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By oh_anyways

138K 2.5K 826

oc x Marcus Lopez Arguello Ame Nyx Deianeira never wanted to be the feared assassin she had become. She wante... More

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824 18 14
By oh_anyways

Ame shivered. The cold wind blew around her as she stood in front of her childhood home. Keys in one hand, a suitcase in the other. Ame looked at the house and at her surroundings. The neighbourhood had changed, some buildings changed and she could see the big buildings that she didn't remember being there. Both of her neighbours left, and the whole street was filled with new people. They looked at the girl, confused.

Everyone knew the man living in that house had died not too long ago. Everyone had known him. The man is obsessed with finding his missing daughter. Many thought the man had gone crazy, after the traumatic events in his life, losing his wife and his daughter. They pitied him. Some thought he was a loving man, nice, welcoming, but so incredibly sad. Not many truly knew him, they talked to the man and laughed with the man, but never knew the man.

The whole street was looking at the girl in front of the lonely house, no longer a home to anyone. They'd wondered and gossiped about what would happen to the house. Rumours about it being sold or taken over by an unknown relative had spread, but no one really knew. Until now.

A teen girl. She couldn't be? could she? No, it was impossible. The man had gone crazy from his trauma, nobody truly believed his daughter could still be out there. And even though the question went through all their minds, not one person dared to ask. Just looked at the girl that had now slowly entered the house and closed the door behind her.

The door fell close behind me. It was all still the same. The same wallpaper, the same coat hanger, with the same coats. The smell brought me right back. It felt like coming home. Like if I'd turn the corner I'd see mum in the kitchen and dad working at the kitchen table. But when I did turn around the corner, it was empty. It was an empty shell of my home.

I left my suitcase in the hall behind me as I walked through the kitchen. In the cabinets, there was some food left. All gone bad. Just like the plants, they'd all died. Nothing was alive in this house. The only spark of life were the photos. They are everywhere. Just like I remember them. Some discoloured a bit but filled with the bright smiles of my parents, grandparents and myself.

In the corner of the living room stood a table, I didn't recognise it. One large frame on top, along with one of my stuffed animals, candles and some other things. It was a photo of myself and my mother. A memorial. It brought tears to my eyes. Dad had spent all his life not knowing, living a lonely life. It hurt knowing what could've been.

My name was still on the door, AME, all capital letters with flowers rainbows and animals. Pushing open the door it felt like a wave of nostalgia came over me. Every single thing was placed just how I'd left it that one day. My bed was neatly made. My clothes hanging in the closet. I sat on my bed wrapping my head around it all. I never thought this would make me feel overwhelmed with emotions. It made me tired, and the tears streamed from my face, but I wasn't just sad. I felt mad, sick, happy, and sad and I felt love. I need sleep.

Grabbing my stuff and sitting in my parent's bed, it smelled the same as it did when I used to climb in their bed and listen to their stories until I fell asleep.

Before I went to sleep I called King's, from our home phone. It took a while for someone to pick it up.


"Billy boy hey, It's me"

"Ame, hey how are you, fly safely?"

"I'm good, a lot of emotions being here, you should visit sometime, we have a great basement for parties" Ame joked and Billy laughed

"Well I can't turn that down now can I. What are you doing tomorrow?"

"I'm going to be doing absolutely nothing. I'm having the day just to wrap my head around being here. I'll grab some dinner at what used to be my favourite restaurant. And I'm just gonna wander around a bit. London is beautiful around Christmas time."

"I hope we can celebrate Christmas there one year, the whole group together."

"That'd be nice yeah. Anyway, Happy early Christmas Billy, Your present is in my room, on top of my closet, as are the presents for the rest of the group. Give them to everyone for me tomorrow"

"I will, but we can also wait until you're back, you know?"

"I know you can. But I want you to have it now, It is Christmas eve tomorrow."

"Alright that's true but still..." I heard faint voices on Billy's end of the line

"Who's there with you?"

"Marcus is here"

"Can I speak with him?"

"Oh okay I see how it is"

"Don't be a downer, I love you Booger boy, now let me talk to my boyfriend"

"Love you too Amesie poo"

It was quiet for a bit before Marcus spoke.

"Hello bub"

"Hello love"

"I miss you"

"I saw you this morning"

"Okay, and? I can miss my girlfriend can't I"

"I miss you too boyfriend" It made me smile hearing his voice. I got so lucky.

