The Ark of War (Crossover x E...

By Primarch_MJ

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I do not own WH40k, Arknights, Azur lane, or references to other franchises, or Halo for that matter. I don't... More

Prologue (Revised)(Mostly)
Bio Pt. 1 (Revised, little change)
Chapter one: A new Faction. (Revised)
Yelena's Birthday (Revised)
The Twin-Headed Eagle (New-ish)
A Simplified Explanation of the Imperial Navy & HIM Kansens
Pest control. (New)
Midway, Pt. 1 (New-ish)
H.I.M. Texas & Wyoming Complement (New-ish)
Midway, Pt. 2 (New-ish)
Eagle Union, The Imperium, and the UN. (New)
Bio: Pt. 2 (New)
Take a Break! Or we'll make you. (New-ish)
Rhodes Island Operator Tracking. (New-ish)
Tail terror. (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 1 (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 2 (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 3 (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 4 (New)
Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 5 (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcements Pt. 6 (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcements Pt. 7 (New-ish)
Gancaster reinforcements Pt. 8 (New-ish)
Preparations. (New-ish)
Other Gancaster Officers (New-ish)
Awakening the Giant, Pt. 1 (New-ish)
Awakening the Giant, Pt, 2 (New)
Awakening the Giant, Pt. 3 (New-ish)
Scarab Troubles (New-ish)
Neck deep in trouble and a whole lotta 'Nids
The Fall of Ursus, Pt. 1
The fall of Ursus, Pt. 2
Thanks to those reading.
The Search/Meetings and Discoveries
Lost and Found
Treatise of a Treaty
The Debate (Arrival)
The Debate (The Foundation/Tala's 'fun')
The Debate (Politics . . . Ugh.)
Reactions/Slice of Life 1
Meet the Fleet, Pt. 1 (new)
Meet the Fleet, Pt. 2
Meet the Fleet Pt. 3
Just another day/Western Front: Beachhead
Dies Commemorationis
Authors Note 1
Dies Aurorae
The Western Front: The Serran Dragoons, Pt. 1 (edited slightly)
The Western Front: The Serran Dragoons, Pt. II
Fools and defiance
The Pacific Front: Hood's Understanding/Selene's panick
The Pacific Front: A New Arrival (emperor-class specifications edited)
The Pacific Front: A New Arrival Pt. 2 (shorter)
The Western Front: Road to Paris
The Western Front: Siege of Paris
Counting Crows

Beginning of a bizarre adventure (New)

318 7 4
By Primarch_MJ

"where you see half a crew, I see a thousand brave men and women who would gladly die in the name of the Imperium, before the Ever, EVER, turn tail and run, and where you see one old

ship. . .

I see a Home, and that, Eris, is Always WORTH FIGHTING FOR!"

-Knight Lord Kaiser, aboard, to the AI of the Light-Dreadnaught Cobras Fumantes, Before his supposed death at the Hands of the Darkness in the Prologue.

(yes, this is a modified captain cutter's speech from Halo wars 2, and I used it because it is good, I do not own the original, or probably the modified for that matter, because I only switched out maybe two words.)


Azur Lane Base

Y/n POV.

I am now back at the Azur Lane base, With Mordred, and yes, I do have Zachariah's head, wait, why am I answering a question to nonexistent. . .

Wait. what if this is just a stor-

Mordred: Y/N! YOU THERE!? HELLLOOOOOOO?!? *starts hitting Y/n on the head with the Hilt of her sword*.

Y/n: I'm here I'm Here now STOP HITTING MY HEAD!?

Mordred: Fine. . . Anyways, we should go see how Warspite is doing since we left to go kill the commander, and we should probably get rid of the head hanging from your hip, what are you, a Khornate Berserker?

Y/n: No, I was planning on giving it to mom, the most efficient way to transport it without carrying it was to hang it on my armor like one of my trophies. Mom will probably want to burn it, and then keep the skull. I wonder how Yelena is doing. . .

???: Y/n!

Me and Mordred then look in the Direction of the Voice, and saw cleveland running to us, we also saw some Azur lane Kansens looking at us curiously, likely because they don't know about us yet.

Y/n: Cleveland, what is it? we're trying to decide what do do with the head of your CO, what do you think, Burn it and keep the skull, or watch it get torn apart by Wyverns?

Everyone looks at me and Mordred oddly, like its not something they do here. Wait, we're not in the Imperium. . .

Cleveland: Wait, did you say head?

Mordred: Yep, we sure did!

I then pull the head off of my armor and show it to Cleveland, while fixing the officers hat on the top of it, so it looks presentable.

