Remember the Rules

De RanielleTJ4

7.4K 478 2

Skye and Kat's daughters are all grown up, or well some still have a little growing up to do. Nia is busines... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 23

156 12 0
De RanielleTJ4

Abigail's POV

I knew I shouldn't have taken the offer but this time the queen had asked instead of Andy. Last year Andy had asked if I wanted to come to this family vacation his boss does which he goes to because they think of him as his family.

But of course I said no we were not that close. This year when he asked I was going to say no again but then I got a call from THE QUEEN.

To be honest the queens are really nice and this food is amazing.

I was sitting next to Zale. He and I drove here together. Andy had told me a car will pick me up but I didn't think I would be driving with the Prince of Spain!

It was fun though he is actually fun to be around and very down to earth. I should be paying attention to what he was saying but I am more focused on Willow. She has ignored me since I got here.

Argo a bad idea to show up here. The adults had left by now and I was licking the extra whipped cream off of my spoon. Willow got up and just left out through the door on the left.

"Come on let me show you your room. My Dumb sister is of course not going to do it" Dora said and I just nodded and followed her.

God this house was soo fucking big. I tried to remember the way to the room.

"Just let her give you the silent treatment for a while. She should be back to normal in a day or two. She can never last more than 2 days" Dora said.

First I pretended like I didn't know what she was talking about but then just sighed. "It's been a week."

"Wow that's a new record, after saying sorry she always talks. How hard did you slap her?" she asked, chuckling.

"Pretty hard also I haven't apologized to her" I said shrugging.

It's not like I didn't want to but I haven't really got the chance to. She has been avoiding me. Ok maybe I didn't try too hard to talk to her but her not talking to me is now getting annoying to be honest.

Like she just stopped bring me lunches. I didn't eat lunch for the first 2 days thinking she would show up and it.

Also I kinda don't want to apologize. Why? Because if I do apologize then I have to admit her reasoning was correct.

"Well just say sorry and you will be fine" she said and opened the door to a room which I suppose I was going to stay in for the next few days. It was a elegant room with a bed big enough for 5 people to sleep on. There was a lounge area on the right with TV and music setup and on the left there was a door which I guess leads to the bathroom. My bag was already placed inside the room.

Dora walked past me and opened the door on left. "This is the wardrobe and bathroom. I guess you can take the right side. Left is all Willow" she said looking in the walk in wardrobe. I just nodded.

"Thank you" I said and she smiled "Anytime. It's the first day so we will probably be chilling at the lake so wear a bikini underneath whatever you change into. Everyone should be there at 11 so in 2 hours or so." She said and then left. I nodded and looked around before just crashing on to the bed.

Maybe I will just apologize. This week will be better if we are on good terms. Plus not like she can ignore me anymore we are sharing a room. The sheets smelled like willow. I guess she slept in the bed before going to work out by the looks of her outfit.

Maybe you should also ask her on that date you were thinking of asking her on.

Admit it you like her and by the looks of how pissed she is right now she likes you too. She has changed too. She's more caring and less bitchy. Might as well ask her out and see where things go.

I took off my shoes and decided to sleep. I had woken up at like 2 am to drive here. Well I slept in the car for a while but later decided against it.

Interacting with Zale so he doesn't fall asleep. I drive for 2 hours and let me tell you driving a Lambo is like being on cloud.

I had to beg a little for him to let me drive the car.

Turns out it was Willow's car and not his and apparently, she is very possessive about her cars.

So I'm under strict instructions not to tell Willow I drove the Lambo.

I woke up to singing.

I was fully covered by the blanket. One of these days I am for sure dying in my sleep after suffocating myself by covering myself with blankets. I pulled them down to see Willow had earphones on as she sang and slowly danced around the room.

She did a spin and almost screamed when she saw me. she closed her eyes with one hand on her chest and with other she removed her earphones. I guess she didn't realize I was in the room.

She put the earphones on the table and then went to the bathroom.

Come on, are you serious?

I got up and started putting my clothes in the wardrobe.

