Dimension Travels

By Rinni1130

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"That's a good story idea, maybe you should write about it? And I can check on it and all that good stuff. Oh... More

Chapter 1: Arrival
Chapter 2: Weapon or Meister
Chapter 3: Hang Out
Chapter 4: Vanish
Chapter 5: Hello
Chapter 6: Beach
Chapter 7: GMG
Chapter 8: Eclipse
Chapter 9: Questions and Pain
Chapter 10: First Unit Operation
Chapter 11: Say What?
Chapter 12: Shio
Chapter 13: Sacrifice?
Chapter 14: Graves
Chapter 16: Church
Chapter 17: Time Passed (Part 1)
Chapter 18: Time Passed (Part 2) and Final Selection
Chapter 19: Mission 1
Chapter 20: Mission 2
Chapter 21: Fire Soldier Bellereve
Chapter 22: Rookie Fire Soldier Games
Chapter 23: Tree of Fire
Chapter 24: Burns
Chapter 25: The Boar
Chapter 26: Fight
Chapter 27: Travels and a Trial
Chapter 28: The Ten Commandments
Chapter 29: A Goddess's Blessing
Chapter 30: Dungeon
Chapter 31: Declaration of War
Chapter 32: War Games
Chapter 33: High School?! Again?!
Chapter 34: Sports Festival
Chapter 35: Final Exam
Chapter 36: Villain Attack
Chapter 37: Welcome
Chapter 38: Prep Time
Chapter 39: The Boat
Chapter 40: Survive
Chapter 41: What?! I'm Back?!
Chapter 42: Heroes
Chapter 43: Goddess's Wrath
Chapter 44: Hestia Familia
Chapter 45: I'm not from this world
Chapter 46: Let Me Go
Chapter 47: Reporting for Duty
Chapter 48: Resignation
Chapter 49: Hey There
Chapter 50: No, I'm Not Okay
Chapter 51: Too Late
Chapter 52: Found
Chapter 53: New Leader
Chapter 54: Hey guys... I'm back
Chapter 55: I'm Sorry
Chapter 56: Go Home
Chapter 57: Let Go
Chapter 58: Definitely
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2

Chapter 15: Prison

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By Rinni1130

Rinni's POV

The elevator doors opened and the three of us walked out silently. We were met with iron bars and no other way of progressing besides a locked gate. Welcome to B3 people. Ray decided to walk to the gates while I stepped out of the elevator with Zack.

"Damn it! Why can't it take us all the way up instead of stopping at every single floor?! Another elevator hunt!" Zack screamed

"Will you be able to stop screaming? just for once" I asked Zack

"Hey, you!" he points to Rachel "Find us the exit!"

"Okay. I'll do my best... So that I'll be of use to us...And... Just like you swore before God... once we get out of here... Kill me." I cringe every time Ray would bring up the fact that she wants to die

"You sound like a broken record player again! Don't gotta tell me again." Zack said

Rachel inspects the gate and I already know it's locked and can't be opened unless Cathy opens it. I'm gonna expect a lot of loud noises on this floor, which means headaches gonna get worse.

"What is it?" Zack asked

"Even if I told you, I don't think you'd get what I'm saying"

"Even if I won't understand, just spit it out!" He screamed at Ray

"Are you fucking blind? The gate is locked and there's nothing else in this room." I said pointing to the gate before continuing "Unless we have something else, besides ourselves, your scythe, and an ax, there's clearly nothing we can do. We can't break those bars because they're made out of iron."

"Well if Ray doesn't have the answer, and you don't because of your shitty memory, then I sure as hell don't know what to do." Zack complained

We all fell silent but both Zack and I noticed Ray slightly grip her messenger bag, which caused Zack to sigh.

"You got anything useful in that bag of yours?" he was only met with silence before he continued in an annoyed tone "Don't be shy, what's in it?"

"I've got thread... a needle... and a-" Ray was cut off from completely answering Zack's question by the said man

"Oh? Can you use the needle to pick the lock?" he asked excitedly

"She can't because there is no lock. You have to be let in by someone who controls the gate. And quite obviously, the one who controls it is the floor master." I said and you can tell Zack was getting pissed

"Move! I'll smash the door open!"

"Didn't you hear me earlier? That's made out of iron, you won't be able to-"

I was cut off because Zack did hit the iron bars. Did it break? Of course not, I've been saying that to him earlier. But did the loud sound cause my headache to be worse? Yes, yes it did.

