It All Started With A Tattoo...

By sassygirl93

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{COMPLETED} Book 2 of 'It All Started With A Tattoo'............. Please make sure to read the first book f... More

Chapter 100:
Chapter 101:
Chapter 102:
Chapter 103:
Chapter 104:
Chapter 105:
Chapter 106:
Chapter 107:
Chapter 108:
Chapter 109:
Chapter 110:
Chapter 111:
Chapter 112:
Chapter 113:
Chapter 114:
Chapter 115:
Chapter 116:
Chapter 117:
Chapter 118:
Chapter 119:

Chapter 120:

61.6K 1.3K 388
By sassygirl93

Allie’s POV

We just finished taking the photos about 15 minutes ago. We were all heading over to the reception hall. Harry and I had our own limo while everyone else (bridal party) shared another limo.

“Do you feel any different? “Harry asked me. He has barely left my side since we said our do’s I wasn’t complaining though.

“I kind of feel the same. How about you?” I asked.

“The same, but different at the same time. It’s hard to explain.” He smiled.

“Yeah I get it.” I smiled. Harry grabbed my hand and started rubbing his thumb across my knuckles. I looked up at him and just smiled before leaning up and pressing my lips firmly to his.

“ I love you so much you have no idea.” He said against my lips.

“Love you too babe.” I said before kissing him again. Harry pulled me closer and deepened the kiss. After a few minutes of making out I pulled away breathless.

“As much as I would love to stay like this, but I think we need to go into OUR reception.” I smirked.

“UGH! I guess we have too right?” Harry laughed.

“Yes now let’s go. I’m hungry and feel like dancing.” I winked. Harry laughed and then helped me out of the limo.

Harry’s POV

“Please welcome Mr. and Mrs. Harry Styles!” Louis shouted into a microphone as Allie and I walked into the reception room hand in hand.

“Okay now they will be having their first dance.” Louis said. I spun Allie around so she was facing me. I hand one hand on her lower back while holding her other hand. She was holding my hand in hers and her other hand resting on my shoulder. We started to sway back and forth as ‘I won’t Give up’ by Jason Mraz played over the speakers.

“So I kind of need to tell you something, but we have to keep it between just you and me.” Allie said breaking the silence.

“Okay.” I said a little nervous.

“So I found out I was pregnant again yesterday.” Allie said hesitantly as she waited for my response. I didn’t know what to say so I just pressed my lips firmly to her’s. She smiled into the kiss and our family and friends aww’d. I almost forgot they were here.

“So you are happy?” She asked.

“More then you know. How far along are you?” I asked.

“About 1 ½ months that’s why we can’t tell anyone yet. I can’t believe we have an 8 month old and another baby already on the way. How on earth are we going to be able to handle that?” She rambled.

“With love and a lot of patience.” I laughed, which caused Allie to laugh as well.

“Is that why you weren’t hungry at the rehearsal dinner?” I asked.

“It must have been. I just kind of found out I was pregnant by accident.” Allie said shyly. I nodded my head for her to continue.

“I had to go to the doctors just for a routine check up, so they took blood and stuff. So when they called to tell me the results of the blood work they told me I was pregnant. When I got that phone call I kind of freaked. I honestly didn’t know how you would react.” She said while looking me right in the eyes. I moved closer to her face so our lips are just barely touching.

“I know I didn’t react well when you told me about Darcy and I regret that, but I won’t ever say those things to you ever again. Please believe me when I say I’m over the moon excited about this baby. We are going to have the perfect family and life together.” I smiled before kissing her lips again. Before Allie could say anything the song ended and Louis told everyone to find their seats for dinner.

“Let’s go find out seats wife.” I winked at Allie. She blushed slightly, but then rolled her eyes at me. Once we found our seats we looked at the menu to find what we wanted to eat.

Allie’s POV

It was such a relief when Harry was happy about me being pregnant again. I wasn’t really sure how he was going to react, which is why I told him at the reception. He couldn’t react the way he did when I told him about being pregnant with Darcy in front of our family and friends. They all would kill him. So I was thankful he was happy about it. I wasn’t sure how I felt about having an 8 month old and pregnant with another baby, but i think with Harry I can handle it. I just hope he isn’t on tour ALL year I will need his help.

“Here is your meal.” The waiter said as he placed my chicken dinner in front of me.

“Thank you.” I smiled.


We have spent the last 2 hours dancing like crazy with our family and friends. We just finished cutting the cake and thanks to Harry I have spent the last 5 minutes getting cake off of my face. Yes I smashed cake into his face as soon as he smashed some in my face. Everyone laughed at us! Now Aubrey and Louis were getting ready to make their speeches. I was so nervous as to what they were going to say.