Cleveland: *Gags/starts to Puke* W-why did you keep the head?

Y/n/Mordred: Trophy, also we were bored.

Cleveland: I-I'm not even going to ask if the rest of the Imperium does this. . .

Y/n: Oh, of course they do, but mainly only to worthy opponents, I just kept it to mock your Commander even in death, because he hurt my sister, so why wouldn't I do it? He has-I mean Had no Honor, so he does not deserve even a sliver of respect from me, or the rest of the Imperium for that matter. anyways, why were you calling me?

Cleveland: Ok, so This Girl named Athena showed up, along with a little Lupo Girl named Tala, and another kid named Wilhelm who is an Aslan (A/n: using these terms instead of Wolf and Lion Faunus because in Arknights their races have their own names, rather than being called Faunus), And your Mom, Ms. Iron-Du-I mean Ms. M/n, told us in the Royal navy section of the Academy that they were your Kids? And they have rigging?

I then black out.

3rd POV

Cleveland and Mordred see Y/n Feint. Mordred just lets him fall flat on his back, creating several large cracks in the concrete because of the weight of his armor, which desummoned after he hit the ground. Mordred just stood, stunned, and in shock.

Cleveland: I'm assuming that what Mrs. M/n said was was true then? Also how heavy is Y/n's armor?

Mordred then feinted as well, her armor creating smaller cracks, but still cracks, in the Concrete.

Cleveland: *Sweat dropping* Uhh. . . I think I need some help. *looks around and sees Enterprise and Hood, who just now returned, while a crowd of Azur Lane Kansens gathers around the two unconscious Imperials* Enterprise! Hood! A little help Please? These two passed out when I told them Y/n's Kid somehow got here! And Apparently his kids have Rigging!?

Enterprise: I'll help, I need to thank him for saving my sister, Hornet.

Hood: Kids? That. . . I don't know how to describe him, is he a Demon of Righteousness or an Angel of Death? Anyways, who would have thought. I'll help, but only because him and his sister saved our sortie, also because him and his Imperium have not been revealed to the General public, so we need to get him away from prying eyes. . . I'm still suspicious though, I mean, some parts of his rigging looks like Iron blood Rigging, just a lot larger. Not to mention the Eagles and Dragons, we've only ever seen Iron blood riggings in the Likeliness of animals, and even then, they only have sharks. . .

Le Small timeskip

3rd POV

Athena and her siblings were sitting with their grandma, Talking with their newly discovered aunts.

Athena: So grandma, you're a ship?

M/n: Yes.

Athena: And dad is too?

M/n: Yes.

Tala: SO COOL!

Wilhelm: Tala, really?

Tala: What? I want to be a ship too!

Wilhelm then facepalms.

Wilhelm: you do know those big cannons on your back mean you are a ship, right?

Tala then looks at her back and her face lights up with joy.

Tala: YES! BEST. DAY. EVER!!!!!

QE: So, mother, these are my nieces? I must say, I wasn't expecting there to be a Lupo and an Aslan.

M/n: Yes, they are, as you may have noticed, Athena is the oldest and most mature here, Aslan and Tala are near inseparable, and Aslan is very overprotective of Tala. And out of all of the Family, Athena is the only one other than you and Warspite that favors tea over Hot Chocolate and Coffee.

QE: Really? Then we should get along ju-Wait, you and Y/n don't like tea? I understand Mordred, but you two?

M/n: Have you not noticed that I barely touch my tea? also, on another note, you do realize that Y/n acts more like an Eagle Union ship than a Royal Navy ship, Right? I wouldn't be surprised if he already has a Ranch in Imperial Territory. Also Warspite, are you alright? don't worry, your brother should be back soon with Zachariah's head.

Warspite then relaxes a little bit, she has been quiet ever since she recovered from the incident.

Warspite: How powerful is Y/n's rigging?

M/n: He could likely destroy a Large city with a singe shot from one of his tertiary guns in his Rigging's 3rd weakest form. Don't even get me started on Standard Imperial main Armaments, or armor for that matter.

Warspite: do you think he'd m-mind if I went with him, w-wherever he is going after this?

M/n: Traumatized are you dearie? well, to answer your question, I do not think he'd mind, but he might have his hands full, someone other than Mordred and Johnson need to ease his burden, he takes everything upon himself . . . If you do go with him, do you think you can help him? he has more pain pent up inside than a million enterprises. . . and I know that for a fact. He would still do his best to protect his family members though. I understand if you won't want to come back to Azur Lane base in fear that the next commander may be the same as Zachariah, but know this, there is no shame in having fear, only in letting fear rule you. A mother's wisdom, passed on to her daughter, use it well.

