ÈGOÏSTE |18+ [English Version]

By ara000

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- What do you know about prenuptial agreements? About being sold by your own father? You may laugh at me or t... More

Chapter 1. "Egoiste"
Chapter 2. "The Beginning."
Chapter 3. "The Fatal Encounter."
Chapter 4. "The Idea"
Chapter 5. "One Look at Her."
Chapter 6. "The Girl with the Secret."
Chapter 7. "Alluring Fragrance."
Chapter 8. "Nightclub."
Chapter 9. "Heartbreak."
Chapter 10. "The Deal."
Chapter 11. "Quarrel."
Chapter 12. "Character."
Chapter 13. "Mystery."
Chapter 14. "The Truth."
Chapter 15. "Temptation."
Chapter 16. "Jealousy."
Chapter 17 "Girlfriends"
Chapter 18. "Feelings."
Chapter 19. "The Clash."
Chapter 20. "Acquaintances."
Chapter 21. "The Matrimonial Covenant."
Chapter 22. "Signature."
Chapter 23. "The Choice."
Chapter 24. "Rival."
Chapter 25. "You can't change the meeting place Part 1".
Chapter 26. "You can't change the meeting place Part 2".
Chapter 27. "An Evil Joke."
Chapter 28. "The Important Decision."
Chapter 29. "The Game Begins."
Chapter 30. "A Deal To Be."
Chapter 31. "You're My Toy."
Chapter 32. "In the Embrace of a Selfish Man."
Chapter 33. "You are mine."
Chapter 34. "Stranger."
Chapter 35. "The Scent of a Woman."
Chapter 36. "Thoughts only of you."
Chapter 37. "Ex."
Chapter 38. "A Burst of Emotion."
Chapter 39. "Temptation."
Chapter 40. "Secrets must be solved."
chapter 41. "Reality."
Chapter 42. "Seduction"
Chapter 43. "The Past."
Chapter 44. "The Caged Bird."
Chapter 45. "Just a Glance."
Chapter 46. "Remembrance."
Chapter 47. "Playing By No Rules."
Chapter 48. "Passion."
chapter 49. "The Witness."
chapter 50. "The Trap."
Chapter 51. "Scandal."
Chapter 52. "Evil has triumphed."
Chapter 53. "Madness."
Chapter 54. "The Pleasure."
Chapter 55. "I am your toy."
Chapter 56. "The showdown."
Chapter 57. "The Return of Old Friends."
Chapter 58. "Ignorance."
Chapter 59. "The End is Near."
Chapter 60. "In the Enemy's Lair."
Chapter 61. "A Farewell Kiss."
Chapter 62. "Two Broken Hearts."
Chapter 63. "Friendship or Love?"
Chapter 64. "Plan B."
Chapter 65. "The Long-Awaited Encounter."
chapter 66. "One look from you and my heart will go up in flames.
chapter 67. "Love Makes Madness."
Chapter 68. "The Beginning or the End."
Chapter 69. "A Moment of Silence."
Chapter 70. "One Minute of Silence Part 2"
Chapter 71. "Game over"
Chapter 72. "The King Plays by His Own Rules."
Chapter 73. "Suicide."
Chapter 74. "Paranormal Phenomena"
Chapter 75. "The Devil's Mark."
Chapter 76. "A Deal with the Devil."
Chapter 77. "Last Chance for Redemption."
Chapter 78. "Reality?"
Chapter 79. "Masquerade."
Chapter 81. "The soul has found peace."
Chapter 82. "Dracula."
Chapter 83. "Egoist Thoughts."
Chapter 84. "The Hour of Reckoning."
Chapter 85. "Time to Pay the Bills."

Chapter 80. "The mask is off."

32 3 0
By ara000

You wear a mask for so long that you forget who you were under it.

"V" for Vendetta.
(Gordon Dietrich)

- Don't you speak English? - I asked Dracula.

- I'm American, but I just love Italian. - He answered me.

- Then translate what you said...

- That's not necessary... - He said and then we abruptly switched partners, he disappeared and I found myself dancing with the hatter.

- So, how are you, little witch? - Asked Oscar.

- I had a fight with Daniel.

