Blissful Encounter(Hyunlix)

By jasmineStayAmryExoL

87.6K 4.6K 2K

With his parents dead and brother sent to prison out of self-defense, Felix was left to fend for himself in a... More

Character Introduction.
chapter one. (Rated M)
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight.
chapter nine
chapter ten
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter Fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
The end.

chapter eleven

3K 184 125
By jasmineStayAmryExoL

Pushing down his turmoil, Felix bit his lip. He quickly stood up and held his son's hand tightly. "Hyunjin i will be right back. i need to talk to Jae for a moment," he said and began to walk into his children's room without waiting for Hyunjin's response.

He sat at the edge of Jae's bed, pulling the boy close to him. "Sweetheart I want to ask you something. And I need you to be honest with me, can you do that for me?"

The boy nodded. "Okay"

"What do you mean Hyunjin is your father?"

"I know Papa, I know his our other father"

Felix's breath got caught up in his throat until his brain reminded him to breath again. "Since when?"

"I... I don't know. I smelled him closely a few days back and just knew."

Yeah, that made sense. Pups were supposed to find their parents by scent, after all. Felix should've thought about that instead of lying to his children. He sighed and rubbed his temple. "I am sorry I hid the truth from you– well technically speaking i didn't know Hyunjin was the same friend you told me about until today."

"Are you going to tell him the truth?" Jae asked.

"I will eventually, but not today, and i want you to continue keeping it to yourself. Can you do that for me?"


"We just got together and I don't want to pressure him– but why didn't you tell me that you found your Dad?"

Jae scratched the back of his head."I wasn't sure until today when I saw you two talking and I also learned that he has onion allergy just like me."

Nodding, Felix pulled his son into his arms."Were you going to tell him earlier?" He asked resting his chin on Jae's head.

"No" the boy shook his head. "I wouldn't tell him if you're not okay with it."

Felix tightened his hold around his son's little frame. "Does Dae know?"

"He doesn't"

"Thank you for keeping it to yourself"

"It's okay Papa."

They went silent for a moment, as Felix continued to rub his son's back. "About uncle Chris, what did you do to him?" He lifted his head to look at the boy's face.

"I am sorry I lost control, I didn't know what got into me, I saw my Dad in danger and something in me snapped like how it happened earlier with Ria. And I don't know what I did to him, I would never hurt uncle Chris on purpose." The boy was too smart for his age, that Felix something was having it hard to believe his son was truly four and half.

With a smiled, he pulled his son to his chest once again. "I know, I know baby, just try and control yourself next time. People are always going to keep hurting us with their words or physically, you can't keep acting on instincts, you have to control yourself, the world is dangerous out there for our kind. Okay?"

The boy nuzzled his father's neck with a nod. "Okay, I will try"

"Promise me you won't do something like that to anyone ever again, no matter who was getting hurt– I can't lose you Jae, you have to be careful." The emotions in his tone was raw even to his own ears.

"I promise Papa, I am sorry for making you worry"

"It's okay sweetie" he rubbed the boy's back a few times, before he adding."About your Dad, if he asks you why you said those words, can you lie a little for me?"

"But lying is bad, you said so yourself"

Drawing back, Felix look at his son properly. "I know I said that, but do this for me please, just tell him you said that because you consider him your father, since he's now my boyfriend?" He said a bit unsure. 

Jae grinned at that."He's your boyfriend? Was that why he kissed you"

Felix flushed "uhm I think so" he shrugged  "well I don't know" he chuckled at his own words. "Or you can say because he's your friend and you consi–"

"No the first option is better, I am sure uncle Hyunjin will be happy if I accept him as your boyfriend,"

"Alright" he smiled at his son "let's go out there and you're gonna apologize to Uncle Chris. Okay?"

The boy nodded "I will, but why did he attack uncle Hyunjin?"

"Chris thought Hyunjin was one of those wolves that hurt our kind"

Jae hummed with smile "I see, so–"

"Papa!" Dae's voice cut Jae off.

Both Felix and his eldest son turned to look at the younger. "You're awake!" He said rising to his feet.

Dae rubbed his eyes and pouted cutely and Felix cooed at the cuteness overload. "Aww my cute baby" he reached to pick the boy up.

Dae instinctively rested his head on Felix's shoulder. "I am hungry" he told his Papa.

"Okay, sweetheart, I will cook something real quick for both of you"

"What about uncle Hyunjin? He must be hungry too" Jae said from his spot.

