By _maryamabba

3.7K 685 204

Nadiya, a teenager who grew up and was unaware that her father existed. First her mother abandoned her, then... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 37

49 10 0
By _maryamabba

"Sir, I think we should all park randomly in the premises or behind the trees so that no one will suspect us." Officer Bala spoke specifically to Inspector Fatihu from the walkie-talkie while the rest hear as well. He's driving ahead of the other police vans behind him, leading the way since he knows the location. There are other policemen in the car with him.

"Good idea Bala. Alright people, let's park in different places." He ordered and got a reply from them before they all parked with enough space between each car. They alighted and meet in one place, quite far from the mansion.

"That is the place sir." Officer Bala said to him while looking right there. They all turn their heads and gazed at the house, astonishment enveloping every one of them as they continue to look at the mansion. Hajiya Hadiya watches with so many emotions; her husband and daughter are inside here. If the former will show anger and hatred once he sees her, the latter will surely express happiness. She just hope they succeed in saving her and they pray they don't even meet.

"Listen to me everyone, we're finally here and all of us have one goal and that is to rescue Nadiya. We need to be extra careful as they're criminals and we might not know what they're capable of doing, even though we also come prepared. We know that they must be having in mind that one way or the other, they'll be expecting us to come get the girl. First of all, we'll scan the surrounding by spreading and see if there's any access to the door of the house." Inspector Fatihu said and they nodded simultaneously.

He continues, "Remember that all of you have been given a device, it's to communicate with you and if you've found any thing at all to share or suggest or maybe you've found the girl while we've separated, you'll let us all know. Since we're separating to search through, if you're in any sort of trouble as well, you'll inform through the device. If we've accomplished our mission, we'll inform each other and hurry back to the car so that we'll leave the place immediately. So are we all ready?"

"Yes sir!" They chorused.

They all spread with determination and concentration. Some split quadruply, like Umar, Abubakr, Zaliha and Nadiya's mother while Inspector Fatihu suggests that he'd go with three constables and then Officer Bala will go with the last constable with him, making them ten in number.

"I think we need to check the backyard, maybe there's a back door." Umar suggested while they separate from the policemen and the trio agreed and head there.

The quads squat while walking as they reach the premises so as not to be caught through the windows of the mansion. Upon arriving at the backyard, they sight the backdoor and their hearts beat suddenly due to the big discovery which will no doubt lead them inside the house and probably locate where Nadiya might be.

"Should we open it?" Abubakr asked while they're few inches away from the door. Umar thinks for a minute while the trio waits eagerly for an approval. What if they open it and it makes a sound and then they get caught right there? What if they open the door and come face to face with any of the criminals? That's the questions lingering Umar's mind right now. God forbid such thinking to happen because if it does, then their plan is completely ruined and they're all doomed, no cap.

"Let's do this." Umar said and Nadiya's mother tenses before she felt a hand on her shoulder which happens to be Zaliha's, trying to comfort her if at all it's possible in this situation. Right then, Umar opened the door and they entered.


At the same time, Inspector Fatihu and his three constables are also searching for an entrance. They dare not approach the front door or think of entering through there for the life of them. There's high chance of getting caught and that'll even be foolish of them to think of doing that. So one of the constable starts peeping through the windows of the mansion to see what's happening inside, but curtains has completely block his vision. The only solution is to enter through the back door, which they're planning on telling the rest.

"Listen everyone, we're all going to enter through the back door then we can split after that. Nobody should think of entering through the front door, anything can happen. Is that clear?" A series of 'yes sir' 'okay sir' was heard through the air-pod before they began walking there.

"We're already inside the house, it's clear." Umar whispered softly while he's giving the update.

"Very well. We'll come soon as well. Stay safe." And that's how everyone moved there, turn by turn with cautiousness, at the same time, whispering to one another on the device given to all of them.


"Ma, what are you doing?" Zaliha whisper-yelled. They're hiding in the kitchen and the kitchen door is wide open so they're squatting and are away from the direction of the door so as not to be seen. She sees Nadiya's mother removing the device given to them for any sort of communication while they're separated.

"Zaliha please don't draw attention, you know the rest can hear this conversation. Remove your device as well, then we can speak." She said back. Umar and Abubakr are already at the door, peeping every now and then. They're checking to see if someone might be coming and if not, then they'll be able to leave the kitchen and head to anywhere their legs could take them to hopefully where Nadiya is kept.

