The Ark of War (Crossover x E...

Par Primarch_MJ

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I do not own WH40k, Arknights, Azur lane, or references to other franchises, or Halo for that matter. I don't... Plus

Prologue (Revised)(Mostly)
Bio Pt. 1 (Revised, little change)
Yelena's Birthday (Revised)
The Twin-Headed Eagle (New-ish)
A Simplified Explanation of the Imperial Navy & HIM Kansens
Pest control. (New)
Beginning of a bizarre adventure (New)
Midway, Pt. 1 (New-ish)
H.I.M. Texas & Wyoming Complement (New-ish)
Midway, Pt. 2 (New-ish)
Eagle Union, The Imperium, and the UN. (New)
Bio: Pt. 2 (New)
Take a Break! Or we'll make you. (New-ish)
Rhodes Island Operator Tracking. (New-ish)
Tail terror. (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 1 (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 2 (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 3 (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 4 (New)
Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 5 (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcements Pt. 6 (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcements Pt. 7 (New-ish)
Gancaster reinforcements Pt. 8 (New-ish)
Preparations. (New-ish)
Other Gancaster Officers (New-ish)
Awakening the Giant, Pt. 1 (New-ish)
Awakening the Giant, Pt, 2 (New)
Awakening the Giant, Pt. 3 (New-ish)
Scarab Troubles (New-ish)
Neck deep in trouble and a whole lotta 'Nids
The Fall of Ursus, Pt. 1
The fall of Ursus, Pt. 2
Thanks to those reading.
The Search/Meetings and Discoveries
Lost and Found
Treatise of a Treaty
The Debate (Arrival)
The Debate (The Foundation/Tala's 'fun')
The Debate (Politics . . . Ugh.)
Reactions/Slice of Life 1
Meet the Fleet, Pt. 1 (new)
Meet the Fleet, Pt. 2
Meet the Fleet Pt. 3
Just another day/Western Front: Beachhead
Dies Commemorationis
Authors Note 1
Dies Aurorae
The Western Front: The Serran Dragoons, Pt. 1 (edited slightly)
The Western Front: The Serran Dragoons, Pt. II
Fools and defiance
The Pacific Front: Hood's Understanding/Selene's panick
The Pacific Front: A New Arrival (emperor-class specifications edited)
The Pacific Front: A New Arrival Pt. 2 (shorter)

Chapter one: A new Faction. (Revised)

687 12 3
Par Primarch_MJ

I do not own any pictures or other media used in the making of this chapter and all credit goes to the original creators.

Not any significant changes, mainly just re-wording.

The "world"/supercontinent of Terra has also been deemed Terra Secondus so I can more easily differentiate between Arknights Terra and the Imperium's Holy Terra (Whenever mentioned.


This chapter happens a year after prologue, During the Timeskip you expanded your new imperium, and claimed some territory on Gaea, but you mainly focused on other planets, forgetting all of the threats that are currently on Gaea, the Sangheili (Halo elites) and Jiralhanae (Halo Brutes) also joined the Imperium, you have not made contact with the San'Shyuum yet (Prophets from Halo), you Have two Capitals, the Territory claimed on Gaea (248.43 million square km) and the Ark of War, you also expanded the New Imperium's military forces and have created several Orbital Defenses and Shipyards over your territory, in Geosynchronous Orbit.

The terrestrial territory on Gaia has a massive defensive wall around it, and is composed of vassalized nations from Ace Combat (all of them), in addition to some formerly uninhabited lands.

Imperial Territory on Gaia is situated roughly north-east of Ursus and the Infy Icefield on the supercontinent of Terra Secundus.

 (A/n: go to the Arknights fandom page for a map, here.

 The Imperium has not yet Made contact with the rest of the Inhabitants of Gaia, but is near enough to their borders that they noticed something was off, and as such they sent a scouting party, composed of. . .

Kal'tsit's POV

Kal'tsit: Me, Enterprise, Texas, Queen Elizabeth, Iron-Du-I mean M/n, Warspite, Noire Corn, Ranger, Tchanka (from the R6 Event), Adnachiel, Yato, 12F, And Doberman. Any Questions?

Enterprise: Yes, What exactly are we expected to find?

Kalsit: We have no Idea, but what we do know, is that These monsters *shows a Tyrranid pic*, the Sirens, and the Banished tend to stay away from this area at all costs, so we, are going to see why, as we have not been able to beat the Monsters, or the Banished at all yet, a constant losing battle. . .

