Dimension Travels

By Rinni1130

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"That's a good story idea, maybe you should write about it? And I can check on it and all that good stuff. Oh... More

Chapter 1: Arrival
Chapter 2: Weapon or Meister
Chapter 3: Hang Out
Chapter 4: Vanish
Chapter 5: Hello
Chapter 6: Beach
Chapter 7: GMG
Chapter 8: Eclipse
Chapter 9: Questions and Pain
Chapter 10: First Unit Operation
Chapter 11: Say What?
Chapter 12: Shio
Chapter 13: Sacrifice?
Chapter 14: Graves
Chapter 15: Prison
Chapter 16: Church
Chapter 17: Time Passed (Part 1)
Chapter 18: Time Passed (Part 2) and Final Selection
Chapter 19: Mission 1
Chapter 21: Fire Soldier Bellereve
Chapter 22: Rookie Fire Soldier Games
Chapter 23: Tree of Fire
Chapter 24: Burns
Chapter 25: The Boar
Chapter 26: Fight
Chapter 27: Travels and a Trial
Chapter 28: The Ten Commandments
Chapter 29: A Goddess's Blessing
Chapter 30: Dungeon
Chapter 31: Declaration of War
Chapter 32: War Games
Chapter 33: High School?! Again?!
Chapter 34: Sports Festival
Chapter 35: Final Exam
Chapter 36: Villain Attack
Chapter 37: Welcome
Chapter 38: Prep Time
Chapter 39: The Boat
Chapter 40: Survive
Chapter 41: What?! I'm Back?!
Chapter 42: Heroes
Chapter 43: Goddess's Wrath
Chapter 44: Hestia Familia
Chapter 45: I'm not from this world
Chapter 46: Let Me Go
Chapter 47: Reporting for Duty
Chapter 48: Resignation
Chapter 49: Hey There
Chapter 50: No, I'm Not Okay
Chapter 51: Too Late
Chapter 52: Found
Chapter 53: New Leader
Chapter 54: Hey guys... I'm back
Chapter 55: I'm Sorry
Chapter 56: Go Home
Chapter 57: Let Go
Chapter 58: Definitely
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2

Chapter 20: Mission 2

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By Rinni1130

Rinni's POV

Our next location is the city of Asakusa, Tokyo. Now I'm gonna try to skip parts but still explain a lot, so if it feels a bit fast-paced, well don't blame me, this is a bit of a long story quite honestly. It was nighttime when we arrived, and the streets were still bright with a lot of people roaming around. Tanjiro was dumbfounded as we entered the city. I smiled a bit before gently hitting the back of his head and leading the way. You could easily tell he was overwhelmed and Nezuko was getting sleepy. I know he's here, I just have to wait patiently. With that in mind, I led us to a park, where a lone udon shop was.

"Oh hell yeah. Look, Tanjiro, there's an udon stand. Let's get something to eat before we continue our mission."

With that Tanjiro ordered our food while I sat with Nezuko. I placed my bowl down on the bench as I shifted Nezuko to lean on her box. Before we could even take a bite of our food, Tanjiro dropped his bowl, breaking it. He ran off and I followed him, luckily Nezuko was still asleep. Soon enough we saw him, Muzan Kibutsuji, or should I say Hehe man.

Tanjiro gripped his shoulder and the demon turned to us. Tanjiro glared at the demon progenitor while I quickly raised my thumb and dragged it across my neck, signaling that he would die. I saw his eyes widen for a brief amount of time before we heard the voice of a little girl and a voice of a woman. Tanjiro could only stare in shock at this while I just glared at the demon. Muzan soon turned an innocent bystander into a demon so Tanjiro and I quickly jumped into action. He held back the man while I was keeping pressure on the wound of the woman.

Police came as Muzan escaped, with Tanjiro yelling that he will kill the demon progenitor. Soon enough, a sweet scent came and I knew we were given aid. Two demons helped Tanjiro and I handle the situation, bringing the newly transformed man and his injured wife to their clinic. I left the scene with Tanjiro, going back to the park where we left Nezuko.

Upon returning, the owner of the stand yelled at Tanjiro for wasting a good bowl of udon, while I ate mine in silence. Tanjiro orders two bowls of udon and quickly finishes it. We paid for our meals when we were done. Soon we found Yushiro, who led us to where they had taken the man and woman from earlier. Of course, Tanjiro was yelling at Yushiro for, quote, unquote calling Nezuko ugly. And not surprisingly, Tanjiro also argued that I wasn't an eyesore when I just shrugged it off. I only smacked the back of Tanjiro's head to make him stop.

