Sonic Splatoon

By metalgreymon2

6.8K 47 31

Somesort of epirement goes wrong, and a new hedgehog like squid comes out of it. He meets Maya, an Inkling wi... More

Chapter 01 - The Splatlands!
Chapter 02 - Into the Crater!
Chapter 03 - Alterna!
Chapter 04 - The Secret Within the Utopia!
Chapter 05 - Zip, Splat, and Jump
Chapter 06 - The Eel Deal
Chapter 07 - Alterna's Origin
Chapter 08 - Pedal to the Megalodon
Chapter 09 - Time-Space Rift
Chapter 10 - The Hyper Manta Storm
Chapter 11 - Alterna Space Center
Chapter 12 - The Ursine Anomally
Chapter 13 - Calamari Inkantation 3MIX
Sonic Splatoon: Season 1 Second Half.
Chapter 14 - New Threat
Chapter 15 - Eggman Empire
Chapter 16 - The Gaia Gates
Chapter 17 - Guardian of Death
Chapter 18 - Spikes of Metal
Chapter 19 - Shadows from the Past
Chapter 20 - The Gold Sovereign
Chapter 22 - The strongest Zeti
Chapter 23 - Catastrophe
Chapter 24 - Strike Back
Chapter 25 - The Controller
Chapter 26 - Fight for Our World
Sonic Splatoon Season 2 Trailer
Chapter 27 - The Seekers Emerge!
Chapter 28 - The Foundation Rises!
Chapter 29 - Cursed Arrows!
Chapter 30 - The Vampire Hunter!
Chapter 31 - Danger Waters!
Chapter 32 - The Legend of the Gargoyle!
Chapter 33 - The Sunken Civilization!
Chapter 34 - The Secrets of the Argonauts!
Chapter 35 - The Legends of Camelot!
Chapter 36 - The Knight of the Wind Reborn!
Chapter 37 - Wasteland Turf!
Chapter 38 - Acht's True Mission!
Chapter 39 - The Haunted Ruin!
Chapter 40 - Destiny of Nightmares!
Chapter 41 - Lurking in the Catacombs!
Chapter 42 - Stop the Big Wave!
Chapter 43 - Full Front Attack!
Chapter 44 - Castle of Secrets!
Chapter 45 - The Powerbonded Titan!
Chapter 46 - Deep into Sutos!
Chapter 47 - The Trials of Sutos!
Chapter 48 - The Sands of Soleanna!
Chapter 49 - Awaken, Dragon of Champions!
Chapter 50 - The Imperial Triangle
Chapter 51 - The Strength of the Capitan!
Chapter 52 - The Big Finale!
Chapter 53 - The Secret Cyberspace!
Chapter 54 - The Legends of Gaia!
Chapter 55 - The Legendary Titan of Darkness!
Chapter 56 - Revenge of the Empire!
Chapter 57 - Rebirth!
Chapter 58 - Still Broken!
Chapter 59 - Dragon Road!
Chapter 60 - The Blue Star!
Chapter 61 - Looking Better!
Chapter 62 - Helping Hand!
Chapter 63 - Still a Jigsaw Puzzle!
Chapter 64 - The Trial of Courage!
Chapter 65 - Picking up the Pieces!
Chapter 66 - The Moderator!
Chapter 67 - Guardian of the Seven Chaos!
Chapter 68 - The Jeweled Scepter!
Chapter 69 - Almost There!
Chapter 70 - Parallel World!
Chapter 71 - Hard Day's Night!
Chapter 72 - Massacre!
Chapter 73 - The Realm of Huntik!
Chapter 74 - Scourge's Last Mission!
Chapter 75 - One More to Go!
Chapter 76 - Infiltration!
Chapter 77 - The Dark of Destruction!
Chapter 78 - World Savior!

Chapter 21 - Zeti

85 1 3
By metalgreymon2

The Eggman Fleet is growing. But the last Battleship that Eggman went after, the Egg Great Fortress, blew up thanks to our heroes. However, before they could take the Great Zapfish, someone else stole it. Aperently Sonic know this foe.

Chapter 21 - Zeti

Our heroes just got back to the Octo Canyon. Sonic had to make one major call to Amber, to report the current situation and the news about the Great Zapfish.