Enterprise: So we're going to find out what they're afraid of, and if its an object, use it?

Kalsit: Exactly.

Tchanka: But what If its someone even more dangerous than those three?

M/n: Then we pray they don't come after us. It seems like whatever it is has stayed in this area, except for a few erratic enemy movements, as if they were trying to escape from something, even the T-I mean Monsters appear agitated whenever they near this area's borders. all of the trails lead back to here, a vast expanse of unexplored territory. They can't be avoiding all of that for no reason, its positioning north-east of Ursus and the Infy Icefields gives it a strategic position, and surprisingly not even Ursus has attempted to claim it. W

Doberman: The Infy Icefields? Do you think they could be responsible for all of the disappearances and odd events happening up there?

Kal'tsit: Uknown as of right now, it's increasingly unlikely. It's more likely that whatever or whoever is up there doesn't even known about the northern demons.

Adnachiel: The what now?!

Tchanka then knocked Adnachiel and the lower-ranking operators out.

Tchanka:  You all really are careless, aren't you? You know those have been classified under international authority.

Doberman: Thank you Tchanka, but lets continue.

M/n: *Ahem*, When we had Silverash ask them why this is, the room went quiet, and one person spoke, and I Quote "we must never interfere with what they do, unless we want to be annihilated, we have sent several expeditionary forces, and none have returned. only one man came back, and it was to relay the message to not step foot into their territory". When Silverash asked them what they meant, an Ursus General Showed him a video of Emperor's Blades being slaughtered by what appear to be giants in blue armor, while they also had some Aliens within their ranks that we know are also within the Banished, at first we suspected it was them, but it wouldn't make sense why Banished forces avoid the area, or why the Banished haven't invaded Ursus from there yet, so we believe there is a new faction, and by new I mean a faction that has yet to make contact with us, but know the Banished, monsters, and even the Sirens and Ursus itself.

Queen Elizabeth: Wouldn't that possibly mean that this new faction has even more advanced technology than the Banished and Sirens?

Kalsit: Its a possibility that we can't rule out, so we need to be careful, but. . .

Noire Corn: But what?

Kalsit: There have been reports of escaped slaves and infected going up there, those Ursine expeditionary forces were to recover and or execute them, but Look at the video closer. . .

Kalsit then zooms in on the Big screen, and low and behold, the unknown faction was Defending the escapees, possibly escorting them to safety.

Enterprise: Is that?

Kalsit: yes, the unknown faction appears to be defending the escapees, so they may likely to be friendly, we should still be cautious though, they might mistake us for Ursus. 

M/n: I want everyone to get Ready, Now. Have the Rest of Rhodes and Azur Lane on standby, or patrolling, in case something happens. The Banished and 'Monsters' (referring to tyrranids) have taken so much from us, so now its time to find what they fear.

2 week timeskip and elsewhere

Y/n's POV

I am currently on Board of my Battle-Barge, Revenant,  on the Bridge, with the Reaver, Mordred's second ship (Mordred is a Kansen too, happened during the year timeskip, you made a wisdom cube, and fused her to a dreadnaught, Defiance of Will and the Battle-Barge Reaver), and our Battlegroup around it.

An Ultramarines Captain and two lieutenants approached me and kneeled. It was Mikael Fabian, Captain of the Ultramarines 3rd company, and two of the 3rd company's lieutenants. 

(Mikael and his Lieutenants)

Mikael: My Lord.

Y/n: Rise Mikael, how many times have I told people in this Battle Group to stop kneeling and bowing? It's just weird to me.

Mikael: As you wish my Lord *gets up*, Ultramarines 3rd Company is ready for Deployment, Drop pods and Thunderhawks are ready, you need only give the word.

Y/n: Position the battlegroup over the Nearest Ursus Labor camp, we're going to free all slaves present, gods forbid there be children (A/n: Y/n has a soft spot for children, since their so naive and innocent compared to the average Imperial adult). I'm also giving Permission for two Imperial Knights to be Deployed if needed, which will be unlikely, considering Ursus' poor combat training, even when compared to the standard Imperial Guard instead of us.

Mikael: It will be done. 

Mikael and his two lieutenants then walks off and relays the order, the fleet begins moving to the nearest Ursine Labor camp, in the Northern Tundra, Little did they know, that they were about to be found out. . .

