It All Started With A Tattoo...

By sassygirl93

1.4M 30.2K 5.4K

{COMPLETED} Book 2 of 'It All Started With A Tattoo'............. Please make sure to read the first book f... More

Chapter 100:
Chapter 101:
Chapter 102:
Chapter 103:
Chapter 104:
Chapter 105:
Chapter 106:
Chapter 107:
Chapter 108:
Chapter 109:
Chapter 110:
Chapter 111:
Chapter 112:
Chapter 113:
Chapter 114:
Chapter 115:
Chapter 116:
Chapter 117:
Chapter 118:
Chapter 119:
Chapter 120:


69.7K 1.9K 688
By sassygirl93

10 Year’s Later


Allie’s POV

It’s been ten wonderful years since Harry and I have gotten married. I’m now 33 years old as was Harry. Harry and I now have 6 amazingly beautiful kids. Darcy is now 9 years old, and she is gorgeous. She had long light brown hair with greenish blueish eyes. She was very sassy like her Uncle Louis. She is such a daddies girl that she HATED when she wasn’t the center of his attention. Jack and Aiden are our 8-year-old twins (Allie was pregnant with them at the wedding btw) They both had dirty blonde hair just like Harry did when he was their age. They acted and looked exactly like Harry. Lacy is our 6 year old. She was the sweetest little girl. She is always looking out for her little sisters. She was also my little helper. She was always by my side that was until Uncle Zayn came over then she was barely near me. Gracie is our 4 year old. She had short blonde curly hair with bright blue eyes. She loves to sing and dance. So she would run around the house singing and dancing. She just started going to school 5 months ago and it broke my heart. The house was too quite, well that was until Sofia was born 3 months ago. She was so cute, and all of her siblings loved her. She resembled me the most so far. She had brown hair and eyes and chunky cheeks. (Kids pictures on sidebar)

Since Harry and I both never planned on having six kids we had to move into a much bigger house after I gave birth to Lacy. (House on sidebar) By no means did I want to move, but we had no other choice.

Not long after we moved ‘One Direction’ decided to go their separate way. They had done 6 albums up to that point and a bunch of world tours. Harry and the guys are now all music producers and helping up and coming artist make it big.

All the guys were married with kids. Louis and Eleanor got married a year after Harry and I did. They now have 2 sets of twins. Two 7-year-old boys (twins) and two 4-year-old girls. Niall and Hannah got married 8 years ago and they have a 6 & 3-year-old girls. Zayn and Perrie have been married or about 6 years now and have a 6 boy, 4 year old, and a 2-year-old girl. Liam and Danielle have been married 10 years like Harry and I, but they only have 2 kids. A boy and a girl!

Over the last year though One Direction reunited for a world tour. They have had a few breaks in between the shows to come home to their families. Harry was luckily home for Sofia’s birth, but he had to leave to go back to the United States a few days after she as born. He hasn’t seen her in person since. Harry and the guys are on their way home as we speak. I was so happy to see him, but I knew the kids were even more excited then I am.

“Mum when is daddy getting home?” Darcy asked me. I was currently changing Sofia’s diaper and getting her ready for her afternoon nap.

“He should be home in an hour.” I smiled. He had texted me saying he landed at Heathrow a few minutes ago, and I knew from years of experience how long it took him to get home.

“Okay.” She cheered before running out of Sofia’s room. After I finished getting Sofia ready for her nap I put her in her crib. I turned the lights off before closing the door.

“Mummy Aiden pulled my hair.” Gracie cried as she ran up to me and hugged my legs. I groaned then I bent down and picked her up.

“Where is he sweety?” I asked her as I rubbed her back trying to calm her down.

“Movie room.” She sniffled. I started to walk towards the movie room and the closer I got I heard Jack and Aiden fighting with each other.

“Baby why don’t you go to your room and I will come in there after I talk with Aiden.” I cooed to Gracie who was still lightly crying.

“Okay mommy.” She sniffed. I put her down and she ran to her room. When I saw her close her door I turned around so I could deal with my boys.

“AIDEN AND JACK STOP RIGHT NOW!” I yelled at them. The instantly stopped what they were doing and pulled apart from each other.

“What is going on?” I asked sternly with raised eyebrows.

“Jack and I were playing video games and he cheated.” Aiden whined.

“No you cheated.” Jack snapped at his brother. ‘Where is Harry when I need him?’ I asked myself.

“I don’t care who cheated you don’t go and hit each other.” I snapped at them.

“I’m sorry mummy.” Jack said sadly as he looked down at the ground. Aiden nodded agreeing.