QE: Warspite, does this mean your going with him?

Warspite: Y-yes . . .

QE: I understand, don't worry, I know our brother will protect you from more people like him, even if I have only known him a short amount of time, to him, from what I can see, Family, Honor, and Nation are everything to him . . .

Warspite: Y-yes. . .

Tester Beta?: Well, let's go get him then, don't want to keep my king waiting then.

M/n/Warspite/QE: I see, Y/n has finally Awakened his powers as the Taken King/SIREN!

TB: Why are you two so afraid?


TB: Was, Pretty sure I'm a . . . what was it called Ms. M/n?

M/n: Taken.

TB: Yeah, that. You see, when I was killed, Y/n unknowingly used the Sword logic, which he obtained mastery over by killing the previous Taken King, Oryx, who name Y/n his heir, which caught my soul, gave me a new physical form, and now, I serve only Y/n, I am thankful I still have my personality though.

Warspite: So. . . Your undead?

TB: Something like that. Also how did I get here? I just remember getting jolted awake by. . . Oh.

Warspite: What?

M/n/TB: Y/n is unconscious.

Cleveland then barged in the room with a very heavy armored Mordred on her back and collapses, Mordred still asleep, while Hood and Enterprise struggle to somehow carry Y/n in the room by his arms and legs.

QE: What. . . Happened?

Cleveland: *muffled from under Mordred* Y/n and Mordred Feinted when they heard Athena, Tala, And Wilhelm were here. . . Help, Please, anybody, her armor is really heavy.

The Royal Navy Kansens present Sweat drop at this. . .

QE: So, on a completely different note, When are the Tankery Tournaments starting?

(A/n: Yes, Girls Und panzer will be featured from time to time. Why? because I want to see the characters react to a Leeman Russ or a Baneblade, maybe a Falchion or Fellblade, Mainly Bane blades though, and T-600 Titans will also be included in the Imperial armory from COD advanced warfare, along with a few other sci fi tanks).

M/n: SUSH!

QE: *curious about her mother's outburst* But wh-

Athena:-Dad is obsessed with Tankery, almost as much as aeronautics, if he heard you say "Tankery Tournament" he would show up in one of His Baneblades. The Imperium even had it's own Tankery Federation, and if I know my father, His new Imperium likely does too.

QE: I believe I understand, but what is a Baneblade?

Y/n: *Jolts awake* Did I just hear an Infidel say one of the most Heretical things since the 30th Crusade? Also did I hear Tankery?

M/n/Athena/Wilhelm: Oh No.

Y/n: OH YES!!!

Tala: Dad! Does this mean we're going to ride in a Baneblade?! *Literal stars start to form in her eyes*

Y/n: Why Yes we are! Also, Athena, Mind telling me HOW THE HECK YOU GOT HERE?!?!? I LEAVE YOU FOR NOT EVEN TWO YEARS AND KODIAK ALREADY LOST YOU?!?!?! (A/n: Kodiak is one of Y/n's friends, a SPARTAN X)

Athena: *shying away* Dad . . . Uncle Kodiak is Dead.

Y/n: . . .

Mordred: *Awake now* . . .

Y/n: W-what about your aunts Selene, Chris, and your Uncle Pyre?

Athena: I-I don't know . . . The darkness . . . it's loose. . .

Tala: *walks over to Athena scared thinking about it, tugging on her shirt* D-dad, are we going to be Ok?

Wilhelm: *Walks over to tala and starts to comfort her* Father, the Imperium is in shambles. . .

Y/n: *Walks over to his kids and picks them all up with unhuman strength into a hug* I won't Ever, let it harm you, am I clear *puts them down*. Now, I have to visit some old friends, I'll have your Uncles Vulcan and Leeman Russ pick you up. And mom, I would suggest upgrading defenses. . . This place is more of a resort than a naval base, I mean, no artillery, barricades, AA guns, Forts, Or live fire exercises? The hell kind of military base is this?

M/n: I am already working on that, and in the meantime, I believe Warspite wants to go with you.

Y/n: Warspite, is this true?

Warspite: *nods head*

Y/n: Well, come on then, we don't have all day. . . well, actually we do, but the sooner I get this over with the better. I'll summon Fafnir. We're road-tripping it to Kazdel! I want to explore this world and see if anything has changed.

M/n: Are you sure you want to summon a dragon in public? Why not a Pelican or Valkerie dropship?

