poison ivy - the boys

By azzie89

327K 12.7K 1.1K

In which superheroes aren't so good but she tries to be. [THE BOYS S1-3??] [homelander x oc] [endgame! soldi... More

poison ivy.
thank you


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By azzie89


            Jane laid in bed with Ben while he claimed her lips. His hand rested on her hip and his thumb drew small circles into the skin where her shirt had ridden up.

They pulled away once the glow from their chests got too bright. But once they dimmed, she pushed Ben onto his back as she crawled on top of him and she pressed her lips back to his.

His hands tangled in her hair and they were lost in their own euphoria. She was sure her lips were swollen from kissing him so much but it was addictive. That fiery burn as if her lips were being kissed by sunlight was her drug.

And then someone knocked on the door.

She lifted her head away from him as she looked towards the door. She knew it was Hughie and Butcher.

She looked back down at Ben who shook his head, "No."

"We kissed all night, Ben," she smiled and giggled slightly.

"Yeah, and I'm not done with you," Ben stated which made her cheeks redden.

She pecked his lips before climbing off of him as she promised, "Later."

He sighed as he stood up from the bed and went to the table by the wall. He grabbed a bottle of alcohol and took a swig of it.

Jane went to the door and ran her fingers through her hair before opening it. She wore a wide smile as she did so. She didn't exactly care if either of them knew she was with Ben; she was sure her swollen lips would give it away. But she was happy and nothing could bring her down currently.

"Boys," she smiled. "You're early."

"Early?" Hughie furrowed his eyebrows. "It's nine."

"Nine is early," she pouted.

"But not bloody early enough," Butcher smirked. "Look at you? You've been busy, lovely."

Jane looked down shyly, "Don't say anything, Billy."

Jane left the door open as she walked further back inside and they followed. Hughie furrowed his eyebrows as he followed.

"I don't get it," Hughie said. "What was she busy doing?"


               Butcher was now discussing the deal he wanted to make with Ben. She sat on top of the table next to where Ben sat in the chair.

             "Listen, let's have a little chat about this team-up, yeah?" Butcher said.

           "Yeah, what the hell do I need a team for? The last one handed me to the Reds," Ben said.

And he didn't need a team if he had his angel. She was the only thing he needed.

          "And we got you out of that little pickle. We wrapped up Crimson Countess and delivered her like a fucking Christmas turkey," Butcher argued. "And I even sorted Gunpowder for you."

             "So honorable, Billy," she sarcastically replied.

"Always, lovely," he replied back with a smirk.

Ben didn't like it.

         "Why am I supposed to be impressed with that? That's like killing Emmanuel Lewis," he chuckled lightly.

         "Yeah, well, he grew up a bit since you last saw him," Butcher said as Hughie went to try picking up the shield.

            "Don't, Hughie," she said carefully like a mother to a child. "It's heavy. You'll hurt yourself."

              "What? It can't be that..." Hughie tried to lift it but couldn't. "...heavy."

              "Yeah," Hughie said sheepishly. "You were right."

                "Anyway, you want payback on Payback, don't you?" Butcher said. "Well, it just so happens that we are experts at exterminating shitbag Supes. You see, it's a whole different world out there now, son. We're here to help you find your way."

                  "Angel over here is already helping me," Ben smiled stiffly. "But thanks."

                 "Yeah," Butcher smirked. "She bloody well is, ain't she?"

                 "Billy!" she glared. "Shut up."

                Ben chuckled as Hughie finally understood what Butcher meant by busy.

                 After a moment, she crossed her arms, "Listen, Ben and I...we can handle Homelander. But we're getting Payback first."

At least, she had hope they could handle him.

                "No," Ben denied protectively. "There is no we. You're not going near Homelander."

               "We do this together," she looked at him sharply; she didn't care if her powers could kill her. She'd protect Ben. "Or I will go after him by myself."

                Hughie and Butcher looked between the two of them as they had a stare off. Finally, Ben blew out a puff of air before taking a swig of alcohol. "Jesus, you're so fucking stubborn."

