Villain Deku - Broken

By M1sterGuy

3.7K 61 15

Ever since Izuku Midoriya was discovered to be quirkless, his life has been nothing but torment. So what will... More

Note from the author
Chapter 1 - The Beginning
Chapter 2 - The Incident
Chapter 3 - Training
Chapter 4 - Whetting the blade
Chapter 5 - First hand experience
Chapter 6 - The Entrance Exam (Preparation)
Chapter 7 - The Entrance Exam
Chapter 8 - Entrance Exam (Conclusion)
Chapter 9: The League's Proposal
Chapter 10: Recruitment
Chapter 11 - Naomasa
Chapter 12 - Attack on the USJ
Chapter 13 - Proclamation of Justice
Chapter 14 - Staff Meeting
Chapter 15 - The Sports Festival
Chapter 16 - Reunion
Chapter 17 - Education
Chapter 18 - The Offer
Chapter 19 - Summer Camp
Chapter 20 - Operation Forest Fire
Chapter 20B - Inko Midoriya
Chapter 21 - The End Of The Line
Chapter 22 - Answers
Chapter 23 - New Beginnings
Chapter 24 - First Day
Chapter 25 - Teaching
Chapter 26 - Villains 101
Chapter 27 - Heroes VS Villain Pt.1
Chapter 29 - Heroes VS Villains Pt.3
Chapter 30 - Aftermath
Chapter 31 - Reunion
Chapter 32 - Class 1B
Chapter 33 - The Provisional Hero License Exam Pt.1
Chapter 34 - The Provisional Hero License Exam Pt.2
Chapter 35 - The Provisional Hero License Exam Pt.3
Chapter 36 - Opposites And Equals
Chapter 37 - A Glimpse Of The Future
Chapter 38 - Collision of Good and Bad
Chapter 39 - Number 9
Chapter 40 - Heads And Tails
Chapter 41 - Vigilantism
Chapter 42 - Nighteye
Chapter 43 - Operation 20%
Chapter 44 - Confrontation
Chapter 45 - Espionage
Chapter 46 - Desperate Times
Chapter 47 - Desperate Measures

Chapter 28 - Heroes VS Villains Pt.2

46 1 0
By M1sterGuy

Bakugo and Ururaka dashed into the building at a breakneck pace, ready for anything Deku might throw at them. Meanwhile, the rest of Class 1-A observed them from the observation room.

"Hey, is it fair for us to be facing him 2 on 1?" Kirishima asked All Might. "I mean it's not very honorable."

"Yeah, and he's quirkless," Kaminari added. "This doesn't seem right."

"Are you forgetting the time he paralyzed you all just by looking at you?" All Might responded, "or the time he kicked a boulder through the USJ's ceiling? Deku is more than capable of handling 2 people at once. Besides, when dealing with a dangerous villain, there are very few things which would be seen as dishonorable."

Deku was observing the movements of his opponents via his Extrasensory State, watching them both as they entered the building. Bakugo immediately started dashing through the building, running through the hallways and glancing into the small rooms before moving on. It was very efficient, gathering sufficient information on the situation whilst saving time. Ururaka on the other hand was taking her time, running through the halls at a slower pace and taking more time to observe the rooms she passed by. She was sacrificing speed for assurance. Both strategies were good at different aspects of their scenario; the muscles of the team would look only for the criminals, aiming to take down the larger threat whilst the smarts of the team would take more care, looking for any small details which could be useful in the long run.

When Bakugo made it onto the third floor, Deku deactivated Extrasensory, focusing on his immediate threat. He started patrolling his floor, gaining a good understanding of his surroundings. When Bakugo made it to the fourth floor, Deku's floor, he was met with his old punching bag awaiting him at the end of the corridor.

"There you are!", he yelled, malice in his eyes. "I'm gonna beat you to a pulp!"

"It amazes me how the other students can see you as a friend," Deku said, walking around the corner of the hallway, "what with you being a piece of scum and all."

