It Is Well With The Van

By BDub116

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B. Wells and DaVan are up and coming rappers in their city of Rochester. They're normal people, at least for... More

Chapter 1: GO!
Chapter 2: The Title Track
Chapter 3: Angel and a Devil
Chapter 4: Action
Chapter 5: Run Up On Me
Chapter 6: Sanctified
Chapter 7: Code
Chapter 8: Midnight
Chapter 9: Making It
Chapter 10: Get Banged (Part 2)
Chapter 11: Turn Up
Chapter 12: Ride For My Bruddas
Chapter 13: Don't Want Your Love
Chapter 14: Lean
Chapter 15: Diamond
Chapter 16: Bad B!
Chapter 17: Stress
Chapter 18: You Feel Me?
Chapter 19: Disappoint You
Epilogue: Beatbox Freestyle

Chapter 20: Trenches

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By BDub116

They needed The Doctor.

L.D Curtain smiled creepily at the rappers. "Sit back down, boys. Relax. You'll all be upgraded soon."

"I'm not sitting down." B. Wells said with a grimace.

"Neither am I." DaVan added.

"Restrain them." Mr. Reinhart commanded.

The metal men began to walk towards the kids, but DaVan used his sonic powers to electrify the robots, knocking them to the ground.

Reinhart chuckled. "There's more of them than you think."

"Run!" Brandon shouted, throwing the door open with his Aero spell.

The two got out of there quickly, Evan lighting a way out of the building.

Mrs. Chipman and company tried to run after them, but the boys were fast.

They exited the office, racing through the hallway back to their room.

"Guys!" Evan shouted. "Let's go!"

"Why? What's going on?" Joseph asked, launching into worry.

"It's Reinhart. He's got an army of robots coming after us! Let's go!" Brandon yelled at them, everyone grabbing what little they had and running out the door.

The kids started through the halls, the other kids confused and bewildered, seeing the team busting through each door.

And then Brandon remembered something. "Jesse. We gotta get him!"

"They'll all come eventually." Evan reassured. "We don't have time for this, c'mon!"

"But what if they don't! They could be turned into Cybermen!"

"What?!" DBro exclaimed.

"Yes!" DaVan replied. "And that's why we gotta get out of here and warn the police."

"What if Reinhart has informants in the police?" Trey pointed out.

"No time to find out. Mr. Benedict and the kids are probably waiting for us right now. Come ON!"

DaVan was in lightning mode, literally. He grabbed B. Wells and rushed off with his friends to the exit.

But wouldn't you know it, Jackson and Jillson were there, standing right in front of the door.

"Oh, come on! You?"

"We can't let you leave." Jillson stated simplistically.

"You're due to be upgraded." Jackson added nonchalantly.

"Do you even know what that means?" Brandon inquired.

"Yes. We will be upgraded to something greater. The Cybermen exceed us in superiority."

"Reinhart's got them in his spell." Joseph chimed in.

"Dr. Curtain? Oh, he's showed us happiness. True happiness under his leadership. And now we will all leave his for a greater one."

"Shut up with your creepy bullcrap!" DBro snapped. "A ton of kids are trapped here with no way to get out! Now release them or I'mma make you!"

The henchmen laughed in an unsettling manner. "Boys, please relax." Jackson started. "Everything is going to be-"

"Ok, I've had enough. STOP!"

B. Wells held out his hands and froze them in time with his Stop spell. "Evan, you're right. I can hear their footsteps coming. Let's get out of here."

The kids squeezed in between the two accomplices and kicked open the door to the exit of Victor Senior High School.

Honestly, the light was super bright to them. Despite being in a light building, the sun glared into their faces.

"Woah... Are we out?" Bradley asked.

"Yeah, we're outside." Trey confirmed.

"So... What do we do now?" Joseph inquired quietly.

"Boys! Over here!"

Rhonda Kazembe waved to the guys over in her truck, opening the doors.

"Guys, look!"

The Mysterious Benedict Society piled out of the vehicle quickly and ran over to them.

"Reynie!" Brandon shouted, hugging the boy.

"Ok, this is new." DBro muttered.

Reynard hugged his friend back, then let Brandon do the same with the rest of the kids... Except for Constance. She didn't show affection like that.

"How are you feeling?" Sticky asked. "Did The Whisperer... change you in any way?"

"Nope. Evan saved us in time. I might've cracked if Professor Xavier hadn't jumped in."

"Professor what?" DeAngelo repeated, surprised.

Evan laughed. "Oh, so that's why-"

"Yeah. I'm expecting at least one of the X-Men to show up soon."

"Ohhh, it's going down now!" BDog yelled triumphantly.

Constance strolled up to DaVan. "You did good, Evan."

Kate raised her eyebrows. "A compliment from Constance?"

"He destroyed The Whisperer." Sticky reminded. "I think she's proud of him for doing the same thing she did."

Mr. Benedict walked up to the group. "Alright. Where's my brother?"

B. Wells sighed. "You really shouldn't go in there."

The man furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What? Why?"

"You will be upgraded."

"That." DaVan said, pointing to the doors, footsteps incoming.

"What has he done now?"

"I'm not sure it's just him." Reynie concluded.

Suddenly, the doors swung open, and there stood the Cybermen, actually, quite a few of them.