The lovebirds talked until Ame fell asleep. Marcus noticed she didn't hum during his story like she had been doing and listened to her soft snores. He sat for a while listening to his girlfriend. He wasn't going to lie, he was very scared he was going to lose her. But he'd never tell her that.

"I love you Ame, goodnight," Marcus whispered into the phone and hung up, heading off to her room, and going to sleep.

ᵈᵉᶜᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ ²⁵ᵗʰ ¹⁶⠘⁰⁰ ᵖᵐ

I spend the whole day inside and in the garden, reminiscing and reading my dad's journal. He'd written down everything, every day. About his search for me and his emotions. Even on the days, he didn't search he wrote down what he did. It brought a smile to my face to read about him meeting up with some friends and them distracting him from his search which by the looks of it completely consumed his life. He quit his job, just to look for me. That hurt. But I'm glad he did have some people around him, he wasn't completely alone.

His journal made me think about his letter and how nice it was to have some closure from it.
I should write a letter, just in case. Because even though I'd never say it, I was scared. Scared I might not be able to save the girls. Scared I'd give my life trying and failing.

I'm not scared of dying. But I don't want to die.

My life is so good and I don't wanna leave this world just yet. So I'm gonna make sure I live. But I will not fail. The girls are going to be set free. I can't fail.

So here I am, writing my goodbye letter, in my childhood home.

ᵈᵉᶜᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ ²⁵ᵗʰ ¹⁷⠘³⁰ ᵖᵐ

I was going out for dinner. On my own, in London. I was going to take the bus to the restaurant, I hope it's still there.

While waiting for the bus stop there's a window across from me. Inside a family, a son and daughter, a little younger than me, and a loving mother and father. It makes my eyes tear up. I would've loved to have that too. A loving warm family. But instead, here I am, alone, in the cold.

"Are you alright darling?" An old voice comes from next to me. I look over at the woman her old hand on my shoulder in a comforting way. Wrinkles all over her face, the deepest next to her mouth, she's a happy woman, smiled a lot.

"Oh, yes, yes I'm okay, just a wee bit emotional."

"May I ask why you are here at this time of the year?"

"Yes, you can. I'm going out for dinner. And yourself?"

The woman, whose name is Marabeth, Mary for short tells me how she's going out for dinner as well. She explains how she knows a lovely place with delicious food. She's going alone. She invites me to eat with her and I hesitate but accept her offer. I might as well.

We ride the bus together and she tells me about her tragic story, losing her husband not too long ago and not having contact with the rest of her family, due to inheritance and arguments. It's truly sad how this lovely woman is all alone.

We arrive at the restaurant. My face lit up.

"Do you know the place, honey?"

"I do, I used to come here with my parents all the time." Tears welled in my eyes once more. Mary reached for my hand, squeezing it.

"I'm sure they're out there here with you darling, they would be proud of what a beautiful young lady you've become."

And even though I told this woman the pg version of my life, it makes me smile, I hope they're proud of me, considering everything.

Together with Mary, I enjoyed my evening a lot. We talked about so much, she told me about her life and I told her about mine, she gave me advice and complimented me in a way a grandmother would.

I brought her home and we parted ways. I'd never forget her, I promised to visit more, and I can't wait to see Mary more often.

After walking around the town for a couple more hours, grabbing hot chocolate milk and sitting in the park until sundown, it was time to hit the hay. Tomorrow was a big day.

ᵈᵉᶜᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ ²⁵ᵗʰ ²³⠘²⁴ ᵖᵐ

Once again I fell asleep to Marcus telling me about his day after I had told him all about mine, he smiled hearing about my newfound friend and said he couldn't wait to meet her, he smiled, even more, when I told him Mary had said the same thing about him.

"I love you Marcus"

"I love you too Ame"

Ame is home

I really like what I did with this chapter, and I think I'm keeping it mostly in Ame's pov, let me know if u liked it or want it in another pov

also any ideas for what will happen, i am still open to changing things or adding some parts

maybe you'd still like to see something happening that hasn't yet, let me know!


I am so into writing I'm like fully in a flow, i keep getting idea and things i want to write so the story is gonna be longer than I planned it but hey, don't think anyone minds that

other than hat I don't really have anything to rant about so that it for today

I love you guys

see you soon


oh wait i do have something lol

I'm currently reading 'Kyana of Cintra' a book by @Radioactive__Sarcasm its so good I'm reading it for the second time and wow i aspire to write like that that's it so if you're interested in the witcher i encourage you to read it


now goodbye fr

xxxx me

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