Felix glanced at his son, he couldn't deny that it gave him a thrill to clearly see how fond of Hyunjin, Jae was. He smiled. "Alright I will make it for all of us"

"Uncle Hyunjin?" Dae asked peeping at his father.

"Yes" Jae told his brother.

"Here's here?" Dae asked, grinning at his Papa.

"Yes" he answered.

"Wow that's awesome" Dae said still grinning.

"He's  Papa's boyfriend now" Jae said and Felix could tell the boy was really happy about it.

"What's that?" Dae asked.

"He's going to marry and mate Papa, then we'll live like a family." Jae said to his brother with a grin too, clearly proud of being the smarter one.

"Is that true? Are you really going to marry uncle Hyunjin?" Dae asked looking at Felix with excitement in his eyes. "And what's mating?" The boy blinked curiosely now looking at his brother. 

"I don't know, Papa stopped uncle Hyunjin before he could tell me."

"No one is marring anyone, he's just my boyfriend i think, boyfriend means we'll go for dates and have a good time together,"

"Then they'll get married and mate" Jae added.

"Jesus Jae what's your obsession with marriage and mating?"

"I want us to be together as a family" the boy said with a bit of dejection in his tone.

Felix's features softened, he understood his son wanted to have both parents and proudly show them to the world. It was clear the boy had been hurt today because of Ria's words. He sighed and nodded. "Alright, I will marry uncle Hyunjin" he said and his boys grinned. "Let's go joined them." 

"Then you'll mate" Jae added once again.

Felix rolled his eyes as he pushed his son gently to exit the room.

Hyunjin was pacing the living room, while Chris stared at him with unhidden hostility. When Felix and the boys walked into the living room, the Alpha stopped and turned around to face them. "Is he okay?" Hyunjin asked, genuine concern in his tone, eyes darting to Jae.

Felix nodded and Hyunjin released a breath  walking to where Jae was, he crouched down in front of the boy, a gentle hand on his shoulder. "What did you mean when you said I am your dad?" Hyunjin asked again.

Jae glanced at his Papa for a brief moment, and Felix gave a curt nod, the boy turned his attention back to Hyunjin. "You're my Papa's boyfriend, so i thought of you as my father as well"

A bright smile graced Hyunjin's face. He leaned in and dropped a kiss to Jae's forehead. "Thanks you Jae'in, I am really honoured" he engulfed the boy into his arms.

Jae giggled as he brought his tiny arms to hug Hyunjin back. 

Dae'in glanced up at Felix. Understanding what his son was silently asking for, Felix slowly lowered the boy to the floor. "Go join them" he told him .

Dae grinned, shuffling closer and immediately threw himself into Hyunjin's body. The Alpha chuckled opening his arms properly to accommodate the two boys.

Felix couldn't control his heart racing with delight at the sight, for a second he consider telling Hyunjin the truth once again, but then he shook his head at the thought.

They stayed that way for a moment, before Jae pulled back and walked to where his uncle was. Felix's eyes followed his son.

His brother had a scowl on his face, glaring at Hyunjin's direction. With a sigh, Felix made his way to the kitchen, where he stood and watch the two.

"Uncle Chris" Jae called in a low voice, head hanging low, with his hands clasped.

Chris averted his gaze to look at his nephew. And smile warmly at the young boy."Yes Jae-jae"

Felix was certain Jae would protest about being called Jae-jae if he wasn't feeling guilty for what he did to his uncle at the moment.

"You know I love you and you mean a lot to me.  Right?" Jae asked blinking up at his uncle.

"I know" Chris said caressing the boy's cheek.

"I would never hurt you on purpose, because you're my favorite uncle"

"I know big boy and i am not mad at you for doing what you did, if only It made me certain you're a big boy who's capable of protecting his loved ones"

"I am so sorry, please forgive me uncle Chris" Jae was at verge of tears. "I was so scared for uncle Hyunjin"

Chris nodded. "I know. It was my fault to attack your friend out of nowhere"

"You're worried for Papa, I understand but believe me uncle Hyunjin is not a bad person."

Again Chris' eyes darted to where Hyunjin and Dae stood for a brief moment before turning his attention back to Jae. "I am not sure about that, but I will trust your judgement." he smiled once again at the boy.

Jae smiled and threw himself into his uncle's arms. "Thank you" he nuzzled the Alpha's neck, scent marking him like family should, to one another.

