Mother/daughter one shots: EO...

By the-CherryBomb

117K 3K 473

Hi, welcome. Here you can read one-shots of the reader being Elizabeth Olsen, Wanda Maximoff, Scarlett Johans... More

EO: Questions.
WM & NR: Paprikash.
NR: Family dinner.
SJ: Skating.
EO: New home.
WM: Cookies.
SJ & EO: Puppy.
SJ & EO: Arguments.
NR: Allergic reaction.
EO: Paparazzi.
EO: Paparazzi, part 2.
SJ & EO: Reckless.
SJ & EO: Revenge.
WM & NR: Bedtime.
SJ & EO: Lost stuffies.
SJ & EO: White little lie.
SJ & EO: Aftermath.
NR: Bucky's arm.
EO: Homophobia.
WM & NR: Jack-o'-lantern.
SJ & EO: Secret.
WM & NR: Kotenok.
EO: Wasted.
EO & SJ: Birthday surprise
SJ: Acting's reaction.

SJ & EO: Scared.

4.3K 93 10
By the-CherryBomb

Warning: "Paranormal" stuff (it is nothing too heavy), swearing, drugs, blood, seizure and death mentions.

Words: 2.8k

Age: 16.

Plot: Y/N, Rose and their shared friend group play with a Ouija board, leaving Rose scared for dear life.

A/N: Wouldn't it be a october one shot if it didn't included a little bit of paranormal stuff, would it? I don't know if I took it to a whole different level than the book, but yeah, here it is.
Thanks a lot for interacting with the story! Really appreciated it.
Hope y'all enjoy it! -F.

It was a chilly October night when Rose was convinced to sneak out by her best friend Donna, as their friend group wanted to do something fun in the middle of the night. But as she followed Donna down the cementery she deep down wished she should've stayed in bed, instead, even if that meant getting called chicken for being freaked out by scary stuff.

Donna stopped for a second and Rose was just about to take her phone when she noticed her sister Y/N already sat in the ground, around the tombstones, and chatting happily amongst the other teenagers in their grade and olders that she didn't recognized.

"What the hell are you doing in here too? I was about to text you to cover me up!"

Was the first thing Rose said as she walked up to her sister. Y/N only rolled her eyes playfully as she let out a laugh.

"Sorry, I know you're not so fond of paranormal stuff, that's why I didn't tell you to come with me." Y/N admitted truthfully, earning a confused look from Rose. "But glad you decided to come. We'll have so much fun."

"What do you mean, paranormal stuff?" Rose asked, quotting in the air the last words.

"We're playing..."

"She meant nothing, Rose. Don't listen to her. Come on, sit down." Donna responded instead, giving Y/N an angry stare.

"We're playing with a Ouija board, until someone gets possessed by some ghost or demon." Y/N completed with a chuckle as she offered her some chips from a bag. "Want some?"

"Oh no, hell no. I'm out of here..." Rose said in a panicked tone as she rushed back where the duo had walked. Earning an eye-roll from Donna.

"See what your big ass mouth caused, Y/N!" Donna scoffed, crossing her arms.

"What? You didn't tell her, idiot? She had every right to know." Y/N rolled her eyes as she got up ready to follow Rose. "Start already, I'll be right back."

It took Y/N some steps to finally get closer to Rose, but Rose didn't acknowledged the words leaving Y/N's mouth asking her to stay, so instead, Y/N shoved her a little, only to cause her to fall flat face on the floor.

"What the hell, Y/N?" Rose groaned in pain as she got up, followed by Y/N who turned on her phone flashlight.

A quick glimpse down her clothes made Rose realize her jeans had now a big cut on her knee as well with some drops of fresh blood.

"Those were my favorites! You idiot! You're buying me new ones." Rose slapped Y/N's arm, as she bent down to touch her knee.

"Sorry, I will, I guess! Are you alright?" Y/N asked in a concerned tone.

"Yeah, just a bruised knee and a $70 bucks jeans ruined, thank you very much." Rose responded in an sarcastic tone, making Y/N chuckle. "Now if you excuse me, I'm... We're going back home..."

"What? No, don't be ridiculous, it's almost 3 A.M., I already snuck out, I'm not going anywhere and you can't walk home by yourself."

"So you're not coming? Cool, should've seen that coming... I'm calling a taxi or something." Rose patted the pockets of her jeans in search of her phone. Panicking when she couldn't find it. "Crap."


"I lost my phone." Rose panicked as she tried to search it around them. She only took a step when a small crack sound was heard.

"I think you found it." Y/N said with an amused smile, pointing the light to Rose stepping on the phone.

"You think?" Rose snapped in an even more sarcastic tone as she picked up the phone. "And it's cracked. Great. Just what I fucking needed."

"It'll be fine, relax."

"It won't. I'm so going back, and that's it."

"I won't let you go by yourself... It's dangerous and moms would definitely kill me if something happened to you." Y/N responded with a sigh. "I guess I'm coming with you... Let me go get my backpack."

"That's not necessary. I guess I..."

