Oh Boy ~ [Female Reader x Var...

By AAwesome_SauceA

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As (Y/N) is sent out on a mission for a whale named "Laboon" with her childhood friend Vivi, She encounters... More

Chapter 1 - Laboon; Meet the Straw Hats!
Chapter 2 - Whiskey Peak
Chapter 3 - Miss All Sunday ; History...
Chapter 4 - Little Garden
Chapter 5: Hello Drum Kingdom: Save Luffy!
Chapter 6 - Nami Cured? : Off to Alabasta
Chapter 7 - Dance Powder : Firefist Ace
Chapter 8 - Back to Merry : Attack?!
Chapter 9 - The Journey Begins! : Walk, Walk, Walk...
Chapter 10 - Bye Ace : Mr.0
Chapter 11 - Really stuck : Sea stone?
Chapter 12 - Old Friends : Confronting Mr. 0!
Chapter 13 - Luffy? TWICE?!
Chapter 14 - Crocodile vs Luffy; Leaving?
Chapter 15 - Welcome!; Not Alone
Chapter 16 - Welcome to Jaya; Problems
Chapter 17 - I Hate Heights! : Special Rocks
Chapter 18 - Super Secret Meeting : GHOSTS!
Chapter 19 - Two Different Hunts Begin! : Gold and Survival!
Chapter 20 - Lost - Goat man...
Chapter 21 - The Man, The Myth, and The Fucking God
Chapter 22 - Rebellion! : I WANNA GO HOME!
Chapter 23 - Morning Starshine : Ark Maxim?
Chapter 24 - Two Immune! : Ascend?!
Chapter 25 - He fell! : The Sniper and The Cook
Chapter 26 - Morning Sunshine : The Giant Belfry
Chapter 27 - The Bell at Last! : Gold, Gold, Gold!
Chapter 28 - Leave The Sky! : Enter... a Base?!
Chapter 29 - Pirate > Marine? : Acting
Chapter 30 - Escape, (Y/N)! : TWICE?!
Chapter 31 - See ya Jonny! : Foxy again?!
Chapter 32 - Tension: The Afro...
Chapter 33 - Betrayal?! : Escape again...
Chapter 34 - Ice? : Admiral Aokiji
Chapter 35 - Water 7: New Friends
Chapter 36 - Knock it Down! : He's Back
Chapter 37 - He's After Who? : She Did What?!
Chapter 38 - Usopp! : Kidnapped
Chapter 39 - Fight : Visitors
Chapter 40 - Unwelcome - Taken
Chapter 41- Knights: One in a Suit, One in a Mask
Chapter 42 - Operation Rescue Robin-chan!
Chapter 43 - Spanda : Power Level
Chapter 44 - Bite of 87 : Life
Chapter 45 - 'Badasses' Stick Together : Battle Plan
Chapter 46 - Trouble... : Sounds?
Chapter 48 - Fog : Island?
Chapter 49 - Hogback: Invisible?
Chapter 50 - Escape : The Leader
Chapter 51 - Gecko Moria : The Plan
Chapter 52 - Brook: Old Memories...
Chapter 53 - New Plan: Pinky!
Chapter 54 - Ne-ga-tive!: Large Luffy
Chapter 55 - Vacation: Beginning
Chapter 56 - End : We're Off!
Chapter 57 - Vacation! : Jewels
Chapter 58 - FFR: Too Kind...
Chapter 59 - Shopping!: The 12 Supernovas?
Chapter 60 - Camie: My Dad?
Chapter 61 - Info. : Log Book
Chapter 62 - Trip: Jungle?!
Chapter 63 - Girls: Symbol
Chapter 64 - Ms. Hancock: heartless...
Chapter 65 - Banquet: Execution?!
Chapter 66 - Disembark: Phase 1
Chapter 67 - Phase 2: Unexpected Guests
Chapter 68 - Reunion in Hell; Friend and Foe
Chapter 69 - Synchronicity; Secrets
Chapter 70; Team Hijack!; Escape
Chapter 71 - Nurse; Marineford
Chapter 72 - Marineford : Whitebeard
Chapter 73 - Enter! : Warlords
Chapter 74 - Fallen : End
Chapter 75 - Luffy: Goodbye!
Chapter 76: Feudal Era Adventure!
Chapter 77 - (Y/N)'s Time-Skip Chronicles
Chapter 78 - Sabaody-take 2 ; Fakes
Chapter 79 - Assemble: Set Sail!
Chapter 80 - Journey: Disaster
Chapter 81 - Sea Kings: Lost and Found
Chapter 82 - Something's Fishy: Bestest?
Chapter 83 - Fight: Hordy
Chapter 84 - Battle: Recognition
Chapter 85 - Kidnapped: Situation
Chapter 86 - Stuck...?: "Truth"
Chapter 87 - Truth?!; Arrival
Chapter 88 - OVER 5,000!: Fight
Chapter 89 - Feast: Questions
Chapter 90 - Emji's Decision: Departure
Chapter 91 - Sanji: Fresh Air!
Chapter 92 - Z's Ambition I: Giant
Chapter 93 - Z's Ambition II - Lily's Dad
Chapter 94 - Z's Ambition III: Giant Mishap
Chapter 95 - Film: Z!
Chapter 96 - Punk Hazard?: Expedition
Chapter 97 - Dragon: ...What?
Chapter 98 - Centaurs: Cold
Chapter 99 - An Old Friend: Swapped
Chapter 100 - Beasts: Ally?
Chapter 101 - Alliance!: Stuck
Chapter 102 - Hearts: Biscuit Room
Chapter 103- Snow: (Y/N)'s New Technique!
Chapter 104 - Goodbyes: Not Done Yet
Chapter 105 - Nightshift: News
Chapter 106 - Missions: Toys?!
Chapter 107 - Roulette: Blind
Chapter 108 - Interrogation: Code-Names
Chapter 109 - Corrida Colloseum: Stalker
Chapter 110 - Suit Up!: Rebecca
Chapter 111 - Block B: Battle!
Chapter 112 - Battle; King Punch!
Chapter 113 - Victory; Bellamy
Chapter 114 - Memories: Bad Man
Chapter 115 - Decoy: Toy's Secret Revealed!
Chapter 116 - Saved?: More Bounties?!
Chapter 117 - Action!; Stone
Chapter 118 - More Competition: Round II, Pica!
Chapter 119 - Racing: Cornered

Chapter 47 - Merry : Goodbye, Water Seven!

4.8K 167 141
By AAwesome_SauceA

(A/N : I can explain-🕴


~Major time skip y'all.~

My mind was racing.

We freed Robin, the buster call had started, we're all fighting Marines that seem to be multiplying, the other Straw Hats joined us minus Luffy-


All of the Straw Hats and marines paused to look towards the sound.

"Did he..." I mumbled to myself, causing Robin and Nami to register what the explosion was.

"Luffy!" Robin muttered.

"Th-This is a report to all ships... THIS IS A REPORT TO ALL SHIPS!" a loud-speaker went throughout the island.

"Mr. Rob Lucci of CP9 has just..."

Everything fell silent as we all waited on the edge of our seats.

"...has just been defeated... by pirate Straw Hat Luffy!"

Everyone of the pirates on the bridge was smiling...

...except for Usopp, Chopper and I.

We were so relieved, tears streamed down all of our faces as we sniffled.

"WE'RE GONNA GO BACK TOGETHER!!" Luffy's voice rang, "ROBIN!"

Robin, who was next to me, smiled as tears came to her eyes.

"No more water-works, Robin. My heart can't take it." I put my hand on her shoulder.

I could hear the worry rising from the marine ships.

"LUFFY WON!" Usopp cheered out, who was near Zoro.

"He had me worried there." [Zoro with a sword in his mouth]

"So you finally did it, Straw Hat." [Franky]

"Luffy! Everyone, get on the escape ship! We're leaving right away!"" [Nami]

Suddenly, my ears started ringing. It was pretty loud, muffling out the happy cheers of the Franky Family over the transponder snail.

It sounded like a voice. I started searching around for an answer.

I ran to the edge of the bridge where it was broken from the land mine Franky tripped, and saw Usopp looking in the same direction I was.

We both were looking at Luffy.

"Hey, Luffy!" Usopp shrieked as I went by his side.

"Luffy?!" I screamed, praying he'll respond, but he didn't. He was lying there.