"What is going on?!" Trey exclaimed in stress. "Literally yesterday, we were just trying to destroy The Whisperer. Now, these guys?"

"That's what happens when you hang out with B. Wells and DaVan." DBro pointed out with a smirk.

"Guys, they're coming closer!" Bradley announced. "What do we do?"

"Run!" Joseph shrieked.

"Wait!" Mr. Benedict interrupted. "Let me see... metal men. What is Nathaniel up to?"

"Mr. Benedict, don't go near them!" Sticky warned.

"He's right." Rhonda added. "They don't look friendly."

"They said, 'You will be upgraded'." He said under his breath, slowly walking towards the Cybermen. Already making a huge mistake. "What does that mean?"

One of the Cybermen turned to him. "You are compatible. You will be taken to Dr. Curtain. You will be upgraded."

"Mr. Benedict! No!"

But the Cybermen had already grabbed him. "Don't worry, kids! I'm going to see my brother!"

Kate turned to Rhonda. "No! We have to help him!"

Rhonda shook her head. "Mr. Benedict is right. This is the best way for him to confront Dr. Curtain. That is why I didn't stop him."

"Well, why didn't you just tell us that?"

"It was obvious. Plus, Mr. Benedict does what he wants when he wants. You cannot stop him. Perhaps that is why he and his brother are both so stubborn."

"Well... what now?" Evan asked.

"First off, we need help." Brandon stated.

"Who in the world could help us with this insanity?" Kate questioned. "It's not just Dr. Curtain anymore. It's a bunch of robot guys!"

"Cybermen." DaVan corrected. "And I think I know just the guy to help."

B. Wells looked over at his friend. "Are you sure?"

Evan laughed. "He's a Time Lord dedicated to helping and protecting the universe. Why not?"

The boy shrugged. "I guess you're right."

"Guys, who are you even talking about?" BDog asked in distress.

"Don't worry. We got this." Evan reassured. "Alright. 3, 2, 1-"


Finally. Billy had finished his homework. There wasn't much time left, so he had to move quickly. He put his computer down and got ready to open the window.

"Billy? What are you doing?"

The kid turned around to see his brother standing outside the door.

"Tommy... hi. I..."

"You're gonna do something dangerous, aren't you?"

Billy nervously chuckled. "N-No. Why would you think that?"

"Because you were just about to open the window."

Tommy walked over to his twin, putting his hand on his shoulder. "C'mon, bro. What's really going on?"

Billy tried to compress his feelings, but he couldn't hold them in. "Brandon's in trouble!"

Tommy perked up. "What?"

"Yeah, he's over at Victor High School! I talked to Professor Xavier last night and he said there's something bad about to go down there."

The twin's eyes lit up. "Wait, you're going to help? Let me come with you!"

Billy thought for a second. "Y'know what? I do need your help. I gotta pick up Ethan real quick. He's been a big part of this too and I know he wants to help."

"On it! Let's go!"

The Maximoff boys rushed out the window and off to get their friends to safety while their uncle watched in surprise from the living room of the house.

"Hmm... well, at least I know where they are now."

Peter got out his phone to call his sister. He dialed the number and let it ring.

"...Wanda? Yeah, the kids are gone. ... I know where they are, they're going to Victor Senior High School! Apparently Xavier said there's something going on there. ... Yeah, I'll go after 'em. Just letting you know. ... Alright, see ya soon."

The mutant knew the kids were up to something, but he wasn't ready for what was to come.

And neither were Allan or Margaret Wells, the parents of the guy who started this whole thing.

They drove up the road, silent at first, just focusing on getting their son back.

This week had been an incredibly hard one, and Margaret was extremely stressed out from it. But now they knew where Brandon was, or at least they had a good idea of where he could be.

"Margaret..." The father started while he drove on, listening to Loser by Beck to clear his head. "Are you sure this is where Brandon is?"

"Allan, we've been over this. Aidan is there, and Reinhart's running the school. Where else would he be? Getting himself into trouble. And we're going to stop him from getting into even more."

Allan nodded. "Yeah, you're right."

They were already doing the exact opposite of what Sheriff Hopper had said to do, and they didn't care about the consequences. They were doing what was best for their family.

Meanwhile, senojfromtheroc was playing Four Square Doubles with Ethan, Christian and the other kids, Jace and Aidan who came to the playground with their mom on occasions.

"Got em!" Breeze called out, pointing to Ethan.

"What? Not fair!"

"Life's not fair, Sug. Switch."

Aidan and Ethan switched, teaming up on Breeze and Christian, who was jumping up and down like the younger boy that he was.

Breeze served, just as Tommy and Billy zoomed into view.

"Hey, Ethan!" Billy greeted with a grin.


The boy ran over to hug his friend, Aidan shrugging to Christian, not knowing what was going on or if they were still playing or not.

Billy looked around. "Where's Nolan?"

"He already got picked up. What are you doing here?"

"Well, you know what Professor Xavier said last night?"


"I know he said not to go help Brandon, but I wanna make sure he's ok. I'm his friend, and I wanna help. You wanna come?"

"I mean, yeah, but I'm here with Breeze, and my mom could be here any minute."

"That's why we have Tommy."

The longer haired boy struck a bro pose, being the cool twin.

