The Fool

By spiralings

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"But he who dares not grasp the thorn should never crave the rose" *** ExTr... More

Introduction & Aesthetics
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five

Chapter Forty-One

664 29 9
By spiralings

It was the following day and Atlas was fine. It was only his shoulder. They knew whoever did it, purposely did not kill him and instead it was a warning. Atlas told him he didn't see anyone when he opened the door. Whoever threw the knife did it from a distance, but they don't now how they got past security. Levi was furious that they did. He was immediately calling Christopher Crudes to complain about his men. Crudes was on the receiving end of the phone call in a panic. He did not want to piss if Levi King, but it was too late. Levi was done trying to keep it low and focusing on making allies here. He wanted vengeance. Nobody threatens his family, especially in his own home.

Even though Atlas was okay, Aurora had him on bed duty. Except he wouldn't stay in bed, so she settled for the library instead. He was lying on one of the couches, reading a book. Aurora was sitting in front of the roaring fire, watching him like a hawk. He tried to assure her many times that he was okay, but to no avail. Aurora was used to her brothers coming home, battered and wounded, but every time she would still fuss over them. Some of them lap it up, like Elijah. He would milk it and play the injured card for as long as he could. But others like Atlas hated seeing her tormented over him.

"I'm not going to drop dead, Aurora" Atlas spoke up, not even needing looking up from his book to know she was watching him, he could feel her stare. Synn was sitting on a chair opposite Atlas. Levi was even more keen on him being with her at all times now more than ever, not that Synn minded, he was going to watch her like a fucking hawk. He was so conscious of her every move now. He tried not to ponder over how it could have been her to answer the door that time. He knew this was his fault. Well, he didn't know for sure, but he had a feeling this was his boss sending him a message. Telling him to hurry up. The guilt was eating him away as he sat there, quiet.

So there he sat, watching Aurora as she worried for her brother. He didn't want to admit, but he was jealous of the attention. She had barely even spoken to him, too caught up on Atlas. It was a huge difference compared the the constant nagging and comments that he was used to when he was with her.

"I should probably change your bandages again" Aurora ignored his comment, standing up from her position and going to get the medical kit again.

"You changed them not even and hour ago" Atlas said incredulously, dropping the book into his lap.

"I don't want to risk an infection" She dismissed him, as she walked past and headed for the door. Synn sighed and stood up to follow her. Atlas grabbed his arm as he walked past him, causing Synn to look down at him.

"Don't let her come back in here with bandages" Atlas said seriously, though light heartedly. Synn nodded understandingly and left after her. He entered the utility room, where most of they kept all their medical supply. Aurora was standing on her tippy toes, getting the box down from one of the presses. She was wearing one of her short pretty dresses, which inevitable rode up as she reached above her head. Synn pursed his lips and looked away. When she dropped back down onto her heels with the box in hand, Synn stepped up behind her, grabbing the box and putting it back in the press, except on the top shelf this time so she couldn't reach it. Before she could snap at him, he grabbed her by the waist, sitting her up on the wooden counter in front of them and came to stand between her legs.

"He's okay, Aurora" He said quietly, looking down at her. Auroras breath was caught in her throat for a moment as she looked down to her legs, seeing how close he was. She was avoiding looking at him, and he didn't like it. There was something else bothering her. Synn waited for any sort of response but she remained looking down and fiddling with her fingers. He couldn't help but grow slightly annoyed at this, but he reeled it in, knowing to was just his anger getting to him. Instead he letter her chin up with her finger, forcing her to meet his eyes. They danced with a turmoil of negative emotions that he wasn't used to seeing in her pools of blue and gold orbs.

"Did Levi really tell you about all this stuff when you took this job?" She blurted, her bottom lip beginning to tremble. Synn frowned at her and nodded his head, wondering why she would ask that again. "And you still took it?" She exasperated, a face full of guilt now settling on her features. Things began to click with Synn now. He nodded firmly, running his thumb long her jaw.