Y/n: because neither are fun, have you ever tried to do stupid things in one of those? It just doesn't work. A dragon However, there is a LOT of stupid shit that I can do, most of it me messing with Warspite while we're in the air, but she'll figure it out.

Warspite: Wait, What?

Y/n: If your coming, then follow, Fafnir is already here, I had TB bring em'. fair warning, he loves fish, so never eat fish near em', learned that one the hard way, and also, might want to hide your tail when we get there, if I know Red, She'll try to restrain you to fluff it, Also learned that the hard way.

Warspite: But you don't have a tail?

Y/n: Correction, I have multiple tails, two sets of wings, and different animal features that appear on my head depending on what mood I'm in, I can summon them, just can't get rid of them, they have minds of their ow-*Dragon tail summons and starts to hit him* OW OW OW! DROW, STOP IT *tail desummons*. anyways, I have full control over some of them, but otherwise, they have their own minds.

Warspite: Do you have a Lupo tail? or a Perro?

Y/n: Last time I checked, I had 3 Lupo tails, and 2 Perro. I also have the ears, but I have full control over said tails and ears. Also keep me away from peanut butter, I love that stuff.

Warspite: Noted.

Le small timeskip


Warspite: *nervously* Th-That's Fafnir?

Y/n: Yep! TB (Tester Beta, also she already had a pic in the chapter "the twin headed eagle", since she is a Taken now, replace yellow and with with a turquoise or cobalt blue and black)! You want to ride too?!

TB: *Looking at Fafnir* *nervously* N-no. I'm fine. I'll just wait in your rigging . . . *Dissapears/Teleports to rigging*

I then turn to see Fafnir in all of his Majestic Glory.

(Fafnir, I do not own pic, found it on the web)

Y/n: Hey, Fafnir, We're road tripping to Kazdel

Fafnir: *Understanding dragon noises*

Y/n: *Hops on the Behemoths back, not bothering to sit down.*

Warspite: Is there no saddle?

Y/n: Oh my god, that's even more blasphemous than QE not knowing about Baneblades. OF COURSE NOT!

Warspite: What do you mean of Course not! its a Dragon!

Y/n: *facepalms* Saddles, my dear sister, are only used on Wyverns and Horses, and sometimes war beasts. What you just asked is enough within Imperial Culture for someone to identify you as stupid, subsequently challenge you to a duel . . .

Warspite: HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT?!?! Also where is Mordred?

Y/n: She has her own ride.

Warspite: What do you mea-

Mordred: *Riding on the outside of a P-51 Mustang shooting a Thompson machinegun in the air* WOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *Zooms overhead* *getting quieter* I HAVE NO CONTROool of this thing! . . .

Warspite: Um. . . Is she always like that?

Y/n: Only half the time. Now get on, we don't want an outdated fighter to beat a literal dragon now, would we?

I help Warspite up, and she begins clinging to one of Fafnir's larger spikes on his back, as if she is afraid to fall off.

Y/n: why are you holding on to one of Fafnir's spikes?


Y/n: Pfft, Amateur.

Warspite: What?


Fafnir: *Agreeing dragon noises*

Warspite: You too Fafnir?!

Y/n: Fafnir, Fly as fast as you can to the first rest stop, if we're going to make any progress on this Road trip, we gotta go FAST.

Warspite: Wait NO NOT YE-

Fafnir: *Roars* *Takes off*



Fafnir: *Annoyed Roar* [translation: Master, will you please get her to shut up? She's hurting my ears, and I don't even HAVE EARS! I HAVE HORNS!]


Fafnir: *Questioning Roar/growl* [translation: I don't know, but you don't seem to be comforting her, isn't she your sister?]


I then make my way to Warspite after arguing with Fafnir.

Y/n: *Pats Warspite on the back* Warspite! Are You OK!? You Seem To Be Screaming A Lot!?


Y/n: Of course not, I'm used to this. Mom and Dad would teach me how to ride friecking Missiles when I was ten. So this is a walk in the park, also, dragons can be steered and controlled, while missiles are probably not the best rides.

Warspite: *looks at Y/n Questioningly* Umm . . . Y/n?

Y/n: Yes, Warspite?

Warspite: Are you Ok?

Y/n: Of course I am, Why do you ask?

Warspite: *worriedly* Your eyes are glowing red and your nose is bleeding . . .

Y/n: I'm Fine . . . Wait, WHA-

Everything then fades to black.

3rd person POV

Warspite: Y/N!