"Hey, what if Breeze came with us?" Billy said, striking up an idea.

"I mean, he's taking care of all of us." Ethan reminded, gesturing to the kids.

"It's alright, I got this."

With one flick of the wrist, the Maximoff boy froze the playground and all of its inhabitants except for Breeze, Ethan and Tommy.

Senoj looked around, his jaw dropping. "How did you do that?"

"I got it from my Mom. C'mon, let's go."

"Where are we even going? And don't tell me you're gonna teleport again!"

"We're going to help B. Wells!" Ethan said with jubilance. "And Tommy's gonna help us this time. Here, take my hand."

Breeze rolled his eyes. "Oh crap."

3 kids were already enough for Breeze to handle, but speeding off with Tommy Maximoff as the leader was insanity. It was even harder for him to understand how they all were able to stay connected through their super fast journey to the school.

But they all got there surprisingly quick, making senojfromtheroc nauseous once again.

"Brandon!" The kids shouted, seeing the group turn around.

"Guys? What are you doing here?!" B. Wells asked.

"We're here to help!"

Breeze staggered around, trying to get a sense of what was going on. "I'm still not sure what I'm doing here."


Brandon ran over to his coworker, helping him keep stable. "Hey, remember that time you kicked that ball super high?"

"Yeah... It was crazy."

"I think there's a reason Billy brought you here. Look, I know it's gonna seem crazy, but that's how things go around here."

The singer chuckled. "I just got dragged all the way here in 10 seconds. It's already crazy."

B. Wells turned to his friends. "Sticky! Can you get them up to speed?"

"Sure thing!"

The kid ran up to the unknowing group and explained the situation of Nathaniel Benedict and The Cybermen and the fact that this could determine the fate of many people. If they didn't stop the metal men, more would be created.

This was already hard for Breeze to handle, but he seemed to at least understand the words being said. Cyber, and men were 2 terms that weren't usually put together, but on this day, they were.

"Alright, The Doctor should show up any second now."

"Who is this Doctor you keep talking about?" Constance inquired with her snarky attitude.

"Oh, he's awesome. You're gonna love him." DBro replied giddily. "He's got a sonic thing, and-"

"Let them see for themselves." DaVan interrupted, listening for the sound of the blue box.

And then it came into view.

Brandon smiled as he heard the whooshing.

"What's that?" Rhonda chimed in, hearing the noise too.

"That... Is our cavalry."

Right next to Breeze, Ethan and the twins appeared the blue police box... The TARDIS.


"Shh, just watch." Tommy whispered, letting the event play out.

The door opened, and the man himself strode out with his blond companion.

"Hello! Did somebody call for... The Doctor?"

"Yes! It worked!" DaVan pumped his fist in the air, grinning. "Let's go!"

He ran up to The Doctor. "Doctor, we need your help."

"Evan! I thought it was you calling."

"Yes! We're being attacked!"

"It's not the Daleks again, is it?" Rose asked.

"No, that's not possible. We just defeated them." The Doctor explained. "There's got to be some reason we-"

"It's The Cybermen."

The Time Lord's smile faded as he looked up again. "Well, it looks like you have a team ready to fight back, but you were right to call for us. We've fought them before, so they'll likely be ready for us. But with your power, I have no doubt we can do this."

"Yeah, we've beat them before. Why not now?" Rose said with determination.

B. Wells walked over to the duo. "Back so soon?"

"How long has it been?"

"Oh, just a few days."

"Wow, that's really not very long. You sure you don't wanna travel with us?"

"We have enough going on here." Brandon replied respectfully.

"Understandable. Now... Hello, DeAngelo! Billy and Tommy! And... It looks like there's some new people to meet. What's your name?"

"Uhh, Breeze." Senoj greeted, bewildered.

"And I'm Ethan!" The 9 year old chirped.

"Breeze! Ethan! Nice to meet you, this is Rose. And DeAngelo, who are your friends?"

"Oh, this is Trey, Joseph and Bradley."

"Bradley, Joseph, Trey! Works better to learn them backwards. And you?"

Rhonda blinked a few times, just trying to keep up with the man's fast speech. "I, uh... My name is Rhonda Kazembe, and these are my pupils, Reynie, Sticky, Kate, and Constance. Mr. Benedict is inside with his brother Nathaniel who is in league with those robot men."

Now it was The Doctor's turn to blink. "Alright, I'm not gonna lie, that was a lot to process. Who is Mr. Benedict?"

"Thaaaat's a long story that we don't have time for." DaVan slid in. "All you need to know is that there is a man in there who wants to control the world and he's trying to use The Cybermen to get what he wants."

The Time Lord sighed. "Well, he's a fool for thinking that way. Eventually, he's gonna be 'upgraded' too. The Cybermen won't stop until everyone is turned into more of them."

"So, kinda like The Daleks?" DBro realized.

"No, actually, worse. That was one instance when The Daleks had already made one human version and wanted to perfect it to be the best Dalek. They wanted a better leader. The Cybermen just want more Cybermen."

"So... This could mean the conversion of the world?" Brandon added.

"Yes, but now you have me. I'll help you defeat them."

"Should I get the blaster?" Rose suggested.

"Wouldn't hurt to have it."

Ethan's eyes went wide overhearing this. "Blaster?"