"Why didn't you tell me that?! Now my hands are numb!" Zack screamed complaining

"I've told you once! And I tried to tell you a second time!" I said

Alarms soon blared and I stepped back. That caused Zack to grab Rachel and pull her back. Machine guns came out of the ceiling and it started to fire. Luckily none of us are hit.

"We almost got turned into swiss cheese..." Zack said...

"Sorry the welcome party took so long.. The three of you took sooo long to get here... I even dozed off for a while! But to make it this far, what an accomplishment! Especially you Zack! Bravo for your resourcefulness! You know something, I had a feeling you three would make fantastic criminals... I must have needed excitement because that woke me right up!"

"Literally who the hell cares about your sleep? Oh, wait... you do. Well, no one else cares besides you bitch." I said

"I don't give a flyin' fuck about your sleeping habits! Just shut up and let us through!" Zack screamed

"I supposed I could do that." spotlights point at us and an applause sound effect goes off before Cathy continued "Congratulations! You passed! On this floor... I am the condemner. Oh, you're such terrible detestable sinners and you must atone for what you've done! And I am the one... who has been allowed to bestow that punishment onto them!"

The gate opened and after a few complaints from Zack, we walked in. Once inside we were forced to take mugshots before we could continue on. The first one to get a picture was me. I held my place card and gave a middle finger as Rachel took my picture. Next was Zack, Ray was still the one to take his picture, Then it was her turn, thankfully her picture came out okay because I was the one who took it.

Zack showed the pictures to Cathy, and you can hear her distaste for mine. I stopped myself from laughing or smiling as we carried on because I knew Zack would attack me. Cathy tried to offer us a jail cell, but we all denied it, with me flipping her off again and dragging the two to the next area. Then we proceeded into the courtroom. My head began hurting again so I decided to sit on the floor trying to relax to get rid of the ache. Soon enough Zack sat down in the electric chair and the restraints activated. A TV came out of the wall and it showed Cathy.

"Hi! I've decided to join you via this television screen. After all, what's a good trial without a judge? I'm Cathy! It's about time we got to know one another. I can't believe you actually sat in that chair, Zack!"

"Let me go, you sadistic bitch!" that only got a laugh from Cathy

"What are you saying? I'm afraid that's not happening. What kind of executioner sets their convicts free? Zack my boy, I get giddy at the thought of seeing how well a monster like you can withstand my punishment" she said laughing while I made a fake throwing-up sound

"Quiet you!" she said while pointing at me

Cathy then activated the electric chair, electrocuting Zack. We could only stare as we heard Zack scream in pain. Soon enough it stops, and a few seconds of silence pass before Zack starts screaming out complaints after Cathy asks a question. Soon enough she stops talking and the dolls start moving.

"Alright Ray, I've got this, you can relax for this one." I stood up but before I could take a step forward, a bullet shot into my shoulder

"Don't you dare interfere you bitch. Let Rachel handle this. And you better not give her hints or your body will be filled with bullet holes. Now... As they gaze upon the hateful sinners' visage... Their gaze is that which will dictate the sinner's demise... Here... The eyes of the audience exact the punishment. Begin."

Zack starts to get electrocuted as Ray stands stunned for a bit. Ray turned to the dummies inside the room and began to think. I could only stand there and watch as Ray thinks. I kept the pressure on my wound. I felt the back of my shoulder and I could feel a hole in it, so that means the bullet went through. So I'm gonna need bandages and stitches. Honestly now I regret throwing my jacket back on Eddie's floor. Could have made a makeshift bandage from that. When Rachel ran to me to borrow my ax was when I focused again. I smiled and gave it to her. Soon enough, she began to chop off the heads of the dummies. The last head rolled and the Electric Chair stopped. The gun soon returned to the ceiling and I ran to Rachel and Zack. When we were sure he was okay we continued to the next part after Cathy's monologuing.

The next room is the gas room if I remember correctly. Walking into the said room you would instantly smell a rotten smell. The door locks and the puzzle is to begin. Looking around you could see a dead body, a big safe, cabinets, and tables. A scale and some weights, oh, there's also a couple of gas masks. How considerate of her... please do note my sarcasm. Well, at least when the other one breaks there's gonna be a reserve.