Le small timeskip 

Patriot's POV

We were preparing to Raid an Ursine Labor Camp to free the Infected, when Several. . .

Giant aircraft? No,- ships, flew over us in the direction of the Labor camp, then we heard something that surprised us all, a feint whistle, followed by the Yells of panicking Ursine Troops, they were afraid, but of what? Me and my guerrilla's began to move to the Labor camp, to see what was happening, and what we found, was horrifying, at least, to the Troops of Ursus. We saw those same massive ships, and one of them was dropping what looked to be bombs? my eyes followed one of them to the ground, expecting it to explode, but it didn't, was it a dud? but then, something no-one was expecting happened. . .

It opened, revealing a squad of twelve Armored giants, with guns . . . Guns? are they Laterano? if not how did they have guns? I was lost in thought when one of my guerrilla's spoke to me.


G: Patriot, sir? 

Patriot: Yes?

G: Look up. . .

And I did just that, to see that the ship was dropping more of those pods, and all of them, were carrying more of those Blue-Armored Giants, or, Giants to a Normal person at least, they looked to be slightly smaller than me? The Ursine troops were panicking and readying their weapons, I wondered why? I mean, other than the massive ships overhead and the sudden appearance of these unknown warriors.

And then it happened. As soon as one of the Blue warriors saw a guard about to execute an Infected, he opened fire on the guard, and the rest followed suit, with remarkable precision and well versed tactics they eliminated all of the guards that we could see, the enormous firearms shooting something more akin to a rocket-propelled explosive than a bullet, and then, they moved on. Likely to the ones inside of the Camp. Ursine crossbow bolts were simply bouncing off of the giants' armor, as if they weren't even there!

G: Sir? what should we do?

Patriot: what we came here for. those who wish. to stay. stay. those who. wish to fight. come with. me, let. us see. what these warriors. are doing.

As I said that nearly everyone nodded.

But little did we know what was about to happen. As we started to Approach the camp we saw the pods explode. It was likely a self destruct, to keep it from falling into enemy hands . . . and then we saw one of the Largest of the ships begin to deploy. . . Aircraft, large ones at that, possibly dropships or transports of some kind.

Y/n's POV

Me (not in armor), Mikael, and a large group of Ultramarines (29, 30 is max for a thunderhawk) were on board a Thunderhawk, approaching the Camp, along with 5 Empty Thunderhawks for the Refugees and our forces already on the ground, which numbered 15 squads, a bit overkill if you ask me, but it was necessary to ensure the Survival of as many Infected as possible. 

TH Pilot: We are on Final Approach my Lord.

Y/n: Good *turns from cockpit to nearest Astartes/Space Marine* I want everyone's weapons ready, and tell Mikael to supervise the Humanitarian efforts, tell him to feed the new refugees, tend to any of their wounds, and then get them on the Thunderhawks so we can head back to New Avalon (The Imperial Capital City on Gaia). I would rather not have half of Gaia afraid of us for an "Unwarranted attack" on a Labor camp. Unwarranted my ass, they use slaves, warrant enough. I just hope they can assimilate to our culture well. . . I'll have a squad with me, to see if there are any Ursine Troops left inside the mine, or to recover any Refugees.

The Thunderhawk squadron then lands inside of the Camp. Y/n And the Rest exit

Y/n: Mikael, make sure you don't scare any children if there are any, we need to show them we're here to help, so be more like the Salamanders please?

Mikael: I will do my best by lord, but might I ask, why did we not bring some Salamanders to accompany us?

Y/n: Because the Ultramarines need to learn to care for civilians and normal people, Mikael. Rather than me ordering it of you, it must come naturally, and what better way to learn, than to practice? Surprisingly the Blood Angels are beating you in that aspect, and care near as much as the Salamanders for non-Astartes.

Mikael: I understand now, I will do my best to learn. . . hot to display "empathy",  towards non-Astartes.

Y/n: There you go!

I Then walk to the entrance of the mine with a Squad of Ultramarines. I am disgusted by Ursus, first off for using labor camps, and putting Infected in there, to me they're no better than Neo-Nazi's, which were all but Annihilated by the Imperium, or at least that's what the Imperium and I Believe.

Around me, I see several captured Ursine guards in a line in front of a few Ultramarines. I see many wounded and malnourished infected, some look to have been beaten, but the thing that makes me enraged. . .

