Blissful Encounter(Hyunlix)

jasmineStayAmryExoL द्वारा

87.6K 4.6K 2K

With his parents dead and brother sent to prison out of self-defense, Felix was left to fend for himself in a... अधिक

Character Introduction.
chapter one. (Rated M)
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight.
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter Fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
The end.

Chapter twenty two

1.8K 120 47
jasmineStayAmryExoL द्वारा

Something awoken in Felix, watching his mate getting shot at, his inner fox cried out as it surfaced. The next thing he knew was, his mass warping in the most fastest way ever as his clothes ripped apart. He hadn't shift in a while but still he never shifted this fast either, even faster than the bullets Jung-gu shot at Hyunjin. His white fox jumped putting itself between Jung-gu and his mate.

"No, Felix don't" he heard his brother's shout.

But it was too late as he could feel the bullet hitting his fur right on his side, he never thought he'd die saving his mate, but he have no regret. Hyunjin was worth saving. He closed his eyes as he dropped to the floor, he could see and hear Hyunjin howling loudly as he lunged at Jung-gu but the latter made that infuriating gesture with his hand again and Hyunjin was thrown against a wall.

Whimpering at the sound of his mate's pained groans, Felix quickly stood on his four legs because surprisingly he didn't feel any pain, nor the smell of blood dripping from his body. He snarled baring his canines and was about to lunge for Jung-gu again when the door opened as tens of soldiers matched in, all of them fully armed and they all instantly pointed their guns at them.

"Ah it took you long enough" Jung-gu said jerking his head towards the men. Before turning to face Felix. "Oh you beautiful white thing, look at you, all pretty" he cooed "I see you're bullet proof just like your son huh?." He cocked his head to the side.

Felix turned his muzzle to the place he assumed he'd been shot, there was nothing, no blood, no sign of gun shot whatsoever. His body automatically carried itself towards Hyunjin and he began to nuzzle the Alpha. Even though Hyunjin was almost twice his size, it didn't stop him from nuzzling his Alpha's neck. He wanted to ease his mate's pain. Hyunjin brought out his large tongue and licked a fat strip up Felix's face. The omega let out a happy sound at the gesture.

Chris attempted taking a step towards Jung-gu but one of the men raised his gun higher to stop the Alpha. Chris snorted before he said. "You really think that can stop me?"

"You might be bullets proof and so is your brother, but his mate and your other pure wolves friends aren't, if you act reckless, you brother's mate will pay the price, and do you think he'll ever forgive you if that happens?"

Chris stopped, his eyes darting to his brother."You might have the upper hand now, but don't think it will be for long."

Felix let out a loud growl from where he was crouching next to Hyunjin. Jung-gu held his hands up in the air in mock surrender. "Oh Scary" he laughed before turning his attention to the men. "Fire on my command, just shoot blindly at whomever you could get. I wanted to capture the foxes and add them to my zoo along with the city ones I will capture in the future but I changed my mind. I will just massacre them all."

"Sir what about the boy?"

Jung-gu waved his hand. "Ah don't worry he's bullet proof. Just–"

"Stand down" Felix heard a foreign voice, he looked up, tracking the direction of the voice until he spotted the president walking in with two men in tow.

"Father!" Jung-gu called. "What a pleasant surprise. I see your health is getting better, but old people like you shouldn't be out here in such places, it's not good for your health. Don't you think?"

"What is the meaning of this Jung-gu?" The President asked, his eyes narrowing at his son. The man look old, older than how Felix remembered him to be, there were dark circles under his eyes and several wrinkle lines, clearly from being overly stressed.

Jung-gu clapped his hands together, bowing at his Dad. "I was just having some fun. Daddy, what's the fault in doing that?"

"This?" The President waved his hand around the room. "Is this what you call fun? Capturing innocent foxes? Experimenting on a 4 year old? A pup? I thought I raised you better than that."