"How's everyone doing? Let me give you an explanation about this current room. Listen well if you want to live, okay? I got a little carried away with the design here. It features an airtight to ensure that no air leaks outside. Naturally, the room comes complete with reinforced glass windows so you won't be able to break it. Go on! Just try to break them! Waste your energy for all I care. And the best part? I'm about to fill it with something special. That is... one of the gentler forms of execution for a sinner... deluxe poison gas~ Of course, that's not to say there isn't a way to escape. Out of the mercy of my heart... I've provided two gas masks for you! As long as you do your best, I have the utmost faith you'll escape. Ah, almost forgot! Should you bore me by taking too long to meet your maker, keep in mind there is a time limit. So don't forget to keep your eye on the time!~"

"How much time do we have?!" Zack asked

"At the rate, the sand is falling... about five minutes!" Cathy replied enthusiastically before she continued "After your time runs out, you'll be given another gift! A gas so potent that the mask won't do any good against it! That's all for now, have yourselves a good time in there okay?"

And with that, the TV turned off. Alarms blared again and the poison gas began to flow into the room. I took the two gas masks and gave them to Zack and Ray.

"Try to relax this time guys, I think I remember this. I'll try to do this quickly." I said

The two put on the mask hesitantly as I began my work. I took the right foot and placed it on the scale and balanced it with the weights on the table. Once that was done, I went to Ray.

"Ray, I'm gonna need you to go up that vent. You're smaller and able to fit the vent. You should be abl-"

Zack picks up Ray and throws her into the open vent before I could even tell her what she was gonna find. I heard something break. One of the gas masks broke. I would get pissed at Zack for that but now is not the time. I began coughing all of a sudden. Damn... I thought I would be able to last longer. I soon felt something being placed on my head. I look up and find Zack's hand on top of the gas masks that he placed. I quickly put it on, taking deep breaths in order to clear my lungs faster. This poison gas is not helping with my headache, in fact, it's making it worse. After a minute or two passed, Ray peeked from the vent. I signaled her to carefully go down. I caught Ray and set her on the ground, taking off the gas mask I had and placing it on her.

"Did you find it?" and all I got was a nod from Ray

I smiled and held out my hand, kindly asking Ray to give me the card. As I was about to take the card Zack decided to grab it before I can. That got into another argument and a tugging war. In the end, the card broke cause neither of us wanted to let it go.

"For fuck's sake! I thought we'd be able to get out of here without inhaling that bullshit poison gas anymore!" I screamed but before anyone could reply, we heard laughter from the TV

"Get out of town! That was so funny I can't believe it! I'm laughing so hard, I could die!" she laughs again

"Please do... Die! How about a little help here?! We figured it out! Might as well be open! Hurry!" Zack said as I began coughing again

"But that would be against the rules! Besides, the amount of punishment still isn't enough, and criminals must abide by the rules. So you're out of luck!" Cath laughs again "Good luck dying as the poison fills your lungs" The TV turns off

"Now what the fuck are we gonna do?!" Zack asked angrily

"We wait..." I replied

"Are you insane?! Do you want to die like Ray?!"

"No! I wanna get out of here, but I don't know if the current poison gas is flammable. All I can remember is that poison gasses have a mixture of different chemicals that can cause a chain reaction thus sometimes making it explosive. I know we have the batteries from the remote control but we need wires to help it out. Ther-"

I started coughing again so Rachel took off the gas mask and gave it to me. I put it on and took deep breaths in order to catch my breath. My headache is a lot worse and now I'm feeling dizzy as well. Not a good combination if I have to be honest.

"There... should be some... In that safe, if I remember correctly..." I said still trying to catch my breath

Ray ran towards the safe and opened it, where she found the wires. She handed it to me and I made the improvised explosive using the batteries, metal plating, and wires. I placed it in front of the door ready and set to explode. The alarm blares again as the more potent poison gas starts to seep in. I took off the gas mask.

"Inside the safe! Now!" I yelled

I grabbed Ray and Zack's hands and ran to the safe. I pushed them inside the safe as the gas slowly reached the door. I squeezed myself inside as well and closed the door. Seconds felt like minutes, it was filled with silence. Then we heard a loud explosion, glass breaking, and metal hitting concrete. When I was sure the coast was clear I opened the safe door and the three of us came tumbling down on the ground. Ray and I cough due to the heavy smoke inside the room, but we can clearly see that it was seeping out. I got up with help from Zack and Ray. The two walk out, Ray lagging behind Zack a bit, and me being in the very back. I couldn't hear anything except my own heartbeat. I couldn't feel anything besides the pain in my head... It hurts so bad... I couldn't focus on anything but the black spots that danced around my vision. Then the next thing I know, all I see is black.

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