Oh Boy ~ [Female Reader x Var...

By AAwesome_SauceA

415K 17.7K 8.8K

As (Y/N) is sent out on a mission for a whale named "Laboon" with her childhood friend Vivi, She encounters... More

Chapter 1 - Laboon; Meet the Straw Hats!
Chapter 2 - Whiskey Peak
Chapter 3 - Miss All Sunday ; History...
Chapter 4 - Little Garden
Chapter 5: Hello Drum Kingdom: Save Luffy!
Chapter 6 - Nami Cured? : Off to Alabasta
Chapter 7 - Dance Powder : Firefist Ace
Chapter 8 - Back to Merry : Attack?!
Chapter 9 - The Journey Begins! : Walk, Walk, Walk...
Chapter 10 - Bye Ace : Mr.0
Chapter 11 - Really stuck : Sea stone?
Chapter 12 - Old Friends : Confronting Mr. 0!
Chapter 13 - Luffy? TWICE?!
Chapter 14 - Crocodile vs Luffy; Leaving?
Chapter 15 - Welcome!; Not Alone
Chapter 16 - Welcome to Jaya; Problems
Chapter 17 - I Hate Heights! : Special Rocks
Chapter 18 - Super Secret Meeting : GHOSTS!
Chapter 19 - Two Different Hunts Begin! : Gold and Survival!
Chapter 20 - Lost - Goat man...
Chapter 21 - The Man, The Myth, and The Fucking God
Chapter 22 - Rebellion! : I WANNA GO HOME!
Chapter 23 - Morning Starshine : Ark Maxim?
Chapter 24 - Two Immune! : Ascend?!
Chapter 25 - He fell! : The Sniper and The Cook
Chapter 26 - Morning Sunshine : The Giant Belfry
Chapter 27 - The Bell at Last! : Gold, Gold, Gold!
Chapter 28 - Leave The Sky! : Enter... a Base?!
Chapter 29 - Pirate > Marine? : Acting
Chapter 30 - Escape, (Y/N)! : TWICE?!
Chapter 31 - See ya Jonny! : Foxy again?!
Chapter 32 - Tension: The Afro...
Chapter 33 - Betrayal?! : Escape again...
Chapter 34 - Ice? : Admiral Aokiji
Chapter 35 - Water 7: New Friends
Chapter 36 - Knock it Down! : He's Back
Chapter 37 - He's After Who? : She Did What?!
Chapter 38 - Usopp! : Kidnapped
Chapter 39 - Fight : Visitors
Chapter 40 - Unwelcome - Taken
Chapter 41- Knights: One in a Suit, One in a Mask
Chapter 42 - Operation Rescue Robin-chan!
Chapter 43 - Spanda : Power Level
Chapter 45 - 'Badasses' Stick Together : Battle Plan
Chapter 46 - Trouble... : Sounds?
Chapter 47 - Merry : Goodbye, Water Seven!
Chapter 48 - Fog : Island?
Chapter 49 - Hogback: Invisible?
Chapter 50 - Escape : The Leader
Chapter 51 - Gecko Moria : The Plan
Chapter 52 - Brook: Old Memories...
Chapter 53 - New Plan: Pinky!
Chapter 54 - Ne-ga-tive!: Large Luffy
Chapter 55 - Vacation: Beginning
Chapter 56 - End : We're Off!
Chapter 57 - Vacation! : Jewels
Chapter 58 - FFR: Too Kind...
Chapter 59 - Shopping!: The 12 Supernovas?
Chapter 60 - Camie: My Dad?
Chapter 61 - Info. : Log Book
Chapter 62 - Trip: Jungle?!
Chapter 63 - Girls: Symbol
Chapter 64 - Ms. Hancock: heartless...
Chapter 65 - Banquet: Execution?!
Chapter 66 - Disembark: Phase 1
Chapter 67 - Phase 2: Unexpected Guests
Chapter 68 - Reunion in Hell; Friend and Foe
Chapter 69 - Synchronicity; Secrets
Chapter 70; Team Hijack!; Escape
Chapter 71 - Nurse; Marineford
Chapter 72 - Marineford : Whitebeard
Chapter 73 - Enter! : Warlords
Chapter 74 - Fallen : End
Chapter 75 - Luffy: Goodbye!
Chapter 76: Feudal Era Adventure!
Chapter 77 - (Y/N)'s Time-Skip Chronicles
Chapter 78 - Sabaody-take 2 ; Fakes
Chapter 79 - Assemble: Set Sail!
Chapter 80 - Journey: Disaster
Chapter 81 - Sea Kings: Lost and Found
Chapter 82 - Something's Fishy: Bestest?
Chapter 83 - Fight: Hordy
Chapter 84 - Battle: Recognition
Chapter 85 - Kidnapped: Situation
Chapter 86 - Stuck...?: "Truth"
Chapter 87 - Truth?!; Arrival
Chapter 88 - OVER 5,000!: Fight
Chapter 89 - Feast: Questions
Chapter 90 - Emji's Decision: Departure
Chapter 91 - Sanji: Fresh Air!
Chapter 92 - Z's Ambition I: Giant
Chapter 93 - Z's Ambition II - Lily's Dad
Chapter 94 - Z's Ambition III: Giant Mishap
Chapter 95 - Film: Z!
Chapter 96 - Punk Hazard?: Expedition
Chapter 97 - Dragon: ...What?
Chapter 98 - Centaurs: Cold
Chapter 99 - An Old Friend: Swapped
Chapter 100 - Beasts: Ally?
Chapter 101 - Alliance!: Stuck
Chapter 102 - Hearts: Biscuit Room
Chapter 103- Snow: (Y/N)'s New Technique!
Chapter 104 - Goodbyes: Not Done Yet
Chapter 105 - Nightshift: News
Chapter 106 - Missions: Toys?!
Chapter 107 - Roulette: Blind
Chapter 108 - Interrogation: Code-Names
Chapter 109 - Corrida Colloseum: Stalker
Chapter 110 - Suit Up!: Rebecca
Chapter 111 - Block B: Battle!
Chapter 112 - Battle; King Punch!
Chapter 113 - Victory; Bellamy
Chapter 114 - Memories: Bad Man
Chapter 115 - Decoy: Toy's Secret Revealed!
Chapter 116 - Saved?: More Bounties?!
Chapter 117 - Action!; Stone
Chapter 118 - More Competition: Round II, Pica!
Chapter 119 - Racing: Cornered