"Oh, news travel fast, I see" Jung-gu said "What? I am only doing what you thought me and they're foxes, they have abilities we don't have and it's scary" He drawled the last statement.

"Just because they're foxes and have those special powers doesn't make them any less humane than us, they feel pain like we do, they love and grieve like we do– Jung-gu I've learned the hard way that hate feeds on fear if you continue to do this you're letting hate to win and I didn't teach you cruelty. Son."

"But you taught me to be greatly and inordinately desirous of power and honor, I only want to make myself powerful, soon I will be taking your position"

The president shook his head disappointedly."You're sick"

"That's ironic coming from you. Don't you think?"

The older sighed, smiling sadly at his son's words, as if he were acknowledging Jung-gu's statement, but still denying the validity of it. He rubbed his forehead with his fingers clearly to ease the tension in his head. "Just release them and let's go home, there's something I want to discuss with you"

"Oh Daddy! Don't give me that bullshit again." He shoved his hands inside his pockets defiantly. "I ain't going anywhere, and I am not releasing them, fuck they don't even deserve to breath the same air as us"

"Too bad you have no choice, I am still the President" his eyes traveled across the room and that was when he noticed Felix and Hyunjin who were still in their animal forms. The president's eyes widened and he stepped forward. He bowed deeply, holding his position as he spoke. “Your highnesses” He acknowledge. “It’s an honor to meet you"

"Really Dad?" Jung-gu scoffed from behind his father. "I thought you're better than this, now you're acknowledging them?"

The older ignored his son as he said. "I am extremely sorry for what my son did, I had no idea."

Felix pushed himself up from Hyunjin and bowed in greetings. Upon seeing his mate did that, Hyunjin lifted his heavy body off the floor, he shook his body a few times, clearly to get the dirt out of his black sleek fur before bowing at the President as well.

"Oh my_" the old man seemed overwhelmed. "You don't have to bow please– it's, I know about the prophecy of the two species coming together, I never thought I would be alive to witness it" he said with another bow.

Felix glanced at his mate he wanted to speak, then he remembered he couldn't  do that in this form so he strode around a table, and crawled under it to shift back to his human form. Hyunjin followed him but he was too big to crawl in and shift as well. Felix smiled when the Alpha brougt his muzzle to his face and licked it a few times. With a groan Hyunjin bent his forelimbs as he began to shift.

"Get them something to wear" Felix heard the President's voice.

"Yes Mr. President."

A few minutes later, Felix and Hyunjin were putting on some doctor's scrubs, they both didn't complain as they accepted them gratefully, because that's the only clothes that could be found in the lab. After being fully dressed they strode back to where the others were. There was something that had been bugging Felix and wanted to ask the president, thus he found himself speaking before he could stop himself. "You said you believed in the prophecy, why did you allow innocent foxes to be killed under your rule?"

The president bowed deeply at Felix once again."I am extremely sorry, I know I don't have an excuse for what my family has done to your kind, but believe me your highness I was never part of it. I tried my best to give the foxes in the cities a better life when my father died and I took over his position but I didn't know that my son had formed an organization within the blue house to expell whatever orders i gave for the foxes well being. I never was the man behind all those cruelty that has been happening to your kind for 15 years of my time in the office. He went against all my morals and what I've taught him, following my father's footsteps instead."

"You still don't understand do you? I don't give a damn about your morals. I never have. I do what I want because it's what I wanted to do and because it's the right thing to do. These creatures are dangerous, great- grandpa has a reason to start exterminating them in first place, you're just so dumb to believe what grandma told you." Jung-gu said taking a few steps to his father.

"You knew your son was building a prison for the foxes in the outside world?"

"No I don't , I just found out what he's been up to from my secretary an hour ago" he turned to the man Felix believed to be the President's secretary. "Mr. Jin here was once an active member of anti-fox, he believed in what my grandfather built against them, but after I become the president and I told him what my plan was, he was lost and confused, he asked why i wanted to that despite all my grandfather and my father had built. I sat him down and told him the amazing stories my mother told me about foxes."