                 "Fine," he relented.


Billy went to find the location of the TNT twins.

            Hughie sat on the couch while Ben sat on the side of the bed. There was a movie playing: Poison Kiss 2. It was her rom-com movie with Big Game.

             Jane was in the bathroom and touched her fingers to her lips. She finally had a moment to quietly freak out about the fact that they had kissed. A wide smile came to her lips just at the thought of it.

                 She was so utterly happy. She didn't expect to be this happy. It had been so long since she felt these feelings bubble up inside of her like it was affection that made her heart beat.

              She hid away her smile as she exited the bathroom so Ben wouldn't have something to tease her about. He was already an expert at making her cheeks turn red.

             As she came out, his eyes immediately went to her. They filled with adoration as Jane sat beside Ben on the bed. And the radiation detector Hughie had ticked upwards at an alarming rate like the two of them were a bomb just waiting to explode.

               "Hey, I mean," Hughie said carefully. "Is it safe for you guys to be...so close?"

               "Oh, yeah," Jane waved her hand away. "We worked on it. It's fine."

               "You worked on it?" Hughie asked. "How?"

                "Meaning we kissed a lot, kid," Ben answered with a smirk. "That's how."

            And her cheeks turned red.

                "Oh," Hughie said.

                Then Ben gestured towards the TV and the movie playing, "Can you really poison people with a kiss?"

                  "Yes, Ben," she smirked. "So be good."

                  "For you, angel," he leaned forward and kissed her because he didn't give a fuck about having an audience like she did.

            He would always want to show to everyone that she allowed him to love her; that he was lucky.

             It was a short kiss but Hughie honestly thought it was kind of sweet. They looked in love and everyone adored a couple in love even if it was in secret.

              Then a commercial came on, promoting Starlight Diapers, and it showed a dad wearing a baby carrier around their torso. Ben had look on his face like he was watching something alien.

           "Do men really walk around like that?" Ben asked and she picked up on his judgmental tone.

           "It's not that bad," she said as she entwined her hand with his.

             "Okay, so you're telling me you'd want me if I wore that?" Ben questioned in disbelief.

               She chuckled, "First of all, if any man wears that, I'm focused on the baby. Not you."

              "And a baby is always gonna be cuter than you," she teased.

                 He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, whatever."

                 But he gained a small smile as he thought about Jane with kids. He thought that would make her happy and, truthfully, that was all he wanted. It was like a dream.


Billy got the address to the TNT twins. They were now headed to Vermont. He had told her that MM, Frenchie, and Kimiko might show up and that MM had it out for Soldier Boy.

                 She already knew that. She had also asked Ben awhile ago about Harlem. He had told her what he could remember and it was an accident. Just not his.

Ben was all suited and she noted that it really did bring out his eyes. She was dressed in simple clothes with a black hoodie. It was common these days; and honestly she liked not wearing her costume anymore. She wasn't Vought's little princess anymore and she wouldn't be ever again.

They all rode in the same car and she was in the backseat with Ben. She was talking quietly and teaching him how to use a phone.

           "It's all thumbs," she said as she taught him about the phone. "And you can use emoji's."

             She had a cute little smile on her face as she typed an example in the notes rather quickly: I ❤️ you.

             He was focused on her beautiful face before he looked down to see the little red heart emoji and the words. He smirked and said quietly, "You love me, angel?"

              Her cheeks went red. She really did just write it as an example and she didn't realize how it would seem. She gave him a little playful glare, "I adore you."

               He hummed as he promised, "Someday, Jane."


            They arrived in Vermont.

               Ben got out of the car on his side but then he opened up the door on her side for her. He held out his hand for her to grab and helped her out of the car.

               She smiled up at him, "Thanks."

              Hughie and Butcher gave him odd looks and he snapped at them, "What?"

               "Don't tell me chivalry is fucking dead," he said and the two of them answered by sharing a look.

                 He looked at Jane, "Angel?"