Chapter 44 - Bite of 87 : Life

3.8K 185 145
By AAwesome_SauceA

(A/N - I don't usually care between Sub or Dub, But Robin's line in the video in Dub gave me chills.

Also, um- hello? We went from 6k to 6.8k in a day and a half. Absolutely insane. Thank you guys for liking this story it means a lot

My Thirteenth reason why not.<3)

The two in front of me stepped in, but I hesitated.

"You, too!" The guard behind me said as he pushed me forwards, in between Franky and Robin.

Franky's head was turned to the side and his eyes were closed, as if he was annoyed. Robin was glaring into the room.

Lucci's bird made a noise and then I realized that they were all sitting as if they were waiting for us. It scared me.

"Chapa...papa...pa-ACK" Said the big green-haired sphere of a man, before being clocked in the side of the head by Blueno.

Spanda laughed maniacally and I looked at him. He had a weird face guard on and shaggy purple hair. Though his laugh was intimidating, his looks were not. He was quite ugly, if I'm being honest, and I would say that aloud, no matter how scary the atmosphere is.

"I feel on top of the world!" Spanda yelled across the room as he stood up, "I'm surprised to see that you survived the accident eight years ago, Cutty Flam. And also..." His gaze turned to me, "A World Noble with a bounty?! How absurd!" He started laughing at me.

I scoffed under my breath. I still don't know what a World Noble is exactly, but how they sound and how people speak of them, I will not be referred to as one of them.

"And last but most certainly not least..." Spanda's gaze then shifted to Robin, "The woman whom the world considers dangerous and has been trying to capture, Ncico Robin..."

He laughed, "I'm feeling great! However... Unfortunately, the public doesn't know how truly valuable and great what we've achieved today is." Spanda said, his voice cheery as he came from behind his desk.

"It'll be several years..." His voice got serious, "before it actually comes to be known." He scowled at the three of us.

"In my opinion, the justice those old geezers in the current world government dole out is too..."

'Wow, we agree on-'


'Forget it.'

"Goals can't be achieved without sacrifice," A smirk appeared on his face, "We're working in order to ensure peace for all of humanity!" Spanda walked towards us and I noticed Franky open his eyes.

"It's alright if we have to sacrifice some fools in our way to maintain peace..." He said cockily as he reached us, standing only about a foot away.

"... Including that fishman who didn't hand over what we wanted him to... He deserved to be killed!... as a rebel in justice..." Spanda did the finger across his throat gesture and cackled and I knew he was talking about Tom, which I didn't respect, for my Dad and Franky.

"Spanda walked a few steps ahead while calling out 'He did! He did!' and as I was literally about to jump this bitch, Franky spoke.

"You're crazy!" He growled, "Tom-san put his life on the line to protect those blueprints because idiots like you exist!" Franky lunged forward and I decided I would as well.

Franky bit Spanda. Right on the head, and threw his head around like a dog toy. Through the distraction, I came up next to Franky and kicked Spanda.

Though, the only reason I aimed... down there... was because I was in seastone, and my attacks are weaker than they already were. 

Spanda screamed when I kicked him and went limp, still crying and holding his privates as I backed up and stood next to Robin.

Robin sweatdropped and looked between me and Franky, but mostly Franky, and I sweatdropped too. At least I landed one kick, not dragging him by my teeth like a rag doll.

I started cackling when Spanda asked for help, because CP9 didn't help him until he called Yoyoi guy's real name and Yoyoi guy helped him.