Fafnir: *Worried Growls*


Fafnir: *Understanding Roars* *Lands*

Mordred then appeared to be falling out of the sky, in her armor, she creates a small crater near where Fafnir and Warspite Landed. Mordred Appears to be Unconscious too.

A Day Later.

Y/n POV.


Warspite: *Teary Eyes* Y/N! *Tackles Y/n and starts to bear hug him*.

Y/n: WOAH THERE! SIS! I JUST WOKE UP FROM . . . Whatever that was? I don't even know what happened other than me falling unconciou-*Coughs Up Blood*.

Warspite: Y/N! Are You Ok!?!?

Y/n: I'm Fine! Just a little bit of blood! At least we were over land when I passed out.

Warspite: What Happened?!


A Tree then falls on her. Somehow.

Mordred: OUCH!

Y/n/Warspite: *Sweat Dropping* What?

Mordred: . . .

Warspite: Anyways? . . .

Y/n: I think I have a new rigging, I don't know what happened, but one of my Ship AI's told me in my sleep my father was a Kansen too?!  How's That Even POSSIBLE?! The AI doesn't even know how I fell asleep though. And after that, Khorne told me that the Darkness was doing some wacky crap trying to find me, but I have no idea what caused me to pass out. . .
And the thing is I was conscious the whole time, but it was like I was paralyzed.


Y/n: Sure, Let's try! I mean, your my cousin/Sister and were raised with us, so why not!

Mordred/Y/n: *Summon Ships with tracks on the bottom (Imperial maritime ships are Amphibious, so they can act as land ships too)*

Y/n/Mordred: Oh. My. God.

Warspite: What? What Kind of battleships are these?

Y/n: *Tearing Up* I-Its Beutiful . . .

Mordred: *Also tearing up* I Didn't Think we'd ever see these again . . .

Warspite: What?! What's so special about these ships?

Y/n: *crying of joy* They were the First vessels we ever commanded . . . And they're upgraded too! . . .

Mordred: *Crying* It's Good to have the Old Gal Back . . .

Y/n: . . . *still crying* Good to have my ship. . . no, Home back again . . .

Warspite: What kind of Ships are they? Also, what are their names? or, well, I guess Your names?

Y/n: My dear sister . . . This Magnificent engine of destruction, Adamantine and Neutronium, Is one of the Imperial Navy's Finest ships . . . As is Mordred's . . .

Warspite: Yes, But what are they? They're HUGE! *looks at both the Ships, which easily dwarf the Yamato class.*

Y/n: *referring to his ship* This, Warspite . . . Is something I consider home, and Something I started and finished with my own two Hands . . .  H.I.M. Terra Class Battle Carrier. . . The H.I.M Texas! *Runs and Hugs His ship* Oh . . . It's good to have you back, you Magnificent Engine of War . . . And Look! You Even Grew Some Tracks!

Mordred: *Not crying but still tearing up* This . . . Warspite . . . Is the Terra Class Battle Carrier H.I.M. Wyoming. *Hugs her ship* Oh, I've missed you . . . My Glorious Fleet Killer . . .

(Terra class battle carriers look like this, I found this Pic on the Web, just make it bigger and add some of these weapons for anti ship and point defense


[quad Barreled rail gun system, non-explosive, but still creates explosions due to amount of kinetic energy, 10 gigatons, but explosion is more akin to 5 kilotons)(50 of them)

(90mm High explosive point defense, auto detonates at a set distance when on Flak mode, otherwise uses AP rounds for anti ship, 20 megatons of force and rounds are fired at Mach 5 due to hyper mag rails)(300 of these)

(Dual tri barreled turret naval artillery platforms, 20in shells)(30 of these)

(Multi purpose weapon towers, dual main barrels, 18in, dual CIWS guns.)(80)

(Quad barreled turreted 30in naval artillery/batteries, internal mag-rails, so technically not artillery, only called that) (30 of them)

Warspite: Do these ships mean a lot to you?

Y/n: *Suprsed* OF COURSE! These ships were our homes for the Longest time! This, Was my first Flagship, and my First ship, Built em' with my own two hands.

Warspite: You built these?

Y/n: Imperial tradition, In the Imperium it is expected that you build, or at least finish, the first ship you command. Not only does it let us know our ships inside and out, but it also helps us add our own modifications to the Standard Hull Design. Being a Battle Carrier, ours can Also fly and deploy aircraft, but in The Texas I prefer Land and Water, makes me feel more at home. I wonder if my hats and other outfits are still on it, along with some of my old equipment . . .

Warspite: What do you mean?

