Fracturization (Honkai Impact...

由 Corrupted839

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A boy saved by the First Herrscher made it his mission to follow in his savior's footsteps and fight against... 更多

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Welcome to St. Freya Academy
Chapter 2: A Friendly Spar?
Chapter 3: Normal School Days
Chapter 4: Necessary Preparations
Chapter 5: The Valkyrie Trials Pt.1
Chapter 6: The Valkyrie Trials Pt.2
Chapter 7: A History Lesson
Chapter 8: The Holy Maid
EX Chapter I | Something to Protect
Chapter 9: Mysteries of the Stigmata
Chapter 10: The Dive
Chapter 11: The Blade's Curse
Chapter 12: Chiyou Awakened
Chapter 13: The Eternal Prison
EX Chapter II | Meet the Class Monitor
Chapter 14: Academy Infiltration
Chapter 15: Clash of the Herrschers
Chapter 16: The White Comet
Chapter 17: Dark Currents
Chapter 18: The Informant
Chapter 19: Imminent Crisis
Chapter 20: Reawakening
Chapter 21: Just Another Day
Chapter 22: Trouble in Soukai City
Chapter 23: Distant Voices
Chapter 24: Oceania Assignment
EX Chapter III | A Day to Heal
Chapter 26: The Smile of Betrayal
Chapter 27: Echoes of the Past
Chapter 28: Flames of Rebellion
Chapter 29: Will of the Herrscher
Chapter 30: Journey for Tomorrow
Chapter 31: The Void's Trail
Chapter 32: The Eye of The Serpent
Chapter 33: Unraveling Shadows
EX Chapter IV | Our Next Step
Chapter 34: Arc Nocturne
Chapter 35: Drifter
Chapter 36: Starfall
Chapter 37: Nightfall

Chapter 25: Poem of the Wind

2.7K 103 37
由 Corrupted839

Kiana: Wendy... She got away

Akiri: Damn...

Akiri had a frustrated look on his face as he then looks at Bronya, who is now silently gazing at the ground below.

Akiri: Bronya, why didn't you take the

The team had regrouped around Bronya, all of their attention are now on her after seeing what had happened earlier.

Bronya: The Bronya... Does not believe that Wendy will hurt anyone

Akiri: But still... She has the potential to become a Herrscher. If she hasn't become one already...

Bronya: But-

Kiana: I hate to say this, but I agree with Bronya

Kiana spoke out.

Kiana: Back in Nagazora, Mei-senpai was also controlled by the Honkai, but she managed to resist it!

Mei: Kiana-chan is right. We can still save Wendy

The three girls all looked at Akiri in anticipation as the boy lowered his gaze, seemingly deep in his thoughts. After a moment, he lifts his head to look back at the girls.

Akiri: Okay. We'll try to save her

Kiana pumps her first in celebration while Mei only smiled, even Bronya had a small smile on her face for a split second.

Akiri: But... If it comes down to it, if I had to choose between her, and you three... I won't hesitate to do whatever it takes to save you girls

The three of them looked at him, somewhat caught off guard at what he said. Kiana specifically had a deep blush on her face, which she immediately hid by looking away.

Kiana: I-Idiot! Who says we need saving?

A call then suddenly came in and they saw that it was from Himeko and Bronya answered as she projects a screen in front of them.

Himeko: Squad V, status report

Akiri: Wendy got away. We don't know where she's headed

Himeko: You failed to contain her? What happened down there?

Akiri paused and looked at Bronya for a moment before looking back at Himeko and answering.

Akiri: I slipped up. I take full responsibility

He said firmly, looking straight at the Major and she lets out a sigh.

Himeko: Here's the situation. The Hyperion's sensors had picked up a massive amount of Honkai energy coming from Wendy earlier. HQ has already tagged her as the 4th Herrscher and is dispatching an S-rank Valkyrie to deal with her

Mei: An S-rank Valkyrie...?