Knowing things were back in tracks, Felix smiled, proceeding intiy the kitchen and Hyunjin immediately followed him, which prompted him to roll his eyes at the Alpha while he turned around to face him. "Go take a seat I'm gonna make–" he glanced at his wrist watch. "Dinner?" He wondered because it's already passed 4pm.

"I want to help" Hyunjin said.

"No it's okay. I can manage"

Hyunjin shook his head, moving to place both hands on Felix's shoulders. "I want to do this, let me cook for you and the kids." He insisted

They argued back and forth for a few while. Eventually Felix gave in, allowing Hyunjin to do the cookings, but he helped brought out the necessary ingredients.

“You don’t have to do this,” Felix mumbled as he rested his elbows on the marble countertop, face nuzzled between his hands. “I could do it.”

“Nah, I actually enjoy cooking.” Hyunjin tossed the meat and vegetables that faintly sizzled in the pan, and Felix tried his best not to stare at the bicep that flexed underneath his tight white button up shirt. The shirt was hugging every part of the man’s curves and lines almost too perfectly, making it hard to focus on anything else. “It’s therapeutic.” Hyunjin added.

“I should help, though.”

Hyunjin shook his head looked up with smile, trying to hide the amusement on his face. “I have a feeling you’re a fire hazard, considering Jae told me it was Jeong-In and Chris who usually do most the cooking in the house"

Felix scoffed, brushing the alpha’s words off with his hand before taking a few steps closer to Hyunjin. “I’ll have you know I’m not that bad, i just don't have time to cook these days.”

“Be honest with me,” Hyunjin began, eyes darting back to the cooking food, “Do you think your brother will give us his support?” He asked turning to glance at the Omega, but his attention was quickly taken by the rice cooker that dinged, signaling that what sat inside was finally ready. Felix's gaze lingered on his back, at the way his broad shoulders stretched against the tight fabric. He found himself smiling fondly at the man, and it was only when Hyunjin cleared his throat that he snapped out of his daze. “Food’s ready.".


"I asked you a question and i said food is ready"

"Ah" he let his eyes to where Chris and his pups were sat, playing PS4. He subconsciously smiled at the sight. He could relate to his brother, how he felt about wolves like Hyunjin, but he would make Chris understand that Hyunjin wasn't one of those wolves, he wasn't like them. And he's sure his brother would give his support if he find out Hyunjin was the twins' other father, since it seemed Chris was not in his senses when Jae said those words. And Felix hadn't told him he met the twins Dad at the company, he only told his two best friends. Even Minho didn't know, and Felix guessed Haechan hadn't told his brother, because he was certain Minho would have talked to Chris about it.

"Back to earth Felix!" Hyunjin's voice brought him out his thoughts.

"Sorry I zoned out."

"You still haven't answered"

He let out a sigh at Hyunjin's persistence."He will" he said " I just need to make him understand a few things, he's my brother, he'd want me to be happy"

Hyunjin relaxed visibly and nodded, he flashed Felix a smile before resuming his chores. "He better, because you're mine Felix, I will never give up on you." 

Felix found himself grinning at those words.

Jeong-In came home just when Hyunjin was done with the cooking. It was no surprise the omega was happy to meet Hyunjin and they hit it off like old buddies. Jeong-In ignored Chris' displeasing stares as he continued to chat with Hyunjin.

They all sat on the dining, Jae sitting next to Hyunjin on the opposite direction and Dae sat next to Felix. Chris had refused to eat the food since it was Hyunjin that cooked it.

Sighing, Felix rubbed his temple and rose to his feet. "I will be right back, eat your food, you don't have to wait for me" he said as he turned to where his brother was sat. "Hyung, can I speak with you for a mome–?"

As if that was what the alpha had been waiting for, he instantly rose to his feet before the omega could finish his sentence. "Good idea, 'cause I want to talk to you as well" he walked toward his bedroom.

Felix followed him but not before stealing a glance at his pups and boyfriend.

"Don't give me that face" Felix said the moment they entered into his brother's room.

"What face?" Chris grimaced.

"That face"

"There's no face" but he did it again.

"That's the face"

"Seriously Felix? Are we here to talk about the face thing again?"

"Sorry speak up"

"What the hell Lix, how could you bring someone like–"

"He's the twins Alpha father" he cut his brother off sufficiently.