"Told you they could help us." B. Wells said with a smile.

Rose walked back to the TARDIS, and The Doctor grouped up everyone else in a circle.

"Alright, from now on, Evan's leading the group. I trust him, and with his sonic powers, he can help us defeat The Cybermen. Brandon, you'll be beside Rose and I."

B. Wells patted his friend on the back. "You're a leader now, Evan! How does it feel?"

Evan chuckled. "Awesome."

"So what do we do, leader?" BDog started.

DaVan smiled, thinking for a second. "Ok, first-"

"Stop! Stop!"

A figure zoomed up to them, making Billy and Tommy gasp.

"Uncle P?"

"Kids, what are you doing here?"

"We don't have time for another long story!" Tommy groaned.

"Yes, you do. Tell me what's going on right now!"

"Oh, this must be Peter Maximoff." The Doctor stepped in, taking the X-Man aside. "I'm The Doctor. I'm sure your sister told you all about our run-in with The Daleks."

Peter sighed. "Yeah, I heard about that. What are you here for now?"

"The Cybermen." Rose transitioned. "There's a lot of them inside. And if they take over this school, they'll be even harder to stop."

"Please, Uncle P. We want to help."

"I think it's only right." Rose said. "They want to help their friends, and in doing so, they can rescue many other children from captivity from The Cybermen."

"And Mr. Reinhart." Billy added.

"Hold on, Mr. Reinhart's back?"

"That's not important right now." DaVan interjected, bringing the attention back to him. "What we need to do now is get in there and stop Curtain from doing any more damage and save the kids and Mr. Benedict from harm."

The rapper took a deep breath, formulating his plan.

"Alright. The Doctor and I will lead with B. Wells and Rose behind us, ready to attack The Cybermen at any moment. The worst they can do is try to grab us, they're not Daleks. But no one under any circumstance will let a Cyberman take them. You could be turned into one of them, and I don't wanna find out what that's like."

"He's right. We've seen it happen, and it's not good." Rose confirmed.

"Peter, Billy and Tommy will lead Ethan and Breeze. You know what to do."

"Make it up as we go along!" Tommy cheered.

"Pretty much."

"And we're behind them, I guess?" Joseph suggested.

"Good idea! DBro and BDog, lead with Lil Eli and T-Shirt behind you."

"Those are our nicknames." DeAngelo whispered to Peter.

"What do I do?" Ethan asked with big eyes.

"Hey, B. Wells? Come here a second."

DaVan proceeded to whisper something into Brandon's ear, which made him laugh pretty hard.

"We're gonna have fun with this one, buddy."

Brandon then whispered the same thing into the boy's ear, making him laugh as well.

"That's good."

"What is it?" Breeze asked.

"You'll see."

Kate stepped to the front. "We're the last ones. What are we doing?"

"The Mysterious Benedict Society will have the most important job." Evan concluded. "Rescuing Mr. Benedict and taking down L.D. Curtain."

"Good. Then I can break him again." Constance said with a mischievous smile.

"We can break him again." Kate specified. "Remember? We're all in this together."

"Children, focus up." Rhonda commanded, steadying the group. "This could be the most important mission yet. We need to stay by each other."

"She's right." B. Wells said, in a louder tone than usual. "If this is going to work, we cannot deviate from the plan. This world depends upon us now. So are we ready?"

"Yeah!" Everyone shouted back.

"Let's go!"

The Doctor opened the doors with his sonic screwdriver, and let DaVan lead them all into Victor Senior High School, ready to finish this battle and finally defeat Erik Reinhart.

All while another car pulled up in the parking lot of the school, watching them go in.

"What in the world..."

"Don't ask me, Margaret. I have no idea what's going on either."

The woman stared at the event as the doors closed. "Was that Breeze?"

"And all of the kids who disappeared on the news." Allan remembered. "But they were just outside the school. Why would they want to go back in."

Margaret turned to her husband. "How about we find out?"

Jesse Ward sat in his room, nervous and waiting. He could see The Cybermen marching through the halls, and all he could do now was hope they didn't see him.

He wondered where Brandon was, and whether he was doing ok or not with the whole Reinhart situation. But with these guys stomping their metal feet around, he wasn't sure if anything was ok at all.

Still, he cowered in the room behind a chair, trying his hardest to stay quiet.

And then the door opened. Jesse gasped, seeing the mechanical men standing with their headset-like contraption around their ears. "You are compatible. You will be upgraded."

"No! No!" Jesse yelled out, throwing the chair at them and backing up against the wall. "Help me! Help!"

He struggled as they grabbed his arms, the boy kicking and trying to resist the Cybermen.

"Come with us and be upgraded. Come or you will be deleted."

"No, please! Someone help!"

Suddenly, a bright flash of light was shown and Aidan Gallagher appeared, hitting the Cybermen over the head with a bat and breaking their grip on Jesse.

"Aidan!" Jesse cried out.

"Don't worry. I gotcha."

The uniformed hero took Jesse's hand and jumped away...

To the roof.

"Aidan!" Jesse scolded, this time frustrated. "Why would you take us up here?"

The student turned to his friend, shocked. "Hold on, you knew I had powers?"

"Yeah, everybody at Churchville knew once your dad exposed you to the world! That's what you're mad about?!"