"What're you doing there? We have to leave! Hurry and get your butt over here!" Usopp added. I did notice his chest moving up and down slightly.

Luffy weakly turned his head to the side.

"What's the matter?! We're almost there! Luffy! Can you hear me, Lu-"" Usopp yelled, but stopped when I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Usopp, he probably is out of energy. If I get some time. I can probably get to him before the buster call officially starts."

Usopp looked shocked, just noticing I was here, but nodded.

Suddenly, I looked to see our escape ship being burnt.

"What the hell?!" I gasped, getting Usopp's attention from Luffy. Then it hit me, "Wait, Chopper, Chimney, her rabbit and the old lady were on the boat!"

After a small panic attack, Sanji came from the smoke and somehow made it on the bridge carrying everyone. As he was talking to Nami, Usopp and I saw the marine battle ship's cannons shoot at Luffy.

"Luffy!" Usopp yelled as I thought of a plan.

"Usopp, cover me!" I yelled as I aimed my arm.

He looked confused, but nodded nonetheless

I aimed my arm and used my devil fruit like a grappling hook. It takes a little energy to get wood out, but more concentration then energy to push it back into wherever it came from.

I shot it from my arm and it reached the building Luffy was in.

The Straw Hats behind me were yelling for Luffy to get up as I connected the piece of wood I made to where I was standing and stood back, taking a few deep breaths.

'I did this with the last of my energy, so I can't make it bigger. I hate to tightrope it or crawl, but I need to focus because holy shit we're up high.'

After a few more deep breaths, I started my walk, being very careful not to fall and not to look down.

I was only about a fourth of the way there when I dodged a cannonball fired my way.

To dodge, I bent forward and held onto the plank like a sloth, slowly inching my way over.

Then I heard it again, and apparently Usopp heard something too.

The familiar dolphin noise, except this time, it didn't hurt, it just was truly dolphins and... a small voice. My vision went black and white except for myself, Luffy, and Usopp. I got to a safe position on the makeshift bridge as Usopp and I stared at each other, before he started frantically searching the water.

I heard a slight voice, although its words were muffled by the sound of water and the dolphin noises booming in my head.

As he was looking, I saw him whip his head with a purpose and I looked as well.


Wait- MERRY?!

Although my vision was black and white, Merry stood battling the waves on her own without someone at the helm, in full color.

I looked at Usopp, who motioned at Merry, then to Luffy.

I looked at Luffy, then back at him as I nodded. I picked up speed as I nudged my way across the plank, barely dodging cannons and bullets.

Usopp was yelling at the crew to jump to the sea and to trust him, pointing to me at the same time, showing that I'll get Luffy.

I was almost there, when a cannon finally hit its mark, breaking the bridge in half.

I scurried my way to the ledge before climbing up and throwing the wood into the sea.

I panted as I rested for a split second, before remembering Luffy.

I got up and scurried to his side, who looked shocked to see me.

"...(Y/N)..." He said between pants as I smiled at him.

"You did it Luffy! Was he a hard fight?" I asked while looking at the leopard's unconscious body.

He did his usual laugh before nodding. I scooped him up bridal style and went to the edge of the water, noticing everyone jumping to sea, yelling Merry.

Luffy chuckled in my arms, wrapping his own around my neck.

"Ready, Luffy?"

"Yep! Shishishi!"

I jumped...

...As I screamed and cried the whole way down.


"MERRY!" Luffy yelled as I accidentally let go of him while falling.

I opened my eyes to see us halfway down to the sea and there she was.

Up close. It was Merry. In the flesh- err... wood.



After deflecting cannonball after cannonball, and the gates of justice closing, we were luckily not capsized, as we were washed away from Enies Lobby and the Buster Call.

Luffy was laying on top of Merry's head and was softly talking to her, which I found absolutely adorable.

We were all standing around the front, waiting for Luffy's order since we had nothing to do after escaping all of the marine ships. I was standing on Nami's left, next to Franky, who was sitting on the railing behind the helm, and behind Zoro.

"I'm so glad that you're our friend, Merry." Luffy concluded.

"At any rate...," Franky picked up the conversation, "... you guys pulled one outrageous stunt back there. To start with, to think you shot through the world government's flag..."

"Well, it's not a big deal." Luffy turned on his back and watched the sky, "All we did was take back a friend who was taken away from us," Luffy tilted his head forward to look at Franky, "Thanks for helping us save Robin."

"Well... to me, it was no big deal..." Franky said, rubbing the nape of his neck.

"Anyway! This fight is over... and we won!" Luffy yelled to the sky.

"Yeah!" We all cheered with him.

We all relaxed there, chatting for a bit as Luffy and Usopp were gawking at Sogeking.

"Wow Nami. Even with the waves and tattered ship, you managed to get us out of there without capsizing." I said to her as she turned to me.

We were sort of standing on our own, as she was leaning on the railing and I was sitting on it next to her.

"Oh, it wasn't that great really." She pushed it off with the wave of her hand.

"No, it was though, " I continued, "All of that and taking down a CP9 member?" I put my hands on the railing between my legs and looked at the floor, "That's more than I could ever do. You really are amazing, Nami." I turned to her and smiled with a slight tint of pink on my cheeks.

Her cheeks flared up and she waved away my response, denying that she is very great and strong, but clearly enjoying the compliment. We continued talking until Luffy interrupted us, yelling for Usopp to stop hiding.

"Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Usopp!" [Luffy]

"Where are you, Usopp?!" [Chopper]


They were looking around the ship with Luffy on Chopper's shoulders because he couldn't move just yet on his own.

I could practically see the sweat through Sogeking's mask as we all stared at him.

"Hey, he's looking at you." Sanji growled next to him.

"O-Oh, this isn't good... Without thinking I..." Sogeking stuttered.

"That's it! Come out already!" Luffy yelled, throwing his arms in the air, "If you don't, I'm gonna beat the crap outta you!"

"We're gonna beat the crap outta you!" Chopper mimicked.

"Hey, Sogeking, do you know where Usopp is?" Luffy asked once Chopper made it back to the group.

'How ironic...'

"D-Don't worry. He went back ahead of us on a small boat earlier." Sogeking stuttered as he turned and faced Luffy.

"What?!" Chopper and Luffy yelled in unison as Sanji kicked Sogeking in the head for the not-so-stable lie, "Why?!"

"Just what is it they need to recognize Usopp?..." Zoro grumbled watching the three idiots.

"Please, they wouldn't know it was him if it hit them in the head." I scoffed, causing Zoro to chuckle.

I noticed that Nami had left my side a while ago, so I decided to go look for her. As I was about to leave to look for her, she showed up.

"Ah, Nami!" [(Y/N)]

"As we suspected, I can't find anyone anywhere on the ship..." [Nami]

"That's strange..." [Sanji]

"I wonder who on earth sailed the ship to us?" [Nami]

"But we definitely heard that voice calling out to us." [Zoro]

"Is that right?" [Kokoro]

"Yes. Someone definitely called for us." [Robin]

"Like I said, all this time it was Merry's voice!" Luffy barked.

Chopper gasped, "Really?!"

Everyone was silent as Luffy tried to get Merry to speak.

"You idiot. There's no way a ship could talk." Zoro grunted.

"I kinda felt that way too though..." Nami said slightly under her breath, "But there's no way something like that... could happen, right?"

Everyone looked at the mast head except for Sogeking and Franky. Franky was watching Sogeking, while Sogeking averted eye contact with anyone and everyone.

I thought back to the fairytale Franky told us, and I'm sure that's what they were thinking about as well. We should never rule anything out as impossible while in the Grand Line, and if all nine- eight... of the Straw Hats heard Merry, then there isn't much evidence against the possibility.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when Luffy pointed out a ship coming towards us.

Once I looked, I recognized the people in front. It was Iceberg accompanied by Galley-La! I could hear cheers of 'Straw Hats!' and 'Big Bro!'.

Almost all of us were jumping and waving to the ship. I stopped when I heard loud creaking on the ship, and a few others noticed as well. I pulled on Sanji's sleeve, but I was too late, as Merry completely split in half. I landed on the floor hard behind Luffy.

Sanji clarified for us that it was sort of inevitable, but he didn't expect it to just split into two.

I jumped up and crawled to the railing to check on Nami, who was the only one on the other side.

As soon as I knew she was safe, I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Robin.

Apparently, the Galley-La ship sent us a small boat so we could get to them.

