Par Bel_la_la

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An evil smirk appeared on his lips as he walked closer and closer. "You can't escape from me baby girl." My... Plus

Chapter 1 ~ Suicide
Chapter 2 ~ It isn't over
Chapter 3 ~ Escaping
Chapter 4 ~ Who is he?
Chapter 5 ~ The dark room
Chapter 6 ~ Fear
Chapter 7 ~ Torture
Chapter 8 ~ Painful
Chapter 9 ~ His anger
Chapter 10 ~ Punishment
Chapter 11 ~ I will fix you
Chapter 12 ~ Don't be so daring
Chapter 13 ~ Shoot
Chapter 14 ~ Tricked
Chapter 15 ~ His warning
Chapter 16 ~ Don't play with fire
Chapter 17 ~ Like a prey
Chapter 18 ~ Betrayer
Chapter 19 ~ The truth
~ Update ~
Chapter 20 ~ Can it be?
~ New Chapter ~
Chapter 21 ~ Broken Soul
Chapter 22 ~ Ooh Shiteu
Chapter 23 ~ Regret
~ Authors Note ~
Chapter 24 ~ Revenge
Chapter 25 ~ Love me back
Chapter 26 ~ Forgive me
Chapter 27 ~ I Love You
Chapter 28 ~ Making love to you
Quitting the story??
Chapter 29 ~ Don't mess...
Chapter 30 ~ Lipstick stain
Chapter 31 ~ Nauseous
Chapter 32 ~ The Devil
Chapter 33 ~ Execution
Chapter 34 ~ Too late
Chapter 35 ~ Deserved
New Story
Chapter 36 ~ Valentino
Chapter 37 ~ Childish
Chapter 38 ~ Training
!!Chapter 39 is coming!!
Chapter 39 ~ Elenoor
Authors Note about Mr. Zayn
Chapter 40 ~ Without you
Note ~ Chapter 41
Chapter 41 ~ Only Mine
! ~ Chapter 42 ~ !
Chapter 42 ~ My wish
Chapter 43 ~ Came true
Chapter 44 ~ Valeria
Where have I been...
Chapter 45 today!
Chapter 45 ~ Nightmare
Chapter 46 ~ Who?
Chapter 48 ~ Untold feelings
Chapter 49 ~ Heartache
Chapter 50 ~ Missing you
Wattpad deleted my story
Update on Caught in his Darkness

Chapter 47 ~ Delmar Ramirez

976 72 14
Par Bel_la_la

Hey everyone!

Thank you all for your lovely comments, I missed you guys too! I feel so bad whenever I don't update quick enough...

I hope you will like this chapter and don't forget to vote and to let me know whether you liked it or not.

An update of Caught in his Darkness is coming this week. I need to change a few things and then it will be here on Wattpad asap.

Love you♡



"Shut up. Now tell me. Who send you?"

"No one," I replied firmly, somehow annoyed by his behavior.

"What are you doing Zayn? Let go of me and let me explain in detail. You can even search me to see if I have anything that can harm you."

He must not forget that I'm the wife of a mafia boss, I learned a lot from him and look at us, now I need to use that against him, doesn't make sense but okay.

"Quite confident," he stated. I shrugged my shoulders. "Search me," I demanded.

He squeezed my cheeks, oeff that hurts. But I won't show any pain, he teached me.

I was trying to unravel his emotions but they were not there. It was his deep dead gaze that kept piercing my soul. How can he change like this? What happened that made him like this? I mean how is he not able to remeber Valentino and Valeria? They were his everything but look at him now.

"I might cut a piece of you."

"Cut a piece of me, for what?"

"To see if you have a tracker." His hands went towards my neck touching it carefully, his eyes focussed on it.

His eyes, I could stare into them for hours without getting tired of them. My heart was screaming for him and my eyes were getting watery when I recalled that day. His funeral, it was all plastered on my mind. Oh Zayn if only did you know how much I have been suffering for the past few months...

"You hid it pretty well woman."

"Woman? I have a name, Jasmine."

"Don't talk back," he hissed as he pulled my hair back.

He is out of his mind, this man, what is wrong with him?

I stayed quiet, showing no emtion to the pain he was causing me.

"I swear if I find something, I'll cut you into pieces did you hear me?" His voice was dangerous, even the animals would run away, he was the beast himself.