"What?" Chris' eyes rounded like saucer, Felix would laugh at how comical he looked if not for the serious situation at hand. "He's Jae and Dae's dad?" He asked and Felix gave a firm nod in response. "and you didn't care to tell me? How did I not know about this? Since when did you find him and what are you two now? Dating or something–"

"I am sorry for not telling you sooner, he's my boss, I met him again yesterday. I wanted to tell you but you were caught up with your own issues regarding Jeong-In"

"That's not an excuse Felix, I am your brother, you're supposed to tell me things like this, not keep them from me, no matter how grave my problems are i will listen to you. And you know Jeong-In and I have solved our shit, he's my boyfriend now. I told you the moment I left his befroom last night, because we're family, we share things not hide them."

Felix knew Chris was right, he should have told him about it, it would've save them both some time of explanation and a situation like this. Maybe he was dreading Chris' reaction, because he knew just right how his brother hated royal wolves. "I am truly sorry, I shouldn't have kept it from you"

"Yeah you shouldn't have"

"I am sorry"

Chris sighed as he lowered his head rubbing his temple, lifting his gaze the next moment back to his brother. "It's okay, but at least i wouldn't have made a fool out of myself by attacking him if I had known sooner– anyway what happened can't be changed. So you two are together now?" He asked again. "Did he know?"

"Yes we're together, but he didn't know about the twins"

"Why didn't you tell him? You think he'll reject them?" Chris said in a mocking tone and Felix didn't like that. "Because I can say it will be typical of a royal wolf"

Felix shook his head. "No, I don't think he'll reject them, I just don't want to scare him off and the children are so happy to be around him even without knowing who he really is– it's selfish of me i know but I want to have him around without worrying for now, and I will tell him eventually"

Chris nodded, "I get it, but I want you to be honest with me, do you have feelings for him or is it just because of the pups that you agreed to be with him?"

"I have feelings for him" 

The Alpha stared at him for a moment, carefully observing his brother before he nodded once again. "I just want you to be happy after everything that you went through"

"I know hyung"

"I will always want the best for you, and if you think being with Hyunjin is what you really want and it makes you happy, then i will support your decision like i always do"

With a smile, Felix hugged the older. "Thanks hyung. Please treat him a little nicer. Will you?"

Chris held him close. "You're welcome. I will try and be nice for your sake and the kids even though I don't really like him"

Felix chuckled. "I can live with that" he tightened his hold for a moment, before letting go. "How about you start being nice by eating the food he cooked"

"Do I have to?" Chris scrunched up his nose.

"You know I don't take no for an answer when it comes to the people I care about"

"You really like him?"

"I think I do"

"Alright" Chris agreed "I will do that– ah does Jeong-In knows?" Felix chewed on his bottom lip, nodding. "Of course he does" He sounded exasperated. "He's your best friend after all, and I bet Haechan knows as well?" Felix bobbed once again. "I am gonna punish Jeong-In, he's being such a naughty omega."

Felix bark out a laugh. "Oh my God, hyung, I never peg you as the kinky type."

"Well Jeong-In made me do all those kind of weird stuff with him and we both liked it" Felix smiled as Chris ruffled his hair."Let's go be nice to your boyfriend. Shall we?" 

They both existed the room and went straight to the dining. The first sight that caught Felix eyes was how Hyunjin fed the twins simultaneously and affectionately. His heart did that thing it had been doing lately whenever he saw the father and pups sharing something adorable.

Taking a seat next to Jeong-In, Chris cleared his throat. "Sorry about earlier" he said extending a hand towards Hyunjin.

Hyunjin didn't leave him hanging, he quickly accepted the hand with a grin, "it's okay"

"I will like to have a proper talk with you after the dinner if you're not in a hurry to go home"

"Of course, it'll be my pleasure"

Pulling his hand back, Chris leaned in to whisper something into his boyfriend's ear. Felix guessed it must be something sexual, judging from how Jeong-In's cheeks turned crimson.

He shook his head with a smile, averting his gaze to Hyunjin and noticed Hyunjin was staring right back at him with those admirative, charming brown eyes of his. The omega almost wanted to roll his eyes at his own thoughts, annoyed at how quickly he found himself to fall for the man. He was being childish, stupid and naïve, but that was easily blamed on his lack of experience with relationships and, should he even say, love. He knew it was not actually love that he felt, more so of a curious affection, a set interest in knowing more about the man, in giving him the chance to prove Felix he was different from his kind. However, knowing himself, it would not take long before he would cling onto the man like glue, and possibly scare him off with his fear of being rejected.

Maybe it was too early to use such a word, the weight of it making an uneasy chill roll up Felix's spine. But what he could admit was that there was this undeniable, unexplainable chemistry between the two of them. Against all odds, Hyunjin made Felix feel alright. The omega was well-aware that Hyunjin was trustworthy, that he was different,

And Hyunjin had called him. Mine.