“I will let this go just this once, but I need to talk to you Aiden about something. Can you come with me for a minute?” I asked but more told him.

“Okay.” Aiden smiled. I pointed for him to leave the movie room so he did.

“Let’s go to your room.” I said. Once we got into his room Aiden sat on his bed and looked up at me.

“Can you explain to me why you pulled Gracie’s hair?” I asked him calmly. I learnt quickly that as a mom you can’t always just yell, scream and then ground them when they do something wrong. It doesn’t solve anything………

“I…..urm……umm…. Well she was poking me and I told her if she didn’t stop I would pull her hair. She didn’t stop mum what was I suppose to do?” He asked.

“Come find me. You are supposed to let me handle it. How many times do I have to tell you that?” I asked him.

“I’m sorry mummy. I knew you are sad daddy isn’t home and you were with Sofia so I didn’t want to bother you.” He spoke honestly.

“Aiden it isn’t your job to decided that stuff for mummy. If you have a problem just come and find me and I will always try and help you.” I said pulling him into a hug.

“You aren’t mad at me?” He asked.

“Of course not, but you need to go apologize to Gracie.” I said simply.

“Okayyyy.” He groaned as he got up off his bed and made his way to Gracie’s room. I have been dealing with six kids by myself for 3 months solid now.

After a minute I followed Aiden into Gracie’s room and they were already hugging and giggling. I decided to just leave the room and go make lunch for everyone. As I walked downstairs I found Darcy sitting in the living room staring at her phone. (We only got her a phone so she could text and call Harry while he wasn’t home)

“You okay baby?’ I asked her. She jumped a bit since I startled her a bit.

“No I miss daddy and I just want him home already.” She mumbled sadly.

“I miss him too, but he will be home any minute now.” I said pulling her into my lap as I sat down on the couch.

“You don’t need to wait any longer I’m home now.” Harry said as he walked into the living room. Darcy jumped out of my lap and ran over to her daddy. She jumped into his open arms and hugged the life out of him.

“I missed you so much daddy. Please don’t ever be away for that long again.” Darcy cried into the crook of Harry’s neck. I felt a lump form in my throat and tears form in my eyes. It always made me cry when my kids saw him for the first time in a while. They miss him so much, and I knew how they felt so I didn’t blame him.

“DADDY!” Lacy and Gracie shout as they come running down the stairs. Harry set Darcy down and kneeled down so he could hug Lacy and Gracie. As they were hugging him I saw Harry start to cry happy tears. He was just as happy he was home as we all were.

“I’m going to go get the boys.” I smiled and started to walk upstairs. I walked down the hallway and to the movie room where the boys were.

“Daddy is home. Go say hi he is downstairs in the living room with your sisters.” I smiled. They instantly stopped what they were doing and ran past me and down to their dad. I walked over to the TV and turned off the video game system and TV before I went to go get Sofia. She was now crying from all the shouting her siblings were doing. I opened her door and walked over to her crib. I picked her up and tried to calm her down a bit before taking her down stairs. I started to softly sing to her while rubbing her back in soothing circles. I was so tired that my own actions were making me sleepier then I already was.

“Wow she has gotten so big since they last time I saw her.” I jumped as I heard Harry say from behind me. I turned around and looked at my husband standing in the doorway with tears in his eyes.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” Harry said as he walked over to me. His eyes never once leaving Sofia. When Harry got to us he looked me in the eyes before pressing his lips firmly to mine. I felt the same sparks and butterflies flood my body as I always did. Whenever we kissed it always felt like the first time we kissed all those years ago.

Sofia made a noise, which caused Harry and I to break apart. Harry used his thumb to wipe the tears that had fallen from my eyes. Harry looked over at Sofia and reached his hands out indicating he wanted to hold her. I handed her over to him and saw his face bright up even more then it already was.

“Where are our other kids?” I asked him as I watched him meet his daughter for the second time.

“They are downstairs looking at the gifts I brought home for them.” He smiled.

“Of course you did.” I smiled as I rolled my eyes at him. Whenever he was gone for any length of time he would bring back gifts for all of us. I knew he felt guilty when he had to travel for work, so I knew why he brought them back for the kids.

“We should go back downstairs and make sure they aren’t killing each other.” I chuckled. Harry nodded before grabbing my hand with his free hand (He was holding Sofia with one hand) and intertwining our fingers together. My stomach did flips when he touched me.

“I missed you so much.” I said to him. He stopped in his place and turned around so he was facing me. He leaned his face closer to mine before saying…..