Stay quiet Jasmine, you got this. You can't lose him right now, you need to find out why he is behaving like this.

After searching for the tracker he didn't find anything. I looked him in the eyes, trying to cage them. Look at me Zayn, look at me with love, please.

He removed the rope from my hands and legs, making me look at him questionly.

"Walk," he said as he pointed the gun at me.

"Why that gun?"

"Walk," he said this time more agressive.

"Where to?"

"Out of this place, go outside into the car. Now," he was getting impatient.

Okay his impatience didn't change. One thing I wish had actually changed, but okay no time for jokes now.

I took place in the passengers seat and he in the drivers seat. The gun fanished in his belt.

"What, are you scared of guns?" He looked at me as he smirked.

I had to hold my laughter in.

"Me scared of guns? Oh if only you knew how many times I have seen guns. They don't scare me anymore. Besides you have shot me once in my arm. Not that it is something to be proud of, but anyways I'm not scared of them."

He raised his eyebrows as he drove away. "You are talktive woman, I like it when women talk less."

"I'll make you like this talktive woman."

"Daring. I have already a wife so don't even try."

"Correct, I'm your wife."

He scoffed. "I think you'll talk less when you meet my wife." I gulped, did he really get married? But how?

"I'm your wife Zayn, I don't need to meet myself."

"Stop with this Zayn shit." He warned me.

"You tell me then, what's your name?"

"None of your fucking business."

"Okay nice to meet you none of your fucking business".

"Delmar Ramirez."

"What?" He just glared at me.

"Is this your name, Delmar Ramirez?" He didn't reply. Arrogant.

"Well I like the name Zayn Matteo more but if that's your name then it will do the work for now. Nice to meet you Delmar."

He didn't reply, instead he pushed the gas pedal in even more. But was I scared of his drive skills? No, I wasn't. I know he would never crash, I trust him more than anyone else. He told me in the past that he was trained to drive fast, so if he thinks now that he can scare me, then he's wrong.

I saw how he eyed me from the side, probably thinking why I wasn't giving a shit about how fast he drove.

"You will tell me who send you." He took a brief pause as he continued. "Once we're home."

"Home?" I asked confused. "You mean our home?" A little sparkle in my heart.

Did he come back to his senses?

He smirked as he took a moment to give me his dark gaze. "Our home. The home you wish you'd never come to in the first place."

"Let's see if that will be the case Zay- I mean Delmar." He focussed again on the road, but now and then I could see that he checked me. He didn't trust me, not even a tiny bit.

I tried to observe the surroundings when we drove into the woods. One thing that I've learned now is that all mafia bosses have their homes in the woods.

"Won't you blindfold me Delmar, I might escape." I joked. He just gave me dead stare with a tiny devilish smirk.

You don't scare me Zayn. I know your weak points. I have to get him undressed as soon as possible, only then will I see if this is Zayn. I mean I know right now that it's him for 99.99% but when I'll see the scars on his body and the bullet scars, I'll be able to confirm it for 100%. Not to forget the birth mark he has above his right armpit. But how will I lead him into the bedroom?

I was so deeply in thoughts that I didn't notice the car had stopped.

"Get out." He said bluntly. I did as he commanded, observing the mansion the car had stopped in front. Guards all around the mansion. Great, why did I even think he wouldn't have guards around the mansion.

It's a big one, but I don't like it. It's not Zayns taste, he would never go for a mansion like this. It was too woman like. Speaking about woman, did he really get married?

Why on earth did you come here Zayn? Questions were dancing in front of my eyes and my mind needed answers.

I was shaken awake by his agressive tone. "Walk."

"Where to?" I asked.

"Into that damn door." I wanted to burst out into laughter, he didn't forget the word 'damn'.

"Walk damnit." I chuckled lightly as I walked into the door he asked me. It was the main door of the mansion. Okay, I'm not impressed, this mansion is for sure furnished by a woman. There were maids walking up and down the living room. I saw the look in their eyes, they didn't like me.

"So?" I looked at him as I raised my eyebrows waiting for an answer.

"Call Evelina," he commanded one of the maids somewhat agressive, to which she nodded her head quickly. Since when is Zayn so mean to his maids? Whatever happened, it wasn't good.

My heartbeat fastened when I saw a young woman walking down the stairs. Her beautiful gold brown hair was dancing in front of her face. The smile on her face didn't let her green eyes go unnoticed, they shone so bright.