"You're a fucking ejit" She spat, lifting her hand up to hit him but he caught it easily with his free hand. Just as quick, they hand in her face moved down to her throat as he forced her to look at him. Aurora looked up at him with wide eyes. Out of instinct, she tried to close her legs but he was still wedged between them.

"You're a bigger fucking ejit if you think a little knife is gonna scared me off from protecting you" Synn said in a low, threatening tone as he stared into her wide eyes. He could feel his anger creeping up on him, like a poison. He wasn't angry at her though, he was angry at the thought of her getting hurt. Everything was catching up on him. His boss. The threat. Jace Matthews. Aurora was just unfortunate enough to trigger it.

"Levi would never let you leave at this stage" Aurora bit back. She felt like a burden to him in this 'job'. She knew he had no choice but to watch her and she feared it was gonna drive him mad.

"I'm not protecting you for your brothers sake, Aurora" Synn gritted, slightly tightening his grip on her throat, not enough to cut off air, but enough to send her a warning to watch her tounge. "I'm protecting you because if anyones tried to take you away from me, I want to be the one to wedge a knife in their heart" His voice was barely a whisper as his breath fanned her face. He felt her breath hitch in her throat at his words. She stared up at him, but not in fear. It was a strong deep emotion, but he couldn't decipher it.

"I don't want someone to take me away from you" She admitted quietly, causing Synn to loosen his grip on ther throat slightly. Her words put a bit of ease in his mind, his anger.

"I'm glad we can agree on that" He said flatly. She could only nod wordlessly at him.


Aurora was gone to bed, so Synn was sitting outside her door. Levi didn't tell him to do this, but he felt uneasy about going to bed. So instead he sat there, finding this time to try and figure his little Nokia phone still. He found that if he presses the buttons with the very tip of his finger, he's less likely to hit a load of other buttons around it. This was only to distract him from his thoughts eating him alive.

Levi informed them earlier that Jace Matthews died of a bullet to the head. They initially thought that was it, that it was their Uncles doing, but there was also a the number sixty-five carved on his chest. That sign pointing to the Punisher, pointing to Synn. Synn seen the look Alaric shot at him from across the room when Levi revealed that information, it was one of doubt. Not doubting Levi, but doubting Synn, and he didn't like it.

He didn't know how much longer he could hold off his boss. It was a stupid idea to begin with, taking this job. It just sounded so appealing at the time, to not have to get his hands dirty and be able to protect Aurora, but it was all catching up on him now. He needed to talk to Bruise. To have a drink and rant about this whole situation and get his help, but he couldn't leave Auroras side.

Suddenly his phone started vibrating in his hand. He jumped, not expecting it, having been so caught up in his thoughts. He squinted down at the screen and seen the 'No Caller ID' flashing on the screen. Without thinking, he pressed answer.

"What the fuck was that?" Synn snapped the second he answered. All his anger from earlier resurfaced and now he was dorecting it at the right person. Well, maybe not the right person, but the man that deserved it. The other line went silent for a moment before he spoke up.

"I know you weren't speaking to me like that" His voice was deadly. He didn't like to be treated with such disrespect. He wouldn't be treated with such disrespect. Synn ignored him however. Synn stood up, glancing at Auroras door one last time before going into his bedroom and shutting the door quietly.

"I have to kill seven of the most dangerous men in this industry, this shit takes time and your little fucking stunt isn't gonna help the matter" Synn gritted lowly, still being cautious so that no one would hear. Everyone was in bed, but you never know who could be up for a late night stroll.

"You decided to take your time when you only had one of them to kill, don't try this excuse with me, stronzo." His boss snapped back, really testing his patience. "Besides, that knife wasn't meant for Atlas King" His words sent a chill down Synns spine. They were cold, calculated. He wanted to ask who it was for, but he didn't want to know they answer.

