Kingdom of the Zodiac

By SBLoveAuthor

9.1K 268 79

The locals had warned me that no one in their right mind would enter the North Woods alone, not unless they h... More

The Legend of the Zodiac
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57

Chapter 56

80 2 0
By SBLoveAuthor

When we arrived back at the castle, I wasn't thinking about the ball. Or if my dress had made it back to my room in time like the dressmaker promised. And while the overall splendor was nothing like I'd ever experienced before, I wasn't distracted by the alluring melody drifting from the ballroom. Or the thousands of twinkling lights that decorated the ceiling like stars.

Instead, I was thinking about death.

For whatever reason, the obsidian drapes of velvet strewn across the castles floor to ceiling windows reminded me of the Grim Reaper, which made me think about Chaos. The Angel of Death himself. I started daydreaming about him touching me again - about him kissing me. The soft feel of his full lips whispering across my heated skin. I'd nearly blacked out from pleasure when he caressed my wings with those gentle, tattooed hands. The same hands that were dripping with the blood of the thousands of innocents he's killed.

What is wrong with me?

We entered the main hall where dozens of couples loitered about, and I shoved those thoughts into the deepest part of my mind and pressed myself closer into Eira's side. I gripped her hand tighter, and picked up my pace as we hurried down the corridor, up the stairs, and down the hall towards our adjacent rooms. 

"I'll grab my makeup and gown from my room, you start on that rats nest you call hair."

"You're so bossy." I smiled as we both reached for the handles of our doors. I quickly slipped inside and made a beeline for the bathroom to comb out the tangles and knots.

I was still doing my best to pin my crimson waves into a semblance of a style when she barged into my room exactly two minutes later, looking like a goddess in her periwinkle mermaid gown. Realizing that I was still struggling with my hair, she shook her head in disproval then batted my hands away.

"Here, holds these."

Tears blurred my vision as I stared down at the fire opal hair pins she placed in my hands. I'd not seen them since the night of the equinox hunt. The same night I'd kissed Chaos for the first time - and almost burned down the entire camp after Hale tied me to his bed.

"Where did you find them?"

Eria stepped behind me and began braiding a series of plaits then plucked one of the jeweled pins from my palm. "I found them in Hale's tent when I went to pack a few of your things before we came here. I figured it wouldn't hurt to bring them."

"Thank you." I turned to hug her after she pinned the last strand in place. She hugged me back fiercely, but when she went to step back I hugged her tighter, refusing to let go. "Thank you for always being there for me. For bringing joy back into my life. For being my best friend, and the sister I never had. Thank you for loving me, even when I didn't love myself."

This time when she pulled back I let her. Grasping my face between her dainty hands, she leaned her forehead against mine and whispered, "I will always be there for you, no matter what. And I love you. But if you don't get your ass moving, we will never make it to the party." We both laughed then parted from each other so we could continue to get ready.

Because we'd arrived back so late, my ladies maids must've already departed, thinking I was not planning to attend. But to my relief, Kenna had left my gown on top of the bed along with my shoes, jewelry and wrapped box I'd never seen before.

"What's that?" 

"What's what?" Eira leaned in towards the bathroom mirror to apply a thick line of kohl around her ice blue eyes.

"There's something on my bed." I padded over to pick up the small pink package, turning it over in my hands to look for a card. 

"Well, don't keep me waiting in suspense. Who's it from?"

"There's no note." I frowned in confusion as I opened the lid. "Oh wait, there's something inside... Save me a dance."

Eira poked her head out of the bathroom. "What?"

I shrugged, turning the paper over thinking maybe there was something else written on the back. "That's all it says. 'Save me a dance'."

Her brows drew together then she stomped over to where I stood and reached for the parchment. 

"Do you think it's from Hale?" I asked as I brushed my thumb over the smooth gold surface of the arm cuff while her eyes roamed over the elegant hand writing.

"I think that is a fair assumption, given he's the only one who has access to your room besides your ladies maids. Unless you have a secret lover I don't know about?" She joked, placing the note on the bed.

I rolled my eyes and snorted. "Oh, please. Like I would ever sleep with two males at the same time. It would be far too much work."

I continued to stare at the cuff. It had to be from Hale. But why wouldn't he wait to give it to me himself? Maybe it was a mating gift, celebrating our completed soul bond. Or maybe he gave it as an apology for yesterday? Whatever the reason, he clearly he wanted me to wear it tonight.

"Well? Are you going to put it on or do I have to do it for you?"

Excitement bloomed in my belly as I dropped the box then slid the simple band up my arm towards my bicep. Instantly I felt a sense of calm spread over me. My eyes drooped and my thoughts became muted. I was completely relaxed, no longer nervous for tonight's festivities.