Once we all boarded, I couldn't take my eyes off Merry. I knew she was bad but, this is a whole other level of bad.

~~~(I can't write the whole thing or I'm gonna sob uncontrollably)~~~

It was almost like a miracle, when snow started to fall as Merry slowly burned. The snow was almost glowing as I reached my hand out.

Merry was going to be in a better place now, with no pain, and no idiot captains always getting her into trouble.

I could feel the tears on my face, but I wasn't sad. I was happy. I was happy for Merry, and what new adventures she will go on.

'Until we meet again...'

"MERRY!" [Luffy]

~~~ Two Days Later~~~

"There's no way this man is sleep-eating..." I sweat dropped as Sanji brought more food to Luffy's table.

"A man of many idiotic talents." Sanji sighed as he set the food down, which Luffy almost immediately went for.

'We were staying in a house temporarily in Dock #1 so the press doesn't attack just for a picture.

Zoro and Usopp aren't here right now, though when I used my devil fruit, Usopp was helping repair Dock #1, and Zoro was training.

Apparently, all of us slept for at least 24 hours each. I had only recently woken up, and I was the last one to wake up...

Well, not the last one...' I glanced at the sleep-eating Luffy.

A knock interrupted my thoughts, as Granny Kokoro busted through the door, along with Chimney and her rabbit, then followed by the Frog, who had to wait outside because he couldn't fit through the door.

"Oh? The King of the Pirates is doing pretty good, too, huh?" Granny Kokoro mocked as she walked over to Luffy's table.

"It's not like that." [Sanji]

"What do you mean?" [Granny Kokoro]

"Because he doesn't want to collapse and miss any meals or fights..." [Sanji]

"Huh?" [Granny Kokoro]

"... he said he acquired the skill of eating while sleeping..." Sanji sweat dropped.

"Amazes me how he hasn't choked yet..." I facepalmed as Sanji agreed with me.

"He's actually sleeping?!" Granny Kokoro gasped, "What a skillful man!"

"Skillful isn't the word I'd use to describe... that." I noticed the absolute mess that he was making on his plate.

Kokoro tried talking to Nami, but Nami's been out of it ever since she woke up, and I have a hunch why.

Franky stole our money, so we only had 100,000,000 left, which is still a huge number. But, according to Nami, everything was left on the ship, including the money, all our clothes, and her tangerine trees.

Kokoro surprised us by salvaging a lot of our things from the ship, which excited all of us, but Nami only cared about her tangerine trees. Maybe I'll ask her about them sometime.

Chopper and Robin came back and we were all chatting lively until the large metal man walked into the house.

"You! Are you guys super?! Everyone...

...isn't here, but that's ok!"

"What is it ,Franky, all of the sudden-" [Sanji]

"Listen!" [Franky]

"I've got something important to discuss with you." [Franky]

He went and sat over on the rug in our small, make-shift living room.

"On an island where wars happen one after another... No matter if the islanders start the war, where cannonballs fall incessantly, or if the town and everyone dies in it and turns into ruins... this huge tree would continue to stand." [Franky]

"No matter what happened, this tree would not fall." [Franky]

"People once again go close to that tree and start a town... A country. Only a few trees exist like this in the world. The name given to the strongest of all trees is... "Adam", the treasure tree." [Franky]

"A tree?" [Sanji]

"What about the tree?" [Chopper]

"Its wood appears on the black market on rare occasions. I wanted it, but it cost almost 200 million berries. So it was impossible for me to buy it." [Franky]

'Ugh, don't tell me...'

"And then, there appeared pirates with a lot of money– in other words, you guys." [Franky]

"You jerk! You better not have bought something like that with our money!" [Sanji]

"Just keep listening! A long time ago, I made a decision to never build ships again. But I wanted to catch up to the person who was my goal after all. The next thing I knew, I was drawing blueprints for a ship." [Franky]

"My dream is... to use that treasure tree... to build one last ship... A dream ship that crosses any sea! I've already obtained the tree. I've already got blueprints too. I'm going to build this ship now. So... when it's completed..."

"Will you set sail on the ship I've built?!" [Franky]


"...What?" [Everyone]

"What? What? T-then..." [Chopper]

"A-Are you going to give that ship to us?!" [Sanji]

"For real?!" [(Y/N)]

"That's right. Nothing would make me happier than for the people I like to travel on that ship. Well, that, and it's like you already gave me money for it, so...

The Oro Jackson, the ship of Gol D. Rodger, the only man who completed the round-the-world journey, was also built using this treasure tree. I swear... I'll build an incredible ship!" [Franky]

"I guess it can't be helped, huh? Tom-san and you are both craftsmen after all." [Granny Kokoro]

"Yeah... now...

...Now, I can understand the feelings of Tom-san, who died with pride."  [Franky]

"All right!" [Everyone]

"You're a nice guy! We'll take it! Thank you, Franky!" [Chopper]

"All right! We can travel to the next island!" [Sanji]

"I'm so happy!" [Nami]

"Luffy! We're gonna get a ship!" I cheered as I shoved Luffy's form back and forth.

Sadly, he didn't wake up, which shocked me. I thought I shook him pretty hard...

I heard a ton of commotion outside and told everyone to be quiet. The only person who heard me was Sanji, but it was too late.

Before I could react, the wall beside me and Luffy was completely shattered, as dust filled the room.

I couldn't see, but I could hear decently well, the person who got through the door was...



I went to the wall directly behind where L:uffy and I were and pushed myself against it completely, praying not to be seen by the mystery intruder.

"So you guys are the Straw Hats?!" A loud voice boomed as it walked past me. By the tone of their voice and the weight of their footsteps, I could tell that this man was huge. I caught a slight glimpse of the coat clearly made for high ranking marines, but I couldn't tell what rank he was from the dust.

"I've got some guys that I want to meet Monkey D. Luffy!" The man yelled as the smoke slowly cleared.

I jumped sort of in front of Luffy in a scared, yet protective way.

Luffy snoring wasn't helping conceal his location. Now almost all the dust was gone, and there was a huge man in our temporary home, with a gray beard and a large dog hat.

He muttered something I was too far to hear and I could barely react when he jumped through my crewmates and was about a yard away from hitting me.

I instinctively ducked and put up a wood wall, shutting my eyes tight as rolled under the table. I made the wall big enough to protect Luffy, but the large man broke straight through it and clocked Luffy in the head, calling it the Fist of Love.

This man's Fist of Love broke the table in half, revealing where I was hiding, and the force of the blow threw me towards the rest of our crew. The closest person near me was Sanji, but he was still a good distance away.

"That was a punch! There's no way that'd work on rubber!" Sanji yelled.

'That's even scarier! Does this guy have a technique for stronger punches?! Does he have sea stone on him?!'

My mind was racing and I wasn't really paying attention to the conversation in front of me. Who is this guy? Did he come for a fight? Is he here to take Robin or Franky?

I was pulled from my thoughts with a peculiar question from the man.

"You've gone on quite the rampage, haven't you, Luffy?"

'Ok, so this guy must have met Luffy Before, because most marines address him as Monkey D. Luffy or Straw Hat...'

I thought Luffy was scared of Nami, but when he looked up and made eye contact with the man, his face went as white as a ghost, "Ack! G-G-G..."







"WHAT?!" Was what everyone yelled.

"A-A Navy Vice Admiral is..." Chopper stuttered.

"L-Luffy's grandpa?" I mumbled under my breath.

"Luffy!" Luffy's grandpa yelled, "Isn't there something you need to apologize to me for?!"

I heard some yelling outside, and I overheard the name Garp, and my heart sank.

Luffy, the man who will be the King of the Pirates, is related to Vice Admiral Garp, the hero of the navy?!

"Garp?!" I gasped, causing a few heads to turn. I explained, "Garp is the name of the navy hero!"

"What?!" Franky gasped.

"Luffy! Is he really your grandpa?!" Sanji yelled, still ready to fight.

"That's right! Don't you dare mess with him!" Luffy's voice was shaking, "When I was small, he tried to kill me a bunch of times!"

"Now, don't go around giving me a bad name." Garp yelled, "I shoved you into a bottomless pit... I threw you into a jungle at night... I attached you to balloons and let them fly... I did all of those things to make you a man!" He tried defending himself poorly.

"I think I've just discovered where Luffy's endless vitality comes from..." Sanji sweat dropped.

