It All Started With A Tattoo...

By sassygirl93

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{COMPLETED} Book 2 of 'It All Started With A Tattoo'............. Please make sure to read the first book f... More

Chapter 100:
Chapter 101:
Chapter 102:
Chapter 103:
Chapter 104:
Chapter 105:
Chapter 106:
Chapter 107:
Chapter 108:
Chapter 109:
Chapter 110:
Chapter 111:
Chapter 112:
Chapter 114:
Chapter 115:
Chapter 116:
Chapter 117:
Chapter 118:
Chapter 119:
Chapter 120:

Chapter 113:

58.3K 1.2K 321
By sassygirl93

A/N: Sorry for the wait! I woke up with a horrible headache and laid down and accidental fell asleep! Oops! 

Harry’s POV

“Sir Allie is fine. She has a clean bill of health. When Allie woke up she said she ran into the corner of the counter and the pain was horrible. She must have opened the stitches when she walked into the counter and then the pain was too much for her body so she passed out. As for the fever we believe her body was trying just reacting to the pain.” The doctor said. I let out the breath I was holding. Thank god she is okay.

“Does she have any infection?” I asked.

“No she is infection free. We re stitched her stitches and she is now getting dressed and then she can go home.” The doctor smiled.

“Thank you so much.” I said shaking his hand.

“No problem! Just make sure she doesn’t walk into anymore counters.” He chuckled.

“I think I can try.” I smiled.

“She is in room 407.” He said before walking away.

“Thank you.” I said. Then began to walk to Allie’s room. When I walked into the room she was struggling to behind down to get her shoes, so I ran in and picked them up for her.

“Thanks.” She said looking down at the ground.

“What’s wrong?” I asked confused as to why she looked so sad. Pretty much as soon as I asked her what’s wrong she started to cry. I pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back.

“I feel so stupid. I walked into the corner of the counter Harry. I am so stupid.” She sobbed.

“Allie I admit you are clumsy, but you didn’t do it on purpose ya know? I’m just glad you are okay.” I said.

“Oh My God where is Darcy?” Allie asked panicked.

“Calm down she is with Louis and Eleanor.” I said. Oh did I forget to mention the lads are back in London. Well they are :P

“Oh okay!” she said calming down a bit.

“Come on let’s get your shoes on and get you home. You need to rest!” I smiled as I kneeled down in front of her to put her UGG boots on.

“Okay.” She said simply.


When Allie and I got home I sent her right up to bed. Luckily while we were gone Eleanor and Louis cleaned up any of Allie’s blood off the kitchen floor. I don’t think I could have dealt with doing it. Darcy was taking her afternoon nap, and El and Louis were chilling on the couch watching the telly.

“Thank you for coming over so fast to watch Darcy. I owe you big time.” I said sitting down in the recliner chair.

“Anytime mate. We love Darcy! Is Allie okay? What the hell even happened?” Louis asked.

“Allie walked into the corner of the counter and it popped open her stitches. The pain was too much which caused her to pass out.” I said.

“Well that’s good. Did they look to see if she has an infection while she was there? I know she was terrified about having/getting one.” Eleanor said.

“Luckily she doesn’t have any type of infection. Wait she was really that worried about getting one. She never said anything to me about it.” I said confused.

“She probably didn’t want you to worry any more then you already were/are.” She said.

“Yeah I guess that makes sense. Well you can leave now if you want.” I shrugged.

“Okay, well if you need anything let us know.” Louis smiled.

“Will do! Thank you again!” I smiled shyly.

“Welcome. Now come on Eleanor let’s go home.” Louis said. I walked them out of house and locked the door behind them. I went up stairs to check up on Allie. When I walked into our room I didn’t see her anywhere. I started to freak out when I heard her voice coming through the baby monitor. She must be in the nursery.

Allie’s POV

After Harry sent me up to bed I did try and go to sleep, but I couldn’t. I needed to see Darcy. I needed to know she was okay. Even though I knew Louis and Eleanor took god care of her I just needed to see her for myself. So I carefully got out of bed and made my way to the nursery. When I walked in her room I heard her gurgling. I walked over to her crib and saw she was wide-awake. She looked up at me and smiled. I knew I wasn’t supposed to pick her up, but I needed to hold her. I would have called Harry, but he was downstairs with El and Louis. So I put down the side of the crib so it was easier to get her. I picked her up and went over to the rocking chair in her room and sat down with her in my arms. I pushed the hair out of her face and started rubbing her head. She started to close her eyes and her breathing was started to get heavier. She was falling asleep in my arms. I always loved when she did that. I started to softly sing to her, so she would fall asleep. As I was singing I heard someone clear his or her throat. I looked up and saw Harry standing there. Oops!

