Under Control

Bởi SimpForNothing

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Sequel Out Now "In Control" ________________________________________ Moving to New York city is a big thing f... Xem Thêm

Ch 1: New Boss
Ch 2: Get To Know
Ch 3: The Docks
Ch 4: Naughty
Ch 5: So It Begins
Ch 6: Shopping But Not Dating
Ch 7: Getting To Know You
Ch 8: A Tease
Ch 9: The Ace
Ch 10: Date?
Ch 11: Date Me
Ch 12: Honesty Is Key
13: I Like You
Ch 14: Girlfriend
Ch 15: Relax
Ch 16: The Manor
Ch 17: I Love You
Ch 18: Off To The Parents
Ch 19: The Parent's
Ch 20: Freaky & Calming
Ch 21: Problems
Ch 22: What's To Come
Side Chapter: Halloween
Ch 23: Secret Santa
Ch 24: Merry Christmas
Ch 25: Happy New Year
Ch 26: Anger & Pain
Ch 27: All Alone
Ch 28: The Past
Ch 29: Moving On
Ch 30: Trapped?
Ch 32: Two Weeks
Ch 33: It's Okay
Ch 34: Please Don't
Ch 35: Painful Thoughts
Ch 36: Fixer Up
Ch 37: Little Truths, Lots of Lies
Ch 38: Reconnected?
Ch 39: Our Secret
Ch 40: Danger
Ch 41: Regards
Ch 42: Donny Denatello
Ch 43: Arthur Whitlock
Ch 44: Broken Deals
Ch 45: Distractions
Ch 46: Lost Memory
Ch 47: Meeting Greenwood
Ch 48: Awake
Ch 49: Laying Low
Ch 50: Having Fun
Ch 51: The Talk
Ch 52: The Attack Pt.1
Ch 53: The Attack Pt. 2
Ch 54: Safety
Ch 55: Discovery
Ch 56: Eye For An Eye
Side Chapter: Childhood
Ch 57: Distant Memories
Ch 58: Behind The Mask
Ch 59: Enjoy Yourself
Ch 60: Losing
Ch 61: Fathers Daughter
Ch 62: Tomorrow
Ch 63: Face To Face
Ch 64: Face To Face Pt.2
Ch 65: Ending It All
Ch 66: Epilog
BC 1: Babies
BC 2: Ex's
BC 3: Threes A Party
BC 4: Birthday
The End

Ch 31: Runaway

3.6K 150 12
Bởi SimpForNothing

Amilia pov:

My breathing was labored, my legs and feet hurt from running, I was getting exhausted fast. I'm not sure how long I've been running for but it's been awhile.

The distant sounds of people yelling, dogs barking, and occasional gunshots kept me on edge. Looking behind I could see flashlight beams peaking through the darkened forest. Not seeing where I was going made me trip and fall over, tumbling into a small ditch.

I hit my head hard as I landed, with blurred vision I struggling to see anything in the dark. Clawing my way out I could hear them getting closer. Brushing the dirt and leaves off me, I booked it, pushing my body well past its limits.

Running past trees and bushes I struggled to see clearly, the only light source being the moon and faint light behind me. Hearing a gunshot go over my head I ducked behind a tree and took a sharp right. I could see the lights keep going straight while I took a detour.


Shouts of my name made my blood pump, my adrenaline spiking through the roof at this point. Keeping pace I see a breaking point in the distant treeline, more light coming through. More than excited I push myself forward, my heart soaring as I do.

Breaking out and coming onto an empty street I'm met with a bright light. I hold my hands up to block my sight to see it better, it was a car, and it's coming right at me. I saw the fear on the driver's face when I didn't move. Luckily they had fast reflexes and stopped just in time, my hands landing on the hood to help.

Loud barking and shouting grew closer, they would find me soon. Rounding to the passenger side of the car I quickly open it and throw myself In. Taking my knife out I point it at the man.

"Drive." My breathing was still harsh, everything was loud and terrifying.

"What!?" He looked to the forest. We could both clearly see light coming from the other end, the barking getting louder by the second.

"I will explain once you drive! NOW DRIVE!" I pressed it closer to his throat, seconds from killing him and stealing the car.

He nodded and took off, driving as fast as he could down the desolate road. Looking in the rear view mirror I could see them break the treeline. They shouted and pointed at the car in frustration. Away and calmed down a bit I relaxed into the seat.

It was at this moment I realized just what type of situation I got myself in. I was in a strangers car, threatening them. Pulling my knife back I place it in my lap and let out a breath of relief.

