Sonic Splatoon

By metalgreymon2

6.7K 47 31

Somesort of epirement goes wrong, and a new hedgehog like squid comes out of it. He meets Maya, an Inkling wi... More

Chapter 01 - The Splatlands!
Chapter 02 - Into the Crater!
Chapter 03 - Alterna!
Chapter 04 - The Secret Within the Utopia!
Chapter 05 - Zip, Splat, and Jump
Chapter 07 - Alterna's Origin
Chapter 08 - Pedal to the Megalodon
Chapter 09 - Time-Space Rift
Chapter 10 - The Hyper Manta Storm
Chapter 11 - Alterna Space Center
Chapter 12 - The Ursine Anomally
Chapter 13 - Calamari Inkantation 3MIX
Sonic Splatoon: Season 1 Second Half.
Chapter 14 - New Threat
Chapter 15 - Eggman Empire
Chapter 16 - The Gaia Gates
Chapter 17 - Guardian of Death
Chapter 18 - Spikes of Metal
Chapter 19 - Shadows from the Past
Chapter 20 - The Gold Sovereign
Chapter 21 - Zeti
Chapter 22 - The strongest Zeti
Chapter 23 - Catastrophe
Chapter 24 - Strike Back
Chapter 25 - The Controller
Chapter 26 - Fight for Our World
Sonic Splatoon Season 2 Trailer
Chapter 27 - The Seekers Emerge!
Chapter 28 - The Foundation Rises!
Chapter 29 - Cursed Arrows!
Chapter 30 - The Vampire Hunter!
Chapter 31 - Danger Waters!
Chapter 32 - The Legend of the Gargoyle!
Chapter 33 - The Sunken Civilization!
Chapter 34 - The Secrets of the Argonauts!
Chapter 35 - The Legends of Camelot!
Chapter 36 - The Knight of the Wind Reborn!
Chapter 37 - Wasteland Turf!
Chapter 38 - Acht's True Mission!
Chapter 39 - The Haunted Ruin!
Chapter 40 - Destiny of Nightmares!
Chapter 41 - Lurking in the Catacombs!
Chapter 42 - Stop the Big Wave!
Chapter 43 - Full Front Attack!
Chapter 44 - Castle of Secrets!
Chapter 45 - The Powerbonded Titan!
Chapter 46 - Deep into Sutos!
Chapter 47 - The Trials of Sutos!
Chapter 48 - The Sands of Soleanna!
Chapter 49 - Awaken, Dragon of Champions!
Chapter 50 - The Imperial Triangle
Chapter 51 - The Strength of the Capitan!
Chapter 52 - The Big Finale!
Chapter 53 - The Secret Cyberspace!
Chapter 54 - The Legends of Gaia!
Chapter 55 - The Legendary Titan of Darkness!
Chapter 56 - Revenge of the Empire!
Chapter 57 - Rebirth!
Chapter 58 - Still Broken!
Chapter 59 - Dragon Road!
Chapter 60 - The Blue Star!
Chapter 61 - Looking Better!
Chapter 62 - Helping Hand!
Chapter 63 - Still a Jigsaw Puzzle!
Chapter 64 - The Trial of Courage!
Chapter 65 - Picking up the Pieces!
Chapter 66 - The Moderator!
Chapter 67 - Guardian of the Seven Chaos!
Chapter 68 - The Jeweled Scepter!
Chapter 69 - Almost There!
Chapter 70 - Parallel World!
Chapter 71 - Hard Day's Night!
Chapter 72 - Massacre!
Chapter 73 - The Realm of Huntik!
Chapter 74 - Scourge's Last Mission!
Chapter 75 - One More to Go!
Chapter 76 - Infiltration!
Chapter 77 - The Dark of Destruction!
Chapter 78 - World Savior!

Chapter 06 - The Eel Deal

150 2 0
By metalgreymon2

Ziping through one Kettle, being one with the Smallfry buddy on the other, and dancing on the last one, Maya and Sonic cleared Site 1. But the files of the Alterna Log were shoking to them. The Second Site reveals 8 more Kettles. Our heroes have done three. Now, they must seek out the signal from Cuttlefish, to reach out for him.

Chapter 06 - The Eel Deal

Sonic and Maya were overloaded on Power Eggs. Right now, they had 5990 Power Eggs. But there was a bunch of Fuzzy Ooze there.

Sonic: Well then. We might as well get the Fuzzy Ooze out of the way.

