Black bird

By XsleeplesswritingX

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"I'm sorry Gemini." The blonde said to me looking like he was about to cry. "Why? Why would you do this?" I s... More



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By XsleeplesswritingX

Draco Malfoy's POV

"I thought the visions were supposed to stop." I mumbled as I sat on the edge of Geminis bed while professor Dumbledore stared out her windows, with a wise look on his face and Snape stood next to him but was looking at Gemini with worry.

"With other Tinsleys in the past, yes it has stopped. But Gemini isn't a normal Tinsley. The devil wants all of her not just half of her, and she's fighting that even if she doesn't know it." Dumbledore explained as he held his arms behind his back.

"How would she not know she's fighting it?" Snape asked as he finally took his eyes off of Gemini and looked at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore hummed in thought before speaking again.

"Gemini never wants to turn again, her subconscious knows that so I think her subconscious is fighting it for her..." He explained as he slowly turned around to look at the passed out Gemini. "...but that's going to hurt her more in the long run, the longer she fights the worse it will get."

"She's going to have to accept it?" I asked as looked over at her with worrisome.

"If she doesn't let it happen, it will force it's way through and it won't be a pleasant experience." Dumbledore said as he looked over at Snape, sorry written over his face.

"She won't change willingly, she hates that part of herself." I said quietly.

"You're going to have to convince her someday, I say she has about a year and a half before she has to make the decision or else it will make it for her." Dumbledore explained with a sad look.

"Thank you Professor." Snape said as he walked over to Geminis side of the bed and moved her hair out of her face.

Dumbledore didn't say anything else as he quietly walked out of the room and left us to be.

"Sir?" I said as I kept my eyes on Gemini.

Snape hummed in response, giving me the que to ask my question.

"How do I kill the only person who knows how to help her?" I said as worry began to take over.

The one person who has all the answers to her questions and knows how to train her, and I have to kill him and leave her in the dust to figure everything out on her own.

Snape gulped slightly as he stared down at Gemini with worry and confusion written on his face.

"Every day I wake up wondering if my daughter will survive what she has to endure. Every day I worry about her. Every single day. How is it that my angel has to be a devil? Why did my daughter get this curse? How did she go from one of the happiest kids I knew to one of the saddest? I have seen her at her worst and at her best and even at her worst she doesn't deserve this curse, but she reminds me everyday that she is strong enough to endure it but she shouldn't have to. I know Gemini will figure it out, I will find every answer for her even if that means I have to search the world for it. She won't be alone in this." He explained as he stared down at his daughter with love.

"I wish my parents were like you." I said, although I didn't mean to say it out loud.

Snape gave a slight chuckle. "I didn't have Gemini to keep a bloodline going unlike your father, I had her out of love. When I held her for the first time I knew I would love her with everything in me and more. She wasn't just a product of a bloodline for me, she is what I needed."

She's what I need too.

Gemini Myth's POV

It's been a few days since my last vision and honestly I was hoping it would stay this way, I didn't need more visions. Although I wish I knew who I was screaming about in my vision, the vision didn't show me who it was.

I'm just hoping it's not my father, because if it is I won't survive.

"Earth to Gemini." Ron spoke as he waved his hand across my face.

I snapped my eyes up and shook my head. "Sorry." I mumbled.

"What were you thinking about?" Harry asked as he threw some ingredients into the cauldron.

I gave him a slight glare before I looked back at my cauldron, which was now starting to bubble, fuck potions.

"Nothing." I said coldly, still mad at him for the other day.

I heard Harry sigh quietly. He was sorry I knew that, he's been trying for days to make me forgive him, but unfortunately for him I know how to hold a grudge.

"Was it about your vision?" Hermione asked quietly.

I started stirring my potion, trying to ease the bubbling.

"It didn't show me who the vision was about, all it showed was us four." I said as I watched my potion finally calm down.

"Do you have any idea who it could be?" Harry spoke again.

I clicked my tongue as I added another ingredient to my potion and stirred.

"If I did, don't you think I still wouldn't be thinking about it Harry?" I said with a snarky tone.

He didn't say anything as he sat back down in his chair, meaning he's finished the potion.

Only because of my fathers book.


"Gemini!" Slughorn spoke behind me, interrupting Ron's comment.

"Yes sir?" I questioned as I looked up at the Professor who had a huge smile on his face like always.

"You've been sent to Dumbledores." He said and with that he walked away.

Training again. Shit.

I grabbed my textbook and used my wand to stop my potion from brewing.

"I'll see you guys later." I mumbled as I closed my book bag and threw it on my shoulder.

I quickly left the classroom, just wanting to get this training session over with. The quicker I get there the quicker it will be done.

I know they're going to try and decipher this vision, maybe try and see who it is, but deep down I didn't want to know because I don't want my world to come burning down.

Not today.

"Why so fast black bird." His voice spoke behind me, causing me to jump.

"You scared me." I said with a laugh as he threw his arm over my shoulders.

"Aren't you supposed to have cosmic awareness or whatever, you should've known I was there." Draco said smartly with a slight smirk.

"I don't know how to access those powers without my other side." I mumbled as we reached the staircase to Dumbledores office. "Shouldn't you still be in class?"

He shrugged his shoulders as he lead the way upstairs. "I was sent to Dumbledore too."

I halted in my footsteps, causing him to turn around and give me a weird look.

"Your parents are there then." I said coldly, my cold tone wasn't towards him. I just wasn't excited for his parents.

He looked up the stairs at back at me as he ran a hand through his hair. "Let's just get it over with."

I scoffed lightly but started back up the stairs.

I went to open the gargoyle but Draco grabbed my hand quickly.