Y/n: Most of the stuff I own is probably on the ship, because it was some place I considered home, but It was destroyed when we engaged Dark Acolytes in my Second crusade. This ship right here, Warspite, Is a veteran through and through. Same goes for Mordred's ship. Hmm. . . Wonder what happened to the It's sibling ships.

Warspite: I've been meaning to ask, what under what circumstances do Imperial Ships and Kansens consider each other Siblings?

Mordred: They have to be built at the same place, class doesn't matter. What matters, is the Shipyard. this is because we have Millions of any one class, and if we develop a new class as a successor, the ships from the previous class are retrofitted to the new class most of the time.

Warspite: So two Corvettes of the same class built at different shipyards will not consider each other siblings?

Y/n: Correct, And they will consider the Shipyard they were built at their Father or Mother. I'm still trying to figure out how to work my shipyards.

Warspite: What do you mean 'your' shipyards?

Y/n: Exactly what I said. Two of My ships have Absolutely massive mobile shipyards. I know how to work Invictus', but I'm trying to figure out how to use the Ark of War's Stellar and Dreadnaught Forges.

Warspite: So your family will grow a lot?

Y/n: Yes . . . And no, you see, My ship board AI's also have mental models, but they act as voices in my head whenever I'm not on my ship or have my rigging on, so they'll consider both me and all of my shipboard AI's Family. also I'm only going to build Capital Ships Capital Escort ships, or Super-Capital ships with the Ark of War, the Invictus and other dreadnaughts will create escorts and light cruisers.

Warspite: how big are these ships again?

Y/n: about 10km, give or take, when on land the mechanisms on board make them more akin to the Terran Landships and mobile cities, where it is stacked and looks more like a box, to make it smaller while retaining all facilities functionality. But we can also keep them in their original shape, which is what I'm planning on doing.

???: Y/n! Mordred! Is that you?!

I the turn to see an AI Mental Model, or, person, rather, that I thought I'd never see again. . .
Z-2, or as me and the Texas' crew would call her, Shiela, we even gave her a last name, based upon who created her, Said last name being Bramley, and despite being an AI, her and her Brother were some of my best friends. . .
Speaking of which, where is her brother?

(Z-2/Sheila Bramley, yes, this pic is from darling in the Franxx, I think it is Fan art. I do not own pic, I found it on the web)(she will be referred to as Sheila from now on)

Y/n/Mordred: SHEILA?!?!

Z-2/Sheila: Thaaaaats Meeee! Wait. *inhales sharply* Y/n? Mordred? IT REALLY IS YOU! *starts tearing up* *also starts running at Y/n with her arms out*

Mordred: uh. . . Y/n, might wanna move.

Y/n: why? I'm an eight foot giant, Sheila's mental model appears to only be 6ft, it's not like it's gonna-OOF *gets tackled by Shiela into a hug*

Mordred: Pfft, Hahaha. You were saying?

Y/n: How the heck. . . You know what, never mind, Sheila, will you please get off of me?

Shiela: *burying her head into Y/n's chest* No.

Mordred: Pffft HAHAHAHA! Oh my god I am SO taking a picture of this.

Y/n: OH COME ON! Also, on another note, Shiela, where is your brother Dominus? I don't see him.

Shiela: what do you mean where is he, he should be on the Holo-wait, we're not on the ship?

Y/n: ok?

Warspite: Um. . . Y/n? She might not know what a Mental model is?

Shiela: *gets off of Y/n and looks at herself* I-I have a physical body now? I have a physical body now. . . OH MY GOD I HAVE A PHYSICAL BODY NOW *high pitched squealing*.

Y/n: OW! Shiela! My ears!

Shiela: Oops, sorry, forgot about that. And I'm assuming this "Mental Model" thing is the reason I have a human body now, instead of a Hologram?

Mordred: Yep, come to think of it, why aren't any of my AIs here?

Y/n: you never had AIs, remember? You said that you didn't need a machine to do a humans work. . . And then it came back to bite you in the ass, remember?

Mordred: HEY! I thought we agreed to not talk about that!

Y/n: and yet you wonder why you don't have any AIs. . .

Warspite: hate to interrupt the reunion but. . . Who is that? *points to the Texas' ship deck*

Everyone looks to see an armored figure.

???: My Lord.

Y/n: wait. . . That voice. . . WAIT, THATS MY ARMOR! Wait a Diddly darn Friecking minute! *runs to the Texas* DOMINUS! THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY WRAITH ARMOR?!????