"So, you gonna explain or am I gonna die?" He laughed like this was funny. I couldn't see how he thought so.

"You're not gonna die… yet." I kept my eyes fixated on his movements, wanting to be sure he wouldn't do something dumb.

"Feisty. I like it." He chuckled and kept driving. 

We sat in silence for a few minutes, my body decompressing from the stress while he drives without a single care. He tapped his fingers along the steering wheel as he hummed a song.

"For someone being forced to drive you sure are taking it well." I scoffed, setting my satchel by my feet.

"I've been in worse situations." He waved me off with a kind smile. I took a moment to register what he looked like.

Messy brown hair that covered his eyes, plump lips, carmel skin, high cheekbones, a lean figure behind baggy clothes. He had a hat in his lap but didn't wear it. He looked at me, I think, and offered his hand to me.

"Names Jeremy."

"Amilia." He nodded and smiled.

"Right on. So what are you doing running from people, Amilia?" He laughed and waited for my response.

"I'd rather not say. What I need you to do is drive me to New York." I clenched the knife in my hand, ready to kill him if need be.

"Okay." He shrugged, taking a drink of an energy drink from the cup holder. I was stunned by his nonchalant answer.


"I said okay. One condition though." He held up his finger, a cheeky smile on his face.


"Let me pick up a few jobs on the way." I was even more confused by now. What kind of person just accepts this type of thing?

"Sure. Whatever. Wait, what kind of jobs?" 

"You'll see." Oh, this type of person. A criminal.

I was gonna ask more but gunshots sounded behind us. We ducked and kept driving as some of Mike's men drove up beside us. They shouted and pointed weapons at us.

"Aw sick! Let's go." Flipping on the radio he played heavy rap music loudly as he shifted in his seat.

In a second flat we were driving well past the speed limit and away from the four cars. I looked back in my seat, confused how we're out driving them. He happily sang with the lyrics of whatever was playing, doing hand symbols as he drove.

"What the fuck?" I shouted but he ignored me. We were quickly approaching a city with the speed we're driving at. One car behind us caught up and tried hitting us but he swerved out of the way.

"No way dude." He slipped his hat on and drove into the city, not caring to slow down one bit.

We drove through cars, weaving and avoiding them as we got on the highway. It took everything in me not to panic, my heart beating out of my chest at this point. One of the cars tried to ram us again, but failed when he hit the clutch and stopped us and re-sped up.

They crashed into the highway divider and tumbled up into the air. He laughed and continued to drive like he was in The Fast and The Furious. More shots sounded out as we drove onto normal streets, drifting around corners and running red lights. 

Each time they tried to hit us he would avoid and get them to crash instead. When it was just us and one left we heard sirens approach us.

"Fuck! Cops?" I frantically looked behind, watching the red and blue lights flash.

"Oink Oink little piggies!" He shouted and kept driving.

Moving onto a roadwork section he swerved between equipment and onto work in progress pavement. 5 cars were behind us as they chased, shouting and blaring sirens with the last of Mikes car.

Going off a makeshift ramp and over the cement I could see the final car slide wrong and crash into it, just leaving the cops. Looking forward I found us quickly approaching a Crane with no way around.

"Jeremy! Jeremy!" I slapped him arm frantically.


Hitting the brake and clutch he full 180 turned us around, flipping off the cops as we drifted. Booking it away from here I could hear the sound of loud crashing before silence fell, he managed to get away.

Merging back into the city he made us look calm and collected as we drove, the music getting dialed down. I could finally catch my breath from the panic attack I had from his driving.

"Holy shitholy shit." My hands covered my face as I tried to calm my breathing. 

"Nothing like a chase to get your blood pumping." He laughed and took us out of the city again, driving away from this place entirely.

"How the hell did you learn that?" I was baffled at his skill to not crash and burn.

"I've been a getaway driver since I got my license." Reaching into the glove compartment he pulled out a couple granola bars.

"Getaway? Like bank robberies?" There's no fucking way.

"Duh, what else would I mean?" He offered me a bar that I gratefully took.

"Oh god, those are the jobs on the way?" I would suffer more than one of these chases? Someone shoot me now.

"Positively." He wiggled his brows. I could actually see his eyes now due to the hat holding back the hair that was in his face.

Not having the energy to talk anymore, let alone stay awake I just nodded. Turning uncomfortably on my side I let my eyes close for a minute.

"Wake me in an hour." He hummed in acknowledgement.

Happy with the response I let sleep take me away, finally able to enjoy it.