"It was for la piccola principessa" He whispered teasingly. "Time wasn't in your way, was it? She was. Falling in love with the mafia princess, how foolish could you be?" He continued to taunt him while Synn felt his anger bubbling and bubbling. He could barely breath. "I thought Levi King would be smarter than that. What would he think if he knew the man he trusted to protect his preziosa sister was not only a murder, but a murder who was fucking her"

Synn didn't have time to respond before the door to his bedroom was kicked open. Standing there was Levi, fists balled and a look of murderous intent on his face. All anger left Synns body as his face dropped with realisation.

"You fucking son of a bitch!" Levi roared as he charged at Synn. Synn dropped the phone and didn't even try to run as Levis landed a punch straight across his face. When he lifted his face back up, he caught a glimpse of Alaric running into the doorway, eyes wife at the scene, but then another blow hit him again.

"Levi what the fuck are you doing?!" Alaric yelled, running towards them both as Levi grabbed Synn by the throat and shoved him up against the wall.

"This bastard has been lying to us this whole time" He growled, squeezing tighter. Synn felt a pain in his chest like never as he struggled to find an ounce of air. Alaric managed to pull Levi off, holding him back as he fought against his grip. Synn gasped for air as he tried to speak.

"Let me explain" He barely got out.

"You don't get the chance to explain you bastardo. Mi hai fatto credere che potevo fidarmi di te quando era da te che avrei dovuto proteggere la mia famiglia. The killer under my own roof, protecting my fucking sister!" Levi roared, desperately pushing Alaric. His attempts succeeded when Alarics grip faltered at the shock of his words. He looked at Synn in bewilderment. Alaric knew it wasn't Synn, but he didn't know how Levi thought this. Levi lunged for Synn again just as a scream sounded thought-out the room.

Aurora stood in the doorway, tears in her eyes as she stared at the scene. Synn managed to look up at her when Levi turned also. Aurora locked eyes with Synn, as a sob wrecked through her body. Axel came up behind her and his face dropped when he scene the scene too. Aurora made a run for Synn, which he managed to shake his head at her. His heart crumbled at her state because of him, he didn't want her anywhere near this. Axel ran after he and grabbed her before she could reach them.

"I'm so sorry I let you down Aurora" Levi said, guilt dripping from his voice. Aurora didn't even look at him, he focus only on Synn as she watched blood pump from his face. All the wanted was to help him and hold him. She didn't understand what was going on but she didn't care. She felt a feeling in her chest like she could never explain and she never wanted to feel it again. She wanted it to go away and she knew the only way it would was if she was in his arms.

Soon the room crowded with the security they had. Atleast five men came over and grabbed Synn who didn't even put up a fight, he felt hopeless as his only focus was on Aurora.

"You know where to take him" Levi spat, watching as they dragged him out of the room.

"Levi stop! What are you doing? Let him go!" Aurora screeched, kicked at Axel who held onto her for dear life. He struggled though as he too was dumbfounded. Alaric noticed this and went over and took her from him instead. He picked her up, her arms wrapping around his torso ad he buried her face into his neck. She was shaking and he feared if she didn't calm down she would pass out.

"You need to cam down Aurora, I promise I'll explain everything" He whispered quietly into her ear so that neither Axel or Levi would hear him.

"He is the killer Aurora. It was his doing all along and we were his next target. The fucking cunt wormed his way into our home, only to plan our murder" Levi spat viciously. Aurora could barely comprehend what he was saying. She didn't want to believe it. She couldn't. Sunshine wouldn't do that.

This want how her fairytale story was suppose to go.



I am so sorry for the late of updates lately! I've been crazy busy with college and everything and I haven't found the time to sit and write. Not only that but I was stuck in a writers block for ages and I was getting tired of trying to build up to this so I just decided to rip the plaster off and fuck it into this chapter.

I hope it worked out okay and that ye enjoy it though! Lemme know what ye are thinking.


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