- With the freaky doctor? - He laughed.

- Oscar, it's not funny...

- What is wrong with you two? I thought you two were getting along, weren't you?

- That's the thing, we "got along" and that's in the past...

- I saw you dancing with Dracula, tell me what it was like.

- Nothing much, he spoke Italian, I didn't understand anything...

- But isn't he American?

- How do you know?

- I had a few words with him...

- I want to leave, can you get me out?

- With all these people, we can't do that...

- So what do we do?

- Wait for the end. - he answered and we continued to dance the waltz, in the darkness and among a lot of people clothed in masks hiding their real faces...


The dance was coming to an end, "Dracula" approached one of the masks and pulled her to him, it was a girl in the guise of a hostage, underneath she was an Italian woman named Viviana.

- Tesoro, dobbiamo parlare!" he said, to which she immediately left her interlocutor and took Dracula's hand and went with him into the street...

- Per quanto tempo farai finta di essere italiano?

- Vivi, the play is coming to an end... - he said hoarsely.

- And what's in it for you? Did you learn something new?

- I was just tired... I needed it in order to understand who I really am and who all these people around me are...

- You only trusted me, why? - She went up to him and tried to remove the mask, but he wouldn't let her...

- You're the only one I could trust, I've known you a long time, we've been through a lot...

- You know I only did it out of love for you!

- I know, and I'm ashamed that I made you go through myself, making it clear that it wasn't going to work out...

- Just, know that I will always be waiting for you, no matter how much time passes or what happens in everyone's lives...

- You are perfect, Viviana and beautiful... I don't deserve you.

- Stop it or I'll really believe it!

- Thank you for everything! - He hugged her,-I will always love you!

- Stop it! - she laughed and wiped away a tear, the brunette put on a mask and hid all her broken soul and heart behind it, - see you, Dracula! ti amerò per sempre! *** - She said and left, leaving Dracula alone...


- Tony, Oscar came up to him, how are you?

- Not so good, as you can see.

- You've been sad all night, what's wrong?

- Nothing much, it's just an internal condition...

- What are your plans for life? - He leaned against the railing and took a sip of Bourbon.

- I'm going back to San Francisco, Oswald told me I'm going to take Edmund's place in his office...

- You must be glad?

- No, not at all, no... I didn't mean for it to happen this way...

- But, still, you were "jealous" a little of Edie and his success, weren't you?

- Yes, but, he's my brother, whom I loved very much and continue to love...

- Your life won't be the same, you know that, right? Money, success, lots of chicks, expensive cars, your old life won't be the same...

- I don't think I'm ready...

- Why not?

- Because I guess I still can't believe it happened this way...

- That's life, you can't change it, friend. Anyway, I'm always here for you, you can rely on me...

- Thank you, I am very glad that we found a common language with you. - They shook hands and then "Dracula" came in

- Non riesci a trovare una sigaretta? **** - He asked

- Are you speaking Italian again? - Said Oscar, - I know you speak English!

- I just wanted to ask for a cigarette? - Dracula added.

- Sorry bro, we don't smoke... - replied Tony.

- I'm sorry... - Said Dracula and left.

- He's such a weird guy... - said Oscar.

- And what are you going to do?

- The usual, brothels, lots of new merchandise and giving your customers pleasure...

- Do you really like what you do?

- It's my bread, Tony... I do terrible things, but I'm used to it, I can't imagine my life any other way...

- I see... ok, we have to go, the plane is early tomorrow...

- Come on, Tony, let's go get the others...


On behalf of daniel:

I tried to find Joanna everywhere and as soon as I saw her I ran up to her...

- Jo, we need to talk! - I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to the veranda. - I'm so sorry. I really acted like a jerk! But, I want to make it right, I want us to try it all over again, let's go away together to New York, it's a different life there, I'll show you the whole world! Do you hear me! - Said I and then she takes off her mask, and on Stacey's days...

- How weak and humiliated you men are... ...can some Joanna really control you? What do you all see in her? - She got mad.

- Stacy! What the hell are you doing in a Joanna costume?

- Why are you scared? Maybe I killed her... - she laughed.

- Where's Johanna? - I grabbed her by the shoulders.