"What did you SAY?!" Bakugo yelled, propelling himself down the corridor. He reached the corridor, turned, and was immediately met with an uppercut from his opponent. Deku had crouched down after turning the corner, correctly reasoning that being a foot off the ground left a blind spot immediately below you. Unfortunately, Bakugo wasn't out yet. He backflipped and landed on all fours, before immediately launching at Deku, hitting him in the gut at point-blank range. Deku was forced back, but remained on his feet, his face neutral. He couldn't let them know had much damage they had done to him. Activating his Extrasensory State for a split second, he felt Ururaka halfway through the third floor. No doubt the explosions had tipped her off to their location. But at that pace...

Deku deactivated Extrasensory, smiling. "What are you smiling at?" Bakugo yelled, rage burning in his chest. 

"Oh nothing," Deku replied, activating his Whirlwind State, "just how much better I am than you." With that, he turned and dashed down the corridor, closely followed by, "The FUCK you say to me?" and explosions hot on his tail. He quickly made it to the end of the corridor, turning and dashing down the connected corridor.

"You can't run forever, Deku!" Bakugo yelled, close behind him. Deku ignored him, once more making it to the end of the corridor and bouncing off it down the next corridor. At the end of the hallway, he could see Ururaka entering their floor, oblivious to their scenario.

"ROUND FACE, GRAB HIM!" Bakugo yelled at her. She turned toward them, but she was in no situation to help. She braced as Deku reached her, waiting for him to attack. Deku instead swept her legs from under her and slammed her into the wall, before catching her on the rebound and, holding her right arm behind her back, turned to Bakugo, his teammate now a hostage.

"Well, well Bakugo, what will you do?" Deku asked, holding Ururaka directly in front of him. "Your teammate has been captured and is being used as a human shield. What will you do?" Bakugo looked at him, then at Ururaka. He knew there wasn't much he could do, but he wouldn't give up.

As it turns out, he wouldn't have to. Ururaka had done work experience with the Martial Arts Hero Gunhead, so she had trained for this. She slowly opened her hand and pressed her fingertips against Deku. She then turned suddenly right, easing the pressure he had on her arm, before violently turning right, flinging Deku (who was now weightless) at Bakugo. "NOW BAKUGO", she yelled, moving out of the firing range. Bakugo, now free to attack in any way, pointed his palms towards Deku and fired off a powerful explosion, the force pushing him back slightly.

Deku quickly activated his Extrasensory State, using his advanced senses to try and find a way out. He found none. Mentally sighing in exasperation, he closed his eyes and activated Psychotic Cyclone.

With this new speed, he quickly maneuvered his body so that his feet were pointed toward the explosion's epicenter. When the explosion went off, his shoes were seared off of his feet, and his feet were badly burned, but other than that, he suffered no major injuries. He pushed off of Bakugo's palms, propelling him away from the explosion and towards Ururaka. He turned and bounced off the wall next to her, pushing himself down the connected corridor. He then completed a circuit of the corridors before rushing towards Bakugo, his feet smashing into the back of his opponent's head. He never stood a chance against the speed demon.

The main threat now disposed of and recoiling from Psychotic Cyclone, Deku leaned against the wall for a quick rest. Looking Ururaka dead in the eyes, he said, "Your teammate is defeated. You are on your own against a powerful villain you know you cannot defeat. What do you do?"

She hesitates, obviously scared of him, before raising her hands in a defensive position. "I choose to fight," she says, eyes emanating determination.

Deku smiled. "Good choice," he said, pushing himself away from the wall. He ran towards her, not as fast as he would have liked but fast enough, hoping to cause an opening from fear. No such luck. He performed a quick jab to her stomach. Still no opening. He followed up with a cross to her face only for her to glide out of the way, grab his arm and slam him against the floor, his arm behind his eyes.

In the observation room, all the students cheered. Deku was defeated! There was nothing he could do with his arm behind his back. Not unless he wanted to risk dislocating it. They had won. Yet for some reason, the match was not called.

"Uh, Sensei," Kirishima said to Aizawa, "why haven't you called the match? We won."

"Not yet you didn't," Aizawa said, silencing the class. "Watch."

"Gunhead Martial Arts, huh?" Deku asked, face on the floor. "Good choice. For a hero lacking brute force, such as yourself, Gunhead is a good choice."

"Be quiet villain," Ururaka said, refusing to be distracted. "You should be lucky I didn't do worse to you."

Deku winced. "Oooh. Wrong move, Ururaka. Something you should know about me." He paused. "I know when someone's lying. This is about the extent of your Gunhead training, and you're thankful you ended this quickly because you know you can't defeat me. Am I right?"


