BitterSweet Lies (Niall Horan...

By MyTeenConfessions

359K 6.3K 785

What would you do if you found out you were pregnant? Something that is suppose to be a happy day has been no... More

Quick Authors Note before you read :)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Quick Authors note :)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Really important !
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Dear Readers
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Update <3

Chapter 56

4.3K 98 62
By MyTeenConfessions


Kia's Point of View


Change was thick in the air, almost like a smoke, wrapping around us and daring us both to give it a taste. Niall was moving closer, as if he wanted nothing more than to inhale it deep into his lungs. Tense with sexual frustration and anger, Niall slowly slouched down next to me, folding his arms across his chest and looking away from me, I did the same. I huffed out a loud sigh, keeping my eyes on the window, hoping that it wouldn't start fogging up from how heavy I was breathing just from him sitting next me.

I unfolded my arms and tried to place them down without touching him, but my arms kept brushing against his, and every time it did, I felt a spark, a running bolt of electricity just go through me. Touching Niall now was like licking a battery to see if it still had charge in it, the sensation sent a tingle through me. It gave me a feeling that was both frightening and pleasant at the same time.

I noticed him looking at me again, out of the corner of my eye. That stupid boy was able to make me squirm in my seat every time his arm brushed against mine, even if it barely touched me. Niall dropped his arms the way I had before, our arms had full contact now, pressing tightly together, I couldn't help but squeeze my eyes shut for a second, I hope he didn't notice that. Niall somewhat returned to his cool nature, licking his lips and resting his head back against the headrest. He was slightly tilting his face toward mine. I looked back at him slowly, my eyes betrayed me, as I slowly shifted from his lips, moving up to his eyes at a torturous speed. Those gorgeous blue eyes, they make me melt every time, I couldn't tell you how many times I have gotten lost in them. In my head, I secretly wished he would grab onto my chin, yanking my mouth up to his, but I knew that was just wishful thinking, that it would never happen because at the end of the day he wouldn't make that move, at the end of the day I wasn't Barbara and I'll never be her.

My eyes were locked with his now, our stare was so intense and real that it scared me. I don't understand this pull he has on me, this unspoken tug of war we have going on has kept me up for months, just lying awake asking god to just give me a reason. Any explanation as to why in the middle of the night I reach out for someone who's not there and will never be there.

It took everything in my body to pull my eyes away from him after a long moment, looking back toward my window, seeing the fog that covered it from all the heavy breathing going on. I was getting restless, I needed air and I needed it fast. We still hadn't arrived at the hotel, and in an attempt to keep my cool I quickly shifted to reach for my clutch. I opened it and fiddled with one of the last memories I had, the last piece I kept of what was part of our forever.

Niall sat up slightly, for a second watching me fiddle with my bag before I slowly dropped my hands back onto my lap. Pressing my fingers against my bare knee, I felt his own fingers twitch a bit, he slightly moved them over carefully, allowing just his fingertips touch the skin of my outer thigh. I tried my hardest not to move at all, I didn't even blink. I felt him moved them up slowly, his fingertips grazing just barely against my skin as he moved them up along my thigh.

My breathing got heavier, it even slightly hitched, it was obvious he noticed. I decided to just play it cool and lightly shut my eyes. I may not have acknowledged what was going on but I also did nothing that told him I didn't like it or that I wanted him to stop. So he continued and my mind was telling me to stop, but I couldn't, the amount of alcohol that was in my system helped me drain out my better judgement. My legs parted slightly at his touch, he fought a smirk as he trailed his fingers down toward my inner thigh now, pressing into my skin more so I knew he was there. I could feel the burn of his touch long after his fingers were gone. My face began to tilt toward his, lips parted just slightly as my eyes moved up from his mouth to his eyes, staring into them. His fingers danced along my inner thigh, rubbing my warm, soft skin as he dared to dip his fingers further up my dress.