"I'm not mad, I'm just... surprised."

"Well, what I'm surprised about is that you teleported us to the roof of the school!"

"We're not safe in or outside of the school. The Cybermen are everywhere!"

"And how do you know that?"

"Because The TARDIS is right out there and Brandon and Evan were planning with their group and The Doctor on how to beat them!"

Jesse's jaw dropped. "You were eavesdropping AGAIN?!"

"I had no choice! Brandon hates me now, and I couldn't let myself be caught by those guys!"

"Didn't we just talk about this yesterday? You need to talk to him, ask for forgiveness!"

"Well, I'm scared, Jesse! I'm afraid that if I ask, he'll just turn his back to me and stay with all of his new friends! He obviously doesn't care about me, no one does! I'm.... I'm alone."

Aidan dropped to his knees, sobbing once again.

Jesse bent down to look the boy in his eyes.

"Hey. Of course he cares about you. I care about you. We're all your friends, ok?"

"I know." He replied, hanging his head. "I just... feel really bad. And if we go back in there, you could be turned into a Cyberman."

"But there's more people to save, right? We have to go get the other kids out."

Aidan lifted his head up. "Yeah, you're right."

"Don't worry about Brandon. Just focus on saving the school. Let's go back in, ok?"

"Hey! What are you doing up there?"

"Oh crap." Aidan recognized that voice.

Jesse turned around, standing up and looking over the edge of the building out into the parking lot. "Brandon's Mom and Dad? What are you doing out there?"

"Getting our son back!" Allan yelled out so they could hear.

"It's not safe for you out there!" Aidan shouted back in distress.

"It's not safe for you up there!" Margaret pointed out. "Especially with him!"

"What are you talking about?" Jesse responded, a little frustrated now.

"He's dangerous!"

"Why? Just because I have powers? Your son has magic too!"

Oops. Maybe he shouldn't have let that slip, but it was in the heat of the moment.

"You're right up there with those haters who protest against mutants!" Jesse said, now angered. "Aidan's a good kid and we can prove it! C'mon, Aidan. Let's go save those kids."

The boys disappeared back into the school to help their friends.

Margaret looked over at Allan, confusion spreading across her face. "What did he mean by that?"

Allan shook his head. "More importantly, why is Jesse Ward with Aidan Gallagher?"

"We should go in there and help them."

The woman walked up to the door, and opened it, only to close it immediately after.


"Delete. Delete. Delete."

DaVan stretched out his hands and took down 2 Cybermen with his power.

"Doctor, Rose! You take those guys!"

Rose blasted a couple Cybermen while The Doctor opened the doors so Bradley and Trey could get some kids out of their rooms.

"C'mon! Let's go! Cybermen are attacking! Get out of the school!"

B. Wells pointed at some of them, shouting, "Thunder!"

"You will be dele-"

"Wow, this is the first time defeating Cybermen didn't feel like a chore." Rose complimented, making Brandon smile.

"Y'know what? I'm actually having a good time too. Weirdly."

Joseph looked ahead. "Hey, is that Aidan and Jesse?"

B. Wells stopped when he saw the kids fighting and rescuing others as well, Aidan spatial jumping kids out of the school quicker than everyone else. Sure, Tommy and Billy were quick, but Aidan had his power from birth. The Maximoffs had to grow into theirs.

Breeze's arm had been grabbed by a Cyberman for a second, but he punched it with his free hand, disabling it. Man, he was unnaturally strong. Maybe something really had awakened in him.

Ethan grinned at his "counselor". "This is so cool."

"Sug! Help me get these kids out!"

"Go! Go! Cybermen are coming!"

Billy's "time freezing" trick didn't seem to work on Cybermen, but luckily, he was able to team up with his twin and shock their heads, combining his magic with Tommy's speed.

But Tommy had got it from his uncle, who could actually stop time in his world. Because he was so fast, he saw everything slowly. There was a lot going on, but Peter got the doors open quicker than the rest of the team, allowing DBro and crew to get some 9th graders out of their rooms.

Many kids ran out after seeing the Cybermen, plastered with fear and calling their parents right away.

The Wells parents were equally as shocked, still not understanding why so many kids were rushing to get out. They could hear the chaos inside and didn't want any part in it. They just wondered what in the world their son could possibly be doing.

"Ethan!" Sticky called. "Come with us! We're going to complete the plan!"

DaVan had given the kids a mental map of where to go, and with Milligan and Number Two back at the house monitoring everything, the plan was sure to finally work once and for all.

The Doctor had made sure to let everyone clear a path, and get the fallen Cybermen out of the way for The Mysterious Benedict Society to find the route to Curtain's office. And that... was where the real showdown was taking place.

Nicholas Benedict sat in the white room, The Whisperer destroyed and the lights flickering from the last time with Evan.

"Hello, brother. It's good to see you again."

"Nathaniel." The man scowled. "Why are you doing this? Recreating The Emergency? And using these children?"

"Why are you spying on me?" L.D Curtain replied softly.

"You know very well why I made this decision. You're putting the world in your control again, and it's sickening! And now, you're in league with these..."


"Yes! Why?"

Curtain smiled, masking his evil grin. "The Cybermen only want to help us. They want to upgrade this world to a better place. A place filled with happiness, with control... with peace. No more abandonment, no neglect. Everyone is equal."