We were brought inside a house where we met Tamayo. We talked about Muzan's curse on demons and how to turn Nezuko back into a human. I knew it was only a matter of time before the attack came. I had my ax in hand, ready to uncover it. Yushiro would glare and stay alert because of this. I quickly stood up as I uncovered my ax, feeling the immense bloodlust of another person.

"Breath of Metal: Fifth form! Nickel Block!"

I stood on guard as temari balls burst through the walls. I tried my best to prevent it from hitting everyone but sadly I cannot move that fast with this form. It's most optimal if I had stood still. Once the first wave was done I stood straight. I knew there wasn't long before the second wave came, so I recovered my breath. Once again I had used my fifth form to block any attacks going toward us. I immediately started to block the attacks toward Tanjiro, seeing as he had no clear way of protecting himself. When the dust cleared I was standing in front of Tanjiro, who was holding Nezuko close to avoid her getting hurt. I held a tight grip on my ax as I stared at the two demons.

"Tanjiro get ready! Quick! Nezuko, Yushiro, and Miss Tamayo please hurry and evacuate the civilians. I'll serve as a guard!"

I screamed and another wave of attacks came. I kept blocking, and sadly, Yushiro was hit and beheaded which caused Tamayo to stop as she caught Yushiro's body. Luckily, Nezuko was able to go and evacuate the injured woman.

"Hm... There's a demon slayer wearing hanafuda earrings and another wearing a black haori with a red spider lily on its back... That would be you two right?!" the temari demon screamed

"Miss Tamayo! I want you to go find a place to hide! These demons are after me and Rinni!" Tanjiro said as soon as realization struck him

"Tanjiro, we don't have time for this!" I screamed

"She's right Tanjiro. Don't worry about us, just focus on the fight. We'll be just fine without your protection. We're demons too"

The temari demon threw the balls, and once more I used my fifth form, I had managed to deflect one. When it bounced off the ax, it swerved and hit me on my right side. I felt burning/stabbing pain where the impact had been made, damn that's gonna leave a nasty bruise, worse case scenario is that I broke a rib or two.

Tanjiro decided to stab the other temari ball that was coming, but it hit him in the face. I only heard Tanjiro's gasp as I can hear Yushiro healing himself. I didn't pay attention to them as I focused on my breathing and tried to push past the pain. It hurts to breathe if I have to be honest, but I have to push past it. I held in a groan as I took a deep breath. Now my breathing technique is said to be heavier on the lungs, and that is true. Some of the other Hashira's tried at least my Fifth Form and they said it felt heavy on their lungs, even Gyomei said that it was a little heavy on his lungs.

The first time I did it the air inside my lungs felt so heavy that I thought it weighed so much and that my lungs would collapse due to the immense weight, luckily I had mastered total concentration breathing at that time so it was much easier. So right now, as I prepared to use my breath, it was hard, the air inside my lungs felt heavy again, and it hurts even more. Call me a baby if you want but getting a bruise where your ribs suck, is much worse if I do have broken ribs. Believe me, I would know, because of a certain hashira, who would beat the shit out of me while I trained with him, and would hit me frequently on the ribs or the upper abdomen. He basically did it to render me defenseless and useless.

The temari demon had taken off its haori and the top half of its kimono, exposing the arms and the sash that covered its breast. It boasts about its power and being a part of the twelve kizuki aka the twelve moons, then laughs briefly before two more sets of arms appear in its body. It quickly dribbles six temari balls before throwing them in our direction. Blocking will be suicide as I cannot move quickly when doing so, so I decided to just dodge.

Jump, jump, duck down, down again, left, right. Those were the things inside my mind as I dodged the temari balls. Directions kept screaming inside my head. I just dodged the balls that came at me, though I still would get hit from time to time. But due to this, we cannot protect both Yushiro and Tamayo. So they ended up getting hit

"Miss Tamayo! Yushiro! No!" Tanjiro tried to rush their aid but the temari balls went at him

"We'll heal ourselves soon enough! Don't worry about us!" Tamayo said

"Hey, idiot demon slayer! The arrows will tell you which direction they are going! Dodge the arrows! Your friend seems to be doing it decently so do it as well!" Yushiro exclaims

"I'm barely doing it decently! I can't see the fucking arrrows! There are humans here if you forgot!" I screamed as I dodged temari balls

"What arrows?!" Tanjiro asked, clearly confused

"Seriously? You're telling me you both can't see them?! I'm lending you both my sense of sight! That should at least give you the chance to kill the temari woman!" Yushiro shouts as he throws two pieces of paper

One lands on Tanjiro's forehead while the other lands on mine. Immediately I could see the arrows and I was able to efficiently dodge the temari balls. Tanjiro thanks Yushiro and Nezuko return to the battle.