“Okay I’m going first.” Louis cheered. He already had a few drinks in him so this ought to be interesting.

“I feel like I should apologize to you now. Who knows what will come out of his mouth.” Harry whispered into my ear. His hot breath sent chills down my spin.

“Okay! So Harry and I have known each other for quite some time now. We have been best friends since the moment we met, and only got closer over the years. You are not only my best friend, but also my little brother. You introduced me to the love of my life and I always wanted to repay you for that. Plus we were all sick of you dating cougar’s. (Everyone laughed, while Harry and I rolled our eyes) So I was incredibly happy when you met Allie. From the second I met Allie I knew you two would be perfect for each other. You balance each other so well, so when Harry finally asked you to marry him I was ecstatic. I’m so happy for the both of you, so I want to officially welcome you Allie into the One Direction family. Even though I have always thought of as another little sister it’s now official, but let’s face it I don’t really need any more little sisters. But for you I will make an acceptation, but just this once.” Louis laughed.  

“Thank you so much Louis. I feel so honored.” I laughed.

“You should. Okay Aubrey you are up.” Louis said handing the microphone over to my little sister.

“Louis I feel the same way. I’m gaining ANOTHER older brother.” Aubrey giggled.

“LOVE YOU TOO SIS!”  Jake yelled sarcastically at her, which caused everyone to laugh.

“Anyway….. Allie you have always been my big sister, but over the last few years you became my best friend. You are always there for me no matter what, and I don’t know if I can ever truly thank you for that. . I’m so happy that you found your soul mate (Harry grabs my hand and squeezes it lightly) Harry you have made my sister so happy and you help give me a beautiful niece. So for that I have to thank you enough. I wish you all the best and a long and happy marriage. To Allie and Harry.” Aubrey said raising her glass for a toast. We all raised our glasses and clicked them together with the person closest to us.

“Thank you.” I said as I pulled Aubrey into a hug. Harry did the same with Louis.

“Okay I want to say something.” Anne said grabbing the mic.

“I will make this short and I won’t embarrass my baby…”

“Just did mum.” Harry groaned.

“Oops sorry! Anyways……. I want to wish you both well. I have loved and approved of Allie since the moment Harry let me meet her. Since then you both have made me a grandma, so I want to thank you for that.---------“ Anne said.

Anne went on and on for about 10 minutes before Harry finally stopped her.

“Okay just one more thing I love you and wish you well.” She smiled. I got up and pulled my new mother in law into a hug. I looked over to my mom praying she wasn’t going to give a speech emotionally I can’t handle another one. She shook her head no and I sighed in relief. She never liked to express her emotions in front of people. Never been more thankful for that in my life.

Harry’s POV

The reception just ended and Allie and I were on our way to our hotel for the night. I wanted our wedding night to just be me and her. I was more then willing to share my honeymoon with our daughter, but I wanted us to be alone tonight.

“Are you going to tell me where we are going for our honey moon or no?” Allie asked me AGAIN. She really hates surprises, so I like surprising her every once in a while.

“Not going to tell you. Just got to wait and see tomorrow.” I smirked at her.

“Fine! How much longer until we are at the hotel? I love this dress, but I’m ready to get out of it.” She groaned.

“I can help with that.” I winked.

“Not what I meant, but I know you can.” She smirked then winked at me. I felt myself get happy if you know what I mean. I took a deep breath and tried to contain my hormones.

“Oh here we are. We are going in the back way, so no one see’s us.” I smiled.

“Okay sounds good to me.” She smiled.

Allie and I made our way to our room. Once we made it to our room I picked her up bridal style and walked her into the room, which caused her to giggle. It is tradition so I made sure I remembered to do it.

“Wow this room is amazing Harry.” She smiled. (Hotel room on sidebar)

Just like you love.” I smirked at her. I set her down and she walked over to the bed that was located in the middle of the room. As she walked over to the bed she took her shoes off and kicked them to the side. I started to loosen my tie and take off my tux jacket.

“Can you please unzip me?” Allie begged me.

“My pleasure.” I winked as I walked over behind her. As I unzipped her dress I kissed her shoulder and neck.

“Eger much?” Allie said well more like moaned.

“You should be talking.” I smiled into her shoulder as I let her dress fall to the floor, leaving her in her bra and underwear. I spun her around so she was facing me. I put my hands on her hips and brought them against mine.

“Someone is happy to see me.” Allie winked.

“Couldn’t help myself. You look hot in that dress and even hotter without it on.” I smirked at her.