Kiana: I would've loved to meet them, but now is definitely not the time...

The girls muttered. They've already seen what A-rank Valkyries like Fu Hua and Himeko are capable of. They could only imagine how much stronger an S-rank could be.

Himeko: Squad V is ordered to withdraw and remain on standby on the Hyperion. The situation has gotten too big for us to handle

Bronya: Major, we have a proposition

Himeko: What is it?

Akiri: Major. Permission for us to confront Wendy one more time

Bronya: We believe we can still save her

Kiana: Yeah! If we can reach her, we definitely can help her!

Mei: I want to help as well

Himeko: I don't know guys... It's risky. Her powers are sure to grow stronger over time

Kiana: Still, we have to try. How can we save the world if we can't even save one person?

Kiana firmly said, still not giving up. Himeko looks as the four of them had the flames of determination in their eyes, all seemed set on trying to save Wendy, and the Major then releases a sigh.

Himeko: 30 minutes... The S-rank Valkyrie will be here in 30 minutes. You have 30 minutes to do whatever needs to be done

Bronya: Thank you, Major Himeko!

The communication with Himeko ended.

Kiana: We talked big, but how exactly are we going to find Wendy?

Akiri: The same way we found the Gem. Ai-chan

Ai-chan: (coms) Yes, Akiri?

Akiri: We need you to track the Gem. Search for the exact same energy signature and relay its location

Ai-chan: Roger. Focusing Hyperion's sensors array...

They waited for a moment, until Ai-chan came back on the coms again.

Ai-chan: Sensors are detecting similar signatures, southwest of your location

Akiri: Thanks, Ai-chan. Let's move, team

Girls: Right!


As they followed Ai-chan's directions, they had to fight through Honkai beasts and zombies as they had grown rampant ever since Wendy had run away, no doubt that she is influencing them due to her emitting an immense amount of Honkai energy.

It also isn't helping them that the sky above is slowly being covered by dark clouds.

A few minutes of searching later, Himeko's voice came through the coms again.

Himeko: I've got bad news and no good news. First, they've deployed S-rank Valkyrie Durandal

Mei: Durandal?

Himeko: She's clad in black armour and wields a massive lance. She's the most powerful S-rank Valkyrie we have

Akiri: The most powerful, huh?

Himeko: Second, Schicksal satellites picked up 5 aerial battleships flying across the Pacific. Exact location is unknown.

Mei: Aerial battleships? Could that be Anti-Entropy?

Himeko: Who else? Give up your search if you run into Anti-Entropy. I'm not losing any of you on this chase

Akiri: Copy

They all continued on their search, following Ai-chan's directions all the while fighting Honkai beasts that got in their way.


Ai-chan: I've updated the location. She seems to be heading north now

Akiri: Damn... She's quick

At that moment, they were interrupted by a loud thunderclap and they look to see that there is a brewing storm far north of their position. The dark clouds are slowly spiralling in the distance.

Kiana: A tornado?

Akiri: That's Wendy. She's probably the one making that storm

Himeko: (coms) Found her yet?

Akiri: We have visual. She seems to be creating a storm

Himeko: (coms) We're running out of time. The S-rank Valkyrie will arrive in New Zealand in 2 minutes, and Anti-Entropy battleships are coming too

Kiana: Dammit! Are we really not gonna make it?

Theresa: (coms) You don't worry about the S-rank Valkyrie or Anti-Entropy

Theresa's voice came on the radio.

Mei: What do you mean?

Theresa: I've got Durandal's exact location. Using that information, I aired her position on a public channel

Akiri: Then that means...

Theresa: Yup. I'm sure Anti-Entropy listened in to my transmission and went off-course to intercept the Valkyrie

Kiana: Aunt Theresa, you're a genius!

Theresa: Selling out one of our own doesn't feel good, but knowing her, she'll be okay. I only hope Anti-Entropy could hold her long enough

Akiri: They won't

Akiri interrupted and gained their attention.