"I eventually entrusted you with my friend and had you train with Ace,"

'Ace? That's Luffy's brother, who we met in Alabasta. So they really did grow up together...'

Garp sighed, "But I take my eyes off you, and look what happens... I trained you to become a strong marine!"

Luffy gained a little confidence and jumped to his feet, "I already told you over and over that I wanted to be a pirate!"

"You got corrupted by "Red Hair"! How foolish!" Garp barked back.

'Red hair? I've heard that name before, but I can't remember where...'

"Sh-Shanks saved my life! Don't badmouth him!" Luffy replied.

'Wait... he couldn't mean... the Emperor?! Red hair Shanks? There's no way!'

Garp grabbed Luffy by the shirt and wound up his fist, "How dare you talk like that to your grandpa?!"

It looked like a stereotypical school bully situation.

"AHH! I'M SORRY!" Luffy whined, struggling in Garp's hold.


"That isn't exactly captured..." I mumbled as the grandpa and grandson both fell asleep on the spot.

'Like father like son I guess...'

"WHAT?! THEY FELL ASLEEP?!" Sanji, Chopper, and Franky yelled.

I took the opportunity and walked over to my crew, trying to get away from the violence just to be safe. I stood behind Chopper and in front of Robin.

'Maybe I could secretly hide Robin. Hehehe...'

After about a minute of the family members sleeping, Garp woke up, saw Luffy go to sleep on him, and started beating Luffy up, and the crew seemed rather unfazed.

I was looking near the hole that Garp made, wondering if I could fix it with my devil fruit, when something came to my eye. I turned my head to the window and saw Usopp, watching what was happening.

As soon as he saw me looking, he ducked for a second, then peeked over to make sure I wasn't. I looked away so that he would not be in the dark about Luffy's family. I don't wanna drive my favorite sniper away, now do I?

I was listening to the conversation, but gathering my thoughts at the same time.

Garp mentioned that Red Hair Shanks, to my suspicion, was an emperor with three other people, the strongest pirates in the second half of the Grand Line.

'He mentioned another name, Whitebeard. If my memory serves correctly, Ace's tattoo meant that he was a part of that crew. Wow, that's awesome...'

Suddenly, noises of slicing and cries came from the group of marines, as bodies were being tossed left and right.

I learned to look past Garp and saw a familiar head of hair. I sighed and rubbed my temples, "If we weren't getting captured by the marines, we are now..."

Now everyone's attention was on Zoro, who was slicing marines left and right.

One blondie who had a mask over his eyes stood a pretty decent fight with him and then some kid with pink hair attacked Luffy, and they started battling.

Luffy and Zoro ended up winning, obviously, but apparently, they knew one kid. The pink haired kid. The blondie said they knew him too, but Zoro and Luffy couldn't remember.


Garp and his men were helping each other repair the broken wall while I, according to Garp, 'magically' found spare planks of wood.

I helped them fix the wall, though with a hammer and nails, not my devil fruit. They may be friends and family of Luffy, but they are still marines. I decided while I was here to sort of test this Garp, Hero-of-the-marines-guy.

I was making small talk with him until he remembered something about Luffy.

"Oh yeah, Luffy... I remember you saw your old man."

'Where'd he get that from? And so randomly...'

"What?! My dad? What do you mean by my dad? I have a dad?"

I threw the hammer at his leg and he whined, "How do you forget you had a dad?!"

Garp started laughing as he went back to hammering, "Oh? Then he didn't tell you who he is? I heard that he saw you off at Loguetown."

'I've heard of Loguetown. A town before you enter the Grand Line. Apparently tons of Pirates get last-minute supplies from there for their journey. Luffy must've just come from there when I met him, at the entrance of the Grand Line.'

"You're fathers name is Monkey D. Dragon. He's a revolutionary."


'Wait what?'

"...WAIT WHAT?!?!"

"HUH?!" Everyone yelled in unison, even Luffy.

Every single marine outside was on the floor in shock, including the newly found Coby and Helmeppo.

Everyone inside was freaking out too. Everyone was explaining it to Luffy, but I was just star struck.

'The man is considered the most dangerous man in the world. I can see where Luffy gets his tenacity...'

'But again, I heard Dragon was incredibly smart, and I'd love to meet him. I want to see how much I can learn...'

"Ah! I guess... I shouldn't have said anything about it, huh?" Garp asked shamefully. He laughed, "Well then, just forget I said anything."

"That's gonna be kind of hard-" [(Y/N)]

"HOW?!" [Literally everyone else]

The crew was talking as I continued fixing the wall we were working on. I felt Garp's eyes on me, but I tried to ignore it.

Now, I'm positive the government knows that I'm somehow related to this 'world noble' woman, but I'll still try to keep my past on the down low.

"You know..."

Garp's voice startled me. It was softer than before, and quiet enough so no marines or pirates could hear him.

"You look a lot like your old man." He turned to me with a smile.

"Y... You met my dad?" I stuttered. I wasn't expecting that.

"Of course I have. I encountered the King of the Pirates multiple times, and your father was always there. Such a nice guy. I just wish I knew where he was." Garp said as he looked back at the half-hammered nail in front of him, "I'm just glad you didn't end up like your mother."

I probrobly looked so dumb because my jaw was to the floor, "So you've met both my parents? What..." I hesitated, which caused Garp to look over, "Is my mother really a bad person, because if so, She isn't my mother."

Garp looked almost shocked, but his shock morphed into a loud laughter which got everyone's attention, which is what I didn't want. I felt so nervous with all of the eyes on me.

"You really are like your father!" Was all he yelled before he went back to work, chuckling about something to himself.


We all stepped outside once we finished cleaning up the mess made from Garp busting through the wall.

I was lightly chatting with Coby while Garp was punching Luffy, telling him his goodbye was too casual.

"Coby! Since you're Luffy's friend, take this!" I stuck my hand forwards to him, and in it was a small wooden figure. A small pair of glasses.

"O-Oh! That's so nice of you!" He smiled as he took it and put it in his pocket.

"It's good luck, so make sure to keep it on you at all times!" I pretended to order him like a doctor, and he chuckled and saluted.

As Coby, Luffy, Zoro, and Helmeppo chatted, I walked over to Garp, who was watching on the sidelines.

"Mr. Garp, I made this as a good luck charm! If you keep it on you, luck will always be on your side!" I smiled as nicely as I could and showed him the bubbly-lettered 'G' that I made from my devil fruit power.

He ruffled my hair and took the charm, "Thanks kid!"

I thought that would be that, but he said something that sort of stuck with me as he walked past me to join up with the other marines.

"You haven't changed a bit."


'Haven't changed a bit? What the hell's that supposed to mean? I don't think I've met him before, unless I was really young. Now that I think about it, before Dad left, I had seen some of his friends before, Like when Tom-san came over with the tall-gray-haired man.'

I put my hand on my chin as I adjusted my swimsuit, 'No, that couldn't have been Garp because that gray-haired man was a member of Rodger's crew, like my father, and Garp's a marine."

I rubbed my temples, ' I can only recall 2 other visits other than that one. One was when I met Vivi and the other...


"Wow! She's grown!" [Older voice]

"She's grown into my little girl." [Dad's voice]

"So, you've decided to join that pirate that rolled into town yet?" [Older voice]

"You mean Rodger? No way! I need to stay here for (Y/N) and Se..ni.."


'Nah, that's all I can remember. It was when I was way young, like probably 1-2 years old...'

I groaned out loud until Nami covered my mouth, "Shh! I'm trying to get info!" She snapped as I nodded.

She was listening into Coby and Luffy's goodbye. She got some pretty decent information from it, like how the marines cross the Calm Belt.

I rested my head on her shoulder as I decided to listen to their conversation from sheer boredom.

She seemed startled, but kept listening like normal.

She and I were wearing similar swimsuits. Her's was a white Bikini with pink polka dots on it, while mine was a pink bikini with white polka dots on it. The only difference is I was wearing a floppy white sun hat with a pink ribbon, and a silk, see through coverup.

We were sitting under an Umbrella as Nami was writing down valuable information through Luffy and Coby's conversation.