                 She smiled tightly...

               He shook his head, "Fuck, the world really has gone to shit."

                "But I appreciate it," she smiled softly and kissed his cheek.


              Now they stood at the tree line of the TNT home. Her jaw dropped as she looked on at the festivities going on.

                  "Oh, okay. So, this... this is an actual orgy," Hughie said in shock as they all saw the people fucking on the lawn, on the porch...everywhere. "That's what this is."

              "Fucking Herogasm," Butcher smirked. "Still a thing, eh?"

     "It's my thing. I founded it in '52," Ben announced proudly. He left out Liberty; he didn't want Jane to be mad. He felt an itch at his chest at the thought of Jane being mad at him.

"You created an orgy party?" she said sarcastically. "Wow, that's something to be so proud of."

He smirked over at her, "Don't be so judgmental, angel. There's nothing wrong with a completely natural act."

She turned her head to him to find him already looking at her, eyeing her up and down.

She gained her own smirk as she teased, "So there would be nothing wrong with me going and joining them?"

His mouth opened and closed before he shook his head and replied coolly, "You know what? Orgy parties are lame."

Jane chuckled, "That's what I thought."

Hughie and Butcher shared a look at their banter.

"Okay, all right. Just, uh, give me three minutes. I'll jump in, I'll jump back out. I'll tell you exactly where to find the twins," Hughie offered.

"Three minutes," Ben agreed.


Three minutes passed.

They went inside and looked around for the TNT twins. Butcher split up from them. She went down the stairs with Ben.

They found MM.

An angry look crossed over his face as he saw Soldier Boy. He grabbed a smoke bomb out of his bag; this one had Novichok as Frenchie had figured out what was used to put him to sleep.

"MM, no!" Jane put her hands up as she pleaded with him. "He didn't kill your family. He wasn't the one."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" MM said, holding the bomb threateningly. "I saw him come up on some kids trying to boost a Benz...it was him."

"Well, you didn't see the whole thing," Ben stepped forward and looked MM in the eyes. "I did find some kids trying to rob a Benz but I brought Gunpowder with me."

"I was showing him the ropes," Ben smiled bitterly in regret. "And when they tried to plow through him with the car....the kid sent it sailing."

"I'm sorry," Ben apologized.

                 MM had tears in his eyes. Bitter, angry tears and he gritted his teeth, "Fuck you."

                  But MM didn't do anything as Butcher came down and said where the TNT twins were. Ben headed up slowly and she gave MM's shoulder a squeeze before following after him.


     As they walked down the hall, supes recognized her and they gained looks of awe. One naked guy leaning against the wall called out, "Holy shit. It's Poison Ivy."

               Then he nervously said, "Do you, uh, want to fuck me? I'll be a sub."

                  "What the fuck did you just say?" Ben glared at him as he stopped in front of her.

                "I...I'm so sorry," the guy said fearfully and scampered off.

                  She giggled as she pressed her hands against his back and whispered in his ear, "Who said they like orgy parties?"

                  "Don't fucking remind me," he grunted. "Christ, they're all looking at you."

                    She smiled at the jealousy and kissed the base of his neck which made him shiver. He said breathlessly, "Jane, if I'm gonna focus, you need to stop...unless you don't want to..."

                  He turned to her with a hopeful smirk and she pushed at him to go forward with the shake of her head although she was smiling, "Walk, handsome."

              He turned around with a sigh and started walking. She followed and they found the twins in a living room.

                "Hiya, kids," Ben greeted the two arguing twins.

"Ben," Tessa said fearfully. "Nicaragua wasn't our fault."

"Yeah, swear to God," Tommy agreed.

"Then whose fault was it? If you tell me, maybe I'll let you go," Ben stepped forward and she stayed back to let him confront them.

"I... it was Noir. It was Noir's idea, top to bottom. He gave you to the Russians," Tommy pleaded. "Please."

"Noir? Noir wouldn't take a shit without Vought's say-so."