Zaliha hesitate for a second, before she eventually remove the AirPod and switch it off.

"Good, now listen. I want to leave this place and go out there to search for my daughter. I'm ready to take the risk and not follow the Inspector or anybody's instructions. I have to find Nadiya wherever she is in this mansion." She whispers, gesticulating all through.

"But Ma, don't you think that's a bad idea? We've insisted on coming and the inspector said we should follow his orders so as not to be caught. That's why we're given this device, to communicate with him. Please don't go yet, unless we're told to." Zaliha pleads.

"You don't understand how desperate I am. I have to do all it takes to get my daughter. I'm not going to get rid of the device, I've removed it now to inform you of what I'm planning on doing. Don't worry, have faith please." They continued with their argument and of course, resulting to Nadiya's mother winning. They place back the device and switch it on. Hajiya Hadiya walk towards the kitchen door and after making sure that no one is coming, she left quickly, mind you that Umar and Abubakr who are by the door kept telling her not to go, but she didn't pay heed to any of their warnings. She's a mother after all and she knows exactly why she's hellbent in going there and, alone.

At the same time, Inspector Fatihu with the constables and Officer Bala entered the kitchen as well and he asked Umar and Abubakr if the place is clear for them to enter further. Umar replied that it is and refuses to tell him that Hajiya Hadiya has left without his knowledge. Zaliha could only pray in this situation as nobody is safe and also, everybody is trying to rescue Nadiya.


Usman has ten men who accompanied him to Nigeria for his mission plus Freddy and Danni. Three amongst them are downstairs in a room, eating while the other five are upstairs, eating the food they ordered as well not long ago. Usman, Freddy and Danni are also upstairs having their meals in a room close to Nadiya's who's also been given food, which she refuses to eat. Everyone is currently eating and enjoying what he has ordered.

"Lo burger has never tasted better!" Danni exclaimed, mouth stuffed with burger making the cheeks puffy.

"Come off if it's just a burger." Freddy rolled his eyes while devouring his as well.

"But I must admit, they make good burgers." Danni the foodie remarked. Usman shakes his head and continue eating his food too. They're all enjoying their meals inside the room, not knowing that people are here, trying to rescue Nadiya.

Hajiya Hadiya is already upstairs and she has located Nadiya's room. Her going to upstairs took about one hour because she managed to search the five rooms downstairs, the two living rooms and the dining rooms as well. She didn't search or open the last room because she heard the kidnappers voices coming from there. So she informed everyone else about it and reminded them not to bother searching and they should rather head upstairs because she has a strong feeling her daughter is up there. Umar and the rest are heading upstairs as well, but even though been told, they're walking so slowly with cautiousness so as not to get caught.


Nadiya is sitting in the chair that's in the room she's in, the table in her front contains the recent meal they bought from the far away restaurant. She hasn't touched it yet, her mind completely not in the food. She could remember eating food they brought to her once and it wasn't food but rather the ice cream she convinced herself she needed and she really did as it has helped quench her very dry throat. Other than that, she hasn't eaten their food and will always pour it away outside the window or flush it. But that isn't a clever idea of hers as she looks so sick and lean, she looks pathetic all in all. She hardly even stand up, not to talk of walking. Today is the third day Nadiya is still here and even though she tried getting away, she couldn't and has finally given up. She's even too weak to run. Her tears, her only companion.

In the middle of shedding tears, she heard the door slowly been opened, making her surprise as to who could open the door carefully like that, for all she knows they open the door like they want to break it. Anyhow, she didn't raise her head up to see who.

The footsteps keep approaching her gradually till it reaches the front of the table, that's when she notice the feminine clothing while her head is down and the rapid sniffs. A strong and intense feeling shock her which made her to immediately raise her head up, and then she met with her mother's watery eyes staring right back at her.


Umar, Abubakr and the group of policemen are on their way upstairs, but before they could, they heard the sound of a door been opened. Immediately, they stiffen in their position to make sure they heard well. Then quickly, Inspect Fatihu command that everybody should hide immediately. They all did as told and three men come out of a room.