Yoyoi guy used his staff as his hair was growing bigger to hit Franky's chains, causing him to hit the ground, and sent Apanda back flying until he hit the roof and stuck there.

I started chuckling.

"Oh? Where did Chief Spandam go?" Yoyoi Guy asked, looking around dramatically.

Once Spanda regained consciousness, he started beating up Franky. I have only two guesses from why I wasn't touched.

One. He was about too, then that Jabra guy reminded Spanda that "I'm a world noble".

And Two. I'm a Woman, but scum as low as him, I feel like he would hit a woman, which is why I'm compelled to believe the first guess.

"It seems that your temperament hasn't changed at all, huh, Cutty Flam?" Spanda said, mushing his foot into Franky's face, "If I had realized sooner that you were alive and had the blueprints, I wouldn't have had to go through all this trouble... Since we could have just brought you in for your past crimes!" Spanda smirked as he pressed his heel harder.

"On the contrary, that old fellow disciple, Iceberg, was a problem. After Tom died, he brought all of the shipbuilding companies together, and organized a big company together by himself. And then, he approached the world government, which he must've had a grudge against, and soon his company established its position as a purveyor to the world government.

He's the president of the shipbuilding company in Galley-La and the mayor of the city of water, Water Seven. After he became a figure that everyone supported and that was indispensable to the world government, we couldn't meddle with him carelessly."

Franky looked like he was thinking about something. Like this was new information, but his face was stone cold, almost like a resting bitch face.

"He was a smart man," Spanda continued, "However, the winds started blowing in my favor! Just when I couldn't take any longer and was about to use forceful measures... Admiral Aokiji sent me the good news..."

Robin seemed pulled from her trance to hear this, and I was stunned as well.

"... That Nico Robin and (Y/N) (L/N) were headed to Water Seven on a pirate ship."

I was better at hiding my emotions, but Robin wasn't, who looked visually distressed.

"I drank a cup of coffee to calm myself down and put all the conditions, including Buster call, into the plan of operations."

That made me nervous. I know what a buster call did, and believe it or not, I know what it did to Ohara. I looked at Robin and she kept her face as still as possible.

"Well, there was a bit of a change in the plans, But look!" Spanda threw his arms into the air, "Both keys to the weapon and the amount of money needed to make the weapon are right here in front of me!" He laughed.

'Am... Am I the money?! Why would they get money for capturing me? The marines don't get the bounties on pirates, it gets sent to the Government!'

"Do you get it? The winds of the entire world are blowing in my favor." He started maniacally laughing again, "A power strong enough to give me control over any country I might desire is in my hands now!"

"Why did Aokiji give you the authority to exercise a Buster call?" Robin asked, the uneasiness not clear in her voice, but in her eyes.

"Huh?" Spanda asked, clearly not ok with her asking questions.

He ran over and threatened to swing his arm into her face. As soon as I saw the wind-up, I acted.

I swung my leg high into the air, blocking his punch with my foot.

"Hitting a lady? So much for marines being 'heroes'." I grumbled as I kicked his arm back towards his frame, making him, making him stumble backward.

My mind started running like crazy, but for the wrong reasons...


...I covered my excitement, however.

Robin fell backward in shock, clearly just processing what happened. Franky was just staring at us.

Spanda stood up and yelled at Robin instead of hitting her, knowing he sent the message with the attempted hit, "You're in no position to ask me questions, you insolent woman!" He pointed between Robin and me, "If I hadn't recognized the value of either of your existences, it would've been practically worthless! You should appreciate me!"

"Now putting  value on women? Forshame, Spanda..." I tilted my head and looked at Khalifa, "What do you call this? Oh, right, Sexual Harrassment." I chuckled to myself and Franky laughed as well. Spanda looked at me shocked.

"Also, appreciate you? You tore us from the ones we love for your ranking and financial benefit! So all of that crap about 'humanity' is a load of bull shit." I took a step forward, causing him to take a few back, "If I wasn't in handcuffs, I wouldn't hesitate to kick you in the balls again." I scoffed and he gasped. I looked down and shook my head, showing him my disapproval.

Suddenly, while I wasn't looking, I heard footsteps and as I looked up, Spnda had already wound up another punch. I wasn't ready for it, so it was going to hit me, but something surprised me.

When I blinked, Lucci was there, holding back Spanda's fist. I looked at him shocked as Spanda looked at Lucci angrily.

"Chief. We aren't to harm her, remember?" Is all he said before he let go of Spanda's balled fist and went back to his spot. He said it in an almost sour tone. As if, dissapointed?

I stepped away from Spanda and back to Robin, who was still shocked about what's happening.

"You, the repugnant kin of Ohara, the land of devils, and you, the richest woman in the world's daughter and a world noble... Nico Robin and (Y/N) (L/N)... "

Robin's eyes widened but then shut, as if remembering something she didn't want to.