Dominus: for some reason, unlike Shiela, when I woke up I didn't have any clothes on, so I decided to raid your closet, you have a LOT of armor in there. Don't worry, you have another 6 sets of wraith armor. Also the mask is kind of stuck to my face now. . . It's attached.

Y/n: that's because it's bound to you now. . . I never wore that armor because I was saving it for a guard unit I was going to make. That armor is now bound to you, you can take it off, but it doesn't really come off, it just changes it's appearance. And I made those sets myself.

Shiela: *now clinging on Y/n* HI DOMINUS!

Y/n: What?! How the heck did you *looks at where she was and then to her several times* what? How in the?

Mordred: best not to dwell on it.

Warspite: so these two are your friends?

Mordred/Y/n: Yep.

Warspite: also you mentioned these ships are "Battlecarriers"? What are those?

Mordred: Battleship aircrew carrier hybrids, the term is only used in maritime fleets though, because almost all of our non maritime/terrestrial ships have hangars or some form of aircraft compatibility. There are still dedicated carriers though.

Warspite: What kind of aircraft do they carry?

Mordred: I don't know the exact details, Y/n, However, does, because he modified these things himself, I think he added cloning facilities of some sort, fabricators, and mining and hydroponics facilities, meaning these are completely self sufficient ships.

These two carry 1,000 F-41 Broadsword Multirole Inrerceptors/strike fighters,
200 UH-I44 falcon troop transports, 200 Imperial Phantoms, 200 D77 Transports/gunships, 1,000 X03 Saber Multirole Fighters (not the same as the regular saber), and 400 B-65 suborbital Long-Range bombers Each at the moment. Not to mention the 300 Imperial Seraph and 300 GA-TL1 Longsword Heavy Strike craft. These two ships also hold a Variety of Vehicles. All of these fighters and Vehicles are stored in pocket dimensions created specifically for these two ships, they essentially have near infinite storage space. Also all of the weapons and many of the ship functions are either auto loading or autonomous, leading to a small crew for ships of these sizes.

(F-41 Broadsword)

UH-I44 Falcon

Imperial Phantoms (Replace all colors with black, Replace white lights with red lights)

D77 Pelican Transports/Gunships (green, Reach, and stealth Variants)

X-03 Saber Multirole Fighters (replace green with, you guessed it, Black, and white with red or orange)

B-65 Sub Orbital Long-Range Bombers (those wingtip thingies at the ends of the wings are actually angles directly behind the main body, parallel to the tail, and are small thrusters)

GA-TL1 Multirole Interceptor/bomber (the largest out of all of these)

Warspite: now I understand why Mordred called her's is a fleet killer. . .

Y/n: also, Dominus, on another note, is there anyone in the Cryopods on our ships?

Dominus: Let me check *holo-screen appears*

Dominus: surprisingly, yes. I don't know how they got there, but there are several Alpha Legion Astartes. There are also assets of the 1286th, 700th, 160th, and 50th Cadian guard divisions, not to mention 20 Death Korps of Krieg Divisions, some divisions from the Imperial Marine Corps/IMC, and . . .*eyes widen* what the. . . Is this right?

Y/n: what is it?

Dominus: Your not going to believe this. . .

Mordred: JUST TELL US!

Shiela: Come on Big Bro! Tell us!

Dominus: there are. . . 6 Regiments of Tempestus Scions, and 4 Regiments of Cadian Kasrkins. . . Not to mention 20 Armageddon Iron Legion Divisions. . . Oh my god.

Y/n: what is it?

Dominus: I-It's HIM!

Mordred/Y/n: WHO?!?!/JUST TELL US!!!

Dominus: Fine. . . You know Y/n, Mordred, you two have no respect for dramatic suspense, you know that? Anyways Commisar Sebastian Yarrick is in Cryo as well.

Y/n/Mordred: *look at each other* Uh. . . *look at back at Dominus* could you repeat that?

Dominus: Commisar Sebastian Yarrick is in cryo on the Texas?

Y/n: . . .

Mordred: . . .

Warspite: Y/n? Mordred? *looks at Shiela* are they Ok?

Shiela: Probably. Maybe. *looks at Y/n, who literally has smoke coming out of his ears* on second thought, probably not? Looks like he short circuited, and he's not even a machine!

Warspite: Umm. . . *looks at Mordred, who's hair is currently. . . On fire?* what?

Dominus: Allow me.

Warspite: what do you mean?

Shiela: Dominus, NO.

Warspite: What?

Dominus: *pulls out a huge frying pan from. . . His pocket*

Warspite: Oh No.

Dominus: *hits Mordred and Y/n over the head with the frying pan* BONK!

