Dimension Travels

By Rinni1130

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"That's a good story idea, maybe you should write about it? And I can check on it and all that good stuff. Oh... More

Chapter 1: Arrival
Chapter 2: Weapon or Meister
Chapter 3: Hang Out
Chapter 4: Vanish
Chapter 5: Hello
Chapter 6: Beach
Chapter 7: GMG
Chapter 8: Eclipse
Chapter 9: Questions and Pain
Chapter 10: First Unit Operation
Chapter 11: Say What?
Chapter 12: Shio
Chapter 13: Sacrifice?
Chapter 14: Graves
Chapter 15: Prison
Chapter 16: Church
Chapter 17: Time Passed (Part 1)
Chapter 18: Time Passed (Part 2) and Final Selection
Chapter 19: Mission 1
Chapter 20: Mission 2
Chapter 21: Fire Soldier Bellereve
Chapter 22: Rookie Fire Soldier Games
Chapter 23: Tree of Fire
Chapter 24: Burns
Chapter 25: The Boar
Chapter 26: Fight
Chapter 27: Travels and a Trial
Chapter 28: The Ten Commandments
Chapter 29: A Goddess's Blessing
Chapter 30: Dungeon
Chapter 31: Declaration of War
Chapter 32: War Games
Chapter 33: High School?! Again?!
Chapter 34: Sports Festival
Chapter 35: Final Exam
Chapter 36: Villain Attack
Chapter 37: Welcome
Chapter 38: Prep Time
Chapter 39: The Boat
Chapter 40: Survive
Chapter 41: What?! I'm Back?!
Chapter 42: Heroes
Chapter 43: Goddess's Wrath
Chapter 44: Hestia Familia
Chapter 45: I'm not from this world
Chapter 46: Let Me Go
Chapter 47: Reporting for Duty
Chapter 48: Resignation
Chapter 49: Hey There
Chapter 50: No, I'm Not Okay
Chapter 51: Too Late
Chapter 52: Found
Chapter 53: New Leader
Chapter 54: Hey guys... I'm back
Chapter 55: I'm Sorry
Chapter 56: Go Home
Chapter 57: Let Go
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2

Chapter 58: Definitely

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By Rinni1130

Rinni's POV

It's been a month since I lost control, a week after Corona sacrificed herself to seal the kishin Asura, and a week since Lord Death's, well death. I was confined in the hospital when the funeral happened. I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. 


About what? is what you're probably asking, well about everything. Everything I've experienced and everything that has happened. 

The door to my room opened making me look in that direction. It was Soul and the gang who came in.

"Hey guys" I said with a small wave

Because I've been thinking a lot, I tend to get lost in my thoughts and make it seem like I've gone numb, but to be fair I am somewhat numb.

"Hey Rinni, how are you?" Maka asked

"Numb physically. Emotionally, meh, and mentally drained."

"Didn't expect a full-blown answer like that." Soul uttered

"Would you guys rather have me lie when it's clear as day?"

"Not really" Tsubaki said

"But why are you mentally drained? Shouldn't you be all well rested in the mind? Let me guess! Without the great Black Star to keep you company you've been bored!" Black Star said

"Whatever floats your boat. But I've been thinking... about a lot of things... The thing I keep thinking about is how I got in this situation I'm in and what's happened after."

"Speaking of which, you haven't explained anything to us yet. You did say you will."


I sat up, Maka tried to help me but I stopped her saying I can handle it. 

"Before anything, I wanna say I'm sorry... I'm sorry because I lied to you all when we first met. Well, technically it wasn't a whole lie but I lied nonetheless. I'm from another world. A world where you guys are just characters that aren't real and the imagination of one person."

"That doesn't make sense. Is that another lie?"

"Nope. It's real. This is honestly one of the reasons why I didn't tell you guys. I knew you guys weren't gonna believe me."

"How many reasons are there?" Patty asked

"What's the other reason?" Tsubaki added

"Just a few. One of them is Professor Stein."