Akiri: That won't be enough. Principal Theresa, give me the location of the S-rank Valkyrie

Mei: Akiri, what are you thinking?

Himeko: (coms) You can't beat an S-rank Valkyrie

Akiri: I don't need to. I just need to buy you girls some time

Bronya: Please reconsider. The Bronya estimates only a 20% chance that subject Akiri will survive against an S-rank

Akiri: 20% huh? Those are good odds


As he arrived at the given coordinates, he looked up to see that a transport helicopter is slowly descending towards the ground and landed.

Its rotor blades still spinning, the door of the aircraft opens, and a familiar woman with golden blonde hair and blue eyes walked out. She is wearing a black uniform, carrying a black lance in one hand.

Akiri: Bianka-san...?

Bianka: Hello, Akiri. Didn't expect to see you again so soon

She greeted him with a rather friendly smile.

Akiri: So you're Durandal. Schicksal's strongest Valkyrie...

Bianka: Yep. Sorry I didn't tell you when we first met. It'll be trouble for me if the students there knew someone like me was around

She said as she stabs her lance into the ground.

Bianka: Now, where's the girl?

Akiri: Sorry. But I can't let you interfere

Bianka: Hm?

Akiri: My teammates are back there trying to bring Wendy back. We believe we can still save her

Bianka: She's already undergoing the process of becoming a Herrscher. I'm sorry to say, but it's too late for her

Akiri: She isn't a Herrscher yet. There's still a chance we could help her

Bianka: There's also a chance that she'll destroy the whole country. I can't take that risk

Akiri: But still, we have to try! How can we call ourselves protectors if we can't even save one person?

Bianka's expression softens for a split second.

Bianka: Move aside, Akiri. That's an order from your superior

She spoke in a firm tone, but the boy shook his head.

Akiri: Sorry. But I'm not moving

Bianka: You can't defeat me

Akiri: I know

He said as he unsheathed both his swords and brandished them as he got into a stance, ready for a fight.

Akiri: ...But I can slow you down

Bianka: Bold statement

She answers by lifting her lance and pointing it straight at him, the weapon's pointed end glinting in the fading light. A threatening gesture, yet the boy is unfazed.

Bianka: Then let's see what St. Freya's first Knight is capable of

She took a step forward, and in a blink of an eye, Bianka is already right in front of Akiri with her lance, going for a thrust attack.

Akiri was completely caught off guard due to her speed, and barely managed to get his blade out in front to redirect Bianka's attack to the side, allowing her to slip past him. Bianka stops in a dime and turns around quickly closed the gap between them to continue her offensive, going for fast consecutive strikes.

Akiri blocks and parries her attacks with both of his blades, while also moving from side to side to avoid her thrusts. However, he is getting pushed back. The boy is barely registering her fast strikes as they only appear as a blur to him.

Eventually, Bianka manages to break through his defences. With a swift and powerful thrust, she drove the pointed end of her weapon straight to his gut, sending him flying backwards and knocking the wind out of him as he crashes to the ground. If he had been wearing anything other than his Battlesuit, Bianka's strike would've definitely pierced right through his stomach.

Bianka: Had enough yet?

Akiri slowly got back up on his feet, still gripping his swords as he spits out some blood before getting back into a fighting stance.

Akiri: Nope

Bianka had an impressed look on her face for a moment as she then also got into a ready stance and they faced off against each other once again.

Meanwhile, Kiana, Mei and Bronya had arrived at where the storm is brewing to see that Wendy is in the middle of all the chaos.

Bronya: Wendy!

Wendy: What are you still doing here? Don't you understand that I let you guys go to spare your lives?

The three Valkyries almost lost their balance due to the violent winds blowing.

Kiana: Wendy, what are you doing?

Wendy: Below here is the Oceania Headquarters. I'm going to destroy this cursed place

Mei: Wendy, please trust us. You're not yourself. The Honkai is misleading you!