"Tanjiro, Nezuko let's go! We can't stay here or we'll all die! You two handle the one in the tree and I'll handle the temari demon!" I screamed

The three of us rush out. I dashed forward to the temari demon as the balls turned to her, leaving her in an open position. I quickly cut two of the arms with my first form and jumped back to avoid any attack. Nezuko and Tanjiro quickly jump over the temari demon.

"One of the twelve kizuki? That must be a joke. You're way too weak to be one." I said as I gripped my ax

"Why you! I am a part of the twelve kizuki and don't you dare call me weak! You're the demon slayer with the red spider lily haori. Oh, I am going to enjoy killing you. I'm going to rip you apart, take your head and bring it to him"

The temari demon laughs before throwing its temari balls at me. I can still see the arrows.

"Tanjiro! Nezuko! Hurry up! Start distracting the arrow demon already!"

I landed and soon enough the temari balls came in my direction. The arrows slowly started to fade. I smirked, knowing I can deal with this now easily. I breathed, the air in my lungs still heavy as the pain from my side still continues. I did my third form, Silver Slash, and cut all the temari balls. I still used this and charged, when I got close, I quickly cut its arms.

Before I could even attack again I felt two things collide with me. I looked up to see it was Nezuko and Tanjiro. The temari demon took this time to regenerate. Fuck I knew I should have swapped to the first form before slashing! The temari demon throws one of its temaris at us. I quickly kicked Tanjiro and Nezuko away, then proceeded to roll to avoid the attack.

"Hey demon slayers! We're gonna need you to handle the arrow guy first! Let the rest of us deal with the temari woman!"

I quickly got up and grabbed Tanjiro by his haori and pulled him up. I dashed to the arrow demon as Tanjiro quickly talked with Nezuko. Tanjiro soon followed my lead but as I got closer, I knew what was gonna happen next. I jumped over the arrow demon but sadly Tanjiro got caught in the arrow and was flung back. I turned around and attempted to slash the demon but Tanjiro suddenly collided with me.

That was bad news, the two of us were flung up in the sky, going in different directions. Then the arrows faded mid-air, Tanjiro and I began to fall. I quickly turned around to face the ground and prepared myself. I used my second form, copper cut to blunt my fall. Tanjiro also had the same idea and used the 8th form of the breath of water. The fight pauses for a second as the two demons talk but only briefly. Nezuko tried to kick away the temari ball but her leg got cut off.

"Tanjiro don't hesitate! Focus!" I said

The arrow demon sent its attacks and I dodged them, once again, Tanjiro followed my lead and dodged the arrows as well.

"No! don't try to cut-"

I was too late to warn Tanjiro. He got flung into the wall, and while I was distracted an arrow had also gotten me and my side collided with a tree. I can see my ax out of my grip and in front of me. I grit my teeth and used the tree to jump toward my weapon. Tanjiro's arm soon got caught with the arrow, he ran up a tree and spun in the direction of the arrow. The arrow loosens and Tanjiro lands, grabbing his sword. I dashed straight at the arrow demon as he was distracted by Tanjiro.

I aimed for the head but an arrow forced me to collide with the ground. I decided to quickly get up and used my first form, hitting the arms of the demon. Tanjiro used the force of the arrows to cut off the head of the arrow demon. The body of the arrow demon falls to its knees and then to the ground. Tanjiro's body landed harshly on the ground while I stood up. I pushed past the pain on my side and went towards Tanjiro.

"Come on, one down, one more to go buddy."

I helped him up, making sure he leaned on me for support. We walked, well he mostly limped, to where the others were. Suddenly we heard the arrow demon yell and the distinct sound its hands produce when it attacks. Shit! I forgot about this! Soon enough both Tanjiro and I were being flung in two different directions toward a wall. I used my second form to avoid impacting the wall. I landed on my feet on the ground when suddenly an arrow appeared below me and threw me up in the sky.

