Sonic boom x my OC

By MalaikaTheHedgehog

17.8K 536 224

(Cover is by me) When I move to Bygone Island to escape my regular life, I go on lots of adventures. But wha... More

Chapter 1: The Sidekick
Chapter 2: Can an Evil genius Crash on Your couch For A few Days?
Chapter 3: Translate This
Chapter 4: Buster
Chapter 5: My Fair Sticksy
Chapter 6: Double Doomsday
Chapter 7: Eggheads
Chapter 8: Guilt Tripping
Chapter 9: Cowbot
Chapter 10: Circus Of Plunders
Chapter 11: The Meteor
Chapter 12: Aim Low
Chapter 13: How To Succeed In Evil Without Really Trying
Chapter 14: Don't Judge Me
Chapter 15: Dr. Eggman's Tomato Sauce
Chapter 16: Sole Power
Chapter 17: Hedgehog Day
Chapter 18: Sleeping Giant
Update! Please Read!
Chapter 19: The Curse Of 'Lovey Dovey' Temple
Chapter 20: Let's Play Musical Friends
Chapter 22: Into The Wilderness
Chapter 23: Eggman Unplugged
Chapter 24: Chez Amy
Chapter 25: Blue With Envy
Chapter 26: Chili Dog Day Afternoon
Chapter 27: Closed Door Policy
Chapter 28: Just A Guy
Chapter 29: New Years Retribution
Chapter 30: Battle Of The Boys Bands
Chapter 31: Tails' Crush
Chapter 32: Cabin Fever
Chapter 33: It Takes A Village To Defeat A Hedgehog
Chapter 34: Nutwork
Chapter 35: Alone Again, Unnaturally
Chapter 36: The Biggest Fan
Chapter 37: I Can Sea Sonic's Fear From Here

Chapter 21: Late Fees

280 13 9
By MalaikaTheHedgehog

Tails is working on a device. Sonic runs in.

"Tails, I need jumper cables."

Tails reaches into his toolbox without looking and grabs a pair of jumper cables, which he holds up. Sonic grabs them and runs off. Tails goes back to work. Sonic runs back.

"You got any duct tape?"

Tails once again reaches into his toolbox, and holds up a roll of duct tape. Sonic grabs it and runs off, but comes right back again.

"How about a battery?"

"Antimatter or self-generating?" Tails asks.

"I don't know. Something with a lot of juice."

"Antimatter's on the top shelf, behind the video games."


Sonic runs over, grabs two batteries, then runs off again. Tails looks up from his work, then wonders what's going on. Tails runs outside.

Tails stops short, seeing the Tailsmobile wedged between some rocks, the fan pointing upwards. Knuckles is sitting on top, in a bucket that's duct-taped to the fan, while Sonic is next to a battery, holding the jumper cables.

"Ha! Initiate "Spinning Blades of Death"! Sonic says.

"Spinning Blades of Death"? I guess that sounds safe." (Sure Knuckles, totally safe-)

Sonic connects the jumper cables to the battery. The fan begins to spin, spinning Knuckles with it.

"Whoo-hoo-hoo!" Knuckles cheers.

"Activating Hyper Mode." Sonic flips a switch on the side of the battery. The fan starts spinning even faster.

"Yeaaaaah!" The fan spins faster.

Sonic hears his Communicator beep.

"Oh. Sonic here."

"Sonic, did you return the book I lent you to the library?" I ask through the communicator.

"Um... not... yet?"

Knuckles goes flying off the fan in the background.

"It's due today! Amy lent that book to me and if it's not returned on time she'll have to pay late fees and then she'll probably kill me and then I'll probably kill you-"

Sonic just holds the communicator away as I carry on my rant.

"Slam on your worry brakes, Laika. I'm all over this! Not a problem!" He turns off the communicator.


Knuckles dizzily walks over, then collapses into the sand.

"I can't remember where the book is."

"When I can't find something, I retrace my steps." Tails says.

"Okay. What did I do yesterday?"

Flashback Montage of Sonic and Doctor Eggman fighting in his Eggmobile. They bail out as it crashes into a tree and explodes.

Cut to when Sonic dragged me with him to take a selfie on top of Eggman's Lair, then run and jump off of it as the satellite dish on top explodes.

Cut to Sonic doing the limbo in the Gogoba Village. After Sonic successfully passes under the bar, the bar randomly explodes.

Cut to Sonic reading a book outside his shack. He puts the book on a table and slides off the chair, walking away. The scene lingers for a bit, but nothing happens.

"Oh yeah, that's where I left it." He runs off.

(Time Skip)

Sonic runs in, grabs the book, then runs off. The lounge chair explodes just as he leaves.