"-Dig into these epoch-making technologies, and you'll always find Dr. Vegapunk, a Navy scientist. He's Incredible!" [Coby]

"Yeah, he's really incredible." [Helmeppo]

"For example, Straw Hat, take the devil fruit you ate. He's already clarified how their powers get transmitted. In addition, another one of his best achievements over the past few years is a new technology that allows an object to eat a devil fruit." [Helmeppo]

"Dr. Vegapunk...?" [Nami]

"I see... There are some pretty amazing guys out there, huh?" [Luffy]

"Yes! This world is full of amazing people! I realized what a small world I lived in before I met you. If you hadn't come out from that barrel that day, Luffy-san... I bet I would still be buttering up Alvida and doing chores for her." [Coby]

"Hahaha! That's right, you were on Alvida's ship! That was funny! To start with, the reason you were on her ship was...hahaha!" [Luffy]

"What is it? I don't know anything about it." [Helmeppo]

"Err... Well... Um..." [Coby]

"You wanted to go fishing and ended up on a pirate ship by mistake, right?" [Luffy]

"Hahaha! What the hell? What a bungler!" [Helmeppo]

"Back then, I was such a coward that I couldn't even run away. But because I was on that ship, I was able to meet you, Luffy-san. So it wasn't a mistake after all! I was ordered to do chores on that ship to meet you, I bet!" [Coby]


"Is that how it is?" [Helmeppo]

"That's how it is, yep!" [Embarrassed Coby]

"You've kinda become strong." [Soft Luffy]

"Hehe... I've been training every day, so..." [Coby]

"Seriously, your grandpa doesn't know how to go easy on others..." [Helmeppo]

"Yeah, I know what you mean..." [Luffy]

"No! Vice Admiral Garp is a wonderful man! He took us in when we had nowhere to go because of an incident. We can train in Navy Headquarters right now all thanks to Vice Admiral Garp. Yeah... his grueling training sure is tough but... It's tough... but I really do appreciate him.

So, I'll at least become able to return the favor first, and then..." [Coby]

"NO! I'm gonna be high enough to boss him around!" [Helmeppo]

Nami was smiling as she left the phone, but I kept listening.

"Woah! Cool, split chin!" [Luffy]

"What'd you say?! It's not split!" [Helmeppo]

After some more chatter from them, they decided to leave, and that was that. I hung up the transponder snail and walked to the center of the large pool.

It was a huge pool with a plus sign forming walkways to a circle platform in the middle. More and more crew members showed up until all but Robin were there.

Sanji started cooking, probably from Luffy's order, and when he finished, he called for Nami and I to come over.

Kokoro-san jumped from the water and landed on her mermaid fin, which I still wasn't used to. The other crew members were sitting at a table and I decided to join them.

I sat next to Zoro and left room between Sogeking, who I didn't know was there until now, and myself for Robin, if she happened to show up, which I'm sure she would.

Robin walked up and Sanji started swooning over her, causing Zoro to grumble, causing me to laugh.

"Oh! There they are!" I heard a familiar voice yell, "Straw Hat! We heard that you woke up!"

"Oh! Franky Family! Come here and eat!" Luffy yelled across the pool.

Chopper gawked about seeing the yagura's and Sogeking gawked about seeing the giants, who I think were the ones who joined us at Enies Lobby.

Galley-La ended up joining us as well and I was getting nervous. I don't doo well under pressure or in big groups of people. Nami and I got yelled at for dressing how we did, and I brought my knees to my chest for the fact that he was looking at my body.

Iceberg showed up and tried to cover Nami from his sight.

What a shy boy.

Franky came too, and now there were too many people for my liking.

Sogeking started singing and music was blasting, and my head was spinning.

"Alrighty! Party time!" Luffy hollered as everyone cheered.

Zoro ended up helping Sanji cook, even though I offered, but he said a woman shouldn't have to work at a party.

Although it was tough, I tried to not be a buzzkill and stayed for the party.

It was a decent party, honestly. It was very lively and nice to see everyone smiling again.

The party was probably over six hours long, because it was mid day when we started, and pitch night when we finished.

As the sun was setting, everyone went home except our crew, and as I watched them from my spot at the table, I noticed Robin leaning on a wall. Alone.

I wanted to go over there, but she looked upset, or mad. I decided to leave her alone, since we all went through a lot, but she went through the most. I'll ask her when she isn't angry.

I was still keeping an eye on her though, and if my eyes weren't deceiving me, she was talking. I thought she was talking to herself, until she dropped her drink and ran to the nearest exit of the stone wall that she was leaning on, which led straight into a forest.

Luffy ruined my little eavesdropping plan by calling her over.


It was the next day and the last day before we left the island. Franky was still working on the ship and we took this last day to do a supply run.

I didn't have anything to do, so Nami said to enjoy myself and gave me a hefty amount on money.

If I remember right, she said... 'It's the least I could do! Us girls need to stick together!'

I smiled at the memory as I went into the town. I only had a few things I wanted to do.

I asked around the crew and found two new pieces of information.

1. Robin, before she was abducted, was looking to go to a library

2. Zoro broke his sword at Enies Lobby

I felt bad for both of them, since they weren't under their control. Robin was doing other things and Nami is tight with money when it comes to Zoro. Some sort of past debt, so I know he can't afford a sword.

I was going to make Robin's stop first, but when I got there, she was just leaving, with all of the books she needed.

She decided to walk with me as I went to my second stop, and after buying books, I think she will be in a good enough mood to ask.

"So... Robin?"

"Hm? Yes, (Y/N)?"

"Well... were you talking to anyone at the party yesterday?"

She paused for a second then giggled, "There were a lot of people there, (Y/N)."

"O-Oh, well yeah, but at the end, while some people were leaving?" She seemed confused so I elaborated, "When you were against the stone wall?"

She stopped walking and I stopped with her. She turned to me and smiled.

"Yes, I was talking to someone."

I was shocked she would talk about it, or not blow it off, "If you don't mind me asking, what about? You looked upset and I just don't usually see you angry, that's all-"

"An old accomplice. We talked and he shined a little light on my situation." She responded as she started to walk again. I decided that was her way of saying she didn't want to talk anymore, so I walked with her.

"So, Ms. Strategist, where are we heading?"

"Oh, well I found out Zoro broke his sword, so I want to get him a new one since he has some sort of debt to Nami."

"Aw. How sweet of you."

"Ehe, yeah."

We kept walking in comfortable silence for a little while until we reached a market type place.

"I believe there is a weapons shop right... here!"

We entered and I've never seen so many swords in my life. I made the trip quick, and asked the shop owner where his best swords were.

Yeah, his best. When I say Nami gave me a lot of money, I mean a lot.

"Ma'am, this sword right here is the finest sword you'll find in water seven!"

"Hmmm... It's nice... but I think he deserves better, right Robin?"

"I agree."


"Thanks for trying to help Mr. Shopkeeper!"


We went through almost all of the weapons shops in Water Seven, yet I didn't see a better sword.

"Damn. This really bums me out." I sighed.

"This might cheer you up." Robin pointed as she leaned on the wall next to an alley.

I turned to where she was pointing to see... um...

"Pft!-" I immediately covered my mouth.

"Seems like you're having a rough time." Robin lightly chuckled as Zoro walked past carrying probably six babies with a yellow shirt that said 'Mama' on it.

"Yeah, tell me about it." I don't think Zoro registered that we were here, "How could this be happening to..."

"You two?!" He screamed as he saw us. I kept my hand over my mouth to hold in my laugh.

Zoro pushed us into the alley we were in and apparently, the Straw Hats were everywhere in this area, even Usopp was there.

"Dammit." Zoro breathlessly grunted as he slouched, his face the reddest I've seen.

"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone." Robin said as she started to walk away, "Oh, and... that look suits you."

I almost let my laugh out and they both heard as Robin walked away chuckling.

I could feel Zoro's stare burning a hole in my head as I covered my mouth tighter.

"S-Sorry Zoro..." I said while trying to hold in my laughs, "D-Do you need help?"

He looked at me for a second before shoving the two babies he was holding in his arms into my chest, "Take these."

"Ack- Ok I guess."

He started walking away and I assumed he wanted me to follow him, so I did.

After a little bit of walking, we approached a large lady with even larger orange hair and a yellow dress.

"I've had enough! I'm going back!" Zoro yelled as he pushed the babies that were slung around his chest into her arms.

"Oh? You're going home ahead of us? Then I'll give you the key to the house. Clean the restroom or something." [Woman]

"No! I'm not going back to your house! I'm going back to my friends!" [Zoro]

"Don't speak nonsense!" [Woman]

"You're the one who's speaking nonsense!" [Zoro]

"Don't speak like that to your mother!" [Woman]


"You're not my mother!" [Zoro]

'Or... not?...'