Spanda turned his attention to Robin and Franky "Now, listen good. From here on, you'll suffer pain so severe that you'll wish many times for death to come, so prepare yourself." He grinned, "We'll hurt you, use you, then throw you into the sea!" He said, now looking at Franky.

"Woah, Spanda, I didn't know you swing that way." I said and I heard a few stifled chuckles from the CP9 agents.

Spanda just stared at me, seeming like he really wanted to punch me, then he closed his fist and yelled, "'M'! YOU FORGOT THE 'M'! IT'S SPANDAM!"

"Oh, I know, Spanda."

"CLEARLY YOU DON'T! Ehem, The same will happen to you, Nico Robin. That's how sinful your existence itself is!"

"So... you swing... both ways?" I asked and he growled at me, clenching his teeth behind the mask.

"Oh, right, I received a call earlier. It reported that some morons had infiltrated our island." He said, looking between me and Robin, "Just to get back worthless trash like you two."

"Chief." Kaku's voice rang through the mostly silent room.

Spanda sighed, "Yes, yes, treat her nicely, I know."

I frowned, "Well you're doing a shit job, considering you know."

If Spanda is the one who wants to fight me, I'll gladly accept. This pussy is apparently Power Level 9, and I know damn well I'm not that low.

"Don't tell me..." Robin muttered.

"Well, they should all be caught by now. It's Straw Hat and his crew"

"Like hell."


"Like. Hell." I said again, inching closer until I was right in front of him, "Straw Hat Luffy is strong, and with his full crew, "I looked at Robin then turned back to Spanda, "We could beat everyone in this room."

Spanda was concerned by the seriousness in my face and took a step back.

I heard laughing that sent shivers down my spine and looked at Lucci, who was trying to cover his laughs.

"Lucci. If Luffy needs to beat you to take Robin back, he will. I warn you not to underestimate him." I said as I turned to him.

"Why do you kids..." Robin grumbled and I looked at her shaking form.

"They seemed no better than trash in front of the Enies Lobby, 10,000 marines stationed here." Spanda continued, making me wish I could wipe that smile off his face, "Well, we're about to send a ship to the prison. They are a good gift. I'll take them to Impel Down together with Cutty Flam."

"Wait! That's not what we agreed upon!" Robin said, suddenly taking a step forward, "In return for my cooperation, you're supposed to let them escape freely!"

"What are you flying off the handle for? Lucci, tell her what the exact position that we offered was." [Spanda]

"That the six Straw Hats, excluding Nico Robin, would leave Water Seven safely."  [Lucci]

'Wait, six?'

"Well, you broke the deal by taking me in." I turned to Lucci, who looked at me.

"You're not a Straw Hat, you're a World Noble."

"As if, asshat." I grumbled and looked towards Spanda, who started laughing.

I kind of thought to myself as the others kept talking.

'I am a Straw Hat. I am at heart, and I can't change that. They did leave Water Seven safely I guess... but still, Luffy would fight for me back as well, wouldn't he?'

"What?" Robin's voice pulled me from my thoughts, shaking and angry, "Don't tell me... that you're going to back out of our deal using such twisted logic?!"

"They're hopeless scum. They don't have a shred of morality in them." Franky chimed in.

"Amen to that. Geez." I added to Franky's facts.

"Huh? What'd you say?" Spanda said, turning to Franky with crazy eyes.

He started kicking Franky again, "Shut up, you Trash! To start, we don't even have to keep promises with criminals! Take this! Take this! You bastard!"

Because I was near Franky, I stopped Spanda's foot and shoved it away, knowing now that he isn't allowed to hurt me, I'm not exactly scared of his power.

But when he turned to Robin and kicked her while she was down, I lost it, "Don't get so cocky, you bitch!" he said as he kept kicking her.

I jumped at him and started kicking him as well, standing on him as he was on the floor. He started whining for CP9 to help and they were reluctant, yet again. As soon as he said Lucci's name to help, I sighed and stepped off of him.

"Man, Even though I'm a supposed World Noble, you guys let me kick him like it's no big deal? I know you hate him as much as I do, but sheesh." I sighed to myself as I went to check on Robin and Franky.

Spanda was out of breath when he suddenly stood up and looked at the 'criminals'

"You dirty coward..." Robin mumbled.

'Yes Robin! Come to the dark side!'

Spanda walked over to her as I was standing behind her and he sat her up using her shoulder, knowing that if he hurt her, he would get it from me.

"To think you're still talking back... You've been betraying people all this time. Don't think that you can choose an ideal way to die now."

I put my foot on his slightly roughed up face and shoved him backwards, "Not so close elephant man."

Spanda started laughing maniacally again as I noticed Robin bleeding from her mouth.

"You guys can all die together. All are powerless before the supreme power of justice." He said, pointing at Franky and Robin.

"Justice?" I deadpanned at him.

"Well then, guards, keep these three in chains. Don't ever take the handcuffs off of Nico Robin, okay?"

"Yes, sir!"