Y/n: *in mind* [Y/n.EXE is rebooting, please wait. . .]



Y/n: AAAAaaaanndd I'm back.

Warspite: what happened?

Y/n: we'll, for starters, Neither of us were expecting that many people to be on our ships, and more importantly, nearly all of them are Elite divisions, Especially the Tempestus Scions and the Cadian Kasrkins. But the thing that made us, space out, Is that our uncle Yarrick Is on MY SHIP!?!? WE THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD!!! EVERYONE THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD?!?!

Dominus; there also appears to be a message left in the last supply record. . . Is says, "your welcome" from primordials Dark and Light, and it also appears that both ships are fully stocked with ammunition, vehicles, supplies, and materials. The fact that we have separate pocket dimensions for each of those things means that we have a LOT, of things stored on these ships.

Y/n: Dang. . . Looks like Dark and Light helped out more than they said. Good news is. . . I've decided we'll use these for the "road-trip", seeing as they're fully stocked with personnel and supplies. Observer Beta?

OB: *Materializes* Yes?

Y/n: Tell Fafnir he's dismissed, we have new rides. And Dominus, Wake everyone up in Cryo and tell them the situation and current state of the Imperium, or at least what we know, and fill Uncle Yarrick on what's been happening, I'm also promoting him to Lord Commisar, and granting him Inquisition level access and authority.

OB: Got it!

Dominus: As you wish my Lord.

Warspite: what are we going to do in the meantime?

Mordred: we wait, if we act before everyone is filled in on the current state of the Imperium, it could be detrimental, there's no telling how long they've been in Cryo.

Shiela: Hey, Y/n? Your Emperor now, right?

Y/n: Yes, why?

Shiela: Just wondering.

Y/n: We'll, we best be off then. I don't even know how we've kept the Imperium's existence from the world until now, but something tells me things are about to get hectic on the world theatre. . .

3rd person POV

And with that, they were off, everyone started walking towards the ships, but unknown to them, several different factions were watching. . . Somehow going unnoticed by the group.

In the Trees. . .

Siren?: we should report this to the Empress.

Siren?2: understood. But why is Tester Beta working for them? Is she a traitor? Also did you see their tech?

Siren?: no, I was spying on them at the Azur Lane base earlier and they mentioned her no longer being a Siren, a Taken, rather, whatever that is. . . And about their tech, I've been trying to gather data with a Black Wisdom Cube, but it hasn't been working. . .

Siren2?: that means that they use Black Wisdom cubes too, doesn't it? Or something more powerful!

Siren?: we'll find out soon enough, we should report in.

Behind a nearby Hill. . .

Iron blood Kansen?: this is certainly interesting, we started tracking Warspite, but to think we would find a new faction.

Sakura Empire Kansen: It is, very interesting, and from what I heard, their leader, or, "emperor", is Warspite's Brother? Also THEY HAVE DRAGONS.

Iron blood Kansen?: I heard. Not only that, but their technology exceeds our wildest dreams. . .

Behind some nearby rocks. . .

Reunion Member?: Hmm. . . Interesting.

Reunion member2?:what do we do?

Reunion member 3?: the only thing we can right now, report in to W and tell her the situation, let's hope she doesn't go crazy at the Idea of a new faction. . . So much more technologically advanced too.

In some bushes. . .

Emperor's Blade/EB?: so these are the people responsible for raising our Labor Camps. . . I should head back.

And from a nearby abandoned building.

Rhodes Operator?: So these are the people Kal'tsit and That high admiral from azur lane tasked us with tracking?

Eagle union Kansen?: They are.

Royal Navy Kansen?: so, these are her Majesty's siblings and their friends. . .

Eagle union Kansen?: come to think of it, Why'd you tag along?

Royal Navy Kansen 2?: Her majesty assigned me and her as maids for Emperor Y/n and Lady Mordred.

Rhodes Operator?: for some reason, I'm not sure they'd like that.

Royal Navy Kansen?: Then we shall see soon enough, Madam Ch'en and Dr. Kal'tsit also said that they would bring a separate group and try to eat official contact.


Y/n: Why do I feel like I'm being watched? Eh, oh well. . . If there are hostiles I'll just fill 'em full o' lead and Bolter rounds.

Shiela: Did you say something Y/n?

Y/n: Huh? No. . .

Shiela: *questioning look* Ok then. . . *starts walking off*

Y/n: things really are about to get hectic, aren't they, damn it, I hate politics.

A/n: Now That, took a while to edit, 6292 words.

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