pico x bf (everything smut)

By GunInYourAss

261K 3.1K 11.8K

ITS ALL GONNA BE NSFW we call bf Keith in here none of these stories are in any sort of order but if they ar... More

+ Making Bets +
+ Prison Cell +
+ Payback +
+ Ex Shit +
+ Ex Shit + PT2
+ No Touching +
+ Night Shift +
+ Messages +
+ Backstage +
+ Anger Issues +
+ Closeted +
+ Hot & Steamy +
+ Quiet +
+ Special Req +
+ Mine +
+ A Little Fun +
R | + His Touch +
bonus or something
R | + Ridiculous +
R | + Sweet +
+ Lights Out +
+ The Best +
+ Keep It A Secret +
+ Keep It A Secret + PT3
deleting this book
theres no sex keep scrolling
+ Soft +
⚠ | + Bang +
+ Attention +
+ Ride +
+ Just For Me +
+ Signed +

+ Just For Me + PT2

3.1K 51 426
By GunInYourAss


what the fuck.




I went from just mindlessly writing sex because I felt like it, to so many wonderful people reading it. Commenting such amazing and funny things. And making such great friends.

This honestly means a lot to me. I'm so happy that this journey has gotten this far! 🌸🌸

but it ain't over tf

No matter how long it takes me to post things, I'm always working on something.

Whether it be different books, different ships, other story parts, blah blah.


(point. blank. period.)

ima be over here 100 books by 2023 just you wait LMFOAAO

fr tho I love y'all and thank you so so much for helping me reach such a goal. It's been amazing writing these stories for both myself and you all to enjoy.

Lots of people have told me that I'm an inspiration of writing for them. And you genuinely don't know how sincere that makes me feel.

I always get flattered//honored to be classified that way. I smile so much and I even get a bit flustered.

Whether I'm writing about gay sex, illegal battle crimes or literally people making a cake, writing is very important to me.

I love to do it, sharing my creativity with everyone.🌸🌸

So the fact so many of you enjoy what I do is just.. I can't even put it into words.

I say these things all the time omg I'm like a record on repeat I know ugh. But just- THANK YOU.

or whatever

thank you.


now for the shit y'all
really here for

Pico felt..




This was the first time during his little 'service' that he was caught doing it by somebody. It felt sort of.. humiliating.

Not because he was bothered by somebody catching him suck dick. Nah. More on the fact that the person would go around telling people.

All Pico could do was stand up. Looking to the side with a glare that could kill wonders. He was in deep thought. But the boy sitting on the desk didn't really know, nor care about what he was thinking.

He rubbed his hand up one of Pico's sides. Trying to keep the seductive mood in the room. "Don't worry about it baby. Who cares if he saw?"

"I care." Pico glared at him. "If word gets out, I'm fucked."

The boy gave a slightly dead expression. Whoever interrupted their little get together was gonna get a handful.

He slowly stood up, moving closer to the other. Letting his hands run along his lower body.

"..He won't say anything. Chill out.," The boy leaned into his neck. Kissing along it. Pico didn't really care for it though.

"Now let's get back to what I paid for?" He smirked at him. Pico just squinted at him. He was kinda right. He was paying for it.. some guy walking in didn't change that.

But he wasn't sure if he was right about him not spilling his business. He'd just have to figure that out later.

But for now..

Pico turned around and instantly pushed the guy back. Making him almost fall onto the desk.

His eyes widened slightly. But soon shifted downwards when he watched the ginger get back onto his knees like before. All he could do was smirk devilishly.

Finally, back to business.

With Keith back at his dorm already after facing such.. an incident, it just couldn't leave his mind.

Damn.. so he had a boyfriend already. He had absolutely no idea. And hell, even if that guy wasn't his boyfriend, it still meant something.

The feeling of slight devastation. Confusion, and disappointment. He felt like this was a sign for him to maybe.. move on. Like he had no chance.

Total heartbreak.



,that's how he.. should have felt.

But for some reason, he had different feelings for the moment. Seeing such a sight was..

embarrassingly a turn on-,,

Keith sat with his back against his door. Trying his best not to get aroused by it. But just thinking about the image and recapping that image in his mind..

God he couldn't help it. He really liked the guy okay. And with him being all sexy and crap how could he not?

He felt nervous. As if thinking these types of things with a person you aren't in a relationship with was wrong..

His hand slowly traveled in between his body and the hem of his clothes. Sliding inside. He should just get this erection delt with and go to sleep.