Maya: Just on question. Even if we get rid of the ooze, how will we get up there to that Kette?

Callie: Either we can Ink that, or there's something else.

Maya threw Jet at one Fuzzball, and cleaned up more Fuzzy Ooze for 200. She threw the Smallfry at another one, for 800. Power Egg Count: 4990.

Sonic: This was enough. Now, let's get the next one!

O.R.C.A.: WARNING! This mission is better to do alone!

Sonic: I'll stay here! There's another Kettle i can take, so!

Maya: Go on. I'll manage it alone.

Sonic went to the fifth Kettle and Maya entered the fourth Kettle. This mission is "Spliting Crosshairs. She must festroy the Targets to reach the goal. Sonic entered hi Kettle.

O.R.C.A.: Sonic, you will be required to take one weapon for this mission.

Sonic: Got it.

Sonic looked at the selection of weapon he could take. For this mission, he could only take one, the Range Blaster.

O.R.C.A.: This mission is called "The Ink-Conservation Progect". You must reach teh goal without running out of ink.

Sonic: Without running out, huh? Got it!

Sonic knew he had to be very cautious with the Ink here. He had a full gage, but he couldn't recharge it.

Sonic: Let's move on!

Sonic entered the mission, paying 20 Power Eggs for it. Power Egg Count: 4970. Maya was just about to finish her mission.. She took the Jet Shooter, and it was easy to take out the Targets. As she was taking them out, Ride Rails were showing up.

Maya: I think I see the goal!

Maya shooted down the last targets, and took the last rail to the goal. She got payed 1600 Power Eggs, and got some extra 100. Power Egg Count: 6670.

Maya: Wow! We're getting some very nice payment, here!

Callie: Yeah! 1600 sor shooting targets! That's great!

Maya: Hasn't Sonic returned yet?

Callie: No, he hasn't. 

Sonic shooted up between three Gushers. This took out the Octarians, and opened the way for Sonic to continue. He reached an area full of splatswitches.

Sonic: Uh-oh! I don't like this.

Sonic had one pod where he could get a compleet view of the area. And judging by theview he had, he would really have to put his brain to work.

Sonic: That's a lot of Splatswitches! Let's see...

Sonic looked as one Gusher was besides the one on the top right corners. He got an idea. Sonic shooted teh Gusher on the top right corner, and this chain reaction, activated one gusher after another, untill all of the switches were activated.

Sonic: Got it!

Sonic went to the open door, and reached to an area that had the Ballon Bomb, and a few Octotroopers.

Sonic: Hm... It's gonna be a question of timing...

Sonic aimed to the ballon. He just had to wait a bit. Once it was right in the middle of everything, he shoted, blowing everything up.

Sonic: So far so good! One hit for everything!

Sonic moved through the Ride Rail, and was close to the goal. He saw an Octosniper. Sonic noticed the moving platforms.

Sonic: So now i use them...

The Platforms were lined up. Sonic shooted the Gusher, an slided after it. It took out the Octosniper, and bursted right on the goal. Sonic finshed the stage, and went straight back with 1400 Power Eggs, and extra 30. Power Egg count: 8100.

Callie: Welcome back, Sonic!

Sonic: Hey, there!(looks arround) And Maya?

Callie: She used up some Power Eggs on Fuzzballs. 600, 300 and 200. And took on another Kettle!

Sonic: Oh she did? How many Power Eggs do we have?(Sees the Cypherdex) Let's see... Oh wow, we have 7000?

Callie: 7000?! That's a bunch?

Sonic: What mission did she take?

Callie: I think it was called... "Switching Things Up"! She's trying to make her way to the goal, with Splatswitches!

Maya was literaly playing hide-and-switch right now. Every swich she would hit, would send them to god knows where. She reached a Gusher, though.

Maya: A Gusher? What do I do with this?

Maya looked at the tower she had to climb. She saw that it was made out of the boxes she activated the switches.

Maya: Oh! So that's why they moved away!

Maya climbed up with the help of the Squid Surge. She reched the goal, and got payed 1200 Power Eggs, and extra 39. Power Egg Count: 8239. She joined Sonic and Callie.

Sonic: Welcome back, Maya!

Maya: Hi, guys! How long have you been waiting?

Sonic: Just two minuts. How was it.

Maya: Kind of stressful. Every switch i activated moved away! I had to charge at them! And then there were hidded switches! What was your mission?

Sonic: Conserve ink, and reach the goal! One puzzle or two to solve, but i made it, still.