Picking a pair of bikini, short and muscle. This was casual and Dora did say we were just chilling at the lake.

I took my clothes and just sat on the bed going through my Instagram.

Willow walked out of the bathroom and just closed the wardrobe room.

5 minutes later she walked out in a white shorts and a black top that said 'Take a hike'.

Why do I feel that is directed at me?

"Listen I'm sorr-" before I could even complete the sentence she left.

Ok maybe sharing a room still lets you ignore people.

I took my time under the shower. But I guess it was a bad idea because now I was lost in the house. I don't know how to get out of this house.

"Ok come on Abigail you can do this" I said to myself taking a deep breath.

The door on the left opened and one of the adults whose name is... ok I'm drawing a blank right now.

"Do you need anything?" she asked with a shy smile.

She has lipstick smudged on her face. I was above to tell her about it when another lady came out of the room fixing her shirt.

"Baby you got lipstick on your face" the other lady whose name is...Woodie. Ok at least I remember her name.

"Woodie we have company" She said as she then turned around and I guess was wiping her lipstick.

"Hi" I said as I gave them a small wave. "I'm lost. How do I get to the lake?" I just want to get out of here right now as this is getting awkward.

"Straight 2 floors down take a left and then you will see the door to the backyard. On the left there are stairs go down those and you will see the lake." Woodie said.

"Ok thanks" I said with a smile and turned around in the direction she told me to.

"Also Abigail?" I turned around "You saw nothing" it was the woman who's name I can't remember.

I just nodded and left.

Well I guess Woodie is sleeping with someone's wife?

Not my business.

Let's just forget about it. Rich people do crazy stuff. It can be an open marriage.

Forget it.

I followed the directions she gave me and finally reached the Lake finally.

"Hey you're here" Zale said when he saw me.

"Yeah I kinda got lost." I said looking back at the house.

"Cola?" he asked and I nodded. He gave me one as I just sat on one of the pool chairs. Few people where in the lake playing around. Willow was one of them she was with a kid on her shoulder playing around with others.

I was talking to Nia when she looked behind me and face palmed. I turned behind to see the boys were riding around in Jet Skis.

"What happened?" I asked confused.

"By the looks of it Drew is going to challenge Willow again this year and lose like always."

"Lose like always?" I asked

"Yeah Willow is the 'Jet Ski champion' so every year he challenges her" Nia said a bit annoyed.

"Come on beating her can't be that hard." I said, shrugging.

"You can go after him if you like." Nia said shrugging and I nodded "Sure" like how hard could it be to ride a jetski? "Abigail is gong next." Nia yelled out as Willow got on the Jetski in black bikini. She didn't even look at me.

I focused on how they rode. They went till a flag sticking out of the water.

Willow's hair flowed behind her in the air. It was wet but still looked so beautiful if it were me I would be looking like a drenched cat.

I didn't even see who won but by the look of that smirk on Willows face I'm guessing she did. I took off my top and then my short. I threw them on the chair I was sitting on.

I turned around to find Willow looking at me. as soon as she realized I saw her checking me out she turned her focus.

This is the most attention I have gotten from her.

"Ok this is the brake and this is how to accelerate. Don't do it all at once cause you will flip." Drew said explaining me how to ride the jet ski to me.

I barely paid attention to it which I know is bad but I could feel Willow occasionally looking at me.

"Got it" I said nodded. He then got out of the water and then started to count. "On your marks...get set...GO!' he said out and I accelerated. Willow and I were neck to neck but she was above to get ahead of me so I twisted the acceleration bar as hard as I could. I sped up ahead of her.

When I reached the flag I let go of the bar as I had won.

But that was a bad idea.

The jetski stopped abruptly throwing me underwater as it flipped.

I tried to swim to the surface but I could not. I felt something pulling me down. My left leg was stuck in the rope that the flag was tied on to. I tried to shake my leg loose but it wasn't coming out.

The impact was so sudden that it had knocked out all the air from my lungs.

Pulling me in a state of panic as I started to drown.