'Uh oh, he didn't say me~'

"We'll take Cutty flam to Impel down and Nico Robin with (Y/N) (L/N) to Navy Headquarters. As soon as the escort ship is ready. We'll go through the Gates of Justice and head off."

"Don't sayit like it's final, pussy." I growled and he smirked at me.

"Oh, it is final. No one can save any of you now." He got closer to me and I headbutted him.


"Also, let me tell you guys one thing... " Spanda said, turning to the guards, "Cutty Flam is– AHHH!"


Spanda was whining and I was internally cheering as Franky whipped Spanda around like a rag doll again.

 I heard some chatter behind me. It wasn't loud enough to understand over the yelling, except for a few words from Blueno. He said something about how the Straw Hats won't make it far and that he'll 'make sure of it.'

Spanda called Khalifa over and she called sexual harrassment, which I laughed my ass off about.

The guards finally came to help and pulled the chains on Franky tightly. The guard who took me shoved him and I almost pulled a Franky move.

We left the room and sat against the wall. I sort of drowned out conversations, my social meter being at it's upmost limit. 

Though I did hear one thing from Lucci, saying he doesn't agree with Spanda's ideology. 

"Then, what is it that you seek?" [Spanda]

There was silence.

"Blood... perhaps." [Lucci]

I almost cried inside.

'Blood?! No wonder this guy is a maniac! With his creepy grin and crazy laugh!-'

I peeked into the doorway to watch Lucci transform into his Devil Fruit.

"As long as we belong to CP9, even killing is justified."

My brain was sobbing.


Then, CP9 started to leave, turning in different directions. Lucci left the direction of the side of the door we were sitting on. He made eye contact with me and I sunk into my seat, visibly tensing up.

I don't know if my eyes are playing tricks on me, but he changed his expression as soon as he turned away.

I can't tell, but he either smirked or growled, both are exceptional options knowing that guy.

Spanda started randomly laughing to himself and I got chills. Knowing him, he is just thinking about something crazy.

~~Somewhere else~~

"Get out of my way, bull"

"How long are you planning to keep fighting?"

"Until I die."

~~Back with (Y/N)~~

"You two are lucky people." Franky said from the blue.

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

We were now outside the door, but slightly more to my left, where there were chains to the wall. They put Franky on that, with me and Robin next to him. I was in between them again.

"Well, most people don't get a rescue squad, you know."

"Ah- That's true."

"Refrain from talking." One of the Marines guarding us said, pointing their gun at Franky."

"GOT IT!" He barked back, causing the marines to go to the other side of the hallway and shake against the wall.

"Hmph. Well, it's not like I'm jealous that my underlings aren't here to rescue me or anything," Robin stayed silent.

Franky didn't speak anymore and I started to think about what happened earlier. Spanda stopped CP9 before leaving and gave them I believe devil fruits. I heard Jabra yell about it, shocked. I think he was scared of them considering the shock, and by the responses...

...those idiots let me know their Power Levels and who has a Devil fruit.

Though, Blueno told me something I didn't know. Well- He didn't tell me but he told them and I heard.

Apparently, if you eat two devil fruits, you basically die. Good to know.

After a little talk from the CP9 agents, Khalifa and Kaku ate devil fruits. One fruit each, obviously.

They left before I could figure out what devil fruits they ate, but that's not very important. All I know is who does and doesn't have devil fruits. That will Prepare the crew and whatever group they brought with them.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard a certain word, but was interested too late.

I heard Spanda say Buster Call, but I didn't hear him speak anymore.

Someone came rushing down the hallway with a snail in hand and scared the living shit out of Spanda.

The marine said that this was an emergency after Spanda scolded him for not knocking.

"There's a call from the Enies Lobby main island!"

'Oh, this'll be good...'

Suddenly, Spanda came walking out of the room, holding what I assume to be the snail behind his back.

"Spanda!" Franky growled silently.

He was smirking as he stood in front of us, about a yard away.

"Hey, Nico Robin! (Y/N) (L/N)! There seems to be an emergency report from Enies Lobby's main island. It's probably not an emergency, but you can guess what it's about, right?"

Robin's gaze didn't leave the floor.

"What happened to Straw hat Luffy, who worked hard to beat up a whole five soldiers... How your friends got stomped by the strongest gatekeepers, Oimo and Kashi." Spanda laughed and knelt down in front of me and Robin, chuckling to himself.

I growled at him, and he seemed to like the reaction, so he kept going.

"Let's hear together what happened to the idiots who went against the world government."

"You're so low." Franky growled and I nodded in agreement.

"Shut up, scum!" he yelled as he smirked and answered the phone.

"Hey, guard! This is Spandam." [Spanda]

"Oh! Is this the chief?! Good, I can finally give a report!" [Guard]

"I don't know where to start..." [Guard]

'Where to start?... What did I miss?...'

Robin seemed intrigued by that statement as well, because she lifted her head slightly.