"Please? It's the truth," Tessa pleaded.

Then Russian music started playing and her eyes widened. Oh god.

Jane immediately rushed over to Ben who leaned down like he was in pain. His chest started to light up.

"Ben!" she shouted as she placed her hands on his cheeks. "Ben. It's okay. You're not there."

But it was too late and she wrapped a shield around them as his chest beam blasted out. The fire wrapped around the both of them for a couple moments before Ben fell unconscious. Her shield dissipated and she fell to her knees tiredly beside him.

Everyone was alarmed and they looked on in shock. She placed her hand on his chest as she called out in worry, "Ben."

The ground started to shake due to her emotions and everyone ran out. The TNT twins ran as fast as they could with the crowd as well. (She thought she noticed the Deep along with them).

The ground stopped shaking as she pressed her head to his chest and listened to the sound of his heart beating. She stayed like that, waiting for him to wake up (and because she was severely tired and drained from containing his blast), until she heard footsteps.

She lifted her head up and her eyes glowed at who she saw.


"I was hoping I wouldn't find you with him," he smiled bitterly as he walked forward. "But here you are...clinging to him."

Anger built up in her but some of it was sadness, too.

In a way, it was John who had taught her who she wanted to be. She thought he was the shining example of a hero. He had showed her that they didn't have to become like the monsters that raised them.

But that was before the veil was lifted from her eyes about who he really was. And it did make her sad that someone she had loved so much had fallen so far.

She used to think they were the same. That they had the same thoughts and shared the same heart. But they were nothing alike.

In his own selfishness or maybe it was even protection to keep her from knowing how cruel the world really was (how cruel he was), it was his own fault she became good and full of hope. It was because of him that she was who she was. He made her.

She was thankful for it but he'd regret it (he probably already did) as she'd never let his cruelty wash over the world. She'd never love him again.

And she stood up and stepped over Ben, standing in front of him protectively.

John held out his hand to her as he demanded, "Come, Jane. You belong with me."

"No. See, I learned something..." she sneered as her hands lit up with red flames. "I can burn you."

And she threw a red fireball at him.

His torso was covered in red flame for a moment before it died down. He looked down to find his suit was burned on his chest and...so was his skin.

Before he could even respond, Jane stepped forward and made green vines grow out of the ground. They grabbed his ankles and they slung him around the room like a rag doll before throwing him harshly against the thick stone walls.

He was on the ground and he looked up with his eyes glowing red before he pushed himself to his feet, "Okay, I've had enough, Jane."

He shot the lasers from his eyes and she made a shield form in front of her. But her energy was draining as blood dripped from her nose. Her shield started to flicker and she cried out as she tried to will the strength to keep it up.

But the fire in her hands completely died out and her shield went away. His lasers cut her cheek before he made them stop. He flew at her and he held her against the wall by her neck.

"All this for another guy who isn't even as great as I am. You would choose him over me?" he said angrily before he leaned in and uttered quietly. "Tell me, did you let him fuck you?"

She wanted him to hurt and suffer as she did. She glared as she smirked, "Better him than you."

He squeezed her neck as tears filled his eyes. He shook his head in disbelief, "Why...Why would you do that?"

                She struggled to breathe and she clawed at his hand. Until a voice rang out.

                "Hey, buddy, why don't you take a hint? She's not fucking interested."

                 John let her go and she fell to the ground as she caught her breathe. John stepped back as he stared at Ben.

                   "Soldier Boy," he analyzed him. "She wants to leave me for you. Me? When I'm better..."

               "You think you're better?" Ben said in disbelief. "I'm not the fucking one turning her face blue."

              That angered John and he flew at Ben. They started fighting and they traded blow for blow. Ben seemed to handle him well until John caught his fists in his hands.

            Then Butcher showed up and he checked on her first, "Lovely?"

              "Help him."

              Butcher didn't need to be told twice and he lasered John.

             It became two against one and John was still winning until Hughie arrived out of thin air. With the three of them, they pinned John down and held him there.