"Shut up! You broccoli head!" [Woman]

"It's not 'Broccoli-head'! It's' Moss-head'!" [Zoro]

"Uh, Zoro-" [(Y/N)]

"Ah, Moss-head..." [Kid 1]

"I see, Moss-head." [Kid 2]

"Right?- HEY NO! That's not what I meant!" [Zoro]

"Well then, bye." Zoro said nonchalantly as he walked away, trying to act smug.

"Ugh, Zoro. Such a flake. Can't even help a nice lady?" I grunted as I put my hands on my hips.

"What am I gonna do with my oldest son?" The woman sighed as we watched Zoro walk away.

"Ma'am," I grabbed her attention, "I'm sorry for Zoro, he's very unreliable. Is there any way I can make it up to you? Or finish the work he didn't?"

"That would be nice." She smiled softly at me, "Now then, let's go home," As we turned to walk away, there were tons of guys behind us, all in suits, with one guy standing out in red.

The man in red spoke, "Sorry about earlier. Looks like your bodyguard is gone, so I'd like to continue our discussion. Could you come with me for a bit?"

He started chuckling maniacally as I stood protectively in front of some kids behind me.

They ended up taking us to a rooftop in front of a waterfall, almost like the roof of a covered bridge. I was trying my best not to look down, but it was a pretty big fall.

The red man spoke again, "You got pretty cocky with me before. As a thanks for that, I brought some scary guys with me."

They introduced a big guy who looked incredibly creepy.

"Kid's, stay back, don't do anything, ok?" The woman told her kids. I went to her side and she looked at me funny.

"Ma'am, I have a decent amount of fighting skill. At least let me help." She was hesitant but nodded as we turned to the man with the sword.

"Well, you guys, think hard... about which is better– hurrying up and paying so you can survive, or defying me and becoming prey for my sword. I'll give you five seconds to think it over."

"Ma'am. This guy is so cocky he is sure to slip up" I noted to her, which she nodded. She started twirling her interesting weapons that looked like tennis rackets.

"Oh? So you wanna fight with me, the great Makazuki-sama?" The creepy man said, "What a fool, As mentioned, my bounty is 36 million berries and..."

"Bang-Bang Tornado!" Makazuki-sama yelled as her form turned into a large gold tornado and headed towards the creepy guy.

With one slash of his sword, he stopped her attack and disarmed her. I stood in front of her protectively as the man laughed.

"What's this? A new kid, Makazuki-sama?" The man said as he pointed his sword at me.

"Yes, she is! Go get her, oldest daughter!" Makazuki-sama stood up and pointed at him like I was a Pokémon.

"'I'm not- whatever." I sighed as I went in for an attack.

~~~ Somewhere else ~~~

"Bro!" [Kid 2]

"Hm?" [Zoro]

"Bro! There's trouble!" [Kid 2]

"The debt collector took our mom away!" [Kid 2]

"Sorry, but that has nothing to do with me. And that lady can take care of herself." [Zoro]

"But this time, he brought a bunch of his buddies and took Michael and my siblings away too!" [Kid 2]

"Look, brat, I said-" [Zoro]

"He also took the pretty girl you were with too!" [Kid 2]

"What?!" [Zoro]

~~~ back with (Y/N) ~~~

"Haha! Don't underestimate a 36 million berry bounty!" The man yelled as I was heaving.

I had a scratch on my arm and one on my ribcage. They weren't terribly deep, but enough blood was coming out to make me pass out, but I couldn't give up with these kid's lives on the line.

The older kids tried to be brave in front of me and Makazuki-sama, but they were hurt too, but with the back of the sword.

I lunged this time with a plan.

If I went for his ankle and toughed it, that was all I needed.

I ducked under an attack and barely missed a punch he threw before grabbing his leg and immediately acting.

I sprouted wood on his leg that picked him up into the air and wrapped around him like a cocoon, with just his head out, hanging him upside-down.

I looked to the workers who hired this guy as they cowered, not knowing I had a devil fruit.

"Why didn't you guys try to take this guy in and just get 36 million berries?" I asked, and my answer was silence.

"That's what I thou-ACK!" The red man snuck up behind me and pushed me off the roof and into the river below.

"Sis!" I heard yells from the kids who apparently adopted me as their sister, before water surrounded me and all I could hear was silence.

I tried to swim but it was pointless, and soon I ran out of air. I heard a splash and felt an arm wrap around me as soon as I closed my eyes. I wasn't passed out, but I was on the verge of it.

Once I opened my eyes again, we were back on the roof, with the kids clapping and Makazuki-sama smiling.

I turned to see-

"Zoro!" I smiled as I jumped up and hugged him tight, "I bet you saved me, didn't you! And you took out all the guys?! You really are amazing!"

"D-Damn woman! G-Get off me!" He yelled as he shook me off and I laughed.

"Hey lady! You were awesome too!" Kid 1 said to me.

"Yeah! Bro came running when he heard you- mph!" Kid 2 was talking before Zoro covered his mouth and silently scolded him, his cheeks a slight shade of pink.

"That's my oldest son for 'ya!" Makazuki-sama elated to herself as Zoro walked up to her.

"You're still saying that? Hey, lady. Listen to me. Now, to start with, I..."

"Are your friends as good as our family?" Makazuki-sama suddenly asked.

Zoro looked at me, then back at Makazuki-sama, then smirked, "Yeah, they're like that."

"Then why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

"I told you a bunch of times!"

We found our way back to the Family's household as the sun was setting and we said out goodbyes.

"You'll always be a member of our family." Makazuki-sama said to Zoro, "But if you're gonna have a rebellious phase, I won't stop you."

Zoro grunted, " 'Run away from home?' "

"Take care of yourself." Makazuki-sama smiled at him.

"Well then, bye." Zoro smiled as he walked away.

I said my goodbyes, bowed, and caught up with Zoro.

"Man, you're lucky." I sighed as I put my hands on my head. It was hurting pretty bad, I was kinda light headed.

"What part of that was lucky, idiot?" He scoffed.

"Well, at least your mother is nice. Apparently, mine's an asshole." I blurted out, which made him look at me.

"What do you mean, 'apparently'?" He asked, which made me realize something.

"Zoro, I think I'm going loopy, please take me to see Chopper..." I said as I fell forward and blacked out.

Oh right. My wounds.


"The log pose is restored!"

I woke up to Nami and Luffy cheering about something.

Sitting up, I saw Chopper next to me, taking off the bandages on my newly healed arm.

He told me I wasn't out long, and it was just the next day.

'So all we need now is the ship to be made, and we'll be on our way.'

I stood next to Robin and she smiled at me, "How was your afternoon with Mr. Swordsman?" She asked quietly.

I shoved her arm slightly, "It wasn't like that, Robin!"

She chuckled and put her attention on Granny Kokoro, who spoke, "Do you know where following that log will take you?"

"No. Where is it? It somehow looks like it's pointing a little downwards." [Nami]

"Haha. Of course it is. The next island is a paradise on the seabed... Fishman Island!" [Kokoro]

'Finally, no more heights... A paradise sounds nice.'

I sighed as Sanji gawked about mermaids.

"Fishman Island, huh? I have mixed feelings about it." Nami sighed as she put her head on her hand.

"Yeah. It reminds us of what happened in your village." Luffy added.

"Nami's... Village?" I asked aloud.

"But even though they were fishmen, they were4 pirates, right?" Zoro added to my confusion.

Kokoro, Luffy and Nami continued to hear about this island, but I wasn't too interested.

Well, not not interested, I've just heard of Fishman Island before. I read it in a book about how it's possible to visit, but with a lot of preparation and careful planning.

I stepped out the front door only to be swiftly passed by three familiar girls and a bunny.

As soon as they parred me, someone else confronted me

"Franky Family? What's up?" I asked, as the whole Family was out of breath.

"To tell you the truth, we came to ask you a favor." The lead member panted, and I was intrigued.

"Go on?"

"Did you see the wanted posters?"


"Wanted posters?" Luffy interrupted as he stood next to me, the rest of the Straw Hats following.

"Straw Hat, the bounty on your head has gotten crazy!"

"And everyone else in your group is wanted as well!"

The lead member threw out all of our wanted posters and I scanned for mine. I hope it hasn't gone up-

"All nine of you have bounties now!"

