By _maryamabba

3.7K 685 204

Nadiya, a teenager who grew up and was unaware that her father existed. First her mother abandoned her, then... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 33

40 9 3
By _maryamabba

"Alright Inspector, I think we should either dial or track the number. It's high time." Umar suggested while sitting in the officer's chair. They're still discussing about the plans to make in bringing back Nadiya. Some of Inspector Fatihu's team had gone to track the car, instructed by Inspector Fatihu and have yet to see the car, which bothers Umar a lot. Now, he has brought up the idea of calling or tracking the number he called yesterday; Nadiya's number.

"That's quite alright but I'm still hesitant about doing that Umar. This is like the last chance we have in calling the line, that is if it's even on. The kidnappers might have already switched off the phone and that leads to the inability for tracking or calling. I'm surprised though, as to why they haven't called yet." He whispered the last part to himself. However, that didn't make sense to an impatient Umar one bit as he's not understand the delay. They can try tracking as well as wait for the policemen who are also tracking the car plus the plate number!

"But Inspector, that is not a big problem you know. We have almost everything which will boost our search in finding Nadiya. So it's easy to find at least something that will give us a hint on where they're hiding her. Also, your men are currently searching for the car, so while they're doing that, we will also make ourselves busy by tracing the line." Umar argued but in a polite way. In spite of that, the Inspector has already figured he's very tense from his tone.

"It looks like you still don't get my logic Umar. I do my things with calculation. I'm an Inspector and I've been on this work for a very long time and this is not the first time I handle such cases. Right now, you need to trust me. I can understand your mood, but all I need right now is your patience and understanding, then we'll be able to cooperate well and solve the situation, please." Inspector Fatihu said with a soft tone. He's always like this with people who come to him for help or work with him. He always tries to respect their grievances and help them however he can. Any individual who comes to the police station for a case or in need of help should be treated politely, as it's not easy to fall into a distress state.

By this time, Umar doesn't know what to say or do. He wouldn't like to act so impatient but at the same time, he's so desperate and hate his idea of 'patiently' carrying out the case. For how long? It seems pretty easy to just do things once and wait for at least an outcome, but no! Inspector Fatihu apparently knows his job and likes to do things with 'calculation.' But oh well, what is Umar to say? He has no other option than to follow his words. Honestly, he's starting to be pissed with this Inspector right here. One great thing though is that he's an experienced Inspector and that's quite gladdening.

He clears his throat with a very much composure before speaking, "Alright Inspector, thank you so much for all the efforts. I'll try to cooperate. Also, inform me if there's any information from your team who went off in search of the kidnapper's car." With that, he shakes his hand before leaving. He's only leaving to find answers to his questions as there's more to know than what you imagine.

When he left, Inspector Fatihu smiled sadly and said, "we've been painted blackly in the eyes of people that no matter our efforts, they fail to see it."


"Hello Khadijah?"

"Hi Zaliha. How are you?"

"I'm fine Alhamdulillah. Just wanted to confirm if Ma is in the hospital or is discharged?"

"She's discharged not long ago. We're now at home."

"Alhamdulillah! How is her health doing? Hope she's strong and better?"

"She is Alhamdulillah. She just keeps asking where Nadiya is."

"Please try to comfort her, she should not get worried. You know her condition."

"Yeah In Sha Allah she will be fine. I'll try my best."

"Alright thanks a lot I'll hang up now. See you when I come later."

"Alright, till you come."

Zaliha ended the call and sighed in relief. She's so happy Ma is now fine and is been discharged from the hospital. She's now so worried about the fact that Nadiya's mother have a mental illness. That is very serious. Her past really got into her. She's very sure Nadiya has no idea about her mother's illness as she's never talked about it with her and Nadiya doesn't keep any secret from her. Nadiya's mother after hearing about Nadiya's kidnapping, fell unconscious. Could there be a reason for that? Off course a mother would be worried when her child gets kidnapped, but she feels Ma is hiding something. Zaliha is thinking about who might've kidnapped Nadiya as she is a good person and doesn't even have enemies! But then, what could Ma be hiding from them all?

She remembered vividly when Nadiya's mother came back and she told Nadiya everything about their past, Nadiya had told Zaliha every bit of it and from what she remembered, Nadiya said something about her mother not willing to tell her the words her father said before leaving them. Her mother said that day was horrible for her because before her husband left, he had said something which shocked her and scared her till today.

In the worst-case scenario, Zaliha feels what he said could be to come back for his daughter. Honestly, even though her father isn't a good person and acted like he did not care about them, Nadiya said he loved her mother immensely and the baby she was carrying, before it all changed when he received a job offer. If what he said is that he's coming back for his daughter, then off course he is responsible for the kidnapping because Khadijah said the people who followed them were not even Nigerians! Plus Nadiya said her father left for Brazil! If one looks into the whole scenario, he would be able to put two and two together and figure out what is going on.

At this stage, Zaliha's eyes look like they're about to fall due to the shock she got as she figured what is really going on. Now, she's positive about her assumptions. Her father is the one who kidnapped her! She's with him.

"Oh my God! Nadiya has been kidnapped by her own father. That means he's back! He has taken her away from her mother. Oh God, now what?" She keeps talking, talking to herself, scarily. "That's why Ma fell unconscious! It was too much for her. She knew who kidnapped her daughter in the first place." Zaliha is already crying now. She continued crying, alone in her room. Who will she tell all of this? Who would help her out of this shock?