"You're staying? Great. That worked so well... Come on..." Y/N jumped enthusiastically as she nodded to the path back to where their group are. "I swear it's fine, we did this last year with some seniors, and no one got possessed."

"Y/N, what are you talking about?" Rose asked in a shocked tone.

"What you heard. It's fine. Please, stay with us and... I'll... " Y/N seemed to think about it for a moment. "Do your homework for half a month."

"Ugh... tempting... Okay, fine." Rose smirked, taking her sister's hand. "Let's go back."

"Wait what? Really? Cool. Come on." Y/N nodded enthusiastically as she started walking. "Just when I thought you'd be scared to death to even come back. Nice to know you are overcoming your fears."

"I am not scared!" Rose protested, crossing her arms. "I-I just rather be home."

"Oh! Come on, Rosey. Ghosts are not even real... Don't worry."

"Then why are you even here? If you don't believe ghosts exist."

"Because... It's fun. Who comes to a cementery in the witching hour? No one." Y/N responded with shrugg.

"You're weird."

"Shut up and keep walking." Y/N chuckled, giving her a reasuring squeeze in the hand. "I swear there's no such thing as ghosts, so yeah we will be fine."

"What if we are not?"

"What the worst that could happen?"

"We could get killed, cursed, or worse, possessed by some horrible demon." Rose mumbled in a low voice.

"Chillax, Rose. Worst could happen is we find out ghosts are real and we piss them off... so what? We get a curse over our family for four generations. Nothing bad." Y/N chuckled, earning a shriek from Rose. "I'm only kidding, but I guess we'll find out sooner or later."

When the sisters came back, the group were already playing with the Ouija as Archer, Donna's older cousin, was the one guiding the planchette across the board to get answers from the spirit and Hayden, another boy from the group, shared a bag of white powder with the rest of the teenagers.

Before Rose could even ask what was in the bag, Y/N hushed her with a "Don't ask, you don't want to know. Trust me."

Rose tried to keep her cool, while clunged to Y/N's arm as the group continued playing for about half an hour. Everything was going fine while they got some random answers which eventually relaxed Rose a little bit, until Archer asked something he shouldn't have.

"So... Can you tell us how you really died?"

The planchette slowly moved to the NO on the upper corner of the board. Which only let out a collective nervous laugh.

"Oh c'mon... Don't be like that, ghost." Archer complained with a groan as he took the planchette impatiently. "Were you killed by a white man or what?... You know what? Nah, nevermind, you probably deserved to be killed."

As if it was some sort of sorcery the wind intensified within seconds and took the Ouija wood board with it to crash it against the nearest tombstone along with the planchette. Leaving the group in a little bit of shock as the wind died down as quick as it intensified.

"What the..." Hayden said, in a little bit of shock. "Am I tripping or..."

"Okay, that's it! I'm out of here." Rose anounced, taking her backpack from the floor.

"Oh c'mon, don't be such a chicken, girl. It was just the wind." Chad, another boy from the group, rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, no. We're not about to get cursed. Thank you." Rose mumbled in a panicked tone as Y/N got her things too, ready to follow her sister.

"Chicken. That's what you two are." Archer mocked, earning a laugh from some people in the group as others were way too high to even comprehend what was happening.

"Oh fuck off, Archer... Didn't you just saw what just happened?" Y/N flipped him off. "Come on, Rose..."

As both sisters took the first step, ready to go back to Y/N's car, Archer's eyes rolled to the back of his head and his legs started jerking off, which made him fall face up against a tombstone, that opened part of his head as blood started to come out.

Donna's loud shriek was the next thing it was heard as she kneeled next to Archer in an attempt to help him as did other teenagers. Rose and Y/N looked at eachother shocked. Just when Rose was about to walk to Donna, Y/N stopped her, still way too shocked by what had happened.

"We need to get out of here, Just follow me." Y/N said in a panicked tone, as she started walking.

But Rose stayed there. Way too shocked to even comprehend what the hell was happening. Did the ghost tried to kill him? Was he dead? Was he alive?

She must've lost in her thoughts because next thing she knew was Y/N helping her getting in the copilot seat and the clock on the car anouncing nearly 4:15 A.M.

During all the highway drive, the car fell into silence, and not a comfortable one. Both teenagers way too deep in their thoughts to even talk, while the tension in the air incremented by the second as they reached their final destination.

"Y/N? What did..."

"It was clear, we should've not left the house. As far as we're concerned we weren't in the cementery. Not even close to a cementery." Y/N warned in a serious tone as she parked as quietly as she could in front of their house. "We sneaked out because we wanted slushies, alright?"

"But we were just in..."

"See that, Rose? Lights out. Good sign." Y/N pointed to the dark windows of the house. "Moms are still asleep. They probably didn't even noticed we were gone."

"Is he dead? Did the ghost kill him?" Rose asked in a husked voice.

"No, don't think that. It has to be something else, it's not paranormal, I swear." Y/N responded in a shaky tone as she rubbed sympathetically Rose's shoulder.

It was a moment of silence where Rose was trying to put two and two together only to let a loud gasp when the answer hit her.

"Okay... I guess but... Y/N... What the hell was in that bag going around?"