"Your silence speaks volumes," he said, turning his head to look at her. "Well let me teach you something." He yanked hard against her, dislocating his arm in the process. Ururaka, stunned he would intentionally dislocate his arm, dropped her guard for a split second. More than enough time. He kicked out, his legs in a good spot to do so. They connected with her hip, forcing her back and to her knees in pain. "Never assume you've won until the enemy is in cuffs," he said, guiding his arm back into place. Forcing her to the ground, he applied the restraining tape, signaling her defeat.

"It's not... over yet, Deku," Bakugo moaned, rising from his slumber.

"Yes it is Katsuki," Deku said, turning to Bakugo. "You're barely conscious, your legs are quivering, your eyes are barely open... you cannot win."

"Let's see about that," Bakugo said, aiming his right gauntlet at Deku.


"Don't be ridiculous Katsuki," Deku yelled, silently worrying about the devastation that weapon could do. "If you fire that thing, you could kill your friend here. Not very heroic, hmm?"

"She'll be fine," Bakugo said, drool dripping from his mouth. "As long as I beat you, we win, right?"

"YOUNG BAKUGO, STOP!" All Might yelled into the intercom, fearing for Ururaka.

Bakugo reached for the pin.

Deku's eyes widened.


Deku didn't have the mental strength for a Battle State, but he did have physical strength. He got on his knees and kneeled over Ururaka. As the explosion went off, the released energy burned the back of Deku's costume and Deku's back. The resulting force was so strong that it flung Bakugo across the entire length of the corridor into the wall, resulting in his falling unconscious for real this time. It even burst through the side of the building, despite the walls being lined with steel plates.



Eventually, Deku stood up, the skin on his back burned red from the heat. Ururaka was also unconscious, though that was likely due to the extreme stress she had been placed under combined with the pressure shift caused by the explosion. He did a few stretches, finding where the damage was concentrated and mentally isolating it. As Aizawa called the match to be over, Deku stumbled over to the busted wall, looking out as the Health and Safety Squad ran into the building. He sat down.

"This hurts like hell."

In the observation room, the students were stunned. Not only had he managed to defeat one of the strongest students in the class, not only had he just taken a full-force attack from Bakugo's gauntlets... he had just protected Ururaka at the cost of his safety. They looked at the screen, in awe of the man it showed.

5 minutes later, Deku was talking to Aizawa as Ururaka and Bakugo were carted out of the building on stretchers.

"Yep, he still does not like me," Deku said watching as Bakugo was wheeled off in the direction of the Healing Ward.

"No, he doesn't. I'll talk to him later about his reckless decision." A pause. "Thank you for protecting her."

"I'm a teacher, it's my job," Deku replied, unknowingly earning Aizawa's respect as a result.

"All right," Deku said after a brief pause," send in the next team."

Aizawa started slightly. "Are you sure you can handle this?"

"Yeah, I applied some healing salve the second you called the match. I should be at at least 50% which should be enough for the next couple of teams."

Aizawa sighed. "All right. If you say so," before walking off to the observation room.


Jiro, Kagakure, and Kirishima all entered the building, Kirishima in the front, Jiro in the back, and Hagakure... somewhere. Their plan was for Kirishima to be their muscle, the one to face Deku one-on-one whilst Jiro and Hagakure would provide support.

Once they stepped into the building, Jiro inserted her cables into the walls, seeking out Deku's heartbeat. No matter where he was, she would know.

Not that it would help.

Within seconds of entering the building, her eyes widened in fear. "Guys-" she began, turning back to the entrance before a swift axe kick knocked her out. Kirishima turned to see his teammate laying on the floor with his opponent wrapping her arms with restraining tape.

"How?" Kirishima asked, activating his quirk and entering a defensive position.

Deku looked up at him. "Did you think I would do the same plan twice? I know you saw it, I know you learned it, there was no way I was gonna do it again." He turned to Jiro. "I knew you had a hero who excelled in gathering information so the most effective plan of action was to hit fast and hard before they could make full use of their quirk. And now," he said, finishing up with Jiro, "it's your turn, Red."

Kirishima charged toward him, arms outstretched and ready to hurt.

He fell right into the trap.