She realised the only person she will discuss this with is the person who also knew about it.

So she stood up, washed her face, got dressed and quickly left the house.


"Hey Man? Any update about Nadiya's whereabout?" Abubakr had asked as soon as Umar picked the call.

"No not yet, but they're still searching. Look I need you to please do me a favour."

"Sure, what is it?"

"I want us to meet at a place. Get the girls as well, off course with their permission then we would meet. I'd like to discuss with them about the case. What they may know might help with the case." Umar said. Abubakr needn't think twice before understanding who the girls are.

"Alright then. I'll do just that. But where exactly are we meeting?"

"I don't really know. Do you have a better place? I wanted us to meet at my house, but I don't know how they'd feel about that, plus dad is at home..."

"I understand. Okay I'll text you where we'd meet when I find the right place."

"Fine. I'll see you." They hung up at the same time.


Zaliha has arrived at Nadiya's house and upon reaching the living room, she saw that there's no one there, so she proceeded towards the stairs, heading straight to the room of the person she comes to meet.

"Assalamu Alaykum?" She enters with little steps and sees her laying on the bed, with opened eyes.

"Wa'alaykum Salam." The woman replied as her eyes sights the person that came in. She instantly smiled, her somber face gone.

"How are you feeling now Ma?" Zaliha asked when she sat next to her on the stool.

"I'm much better, Alhamdulillah. Thank you for coming." Hajiya Hadiya said with a smile on her face, trying to get up from laying.

"Ma do you need help getting up?" Zaliha said because the woman is struggling to get up. She shook her head and though Zaliha feels she needs to help her regardless, the woman effortlessly got up.

"Wow Ma, you really are getting better. You don't feel weak anymore, Alhamdulillah!" Zaliha spoke with an impressed tone.

Hajiya Hadiya let out a chuckle. "Yes my dear, Alhamdulillah I don't feel weak anymore."

"I'm so glad about that! You will become more stronger than you were before God's willing." Hajiya Hadiya smiled at her to which Zaliha smiled back. "Do you need water or anything that I'll bring for you?"

"Thank you so much but I'm fine for now. When I need anything, I'll let you know." Zaliha nodded and both fall into silence. Everyone could tell where the mind of the other is, as it's readable like an open book. But then, no one is willing to speak about it, not sure what the other must feel or rather, the mood will instantly change to that of grieve.

After what seems like a long ten minutes, Zaliha begins,

"Nadiya is a very good person and doesn't have any enemies. She's so kindhearted that it worries me to think that someone kidnapped her," Her head shifted to the side of Hajiya Hadiya and she figured she's trying to mask the expression that is very much relatable to Zaliha. She hates that she's doing this, putting her in such state. But she feels the same and she wants to know the truth of the matter and wants her doubts to be cleared up. She's the curious type after all.

Even though she's sure about the fact that Nadiya's father is responsible for kidnapping Nadiya, she still hopes Ma will prove her wrong.

"Nadiya is loved and also deserves immense happiness in her life. When you left her for a very good reason, she felt thrown drown that even when she smiled at one, he'd instantly figured it's fake. But with your return, her face brightened and she felt happy and more like she was before. That's until you told her that her father is back. She was happy at first as she's craved for a father for long, but not until you told her the reason he left in the first place. But nevertheless, he loves his family, especially his daughter. Soon after that, she got kidnapped..."

"Why're you telling me all this? I'm thinking you have something up your sleeves." Hajiya Hadiya interrupted, tired of Zaliha beating around the bush. The girl is too smart and she realises there's something she's trying to either figure out or clear out of her mind. She just hopes it's not what she's thinking.

Zaliha laughed nervously, as if to obviously shove Hajiya Hadiya's judgement. "Not like that Ma. I'm just... uh... I'm only saying, what Nadiya went through and is still going through, that's all." She flashed her a smile, trying to assure her of her intention—brought up intentions that is.

"You're right. She deserves happiness in her life, but I'm not sure she could get one in her current life." Hajiya Hadiya said gloomily, surprising Zaliha. Zaliha is now wondering why a mother would say such statement to her daughter, her own curiosity rising.

"What do you mean Ma?"

Now is Nadiya's mother to change her expression quickly. She hadn't realised she almost revealed something to her. "Ah, I mean, looking at her current situation as she's got kidnapped, it's obvious she wouldn't be happy and joyous right?"

"You're right." Zaliha said, glancing at Hajiya Hadiya for any sort of fakery, but she pulled it off quite well as her face didn't give any hint of deceiving.

But Zaliha is now fed up of the acting and the beating around the bush, she really is. She wouldn't want Ma to think that she's poking her nose into their family's affairs, even though they're literally family. She still feels she should renege for the sake of their relationship.

But this is a matter concerning Nadiya and her whereabout. She wants to confirm her suspicion. Is Nadiya kidnapped by her father or not? How long has he been planning this? Is Nadiya perhaps aware? Only this woman right here can give her the answers to her multiple questions.

"Ma?" Zaliha suddenly said, after a deafening silence between them.

"Yes Zaliha? What is it?"

"Is uncle Usman responsible for Nadiya's kidnap?"


Hello beautiful readers!💗💗
How was the chapter? You'd call it boring but all I could see is everyone's determination on finding Nadiya!❤️

One word for our Zaliha??💙

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