjin said impatiently.

"What is Soobin's power?" Sehun asked Jaehyun.

"He has the power of electromagnetism"

"Huh? What's that?"

"A unified fundamental force that combines the aspects of electricity and magnetism and is one of the four fundamental forces. technically it can be unified with weak nuclear to form electroweak. Its gauge boson is the photon."

"Speak in English. Jaehyun. " Felix blinked at the fox, not understanding a word Jaehyun had just said.

Jaehyun rolled his eyes but he answered. "He can control metal and electricity." He simplified.

"Oh" Felix said with a nod. "Now I understand."

"All done" Soobin announced, Felix had missed what the advisor did, but he caught the sight of a faint green light emitting from Soobin's hands.

"Jung-gu just know I will kill you with my hands–" Hyunjin started but Jung-gu immediately cut him off.

"Oh the dog is talking" he mocked. "Ah I can't wait to kill you Hyunjin, you're no match for me, you should know that by now." He laughed wickedly. "And then I will get my hands on your pretty Omega"

"JUNG-GU!" Hyunjin growled dangerously hitting his hand hard on the desk. "Can't wait to be in same space as you"

"Then what are you waiting for big dog, come out already, it's boring just sitting here waiting for you Royal bastards to show up, I've been thinking of a thousand  and hundred ways to kill you."

"End the transmission" Felix ordered.

"Yes my prince" Soobin made a gesture and the green light faded completely from his hands.

Hyunjin groaned, punching the nearest wall behind him. "No prince Hyunjin, don't let him get to you, you shouldn't be angry when fighting him, you need to be stable, in control of your emotions" Soobin told him.

Felix moved to where Jeong-In, Jisung and Haechan stood. "Take care of my pups" he asked them. "All of you. Please"

"We will, we'll protect them with our lives you know that Felix" Haechan said and Felix believed in his friends.

"Thank you" he moved to pull his friends into a group hug.

"Stay safe, we all believe in you" Haechan told him. "And keep an eye out for Mark if it's not too much to ask"

"I will" Felix promised even though he had no idea why Haechan would that of him.

He watched as Haechan strode to where Mark was, he threw himself into Mark's arms, the Alpha instantly wrapped his arms around Haechan's waist. "I know we just met but I don't care, I like you Mark and I want you to be safe. Come back to me. Please." Haechan said nuzzling the Alpha's neck.

"I will" Mark promised, he pulled back to look at the Omega's face and Haechan leaned in smashing his lips against Mark's.

Felix quirked his eyebrows "Did I miss something?" He asked turning to look at Jeong-In.

"They're true mates" Jeong-In told him.

"Oh" Felix said and he managed to smile a little. He would scream and celebrate if things were different at moment, nevertheless he was happy for both his friends. He wondered why it was when bad things were happening that good things get to happen to his loved ones. But he was okay with it, as long as good things get to happen no matter how bad things got.

Hyunjin came to stand and laced his fingers with Felix's. "We got this" he said

Felix nodded."Alright, let's move" he hollered across the room.

Jaehyun and Soobin were the first to move to the exit, then Felix and Hyunjin followed, he didn't have to turn around to know the others were right behind him.

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