The car came to a sudden stop, throwing both of us towards the seats in front of us, as soon as it happened, Niall instinctively pulled his hand off my thigh and grabbed me around the waist, yanking my body back against his rock solid figure. My eyes met his as he brushed away the loose strains of hair that now covered my face. Staring for a long moment, his arm was tightly wrapped around my midsection like a seat belt. He looked back at my face slowly, seeing my eyes that were studying his reaction, I was waiting for him to make a snarky remark or blow up in my face about it. All Niall did, though, was relax against the seat, pulling my body back with his, holding me against him tightly. His hands turning from protective to loving, his grip going from a solid hold to a gentile embrace. I blinked in surprise, looking up into his eyes, finding myself locked there, drowning in his stare. I kept staring at him with a surprised look, as he picked up my clutch. It had fallen and so did a couple of things that were in side, but I was so distracted by the encounter, I couldn't give a damn.

"Niall..." I barely whispered, watching his eyes soften at the way I said his name. 

My heart was pounding wildly in my chest at the interaction with Niall. As quickly as the interaction happened is as quickly as it faded, Niall suddenly stiffened, passing me my clutch with out giving me a second glance. In that same instant Paul had come around to opened the car doors for us, he was apologizing for the sudden stop but Niall didn't bother to stay and listen. He was the first one to shift to the door, jumping out and practically running away from me. There I was, left with nothing but a brief recollection of the events that just took place, a burning sensation on my lips, and a hurting heart.

I sat still for a moment, before I pulled my eyebrows together. That entire encounter left me even more confused then I already was, but it also left me wanting. I wanted Niall, possibly more now than I ever had before. With my mind silenced and my body filled with liquid courage, I was on my feet and moving to get out of the car before I could think twice about it.

I stopped only for a second so I could kick my heels off and scoop them up into my hand. With my bare feet pounding against the hotel floor loudly, I was running, I by passed everyone and stopped for no one. My eyes were locked on the slightly blond haired boy in front of me, my heart pounding from our encounter in the car.  I was chasing the only person I've met who's ever meant this much to me, grasping at the boy in that car who grabbed me from harm, with his fingers on my skin and his lips against mine. 

I was desperate, absolutely desperate to get him back, even if just for tonight, I didn't care. I needed him, ever since the day we met, I have always needed him.

"Niall." I breathed out, grabbing onto his wrist tightly and pulling him down a corridor to the left of everyone else. We were out of sight from the entire world at this moment, it was just him and me. His jaw was tense, his eyes staring down at my small hand that was wrapped as far around his wrist as it could, and he allowed me to tug him down the hall and up to a set of private elevators the hotel had.

"Kia?" Niall questioned.

"We need to talk about...about what just happened." I blurted out trying to catch my breath. "What...was that?" I asked, gesturing to the general area of where the car was parked in front of the hotel. He continued to stare down at my hand, not speaking. The elevator dinged, signalling it's arrival.

"Niall?" I repeated, tilting my head to try and see into his eyes. He averted them, his eyebrows pulling down in what looked like anger to me, or maybe frustration, I wasn't really sure at this point. With people coming down the hall. Niall quickly snapped back into reality, moving into the elevator gesturing me to follow and he pressed our floors number.

I didn't know why he jumped out of the car and ran away from me? I mean was it to hide the effects of sitting next to me for 20 whole fucking minutes. I didn't want him to know how much I wanted him. I couldn't help but wonder if he was feeling the same way. If he felt like he could barely breathe around me right now without thinking about kissing and touching me, because that is exactly how I was feeling. An old memory popped in my head, it was just before Niall and I started dating each other. I remember, after, him telling me how he tried desperately not to shove me against the wall and take me right then and there. He had that same look in his eyes that night as he does now. They were darker than usual and although they were lustful, they still held the familiar kind and loving look I fell in love with. The elevator dinged again, letting both us know we had reached our destination. Yet we stood still in the elevator doors for a moment. Our eyes locked on each other, Niall was the first to make a move out of the elevator and away from me, he started to slowly move down the hall. I had come too far to give up now, I wasn't going to let him off the hook that easily, not this time...