                Jane got up and made vines grow out of the ground before wrapping around his ankles and wrists, holding him down.

                 "Do it!" Butcher shouted at Ben.

              His chest beam lit up and it got brighter and brighter until John let out a guttural angry cry and used every ounce of strength he had. John ripped out of the vines and knocked everyone away as he flew up through the glass ceiling and into the sky.

               After all that, they lost.


              They were in a hotel.

             Ben was doctoring the cut on her cheek. He was putting a bandage on it after dabbing it with alcohol.

                  She looked up at his green eyes, "Are you sure you're not hurt?"

               "You keep asking that," he said with tears in his eyes. "When he fucking did this to you..."

              His hands ghosted over the bruises on her neck. He was ever so gentle as she said worriedly, "I just need to know, Ben. You're my...you're my everything right now."

It was true. She had been lost and lonely for a year. But Ben had become her comfort, her safety, her person. She worried so much about losing him because she couldn't lose another person.

"Nothing fucking hurts, Jane, except for you and this goddamn feeling in my chest every time I look at you," he confessed strongly. "And I want to be you're everything. God, you've infected me because that's all I fucking want."

They stared at each other and she lost the ability to breathe. It felt like a love confession even if it wasn't. But it was an admission of feelings that went unrivaled.

And she kissed him.

She kissed him deeply for a short moment. Then she pulled away and took a step back.

"I want you to be my everything but I want to be your everything, too," she said before she pulled her shirt over her head.

His eyes widened in surprise as he stared at her before he smirked slightly, "You're not teasing me, are you, like you do?"

"No, Ben," she smiled. "I want everything with you."

And it was such a damn beautiful smile, he couldn't help but step over and kiss the life out of her. And as they kissed, more clothes were removed until they were bare in front of each other.

Her hands slid up his chest as his lips gently marked her neck. But his chest lit up along with hers and she frowned, "Ben, I don't think we can have sex..."

They might literally explode but Ben picked her up as he replied, "Fuck that."

He carried her to the bed where he set her down on the edge. He kneeled in front of her before his lips attached themselves to the inside of her thigh. He made a trail of kisses upwards and then he parted her folds before she felt his tongue on her clit (and it was something she'd never experienced before).

She gasped as his tongue swirled around her clit. He went slowly like he was enjoying her. She felt him lick and suck as the heat in her lower parts built up and up and up. And then she climaxed as her muscles clenched and her back arched. Her chest glowed brightly but did not grow with light.

She let out short breathless little gasps as she rode out her high while Ben kissed up her stomach to her breasts. And his mouth paid special attention to her breasts which made her let out a moan.

Then Ben moved her to more towards the center of the bed as he climbed over her. He rubbed his erection against her of which was quite big. Bigger than she ever had.

"Tell me if it hurts, angel, and I'll stop."

She furrowed her eyebrows, "Isn't it supposed to hurt?"

He stared down at her for a moment, almost sadly, before he replied, "No."

And he kissed her deeply, making her think about his lips, as he inserted his tip inside of her. She gasped and he pulled his lips away.

He inserted himself inside of her ever so slowly which allowed her to adjust to him. And he felt good; it didn't hurt for the first time in her life.

And then he moved, starting to thrust in and out of her. He was slow and gentle which made it all the more intimate. In this moment, he was more a soldier of love than of war.

She let out soft moans and she wrapped her legs around him to pull him closer, deeper. Their bodies were completely pressed to each other. As his cock drove deeper into her, he found a spot that made her let out a loud moan. As he kept thrusting, it quickly had her toes curling as she cried out his name.

Her walls clenched tightly around his cock and he let out a curse, "Fuck." He thrusted a few more times before his hands fisted the sheets next to her as he came inside of her. He groaned loudly, "Jane..."

His chest grew bright and hers followed. The lights grew so bright that it filled the room. She was worried they would explode but eventually they dimmed and they were both breathing heavily as he pulled out of her.

And the night became their own herogasm.

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