Amber: Whaat? Someone else stole the Great Zapfish?

Sonic: Yeah.

Mephiles: We took out one of the Doctor's fortresses, but before we could get the Great Zapfish that was coming to power the battleship, something else apeared!

Clauds: I never saw something like that! Sonic, you know what that thing is?

Sonic: I have a hunch. But if my theory is true... we're in gigantic trouble.

Amber: I'll leave that to you! I need to make sure that the Squid Mobile is ready to go.

Sonic: Got it. Over and out.(call ends) 

Maya: You know who's behind this, don't you?

Sonic: Have you become a mind reader, or what?

Maya: No. Jjust looking at your expression. I've seen it lots of times.

Sonic: Very well. First, let me tell you something. Mephiles, ever heard of the Zeti?

Mephiles: Zeti? The ones able to control eletromagnetic pulses?

Sonic: Those ones.

Crystal: Zeti?

Mephiles: A legend from 12 000 years ago. I studied it before the Solaris incident. They have very unique abilities. Their power to control eletromagnetic fields and pulses allow them to make eletronics do very interesting things. But, isn't that just a legend?

Sonic: It isn't. 12 000 years ago, I faced six of them. They were known as the Deadly Six.

Clauds and Lilly: Deadly?!

Sonic: They lived up a place called the Lost Hex.

Sonic brought out his Cypherdex, and projected an image of a small planet that used to float avome the Earth's atmosphear, the Lost Hex.

Mephiles: So both the Zeti and the Lost Hex are real... Impressive.

Sonic: Eggman conquered this place once, and the Deadly Six along with it. But we were able to get it back. However...

Mephiles: However?

Sonic: This is an adventure that I refer to as the biggest mistake of my life...

Pearl: The bigest mistake of your life? How come?

Sonic: I'll explain... Dr. Eggman tried to use one extraction machine to drain energy from the planet. However, just a small amount. But he lost control of it... because of me.

Mephiles: Why?

Sonic: Eggman had this thing with him.(projects an image)

Mephiles: A Cacophonic Conch!

Sonic: Exactly.

Marina: What's so special about it?

Mephiles: It's a natural inhibitor of the Zeti's powers. Very rare, and yet, very painfull. 

Sonic: I saw Eggman use it, and tossed it away. This released the Zeti from Eggman's control. However... they went from calm and quiet, to destructive and violent. They used Eggman's machine to drain the world dry.

Everyone but Sonic: GASP!!!

Sonic: They kipnaped Tails and nearly turned him into a robot. Amy and Knuckles nearly lost their lifes... In the end Tails turned the tables, and we were able to get everything back.

Mephiles: You nearly lost everything.

Maya: Oh Sonic...(hugs her partner)

Sonic: Those were some horrible days... I knew I couldn't keep being how I used to be... That was when... I found something...


Sonic was wondering arround Apotos. This was the place where he met Chip, and they became friends. Where the journey to stop Dark Gaia began. Sonic was wearing the gaia bracelet that he got after defeating Dark Gaia.

Sonic: I made a huge mistake... So much has happend on the last days... I nearly lost my home, my friends... Amy doesn't act all girly like she used to... And even Shadow's starting to act more nicely to me... not that I can complain about that...

The wind was blowing as Sonic was speeking. The blue blur was feeling a little down about everything that was going on. 

Sonic: I never felt like this before... I guess this is how you feel when you're at the edge of loosing everything...

Suddenly, something caught Sonic's eye. He looked at it. It seemed to be one blue laptop thing, but more crystalish and ancient.

Sonic: Hm? What's this?

Sonic picked it up. When he did it, it started to glow in blue. Sonic was slightly pushed back by it. But even so, it didn't fellt like anything haappend to him.

Sonic: Wow. That was weird.

??: Excuse me.

Sonic looked over, and noticed a pink blond girl that just apeared besides him. She was lso wearing a very unique neckless too.

Sonic: Oh, sorry. Is this yours?

??: No. I was actually thinking it was yours. It had one very unique glow aa few seconds ago.

Sonic: No. It's not mine. But... why was it glowing?

??: It might have something to do with this I just find.