Is children. They had children in the camp.

He then walks over to the captured Ursine guards. . .

Patriot POV

We watch from a high vantage point with binoculars, as one of the people in different clothing, presumably the leader, walks over to the Ursine Guards after seemingly noticing the children, with a clenched fist. What surprises us the most is not that they have a very large amount of guns, every one of the Blue soldiers has one, and they are enormous weapons. They do not appear to be able to be used by a normal person, possibly hinting that they manufacture their own weapons. But something I notice on all of them, even their ships and aircraft, weapons included, had a golden dual headed Eagle, interesting. . . Wait. I see something on a different hill. . .

Is that Kal'tsit? How long has it been since I saw her last? (Also Patriot and Yelena are not Reunion).


I am now in front of the Ursine guards, clearly enraged.

Y/n: Why do you have children in this camp?

I said that with venom, the Astartes behind the line of captured Guards readying for me to give the order to execute the prisoners, the guards apparently not noticing.

UG (Ursine Guard): What's it to you? They're infected, scum. no better than a bag of sh-*BANG*

I blow his head off with one of my Ace of Spades. I've heard enough from these lowlifes.

Y/n: Execute them.

The Astartes gun down the Prisoners before they can react, I enjoy watching the scene, anyone that don't view children as people, don't deserve to live, not only the children though, but any Sentient being.

Y/n: My squad, with me. you two *points at two of the Ultramarine executioners*

U1(ultramarine one): Yes, Milord?

Y/n: Go and execute any other Guards, they don't deserve to live. After you do that, take a squad and patrol until we leave.


The Astartes then walk of, unloading the occasional bolter round unto an unknowing Guard.

I start walking inside the mine, its. . .

Freezing. I wonder why?

We walk further into the mine, seeing several unconscious or dead guards, I tell two of the Astartes in my squad to wander the mine and execute any Ursine guards they come across.

We then find a group of children, apparently scared, it makes me even more enraged than before, but I must control myself.


C1: NO! Don't come near us!

I then kneel down and raise my hand, the child looks like he is preparing for a hit. but no, I pat her head, much to Her and the rest of the children's surprise.

Y/n: Don't worry, me and my Warriors are not here to harm you, rather, we are here to help. we already took care of most of the Ursine Guards, only a few remain, most hiding.

I then pull out a handful of snacks from the Immaterium, and give them to the kids.

Y/n: Here, you all look hungry *gives snacks to the children*

C1: Really?

Y/n: Really.

Children: Thank you so much mister!

They begin to chow down.

Y/n: Tell me, is there anyone else in this mine?

C2 (boy): Yes! Big Sis Yelena! She's deeper in the mine!

Y/n: I'll go and get her.

C3: No Mister! Please, Don't leave us!

Y/n: Don't worry, my warriors will protect you. After you're done, they will escort you out of the mine.

An Ultramarine Sergeant then nods at me.

Y/n: I'll go get Yelena Then.

I then proceed deeper into the mine as I continue, it gets colder, luckily temperature doesn't affect me much, but it seems to be sub zero right now. I wonder if Yelena could be causing this.

Then, I finally find her, A small Cautus, with white hair. She appears to be tired, and afraid, then she notices me. The then starts to shoot ice at me, likely thinking I am an Ursus Guard. I simply raise the temperature around my body enough so that the Ice melts, using my Pyrotechnic elemental abilities. The Ice the melts when it reaches within 2 ft of me, much to Yelena's visible surprise, she shoots more ice, ineffective. I begin to approach her.

Yelena: NO! STAY AWAY!

She then scrambles to get away but slips on her own ice, and falls, I then reach her and she looks up at me in fear. I simply reach out a hand to help her up.

she closes her eyes seemingly expecting me to hit her. This poor girl, what has she been through?

Once she realizes that the hit isn't coming, she opens her eyes, surprised to see me holding out a hand to her.

Yelena: What are you doing? Won't Ursus will kill you for helping me?

Y/n: Ever think while you were shooting ice at me, that I may not be from Ursus?

Yelena POV

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, not from Ursus? It would explain why he wasn't in uniform though. I then got off the ground and on my knees and began crying, why did he care for me? I'm just an infected. I have nothing, according to Ursus I am nothing, nothing

Yelena: Why are you helping me? I'm an infected! According to Ursus we aren't people.