"Is that what you believe?"

"I do. And in fact, I want you to join me."

Mr. Benedict looked up. "What?"

"Listen, Nicholas. I'm giving you a chance. If you join me in this happy world, we can be together. We can make up for the lost time from all those years ago."

The twin chuckled. "You don't understand. Your mind is clouded with the thought that the world can be perfect, just the way that you want it to be. And what is it with these aliases? Erik Reinhart? Allison Chipman? You and Dr. Garrison have been known for The Emergency and now you cover it up with music teaching and a fake school, a new Institute?"

"It can be said that music is the window to the soul."

Nicholas sighed. "Nathaniel... It's like I don't even know you anymore."

Curtain frowned. "That's not true. I'm still your brother. You just have to see the world my way."

"That's not going to happen."

"Well, then... I guess I'll just have to make you see. Cybermen."

Two Cybermen came up, untied the man, keeping him restrained and got him up, lifting him up.

"You will be upgraded."

"What- No, Nathaniel! What are you doing?"

"It's time to be upgraded, my brother. Soon, you'll see the world just as I do."

"Nathaniel, no!"

"Just relax. It'll all be over soon."

"Not on my watch!"

The men's gaze darted to the door, which slid open, revealing the boy key to this plan, Ethan Sugarman.

"What? Who are you?" Nathaniel demanded.

"Well, my name is Flethan, and I eat pancakes, you eat mancakes!"

An uncomfortable silence filled the room.


"Exactly. Anything and everything."

Curtain rolled his eyes. "Cybermen, continue."

"WAIT!" Ethan shouted, stopping everything. "I eat mancakes... YOU EAT MEEEEEEEEEEE!"

Without warning, the boy jumped onto Erik Reinhart, breaking his contact with The Cybermen and letting the rest of the kids along with Rhonda enter.

"There you are!" Mr. Benedict greeted as Rhonda punched a Cyberman and taking her friend back.


"Yes, it's us." Constance shot back. "Who did you expect?"

"You've been with Brandon and Evan the whole time."

"Are you slow? Of course we were."

The Cybermen who once obeyed Curtain's voice now stepped toward him. "You are compatible. You will be upgraded."

Reinhart's jaw dropped as he backed away. "What? No! Don't upgrade me, upgrade them! Don't make me like Jackson and Jillson!"

"You thought you were in control?" Said Nicholas. "The Cybermen didn't come to you. You came to them."

"No, not me! Please-"

Suddenly, the Cyberman's head was blown off as quick as The Whisperer was destroyed.

Mrs. Chipman came out from her booth. "What's going on?"

"What's going on is we're taking you down, Chipman! And your boss, Erik Reinhart too!"

B. Wells strutted into the room, DaVan, The Doctor and the rest of the gang following and filling up the space.

"What?! We worked so hard to perfect this place!"

"And all so you could take over the world with some Cybermen." The Doctor added in. "You thought you controlled them? Well, you were wrong about that. You don't even know the first thing about Cybermen!"

The Doctor walked up to the remaining ones confidently.

"We will erase sickness and pain. We will upgrade the world to a better version."

"See, that, that is human. Everything you did was to fight your sickness, and that is brilliant. That is so human. But once you get rid of that mortality, then what's there to strive for, eh? The Cybermen won't advance. You'll just stop. You'll stay like this forever. A metal Earth with metal men, and metal thoughts, lacking the one thing that makes this planet so alive. People!"

The Time Lord pointed to L.D. Curtain. "And you! You just want to control the world, so how does that make you any better than them? Or The Daleks? Erik Reinhart is still an alien after all, and what is that to us? Nothing! Because ultimately, humans, brilliant and stupid humans are what make up the world. If the world only did what you wanted, wouldn't that get boring after a while? I'll tell you what you want. You want people to love you."

B. Wells stepped up and touched The Doctor's arm. "Can I finish? I got something to say."

"Sure, go ahead."

Brandon walked up to Reinhart and looked him in his face.

"I bet you don't even remember me, do you?"

"Oh, I remember you now, Brandon Wells. That's why I recruited you to be a Messenger. To see if you would crack under my pressure. I was eventually going to reveal myself, but Evan here stopped me."

"You're welcome." DaVan playfully joked with a wave.

B. Wells glared at his enemy. "So you tortured me, for years, for what? You wanted me to see your side of the story, to be loyal like those other kids in Concert Choir like Carson or Tavarius. All for attention. You lacked the attention from your own brother, and you craved it from other people. Where's the best place to get attention and authority? School. And from what Mr. Benedict told me a few days ago, you loved to sing and play piano. So of course you go into chorus. And after you created The Emergency with Dr. Garrison, and were defeated by Mr. Benedict's society of children, you fled with her back to chorus, under Erik Reinhart and Allison Chipman once again. And then The Daleks came and took over your lives along with these guys. But now, I just have one question. Why us? You must have known we would come for you eventually. Why did you let it happen?"

Erik was silent, nervous to speak.

"ANSWER ME!!" Brandon shouted, Evan holding him back.

"I... I didn't know you were with my brother. And I obviously didn't know your friend had this... power. But I was intrigued. Because for a time, The Whisperer seemed to have you. I wonder what voice it had."