She handed Sonic one weird stone. It seemed to have some weird writing on it. Somehow, Sonic seemed to be able to read it.

Sonic: Wow! This is some very ancient notes alright!

Sophie: That's what I said. You wanna know something?

Sonic: Huh?


Suddenly, the girl called out the same computer thing that Sonic was holding. Sonic was amazed with what the girl just did.

Sonic: W-Whoa...

Sonic(narrating): That day... was when my entire life changed. I kept seeing that girl offten. 


Sonic: Her name was Sophie Casterwill... She was the reason that I was able to learn this Casterwill powers of mine.

Maya: It must have felt good to feel like you actually had a sister.

Sonic: Yeah... However... she vanished compleetly two years after I met her...

Mephiles: Wow... I'm sorry Sonic. Specially knowing that all of your old life died 12 000 years ago.

Sonic: Thanks, dude. I'm used to leave on this present. It's very cool! I do miss Sophie, but it was thanks to her that I was able to stand back up.


I've been learning the Casterwill Powers day by day. One day Eggman returned. He took out alll of my friends. Not even Shadow was able to stop him. But when I got there...

Dr. Eggman: It's no use, Sonic! This time, I will conquer the world!

Sonic: The only thing that's gonna get conquered is your face, Eggman!

His Egg Gunners were indeed powerfull back then. But they still prooved to be no mach to my Casterwill magic. I could feel it...

Sonic: I'm Sonic! Sonic Casterwill!!!

I... was... REBORN!!!


Sonic: ...

Maya: I could feel it. You were way more hyperactive before that day.

Sonic: It's been 12 000 years. And at least one of them is back. But it's the most dangerous of the six... Zavok.

Mephiles: So this Zavok is the one who stole the Zapfish...

However, something came to them. It was one weird machine in the shape of a wast. This thing was white, and had a big red eye on it.

Marina: What's this thing?

Sonic: Looks like a buzzy bomber. But those aren't usualy colored that way.

The machine started projecting an image. It was the Zeti that Sonic just mentionated, Zavok. However, this was not a call, it was just a mensage.

Sonic: Here he is.

Zavok: Sonic, if you're watching this, then that means that my Buzzy Bomber found you. I've taken hold of Eggman's new modle of Buzzy Bombers, just to awnser any question you might have.

Sonic: Well thaat explains.

Zavok: If you want this Zapfish thing back, I'll be wating in the Egg Gate on the fourth Sector of the Octo Canyon. I have no plans for it. All I want is a chance to fight you again.

The mensage ended. Sonic knew that Zavok would come after him first, since he's defeated him 12 000 years ago. The way to the fourth sector was now open.

Sonic: Let's go.

Maya: Wait. This could be a trap.

Sonic: I know. But we don't have a choice. He might start trowing bombs at the city or worse.

They went to the launch pad that was now clear and took off to the fourth Sector of the Octo Canyon. This is the Slimeskin Garrison.

Crystal: The Slimeskin Garrison. We gotta look out. This one's tricky.

Maya: I noticed it.

Mephiles: Well, what's the deal with this one?

Sonic: Let me check it out. Cypherdex, give me the map of the fourth sector.

Cypherdex: Projecting the map of the Slimeskin Garrison.

Sonic: The usual. Six gates, and one Egg Gate to unlock. However, the Egg Gate is way to the right! Nearly at the edge of the sector!

Clauds: Hm... So, where's the first one?

Sonic. Look left.

Everyone looked left. They noticed the Gaia Gate unlocked. They moved to it and went inside. They were warped to the 

Mephiles: Wow. Is this in the Dusty Desert?

Sonic. No. We're in the Arid Sands. A town named Shamar used to be here. These must be its ruins of the city.

Maya: The ruins here look so beautifull though... We've seen really beautifull tourism spots on our adventures.

Clauds: I know. We might promote them in the future!

Sonic looked up, though. He noticed that Eggman was still on the move, even though Zavok was out there. The Battleship Sonic spoted was the Egg Cauldron.

Sonic: We better worry about that later. Eggman's still trying to get the Eggman Fleet compleet, and we still gotta track Zavok!

Everyone started to rush to the Zapfish. On the way they crossed a canyon and were forced to deal with more Buzzy Bombers.