But then he knelt down to hug me, I tried to tell him it would kill him, but my mouth wouldn't move, I was horrified, I was about to kill the one person that I've met that seemingly cares. But my arts. . . Didn't affect him, and from the hug, I found a warmth I haven't felt in years, someone who cares.

Y/n: Don't think like that,  I view you as a person, and by extension, The Imperium does as well. We already dealt with all the guards, come on now. I'm Y/n, I already know who you are, no need for you to tell me, your friends are worried about you.

As he said this two Blue-Armored Giants, with Dual headed Eagles on their breast-plates, walked in, I was about to fire my arts when the man, now known as Y/n, stopped me.

Y/n: Relax, they're with me, they are my warriors after all. 

U1(not same as before): Milord, something requires your attention.

Y/n: What is it? 

Milord? Just who is Y/n?

U1: A green Haired Lynx wants to know who we are and why we attacked, and a very large Sarkaz that wants to know what we are going to do with the infected, both have different groups, and have come here without them as per our request, now they want to meet the leader of this operation, Mikael would handle it, but apparently the Sarkaz saw you.

Y/n: Great. . .

Yelena: May I come with you? Please *using puppy dog eyes, even though she is a Cautus*

Y/n: And why would you not want to see your friends?

Yelena: I do, but. . .

Y/n: I'm the only adult that has been kind to you in a while, aren't I? stupid puppy dog eyes, EVERY TIME!

Yelena: well, yes. . .

I look down sad. . .

Y/n's POV

Y/n: How about this, once we get back to our territory, I adopt you? since you already seem attached, I wouldn't want to hurt your feelings now would I?

Yelena: R-Really?

Y/n: Of Course! I have a habit of taking in strays. The way I was raised even encourages it. after all, many of my siblings, when the Chaos gods scattered them, were adopted by the inhabitants of the worlds they landed on. Mom and pops eventually found everyone though . . . Even then, it was further reinforced by the Customs of Luminos . . . I miss them . . .

Yelena notices me trailing off, thinking about if they are all still alive.

Yelena: Did something happen to them?

Y/n: Well, my twin brother Terrus, Died, and then I got sucked through a Slipspace-portal, and ended up here, with the rest of my forces and fleet. I don't even know if my siblings are still  alive. . .

Yelena: I'm sorry. . .

Y/n: Don't be, sometimes it helps not to forget, especially the sacrifices made in the many wars we have waged. Come with me, Yelena. Lets go see who is here. *starts walking*.

Yelena: Yes Father.

Y/n: *stops and looks at Yelena* Well, that was quick. *continues walking*.

The two Ultramarines then follow the two, now father and daughter.

le small timekip.

Y/n's POV.

Y/n: *stretching back* WHOO! Finally! Fresh Air! That mine was starting to get musty.

*Mine Collapses*

Y/n *to an Ultramarine*: We Didn't have anyone in there, did we?

U: No Milord.

Y/n: Oh thank god. . .

The group of four (Y/n, Yelena, and two Astartes) walks to where the visitors are being kept, on the way, Mikael Joins them.

Mikael: I apologize, Milord, but for some reason, both seemed absolutely determined to see who was in charge. 

Y/n: No need to apologize, Mikael, you tried your best, now start to Evacuate the Refugees and pull out, don't want anyone to get suspicious, also, the Battle-Group left back to Imperial Territory, Yes?

Mikael: Yes milord, also, I will begin to pull out our forces, the Thunderhawks you brought with you should suffice for our forces and the Refugees.

Y/n: Go, I'll deal with the Visitors.

I then walk to a nearby building where I'm told the visitors are, along with my escort of two Ultramarines, and Yelena, who also was given different clothing (instead of the rags she was wearing) earlier. It consists of a white dress (made of nano-Kevlar weave, enough to stop primitive bullet-based weaponry), and white shoes, basically just looks like an all white version of Weiss from team RWBY's clothing, but with gold trimmings and secondary color, come to think of it, I wonder how Ruby and Yang are doing. . .

I then enter the building. The two Ultramarine guards on either side of the door salute me with the sign of the Aquila (A/n: Hands like they're making a shadow-eagle over your chest).

U1/2: Milord.

Y/n: At ease. 

I then fully entered the building.

I immediately feel a Very familiar presence, from a hooded figure, but unknown to me at the same time. Beside the figure is a large armored Sarkaz, supposedly Patriot. 