Once he began to touch along himself, he shuddered a little. Still on the verge of feeling like some perv. Though, Keith started feeling more shameless by the second.

Yet suddenly, he felt a hard thud against the other side of the door.
Startling him.

"-fuck!" He heard from the outside.

Keith quickly took pulled his hands away. A little upset that he was interuppted but he was a little shocked about what happened out there.

He opened the door and peeked his head out. His eyes widened a bit when he saw the boy laying on the floor.

"Hey, do you mind moving your shit out of the hallway?!" The other glared. Seemingly a blonde boy with a totally annoyed expression.

(yeah im def making this senpai lmfao)
(special guests needa appear in more of my stories YOU FEEL ME??)
(we gonna call him ' Sen ')

okay enough loser disclaimers,
back to the good stuff


Keith gave a nervous smile. His roommate tripped on his backpack.

"..My bad." He said. The boy on the ground just rolled his eyes and got back up. Keith quietly closed the door. Looking down at his pants again.

Alright, now time to deal with this.

I don't feel like writing it out but basically he jerked himself off and went to bed idiot




The next day came shortly. Keith was already in the school like usual. Just gathering his things before he heads to find his first class.

After being clouded by wet dreams and fantasies last night, he completely looked over the fact that Pico was doing something.. like that.. with other people.

And that was kind of a problem.

It's not like he could go up to him and be like,

'hey pico so the guy you were blowing off. He your boyfriend or something?'

hell no.

Keith needed some type of way to get close to him. Without it being awkward or something. Like an undercover mission! Okay no that sounded stupid. It's just..

If he tries approaching him how he originally planned to, that would be totally awkward.

Fuck.. all of this was hurting his mind. Whatever, he'd just deal with it after this stupid goddamn class. He shut his locker and started heading for it.

Keith held onto his bag tightly, then suddenly felt something pulling him away from the hallways. He held onto his bag even tighter so that he didn't drop it.

It dropped to the floor, along with himself. Now contained in some sort of room. "Hey! What the f-"

"Keith." He spoke.

Keith's eyes widened lightly. The front of his shirt was grabbed and it forced him eye to eye with the ginger himself. He was kneeling down in front of him with an annoyed expression.

"..Pico?!" The boy said in shock. Sudden flashbacks of the other day started blinding him again. Dammit, not now!

The atmosphere got awkward again for Keith. "U..Uhm.. can I, help you??" He questioned nervously. Though got a bit more startled when he yanked his shirt again.

Pico stood up and kept him there. "What you saw yesterday never happened. You got that?" Pico told him.

Ah, so that's what this was about.

Pico originally planned to have a talk with the guy who caught him the other day. Which, was clearly Keith. He seriously didn't want his cover blown.

"Yesterday.." Keith looked off to the side.


A small glare formed on his face. Remembering, this guy was such a cheater!

Well, in his eyes. Considering he was crushing on him. He doesn't want him doing that with anybody else! Cheater!

He shrugged Pico off, standing up himself and pointing a finger at his chest. "Oh yes it did happen!" He said. Making Pico surprised.



Did he WANT to get on his bad side?

That's not entirely his case. He was right here, Pico right in front of him. He didn't have to chase him down or search for him. This was his opportunity to get closer to him!

"No! It didn't!" Pico yelled at him. Walking further into him. "Listen asshole, if words get out about this shit, you're the first on the hitlist. You get that?!"

Keith was backed up all the way to the wall. Wait a moment, hitlist..?? HITLIST?!

The blue one pushed the other away. He wasn't gonna get scared by threats! He still loves the guy anyway!

"It's not my fault you never locked the door or anything. Besides, I wasn't even going to tell anybody." He said back to him.

"But since you keep threatening me, I have every right to!" Keith smirked and folded his arms. All of this was just a bluff. He'd never rat him out about any of this.

Pico just rolled his eyes. He's been in different business all the time. So he understands what's going on here.

"Fine, I get it now." The ginger started. They always wanted something..

It made Keith look a bit confused. He instantly got shoved further into the wall. His eyes closed as he winced.

"Meet me back in here at 4. Be late and you're dead."

"What..? Why?" Keith asked. Pico just let him go. So he was gonna play stupid? Heh. It only put a smirk on Pico's face. He grabbed the door handle, opening it, and walking out.

Hold on a minute, shit! Pico was leaving already! "WAIT--" Keith called out, grabbing his bag quickly. "I NEVER GOT A CHANCE TO--!"