Mephiles: Urgh! Those things fit here?

Sonic: It's no use trying to use to many attacks here! Just keep moving until we get to the open field!

They kpt running. However, seems like there were two Buzzy Bomebers starting to apear in front of them. Maya looked at one rock. She raised her Tri-Stinger and shooted her charged arrows. She shooted it at the rocks. The arrows blew up, taking out the enemies in front of them.

Clauds: Wow! That was cool!

Sonic: Nice shot, Maya!

They were able to reach the end of the Canyon. The Zapfish was there. But it was under a cage, linked to the Buzzy Bombers.

Mephiles: We gotta take out the enemies to open the cage!

The Buzzy Bombers shooted their lasers. Our heroes jumped. Sonic homing attacked two of them. Mephiles shooted his Chaos Spear, but was countered by the lasers. Crystal pointed her Hero Shot, and shooted down two robots.

Sonic: There are still four of those!

Clauds: I'll boost myself to them! INKJET!!!

Clauds raised to the skies and started shooting. Some of the shots missed. However, two of the robots were taken out. The Inkjet ended though.

Clauds: Oh no, I'm out of boost!

Mephiles: Let me give it a try. KILLER WHALE 5.1!

Mephiles shooted his Killer Whale at the robots. owever, their speed was to much. One of them dodged it, but the other blew up. Maya took the chance, and jumped at it. She used her own Spin Dash, and was able to take out the robot, unlocking the cage. 

They took the Zapfish, and returned to the Octo Canyon, where the next Gaia Gte opened. They went to it, and got warped to the Kingdom Valley, near the old ruins of Soleanna.

Mephiles: Well, the ruins of the ancient castle of Soleanna, Kingdom Valley.

Sonic: Back to the ruins of Soleanna, huh? Alright, let's see what we can make out of this one!

They went foward to the ruins. However, they ended up finding something diferent. Seeems like they had one big machine in front of them to deal with.

Sonic: Uh-on, an Interceptor!

Mephiles: Interceptor?

Sonic: Watch out! He has three diferent ways to attack!

The Interceptor started shooting its lasers. However it missed so far. Maya, however, noticed something. Seems like there was one control pannel descending to the waters of the Kingdom Valley.

Maya: Uh-oh! Guys, a Battleship is about to rise!

Everyone looked at where Maya was pointing. The Interceptor attemped to use its punch, but Clauds intercepted it with her roller. The Battleshp took flight. It was an Egg Gunship.

Sonic: Uh-oh, a Gunship.

Sonic looked behind, and the Interceptor was charging in. Sonic had enough, and simply boosted through it, blowing it up. The Egg Gunship toof off, joining a fleet full of Egg Gunships.

Sonic. Uh... one of an entire fleet aperently...

Maya: We're so screwed if Eggman launches that...

Mephiles: One more reason for us to move, right?

Sonic: Exactly. Let's get moving!

They kept going. Blowing up with a few more Egg Lancers, and some Egg Hunters to, they reached deeper into the old ruins. There were some Egg Cannons, though. 

Sonic: Uh-oh, Egg Cannons!

Mephiles: Look out!

They were able to dodge the missiles. Mephiles shooted his Chaos Orbs. However, this enemies were resistant. Crystal looked below. There was one platform she could use to reach behind the mechs. She jumped down, with her Zipcaster.

Crystal: Let's see how you deal with this!

Crystal shooted the back of one of the robots, breaking its engines. It fell down. The other one looked at her and changed to move on the ground.

Crystal: Oh, i didn't expect this at all.

Sonic: I GOT HIM!!!

Sonic shooted his Chaos Spear at one leg, and Mephiles shooted one at the other. Maya shooted its core, blowing it up. They kept moving, and reached the Zapfish on the center of the ruins. They went back to the Octo Canyon. The fourth gate opened, and took our heroes to one ruined city.

Mephiles: Whoa...

Sonic: Is this... Station Square?

Maya: Yeah... This place is rulled by the Salmonoids. No one dared to come here yet. It's where the Salmonoids live...

Maya's Smallfty pet, Jet, jumped out of his bag. However, he shivered to the sight of the ruins, and went back inside.