He smiled at the thought as something naughty crossed his mind as he watched the Alpha.

He imagined himself getting up from his seat and straddling the Alpha, legs slipping underneath the arm rests of the chair as his lips explored the sweet spot where Hyunjin's mouth-watering scent irradiated from. He imagined his hands getting tangled in the shoulder length hair that only begged to be tugged and tousled, or exploring the toned body he clearly recalled had been perfectly shaped underneath that shirt. Getting lost in his beautiful, endearing dark eyes, feeling his warm breaths tickling against his own skin. The images were clear, almost pulling him in completely and almost letting a moan roll off his tongue.

He stopped himself just in time, blinking rapidly as Hyunjin questioningly stared back at him, head cocked to the side. Felix quickly glanced away as he focused on his food inhaling deeply through his nose. He raised his head subconsciously to look at Hyunjin but he found the Alpha smiling at him, and Felix unwillingly smiled back, even though he wanted to keep an indifferent expression.

Hyunjin's cooking, was delightful. he realized the moment he took a bite.

“This is actually really good,” Felix mumbled, eyebrows raised as he took another piece of meat in his mouth. He munched on it for a couple of seconds, surprised at how juicy the beef was even though it had seemed to cook for a while in that pan, alongside the vegetables. The flavors complemented each other perfectly, the sweet and acidic aroma of the peppers, carrots and marinated roots mixing in splendidly with the meat. “Like, really good.”

Hyunjin smiled and opened his mouth to speak but stopped when Jae spoke.

"I need to pee" the boy said.

Felix was about to stand up, when Hyunjin stopped him. "I got this" he said lifting the boy up from his seat.

"Me too" Dae suddenly said.

"Okay come here buddy" Hyunjin bent a little to pick the other twin before making his way to the bathroom.


Hyunjin smile at the boy as he unzipped Jae's pants, pushing them down and help pull out the boy's tiny penis."Okay you go first"

Jae did just that, while Dae stared at his brother with a slight pout, Hyunjin laughed. "Why are you pouting?"

"I was supposed to go first"

"Why? He looks more desperate than you."

"But I am the youngest" 

"I am done" Jae announced before Hyunjin could give a response.

Hyunjin quickly help undid Dae's shorts just like how he did with Jae's. "Your turn baby boy" he said to Dae, slightly turning toward Jae'in "Come wash your hands" he pulled the boy to the sink.

He made sure to wash and dry Jae's hands before returning to the Dae, and that's when Hyunjin noticed Dae had dirtied his shorts with urine."God, how did that happen?"

"I don't know, I thought I was peeing in the toilet then I saw it was all over my pants– and Papa is going to scold me" The boy was at the verge of tears as he explained.

Hyunjin removed Dae's clothes, lifting him into the bathtub to rinse the boy's lower half with warm water. "It's okay buddy, I will clean you up now, your Papa won't scold you."

After he was done, he used the towel to dry Dae's body. Jae was leaning against a wall, staring at them with a smile on his face. Hyunjin smiled back at him while he asked. "Why are you smiling?"

"Because you'll make an amazing father" the boy said.

Hyunjin raised his brows at that and chuckled. "Wow buddy, you're smart, you think i will make a great Dad?"

Jae nodded almost immediately. "Yes"

"Well thanks" Hyunjin said, finishing up drying Dae's body, he pulled the boy closer and rested his face gently on the boy's head, inhaling his hair as thought about what Jae had said. 

Lost in thought, he nuzzled Dae's soft hair and was met by the most calming scent he ever smelled. It was Felix's scent, flowery as always, but there was something else. Something weak but unmistakable. The realization drained every bit of color from his face, and his eyes widened, mouth falling open in utter shock while a knowing voice started screeching in his head.

It's my scent.

Oh god...oh god...!

Silently, and with shaking hands, he pushed the boy back a little to look at his face. Dae smiled at him. And Hyunjin's heart made a flip, his eyes darted towards Jae'in, and that's when he saw it for the first time, the twins looks were somehow similar to his. "Jae when is your birthday?" He asked unable to hide the trembles in his voice.

"Nov 14"

His heart escalated quickly as he stared between the boys with shock and confusion while he calculated the dates in his head. How could he miss this?

Please leave a comment, It will let me know if you're enjoying this story. I might change the update schedule to once every two weeks. I need to know you're enjoying the story to in order to maintain the weekly updates.

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