“You really don’t like listening to doctor’s orders do you?” Harry smirked.

“Well I needed to hold my daughter, so no I couldn’t follow orders.” I said kind of snipping at him. I didn’t meant to I was just annoyed that nobody would let me hold my own daughter.

“No need to be snippy. You could have asked and I would have picked her up for you.” Harry said calmer then I was. I looked away from Harry and back down at Darcy. She was sound asleep now, so I just started softly crying. I used my hair as a shield so Harry couldn’t see me crying, which worked until I sniffled.

“Why are you upset?” He asked.

“All I want to do is pick up and hold my daughter whenever I want. I can’t do that without basically asking for permission it’s annoying.” I said sadly. Harry came over to me and kneeled down in front of me.

“Let me put her in her crib and we can go to our room and talk.” He said.

“Whatever.” I snapped. He took a deep breath and took Darcy out of my arms. I got up out of the chair and stomped off to our room. I know I was over reacting, but I didn’t care right now. I can’t do anything without asking for some type of permission or letting someone know where and what I’m doing. That pisses me off. I’m not a little girl living at home anymore.

“Allie you have no right to snip at me. All I want to do is help you.” Harry said calmly to me. I sat down on the bed and put my face in my hands. Harry sat down next to me and put his hand on my back, but I shrugged it off.

“You don’t understand Harry. I can’t hold my own fucking daughter. I can’t go to the bathroom without having to let someone know what I’m doing. I don’t know how you expect me to be okay with that. I have every right to be snippy and angry at the situation. I might not have a right to snip at you, but I have a right to be annoying and over the situation.” I snapped.

“All I’m trying to do is look after you Allie. I know you want to hold her whenever you want, and you can you just have to ask me to pick her up for you. I don’t need to see you lying on the floor bloody and passed out again, because you popped your stitches.” He spoke sadly.

“UGH I know you are right, but it’s so frustrating. When am I going to be healed to do what ever I want?” I asked him. He talked to the doctor more then I did.

“He said les then a week and you should be able to get your stitches out as long you don’t pop them open again.” He said.

“I’m sorry I was snippy and stuff. You don’t deserve it. I think I’m PMS-ing on top of being frustrated with the these damn stitches.” I sighed.

“It’s okay! You are aloud to be moody at least once a month. Well every 3 months with the birth control you are on.” He chuckled.

“I don’t know what to say to that, so I’m just going to kiss you. Then I’m going to cuddle into your chest and try and sleep?” I said the last part more of a question. Before he could say anything I pressed my lips firmly to his. He smiled into the kiss, but then put his hand behind my neck to pull me in closer to deepen the kiss. After a few minutes of making out he pulled away. We were both breathless!

“We can cuddle and watch season 4 of ‘Friends’.” He smiled. I nodded and we both got comfortable on our bed. I was curled up into his chest with my hand lying on his stomach. He had one hand resting on my back and the other messing with the remote. We had our blanket pulled over us, so we could stay warm.

“I love you so much even when I snip at you.” I said to him.

“I know and it’s the same with me. I love you! Now rest and try to sleep a little.” He said into my hair. Then kissed the top of my head. I nodded and closed my eyes and listened to ‘Friends’ on the TV.



So Allie doesn’t have an infection and isn’t going to die YAY!

Allie seems to be extremely frustrated with everything right now!

Harry is keeping his patience, which is a great thing. Angry Harry isn’t a fun Harry, as we all know from earlier in the story (:


Leave a comment and let me know what you all think about the story so far.

Tell me where you want the story to go.

There is only 7 more chapters then an epilogue left for this story. :/ I find it very bittersweet.

But I know you will all enjoy my Zayn story :D I’m enjoying writing it! When I post that story though it will be completed just and FYI.

I also have about 3 different ideas for short stories (One Direction Fan Fictions), Which I think you will like as well!




Next chapter will be up later today :D



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