"Mr. President is right your h-highness" the man said.

"Of course grandma spread her legs for one of them–"

The president turned fast as he slapped his son hard across the face. "You immoral, licentious and unscrupulous brat, how dare you speak so lowly of your grandmother?" 

"Because it's the truth, good thing she didn't end up with a bastard of these disgusted filthy creatures" he gestured his hand to where Jaehyun and Taeyong were stood.

The president shook his head, before turning to face Felix again. "I am sorry about that, I want to give the position to Mr. Hwang Hyunjin, so you can fulfill the prophecy –"

Jung-gu let out loud roaring laugh, causing everyone's attention on himself. "You're crazy if you think I am going to stand and watch you do that."

"You should have some shame Jung-gu, after killing Mr. Lee's parents you still have the–"

"What are you talking about?" Hyunjin cut the older off in a loud tone.

The president looked terribly sympathetic as he lowered his head.

"Answer him" it was Chris who yelled this time.

"He was the one that had our parents killed." Felix told them, his eyes burning with unshed tears.

Both Chris and Hyunjin growled in unison as they lunged at Jung-gu, the soldiers raised their guns ready to fire at the two raging Alphas, but the President raised his hand at them and they instantly lowered their guns.

Hyunjin was the first to throw a punch, jabbing Jung-gu's jaw, then Chris punched just as hard, to Jung-gu's stomach. Jung-gu was smirking as he get beaten up like a masochist and something in Sehun's stomach churned, he was about to move and pulled the Alphas back when Jung-gu made a gesture with his hands and Hyunjin instantly fell to the floor clutching his neck, squirming like he was being strangled. 

"Hyunjin!" Felix screamed, running toward his boyfriend, and that was when he noticed all the wolves in the room were in a similar state as Hyunjin, including the President. "You son of bitch" Felix shouted at Jung-gu, he bent down to scoop his mate into his arms.

"Oh now you can watch them all die, including my pathetic unless and excuse of a farther.

"No" Felix shook his head, he turned to see Mark, Seungmin, Jaehyun and Taeyong and the other foxes they came with were the only ones standing, all frantically watching around the room as more wolves fall to the ground. "No, no no" he chanted.

Chris had released Jung-gu, pushing the man carelessly to the edge of the examination room, his eyes fixated on
Minho as the Alpha squirmed, clutching at his neck just like how Hyunjin was. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, making a circular gesture with his hands, then a force shield was forming around them .

Hyunjin let out a shuddering breath, coughing as he held Felix's hand to stand on his feet. It seemed whatever Jung-gu did had wore off thanks to the shield his brother created around them. His eyes landed on the President who was now laying lifeless on the floor. "No, no" Felix quickly ran to the man, he crouched down and placed his fingers on the elder's neck to check his pulse but there was none. "There's no pulse" Felix said when Hyunjin joined him, the Alpha placed his fingers to confirm Felix's word.

"He's dead" Hyunjin said.

"Oh my God– he killed his father."

"That's right, thanks to your son's ability, now I am the new President, the one in charge of the nation" Jung-gu's voice broke through the shield as he laughed to his sadistic success, he made another gesture and the other wolves outside the shield stopped squirming and they slowly rose to stand. "Soldiers, aim and fire at the shield until it's goes down." He ordered looking around the remaining wolves soldiers that didn't die from whatever he did to the wolves.

The men shared glances between themselves, some pulling their guns up, while some just stared at Jung-gu like the maniac he was. 

A soldier came forward to where Jung-gu stood."Sir we–" the man's words died down in his throat as Jung-gu flicked his fingers and the man's neck snapped with a loud cracking sound that made Felix flinch as the man dropped dead.

"Unless you want to end up like him, I assure you do what I say" He told the soldiers.