Shaking the fogginess from my head, I reached for the dress next, carefully slipping the material over my head so I wouldn't mess up Eira's handiwork. Once everything was tucked into place and the back zippered, I turned towards the mirror. Running my hands over the freshly pressed skirt, I stared at my reflection. 

In just a few short moments I would be presented to the highest-ranking nobles of Hale's court, along with whomever else received an invitation on his behalf. Despite Eira providing instruction about how I should present myself at this sort of event, I was still terrified I would make a fool of myself, and therefore my Mate - the King.

"You look beautiful, Novalee," Eira said from the doorway.

I turned and searched her face. She'd been so supportive since the first day I met her. "Do you really think so?"

"Yes, I do."

I turned back towards my reflection. I did look better than I ever have. The gown was just as gorgeous as it was when I tried it on, even more so, now that I wore the jewelry and shoes. The cut of the dress and the sweeping neckline made me look regal rather than awkward.

I ran a hand up my arm to touch the gold band Hale had given me. "What if they see right through me? I'm no princess or queen, I certainly don't have any business playing dress up as one."

Eira put a hand on my shoulder and spun me around to face her. "You are a Queen. Never forget that. If you believe it in here -," she paused to place a hand over my heart, "- so will they."

I bit my lip and nodded. "OK."


Hale is talking with a group of diplomats when we descended the ballroom stairs. His black tunic and dress pants absorbed what little light the twinkling lights gave off, while the twin blades sheathed at his hips had been polished to perfection so that the same light glistened off the metal as he turned towards me. A scarlet sash draped from his right shoulder to his left hip, while a chain of fist-size ovals of gold, set with precious gemstones, hung from one shoulder to other, and a bronze crown circled his head. Even without the noble garb, there would be no mistaking that he was a king. 

He was magnificent, and intimidating, and... scowling?

The knot in my stomach tightened but my head remained fuzzy.

His gaze raked over me in a critical sweep, giving me reason to pause on the last step. He then stepped away from the group of males and approached me. Even though I stood on the step above him, he still towered over me by half a foot.

His chocolate brown curls were not as messy as usual, and his chiseled jaw was clean shaven. He'd bathed since the last time I'd seen him, his tanned skin giving off a luminescent glow that only added to his masculine beauty. His face was set in stone, his hands were clenched at his sides, his knuckles turning white. His eyes flashed from hazel to blue as his power crackled around him.

I cast my eyes downward as I sunk into a curtsy. What did I think was going to happen? That he would see me all dressed up and make a declaration of undying love before his whole Court? My cheeks heated with shame, and I kept my lashes lowered as I rose from the ground and waited for him to speak. 

Hale's posture went rigid before held out his hand and grunted quietly. "Come."

Placing my hand in his, I stepped off the final step and followed him. Crowds parted for us as he led me further into the room. Cas and Lux stood off to our right, before we could pass the former stepped forward, catching my arm gently to halt our progression. "You look lovely, My Lady. I dare say even more beautiful than the Moon Goddess herself." 

I gave him a dazzling smile in return. "Thank you, Castor."

Hale's finger's gripped my hand tighter, and he flashed a lethal look in Cas's direction who scowled right back. Then he returned his attention to me, and an apologetic look crossed his features before he spoke. "Forgive me, Seraphina. You are breathtaking."

I gave him a curt nod, but still did not meet his eye.

He drew a breath, as if he were about to say something else, but then his teeth snapped together and he exhaled sharply through his nose before offering me his arm. I accepted it and allowed him to lead us once more. 

"I'm sorry," he murmured, so soft only I could hear. 

"For what?" I asked, keeping my voice just as low.

"For not telling you how beautiful you look the moment I saw you come down those steps."

"It's ok."

"No, it's not." His hand tightened around mine. "I do not wish to be here. I do not wish to parade you around on my arm like a precious jewel while a great threat is still out there." He nods to one of the large windows. "I do not like putting you in harms way."

It was then that I understood his fowl mood. He wasn't embarrassed by me. He was afraid for me. For my safety. I released his arm, only to grab his hand instead. Lacing my fingers through his, I squeezed, offering what little reassurance I could that everything was going to be okay.

The corner of his mouth lifted slightly before he raised our interlocked hands to his scarred lips and brushed a kiss across my knuckles. A shiver of pleasure rippled up my spine and I bit my lip to stop myself from demanding he place those lips on other body parts.

As we stepped into the center of the room, every eye focused on us. Instinctively, I shrank into Hale's side, allowing his quiet strength to ground me. A low rumble of laughter reached my ears and I shot him a look, which only made his eyes crinkle at the corners and his lips pull back into a grin.