"Niall!" I called after him.

I grabbed onto his chin, pulling his face directly in front of mine until his eyes were staring down into the depths of my own. I felt his breath against my mouth, his face was so close to mine that I could see the little specks of freckles he had. 

 His hands reached up, knocking my fingers off his chin as he grabbed both sides of my face. Slightly lifting me up, he slowly dipped his head down and met me halfway. His mouth found mine effortlessly, our lips crashing against each other with urgency, feeling myself go tense under him for a second before I relaxed, I melted into him. My fingers grabbed at the bottom of his shirt, pulling him into me closer, tighter, moving around his waist and pressing into him. He stumbled forward, his fingers entangling within my hair, holding my head to his as he deepened the kiss. My heart was pounding, my stomach was twisting and turning into knots and I swear, I swear I saw fireworks behind my closed lids. My entire body felt as if it had been immersed into hot water, like a volcano was erupting from some dark pit inside of me, making me be the first to open my mouth, as he slide his tongue between my lips.

We were still stumbling, stumbling towards Nialls room. My knees were going weak. I felt one of Nialls hand reach out and look for the nearest wall, pressing me into it tightly and leaning his body against mine. Our hands switched positions, mine going up to grab his face and pull his mouth to mine even deeper, wanting to drown in him. His hands moved down over my body, curving along with my waist and hips, down to the hem of my dress, which he slightly pushed up so his fingers could dig into my bare thighs.

I had to pull back with a gasp for breath, I desperately needed air. I stared at Niall with wide eyes, wondering what the fuck we were doing. Niall stared back at me with much softer eyes, glazed over from the thick lust in the air and from the drinks he had earlier in the night. He reached his hand up, touching one of the hands I had against his face, and he guided it down, over his jaw and neck, across his shoulders until it was placed directly over his heart.

"Do you feel that?" He murmured, his voice shaking and soft.

I had no words, he had stole all of them from me with a single kiss, I simply nodded, feeling his heart as it jumped and beat against his chest, like a wild animal in a cage, trying to bust free. My fingers curled in slightly, clinging to the material of his shirt. Niall's hand tightened around mine, his eyes looking more and more intense by the second.

"It only beats like that for you."

My entire face softened instantly, my heart beginning to skip beats as my breathing got scarce. For a second, I thought I was feeling the beginning of a heart attack, but no. It was just Niall, it was just the way he was looking at me, the things he was saying, the way his hand held mine to his chest desperately.

"I feel like I've spent this part of the tour with a stranger up until right now." I whispered, slowly shaking my head, my eyebrows pulled together in sad confusion.

Niall looked down slowly, frowning as his eyes landed on the clutch that was now dropped on the floor beside us. He bent down to quickly pick it up, I was confused as to why he was so concerned with my clutch.

"You kept it?" he softly spoke up. With that one sentence all the confusion about him running out of the cab was gone. I guess it must have slipped out when the car came to that harsh stop, but I knew exactly was he was talking about.

"Of course I did." I shyly replied.


Niall's Point of View


"Of course I did."

I couldn't believe she had kept that ring, well it was more of a pendant really... I mean I guess it made sense, that ring was worth so much more than anyone knew. I remember the look on her face when I gave it to her. How her eyes watered, when she found out where it came from, and how that was the first time I had ever told someone, either than my family, that I loved them. The ring was melted from this old bracelet Kia had. She wore it all the time, but during one of her tours, the luggage it was being carried in got lost. I remember her calling the airline everyday and hoping that it would turn up, I didn't understand why she loved it so much. Until one day I found her crying , that's when she told me it was the only thing she had of her mum. How she even though she didn't remember her mum, she always felt that a piece of her was with her. By the time the airline called with the news of the luggage finally being found, the bracelet was trashed. It was in pieces, to the point that it was useless to fix. I hated seeing Kia look so defeated. So I went to a jeweler who made a ring with and a matching chain, so that she would be able to have it on her at all times. The ring was simple, it had the design of a Celtic braid, in the middle subtly lay her birth stone, and had always in my heart  in scripted on the inside. Even after all the shit that has happened between us, she still was holding on to the last piece that was part of our forever and always.