Out of what Felix recognized as fear, the men directed their guns at the shield from all angles as they began to fire.

Felix looked to his side when he felt someone tugging at his hand. "I- I am sorry I used to be against foxes– please don't let Jung-gu rule this country–" it was the President's secretary, his breathing was coming out in small huffs, Felix wasn't a doctor but he knew the man wasn't going to survive. "Please– promise me, it was the President's wish for you and your mate to bring justice, peace and harmony to our nation."

Felix held the man's hand as he felt tears rolling down his cheeks, he didn't know this man, but he couldn't help the sadness that washed over him in seeing the man struggled to breath. He nodded. "I promise" 

And just like that the man released a shaky breath as his whole body stilled. Felix closed his eyes offering a silent prayer to the ones that died in this place tonight.

"My prince you should create a portal and get us the hell out of here" Jaehyun told him as he came to stand next to the Omega.

Felix looked up at him with a confused expression. "How? I don't have such powers"

"Yes you do." Jaehyun said with a nod "you son has it, which is obvious he got from you just like how you got yours from your fox father"

"I can't control my powers, they just come spontaneously, I have no idea how to create a portal"

"It's in you, the powers are so strong that i can feel their energy, now that they're naturally manifesting on their own after years of being suppressed. And I sensed your ability to create portals as one of them"

"What do you mean suppressed?"

"Your omega father feared that your powers might lead you into trouble with the anti-fox, so in order to keep you and your brother safe, he suppressed your powers, that's why at first you never experienced any of them."

"What kind of suppressants? How did he do that?"

"It's in one of his abilities to hide his powers and other foxes powers as well just like your friend Mark, the effect could last for years once suppressed, but since he's not alive to renew it, your powers are coming out on –"

"Guys hurry up, I can keep the shield for long" Chris cut Jaehyun off as he watched the shield cracked from the seemingly endless gun shots it was receiving. He jerked his head a little when Jung-gu stood up and strode to where the force shield was cracking. "He's up." He yelled.

"I can help you keep the shield much longer enough for the prince to open a portal" Taeyong offered.

"You can do that? How?" Chris asked looking somewhat frantic, he was so scared for all of them at moment.

"A fox can tap from another fox's grace"

"Grace? The hell is that?"

"It's the source of our powers, every fox has it. All you have to do is hold my hand and some of my grace will be transferred into you. But you should know it's just for a short moment."

Chris nodded quickly, as he took one of Taeyong's hand in his, he closed his eyes when he felt a foreign energy coursing through his body. And it worked as the shield formed fully again– even stronger. All the cracks were now gone. He smiled at the other fox who gave him a curt nod.

Felix glanced at his brother for a brief moment before turning to face Jaehyun again. "Alright how do I do this?" He rose to stand as Hyunjin did the same as well.

"Focus, clear your mind off everything that will make you angry, attach it to something positive. Like your son, think about your pup that you left back in the realm, think about wanting to go back to him, then you clasp your hand together and separate them slowly and let's see. Now try" Jaehyun instructed.

Felix closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to clear his head just like how Jaehyun instructed, he pictured his son, Jae'in waiting for him to get back, then he joined his hands together, and slowly started to separate them. He could feel some tiny electricity sparks forming against his fingers.

"That's it, keep going" He heard Jaehyun said in encouragement.

Felix opened his eyes and was met with the sight of a purple sort of bolt patterns between his fingers, he smiled at his progress as he continued to concentrate. Then he heard a loud scream echoing through the lab, he lost focus and turned to see what it was, all the objects around the room were melting as Jung-gu screamed, his eyes blazes yellow. For a moment Felix wondered just how much of his son's powers the man possessed. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder and he snapped his head to see Hyunjin.  "Focus Felix." The Alpha said in a soft tone.

"Yes my prince you have to hurry, we're safe inside the shield, but it won't be for long. You have to open that portal before Jung-gu get passes it." Jaehyun said again, this time with urgency.