I looked up to the moon as I gripped my ax and decided to do my fourth form, cobalt strike. I saw Tanjiro in the air as well, using the second form of the breath of water. Then an arrow caught us both, forcing us to go down. We both used our breaths to stop the arrows, him using all, while I swapped between the first form to the fourth, also adding the seventh form to my arsenal. My body was well acquainted with this but I can tell Tanjiro was having a hard time. We kept using our breaths until it all suddenly stopped. Tanjiro and I fell from the sky, my side collided with a tree branch before I fell to the ground. It was the same side that has been hit over and over during this fight.

Okay, so now there is definitely a broken rib or two. I felt the burning/stabbing pain become worse, making it harder for me to breathe. I better be careful not to pierce a lung. I took short recovery breaths before getting up and walking to Tanjiro. Once again, I helped him up and made him lean against me. I grip my ax and held his sword

"But Rinni, you're injured too" he said

"Not as bad as you thought. You probably have more broken ribs than I do, and let's not forget the leg damage."

"How are you not out of breath or exhausted?"

"Well, that's a secret you'll find out in the future my friend"

The two of us head to where the others are, without interruptions this time. As we got there a temari ball rolled to us, looking up we saw the temari demon, in pain. Suddenly two arms burst out of its stomach and one burst out of its mouth. The hand of the arm that came out of the mouth then crushed the demon's head. Tamayo then goes to the body and kneels down next to it, inspecting the body.

"I-is it all over? Is she dead?" asked Tanjiro

"She will be, momentarily. Kibutsuji's Curse... The cells he left in her body will destroy it. She'll be ripped apart from the inside... Generally speaking, the battle between demons is futile. It's pointless. The wounds they inflict to each other can't be fatal. Only sunlight or the sword of a demon slayer can kill them. Except for Kibutsuji, he is the only one that can destroy a demon's cells."

"You both can't inhale Lady Tamayo's spell. The human body can't take it. You got that?" Yushiro asked as he covered Tanjiro and I's mouth and nose with two handkerchieves

"Tanjiro, Rinni, the demon we fought. She's not one of the twelve kizuki."

"Figures. They were both too weak to be one and there was no number indicator in their eyes."

"It seems your friend knows more than you." Yushiro said

"Well we better get treated. And it's almost daylight".

Tamayo quickly grabs a syringe and gets blood from the temari demon's body. Yushiro left us alone, not bothering to take Tanjiro with him. I sigh and soon enough we hear the voice of the temari demon begging for its toy. Tanjiro picked it up and I helped him get to the body. He gently places the ball.

"Tanjiro, go right ahead inside. You need to check on Nezuko and get treated first."

"But what about you?"

"Don't worry, I'll go inside to get treated as well. Right now, however, I need to take care of something. So I suggest you go inside."

Tanjiro followed my orders and went inside. When he was out of sight I raised my hand up and my crow came flying in. It lands on my hand.

"Give word to the Master that Muzan Kibutsuji was in Asakusa, Tokyo, and that I and Tanjiro Kamado had encountered him. Tell him that my plan worked and I had placed more fear and Muzan had sent two demons that tried to kill me and Tanjiro. Inform the master that we had also encountered Tamayo who had given us aid, along with another demon named Yushiro. Also... tell the master and that hashiras that I have left either to the next dimension or gone back home. I think I found my demiki from this world." I briefly look at the temari ball before looking back at my crow and continuing

"Before you leave to go to the Master, wait until Tanjiro Kamado leaves that house. Inform him that I have been sent to a different mission that urgently needs my attention. Do I make myself clear?" The crow nods

I smile and let it fly to a tree. I kneel down and brought out a small bottle and collected my own sample of blood of the temari demon. I closed it and put it away, then proceeded to touch the temari ball. A bright light soon invaded my sight and the gravitational force took over. I smiled as the next thing I saw was darkness.

Tanjiro's POV

I stepped out of the house of Miss Tamayo to look for Rinni as she needed to be treated as well. I look around and I don't see her. All I saw was a book near the temari ball. I walked to it and picked up the book. I opened its pages and I saw Rinni's name, was this her book? A loud caw came out of nowhere and a crow landed on my shoulder.

"Tanjiro Kamado, I am Rinni Bellereve's kasugai crow. She had to make haste as she was given a new mission that needed her urgent attention." the crow said in a hushed voice

Why can't my crow sound like that? Or at least be a little calmer when telling me things.

"Oh... well... Thank you for telling me. If you are going to fly off to her, please tell her to take care until we meet again."

The crow soon flies off, I stare at it for a bit before remembering I still had Rinni's book. I looked at it before going inside to get Nezuko, leaving for my next mission.

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