"I just can't believe you kept it this long." I truthfully said.

"I couldn't let go of it, even if I wanted to. It's practically apart of me..." She said, I could tell she was getting embarrassed, she was blushing like she usually does and tried to hide her face, but I placed a hand underneath her chin and lifted her gazed up to mine. Just as I was about to reach down to pull it out, Kia whispered something again, something that made my head whip up quickly.

"W-what did you say?" I choked out, my eyes widening.

"I-I've missed you." She repeated, her eyes full of tears now.

I swallowed a lump in my throat, feeling my eyes begin to burn as well, my hand tightening around hers immediately. My movements took a gentle turn, my fingers sliding along her body until they were against her face once more. I stared down into her eyes fearlessly, sliding my fingers into her hair, placing my thumbs right before her ears, rubbing them down along her cheekbones, soft as ever. She pressed her forehead against my chest, I could feel the couple of tears that fell dampen my shirt. I briefly moved away to the clutch again. I grabbed the ring and unhook it from the chain, before closing the clutch and placing the thin strap on her shoulder.

"Always" I whispered to her as I placed the ring on her finger.

"...always" She quietly giggled.

I slowly, dipped my head down, licking my lips right before locking her mouth into a passionate kiss. I knew she was surprised at the fact that I wasn't feeling her up like before, I wasn't massaging her tongue with mine, I was just pressing my lips onto hers, I was just kissing her the way I knew I would want to kiss my wife on the day of our wedding.

The way Kia puts her hands on either side of my face, and the room falls away. I have never gotten so lost in a kiss before. And then, the space between us explodes. My heart keeps missing beats and my hands cannot bring her close enough to me. I taste her and realize I have been starving. I have never loved like this before, nothing has ever felt like this before. I have kissed before, but it didn't burn me alive. Maybe it lasts a minute, and maybe it's an hour. All I know is this kiss, and how soft her skin is when it brushes against mine, and that even if I did not know it until now, I have been waiting for this person forever. 

Pulling my face deeper into her, I felt her break into a smile against my lips. The elevator dinged indicated that our little secret was about to be made public. The unexpected ding and startled her, both of us were now laughing. Now that I have Kia in my arms, I couldn't let her go, I couldn't let her go back to her room tonight. No, tonight she was going to lay with me, I would cherish every moment of tonight. I quickly lifted her up, having her wrap her legs around my waist, she had burst out into a fit of laughter. Her face was buried into the crook of my neck and I reached and opened the door to my suit, moving both of us into the room. 

"Wait no, what about Aoife Belle?" Kia giggled out. 

"What about my little princess?" I lightly questioned

"She's our daughter!?" 

"I know that." I replied, raising an eyebrow.

"We can't just leave her..." Kia said in slightly more serious tone. I guess no matter how much alcohol was in her system, Kia's mommy side would also shine through. 

"Kia, she's with the sitter, she'll be fine." 

"But I-" 

"No buts. Besides I am calling a executive parental meeting." 

"Oh are you?" Kia giggled. 

"Yes, we have a lot on the agenda." I replied in a cheeky tone. 

"Well do show the way..." Kia said in a more seductive tone as she kissed my neck.

With that, I kicked the door closed with my foot. I wasn't going to worry about what tomorrow brings, right now it was just me, and Kia. I was going to hold onto that for as long as I could, even if it's just for tonight...


Sooooo Niall and Kia guys... Both all liquored up and caught up in the heat of the moment. What do you lovelies think is going to happen? I mean Barbara is technically still in the picture!? I hope you guys are enjoying the new chapters as much as I enjoyed writing them !! Thank you for your continuing support this story would not be where it is without all you wonderful lovelies!

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