Felix nodded, closing his eyes once again and the sparks returned but they're still little, not wide enough for even a kitten to pass through."C'mon c'mon c'mon!" He chanted trying his hardest. "Open up you damn thing" he was getting a little angry.

"No my prince, not anger, positive thoughts remember? focus all your thoughts on the little wolf prince" Jaehyun said with a serious expression. 

"When it gets bigger, you should direct your hand else where far away from your body." Seungmin was the one that spoke.

Hyunjin squeezed his shoulder a little as he leaned in to drop a kiss to Felix's temple. "You can do this, my love" Hyunjin whispered directly against his ear.

And as if that was what the Damn portal was waiting for to fully form, Felix felt the energy coursing through him increasing.

"Now" Jaehyun shouted. Felix directed his right hand to the side, stretching it as the portal continued to grow bigger. "Go, go, go" Jaehyun urged, ushering the others to pass through.

Seungmin tightened his hold on Dae's unconscious body before he stepped in to the portal and just like that he vanished, Felix let out a breath he didn't know he was holding the moment he was certain his son was out of the lab, then Minho followed suit.

"How long will it last?" Felix asked diverting his attention to Jaehyun.

"It's the first time you're exploring it, it won't take more than 5 minutes to close up."

He nodded "Mark go" Felix shouted to his friend.

Mark nodded, going next. The other soldiers they came with followed right after Mark, one after the other until it was remaining only, Taeyong, Jaehyun, Chris, Hyunjin and himself.

"Taeyong go" Jaehyun told his mate.

Nodding, Taeyong pulled away from Chris' hand.

"Hyung you too" Felix said to his brother. He could feel his focus flattering for a brief moment when his eyes caught the sight of Jung-gu watching him with amusement and a smirk on his face, as if silently telling Felix that this wasn't over. He felt a shudder running down his spine.

"No I have to hold the shield, Jaehyun should go" Chris shook of his head.

"I will be here with the prince. And don't worry the shield can hold itself a little longer, you've poured enough energy into it"

Reluctantly, Chris move to enter the portal, Felix watched as his brother disappeared into the purple light, just like the others that went through it.

"Hyunjin go"

"No, I am not leaving without you" Hyunjin instantly shook his head, grounding himself even more beside his boyfriend.

"We'll be right behind you. I promise" Felix said to him but the Alpha shook his head once again.

"I am going hand in hand with you"

"Baby this is not the time to argue, I will be fine. I promise."

Jaehyun groaned, moving toward the Royal wolf, and before Hyunjin could register what the fox was doing, Jaehyun was already pushing him into the portal. "No–" Hyunjin's scream was muffled as he completely passed through.

"Thank you" Felix said gratefully with a sigh. Now it was just the two of them.

"I know he's going to drag it on and on and we don't have much time." Felix moved to the portal. He could see the bullets were beginning to penetrate through the shield, which meant it wouldn't be long before it faded and Jung-gu getting his hands on them. But he was less worried now about the shield fading, since his family were safe and hopefully back at the realm. "Now, you will put your hand down and we'll go through together but you should know we have to be move fast because it won't hold for long without your energy fueling it." He motioned for Felix to come closer to the portal.

A bullet passed right above his head."Shit" he cursed when he noticed the shield fading even more, it wouldn't take less than a few seconds before it faded away
altogether. He took fast strides toward Jaehyun as the Alpha held out his hand. "Don't lose me hand" he told Felix.

"Not planning on doing it–fuck" he cursed again when another bullshit grazed his shoulder this time. The portal had started to close itself, without Felix keeping it open it wouldn't last 10 seconds on its own.

"Now" was all Jaehyun said before pulling Felix in as they both jumped into it, they were able to pass through but not before Jung-gu was successful in shooting at him but Jaehyun was quick to put his body between the bullet and Felix even though the bullet wouldn't hurt Felix. 