As soon as he was within maximum range Deku sped forward, Jiro's earphone jacks in hand. Just like at the USJ, his speed was quite mediocre and easy to maneuver around. First, he struck Kirishima's underarm just as before. He then maneuvered around him, entangling him in Jiro's jacks. Within seconds of engaging, Kirishima was bound by Jiro's jacks and unable to move.

"Don't try to move, hero," Deku whispered in Kirishima's ear. "These are your friend's jacks you're wrapped in. If you broke them, who knows what would happen to her." With that, he stepped back, and sure enough, Kirishima stood still, not wanting to hurt his ally. "Now," Deku said, turning to the corridor, "time to deal with the invisible girl."

As Deku walked through the hallways, he kept a keen ear out for her footsteps. He could have entered Extrasensory State, but he was exhausted from the previous round and didn't want to use it unless necessary. He noticed he heard absolutely nothing, something which surprised him. The fact he couldn't hear her footsteps meant she had mastered silent moving. It was something he too had mastered, but still. It was a pleasant surprise.

 He was walking past the central room when a fast and powerful jab met his stomach. Taken by surprise, Deku immediately leaped back. He had been winded pretty bad, but he would be fine. He had to focus on the main threat. Hagakure was nowhere to be seen - obviously - but thinking back, he thought he had noticed something before the strike. He entered the room, being extra cautious to listen out for any signs of his attacker.

Lightning fast, he received a blow to the jaw, knocking him sideways into the wall. It hurt like hell, but it too would ultimately be fine. And just as before he had heard it. He laughed. "Very smart, Hagakure. You know you lack strength so you attack weak points of the human body. The gut, the jaw, no doubt the shin and nose were next. Very smart."

Hagakure was worried. He had figured her out instantly. She needed to get rid of him as fast as possible. She quickly had a plan in her mind; a strong blow to the throat to incapacitate him, followed by a kick to the back of the head. It should keep him down for long enough to restrain him. She slowly began approaching him, listening to his talk.

"You know Hagakure, I've noticed something," he said, walking slowly into the center of the room. "It's very subtle, but every time you wind back your arm to attack-"


He turned, grabbing her arm as it flew towards his throat.

"I can hear you breathe."

He turned again, using the momentum to fling her into a nearby pillar, before pinning her to the wall by her throat. She was helpless. "Do you yield?" he asked, knowing the answer.

"...Yes," she answered, signaling her defeat. Once more, Aizawa called Deku to be the winner as he and Hagakure made their way to the entrance.

"You were very strong in there, Hagakure," Deku said to her, hoping to provide some advice.

"Really?" she said quietly, partly due to her sore throat, partly due to being flustered at Deku dominating her.

"Yes, you were. You used the hand fate gave you and you used it to its fullest." Deku commemorated her on her efforts, admitting that most other villains would have lost that matchup. When they reached the entrance, he sent her to the Infirmary alongside Jiro.

He turned to signal Aizawa to send in the next team when Kirishima turned to him. "Deku," he began, looking his teacher dead in the eyes, "I have a question."

Deku looked back. "Yes? Well, ask it."

Kirishima was unfazed. "Deku, were you the villain who defeated me in the USJ raid?"

A pause.

"Yes. I was," Deku said, looking away from Kirishima for a split second. "Why do you ask?"

"You defeated me in a similar way he did," Kirishima said. "You struck my underarm, the only part of my body that I can't harden."

"Yes, well, all hardening quirks have a weak spot. It's just a matter of finding them." Deku said, the tone of his voice signalling the talk to be over.

Kirishima paused, obviously wanting to talk more, but he restrained himself. He smiled and said, "Well, thank you Deku. Now I know what to work on." He then ran back to the observation room, having not been injured enough to go the infirmary. With that out of the way, Deku signalled Aizawa to send in the next group.

Abilities acquired:

Bloodlust: increases violent thoughts, speed, and reflexes but decreases rationality whilst active.

Extrasensory: increases sensory sensitivity but reduces motor skills and physical ability while active.

Mania: suppresses all negative emotion and empathy while active.

Whirlwind: increases speed and reaction time but decreases upper body strength while active.


Psychotic Cyclone: massively increases speed, reflexes, and reaction time to godly levels, but massively reduces all other forms of strength while active.

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