- I have no idea, V had two identical costumes, I had to wear the same one as Joanna...

- Are you sure you haven't seen her?

- Why would I even want to see her?

- What if you killed her?

- Ha-ha, Daniel, you're a grown man, but you're acting like a child... Do you think I could kill a man?

- Anything can be expected of you... - Said the dark-haired man.

- Okay, I really don't know where your girlfriend is, so go look for her, I have to pack, tomorrow's the flight. - Said Stacey and left the boy behind...

- Where could she have gone? - Daniel's mind went to his head...

And all the while, the "Witch" was walking around the surroundings of this gala hall with "Dracula"

- And why was the witch here? - He asked.

- I think it was my biggest mistake to be here in Italy...

- You have insulted my home...

- Forgive me, Dracula, but Italy has taken from me the most precious thing in my life...

- Could you be more specific? If it's personal, I won't insist...

- No, it's personal, but I want to share...

- Sto ascoltando attentamente!

- I didn't understand anything, but I think something good, smiled the "Witch" and took off her mask first thing...

- I thought you wouldn't show your face...

- I think that when I talk about this man, I have to be real, the one who was with him...

- Sembri un angelo! You are very beautiful, though why am I surprised, witches have always been beautiful... - laughed Dracula

- Thank you, would you like to take off your mask?

- I think it would be inappropriate...

- As you say, anyway, my husband, though he was not, on paper, but to me he was... I loved him with all my heart, I would have given anything to see him again... - Said the brown-haired girl and a lonely tear ran down her cheek, to which Dracula wiped it away.

- I do not want you to cry!

- I'm not crying, these are the remnants of my tears, which are almost gone... It's just, I am in pain and this wound will never leave me, I will not be able to accept the fact that I lost him...

- What happened to him?

- He died of a disease I didn't know about, of course... But, all that time I saw him, I sat with him just as I do now with you, I believed he was alive, but after the funeral, I realized everything... but the worst part was that I ended up pregnant...

- What? Really? With who?

- Definitely not from him...

- But who?

- I do not know, perhaps my mind imagined him, but in reality was another person ...

- I'm very sorry... - he took her hand.

- I should not have told you this, I am sorry!

- That's all right, on the contrary, I am glad you shared it with me.

- Perhaps I will meet you again sometime...

- Do you think so? I have to be as "Dracula" again... - he laughed.

- You look so much like him... - the brown-haired girl looked at him...

- Ha ha, your lover was Dracula?

- I guess he was... - she smiled.

- sorridi sempre bello!

- I still don't understand anything you said...

- I always say the most beautiful things...

- Thank you, Italy has now tied me to myself, because my beloved is here and I will always come here, just look for me in Naples. - She said and could hardly hold back her tears, - maybe we'll meet again...

- Ci incontreremo sicuramente, mio bellissimo uccello! *** - Dracula said, and then Daniel's voice was heard.

- Johanna! I have been looking for you for so long! - He shouted, -Where have you gone? - He came closer.

- I was getting some fresh air!

- With him? - He pointed at Dracula, - so I'm worried here, and you're walking around with no one knows where and with whom?

- Don't shout at me!

- And who are you, exactly, who is she? - Asked Dracula.

- I am her fiancé and future husband, but who are you? - Asked rudely Daniel.


1. - Tesoro, dobbiamo parlare!

2. - Per quanto tempo farai finta di essere italiano?

3. - ti amerò per sempre! - I will always love you!

4. Non riesci a trovare una sigaretta? - Don't you have a cigarette?

5. Sto ascoltando attentamente!

6. - Sembri un angelo! - You look like an angel!

7. - Sorridi sempre bello! - You have a beautiful smile!

8. - Ci incontreremo sicuramente, mio bellissimo uccello! - We will surely meet, my beautiful bird!

From the author:

Hello everyone, my good ones! How do you like this chapter?

What do you think about all that's going on?

Are you sure it's Edmund who's behind the "Dracula" mask? Maybe there's someone else in there? 😏

Do you think it could be that simple?

Write your opinion in the comments❤️❤️❤️

And by the way, as sad as it sounds, this story is coming to an end and this is probably the penultimate chapter... eh...🥺

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