I gulped when she stood in front of Zayn. "Where did you go Delmar?" She whined as she tiptoed to give him a hug, which he returned. The blood in my body started to heat up, control Jasmine control! I tried to control my anger by biting on my lip.

However, when she kissed him on his lips I lost it. I tasted blood in my mouth, and not a bit. My damn husband is kissing another woman in front of me?

Control Jasmine control damn it!

I tried to breath in and out, not wanting to loose to early. Whatever is happening, I will find the reason for this. And if I realise that Zayn did this all one purpose then I'll shoot him myself, the asshole. The pain he has given his family and me, I will kill him with my own hands.

The warm feeling that I had a few hours ago when I saw him for the first time, vanished. Anger boiled up slowly. It wanted to destroy the both of them at the spot. The pain I have been through Zayn is insane. I hope you didn't trick me, I hope you have been genuine with me, because if you haven't I'll take my revenge on you Zayn Matteo.

"Oh dear her lips!" The woman exclaimed as she walked towards me quickly.

"Get me some tissues and warm water quickly." I just glared past by her into his grey eyes. You d*ck. You asshole. Wait, wait till I get my hands on you. I will shoot a few holes extra for Valentino and Valeria.

He frowned his eyebrows as he walked closer to were we were standing. "What happened to your lip?" He asked still looking like I had ruined his day.

"Wait Delmar, there is blood in her mouth she can't talk now." As soon as the maid got me warm water and some tissues I cleaned the mess. The woman helped me too. I didn't want her to help me, I wanted her to dissappear.

My lip wouldn't stop bleeding so I pressed the tissue on it one for one. "Delmar call the doctor, this won't stop bleeding."

"No." I spoke finally after a long time.

"I mean, no thank you. I'm used to this, it will stop."

"Are you sure?" She asked, her eyes worried. "I'm sure," I replied, my eyes full of hate, I couldn't return the kindness.

"So, Delmar why did you call me?"

Zayns eyes were glued on me, trying to unravel my emotions. Won't let you in this easily Zayn, I'll ruin you.

"We have a new maid, this is Jasmine. She will take care of the chores in the house and she will clean our room everyday." He glared at me when he finished his sentece. But who was I, Jasmine Zayn Matteo, and one thing I have learned from him is that I'll f*ck him up.

"Yes, I'm the new maid, and I'll be more than happy to clean your room." I tried to smile at the woman to which she replied with a warm smile. "I'm Evelina, Delmars wife."

So asshole you got married for real. "Such a beautiful name, but how do I need to call you?"

"You can call me Eveli-" but she was interrupted by the devil midway. "Call her mrs Ramirez."

"But I don't mind it when she calls me Evelina beside-." - "I do mind." He replied back, a little irritation in his voice.

"It's okay, I will call you mrs Ramirez. Then mrs Ramirez, where can I find my room?"

"Ooh your room, I will show you. All the maids here share a room together, but there is still one room left. Would you mind staying alone?" She asked.

I want to stay with my husband in one room, but you snatched him away from me. Or maybe she didn't? Maybe he was the one who choose to have another live.

"Evelina, she will not stay there. I have another place she can stay."

"Where?" She asked. The look in Zayns eyes gave me the feeling that he would torture me in whatever way possible. I'm in, I'll unravel your true colors, Zayn Matteo or should I say Delmar Ramirez.

"At the stable." He replied, but the way he spoke screamed authority, even Evelina was quiet. "Sure, show me the stable mr Delmar Ramirez." My eyes shot daggers at him.

My heart ached, it wanted Zayn but at the same time it was hurt. It has been crying for him for months and look at him now. He broke me into pieces, but I won't give up, not before I make sure it's Zayn.

He grabbed my wrist making me walk next to him. I didn't feel the warmth I used to feel whenever I was with him. Right now it was my aim to unravel his truth, if not for me then for my children.

He pushed me inside the stable making me stumble. "Talk with respect to my wife. I will ruin your live Jasmine, you had your chance to leave but now no more." The anger all around him.

"F*ck off Delmar, or should I say Zayn?" I don't know where I got the courage from but I grabbed him at his collar.

"If I realise that it's really you Zayn Matteo, then I'll shoot the shit out of you, you son of a d*ck. I'll riddle your whole damn body with bullets. The pain you have caused me and my family, Valentino who kept asking where you were. I will bury you this time with my own hands you prick." I hissed as I panted heavily while backing up.