“Well then what are you waiting for?” Allie winked. That was all it took for me to throw her onto the bed and start our wedding night fun.


Allie’s POV

Last night was amazing. Well really ALL day yesterday was. I still couldn’t believe I am married to Harry.

“What are you thinking about?” Harry asked. Harry and I picked Darcy up a few hours ago and have now been on the private plane to our honeymoon for 4 hours. I still had NO IDEA where he is taking us.

“Just about how perfect life is right now.” I smiled. Harry pulled me onto his lap, so I snuggled my face into his neck. He kissed the top of my head before resting his head on top of mine.

“How much longer before we land?” I asked.

“Actual we should be landing in 30 minutes.” Harry said.

Sure enough 30 minutes later we landed in BRAZIL!

“Brazil? Really?” I asked in shock.

“Yeah, but there is one more surprise as to where we are staying.” Harry smiled as he picked up a sleeping Darcy and grabbing my hand with his free one.

“UGH!” I groaned.


“Are you serious right now?” I asked Harry in disbelief.

“Yupp!” He smiled. Harry rented out a private area on a beach with a giant house on it.  (Picture of house on sidebar)

“I didn’t want any paps or fans interrupting us for the next 2 weeks. It’s all about our family.” Harry said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. He had his hands resting on my belly.

“But we didn’t need this big of a house. It’s only the three of us.” I said leaning back into his chest.

“4 of us, and it was the only one available.” He laughed.

“Oh okay that makes sense.” I giggled.

“Let’s go look at our room shall we?” He said. Darcy was in her room (For 2 weeks) already sleeping. She had woken up during the 2-hour drive from the airport to the beach/house.

We made our way around the house, but when we made it to our room I froze.

“We are so using that a bunch of times.” I said staring at the bathtub that was looking out to the ocean. (Picture of sidebar)

“I agree with you 100 percent.” Harry smiled.

“Let’s take one now.” He added. I nodded my head as I went over to the tub and started feeling the tub with warm/hot water. Oh and I might have added a bunch of bubbles. :D

Once the tub was filled Harry and I got into the tub. Harry sat behind me with me leaning on his chest. My head was resting against the base of his neck.

“I love you so much. I hope you know that.” Harry said.

“Of course I knew that, but we did get married yesterday.” I giggled.

“Yes we did and that was one of the smartest things I have ever done.” She said before kissing my cheek.

During our bath Darcy started crying.

“I will go get her.” I said starting to get up, but he pulled me back into the tub

“I don’t mind getting her.” He said.

“I know, but I want to.” I smiled as I kissed his lips before getting out of the tub. I wrapped myself in a robe before making my way to Darcy’s room.

“What’s wrong baby girl?” I asked her as I picked her out of her crib.

“You need a diaper change don’t ya?” I asked her. I laid her down on the changing table and changed her diaper real quick. After I was done I put her clothes back on and carried her into Harry and my room. Harry was currently lying on the bed looking at his phone. Right when Darcy saw her daddy she reached for him.

“Come here baby girl.” Harry said when he saw her reaching for him. I walked her over to him and set her down on his stomach. I then made my way onto the bed next to Harry. I laid my head on Harry’s shoulder as we played with Darcy. Harry leaned over and kissed the top of my head.

“Everything about this is perfect. I have my wife and daughter with me and a baby on the way.” Harry smiled. Darcy giggled at the funny faces Harry was making at her.

“To think this all started with a tattoo.” I laughed as I traced his star tattoo on his right arm. Harry used his free hand and lifted my chin up with his finger.

“Smartest idea I ever had….. Going to get that tattoo that day.” Harry said kissing my lips sweetly.

“Same here. I love you both so much.” I smiled as I kissed his lips then Darcy’s cheek.

“Love you too.” He said before kissing my forehead. I laid my head back down on his shoulder and continued to play Darcy. Everything about my life is beyond perfect right now. I’m married with a daughter and another baby on the way. I couldn’t ask for anything more if I wanted too………………

THE END!!!!!!!



It’s over :’(I want to cry so bad right now! I can’t believe it’s actually over.

I hope you all liked the ending.


Comment and let me know what you think…..


The epilogue will be posted either Sunday or Monday. It really just depends on when I finish it.


I want to thank EVERYONE who VOTED and COMMENTED on my story. It truly means more to me then I can ever express. I always wondered what talent I was given and writing this story I have realized I was born with the talent to write. I LOVE to write now…..


 And I can’t wait for you to read my Zayn story! The first chapter of that story will be up Tuesday or Wednesday….. I still have a to edit a few things before I can post it :D


Lot’s Of Love,


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