"We ought to go check on the girl now." One amongst the three, Carlos said while stretching his hands.

"Yeah. Dude she's damn stubborn you know!" Bruno remarks.

"She's boss's daughter after all." Philip said and they all laughed. All this while, Inspector Fatihu and the rest are overhearing them while hiding. Umar began to worry because Hajiya Hadiya said she's heading to Nadiya's room and these three men said the same. He's now afraid she might get caught. So he whispered to them about it and Inspector Fatihu replied back by instructing them all to do something to make sure they don't reach upstairs.

Umar stretches his hand while touching the dining table to pick a vase he finds there as weapon. Upon doing that, he slowly crawls from under the dining table he and Abubakr are hiding from and stood behind Carlos who's at the front of the dining area and hit him on his head. At the same time, Abubakr and Inspector Fatihu have done the same to the two men also after finding their own weapon to use. The trio dragged the unconscious men and put them in a room nearby which they figured it's empty. They cut the room's bedsheets and tie them all up and gagged them with, before closing the door.

"Officer Bala, Lawal and Adebayo, you three should stay here in case of any problem that might occur. The rest of us will go downstairs to get the girl. I give you my permission to attack anyone you see that hinder our mission." Inspector Fatihu said before the rest proceeded upstairs.


"Mama?" Nadiya whispered with so much emotion, as if she couldn't believe her mother is standing in her front right now, which in all honesty, she couldn't.

"Nadiya!" Her mother exclaimed before she rushed to hug her tightly. They stay like that for about five minutes while sobbing before they slowly drifted apart, her mother wiping her tears.

"Oh Nadiya my child. Look how sick you look and it's all because of that man. I won't spare him!" Her mother said while scanning her pale skin.

"Mama get me out of this place, I don't want to stay here please! Please Mama!" She said while sobbing and clutching unto her mother's arm.

"We'll get you out of here. I'm not alone, we're all here to rescue you." Her mother assures, still sobbing.

"Mama who is also here with you?" Nadiya enquires curiously.

"My dear, we're here with the police and—" Before she could reply, they all keep shut when they heard footsteps coming closer. Nadiya gestured to her mother to hide immediately in the toilet and she rushed to do that.

The door opens and Nadiya quickly composes herself and maintains her blank look in order not to draw suspicious.

"Well well well! If it isn't my daughter looking grumpy yet again," He uttered once he enters, Danni following suit which made her to wonder if they're best friends as he always come along with him.

Nadiya keep looking down and her eyes glued to the rug in the room she has never find worth staring at. Meanwhile, Hajiya Hadiya unexpectedly held her breath when she heard the voice that spoke..

"You didn't eat again? Why dearest? Why'd you choose to make yourself suffer? We both know I'm taking good care of you, will you not conform already?" He utters so lovingly one would think he's a loving father speaking. For once, Hajiya Hadiya got distracted by the sweet voice and words that she almost thought he has changed for good, but she knew better than to trust what comes out of that mouth of his.

"Please go away." She whispered, not having the strength to talk loudly or listen to him. Plus she's mostly saying that so she'll spend time with her mother, that's what she's thinking of right now.

Hajiya Hadiya grimaced upon hearing the tune in her daughter's voice telling her father. It saddens her, after all he caused it for himself.

"You're sending your father away? Alright then, I'll go but make sure you eat dearest. C'mon Danni." He turned away alongside Danni and banged the door behind them, something she's used to already.

"Mama you can come out now." He mother did as she's told and they hugged again before her mother pulled away to speak through the communication device.

"I've found Nadiya and she's safe. The room is the fourth immediately you climb the stairs, by your right."

"Don't worry there. I've informed them and you're safe. You'll come home today and I'll make your special meals and we'll get rid of these struggles once and for all." Her mother said and kissed her on the forehead. Nadiya smiled and rested her head on her mother's lap. All the time, her mother keep praying that God should help them get out of here safely.


"Everyone, squat. I see someone coming out of a room." Abubakr said and they all squatted as they're told. Umar stared at the two men, one older and the other looking younger. He immediately concluded the former to be Nadiya's father as they look alike. A sudden urge to just reach him there and teach him a lesson surrounded him, but he composed himself for his own good and for the sake of Nadiya. They have to leave this place with Nadiya and unnoticed!