"Calm down, you moron, You wanted to talk about the Straw Hats, right?" [Spanda]

"What happened after the last report? Oh, wait! Listen! When you cover the report, use crucial parts only. And explain with a loud, clear voice." [Spanda]

"Yes sir, the invaders-" [Guard]

"Did you accidentally kill them?" [Spanda]

'So cocky...'

"Well, it's their own fault for being so weak!" [Spanda]

"The pirates who invaded and count about sixty, have invaded and pushed into the courthouse plaza, the farthest point of the main island in Enies Lobby!" [Guard]

'When I tell you how fast Spanda's face changed and how big my shit-eating grin got...'

"Also, the giant gatekeepers at the main island front gate, Omio and Kashii, went over to the pirates' side! They're currently around the middle of the main island running towards the courthouse!" [Guard]

'I can't stop smiling!'

"The casualties of our guards are... over 2,000!" [Guard]

"N-Not five?" [Spanda]

"Of course not five, dunce." [(Y/N)]

"SHUT UP!" [Spanda]

"And the captain, Straw Hat Luffy, who beat over 1,000 by himself, suddenly disappeared, so we're searching for him right now!" [Guard]

Spanda dropped the snail and ran into his office, but the snail kept talking, "This is probably unprecedented– the worst situation we've had in the history of Enies Lobby!"

Franky burst out laughing and I did the same, as Robin just stared at the snail.

Suddenly a bunch of Guards showed up and Spanda came from the room.

"W-Were taking these three to the Gates of Justice already?" The guard asked.

"That's right, just do as I say!" Spanda barked.

"But the escort ship isn't ready yet!"

"That's fine! We can wait on the other side of the gates as long as we need! In any case, we need to take away the pirates' goal! After all, once we go through the gates of justice, they can no longer do anything at all! Also, gather all the members of CP9!"

The guards did as he said. Two walked off and the rest stayed with us. Spanda turned to us.

"Now, stand up you three. I'll take you to hell immediately. After that we can take our time and drive the pirates into a corner."

No one stood up immediately.

And finally, the words I've been waiting to hear for so long.

"ROBIN! (Y/N)!" I heard Luffy call our names from god knows where.

"Ha!" I cheered.

"He's here!" Franky did the same.

Robin just sat there shocked. "Luffy..." was all she said.

"I've come to get you!!" Luffy yelled, louder this time and I got excited.

Spanda ran into the room with the Marine guards and Luffy yelled again. He just yelled. 'Ahh!', scaring the living shit out of Spanda.

Robin was sweating like crazy and Franky was scowling.

"Raise your head, Nico Robin. They've finally made it this far. Hey, this is really crazy. I now know you accepted the government's terms to save us and be brought in here. But the agreement was casually broken by that moron chief earlier. It's not like someone will be saved just because you stay meekly captured here. So the only thing you can do is accept your help and escape from here." He turned to her, "And yet, you're looking quite gloomy. As if you're still running away from something."

They had a stare off and I sunk back into the wall.

"Are you afraid your friends are gonna die here or something? If you turn your eyes away from them, they can't rescue you." Franky finished.

"Oi, is anyone there?!" Luffy randomly yelled.

Robin looked forward at the floor and bit her lip.

Franky returned his gaze forward, "I'll have you meet Straw Hat."

"What?!" Robin and I turned our heads. That was sudden...

Franky just kept looking forward.

"Listen good!" Spanda yelled out of nowhere, "We'll shut Nico Robin and (Y/N) (L/N) away from Straw Hat immediately! We're gonna head to the Gates of Justice right away! Bring those three!" He yelled walking to the other end of the hall, away from us.

"Ch-Chief!" a random marine yelled.

"Just do it, Now!" He yelled.

As I turned away from the conversation I-

"WHAT THE HELL FRANKY?!" I yelled at him, who was now inflating his butt, "You look so dumb!"

"Shut up!" He yelled at me, then turned to Spanda, "Oh! Hey, Spanda! I've realized that this is it for me and chosen to explode myself."

"WHAT?!" Spanda and I yelled in unison, which probably just made it more believable.

"At least I'll take down some detestable guys like you with me."

"Idiot! Wait, you idiot!" Spanda stuttered.

"I'll end my life with a big explosion 3k in diameter, so don't try to stop me." Franky said, his butt getting bigger. It was about to touch me, so I leaned my back into Robin, trying to get us away.

Marines and Spanda fled, leaving just us in the Hallway.

"Three... Two... One... Let's go, Nico Robin, little sis!"

Before I could react, Franky grabbed us with his legs and shot out... a... um...

He farted so hard it shot us through the wall behind us...

...And even called it Coup de Boo...

But, it worked, and we ended up on a fence outside Spanda's office.

"Nice, it broke my chains too!"

"Franky, What the fuck?!" I yelled, hitting him with my fist.

'Wait... my fist?'

I looked down to see my hands were free. Lets freaking go!

"Franky, you get a pass this time!" I yelled, high fiving him.

"I'll take what I can get!" He cheered.

We were leaning on a metal fence and I didn't notice we were falling until Franky said something. Franky grabbed Robin and I used my devil fruit to help myself up, because I knew he could get up.