Meanwhile, Tails is helping Knuckles up. Sonic runs in with the book.

"Got it!" Sonic holds out his hand for a five.

"Nice." Tails gives Sonic five, dropping Knuckles, who falls back into the sand.

"But why'd you bring it back here instead of taking it straight to the library?"

"Because you're part of the team that helped me track it down, and I wanted you to share in the glory of this victory....and I didn't think of that."

"I feel glorious. And victorious. Now get going, the library closes minutes!" Tails says.

"Plenty of time! Not a problem." He runs off.

Knuckles sits up. "I feel glorious too! Nope, wait, that's nauseous."

(Time Skip)

Sonic is running through the Village, book in hand.

"Seven minutes? I'll get this to the library in ten seconds. Then I'll have six minutes and fifty seconds to eat a chili dog, kick back on the beach and read a book. Which I'll no longer have, but still." (Didn't you literally take ten seconds to say that-)

Sonic is forced to stop short as he sees Old Monkey crossing in front of him.

"After you!" Old Monkey says.

"No, please, after you! I have all the time in the world."

"I thought the same thing when I was your age, sonny."

Old Monkey begins to slowly walk past. Sonic smiles for a bit, but soon starts getting impatient.

"Did I ever tell you about the time I got a soda out of the vending machine without putting money in?"

"Uh, no. We just met." Sonic says.

"Oh, it was the best day of my life!"

Old Monkey continues walking. Sonic continues to wait. Once he's far enough, Sonic starts running again, but stops short again, seeing Sticks walking in front of him, dragging a net.

"Going fishing?" He asks.

"For aliens! I dreamnt about badminton and teacups last night. And you know what that means!"

"Let's pretend for a second that I don't."

"It means aliens are coming! Or I'm going to a badminton tea party. But I'm not taking any chances."

"Well... good luck with that."

Sticks moves on. Sonic starts running again, but sees Meh Burger.

"Don't mind if I do." Sonic runs up to the Meh Burger counter. Fastidious Beaver is already there.

"Actually, I'm not sure what I want. There are so many choices. Should I have a Meh Burger, or a Meh Burger with cheese? Or a double Meh Burger? Or a double Meh Burger with cheese? Or a Super Meh Burger? Or a Super Meh Burger with cheese?"

Sonic is getting more and more impatient.

" I know. I'll have a hot dog. But... should I have a hot dog with sauerkraut? Or a hot dog with onions? Or a hot dog with mustard? Or a hot dog wi--" Sonic cuts in.

"How about a chili dog?"

"Actually, a chili dog sounds delicious."

"Would you like something to drink with that?" Dave asks.

"Something to drink? Hmm... Should I have a soda? Or a water? Or a shake? Or a juice?"

Sonic cuts in, annoyed.

"Juice! Have juice! Everyone loves juice!"

"I'll have juice." Fastidious says.

"Would you like to have--"

"He doesn't want anything else!"

Dave hands Fastidious the bag with his order. Fastidious pays and leaves. Sonic raises his hand and is about to say his order, but is interrupted by a Moto Bug revving up.

Eggman walks up.

"You cut in front of Moto Bug! He was holding my place while I was in the little villain's room."

"Oh, sorry, Egghead. I didn't see him. Go ahead." Sonic gestures Eggman forward.

"No, no, please! You're Sonic the Hedgehog. You deserve to be next! Go on! I insist!"

"Well, I am in kind of a hurry. Thanks, Egghead. One chili dog, please." Dave hands Sonic a chili dog. Sonic takes a bite out of it.

"I'd like a chili dog with extra relish." Eggman orders.

"Sorry, we're sold out."

Eggman glares at Sonic. Sonic holds up his half-eaten chili dog.

"Want a bite?"

"No, I don't want a bite! I want my own!"

"We have some at the warehouse two villages over." Dave says.

Eggman looks at Sonic again. Sonic sighs, and gulps down the rest of the chili dog.

"Be right back." Sonic runs off again, but is forced to stop short as Old Monkey is crossing in front of him again.

"Did I ever tell you about the time I got a free soda?"


Old Monkey moves on. Sonic runs off again. Sonic is running across various locales of Seaside Island.

"There it is." Sonic is forced to stop short yet again as Mrs. Vandersnout crosses in front of him.

"Do you mind if I go first? I'm in kind of a--"

"Did I ever tell you about the time I found some money on the street?" Mrs. Vandersnout asks.

"You gotta be...No, we just met."

"I used the monkey to buy a soda. So it was like the soda was free."

Sonic gives an ingratiating grin. Mrs. Vandersnout continues walking. Sonic runs into the Meh Burger warehouse, then out again.

"I wish I liked soda." Mrs. Vandersnout sighs.