It felt like his inner organs were being twisted in an odd way, that was how Felix could describe traveling through a portal. And his stomach churned, with the urge to puke.

Moment later, he was being engulfed in someone's arms. Felix snapped his head up to see Hyunjin holding him firmly as relieved flooded inside the Alpha's irises. "I've got you" Hyunjin said in a low voice. "Everyone is safe now" he added.

"Damnation" Jaehyun gritted out.

Felix turned to where Jaehyun was. "Oh my God, he got shot" he panicked watching the blood gushing out of Jaehyun's stomach.

Taeyong strode to the injured fox. "We need a healer" he yelled holding his mate close.

Felix crouched down next to Jaehyun as he held the Alpha's other hand, that's the least he could do for someone that took a bullet for him . "You don't have to feel bad my prince, it's my duty to protect you."

"By taking a bullet for me?" Felix asked and Jaehyun sighed, touched by his concern. "You didn't have to, I am bullet proof remember?"

"Yes I know, but that wouldn't stop me from doing my job. I will give my life if necessary, every fox in this realm would do the same, so it's nothing. I promise."

"But you shouldn't –"

"Where's the damn healer?" Taeyong's shouted cutting Felix off as the beta looked frantically around the room. Jaehyun smacked his mate on the head for his manners. "Ow, what's that for?"

"For cutting the prince off while he talks" he said, turning to face Felix. "Forgive my mate's inappropriate manners" 

Taeyong meet Felix's eyes with an apology ready to leave his tongue but Felix waved him off with a smile. "It's fine, really. You don't have to apologise, I understand how worried you're for your mate"

"Thank you for understanding my prince." Jaehyun said in his mate's stead.

"Where the fuck is Yeonjun?" Taeyong yelled once again.

"I am here" Yeonjun rushed into the room. "I am sorry I was attending to the little prince."

"How is he doing?" Felix asked.

"He's vitals are stable now, I gave something to help him sleep, he'll be himself when he wakes up. Your friend Haechan insisted on staying with him till he wakes."

Of course, it was typical of Haechan, considering how attached the omega was to Dae'in. Felix nodded with a thanks as he stood up to give the healer some space to attend to Jaehyun. He moved to where Hyunjin was stood, now holding Jae in his arms. 

"Papa!" Jae sobbed extending his hands toward his father.

"Hey! Hey shh" Felix shushed, holding his son tightly. "It's alright baby, Papa is here, I am back."

"I missed you–" the boy hiccuped. "So much, I was so so scared, when I saw the bad man hurting people there"

He pulled back to give his son a questionable look at that. "You saw us?" Jae nodded. "how?"

"The little prince also have the ability of clairvoyance, he sees visions even though he's not telepathic." Soobin explained as he walked to where Felix was, he bowed deeply at the omega, straightening up a moment later."Welcome back your highness."

"Thank you Soobin.–"

"Uncle Soobin, told me that you'll be fine, but I was still worried especially when I couldn't feel Dae through our bond"

"Dae is fine now." Felix assured, dropping a to Jae's forehead. "How are my friends?" He asked jerking his head toward Soobin.

"They're still in the guest quarters." Soobin told him. "But Haechan is staying in the little Prince's Chambers.

Felix nodded. "Thank you–"

"Soobin" Yeonjun called. "I think you need to see this"

Both Felix and Hyunjin trailer after Soobin as he moved to where Jaehyun was still sat on the floor with Yeonjun holding something up between his gloved fingers.

"What's that?" Soobin asked crouching next to the healer.

"It's the bullet, and it has a tracking device in it."

"Tracking device? What's that supposed to mean?" Felix asked, holding his son tighter.

Soobin frowned and his eyebrows scrunched together."It means trouble– Jung-gu now knows where the realm's located" He said staring at the object warily.

"They're coming!" Jae suddenly said and Felix looked down at the boy, whose pupils had now turned to pure white.

We're almost at the end. 7 more chapters.

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