When he opened the door and looked out, the hallway was completely empty. No sign of Pico, no sign of teachers. No sign of anybody.

"--ask you to hangout later.." Keith finished sadly. Frustration built up inside of him. He put both hands on a locker and softly slammed his head into it.

"..fuck!!" He cursed under his breath. Another chance, FAILED!

Why was it so fucking hard to just ask! Man..

He thought about it for a second. Maybe his hopes weren't completely up just yet. He told him to come back by 4 didn't he? He wasn't necessarily sure why but, it must've meant something!

That's when he could finally hang out with him.

Although, he kind of tricked the guy a little by pretending as if he'd spread rumors about him, but hey! He threatened to kill him twice!

Even worse, he has no idea if he was being serious or not!

It didn't matter anymore. He slightly smiled, he couldn't wait for the day to be over. Oh shit, that was another problem. The day WASN'T over.

He was late to his classes!

Fuck them classes bitch.

The day was OVER. And finally Keith can get out of these dusty ass classrooms. He started gathering his shit and getting the fuck outta here.

As he walked back into the crowded hallways, going toward his locker, he almost forgot about what Pico asked of him earlier that morning.

His eyes widened slightly. Shit.. what time was it?

Oh, he was pretty good for now. It was almost 4. So he needed to get his stuff first, then he'd head back.

Walking down to his locker, he opened it casually. Getting his jacket from out of it. And as soon as he closed it, he saw a familiar face right there.

"AHH--" He yelled. Then caught his breath. Noticing it was just him.

"Calm down," The boy said, his blonde hair swaying as he turned to lean onto his locker. "Just came to give you this." Sen handed him a paper.

Keith just snatched it from him, while Sen gave a smirk. "Hope you didn't forget. It's due by tonight."

The handsome boy just walked off, a few girls smiling and waving to him as he did. He was such a stuck up prince.

Keith rolled his eyes, looking down at the paper. His eyes widened a bit, it was the paper that was due for the professor. Fuck..!

He had completely forgotten about it. He started on it the beginning of the week, then totally procrastinated it for the rest of the week!

"SEN WAIT! HELP ME WITH IT!" Keith yelled towards him now basically crowded by girls.

"Sorry man, I've got my hands full. You'll figure it out~"

And just like that, he walked off with two girls under his arm. Keith just growled under his breath. Damn he was an ass, but damn was he so envious too!

The blue one just groaned. This was important too. He thought to himself for a second. Maybe he could reschedule with Pico or something.. yeah.

Yeah that's it!

Keith shut his locker and started making his way back to the room he was in this morning. That was the new game plan. Come clean about everything, make amends, and reschedule! It was perfect.

He got up to the door. It looked dark, though he still went inside. His eyes adjusting to the darkness.

Putting his stuff down, he started reaching for the light switch. But a hand grabbed his before he could. He turned a bit shocked to see the eyes of the taller one.

Pico flicked the switch on himself, looking down at the other. Keith got a bit flustered with him so close. "You're already here..-" He said surprised.

"Yeah, now-"

"Actually.." Keith interuppted him. "I need to uhm.. go." The boy rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

Pico quirked a brow, folding his arms. "And why's that? You want some sort of excuse to get away from me?"

if only Pico knew how obsessed
this guy actually was with him.

"N..No!" Keith shook his head. It was far from that. "Just I got this stupid paper to get done for Professor XX's class. But.. if you're free another time maybe we could--"

"I'll help you with it." Pico said casually. Keith's eyes widened. "Seriously??"

"Yeah. I got that class too."

Keith's heart fluttered a bit. Holy shit, he was actually gonna help him with his work! Not only will he get it done, but also spend some time with Pico too! Damn did he score!

"Mnn.. sure. But I got a dorm here." Keith started. Though Pico grabbed his wrist and basically started dragging him out.

"Don't care, let's just go."

Keith was a bit confused. It was like everything that happened yesterday didn't even happen.

But it still caught his curiosity as to why he was with that other guy in the first place. As much as he didn't wanna bring it up, he knew his big mouth would bring it up sooner or later.

| | |

The two were now at Keith's dorm. It's been maybe 10 minutes since they got there. Keith figured out Pico was actually pretty intelligent. With his help, this paper was going smoothly.

He was sitting at the desk he had in his room. Typing on his laptop. While Pico was just casually laying in his bed, reading something.