Bronya: Wait, Bronya wants to talk to subject Wendy

Wendy: I don't want to talk with you, Bronya!

Bronya: Bronya remembered a younger sister named Seele back in the orphanage. Subject Wendy reminds me of her. Seele was strong and kind, like subject Wendy

Wendy: Stop it...

Bronya: Bronya endured a lot of pain during the modifications... and still suffers to this day... But there is hope. Bronya understands subject Wendy's pain. Bronya knows subject Wendy can overcome this pain. Do not give up! Bronya believes in you!

The vortex storm slowly calms as Wendy then descends down towards them.

Wendy: I... I trust you, too, Bronya...

Mei: We did it! Wendy came back to us

Kiana: Of course! We're all kick-ass Valkyries. If you get controlled by Honkai again, we'll knock some sense in you again

Bronya: Don't worry, subject Wendy. Bronya will take you home.

Wendy: Bronya, can I sit on your robot again?

Bronya: No problem. Project Bunny-

???: (coms) Bronya, your Matushka commands you to capture the 4th Herrscher

A voice came through on Bronya's earpiece and she immediately froze, feeling a chill up her spine as she heard the familiar female voice.

Mei: Bronya-chan?

Bronya: No...

Cocolia: The 4th Herrscher is an important test subject. We can't let Schicksal get hold of her. We must destroy her if we can't get her back

Bronya: No... No!!! I won't!

She drops to her knees as she holds her head in pain, her eyes are closed shut.

Cocolia: You rebellious little brat. No matter. You can't fight it. By the highest level of authority: delay the 4th Herrscher if you can't defeat it. Our main forces will be here shortly

Bronya: ...By the highest level of authority...

She whispers with a voice similar to a robot's as she then gets back up, her eyes are now devoid of all emotions.

Bronya: Project Bunny, switch to attack mode. Target: the 4th Herrscher

A cannon materializes on Project Bunny's arm and aims the weapon at Wendy as its barrel began to glow orange.

Kiana: Stop! Bronya!

Mei: Bronya!

She ignores her teammate's cries as Project Bunny fires an energy blast straight at Wendy, who barely managed to avoid it. However, the force of the blast still knocks her back, sending her crashing to the ground.

Kiana: What are you doing?!

Both Kiana and Mei were shocked to see that Bronya had changed to the black and red outfit when she went out of control at the Selene.

Wendy: Bronya...? Why did you attack me?

Wendy seems genuinely shaken by Bronya's sudden attack. Her eyes portray her pain, the feeling of betrayal, and anger started to build up from within.

Wendy: Everything you told me was a lie, was it? No one... There's no one I can trust...!

The dark clouds reappeared, soon the whole sky was enveloped by them, and flashes of lightning can be seen, followed by thunderclaps as Wendy went back into her Herrscher form.

Wendy: Liars!!! All of you are nothing but filthy liars!

Several missiles were then launched, heading straight towards Wendy and they saw that it was Bronya who fired them. However, the projectiles were all blown off course Wendy's wind.

Mei: Bronya-chan, stop!

Mei tried to stop Bronya by grabbing her shoulders, but she was then grabbed by Project Bunny as she was lifted up into the air.

Cocolia: The 3rd Herrscher is also a target. Apprehend her

Bronya: Yes, Matushka

She held up an outstretched hand and slowly started to curl them into a fist. Project Bunny follows the gesture, slowly tightening its grip on Mei.

Mei: Ah!!!

She screams in immense pain when suddenly, a barrage of bullets hits the mechanoid, causing it to release Mei in order to shield itself as the purple-haired girl drops to the ground unconscious.

Kiana: Get your hands off Mei-senpai!

The white-haired girl stood in front of the unconscious Mei protectively, aiming both her pistols towards Bronya.

Bronya stays silent, and with an unchanging expression, aims her cannon towards her comrades. But she was then interrupted by a strong whirlwind from Wendy, forcing her to disengage and move away from the attack.