“I missed you more then you will ever know. As much fun as I had interacting with our fans again I missed spending time with you and our family. Calling, texting, and Skyping were never enough.” Harry said as he came closer to me.

“It was better then nothing though.” I smiled trying to think positively.

“I agree.” He smiled before giving me a sweet kiss on my lips.

“OW!” I heard what sounded like Lacy cry out from downstairs.

“I guess we should get down there now eh?” Harry chuckled. I rolled my eyes but nodded my head.


Harry’s POV

I have been home for a few hours now. Allie and I just put ALL our kids down for bed. It was way past their bedtime, but I couldn’t let them go to bed. I needed to spend time with them, since I missed them so freaking much.

Allie and I are currently cuddling on our bed.

“I love that you and the guys got to do this tour, but I forgot how much I hate when you aren’t home.” Allie said.

“I know and I’m so thankful you let me do this. I hate that I had to leave you alone with 6 kids under the age of 10.”I laughed.

“They were good for the most part. They have only been trouble over the last 2 weeks, since they knew you were coming home soon. I think the fact that they had to go to school helped a lot. They had something to focus on other then you not being home.” She said looking me in the eyes.  I missed just looking in her eyes and cuddling in bed together.

“Well that’s good. I promise I won’t leave for a while.” I smiled at her.

“Pinky promise?” She asked.

“Pinky promise.” I said as I linked our pinkies together. No matter how old Allie and I get we always seem to act like the in love teenagers we once were. Allie and I have had our fights since we have gotten married, but we always pulled threw them. Allie was one of the strongest women I knew, and she was the best mum out there. I couldn’t have asked for a better wife and mother to my children.

“I love you so much.” Allie said pulling me out of my thoughts.

“I love you too babe.” I smiled before pulling her lips to mine. Allie smiled into the kiss. I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance and she quickly granted it to me. My hands were roaming all over her body as her hands were running up and down my chest and stomach. Allie rolled over so she was straddling my waist as we both continued kissing. Allie’s hands made there way to the hem of my shirt indicating for me to take it off. I leaned back and let her take it off as I pulled her shirt off at the same time. I rolled us over so I was hovering above her. I started kissing and leaving love bites all over her neck, which caused her to moan my name. Damn how I missed hearing that. I wrapped my hands around her back and unhooked her bra and then pulled her pants and panties off of her legs.

“How is this fair? I’m completely naked and you still have pants on.” Allie groaned. I chuckled at her and pulled my own pants and boxers off.

After a few minutes of teasing each other I lined myself up to her entrance.

“I love you so freaking much.” I whispered as I entered her. She just moaned and scratched her nails on my back as a response. As I moved in and out of her I couldn’t help but notice how it she looked. She had a baby 3 months ago and 5 kids before and it looked like she never had a kid in her life.

“Harryyy” Allie moaned indicating she was close. Before I knew we both released and were now curled up into each other’s sweaty arms.

“I love you.” Allie smiled.

“Love you too babe.” I said kissing her lips gently.

After a while of cuddling I heard someone knocking on out bedroom door. Allie and I looked at each other and quickly got ourselves dressed. Once we were dressed we opened the door to 5 pairs of sleepy eyes.

“WE can’t sleep because of the storm Can we sleep with you?” Lacy asked. Allie and I were so caught up with each other we didn’t realize it was storming outside.

“Of course.” Allie smiled and pointed to our bed, which caused our kids to run over and jump on our bed. Allie and I just laughed and made our way to our bed and snuggled in the sheet with our kids.

“I love all of your so much.” I smiled.

“Love you too daddy and mummy.” They all said back. I looked at Allie and smiled. I mouthed ‘I love you’ and she mouthed it back. My life is absolutely perfect and I wouldn’t change one thing about it……………..



So there is the Epilogue……… This story is officially over ):

Sorry for all the mistakes in the last few chapter's i re read them again and i saw all of them. I changed a few of them, but not all of them......... I will go back and edit when i have time :P 

I want to thank you all for reading, voting, and Commenting.

This story has been a blast to write and I’m sad that it’s over. But I think I ended things well if I do say so myself. I unfortunately will NOT be writing any kind of sequel. 

if you like this story and you like my writiing please go check out  my other 3 stories i have :)

 I’ll Always Come Back For You (Zayn Malik Fanfic)   {Completed}

I’m The New Girl In His Life (Louis Tomlinson Short Story)    {Completed}

Twisted Words And Twisted Lies (Harry Styles Fanfic)  {Currently writing.. 35 chapter in)




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