Sonic is running back through the various locales of Seaside Island.

(Time Skip)

Sonic runs up to Eggman, giving him the chili dog.

Eggman looks at the chili dog.

"I asked for extra relish."

Sonic gives Eggman a dirty look, then runs off, but is once again cut off by Old Monkey.

"You got me thinking, sonny. Today's the day! I'm heading home to drink my soda!"

Sonic shrugs, then runs past Old Monkey again. However, he ends up getting caught in a net and a cage.

"Aha! Gotcha, alien!" Sticks jumps out.

Sonic just looks at Sticks in annoyance.

"You're not an alien."

"Really? You think? Get me out of here, Sticks!"

"Umm... okay." She holds up a large keyring. "Now which one was it again?"

"You've gotta be kidding me!"

Sticks tries a few keys, none of which open the lock. Sonic groans. Sticks tries a few more keys, and finally opens the cage. Sonic runs off again.

"You're welcome!" Sticks yells after him.

"Plenty of time! Oh, come on!" Sonic stops short for Old Monkey yet again.

"Heh. I need a straw."

Sonic runs off again. As he does, he runs past the Gogoba Chief.

"Sonic! Sonic!" Sonic puts the brakes on and looks back.

Gogoba Chief is standing next to a cart, which had one of the wheels broken off.

"I have a flat tire and I'm late getting back to my home to feed my children. Can you help me fix it?"

"Um, I have a book to return, then I'll come back! I promise! Two minutes, tops!"

"Oh, that's okay. Growing children don't need nutrition. It just keeps them healthy and stops their bones from getting brittle. I'll just fix this flat myself. My sciatica's flaring up, but I'm sure I'll only be laid up for a week or so. You go return your book while I struggle painfully and injure myself."

Sonic sighs and turns back. Handing the book to the Gogoba Chief, he picks up the wheel and puts it back on the cart.

"Done!" He turns to see Gogoba Chief reading the book. "Book, please."

Sonic runs off for the library, but laser blasts hit around him, causing him to dive forward and hit the dirt.

"Eat this, you lying, cutting, relish-forgetting rodent!"

Sonic spits out some dirt.

"I ran to the warehouse and got you your own chili dog! Doesn't that count for anything?"

"No! You ruined my chili dog moment!"

Sonic stands up, dusting himself off.

"Okay, fine. I'm happy to battle you over this, but can you give me a second to return this library book first?"

"I'll show you exactly the same consideration you showed me." The Eggmobile flies up and starts firing at Sonic again as he runs off.

"None! None consideration!"

A near miss makes Sonic drop the book and go sprawling. As he sits up, he finds himself surrounded by Moto Bugs, Bee Bots, Crab Bots, and Fire Bots.

"All this over a chili dog?" Sonic questions.

"It's the principle! Besides, I'm sure you'll think twice about cutting in line next time."

"Oh, did someone get pushed to the back of the line one too many times in elementary school?" Sonic teases.

"It was middle school. And those girls were vicious! Minions, attack!" The robots close in around Sonic.

Suddenly, Me and Amy are seen rolling up in a cart pushed by Knuckles.

"Sonic! We've got your back!"

Knuckles rams the cart into a Moto Bug and a Crab Bot. I jump out and kick a crab bot into the air. Amy jumps out and smashes a Bee Bot with her hammer. Knuckles smashes another Moto Bug, while another Moto Bug is caught up in Sticks' net. Tails drives up in the Tailsmobile, turns it around, and switches it into hyper mode. The spinning fan blows away the rest of Eggman's robots. One of the Bee Bots explodes against the Eggmobile, sending it flying away. Sonic and me high five each other.

Sonic checks his communicator watch.

"Still plenty of time to get to the library. Okay, where's the book?"

"You mean Amy's book? The one I told you to return that you said was NOT A PROBLEM?!" I rage.

"I still have thirty seconds! We're fine!"

All of us, except for Knuckles, start searching for the book, Sonic spots it in Knuckles' hands and runs up to him.

"Give me that!"

"But... pictures!"

Sonic snatches the book.

"See? And ten seconds to spare!"

Sonic walks up to the library doors and knocks.

"We're closed." Fastidious calls from inside.

"No you're not! There's seven seconds left!" Sonic argues. I cross my arms and give him a look.

"We closed early. I'm taking my assistant to get some of those chili dogs."

"Chili dogs?!" Eggman swoops back in, angrily blasting lasers from his Eggmobile. He blows a hole in the library wall before flying off again.

"Thanks, Egghead!" Sonic runs up to the newly formed hole in the wall and passes the book in to Fastidious Beaver.

He then turns to me with a smirk.

"Told you I'd get it here on time!"

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