Almost immediately, Bronya counterattacked, firing a laser beam back at Wendy. She didn't have time to react as the laser hit her side, leaving a deep gash on the left side of her stomach, causing her to shriek in pain.

Wendy: You... I'll kill you!!!

In a fit of rage, she raises her arms and created a violent spiral of winds in the palms of her hands, causing the winds around her to grow stronger.

Bronya readies herself to take another shot, however, Wendy is then suddenly hit by a missile as she is completely engulfed by the explosion, which dispersed her storm clouds. The girl plummets from the sky, crashing down to the ground.

Kiana: What the?!

???: Playtime's over, girls

A voice was heard coming from above, and Kiana looked up to see a large aircraft descending from the sky, with the Anti-Entropy insignia painted on the side of the ship.

Cocolia: All tactical mechs, exit quantum state. Target: the 4th Herrscher

Titan mechs suddenly appeared out of thin air, all of them surrounding the injured Wendy as one of the robots walked up to her with a raised fist.

Wendy, now weak from her injuries couldn't do anything as the mech lands a strong blow right to her skull, knocking her out immediately, and another mecha then went up and grabbed her.

Kiana: Wendy! Let her go-!

She was hit from behind, and as she fell to the ground, Bronya is seen with smoke coming out of Project Bunny's cannon.

Cocolia: Bronya dear, remember to capture the 3rd Herrscher as well

Bronya: Yes

Kiana: Mei-senpai...

The mechanoid lifts Mei up as Bronya then looks at Kiana with cold eyes.

Bronya: What should we do with her?

Cocolia: Leave her and return to the ship. Schicksal forces are fast approaching

Bronya: Understood

The mechs blinks out of view one by one, being transported to the aircraft above. Bronya took one last glance at Kiana before she disappears along with Mei.

The white-haired girl couldn't do anything but watch as the Anti-Entropy ship flew away and disappear onto the clouds.

Kiana: ...

Meanwhile, back with Akiri, he is now kneeling on the ground, catching his breath. The boy has cuts and bruises all over his body from the beating he took from Bianka during the fight, while his opponent barely had a scratch on her.

Bianka: Stay down, Akiri. I won't tell you a second time

Akiri: It's gonna take a lot more than that...

He stood up once again as he grips the handle of his swords tight.

Suddenly, both of them got a message coming from their radios and they mutually stopped their fight to answer.

Himeko: (coms) Akiri. Retreat now

Akiri: What?

Himeko: (coms) The mission has been compromised. Go to the extraction point

Akiri: Wait, Major-

Communications was cut off before he could finish his sentence and he looked at Bianka to see that she had also finished answering her call and she then turns to look at him.

Bianka: Looks like my mission has been aborted. Lucky for you. Nonetheless, it's impressive that you managed to hold me back this long

She said as a short while later, a transport ship came descending down from the sky and landed behind her.

Bianka: But if you get in my way again, I won't be holding back

She turns and boarded the ship before it took off and flew away, disappearing into the clouds.

Akiri: I was completely outmatched, huh...?

Akiri didn't waste any time and he started to make his way to the extraction point, where the Hyperion is waiting for him.


Akiri had boarded the Hyperion, went up the main elevator and stepped into the bridge to see that the staff were all in a scramble. Everyone was in a rush and is all busy working on their terminals, making the atmosphere hectic.

With a confused look, he walked to where Himeko is, and she also seemed troubled by something, her gaze is stuck to the floor, eyebrows are furrowed. The boy had never seen such a serious look from her before, it's almost scary to him.

Akiri: What the hell happened?

Himeko only stayed silent and gestured with her head. He followed her gaze to see Kiana, sitting alone in the corner while hugging her knees with her head down.

Akiri: Kiana?

Himeko: It's best to leave her alone for now

Akiri: Where's Mei and Bronya? And what happened to Wendy?

Himeko only stayed silent as she grits her teeth in frustration.

Himeko: We messed up...


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