(Patriot)(get rid of orange Reunion symbols, this is before he joins)

(also forgot to mention earlier that in this imperium, age of strife from canon and dark age of technology never happened, and despite being super-soldiers, the Adeptus Astartes/space marines in this fanfic also act as standard frontline troops, each legion numbering in the millions, the SPARTANS [Halo] act as the covert operations super-soldiers for now, and work under said Legiones Astartes, but can also be frontline combatants, Age of strife and dark age of tech not happening means VERY advanced tech at the Imperium's disposal, with the addition of AI not being outlawed and the use of military robots, and vast usage of ultralight tanks [MBTs to non-Imperial nations, ours being Scorpion tanks from halo and Leman Russ, along with some others], and vast amounts of Imperial MBTs, such as the Bane blade, Fell blade, Falchion, and Glaives, also a vast usage of Mastodons, though the ones in this fanfic series are easy to deploy due to also having thrusters that let them slow down their velocity when deployed, often from orbit, albeit only for a short time, so they are orbital dropped like Halo Scarabs, which we also have).

(As per usual, I do not own Pictures, found them on the web, also that rock monster thing is Monst3r, and is technically Kal'tsit's spine. or at least attached to it, so wherever she goes, it goes, also it takes orders from Kal'tsit, but not all the time, also Kal'tsit is wearing a hood and cloak over her usual apparel)(It's literally just a Stand from JoJo's bizarre adventure).

Patriot then gets off of the couch he and hooded figure were sitting on (how he was sitting on the couch, I do not know) and walks up to Y/n.

Y/n: Patriot, I assume?

Patriot: yes. you are. the one in. charge of. this operation?

Y/n: You assume correctly, I am the Emperor of the Imperium, at your service. *motions hand out for a handshake*

Patriot: *Shakes hand* An Emperor?. What is. an Emperor doing. in a. military operation?.

Y/n: The Imperial Royal family are the supreme leaders of the Imperium, especially the Military. Where other nations may hide their sovereigns in palaces, we reside in massive fortresses, overseen by us, when we are in them at least. You see, in the Imperium, we have a do it yourself policy, which means our leaders lead from the front to set an example for others to follow, we are also often skilled warriors and combatants, not to mention tactics, out nation is a very martial one, militarized beyond every other nation on this world. I, being the Emperor, Do travel with an escort, but only half of the time, others I am hunting down the enemy leaders to challenge to single combat, or am crushing enemy troops one after another.

Patriot: And tell. me. why is. your. 'Imperium'. at. this. camp? I see. you have killed. all of the guards.

Y/n: That, my friend, is to free the Infected. You see, we despise the use of slaves, and labor camps, despite being an Empire, and we advocate for individual rights. To us it doesn't matter who you are, as long as you are Loyal to the Imperium or one of it's vassals. And as such, we despise Ursus, not only for their incursions into our territory, which we all but annihilated, but also for their persecution and Genocide of Infected. It goes against our most ancient laws and traditions, especially the genocide part, we considered annihilating Ursus as soon as we learned of that. The only reason we don't is because there are still those who are innocent. We also dislike them due to the way their so called "Emperor" does things, he sits in a Palace all day being lazy. Instead of leading from the Frontlines for Honor and Glory. as soon as I see him in person, I can, and will, rip his head from his spine, and feed his corpse to our war beasts.

Patriot: I. like you. already., as long as. you don't. mistreat. infected. it is. fine with. me., but I do. Wonder. why are you. not afraid. of us?

Y/n: Because to most in the Imperium, Infected are not even close to a threat. Most of the things we fight on a daily basis can destroy a planet, or ravage one at least. The threats on this world are child's play. Also, your Oripathy is not a threat to us because most within the Imperium are Immune, due to most of us being either from different worlds, Super-soldiers/Imperials, Imperials, or Elementals. Our immune systems are more advanced than any person on this planets, hell, we're even immune to certain kinds of poison and venom.

Patriot: I. See. and who is. that. little one? 

He gestured to Yelena, who is hiding behind me, tugging on my duster.

Y/n: Her name is Yelena, I'm going to adopt her when we get back to our territory, she told me she has lost pretty much everyone, and she seems to have grown attached to me already. Though, it seems that she has trouble opening up to others . . .

Patriot: I see. 

Y/n: And who is that? *points at the hooded figure/Kal'tsit*

Hooded figure?: Y/n? Is that really you?