As my vision started to go black from the edges. I felt someone cut my leg loose and drag me to the surface.

My eyes were shut because it was too heavy to open them.

My entire body felt like loose spaghetti. I was in and out of consciousness.

When I came back I felt my body against sand as someone tapped on my face.

"Wake up you idiot I'm not done ignoring you." I felt someone trying to pump my stomach.

"Bitch wake up I don't want to die in the hand of Andy" it was Willow. All the water I have swallowed raised up and I puked it out coughing as my eyes shot open like I could finally control my body.

I was on my side as Willow rubbed my back.

When I felt all the water was out and the coughing had stopped I looked at Willow.

There was blood dripping down her forehead.

"It takes an accidental drowning and you being literally hit in the head for you to start talking to me" I said my voice husky and rough like I hadn't drank water in ages.

I could hear a few snickers.

"You guys continue," She said as she forcefully helped me get up.

I looked at her confused and then looked at everyone else they had the same reaction as me.

"I'll help out" Dora said stepping forward but Willow turned around "I said continue" She said in a very low but threatening voice making Dora back off immediately.

"Umm if I'm not back in half an hour send help" I said looking at them as I was being dragged back to the second house.

I could see them just laughing. "We will send the military, don't worry" Zale said with a smile.

I looked at Willow she still had a death grip around my forearm. That's going to leave a mark.

We entered the house and then entered some room. All the doors looked the same.

How do you even know which room is yours?

She pushed me on to a bed finally letting go of my arm.

"Fuck thank god. That was hurting" I said rubbing the spot she had gripped on.

"You think that was funny?!" she said as she started to walk around the room trying to find something.

"What?" I asked her truly confused to what part she was referring to.

"Why the fuck would you challenge me to a race if you FUCKING DON'T KNOW HOW TO RIDE A JETSKI!" she yelled out at me making me flinch she walked towards me aggressively making me crawl back on the bed in fear.

However, she placed a first aid box beside me as she then grabbed on to the leg that had been tangled with the rope.

I just realized there were a few cuts on it. she gave me a bottle of water and I took a few sips from it.

"You fucking have a death wish or something?" she put some rubbing alcohol on it making me pull my leg but she had a firm grasp so it wasn't going anywhere.

"Fuck Fuck that hurts" I said closing my eyes and wincing.

"Yeah? Then why would you do something stupid like that?" she said as she pressed the cotton ball with rubbing alcohol onto one of my cuts.

"Hey hey that's assault" I said grabbing on to the sheets so I don't hit Willow.

I have already hit her too many times.

"Why the fuck do you keep drowning on me? You have some stupid drowning fetish? If yes then fine something safer or just don't try drowning in front of me" she put band aids on the cut but kept on saying shit that I had tuned out by now.

She was worried.

She actually cares about me.

I grabbed her arm pulling her towards me and attached my lip to her mid-sentence.

Silencing all the complaining. She didn't react at first but I didn't let go of her instead I placed my other hand on the back of her neck holding her in place.

It was the longest peck I had given someone when she finally reacted.

It was a very slow kiss and I savored every second of it.

After a few more seconds I let go of her and pulled back. "Your cute when your pissed of worried." I said with a smirk playing on my lip.

She still had her eyes closed I took this opportunity to swap our positions and pushed her on to the bed.

Her eyes shot open.

I took the first aid kid pulling the rubbing alcohol and cotton balls out.

"How did you hit your head?" I asked her confused.

As I cleaned the cut. She had her arms on my hip and she squeezed it when I touched the cut.

"You kicked me in the face when I was trying to free your leg." She said as I picked up the cute Barbie bandaid and put it on her forehead without her even realizing.

"Why did you kiss me that night?" she asked out of nowhere as I started to put everything back in the kit.

"Because I wanted to prove to you I don't slap people I want to kiss." I said as I picked up the bloody cotton and threw them in trash.

"Why did you ignore me?" I asked her as I walked back to her. She was looking at her hand.