B. Wells breathed deeply. "Y'know what? It did. For both of us. It's not a bad invention. But using it for this reason is despicable. You wanted your brother's love, you should have just asked for it. So guess what, Reinhart?"

The boy turned to Evan, his best friend for this whole journey. "1, 2, 3, GO!"

B. Wells and DaVan blasted the last of The Cybermen down to nothing, sonic powers, fire, blizzard, wind and thunder defeated Erik Reinhart's final gambit. He was done.

"Don't mess with B. Wells and DaVan. Cause the Thunderwave is here."

The Doctor smiled at the prodigies, happy to see them finally stand up against their rival. They were posted up in the trenches, but now they were back with the best of intentions. They were doing what was right for the world.

Rhonda took Dr. Garrison, and Mr. Benedict put his brother's hands behind his back.

"What do you think you're doing, Nicholas?" Curtain demanded.

"Citizen's arrest. And soon to be a real one."

He had indeed spoken true words, as Allan and Margaret had called Sheriff Hopper when they saw the multiple kids running out of the school screaming, "Cybermen".

The 911 Dispatch showed up with multiple officers, DaVan's firefighter friends even arriving too.

The Wells parents were shocked to find Reinhart and Chipman in custody, and the crowd of people that followed them.

"Erik Reinhart, you are under arrest. I would say the Miranda Rights, but I'm extremely tired after following these parents around, and I'm sure you know them already. Actually, just- go with this officer. I'll take care of your accomplice."

Mr. Benedict watched as his brother got into the police car, sighing angrily. His plans were destroyed in under a day. This was a disaster.... or was it?

"L.D. Curtain." The officer at the front greeted. "It's nice to finally meet you."

Nathaniel looked up at the man. "...What? Who are you?"

The officer took off his hat and turned around. "My name is Count Olaf. I am a renowned actor, and have been searching for you ever since I heard about that Emergency. Some brilliant work, I might add."

Curtain was speechless. "You're not... a police officer?"

"They don't know that. So keep this hush until we get to the precinct. I have a plan. Just you wait."

Unbeknownst to the rest of the people, L.D. Curtain drove off with his new partner, a new plan in sight somewhere in the near future.

Meanwhile, Aidan Gallagher walked up to his friend. "Brandon?"

B. Wells turned to see the boy. "Oh, Aidan..."

He embraced Aidan in a big hug. "I'm sorry for pushing you away. I shouldn't have said that. I was just stressed."

A tear rolled down the boy's cheek. "Thank you. And I'm sorry for running away from you. That was the opposite of what I needed to do. Luckily, Jesse helped me see the better side of things."

Jesse waved at Brandon. "Look at how far we've come, right?"

B. Wells chuckled. "Yeah, I know. It feels like we were in chorus not that long ago."

"Well, we were. Things moved pretty fast, y'know."

"I mean, if it wasn't for Evan and our group of friends, I probably would've crashed long ago."

DaVan smiled, shedding a tear himself. Bradley and DeAngelo walked up to him, each putting a hand on his shoulder.

"You did good, Evan." BDog reassured.

"Yeah, we all showed Reinhart." DBro added.

"Thanks, guys. You've all been there for me, and I'm glad to have you as my friends."

The Doctor stepped to DaVan. "Do you have a second?"

Evan nodded, walking with the Time Lord and his companion.

"I want to show you something."

DaVan's jaw dropped as he realized what this 'something' was. "No way."

"Yes, way." Rose replied with a big grin.

The Doctor snapped his fingers, and the doors of the TARDIS opened. "Come on."

Evan could not believe the sights he was seeing as he entered the box.

"Is he gonna say it?" Rose whispered.

"Shh, hold on."

DaVan's mouth turned to a grin. "It's bigger on the inside!"

"There it is!"

He laughed along with The Doctor, completely loving what he was seeing.

"Why me?" The rapper asked with curiosity.

"I mean, it's obvious. You have some sort of sonic powers. And I don't know why you've been chosen like this, but I think it means only one thing."

Rose gasped. "No way."

The Doctor pulled open the slot from the TARDIS switchboard. "Yes way!"

He tossed Evan the most prized tool of a Time Lord.

"Your very own sonic screwdriver!"

"How do you even get these?"

"Courtesy of the TARDIS, or at least that's what I think. But you did something great today. You deserve it."

DaVan ran up and hugged the man. "Thank you, Doctor!"

"The pleasure is all mine. Now go back with your friends."

Evan walked over to the doors, then turned around. "Will I ever see you again?"

"In time." Rose reassured. "Just wait for the right time, listen for the sounds and we'll show up."

The boy grinned. "And just one more question... Doctor Who?"

The Doctor laughed. "Spoilers."

Evan left the TARDIS feeling happier than ever. He knew he couldn't show his friends the sonic screwdriver, but just having it was enough.

Breeze and Ethan walked up to Brandon. "Y'know what, B. Wells? That speech was actually fire. No wonder you got bars."

The boy laughed, patting Ethan's head. "Don't you have to get back to Fairbanks? Your mom might be waiting."

Senojfromtheroc slapped his forehead. "Right! Hey, Billy! You gotta get us back."

The Maximoff twins rushed back to the supervisor.

"Yeah, kids! Go fix whatever you did." Peter added. "I gotta get back home so your mom doesn't yell at me. And to brace myself for when she yells at you."