After Usman and Danni entered a room, they quickly headed upstairs in order to avoid another distraction and follow Nadiya's mother's directions and they all find themselves in the room.

Nadiya heard a door being opened and she feared for she thought it's her father and soon, she saw those familiar faces staring at her with eyes filled with tears and before she knew, she's already bursting into fits of tears.

"Nadiya!" Zaliha exclaimed. She rushed to her best friend and hugged her. Inspector Fatihu is already at the window side, looking for a way to escape through the window if it's possible. The two besties keep crying while clutching on each other and Hajiya Hadiya watch with tears in her eyes. Umar averted his gaze so he wouldn't cry right there and Abubakr put an arm around him and patted him on his back.

"How are you?! I miss you so much!" Zaliha spoke after a while and they've released each other.

"I'm fine. Just want to get out of here. Umar, Abubakr thank you for coming to save me, it really mean a lot to me." She turned her head to their side and they nodded with a smile. Umar couldn't speak more and it felt like he's mute. He doesn't know if it's the joy of seeing her after a while or be it that they're going to save her right now, but he's still mute and couldn't stop staring until his beloved friend nudged him.

"Alright people, we don't have all day, let's quickly leave. Listen Bala, we've found the girl. Be alerted and ready to leave, we're coming downstairs too as there's no way out here." He informed and everyone began to rush out. Nadiya complained about not able to walk at all and was assisted by her mother and Zaliha and together, they walk out. Umar and Abubakr behind them while Inspector Fatihu leading the way.

The three men and the three women walk carefully in the corridor, trying their best not to cause any noise.They were informed that her father and the rest of the men are in the room next to her, so they're walking cautiously to pass the door without being noticed or any sound from them. Meanwhile, Officer Bala and the two other constables are downstairs, observing and checking if there's no one there so they could all leave. At the same time, informing Inspector Fatihu and the others to come soon as the path is clear to follow.

"Quickly!" Inspector Fatihu whispered while gesturing with his hand just as they're descending the stairway. Hajiya Hadiya and Zaliha who are supporting Nadiya, walk as quickly as they can down. Umar and Abubakr walk the same while gazing at Officer Bala and constable Adebayo and Lawal who are all downstairs, hiding and waiting.

They manage to reach downstairs and together, they're now heading to the back door, but someone came out of a room; one amongst the four of Usman's men that are upstairs and the leader of the spy agent who Usman instructed to spy on his family, saw them walking fast. He made a shock expression upon seeing them escaping and quickly called after them loudly.

"Hey, stop right there!" He exclaimed and Inspector Fatihu and the rest all turned their faces to the voice and they raised their heads to look upstairs with a horror expression to the man who just saw them.

"Everyone, quick! To the car immediately!" Inspector Fatihu shouted back at his people and they did as told, even though Zaliha and Hajiya Hadiya are walking quite slow because they're assisting Nadiya to walk as she's too weak to. Umar and Abubakr however, didn't run but shielded the three ladies behind.

Upon Edward's exclamation, everyone became alert and rushed out. Even Usman Babayo heard and came out immediately. His only thought when he heard is that his daughter has escaped and he was quite right when he checked her room and found out she isn't there. His gaze fell on the window and he saw his daughter and the group of people already reaching their cars. He became restless and agitated for he called out to all his men to search everywhere and spread.

"Go on fast! Don't let them escape!" Usman Babayo bellowed to his men as he came out of his room and they all rushed downstairs, practically jumping so they can reach them. Inspector Fatihu and the rest have already left the house and are all heading to their cars.

They've managed to make Hajiya Hadiya, Nadiya and Zaliha into the car safely and have asked Umar and Abubakr to leave the place and take them home immediately as they're their responsibility and they won't let anything happen to them. Umar, being the one driving, quickly started the car and left the place, at the same time, Usman Babayo and his group of men came out of the house as well. They're looking closely for them as they've parked not close to the house so as not to be seen, that's why it's hard to find them.

"We can't escape because they're looking for us and they're close by, so we have to get rid of them." Officer Bala said as they hid behind the tree, watching them.

"You're right. They seem furious. We'll shoot if we have to but they can't win over us." Inspector Fatihu said too while bringing out his pistol and loading more bullets in. The trio did the same and he nodded at them before they began to shoot.


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