Franky was tired, which was understandable, but I rushed towards the edge after recovering.

I peeked over the edge as tears came to my eyes.

"Oh, well. Hey, Straw Hat's there." Franky said behind me, "Now, Respond to him." Franky ordered Robin.

"Ah! We were tricked!" I heard behind me. I immediately spun around and made a wood wall so no marines could get through without force.

Robin stood up and I walked up next to her, waving to Robin.

"Oh, Hey! Robin! (Y/N)! Good! You're still there!" Luffy cheered, his arms in the air. I looked at Robin who had a solemn face on, almost angry.

"Luffy..." she muttered.

The marines broke through the door I made and Franky and I started to hold them off.

"Wait!" She barked, "I've told you so many times already! I won't return to you guys!" Robin looked right at him. I left the marines to Franky and ran to her side, "Go back! I don't wanna see your faces!"

"Robin! The deal was broken by Spanda! What reason do you have to not go back?!" I ask her as she didn't look at me.

"Why did you come to rescue me?!" Robin barked as Franky overheard, "This isn't what I want. This isn't what I want." The second part was quieter.

"When did I ask you guys to rescue me?!" She barked at Luffy, who removed his hands from his slingshot position.

Robin was on the verge of crying when she yelled one more thing, "I just... want to die!"

There was silence, then a slow clapping noise sounded along with a familiar laugh I despise. I turned around.

"This is interesting! What the heck are they doing?!" Spanda jested.

"What're you doing?! Franky came up behind me and growled at Robin, "They risked their lives to come all the way here! And you..."

"They did it on their own." Robin said, the trace of tears gone.

"WHAT?! Don't be ridic–" and he suddenly received a kick to the face, causing me to face him and immediately hide my hands behind my back.

He was kicked into the wall next to me as a familiar voice sounded, "Don't get in my way."

"Haha! Kaku did you do that to vent your rage?! To vent for your weird Fruit?" The voice I recognized as Jabra laughed at Kaku, who kicked franky.

They started bickering, then all of CP9 stood on the edge of the wall to Robin's right. Luffy and Robin's gaze didn't leave each other.

There was silence.

A long one...

Luffy and Robin both looked mad...

"You wanna die?" Luffy asked like a child, but his expression was mad.

Robin gritted her teeth, "That's right!"

Spanda was so cocky, he told CP9 not to attack Straw Hat now.

Spanda leaned on the wall next to me, "Have you guys seen something that interesting before?"

I scoffed sand he looked at me.

I, however, turned to Robin, who looked like she was having trouble.

"Robin!" Luffy called, "You wanna die?!"

Spanda started launching, "I can't imagine the look on his fa-"

Luffy was picking his nose, "What the heck are you talking about?"

"Wh-Wh-What?!" Spanda stuttered.

"Oh boy, you just can't stop underestimating him, can you?" I mocked.

"Shut up!" He barked.

"Listen, Robin." The ground behind him started to break, "We've already come this far." The floor behind him completely broke and multiple voices came spewing out that I was grateful to hear, "So, we're gonna rescue you anyway." Luffy finished as Chopper and Nami hit the ground, "If you still wanna die after that, you can die then."

Robin just looked at them shocked.

Nami looked our way and Zoro crawled out of the hole.

'So he did it...' I sweatdropped as Nami scolded him.

Another hole was made and Sanji came flying out of it. Next was Usopp, who still had his Sogeking outfit on, coming not from a hole, but he looked like he'd just been thrown and landed on the roof.

"Woah... they're gathering one after another..." Kaku commented.

"Yoyoi! In any case... to think that they've marched into headquarters... Although they're our enemy, that's admirable." Yoyoi guy said, doing a weird pose.

"A-A-A bunch of pirates have made it this far!" Spanda stuttered.

I nudged Robin, "This far and no one's died. How cool is that? Though I expected it."

Her gaze didn't leave the group.

"I'm begging you, Robin!~" He drew out her name like a child, "You can go ahead and say you wanna die or whatever, but say those things... by our side!"

Robin made a silent gasp.

"He's right, Robin-chan!" Sanji cheered.

"Robin! Come back!" Chopper yelled, dropping Sogeking.

Robin seemed angry, but on the verge of tears. She looked at them all for a second before her expression went from anger to sadness, tears escaping her eyes. The Straw Hats walked forward and did a cool pose on the small castle like stubs on the edge of the wall.

'Gosh, they're dumb but so cool! Why can't I have that talent?!'

Now Robin's tears were flowing freely.

"Just leave the rest to us!" Luffy yelled.

The wind picked up like crazy and Robin closed her eyes

"You idiot..." Franky grumbled next to Spanda, "Geez, how terrible is the burden this woman is carrying?"

"Hey, CP9! Listen!" Spanda suddenly backed away from the wall and faced CP9, "I give you permission to kill them, but fight them here, in the tower of Law!" He then went back to the ledge and started laughing, "You stupid pirates! Get it in your heads that putting on this brave front doesn't prove anything! You're up against the powerful assassin group CP9! And the weight of the Gates of Justice can't be opened by human strength!