Maya: Yeah. I looked down here, and there are some areas that we might have to clean up, to make it to the top of the tower.

Sonic: Are there any Kettles left down here?

Maya: I don't know.

Sonic: Let me check the map.(opens the map) We preety much did everything down here! The remaning two are on the way to the top! Then there's the big one!

Maya: We might have to waste up our Power Eggs.

Sonic and Maya started to take out more of the Fuzzballs, cleaning up the ooze. One of 100, three of 200, one of 300, one of 400, one of 500 and one of 600. Power Egg Count: 5739.

Sonic: Wow! We might have wasted 3000 Power Eggs! Thank god we were rich!

Maya: Look!(points somewhere) We can reach that one!

Sonic: Got it! 

Sonic and Maya went to another Kettle. They shooted it open, and went inside. Maya was recomended to take the .96 Gal.

O.R.C.A.: This mission is called "Getting Lost in Three Easy Steps"! You must nvigate through the mase to reach the goal!

Sonic: Oh, that's eazy!

Sonic and Maya jumped to the mission. They inkeded their way through the mase. However, the walls were inkable.

Maya: Oh! We can ink those?!

Sonic: Well this will make it even easier!

They went to the top of the walls, and went on. They reached the end of the maze, where a Splatswich was. However, something happend.

Callie: Guys, i'm reciving a signal here!

Sonic: Well i'll tell you what it is! The maze just got vertical!

Maya: Wait... we have to swim all the way up THAT?!

Sonic: I guess I jinxed it.

It turns out that this maze would be really a problem. They had to climb it back up. This would explain why everything in the maze was inkable.

Callie: You jinxed it big time, Sonic! 

Sonic: I guess i did...

Maya: Don't worry! I can see the exit!

They reached the top of the maze. This was the end of the mission. They finished the mission and got back with 1200 Power Eggs, and extra 42. Power Egg Count: 6981.

Callie: You did it! Nice swim... I mean climb... I mean SWIMB!!!

Sonic: Swimb?! God dang it, Callie.

Maya: Let's focus, guys! One more, then we can get to the top!

They went to the last Kettle, before the big one. Sonic shooted it open and went inside, followed by Maya.

O.R.C.A.: This mission is called "Soak it to Me!". You must use the soaker blocks to reach the goal.

Sonic: The what?

Maya: Don't ask me, cause i haven't heard of them either!

Sonic and Maya went to the mission. There seemed to be some sort of white block there, with black arrows pointing in one direction.

Callie: Oh the Soaker Blocks!Ink them, and watch a full line of those pop up!

Sonic: Oh so that's what it is!

Maya: I think i get it!

Maya: Shooted her Tri-Stinger's arrows at it, releasing a way to the top. They climbed up and kept going, using more of those to make their way through.

Sonic: This seems easy?

Maya: Wait! 

There was one more of those that would allow them to keep going. However, Octarian Ink was shooting it.

Sonic: Oh great! Octarian Ink!

Maya: Don't worry. I Turf Wars those weapons apear to. That's no Octarian weapon.

Sonic shooted down the thing. They climbed up the Soaker Blocks and went foward. There were some Octarians to take out, but nothing serious. They made it through, until reachign the end of the road.

Sonic: Oh! Now what?

Maya: There are a bunch of Soaker Blocks here! Might as well try and use them!

Callie: Oh i forgot to tell! They only last for a few seconds!

Sonic: You're telling us NOW?! Thank god we made it here!

Maya: Hm... two boxes... one vault to unlock... Jet, keep hiting the one here!

Ket kept hitting the one uner them, creating a platform. Sonic and Maya shooted the boxes. One had Power Eggs, and another one was the key. They got it, and went to the vault. This opened another Soaker Block, that let them move ahead.

Sonic: Wait.

Sonic and Maya took cover. There were some Octarians. Not wasting anymore time, they charged to them, blowing them up. An Octosniper aimed at them.

Sonic: Oh look at the snicky little sniper!

Sonic slided to the Octarian, moving arround it. Maya shooted the enemy, taking it out. Sonic joined her.

Sonic: So, what do we do about this wall?

Maya: Hey look there!

Sonic looked at the fan that was shooting the Soaker Block. Using his Ripleburst, he blew it up, and forced the blocks back. They finished the mission, and were payed 1100 Power Eggs, and colected some 64 extra. They rejoined Callie. Power Egg Count: 8123.