"Ah... that makes sense" everyone said sweatdropping

"Anyway, when I first got here, I already knew who you guys were. Well, not immediately but I remembered because of Maka and Professor Stein. You guys had the right to be suspicious, that's another reason why I lied. You'd guys think I'm some weird stalker, maybe even a witch and I'd be dead in seconds."

"Fair enough" said Kidd

"The memories I formed with you guys are real, and that's something I can proudly say. The night I disappeared I touched the kishin egg. There was this weird force pulling at me and a bright light, the next thing I knew I was in a forest. I thought at first some witch teleported me somewhere but I was proven wrong so quickly when I saw some people. Somehow I was in another world. A world where, once again, they were fictional characters from my world. It weirded me out. That's when I began to theorize."

I brought out a worn-out notebook that was in a bag that was placed next to my bed. The bag was something I got from the gang when I was gonna start studying in DWMA. I opened it and showed it to them.

"The world I went to, Fairy Tail, was riddled with magic. There were a lot of people able to use magic and they'd be in guilds. I was a part of one, Fairy Tail. Yes, I know the world is named after the guild I joined. Everyone was like family and they just welcomed me with open arms. I was even a part of one of their strongest team, not by choice though. I was kinda forced to join since they dragged me along with any mission they had."

"That kinda sounds like what happened here." Patty stated

"Yup. Kinda but like I said, they treated me like family... I'll miss them... So much..." I wiped away any tears that were threatening to fall

"Sounds like you really loved it there huh?" asked Soul

"Yeah... I did... Anyway, after that, I went to a world riddled with monsters that mutate faster than anything. At first, nothing could beat these monsters and they were called Aragami"

"Raging god? Why?" Tsubaki asked

"Well, because they consume anything they come across and are formerly unbeatable. Weapons called God Arcs were made and they were used by God Eaters. God Arcs are made of the same cells, called oracle cells, as these aragami. So it is typically known knowledge that the weapons are artificial aragamis, and those who wield them can also be called artificial aragami because they need to be infused with the same cells as the god arc to wield it. Normally, these cells will kill anyone who has them and turn them into the same monsters they fight, that's what we call Aragami Infection. Aragami infection tends to mutate the person's structure that is solely unique to them and no one else, and those who this infection is hard to kill when they become a full aragami so they tend to kill those before so."

"Euthanasia..." Maka mumbled

"Yeah... Plus who wants to be a monster that ends up hurting your friends maybe even killing them? Anyway, a good sign, if a god eater has been infected, is that black smoke will come out of their armlet. Like I said, each mutation is unique, this is mine."

I pointed at the black markings and the gang fell silent, after a few moments I decided to continue.

"It's killing me... They told me that if I don't go back to my world I'll die because not only will the oracle cells will consume me, but my own cells will deteriorate as well."

"So you won't be staying?" asked Tsubaki

"I would if I could but sadly no... That's why Fairy Tail forced me to go back here... I either die in the war they were facing or I die because of who I am and where I'm from... Anyway, back to it, medication is also needed to make sure oracle cells stay in a stable state inside a God Eater's body. The armlet's function is not only to connect to the God Arc, but to monitor the oracle cells inside a person while in battle. By the time I was in the third world, I was sure that certain objects or events cause me to move to the next world. So, the next world I went to was called Angels of Death, well I was stuck underground with a bunch of maniac killers who had free reign on their own terrain which consisted of one floor. If it's not obvious, I got shot a bunch of times there." I said as I pointed to the scars that were caused by bullets

"I didn't even get to recover to be patched up when I went to the next world. It was filled with man-eating demons that hunted in the night. I became what the name of the world is, a Demon Slayer. It was no surprise that I got injured despite all the training I got, those demons are powerful."