Sonic: Looks like Jet doesn't feel home at all.

Crystal: I came here on a mission once. This place is known by the Squidbeak Splatoon, as the oly city from the human times that it wasn't rebuild. The Salmonoids started to move away from here to another location, though.

Clauds: I think we're in trouble now. We gotta find our way arround here, and take the Zapfish.

Mephiles: We must find it first, though.

Sonic: I don't think that those would be underwater. We might have to track down its signal.

Maya: Leave that to me!

Maya had one device that Amber gave her. It was for detecting the signal of any zapfish. The signal pointed to the top of one building.

Maya: We're gonna have to find a way up to that building. The signal's coming from there!

Sonic: Up there huh? Let's see... if we could jump to the other side, we'd be able to use the one close to it to enter inside.

Mephiles: Won't it fall on us?

Sonic: It's been 12 000 years, so it sould be solid enough for us to be inside. If anything happends, I'll Chaos Control us out of there.

Crystal: Hey, look! Someone left lots of Special Canes over here!

They looked over, and there were two Cane there. They all had the Zipcaster on it. Clauds and Maya took one each, Sonic and Mephiles had their Air shoes, so everyone had a way to reach that spot.

Sonic: Let's get moving!

Clauds, Maya and Crystal activated their Zipcasters. They zipped through the place, and reached the building close to the main building. It was perfect for them to get inside.

Maya: Wow... this is full of holes!

Sonic: This was one of the most advanced citys back then. However, not even those wer strong enough to face the fury of the oceans.

Mephiles: Look here!

Everyone went to where Mephiles was. Looks like there was one big hole that would let them reach the top of the building easily.

Sonic: How convinient!

Mephiles: We can move up there with these holes.

However, as everyone prepeared to jump, something caught Maya's eye. She looked over at it, and one giant ice block was there. It seemed to have something inside.

Maya: Hey, look!

Everyone looked over. They noticed the block with the thing inside it. Sonic went to it. He new what the item was. It belonged to his old time friend, Sophie Casterwill.

Sonic: GASP! This is Sophie's amulet!

Mephiles: Sophie? Sophie Casterwill?

Sonic: How did it get stuck in here? No matter. I might as well take it. It could be a nice luck charm. Back of everyone! BOLTFLARE!!!

Sonic shooted his Boltflare at the block of ice. This melted the ice, leaving the amuelt. Sonic took it in his hand. He felt some weird power coming from it.

Mephiles: It sure is unique.

Maya: Is this really her amulet?

Sonic: Yeah. This is the amulet Sophie Casterwill was alway-

Suddenly the amulet started to glow. The loght forced Sonic to drop the amulet. The light died, and the amulet was on the neck of a strawbery blond girl that was asleep in front of our heroes.

Sonic: Gasp! Sophie!

Sonic went to her. Her body was surprising hot, even though she was sealed inside one fronzen amulet. Sonic helpeded her up. Everyone else joined him. Sophie started to move. She opened her green eyes and looked ahead. However, her vision was still blur.

Sophie: Urgh... Who's... there...

Sonic: Sophie, it's me, Sonic!

Sophie: S-Sonic...(starts to see clearly) Sonic? It is you!

Sonic: Can you stand?

Sophie noaded and stood up. She then took a moment to glance at the creatures besides Sonic. She understood they were his friends.

Sophie: Wow.. you have vry unique friend...(looks outside) GASP! Oh no! What happend to Station Square?

Sonic: That's one hell of a long story. We're pretty much in the new era. Maarine life forms took over earth. The humans and mammals were extint 12 000 years ago.

Sophie: Wow... It's just as the prophesy foretold... 

Sonic: How did you got traped inside that amulet?

Sophie: It was my brother, Lucas. When we heard the prophesy, he did this out of nowhere. And now, you woke me up. 

Mephiles: Well, we coul use a little hand, couldn't we?

Sonic: You're not wrong there.

Sophie: Say no more, everyone. I'll help however I can!


Next time...
A brand new ally joined our heroes... They seek out for the Great Zapfish... But while they reach out to Zavok... someone's trying to reach out something else...

Next time, on Sonic Splatoon: Chapter 22 - The Strongest Zeti!

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