Callie: I think that's everything. Now, let's follow that signal.

Maya and Jet still had to take care of two fuzzballs. One of 900, and one of 1000. Power Egg Count: 6223.

Sonic: Alright! Let's get going!

Sonic, Maya and Callie went up to the to Kettle. This was by far the biggest Kettle they've seen so far. Sonic knew that this would be a big one.

Sonic: Stay on the look out! We don't know what's comming.

Maya: Got it.

Callie: I'll be going to. If it's gramps, I can't just leave him to whoever is doing this!

Sonic: ... Alright, but stick with us.

Callie: Got it.

Callie pulled out a Hero Roller. She opened the Kettle, and they went inside. Once inside, it seems that O.R.C.A. was activated with a warning.

O.R.C.A.: WARNING!!! Unauthorized personal are prohibited beyond this point!

Sonic, Maya and Callie didn't cared They went inside, ready to take on whatever it could be. The room seemed to have a vault.

Sonic: Is the signal coming from that vault?

Callie: Aperently. Why would gramps be stuck in there?

Maya: Well, we won't know until we get inside.

??: NOT SO FAST!!!

Their atention was called up, as someone landed in front of them. It was Frye from the Ddeep Cut Trio that threaten to take the treasure.

Sonic: You are... Frye!

Maya: From Deep Cut!

Frye: That's right! You guys are pretty though, I can tell. How 'bout this? You call it a quits, join my crew, and we split the treasure

Sonic: Back off already! We're not here for any treasure!

Callie: Yeah! We're here to rescue Gramps!

Frye: Bah... you want to do this the Splatland-style, huh? Fine by me! DANCE BATTLE TO THE DEATH!!!(pulls out a flute) Eels get your wriggly butts out here!

Suddenly, a giant Octostomp like thing came out, and Frye jumped on top of it. This thing ha Eels poping out of it.


Frye started to play her tune, as the Octostomp started spining with her on top of it. It charged at our heroes, who moved to the side.

Sonic: WHOA!!!

Callie: How did she got her hands on an Octostomp?

Maya: Octostomp? That thing's an Octarian?

Callie: Well, not anymore aperently!

Frye: Mixin' it up! First Dance! Eel Downpoure!

Eels started to fall on the ground. Sonic shooted them, but they did nothing. Some of them disapeared.

Frye: Second Dance! Moray Whirlpool!!!

The Octostomp returned to the center of the arena. The Eels were releases and moved in circles, like a whirpool.

Callie: That won't work on me!

Callie rolled over the Eels, hiting three that were masked. Those masked ones were deflected to Frye, making her lose her balance.


The Octostomp got distabelised. Sonic looked at it, and climbed it up. Frye was dizzy. He Homing Attacked her, splating her.

Sonic: GOT HER!!!

Sonic jumped back on the ground. However, as it happends with the Inklings, they respawn, when they get splated. 

Frye: Alright, alright. Not bad... You're ready to FEEL the pain?!

Sonic: Watch out! She's mad!

Frye: You're not wrong there! Here we go! Third Dance! Hundred Eels Vision!!!

Suddenly, a bunch of Eels apeared floating besides the Octostomp. Maya looked at them. She shooted her bow's arrows, blowing u some of them, with two being the masked ones.


Maya: What gives is that you're in our way!(shoots the last masked Eel)

Frye: OW!!!(Octostomp stops) You threw my balance off!

Maya inked up to the top of the machine. She shooted Frye, splating her. Maya jumped back to her team. Frye respawned. 

Frye: Hey! You think you can treat my Eels as shrimp? WRONG! NUH-UH!(plays teh flute)

Frye: All you did was wake us up!

Sonic: Oh no.

Frye: I'm firing it up... MORAY POWER!!! Let's go! Good luck!

Sonic: Be carefull!

Frye: Final Dance! Great Moray Transformation!!!

The Eels poped out of the Octostomp. They joined in, and it seemed as one single giant Eel was coming to splat them.

Callie: GAH!!!

Callie, Maya and Sonic took cover The Eels were comming back though. They were quite speedy, and the other didn't know exactly how to attack them.

Maya: This is not good! We're not gonna make it like this!

Sonic: Don't give up just yet!(pulls out a Chaos Emerald) We still have our own combo! Prepeare to attack the masked ones!

Callie and Maya: Got it!

Sonic: Here we go...(raises the Emerald) CHAOS CONTROL!!!