Dead or Alive : Cotton Candy Loving : 50 Berries    (Chopper)

Dead or Alive : Cat Burglar : 16,000,000 berries    (Nami)

Dead or Alive : King of Snipers : 30,000,000 berries   (Sogeking)

Dead or Alive : Cyborg : 44,000,000 berries   (Franky?!)

Dead or Alive : Black Leg : 77,000,000 berries    (Sanji)

Dead or Alive : Demon Child : 80,000,000 berries   (Robin)

Alive : Red Wood : 100,000,000 berries   ((Y/N))

Dead or Alive : Pirate Hunter : 120,000,000 berries   (Zoro)

Dead or Alive : Straw Hat : 300,000,000 berries    (Luffy)

'What. The. FUCK?!'

I snatched my paper from the pile and looked closer at it.

Alive : Red Wood : 100,000,000 berries

'I must've read a ton of things wrong. That can't be me.'

'There's a picture. Of me'

'How is this possible?!- Wait... Alive?'

I glanced at the poster again to confirm my suspicion. The poster said alive, unlike the other members, who's posters said dead or alive.

'Weird. Why would I need to be taken alive? If I remember correctly, CP9 captured me for money. Is someone paying to see me? Or do they need me? How strange-'

"(Y/N)! What's your bounty?!" Luffy jumped on my back and I held the paper to my chest.

'Well, they would eventually see my poster, so best pretend I don't know.'

"My bounty is high, far higher than it should be." I sighed in defeat as I handed my picture to Luffy.

He was silent as he looked at it while on my back.

"Wow, (Y/N)! You look pretty in that picture!"

I shoved him off my back and took the poster, "I'm not supposed to look pretty! I'm supposed to look scary! Now I'm gonna be over and underestimated!" I sighed as Nami patted my back and Luffy laughed.

"I know how you feel- Wait! Your bounty is 100,000,000?!" Nami yelled.

"I KNOW!" I cried as I hugged her.

"NO GET OFF ME! IF YOU STAY NEAR ME, PEOPLE HUNTING YOU WILL GET ME!" she yelled as she tried to pry me off.

"D-DON'T SAY THAT!" I cried more as Luffy laughed at us.

After all the drama, and Sanji crying over his picture, then gawking at the ladies', the Straw Hats and the Franky Family talked for a while.

The Franky Family wants us to bring Franky on the crew because he has a bounty for two reasons. One, so he won't get hurt, and two, because his dream won't be complete if he doesn't get to ride the dream ship he built.

Not to my surprise, Luffy accepted. And now, we've got a shipwright. But even I know he won't come without a fight. He's stubborn.


Apparently, when the girls rushed past me, it was to tell us that the ship was done, so we were on our way to see it.

We all went inside to pack our stuff and get ready to move our belongings to the ship.

I didn't have much, just my trusty backpack and my roller skates. I wish I had a better place to put those to use...

Once we all got there, Only Iceberg and a few Galley-La members were there, sleeping. Apparently, Franky had 'Somewhere else to be'.

Yeah right. There's a reason the Franky Family suggested we use force.

Once we saw the ship, my breath was taken away.

It was a large ship, 3x bigger than Merry, and was red, orange, and yellow all over, except for the luscious green grass on the main deck, along with trees and a large lion-looking animal at the helm.

Chopper, Myself, and Luffy were all practically drooling over this ship. After some slight exploring, Luffy was rolling in the grass while Chopper and I took turns on the slide!

The three of us ended up lying in the grass, until Luffy for some reason pulled me with him to the railing, where the shore and the shipwrights still were.

"Oi, Luff-"

"Hey, Ice pops. Where's Franky? We'd like to say thanks." Luffy asked in a more level headed tone than usual.

"It seems he has no intention of seeing you guys again," Iceberg responded coldly.

"Really?" I asked. Surely if this is his dream, he would want to see it off.

"What?" Luffy asked.

"Straw Hat... Are you going to ask him to join you guys as a shipwright?"

"Yeah. How'd you know?" Luffy kept his smile, "I've decided that he's our shipwright."

There was a pause.

"It seems he has realized that."

"Then he doesn't want to?"

"It's the opposite. He's not sure if he can turn you down if you ask face to face. That's why he went and hid. But, well, his honest wish... is he wants to set sail with you guys." Iceberg smiled.

"As I suspected..." I mumbled.

"Huh? (Y/N), you knew?" Luffy seemed almost hurt.

"Not exactly. I figured it was weird that the maker of a ship wouldn't want to at least stay for a goodbye. It was strange, so if he knows, then it makes sense he would hide." I thought aloud as Luffy nodded.

"Franky has come to genuinely like you guys, "Iceberg continued, "But he's imposing a duty on himself to stay on this island forever."

"A duty?"

"It's a stupid persistence, if you ask me." Iceberg chuckled, "If you really intend to take him with you... do whatever it takes. Take him by force! That's the only way to free him."

"By force?" Luffy questioned.

"The Franky Family said that as well." I added.

"But is that really okay?" Luffy pondered.

"Well, do you really want him on this ship?" I joked, but Luffy had a big smile on his face.

"Alright! Zoro, Sanji! Come with me to find Franky!" Luffy cheered, but I stopped him.

"That's right! Luffy, I gave him a charm, do you want me to find him?"

With that, Luffy wrapped his arm around me as himself, Zoro, and Sanji followed him off the ship.

"Wait! I didn't say take me!" I barked as Luffy just laughed. I sighed and used my devil fruits to find...

"OH MY GOD HE'S NAKED!" I yelled with a large tint of pink on my face after seeing... that.

"What?!" Zoro Luffy and Sanji yelled.

"And he's chasing the Franky Fa- They made a distraction! The Franky Family are leading Franky to us!" Luffy let me go as I said that, "But looks like there's not many of them left!"

"So... should we stay?" Sanji asked and before I could respond, we heard tons of simultaneous explosions coming from the town.

"Well, I have a plan... but we might need Chopper as well. If we somehow get him here, we can take a load off of the Franky family, since we are stronger than them."

"I see." Zoro nodded.

"You can use any method you want, so- Luffy?!"

As I was speaking, Luffy wrapped his arm 10 fold around me and booked it towards the town, as Zoro, Sanji and now Chopper followed.


When we landed on the roof, Franky was chasing his last family member, naked.

"Hey! Pass it to me! This way!"

"Luffy! Don't draw his attention!" I cried as I pulled on his shirt.

"Throw it to me!" he cheered again.

"Stop it!" I cried again.

"Straw Hat...!" The family member yelled in relief.

"Straw Hat!" Franky yelled.

Luffy caught the underwear, grabbed me by the hand, and booked it towards the Dream Ship.

"You bastards!" I heard Franky yell at us from below, "Did you like the ship?!" He yelled angrily.

"Yeah!" Luffy and I cheered in unison.

"I've never seen such an incredible ship! Thanks!" Luffy added.

The townspeople were yelling and throwing stuff at Franky for being a perv, but he didn't care, "Of course it is! In addition to my super design, everything you guys requested was added!" Franky was smiling, though his voice still sounded angry, "Have you seen the soldier dock system I invented yet?!"

"No, not yet!" Luffy called as he sped up.

"It's the biggest showpiece! I bet you'll like it! What about the fishtank?!"

"I saw it!" Luffy called.

"It's my favorite part!" I cheered, forgetting the current situation.

Franky's smirk grew, "If you put the fish you catch in the fish tank, you can view and enjoy them through the fish tank downstairs! It's a room that's like an aquarium! You can always have fresh fish!"

"I'm looking forward to it!" Luffy smirked as he jumped from one roof to another, pulling me with him.

"That ship is the ultimate dream ship to you guys as well as me!" Franky genuinely smiled before it disappeared, :So, why are you...?" He aimed his left arm at us, "Give me my swimsuit back!"

Remembering this wasn't just a nice stroll through Water Seven, I freaked out, but it was too late. As I dodged, Luffy was shot into the air, and passed me the undies.

Chopper was waiting nearby, so I ran with him. Because of the plan, Zoro and Sanji got Franky off our tail and to the Scrapyard where the Dream Ship was built.

Before we could get there though, a large naked Franky went soaring past us.

"What?! He's flying there before his swimsuit even gets there!" Chopper yelled in his deer form.

