My Section Leader's Secrets


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Emily Greene is finally a freshman in high school and is joining her school's marching band. Everything is go... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Two

99 9 0

The next morning we all wake up, still tired. Welcome to high school I guess. We go to the kitchen and grab whatever extra pizza is left and eat it while complaining about being tired.

"This was so fun, we should do it again next weekend!" Nancy says.

"I can't, I'm going to my aunts with just my mom tomorrow until next Sunday." I mumble in between bites of food.

"Oh well." Nancy shrugs.


After everyone leaves, I go upstairs and fall back asleep. When I wake up, I hear Olivia and my mom clomping around in the kitchen. I groan and roll over to check my phone. To my surprise, I have a text from Jackson.

Hey Good to know it's still him.

Hey what's up?

Nothing. You?

I'm about to pack for my Aunts.


I stand up and stretch, then go to my closet to start grabbing some clothes. I wonder what to say to Jackson. Am I just supposed to ignore our conversation from before band camp?

So, are we ever going to talk about before band camp? I take a chance.



Yeah okay good talk.


Well we kind of need to talk about it.

Well idk what to say.

Yeah I figured that out. Ugh, boys.

Okay just forget about it then.

Don't get mad.

I'm not. Just hurt.


Brilliant response.

I put my phone down and head downstairs. I guess we'll just keep talking as friends and see what happens. I don't even like him that much. Such a lie.

"Oh hi honey!" My mom says as I enter the living room. "Wanna come watch some TV with us?"

"Nah I'm good. Just going to go read for a little bit and finish packing."

"Alright love you!"

"Love you too." I walk back upstairs and lay on my bed.

We can still play 20 questions.

Right. Now you can be all nice. Alright, you first.

No you.

Um okay. Would you ever go with me to homecoming?

What is my problem? Why can't I just let it go? Because he's still talking to me. I wait for a reply for two hours, reading off and on and playing games on my phone.

When I wake up the next morning, there's still nothing.

If any other guy treated me like this, I wouldn't stand for it. Something's different about Jackson. Why can't I just ignore him?

I slowly get up and go take a shower. We're leaving in about an hour, yay. My Aunt is the best, she's exactly what I need to get away.

I get out of the shower and put my hair up before grabbing my suitcase and going downstairs.

"Ready?" Mom asks, waiting by the door.

"Yup, let's go." We put our stuff in the trunk and start going. It's about a three hour drive to my aunts.

Hour and a half in, we stop at a Wendy's for lunch and a bathroom break. When we get back in the car, I have a text.



Sorry about last night.

Yeah, are you?

Sorry I fell asleep.

Oh. Oops.


Either way you still could've texted me this morning.

I'm sorry, don't be upset please.

He's way too cute for me to stay upset. Why is he so nice right now?

I'm not upset


I roll my eyes and put my phone down, watching the cars drive past. I must have fallen asleep because I wake up to my aunt clapping her hands outside my window.

"Aunt Natalie!" All of my boy troubles float away when I see my aunt.

"How's my little Emmy? I missed you!" She grabs me in a huge hug.

"Alright, she's my sister!" My mom pushes in and we all laugh. For a couple seconds, life goes back to how it was before.

We all go inside and I take my bags to my cave downstairs where I always stay. I plug my phone in and leave it. Who cares anymore?

My mind never leaves Jackson. All through lunch, all through shopping, and all the way until my mom brings him up.

"So, Emily's been talking to a boy." My mom starts and I groan.

"Ooh." My Aunt waits for more.

"A senior boy." My mom says with a little too much edge.

"Mmhhm. So tell me about him." My Aunt doesn't seem upset at all and I'm so grateful for that.

"Well he's my section leader and yeah." I say lamely. "It's not like anything's actually going on."

"But if it was, we would be okay with it as long as he's nice to you." My Aunt gives my mother a pointed look.

"Really?" I ask.

"Of course!" Aunt Natalie chirps.

"So we could like... go to homecoming together?" I hold my breath and look at my mom.

"Well..." She glances at my Aunt. "I guess if you're happy, I'm happy."

I was not expecting that at all! I excuse myself and go downstairs to my phone.



So I told my Aunt about you.


Yeah and she totally got my mom to loosen up!

That's good.

She even said we could go to homecoming together.


Okay is it just me or is the conversation a little one sided?


Nothing, I'd just have to ask.

You mean you'd want to?


Does probably mean yes? Whatever this is awesome.

Okay (:

Yea so what's up

Nothing much. You?

We stay up late talking about anything and everything we can think of. School, teachers, band. And once again, I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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