Keith was nervous. Like, super nervous. The guy he's been liking for so long was literally in his room. In his BED! He couldn't contain his feelings.

But again, that curiosity hit him. Which made him ask something he probably shouldn't have.

",So who was that boy. From the other day?" The blue one questioned, keeping his eyes on the screen.

Pico looked over at him with a glance. Fuck.. Why'd he have to ask that.

"I don't know." Is all he said.

That sort of hit a nerve with Keith. What does he mean he didn't know?! "Clearly you do know, since you two were--" He stopped mid sentence.

Pico sat up, looking over at him.
"Were what?"

The blue one could tell the other was playing stupid with him. He just shut up and kept doing his work.

Pico on the other hand got up off the bed. He stood behind him and leaned down beside him. "Why does it matter to you?"

Keith froze up. It's not like he could blabber out 'it's because im crushing so hard on you!' Hell no.

"..No reason." Keith said a bit gloomy. And it caught Pico by surprise. Why'd he look so disappointed? He didn't get it.

Originally he offered to help the guy with his work as a way to get even with him. And not tell anybody about his business. But now it seemed as if that wasn't enough.

"Hey Pico, last week we talked about this curriculum. Can you--"

"Take a break from this." Pico cut him off. Placing a hand on the lid of his laptop and shutting it.

"Dude no! I was almost done." He complained, but Pico just turned toward the light switch. Making it dark.

He grabbed his chair and turned it around. Keith didn't understand what he was doing, or why he was doing it.

"What're you,-"

Pico stood directly in front of him. He placed his hands on either sides of his chair arms. Once he leaned down, he pushed himself further toward him. Locking their lips together.

The other's eyes widened in a shocked way. He was being kissed, by Pico of all people! His heart couldn't take it. A faint blush appeared on his face.

Pico didn't let him breathe, pulling away just to go back in and kiss him once again. Deepening it as he gripped the front of Keith's shirt.

The blue one shut his eyes tightly, trying to basically process what was going on. A small pant occurred from the both of them when he finally let him go completely.

"..w..what the hell??"

The ginger wiped his mouth lightly. He already caught him. So he didn't care if he knew exactly what was going on.

"I suck people off for money." He said bluntly. Keith tensed up a bit. For money..? So it was true.

He's done that sort of thing with multiple people.

Keith got a bit startled when the ginger got into his face. "So if I suck you off right now, you gotta promise not to say shit to anybody. We got a deal?"


He opened his mouth in disbelief. Seriously? He'd do that to him right now?

Wait no!! He didn't want it this way!

Well he actually started considering it. That just by thinking about it started turning him on completely. He could feel himself getting hard by the second.

"B..But don't i pay for something like this?" Keith questioned. Though the other just got down onto his knees in front of him. Gently rubbing his hand along the front of his tinted pants.

Pico smirked. The dude was asking all these fuck ass questions when he was already rock hard.

"Deal. Or. Not." Pico looked up at him in all seriousness.

Damn, all Keith was trying to do was get to spend some time with the guy. He didn't know it would escalate into.. this.. Though, he wasn't going to let this opportunity pass.

This was the only right time for Pico to do something like this. With him. And only with him.

Keith took a deep breath in before sighing it back out.

"..Deal." He said a little flustered.


Only a few minutes later, Pico continued his movements. He already had the boy's dick in his mouth. And damn did his mouth feel so good. It was soft and warm, it was sending Keith into a trance of pleasure.

His mind was running crazy. He still couldn't believe he was doing this with him right now. The more he thought about it, the more aroused he got.

"..hahh,, fuck-" Keith let out, groaning to himself a bit.

Pico let go for a second, taking some time to just jerk him off with his hands. Running them along at a reasonable pace. He felt how hard he was in his grasp. It made him sort of curious.

"..when's the last time you jacked off?" He questioned the one running loose with desire above him.

"y..yesterday-" He said a bit shamelessly. It was true, after that.. scene the other day.. he went straight back here and did his business.

That response made Pico grin lightly. Keith didn't seem all that much of a freak the first time he met him.

Guess they were learning more about each other regardless if they were talking, studying, or sucking dick. It was a win-win.

"mmnhh..~" Keith moaned a little when he felt the one below take his cock back into his mouth. Even with the room being dark, he could still realize how sexy he was.

God did it make his cock throb lightly. He looked down at the ginger. Placing a hand delicately to hold the side of his face.