I then slowly reach for one of my revolvers . . .

Y/n: who the Warp are you, and how do you know my name? I don't believe I introduced myself to you yet.

Hooded Figure?: Well, first off, your the only non-ancient I have seen aside from the girls at Azur lane,  if you don't count those blue-armored giants that you call 'Astartes' . . . And I know your mother, M/n.

Y/n: *eyes narrow* Again who the Warp are you? you claim to know me and my mother, but I don't recognize you, take off the hood and cloak and we can talk, see if I recognize you, if not, Imma' have to ask you to leave under charges of suspicion. Though I do admit, your presence is. . . Familiar.

Hooded Figure: *takes off cloak* Recognize me now?

Y/n: HOLY SH*T! KAL'TSIT?!?! How've you been?!?! Is little Red all grown up now (referring to PROJEKT Red)? How bout little don-I mean Amiya?

Kal'tsit: I'm Fine, Red is an aspiring young assassin (You and red consider each other siblings), and Amiya is an Aspiring young leader. Might I ask, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN ALL THESE YEARS???


Kal'tsit: What do you mean? what war?

Y/n: Deep breathe* Well, to summarize because we would be here all day, I'm the Emperor of the Imperium. We fight against the embodiment of all evil we refer to as "The Darkness", and its servants! We had it contained in Arcturus sector, but with the likelihood of Cadia falling after I "died", I have no idea if it is contained any more, and I don't even know if my SIBLINGS OR CHILDREN (Adoptive & Cloned) ARE STILL ALIVE!!! *Hair sets on fire, the earth shakes, and a mini-thunderstorm forms under your head*

Kal'tsit: I'm sorry. . . we had no Idea, we thought you just abandoned us.


Y/n then proceeds to explain his situation and events that transpired in the Imperium. Yelena then gets bored of his rant and starts to open up to Patriot, playing with him in the Background.

Kal'tsit: So, let me get this straight, you're a god now, called a "Primordial", the Imperium Likely fell, your family is likely dead, most of your friends are dead, and this "Darkness" is now loose? And also these monsters *shows a pic of a Tyrranid* are called Tyrranids, the Banished are mercenary-pirates, that have formed there own nation, on the other side of the galaxy is something called the "Republic" who have space wizards, and there are aliens called "San'shayuum" coming here with a 'Forerunner' Dreadnaught and and army of other aliens, along with their own Kansens, the Sirens aren't able to copy you or your technology, and can not corrupt any of you, and there are even more threats coming?

Y/n: Right on all points, looks like you were paying attention. Well, except for me being multiple gods now, and the fact that my alter-ego Malal hasn't been introduced to the story yet.

Kal'tsit: M-my god, we're about to be invaded by several different factions. . . Most of which hate humanity.

Y/n: Right again, now me and my forces are going to leave now, and take the refugees with us, and also patriot if he and his troops want, because it seems that Yelena trusts them. Byeeee! *walks out of building, with the Two Ultramarines and Yelena following, piggyback riding on one of the Ultramarines. Patriot starts to follow, but then looks at Kal'tsit.

3rd Person POV

Kal'tsit: I can't believe after all this time, he's back, and even then, he isn't doing anything to help us. . .

Patriot: well,. he has. a lot on. his plate. he is. not only an. emperor. but also a father. and a. warrior. and. you did. not ask him. for help. I do not. believe. he even knows. what Rhodes. Island. is. but I do believe. he is a. man. that helps his friends. ask. and you may receive the help. you need. 

Kal'tsit is stunned by patriot, she didn't ask? SHE DIDN'T ASK!!!

Kal'tsit: Are you going with them? If so, I can use you to communicate to him, since you have my contact.

Patriot: I am,. I am bringing. My. Guerrilla's as. well. I am going to. watch. over. the child. she has grown. attached to me. as well. and I would. hate to hurt. her. I am. also going to. see. what this. 'Imperium'. is like.

Patriot then started to walk off.

a tentacle can be seen, and some rigging, in a nearby vent shaft (A/n: how it fits, I don't know)

??? POV

???: Interesting, a new faction to play with, so these are the people our allies fear, I should report to Arbiter that Rhodes has made contact with this 'Imperium'. . .


A/n: I didn't change much, but as a reminder, these are revisions to make the old chapters fit the new ones, Cya.

Re: Not any significant changes, just re-wording here and there.

Continuer la Lecture

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