Straightening my spine, I lifted my head and willed myself to play the part of the King's Fated Mate.

Over the next few hours, Hale introduced me to hundreds of nobles and other important members of his court. 

I did my best to stand tall by his side, appearing respectful and polite as we greeted his guests, together. Despite having already heard about the King's new mate, many of the nobles made a point to push me for information regarding my lineage and our soul bond. To his credit, Hale kept his tempter in check...most of the time. 

To the eyes of his people, we appeared strong and united.

We were in the middle of greeting a Lord and his wife when the massive doors at the back of the room swung open and a series of gasps and shouts broke out across the crowd.

Hale and I shared a glance before he shoved me behind him, using his body as a shield between me and whatever caused the sudden disturbance.

The sound of two sets of boots striding quickly across the marble floor echoed in my ears, and I peaked around Hale's broad shoulders to see his King's Guard carrying an unconscious male towards us.

Strands of long, dirty blond hair hung like a curtain around the male's head, shielding his face from view. He'd been stripped of all weapons and his boots, leaving him barefoot and defenseless. Dirt and blood coated his ripped tunic and the tanned muscles of his defined arms were covered in dozens of cuts and bruises. 

I stepped forward but Hale held out his arm, baring me from moving any closer. "What is the meaning of this?" 

"We found him like this at the front gate your majesty." The soldiers adjusted their hold under the male's arms, causing him to groan in pain. 

He was alive, but barely. Then, as if he sensed our presence, the male stirred slightly in the guards arms, fighting to lift his head. He tried a few more times before he moaned in agony then gave up. My heart wept for him as I watched his body slump in defeat, unable to obey.

Before he could stop me, I darted out from behind my Mate and approached the group cautiously. "Nova!" Hale hissed, reaching for me to drag me back behind him. I danced out of reach and continued forward until I stood before the injured male.

Reaching out a shaking hand, I moved some of the hair away from his face so I could see his eyes. Amber pools met my own and a strangled cry escaped my lips before I surged forward and flung my arms around Liam's neck.

The Guards keeping him upright released their hold immediately and he collapsed to his knees with a crack, taking me down with him. Tears streamed down my face as I cried for my dear friend. "I thought I lost you," I sobbed into his neck, clutching him to me.

"I missed you too, Little Lion." His voice wavered as he wound his arms around my waist and hugged me back fiercely, leaning into me for support.

I moved back to search his face, causing him to slouch forward, his weight no longer supported  by my body. "What happened?" I asked, hastily pushing more hair away from his handsome, battered face.

His eyes pinched shut and his face contorted in pain as he wheezed. "Army," he grit out between breaths, "Army is..." He swallowed hard, his face going lax as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. 

I shook him hard, trying to get him to stay awake. "Army is what? Liam! Wake up! The Army is what?!" I shouted at him, slapping his cheek a few times.

"Coming," he whispered softly before he closed his eyes and slumped forward into my chest.

For a full minute, Hale remained silent at my back before he began barking out orders. "Take him to the infirmary. NOW!"

The King's Guard rushed forward to gather Liam's unconscious form. Hale shot a furious look at his mother across the room before he shouted to the rest of his guests. "Everyone out! The party's over." 

The crowd went silent. I rose to my feet and watched with baited breath as everyone around us began shifting on their feet.

When no one made a move to leave, Hale snarled like an animal and took a few menacing steps forward. His eyes shifted completely to blue before thunder rumbled loudly overhead, rattling the crystal chandeliers and windows. 

A crack of lightning flashed across the room, striking the furthest wall, leaving a simmering, blackened hole in the foundation. 

"I said get the fuck out!" He bellowed as another bolt blasted into the room, this time hitting the middle of the floor a few feet away from us.

The crowd began to panic, and if I was being honest, so did I. Not because of my Mate, or his temper, but because I was afraid of what would come next should these idiots not listen to their King's demand.

Someone stumbled into my back, pushing me forward. I staggered as I tried to keep my balance, but my heels slid on the marble floor and my ankle shifted sideways. With a startled cry, I fell forward, reaching out with a hand to break my fall. I landed hard and screamed in pain as a boot stepped on my fingers, crushing the delicate bones.

Everyone rushed madly around me, and I could no longer see Hale. Another heel stepped on my injured hand and I shrieked again. Hale roared my name, but I couldn't respond. Sobs wracked my body, and on instinct, I curled into a tight ball and covered my head with my hands.

I risked a glance up at the madness around me, and called out for my Mate. 

Through the crowd, an outstretched hand reached for me, and I grabbed it without thinking. My fingers trembled as they slid into my rescuers hand. Ice spread through my veins, and a sense of fear unlike anything I'd ever felt came over me before my whole world went dark.

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