"(Y/N)! Chopper! Hold on to me!" [Luffy]

"Huh?" [Chopper and (Y/N)]

"Gum-Gum..." [Luffy]

"Rocket!" [Luffy]

"AHHHHHHH!" [Chopper and (Y/N)]

We went so fast, Chopper reverted back to his small form.

We flew over the large staircase leading to the scrapyard as we saw a mob at the top, and a practically broken Franky at the bottom, halfway between our new ship and the mob.

Luffy threw Chopper and I on the grass-bedded deck as he landed on the railing. He turned to me and I handed him the underwear, which he then held triumphantly in the air.

"I can't believe we just did that..." I whined as I went to the railing next to Robin, who giggled at my misfortune. Chopper came up on my other side, and Luffy was on his other side.

"Franky!" [Luffy]

"Thanks for the ship! It's the best ship ever! We'll take care of it!" [Luffy]

"Yeah! I wish you a safe journey!" [Franky]

"If you want me to give this swimsuit back to you, then join us!" [Luffy]

"Give me my swimsuit back, Straw Hat." [Franky]

"Then join us." [Luffy]

"Don't be silly! You think you can make me join you just by stealing my swimsuit?!" [Franky]

[Que Franky pose] "Ow! Nothing should phase men. A man should be resourceful, even with just the skin on his back. He should be like the lion that stands against the waves!"  [Franky]

"AHH!" I screamed, as his pose was exposing his junk, "Why so confident?!"

"I-I underestimated him!" Luffy stuttered, "What a strong-willed guy he is! He's a man among men!"

"He's just a total perv!" Nami yelled as she hit him.

Chopper went on Luffy's other side, so now Luffy was next to me.

"If it's okay if I get rough with him, I can help you." Robin said calmly.

"What?" Nami, Luffy, Chopper, and I all said in unison.

"Come to think of it, Ice pops said we have no choice but to take him by force." Luffy recalled.

"But how?" Nami added.

Robin crossed her arms.

"Oh no wait-" I stuttered, causing Nami and Luffy to look at me.

"Dos Fleurs..."

"Robin, please spare his manhood!" I cried as I backed up into Nami.

'No way she would, right?!'

Two hands sprouted on Franky. One on each thigh.

Franky's face went purple.

"Robin please!-"





Franky screamed and squealed, tossing and rolling on the ground, crying about Robin grabbing his junk.

"Y-You grabbed them! Ouch!" Luffy's eyes were practically out of his head.

"S-She's really heartless!" I cried as I leaned over the railing, though hunched over.

"Oi, (Y/N)'s right, Robin! I want him to still be a man when he joins us!" Luffy cried from his curled over spot on the railing, "Don't tear them off!"

"It hurts just to watch!" Chopper yelled as he pulled his hat over his eyes.

When Franky's crying settled down, Robin spoke, "If you're telling us, pirates, to give up on treasure that's right in front of us, we can't back off until you give us a good reason."

I moved my hands from tightly grasping the railing, "Hey, you've got a point," I turned to Franky and yelled, "Do you have a valid reason not to join us?"

"L-Like I said..." Franky muttered, "...I-I wanna stay on this island!"

"Hm. I wouldn't say that's valid." I put a hand on my chin, smirking, "Robin, maybe he needs more convincing."

"I-I do appreciate you guys! I-In fact, I can't thank you enough! I wanna go with you and help you out, but there's something I need to do here. That's why I gave you the ship as a gift! Besides, I'm not a shipwright anymore in the first place! So that ship is the last ship I'll ever build! It was my long cherished desire. That indeed, is a dream ship!"

"First of all, Franky, you can't build this amazing ship and tell me you're not a shipwright, and second of all, building ships is not all shipwrights do!" I yelled.

Franky looked at me.

"If I'm correct, your dream is to build this dream ship...

...and sail it across the whole world."

The Straw Hats seemed shocked next to me as I just watched him.

"You're still regretting that Tom-san was taken that day because of you. But Tom-san had already forgiven you that day..." Iceberg chipped in, "...and tried to guide you." Iceberg started talking slightly quietly with Franky until Franky yelled.

"That's not why I did what I did at all!" [Franky]

"Ow, ow, ow!" [Franky]

"You quit building ships, which was your favorite thing to do, and have lived suppressing yourself. Are you going to live like that for the rest of your life? Even if Tom-san forgives you, and even if I forgive you, nothing is going to change, is it...?" [Iceberg]

"Isn't it about time... for you to forgive yourself, Franky? Isn't it about time for you to live your own dream?" [Iceberg]

'Franky's crying...'

Suddenly, a screen of dust and dirt covered the two, only to reveal a duffle bag, which I'm assuming the newly-arrived Franky Family Launched.

The Franky Family and Franky argued for a while before he fell back crying about the pain, until I noticed.

Luffy was whining at her to stop until I spoke over him.

"Robin. You let go, didn't you? You're not doing that?" I asked her while we both kept our eyes on Franky.

Nami, Luffy, and Chopper looked at us before Robin nodded, "How sly of him to pretend that he's crying out of pain."

"Ah! There's Zoro and Sanji!" I yelled, pointing to the two approaching figures catching almost everyone's attention.

"We've got trouble!" Sanji yelled while running.

"Your grandpa is back, Luffy!" Zoro called, "They're at the opposite seashore! They're looking for us now! They're going to attack us!"

"What?! Why?!" Luffy whined.

"I thought he said he wasn't going to capture us?!" I yelled.

"Hurry and get ready to set sail!" Sanji called, before passing by Franky, "Franky? You still haven't put your swimsuit back on?!"

Luffy got on the rail and threw Franky's underwear to him, "I'm giving these back!"

After Franky was rolling around crying, he was now right next to our ship.

"Now, come on board, Franky..." Luffy said cockily, "Board my ship."

'Don't be so cocky-'

"Heh, Don't be so cocky!" Franky yelled, "You guys are all total amateurs who could only manage makeshift repairs! It'd be a pity for such a magnificent ship to not have a shipwright on board. I guess I don't have much choice but to help you out! I, Franky, will be the shipwright of your ship!"

"All right! We've got a new crew member!" Luffy cheered.

"Yay! All right!" Chopper and I yelled in unison.


As soon as we set off, Garp's ship wasn't in sight, so we had a few seconds of relaxation, and I heard about a conversation I wasn't a part of.

Apparently, when Zoro got back with me so Chopper could take care of me, Zoro said he wouldn't accept Usopp unless he apologizes, or else he would leave the crew. And Luffy agreed.

"I waited there for him all this time, but he didn't come! That's his answer!" Luffy's smile was fake and his laugh was shaky.

"Straw Hat..."

"I'm sure... He'll have a fun life too." Luffy continued.

I saw that even Zoro's calm state seemed to falter, as his hand was shaking from rage, so I left.

I don't want to be a part of sad conversations like that, so I went to the back of the ship to watch the island go.

Once I got there, I couldn't believe my eyes.


I saw him saying something , but I couldn't hear him over the large cannons.





I shot my head to the right to see Garp literally chucking cannonballs at us with his bare hands.

"Hey, Luffy! Can you hear me?!" Garp yelled into a megaphone, "This is Grandpa! This is Grandpa! If you can hear me, say something!"

"Hey, Grandpa! What're you doing?!" Luffy yelled angrily, "You said you weren't going to capture us here?!"

"Well, that's the thing, a lot has happened since then. So, I'm gonna send you to the bottom of the sea!"


We started moving at high speeds away from the island and Usopp, but Garp was getting closer.

I decided to call for him, "USOPP!"

Usopp's head bolted up fast, and I think he was crying.

"USOPP!!" I yelled again.

A cannonball was coming right towards me, so I extended my arms using wood, and used the momentum of the cannonball to spin and shoot it back at Garp. I did that with a few more before Luffy came to see Usopp.




"I know I'm being pathetic, I know I said I was leaving the gang. But... Is there any chance I can take that back?! Can I?!"


"Please let me..."

"...Stay with you!"

"One more time..."

"... Let me join you guys!"

Usopp's voice rang through probrobly all of Water Seven.

Luffy threw his hand to Usopp who grabbed it and came back onto the ship, slamming into Luffy as I barely dodged his body.

Franky called saying something cool was going to happen and before I knew it, we were in the air.

I held on to the railing tightly, glad that we were all together, and heading to the next island.

(OmL wE'Re FiNaLlY dOnE-

Now to a new exciting ark!)

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