"We have to go in Draco." I said as I looked him on the eyes with a confused look as to why he stopped me.

He pulled me closer to him and gave me a hug. "I know." He said as he planted a kiss the top of my head.

"I love you." I spoke quietly.

"I love you black bird." He said and then he let go of our hug.

I gave him a quick smile before muttering the password to Dumbledores office.

"Ms. Snape..." Dumbledore spoke as he nodded his head towards me. "Mr. Malfoy." He spoke again nodding his head towards Draco.

My theory was correct. Narcissa and Lucius were standing in front of Dumbledores desk, my father next to them.

"Why?" I asked coldly as I glared at Lucius.

Lucius gave an evil smirk back. "My wife seems to think she can help you even more."

I clicked my tongue as I nodded my head. "I like her, I just want to know why you're here."

"Gemini, don't." My father said sternly as Draco stifled a laugh next to me.

"Ms. Snape, sit please." Dumbledore said as he motioned at the chair in front of the group.

I took my eyes off Lucius and dragged my feet to the chair and sat down.

"Let Draco into your mind." My father ordered.

"Obviously entering my mind hasn't helped in the past, how will it help now?" I said annoyed.

Always trying to intrude.

"Gemini." My father said sternly.

"Fine." I said as I sat back in my chair and motioned towards Draco giving him the go.

"Legilimency." Draco said as he pointed is wand towards me.


"God he's such an asshole." Harry said with a scoff.

"Who?" I asked as I took a sip of my drink.

"Malfoy." He said bluntly.

"I hate him. He always think he has the audacity." I mumbled as I set my drink down.

Fred chuckled next to me along with George.

"What?" Both Harry and I asked in unison.

Fred shook his head, not wanting to explain.

"Fine I'll say it..." George started. "...we think you and Malfoy would look good together."

*next flashback*

"When do you think the war will happen?" Fred asked quietly as he sat on my floor and played with his wand.

"I give it a year." George said as he sat in my desk chair.

"Which side will you choose in the war Gemini?" Fred asked me.

I was laying down on my floor, but I quickly turned my head at him and scoffed.

"Harry's." I mumbled, annoyed he would even ask.

Fred smiled but his smile quickly dropped and worry took over his face.

"What if Voldermort wins?" He said as he looked deep in thought.

*next flashback*

"So this is what your mind looks like?" Lucius spoke.

This isn't a flashback. This asshole is in my mind.

"Get out of my mind." I ordered.

He gave an evil laugh. "You have a dark dark mind Snape."

"Where's Draco?" I asked, noticing Draco was no longer in my mind.

"We're going to try something." Lucius spoke as he tried to flash through memories but I kept blocking them.

"What? N-"

"Crucio." He said quickly.

In a split second my mind felt like a thousand hot knives were boring into my brain. My head felt like it was being split open. It is the worst pain I have ever felt.

"Make it stop." I screamed in pain towards Lucius.

This pain made me want to die.

Anything but this.

"Lucius!" I heard my father yell in real time.

They know what he's doing.

"Make it stop!" I screamed in agony again.

Then he pulled out of my mind and everything stopped.

The pain lingered as I sat in my chair trying to comprehend what just happened, my breathing heavy as I tried to calm myself down.

"Get the fuck out of here before I kill you myself!" My father yelled in Lucius face as he grabbed the collar of his shirt.

"Severus..." Dumbledore started calmly.

Draco quickly walked up to me and kneeled down, he grabbed my hand to soothe me as the pain still lingered.

"I helped her." Lucius smirked towards my father.

"How the fuck did that help her! You used an unforgivable curse on my fucking daughter!" My father yelled in his face, still having hold to the collar of his shirt.

"Severus, you must calm down." Dumbledore said as he cautiously approached the two of them.

My father pushed Lucius away aggressively and quickly went for his wand.

"Severus don't. We had to see if she could feel it. It was to see how close she is." Dumbledore explained.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked, confused because I've already turned there is no close or not close.

"You knew he was going to do this?" Draco asked as he rubbed his thumb against the top of my hand.

"Leave. Now." My father ordered Lucius.

Lucius nodded his head as he grabbed his wife's hand and a quick snap emitted and the both of them were gone.

"Can someone explain?" I asked as the pain started to fully leave my body and my heart rate started to calm down.

Dumbledore sighed as he sat in his chair and clasped his hands together.

"You have about a year and a half before you fully become the devil." Dumbledore started to explain.

"And how the hell did that curse help her?" Draco asked angrily.

Dumbledore clicked his tongue and took a deep breath. "If she couldn't feel the pain then we would know she only has about six months, but since she did feel it, then it's not too close yet."

"He shouldn't have used that fucking curse on my daughter! How could you let that happen!" My father yelled.

I sat back in my chair as I sighed quietly.

"I didn't know he was going to do that Severus. He wasn't supposed to use that curse." Dumbledore said disappointingly.

"My daughter will never have another training session with him again! Do you hear me?" My father boomed as he slammed his hands on Dumbledores desk causing both Draco and I to jump slightly.

Dumbledore didn't jump though, he just sat there and nodded his head.

"I understand Severus." Dumbledore spoke calmly.

"How could I feel it with Draco in the room?" I questioned as I squeezed Draco's hand.

"Because Lucius did it in your mind, Draco was no longer in your memories. On the outside we didn't realize you were in pain until Draco heard your screams in his own head. Lucius wasn't doing it where Draco was present." Dumbledore explained as he sat back in his chair and laid his arms on the arm rests.

"Gemini, you have a year and a half to chose to change, if you don't do it yourself you will go through an unimaginable pain." Dumbledore explained.


I can't change again.

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