He smirked. "Riddle me if you can." I thought he would walk away but instead he hovered over me grabbing my hair tightly. My scalp was screaming but so was my anger.

"One thing Jasmine. Disrespect me again and I'll show you how rude I can be."

"Asshole, son of a b*tch." I spat back. My head collided with the wall within no time. It was hurting so bad, but I tried regain my composure.

"Weak creature." I said, glaring at him.

"Weak? Have you seen yourself, mental woman. Let this be a lesson for you Jasmine, don't pass the line or you'll die."

"I won't die before I kill you Zayn Matteo."

A sharp pain went through my face, he had slapped me, it was so quick that I didn't have time to respond. The slap made me dizzy, leaving me on the ground.

Stay strong Jasmine for your children!

"You'll start at 9am, no minute later or you will taste the devil in me."

"F*ck your devil asshole." He sighed deeply as he kneeled down grabbing my hair again.

"I'll beat the shit out of you if you disrespect me one more time Jasmine. Did you get me?" I didn't reply instead I remained quiet trying to control my anger.

He left me behind as he walked away.

"Wait!" I spoke. "How am I supposed to know what time it is?"

"You have a damn watch around your wrist." Oh that's right. Speaking about the watch, Zayn gifted me this.

"Am I supposed to sleep?" My mind was a mess. I wanted to escape, going back home and telling James about this. He must be worried, but I can't. This Delmar will kill me without thinking twice, why am I calling him Delmar. Oefff!

That night I tried to get some sleep on the ground. It was cold but I had to manage it. I had probably fallen asleep even though the sounds of the horses would wake me up now and then.

"Wake up," I heard a voice. As I opened my eyes it was day and there was a young maid standing in front of me.

"Wake up and wear this. You have to be at mr and mrs Ramirez room at 9am." And with that she walked away.

"No good morning, no would you like to wash your face or drink some water. Jeez rude people."

I wore the clothes she had given me leaving my own clothes behind.

How long will I endure this? Come on Jasmine, you can do this. You have been through a lot, but please let this be the last thing I have to go through. I can't bear this anymore, challenge after challenge.

I walked to the maindoor of the mansion as I observed the area. The fence was pretty high with sharp ends on top. Okay, that means I won't be able to climb those.

Calm down Jasmine, just one step at a time. For now your aim is to find whether this is Zayn or not. I'm so tired so tired of this ruthless life.

"Excuse me," I asked one maid who looked at me as if she could kill me at any moment.

"Hmm" she replied as she rolled with her eyes. Why do I want to poke her eyes out? Calm down Jasmin calm down.

"Where is Zay- I mean Delmars room?"

"Delmars? Excuses you, never call him this or he will undo you from your skin. Just a kind reminder. You know I have been here not for long but the time that I have spend here, I have learned that mr Ramirez will not be kind when you disrespect him."

I nodded. "Thank you for your kind reminder," I tried to sound as if I cared.

"His room is the third door on the right when you walk upstairs. It has the biggest door, so you won't miss it."

She was about to walk away as she stopped. "Ah before I forget, knock on the door." I nodded "Thank you."

Okay Delmar, let's see what a shitty prick you are. The feeling of anxiety entered me when I walked upstairs. Do they have intercourse? Is it Zayn or Delmar, stop it! I myself get confused with those names.

I took a deep breath as I knocked on the door. This door was indeed big, but ugly.

"Come in." Zayn voice made me heart go faster. Even though he made my blood boil in anger I was still weak for his voice. I missed Zayn, I wanted Zayn, but not Delmar, not him.

I opened the door, my eyes going over the room. Their big bed was not made up yet.

Delmar cleared his throat, making me look at him. But shock overtook me when I saw him with an naked upperbody. My brain started to work again, this is my chance. I need to see those scars on his arms and the birth mark above his right armpit.

But how? How can I look at his body without making it obvious.

Think Jasmine think. "Are you going to clean or will you stay there like a statue?" He spoke, a slight irritation in his voice.

"I will stay here like a statue." I replied as I gulped, pushing down the saliva. He raised his eyebrows coming closer to where I was standing.

I was expecting him to walk over to me, but in fact he walked over to the door.