And above all things, right now..." He held up a completely golden snail, "I have the authority to exercise a Buster Call!"

Robin and I frantically turned to Spanda.

"Buster call?!" Robin said breathlessly.

"That's right. It's the power that wiped out your hometown exactly 20 years ago, Nico Robin. I remember that following year, the name Ohara was wiped off of the map."

"Don't! Not that!" She yelled at Spanda.

"I like that reaction! It gives me a chill! What? Does it mean you want me to press this button?" Spanda said, leaning in.

Robin was practically growling at him, "You have the power to execute it, and you didn't know it will kill you too, if you're found on the island?!" She barked at him.

"I do. It will eliminate the chances of the pirates escaping from this island! Just with a single button. It's that simple!" He said, raising his arms in an almost shrugged position.

"It won't be that simple!" Robin yelled.

He laughed at her, "Should I press it? Right here, right now?" He chuckled as his finger inched closer to the button.

"What're you doing?! Stop it!" Robin screamed, her voice cracking. He was shocked at the sudden yell.

"You sure talk cocky, don't you?"

"You're the one to talk to, Spanda!" I barked, with him telling me to be quiet.

"If you execute a Buster call right here, right now... then together with Enies Lobby, you guys too, will disappear." I said to Spanda in a serious tone, making him back up. Robin looked down, wide eyes, as if zoned out.

"D-Don't be ridiculous! There's no way we'd be eliminated by our own people's attack! What're you saying?!" He spread his arms out and looked at me.

"Twenty years ago, everything was taken away from me. And many people's lives were ruined. It was caused by a single attack– Buster Call." She stood up, now yelling so our crew would hear., "That attack is now... Targeted on the friends I was finally able to find, whom I can finally be myself with. The more I wish to be with you, the more my fate will show its frangs to you! Nomatter how far I go on the sea, I have a huge enemy that I can't shake off."

Robin was screaming at this point, her words unshaken.

"... Because the world and its darkness are my enemy! The incident with Aokiji, as well as this time... I've already dragged you into my troubles twice! If this continues forever, even though you guys are good-natured... you'll eventually feel like I'm a burden! I'm sure you'll betray me one day and abandon me! That's what I'm most afraid of! That's why I didn't want you to come rescue me! If I'm going to die someday anyway, I want to die right here, right now!"

Robin was using the most emotion I've ever heard her use. She was speaking from the heart. She fell to her knees.

Suddenly Spanda started laughing and I clenched my fists, "I see! That indeed is a sound argument! That's true! No one is stupid enough to think that having you isn't a burden!-"

I cut him off, with a swift kick to the face, nearly knocking him off the tower if it wasn't for Kaku, "You Bastard! You're underestimating the Straw Hats for the third time in an hour! Are you seriously this dumb?! Having Robin isn't a burden, she actually lights up the room! Which you would know, if you didn't just look on the outside!" I growled, trying to keep my hands behind my back, as if my handcuffs were still on.

Robin was looking at me, and I turned to her, "Robin, you can't keep believing what others tell you. Hell, if we were like everyone else, we would've already left you! But we didn't, they came all this way to save you. After all of this, how do you expect them to leave you?!" I yelled at her now, tears at the edge of my eyes.

Spanda laughed behind me, "Haha! What a weak excuse!" He turned to my crew, "Hey, pirates! See this symbol?!" He pointed upwards to the Flag waving with the Marine Logo, "That logo indicates the unity of over 170 member countries, spanning the four seas and the Grand Line! This is the world! Do you now realize how powerless you guys are against it?! Do you realize how big of an organization this woman is being pursued by?!"

Luffy and Sogeking muttered something and I immediately knew what Luffy was doing. I immediately got on the other side of Robin, whispering to both Franky and Robin, "Hey. This'll be cool, watch Sogeking."

Franky sat up and all three of us, Spanda, and CP9 watched as the Straw Hats declared war on the world government with just one shot.

The flag burst into flames and Robin, Franky, and Spanda gasped at it as its fire covered a crazy amount of distance. I giggled as Spanda yelled;

"Are you insane?! Don't think that you'll be able to survive after making the entire world your enemy!"

"He did that for you. He sacrificed the world... For you." I looked at Robin, who was looking at me, "Still think he's gonna abandon you? Still think we're gonna abandon you?" I chucked at her as she looked at the crew below.

"Bring it on!" Luffy yelled, echoing over the whole island.

Spanda yelped and I laughed at him.

Robin's tears were flowing heavy as she watched the flag, then the crew, then looked at me, the repeated the process.

"Robin!" Luffy called.

"We still haven't heard you say it!"

"Say you want to live!"

I nudged her, and she didn't look at me, "Just say it, Robin."

She stood up, looking down as the tears flowed.




(A/N - holy shit, this one was long-)

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