"Those are nothing to me!" Black Star said

"No doubt you guys can handle them but you guys need the right weapon for it. If you're a demon slayer you need a weapon made out of scarlet crimson iron sand and scarlet ore. Their mostly forged into a katana, and they're typically called the color-changing sword or Nichirin Sword. Demon Slayers are mostly tired because at night they fight and by day they travel. Yeah sure, you can rest a bit but mostly you travel for hours, maybe even days. Demon Slayer was set around the early 1900s so besides olden transportation the fastest way to get to where you need to get to is either you run or you walk."

"You killed some of those man-eating demons right?" Patty asked

"Yup, sure did. Anyway, the next world I went to was called Fire Force. This world has people who can control fire. But a leading cause of death was burning because you can turn into things called infernals. You burn from the inside out and until you're put to rest as they say it."

"Damn... it must suck"

"It does. But the Special Fire Force handles infernals and puts them to rest. I was a part of company 8. The world after that is another world riddled with magic, this time though it was set during the European Middle Ages. Those with magic become what they all call Holy Knights. I traveled with some of them, more specifically the ones they called the Seven Deadly Sins."

"As in the ones like that book?" Black Star asked

"Yeah, they have the same concept when it comes to their sins but their stories are all different. I can't tell you guys because it's not my story to tell, but they're considered to be the strongest. One of them owns a tavern and I kinda was their cook there."

"Aw... I wanted to hear if there was a love story between any of them." Liz whined causing me to laugh a bit

"Some members of the Seven Deadly Sins got their sins because of love. I can tell you guys but like I said it's not my story to tell. It's a part of their laws, even if I wasn't a member I'm still their friend and I'll respect their privacy. Anyway, after that, I went to a world where people go into dungeons as adventures and kill monsters to make a living. Though there is a catch, you'd have to join a familia that is led by a god or goddess. I was a part of the Hestia familia, it's a small familia until some others joined in. I was even a commander and my other friend was the captain of the familia. Anyway, after that world, I ended up in a world where people have unique powers called quirks. Some trained to be heroes and, well, heroes wouldn't really exist if there weren't any villains. Then I went to a world that was overrun by the undead. They're zombies and they tend to consume anything that has flesh. I helped out with a settlement of kids there. I think the oldest is around your age range guys."

"Don't you mean our age range?" Kidd asked

"Ah, another thing I forgot. I'm actually 22 years old. I may not look like it because I theorized that I physically age down to blend in with the certain people world I'm in."

"How does that work?" Maka asked

"I don't know myself. All I know is that it happens. In Demon Slayer I was, I think either 12 or 13 years old when I first got there, and let me tell ya guys, I hated it because I would often get teased by it. You guys see my height as 5'7 to 5'8 but back then I was only 4'9"

"Talk about a growth spurt" Soul said

"Yeah, almost a whole foot. Anyway... One of the kids, Clementine, gave me a knife that was similar to one that I own, and the next thing I knew I was back in a world where people want to be heroes. And I found another thing that led me back to the previous world which eventually led me back here."

I grabbed the bag again and placed all my redemikis on the bed. I organized them.

"These are those things, and now that I think about it, these things mean a lot to me. The handkerchief, knife, and bracelet belonged to my late older brother. The ring necklace, keychain, and glasses were either my later mother's or she gave them to me. The watch and pen belonged to my Dad. The book is my favorite story that my parents used to read to me... The ring necklace was my Mom's wedding band, my Dad's wedding band is the only thing missing here..."

Maka placed something in the stack of my Dad's old stuff.

"Getting rid of me now?" I asked in a joking yet sad tone

"No... but it does belong to you. I'm just giving it back" Maka said

"Fair enough... Can't I stay? At least for a little bit?"

"Yeah, so we better make the remaining moments count" Kidd said


I stayed there for a short while, that was only until Kidd was officially crowned as the new Lord Death. I partied with them and eventually, I left them with a heavy heart. Funnily enough, it doesn't feel like I'm carrying the weight of the world anymore. I guess this is what happens when you face any trauma you have instead of walking away... 

I'll have to face things... 

I'll have the courage to do so, after all, they showed me... 

I promise I'll be better...

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