Tommy chuckled. "It was still worth it."

Billy went over to Brandon and shook his hand, giving him a hug thereafter. "You were brave today, Brandon."

"Aww, thanks, Billy. And thanks for bringing Ethan too. You all did great. But hey, Pete's right. Go get 'em back!"

"Sure thing."

"And Tommy?"

The mutant turned back, his smile bigger than his brother's.

"Stay speedy."

"All the time!"

DaVan walked back to B. Wells as the TARDIS vanished.

"And what were you doing?"

"None of ya business." He replied, Joseph and Trey circling around to them too.

Mr. Benedict and his society faced the group.

"Boys, I am so proud of you. This took an unexpected turn, but it was all ok in the end. Even if I did almost get turned into a Cyberman."

Everyone laughed, enjoying their moment of victory.

That is, until the parents came into view.

"Brandon Carl Wells." Margaret started, folding her arms. "Do you mind explaining yourself?"

"Now, that would take forever." Brandon joked, making the group chuckle again.

"We've got time." Allan added with a frown.

"Ooooh, you're in trouble." DBro said with a snicker.

"I mean, we're all in trouble." Joseph specified. "We were missing for quite a long time."

"Now, kids. Don't fret." Mr. Benedict reassured, saving the day. "I'll have a very good explanation for all of your parents very soon. Why don't we all head back to my study and have a nice conversation? In fact, Number Two and Milligan are pulling up with a separate car right now. This will all be cleared up very soon."

"I call shotgun!" Kate shouted, running to the vehicle.

The parents were uneasy, but soon lightened up to Mr. Benedict's requests as all of the kids rode back to the compound to discuss the whole event, one day at a time. And sure, it was a rocky start at first, but if there was one thing to learn about all of the parents of the families in this group of rebels, they were all forgiving. Even the ones who were against powered individuals.

Actually, the Wells family warmed up to the idea of a superhero, specifically a powered kid like DaVan. And to Brandon's request, no one brought up his magical abilities. He was still kept a secret.

By the end of the day, The Mysterious Benedict Society had temporarily said goodbye to the group of boys, who all went back to their homes when everything had been cleared. Aidan was safely returned to his home, exchanging numbers with B. Wells and promising to keep in touch. Jesse Ward went back to his house, his parents oblivious to the whole thing. And as far as Mr. Benedict knew, his brother was behind bars and wouldn't try to take control of the world again.

That night, Brandon felt only one feeling that he hadn't had in a long time.


He had friends, cousins and people that he'd met over the last week or so who showed him love, and were there for him at every moment. Sure, he had rocky moments, but he was finally happy. And everything truly was well with his soul now.

As for DaVan, he was still trying to master his sonic powers, and the abilities of the screwdriver. Something he'd learned recently was that it didn't work on wood. Hmm.

But he had a similar feeling to Brandon. Making music wasn't just a hobby. It was something he loved to do, and as long as he had his friends with him, it would never stop being enjoyable to him.

Both boys knew that music was their true passion, singing and rapping about their lives and the ways that they'd felt over the previous weeks. Through the ups and downs, the highs and the lows, they knew one thing.

It was well with the van.

1 Week Later

R.I.P. to my brothers died in the trenches
I didn't know that this would be the endin'
Wish I had more time but the time has ended
Follow him home, shoot him where he headed
I wish I had more time, to say goodbye
Life gets harder
You gotta stay stronger
You know Jabez Z and I Always Strong
Ayy, you'll get through it (R.I.P), trust me, you'll get through it

Jabez Z was speechless hearing this DaVan verse.

"Bro, that's so fire!"

B. Wells laughed at this reaction. "That's what you get in a DaVan feature!"

"Thanks, Zack. I worked hard on the mix." Evan admitted.

"Yeah, I can tell. Alright, I gotta go to work. Stay always strong my guy! You too, B. Wells!"

"For sure! It is well!"

DaVan hung up on the call and sighed. "What a day. Am I right, B. Wells?"

Brandon chuckled. "Yeah."

He turned to his friend. "Is it just me, or is it a little weird that we just kinda went back into our normal lives after that whole crazy event with Reinhart and Mr. Benedict?"

"It's definitely not just you." Evan replied. "I've had thoughts like that too."

"Do you ever think we'll go on a crazy adventure like that again someday?"

The rapper laughed a little and nodded. "Yeah, I have a feeling we'll get back into the action someday. We're still young, we got time."


There was a bit of silence between the two of them before Evan put his arm around the boy. "Hey, you know I'm here for you, right?"

Brandon put his arm around Evan as well. "Yeah. I know. And I'll always be here for you too. We're B. Wells and DaVan. We are Thunderwave Records. And together, we're unstoppable."

"Truer words have never been spoken." DaVan complimented, side hugging his friend.

And they were right. From then on, they promised to never leave and always stick by each other and the label. Because without the other, the one was lost. But as long as they were together, they would always find each other in the end.

That day, they kept working on music and remembering their pact they made with each other and their friends. And while they worked, these lines rang true in their heads:

Punch him in the face, you gonna get tapped
Hit us up because it is well with the van
Punch him one more time, gonna knock you off the map
Got a problem in your city, you know we have a plan


7787 words.

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