Sonic slowed down the flow of time and space, with Chaos Contol. The masked Eels were exposed to them. They shooted them, stoping Chaos Control's effect. Frye looked surprised, as something came to her, at rapid speed.

Frye: WHOA!!!(gets hit) OW!!!(the Octostomp stops) Urgh....

Callie inked her way up, and came face to face with Frye. She raised her Roller, and splated Frye. Callie returned to her team. Frye respawned, but was tiered.

Sonic: Splat-tastic!!!

Frye: Urgh... how did you stop my final dance?

Sonic: It's called Chaos Control! I slowed down everything arround us three, and we got them!

Frye: Grrr... You're way stronger than you look... But you haven't heard the last of Deep Cut!

Sonic: Tsk!

Frye: Bet you'll miss me!

Frye threew a bomb at the Octostomp, but blew herself, and her Eels out of the area. Somesort of bridge was raised. The vault opened, but it wasn't  Cuttlefish. It was something else.

Sonic: What the?

Maya: It wasn't Mr. Cuttlefish!

Callie: Aw! What now?

Sonic: Hm... could this be the treasure that Deep Cut is after? This could be usefull in the future. Let's nab it.

However, as they prepeared to returne, Sonic's Chaos Emerald Started to react. A purple glow was seen coming from above, and the Purple Chaos Emerald was descending to them.

Callie: Whoa! A Chaos Emerald!

Sonic: There WAS something else here!

Sonic took the Chaos Emerald. They picked up the treasure, and warped to the camp, back on the first Site. They gained 2200 Power Eggs. Power Egg Count: 8423. Back on the first Site, Marie just finished up her call with the agents outside.

Capitan: Any thing new?

Marie: There seems to be Fuzzy Ooze starting to expand through the outside. But not beyond the crater, though.

The two of them stopped talking, as somekind of shadow apeared besides them. It was the rest of the team. They landes with the nabed treasure besides them.

Sonic: Hi, girls!

Capitan: Sonic, Maya, Callie! You got something new? 

Marie: I have a better question. What is that thing?

Maya: It seems to be the treasure that Deep Cut's after.

Callie: We came across one of them, from one of the points where the signal was comming from. It was coming from this, not from gramps.

Sonic: Sorry, but it wasn't him. On the bright side, we got anothe Chaos Emerald!

Capitan: You did?(Sonic pulls out the Emerald) Wow, this one could match with Callie's regular stage clothes!

Callie: It could, right! But... I wanted the signal to be gramps!

??: ... copy... Do you copy? Over!

Sonic: Mr. Cuttlefish!

The radio that the Capitan was holding was linked to something. It seemed thaat Cuttlefish was in line with the Squidbeak Splatoon.

Cuttlefish: Anyone listening? Do you read? Over!

Marie: Gramps! We hear you!

Callie: Where are you?

Cuttlefish: Callie, Marie! My darlings, you're ok!

Sonic: We're okay to, but there's no nead to bother aperently!

Cuttlefish: Agent 7? Agent 3? You're with Callie and Marie?

Capitan: We're the five here, sir!

Cuttlefish: Oh... Amber! I knew that the new agents would find you!

Sonic: Amber?

Maya: Who's Amber?

Amber: Uhhh... Way to go, and expose my name, Mr. Cuttlefish.

Sonic: Oh, so Amber's your name! 

Maya: Wow! I wish my name was Amber! It's such pretty name for a girl!

Sonic: Names asside, where are you, Mr. Cuttlefish?

Cuttlefish: First of all, Amber, Maya and Sonic, for you i'm just Craig. Second, I'm in some sort of black room. Aperently with no way out, for now. I'll see if i can break out! Over!

Marie: Don't do anything to rash! We're tracking your signal right now, and on our way! Call us if anything happends!(transmition ends)

Callie: Phew... I'm so glad he's okay! Come on! Let's look at the map, and check from where the signal's comming!

Sonic: CYPHERCALL!!!(Cypherdex apears) Cypherdex, show us the readings from Craig Cuttlefish's signal!

Cypherdex: Traking down the readings!

The Sypherdex showed that there were only two more readings. They had to move on through a lot of stuf to reach Cuttlefish's signal.

Sonic: We still have a lot to cover.

Amber: You're right! Come on! Let's get moving!


Next time...
The third site and the ice on it... Another piece of the Alerna Logs are revealed... and with it, the story of how Alterna was build...

Next time, on Sonic Splatoon: Chapter 07 - Alterna's Origin.

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