I woke when sunlight splashed onto my face. Confused, I sat up immediately, frantically looking around for my knife. This woke Jeremy as he sat up and removed the hat covering his face.

"Morning already?" He yawned and stretched in his seat. 

"Where's my fucking knife?" I kept looking but couldn't find it.

"Chill out. It's right here. " He opened the glove compartment and handed it to me. Taking it from his hand I held it close.

"You were supposed to wake me up." I grunted. He waved me off and started the car up.

"You look like you need sleep. Now, I'm craving some bacon and pancakes. Let's eat!" He took off down the road.

Sighing defeated, I let him do as he wished. Open fields and grass plains passed us as he drives with idle music playing.

"You look like shit. Maybe we should get a hotel." He hummed in thought. Looking down I couldn't agree more.

My body was dirty with sweat, dirt, and leaves. My shirt and skirt tattered from running through bushes and trees for an extended period of time. I needed to get cleaned.

"Sure. Whatever gets us going." He nodded and sped up his driving.

It took us the better part of an hour to get to the next town, apparently he drove us out of Boise last night. He opted to stay on a secluded area of road before he fell asleep.

It was a small town, not much in it, more so a place to stop and fuel up if anything. We stopped at a gas station first, getting gas and snacks for the road, In his words. Afterwards he got us a cheap hotel to freshen up in.

Taking the first shower I set my bag down and turned it on to a scolding heat. There were complimentary cleaning items for me, I used them all, far too dirty from running. Stepping out as billows of steam leave I wipe the mirror and take a better look at myself.

Bags under my eyes, scars littering me, bruises still covering my body even if the abuse happened long ago. Using a shitty brush I detangle my hair and run conditioner in it. I used the clothes I took and dressed myself up.

Feeling cleaner and a little better, I was ready to eat. Exiting the bathroom I found Jeremy waiting and looking at his phone. It was the first one I've seen since leaving that hellhole.

"You ready, girly?" He smiled and sat up, pocketing his phone. Rolling my eyes I immediately left the room with him on my tail.

"It's a yes!" He took the steps two at a time down, beating me to the bottom. 

Getting in the car we drove around and found a small diner. Going in we get a booth and almost instantly ordered food, too hungry to care what we ate. I drank some coffee while he sipped his juice, neither of us talking.

"You look better without all that shit on you." He smiled and chewed on his straw. I couldn't see his eyes due to his hair but I had a feeling they were shining.

"Are you hitting on me?" I felt my hand twitch for my knife.

"What? No. Girl, you are the wrong team for me." He laughed and took a large sip from his drink. Relaxing again I take another drink of my coffee.


Food came and I dug in quickly, scarfing down my food without care. He watched and gave me a thumbs up and a bright smile. When the hunger was less prominent I calmed down and ate like a normal person.

"You must be lucky y'know." He said with a mouthful of food, pointing his fork at me.

"Really? I like to think I'm the opposite." Rolling my eyes I continued to eat my food.

"Nah, not with the way I see it. I think you got an insane amount of luck or… you're really good at being a coincidence." He swallowed his food with a large gulp of juice.

"You sound dumb." 

"I'm serious. Think about it. What are the chances you run into me at that exact moment? It could be someone else, would it go the same way? What if I was someone that was chasing you? Hell, there might have been something that helped you get out that you didn't even count on."

Thinking for a moment, I realized he might be a little right. If it wasn't for Evan I think I'd still be there, I would probably subcome to my sanity. If it wasn't for Jeremy picking me up, I would probably have to kill someone and try to outrun them on my own.

Evan and Jermey are my greatest coincidences… Thank God…

His brows furrowed as he looked past me, turning my head I found one of the men in suits. They chased us all the way out here? He pulled my attention back and placed his hat on my head. Getting a waitress over we got our food boxed up as he paid. 

With it all settled we got up and ducked out the back, rounding to the front to get inside the car. Once in we took off immediately, heading back for the hotel.

"I didn't think they'd follow for so long." He mumbled, checking the rear view mirror.

"You're telling me."

"Let's get some sleep and travel tonight." I nodded and let him take the lead on getting us to our destination.

"What if they get close?" He smiled and reached inside the center console, pulling out a gun and placing it in his lap.

"Then I'll handle them." 

Arriving at the hotel we snuck into our room and calmed down. He let me sleep first as he sat and watched through the window with his gun ready. He was awfully nice.

Getting on my bed I curled up and pulled my scrapbook from the satchel. I looked over pictures and little items inside, reminiscing on what's to come. With his help I'd get to see her again, and hopefully soon.

Thank you Jeremy.

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