There it is! I saw the first scar of the bullet he had in his right arm. It had the exact same shape as Zayn had. Now his left arm, there were two more there. Turn around turn around!

He closed the door with a bang, locking it. My legs weakened when I the rage in his eyes. He looked so much like Zayn when he used to torture me in the past.

"Let's see how long you stay like a statue." He took place on the bed grabbing a gun out of his pocket, still shirtless. Let me see the damn left arm.

The gun was pointed on me, not that it scared me. "If you move on tiny inch, I'll shoot you."

"Are you a grown up man or a child?" I spat back as I walked over to him.

Pang! The first shot was right in front of my feet, making me stop right at the spot.

"Stay still Jasmine, or we'll need to burry you today," he smirked.

"I'll burry you Delmar Ramirez." The fire in his eyes took over as he hovered over me in one go, slamming me against the wall.

My bones were screaming in pain. My back, my back damn it! I glared into his eyes, ready to poke them out. But he had my arms pinned above me head.

I tried to look at his right arm pit and I couldn't resist to smile. His birth mark was there!

"Zayn damn it, I'll fuck you up." I said as I smiled. "What?" He spoke as he squeezed my cheecks together.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

"Well, that I'll fuck you up." I managed to utter since the amount of pressure there was on my cheek was insane.

"You will fuck me up? How about I'll fuck you up?"

"Do it." He looked at me bewildered.

"Are you insane woman?" He almost growled at me. His left arm Jasmine his left arm.

"Look at me damn it!" He shouted this time. Wait where is his wife?

"Where is your wife?" I asked. "None of your fucking business. Shut up and listen to me. What the fuck is your problem?! I'm not Zayn, how many times do I need to tell you?! I'm Delmar Ramirez, get that in that useless brain of you!" He poked with his finger against my temple.

"You are Zayn Matteo. And do you know why?" I pushed his hand away that was already loosing up. "You Zayn, have a birth mark above your right arm pit, you have one bullet scar on your right arm and two on your left arm." I turned to his left arm seeing both of the marks.

This is Zayn, this is Zayn!

"Wanna hear more?" He looked at me as if he could devourish me at any moment with his huge hands.

"You also have a big scar on your left leg, it goes from your knee to half of your lower leg. And not to forget," I went closer to whisper in his ear.

"There is a small birth mark on your right tigh, very close to your mandhood."

I didn't know how fast he did it but he got me up from the floor slamming me against the wall, his hand squeezing my neck tightly.

I tried to get rid of his grib, but who was I? I would never made a chance against Zayn, he was too strong for a whole mafia let alone a woman like me.

But I can't die like this, I won't allow it. With all the power that I had I managed to place my hand on his back, making circles with my finger on the spot that he used to like me to touch when we were still together.

Within a second he let go. My lungs were screaming for air as I coughed. I fell on my knees as I coughed even harder. Oh please let this stop.

"I don't know who you are woman, but don't try to be smart. Do your job before I finish you. And one thing, I'll look into your history and if I get a tiny clue of who you really are, then I'll shoot the shit out of you." And with that he grabbed his shirt from the bed, closing the door behind him with a bang.

Seems like I startled him. He doesn't realise how much I know about him, the prick. "Almost choking me to death, wait till I get my hands on you asshole I'll make chicken soup out of you."

I got up examining my neck in the mirror. His finger prints were on it, good very good, these will stay there for a while. Zayn would litterly kill the person who would do this to me without thinking twice, sadly he is the one doing these things to me now.

The pictures next to the mirror caught my attention. It broke my heart to see Zayn holding Evelina so close to him as he kissed her. It was their bridal photoshoot. She was in a white dress he in a suit. How unfair, we never got married this way. I signed a certificate and that's it. The anger boiled up in wanting to tear all the pictures.

"Clean Jasmine clean, before you loose more brain cells here," I told myself. This is room is so big but so not full of love. It makes me nauseous. Nauseous because it makes me realise that Zayn and Evelina made out here. They made love here.

I almost throwed up as I bumped into the drawer opening it slightly. The amount of medicines that I saw there caught my attention.

"The hell, what are these medicines?"

I opened the drawer more taking one of the bottles out. There was 'Delmar Ramirez' written on it. What is this? I checked all the medicines, and there was not even one for Eveline, all of them had Delmar written on it.

My heartbeat fastened. What did she do to him? What is this?

"What did you do Evelina? Who are you?"

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