"Because I wanted you to come to me. Why didn't you come?" she said finally looking up at me.

"Because I was scared. Not of you but of myself. Last person I liked died because of me. I can't get close to you only to lose you to some freak accident. I have lost too many people already." I breathed out as she intertwined our hand and then kissed the back of my hand.

"She didn't die because of you. It was that drunk drivers fault not your fault. You could have told me this instead of slapping me soo many times. You know you got one hell of a slap." She said trying to lighten the mood.

"Just promise me no more drowning to get my attention" she chuckled. I tried to pretend to be mad and shove her but she grabbed my hand, pulled me close to her and kissed me making me smile.

It was slow but a sensual kiss. She wrapped her arms armed my waist pulled me closer like it was even possible. This was my opportunity to finally grab her hair but before I could she took my hands and placed it on her breast.

She pulled me on the bed. I got on my fours trying not to break the kissed as I stayed on top of her. I tried to run my fingers through her hair instead she grabbed that hand and intertwined it with her. This finally made me pull back as I straddled her.

"Why won't you let me touch your hair?" I asked her confused as she ran her hands up and down my thighs.

"And why do you want to touch my hair so badly?" she asked chuckling. "I-" ok maybe I don't have an answer for that.

She had a smirk on her lip.

"Just shut up and kiss me" I said as I leaned down and kissed her. She was smiling but then kissed me back.

The kiss soon turned heated. As she kissed down my jaw and then sucked on my neck. I bit my lower lip as I didn't want to moan out so easily. But she squeezed my ass as she slowly started to grind my core on her thigh making me let out a soft moan.

"No stop" I could barely said out but she heard me and immediately let go of my and put her hands on the bed palm up.

"What happened? Did I do something wrong?" she asked looking at me concerned.

"No no no it's just... I would prefer if we went on a few dates before getting into each others pants. I don't do-" she didn't let me complete the sentence "Hook ups. I get it and I would like to get to know you better before we slept together too. I want to do this properly but your going to have to show me how to" I looked at her confused as she looked anywhere but me.

"Show you how?"

"Yeah I-well you see I have never really done this before" she said shrugging. Wait, what? "You have never dated anyone?" I asked confused.

"Well there was the one guy but I don't know if you can call it dating. We were fuck buddies and then just decided to fuck only each other. But then we both ended up cheating on each other" she said deep in thought.

"What about Lexie?" I asked

"Oh I never met her outside. We just slept at my place and then I kicked her out." She said shrugging.

"Ok so you have never been in a serious relationship?" I asked a bit amused.

"I didn't see the point of it. Not like I could have been completely honest with them." she said and I got her point she was correct not like she could have been honest.

"Ok well first we go on a better date then the one we went on last week and you don't blackmail someone to bid half a mil on me." I said chuckling she had intertwined our hands.

"Yes ma'am anything else?" she asked and I pretend to think.

"We ain't telling anyone about this. not till things get serious." I said seriously because I had a feeling her family was one of those all in or nothing kinda people.

"Sure but I am telling my sisters. No one else scouts honor" she said putting 3 fingers in the air.

"Were you even a scout girl?" I asked her amused.

"Nah, but not like there is some Navy's honor kinda thing" she chuckled.

"Hmm true also no more kissing." I said pretending to be all serious wanting to see how she reacts.

"Hmm ok like sure I got to take a lot more cold showers but ok if that's what you want" she said with all seriousness making me break out into a laugh.

"I'm kidding just no kissing at work or in front of people for now but privately it's fine." I said as I leaned in to give her a soft peck.

"Thank god" she whispered. "We should get back" I whispered back giving her multiple soft pecks.

"hmm or someone will show up" she said as she deepened the kiss and then finally pulled back, biting my lower lip and letting it go with a pop.

"Ok that's enough" she said as she moved me and got up. I looked at her as She was still laying on the bed, truly trying to regain her composure.  She was truly a sexual being and right now, she was trying to change that for me.

"Let's go?" she asked and I nodded with a smile as I hopped off the bed and followed her.

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