"Rose... It doesn't matter. I can assure you..."

"What the hell was in that bag, Y/N!"

"Honestly, I hope it's cocaine, but whatever it is we're screwed if they find we were there." Y/N sighed resting her head in the steering wheel.

"What? Are you fucking serious? How can you be so calm about this. It's drugs! They're illegal."

"Do you really think I'm calm? I'm terrified, Rose. Terrified. We just saw a man probably get killed by some psyco ghost."

"But you just said..."

"If he's dead. We were in a freaking crime scene with a lot of drugs. Last thing I needed was us getting more involved in that. That's why we have to pretend we weren't there. You hear me?"

"What the fuck, Y/N? I just can't... can't lie to moms like that."

"You can and you will! I swear Rose..."

"No, I need to think about it. Away from all of this and from you and your stupid decisions."

"Rose, no... I-I..."

"Didn't you heard me? I wouldn't be freaking out if we came back home when I wanted to." Rose yelled, as she exited the car and slammed the door.

Y/N let out an exasperated sigh, as she got out the car and followed Rose who now struggled to opened the front door of the house.

"What are you doing, idiot? You're going to get us caught." Y/N groaned, snapping the key from her hand.

"I'm getting away from you. Get off me!" Rose protested, trying to get the key back.

Suddenly the door opened revealing a relieved Scarlett, making the two teenagers groan.

"Just what we needed, thanks Rose." Y/N mumbled with false smirk. "Hi mommy... what are you doing in here?"

"What the fuck are you two doing outside at this insanely hour? What is the matter with you two?" Scarlett asked back. Any sign of relief in her face was replaced with frustration by now.

"It was her fault. Ask her. Not me." Rose pointed to her sister as she walked inside. "I'm going to bed. You can yell and ground me in the morning all you want. I don't care, right now, honestly."

Before Scarlett could even protest Rose had already made her way up the stairs followed seconds later by another loud slam.

"So... how your night going, mommy?" Y/N asked in a sweet tone.

"Get inside, Y/N. And save your cute tone. It's not helping your case."

As Y/N followed Scarlett inside home she noticed Elizabeth was also seated in the living room and by the look on her face, she didn't seem thrilled to see her daughter, in fact her face reflected a mix of worry, relief and anger. Which in Y/N's opinion was even more scarier than Scarlett's anger.

"Where you two had been? Don't you two realized what time is it?" Elizabeth asked in a concerned tone.

"We wanted slushies, mama. So we went and get them." Y/N shrugged with a smile.

"At freaking four in the morning?" Scarlett asked, easily reading between her lies.

"It's not even summer." Elizabeth said even more confused than before, giving her tea a long sip.

"Y/N..." Scarlett responded in a warning tone, making Y/N sigh.

"What, mommy? I'm telling the truth. We wanted slushies so we went and got them. Want to see evidence? Because I got it in my car."

"You know what? No, I'm too tired to even do this right now. You're dismissed." Elizabeth sighed, making Y/N cheer internally.

"Okay, thanks mama. We'll never do it again, I swear." Y/N smile grew, only to earn two death stares.

"Woah, hold your horses. That doesn't mean you're both off the hook just yet... Tomorrow when we are well rested, we expect a full explanation of your where abouts." Scarlett said, crossing her arms.

"What? But mama just said I was..."

"You thought we were going to let this slip?" Elizabeth said with confusion. "No. Don't think so. Off to bed..."

"Okay, good night, I guess."

When Y/N walked into her room, it was a surprise to see Rose seated in the bed, now changed in silk pajamas, but her eyes were filled with tears.

"What's wrong?" Y/N asked in a concerned tone.

"Donna just told me we're not friends anymore." Rose sniffled, wiping her tears down her cheeks.

"What? Why? She was your best friend since fourth grade."

"She said because I abandoned her just when she needed support."

"Are you for real? That's bullshit. She is bullshit. You don't need her. Alright?" Y/N responded as she gave her a bear hug. "You have me, and I'll be your new best friend."

"You already are, idiot."

"It's not like you can get away from me." Y/N shrugged, causing Rose to slap her arm in a playful manner.

"Can I... I don't know, possibly, sleep in here with you?"

"Okay what? Now, that's suspicious."

"I close my eyes and I still see him. His blood. Everything..." Rose admitted as more tears ran down her cheeks. "I am really scared. What if it's a curse from the ghosts and it's coming next for us?"

"Rose... that's your anxiety speaking..."

"I know, but what if it is."

"Then I'll sell your soul to the ghost before mine. Because that's what sisters do. Until that happens, we should really sleep." Y/N offered with a smile. "Moms are pissed off, so I expect we will be grounded a long time."

"So then... can I?" Rose asked still unsure.

"Yes... you can sleep in here with me. Don't worry, it was not the ghost..." Y/N nodded as she started to change back into her pajamas "Besides we don't even know if he's dead, dead. We'll see in the morning, alright? Then we can worry about a potential curse"

"Okay. Thank you. Good night." Rose mumbled, snuggling in the bed.

"Night, loser." Y/N responded, getting into bed next to her sister.

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