From his harsh glares to his simple gazes. He was absolutely perfect.

It pissed Keith off that other people were getting to see such a sight. He didn't want them to.

He wanted this all for himself.

Pico gripped him a little tighter as he moved his head further down. Taking more and more length into his mouth as the seconds went on.

He slightly slouched in the chair, moving his hand from the side of his cheek up to his head. Softly patting and gripping his hair.

He gasped inaudibly, his head considerately leaning back a bit while he felt the other moving up and down within his touch.

Pico felt the slight tug on his hair, which was like a weak point for him. He was totally into shit like hair pulling.

He sped his pace up. His hands matching his mouth while his tongue did work on the inside.

His whiteish eyes closed quietly, humming a bit when he felt his hand smooth through his hair. While the other caressed the side of his freckled cheek.

As time went one, the blue one couldn't control himself much longer. He was holding himself back from just fucking into him already. Though he didn't wanna be too hard on him. He'd never want to purposely hurt him.

But damn was he really
holding back..

He couldn't help but bring a hand under his jaw softly. Making him look up at him. Which made the two give each other direct eye contact.

Pico's eyes half lidded, his face stuffed and seducing his desires into infinity. Keith clicked his teeth softly. That's what broke his self control.

Keith simply couldn't take it anymore.

A sudden urge to stand up out of the chair and grip his hair harshly came to his body. Using his red head, he pushed himself into his mouth further. Only to pull him away. Repeating it at a pretty solid speed.

Now that someone else was doing the work of moving, Pico's legs grew weak. He could barely keep himself up anymore.

He held onto the sides of Keith's legs. Almost digging his nails into his skin as he felt the other use his mouth however he saw fit.

Without stopping at all, Keith felt his cock twitch a bit. He was getting pretty close. Which Pico could tell as well.

"g..go--ddamnn..!" Keith moaned out lightly. It only took a few more thrusts into the freckled one's mouth. Til he held his head there for a few seconds. Finally cumming after such a long ride.

Pico could even feel a few tears prick from the corners of his eyes. Shit was he being so rough with him. But fuckk did he love it.

He felt his release in the back of his mouth. And once he was completely done, he instantly let the boy go. Which caused his head to drop slightly.

It took him a good few seconds to collect himself back together. Just swallowing it down. He held a hand up to his mouth, never really having a blowjob so.. intensely before.

He actually sort of enjoyed it.

Keith fell back into his chair and panted to himself. He's never had such a great blowjob in a terribly long time. It sorta made him act without thinking.

"your ass.. was hella excited huh?" His usual voice a little more sore sounding than normal.

Keith instantly realized what he did to him. And after he got his pants back on and settled, he looked sort of worried. "..Pico I'm--"

"shut,. up." Is all he said. Standing up off the ground and cleaning his mouth off with his wrist. Now that he was done with this, he could go.

But Keith.. didn't want him to go.

He didn't mind what they did, but he truly wanted a chance to get to know him better.

Keith instantly stood up, gently slamming his hand onto the door to stop him from exiting. Pico's eyes widened lightly. Turning around and seeing the other right before him.

Keith closed the gap soundlessly. Placing his lips onto him and holding onto his waist. He pulled him close to him, their pants both rubbing together.

Pico let out a small groan through the kiss. From what happened a few minutes ago, he couldn't help but get hard himself. Which is why he was trying to leave quickly and take care of it himself.

Though, the other had different plans for one another. When he rubbed up against him, he felt his erection.

"..you're seriously just gonna leave while you're like this?" Keith asked through a whisper.

Pico started pulling away. For once in so long he was actually embarrassed. He's done a lot of things lately, though this situation was awfully degrading.

Keith's hands roamed free, sliding them up softly into his shirt. While his knee nudged under him. Messing with his seemingly growing erection.

"get off. this.. wasn't part of the deal dumbass--" Pico started, a small sound emitted from him when he felt the other place his hands firmly on his ass. Feeling on him a little more.

Keith found these reactions incredibly cute. After he turned him on this much, there was no way he could let him go so easily. These were the consequences.

"i don't care about that deal right now.." Keith breathed lightly into his ear. His head laying rest in the crook of the ginger's neck.

Pico's resistance was starting to weaken. His body feeling numb while his dick remained rise in his pants. Though with the other's knee nudging at him, it was hard to get away.

Fuck, he knew deep down he shouldn't do this. But damn it felt.. right. And that's all Keith wanted. It was only right if it was with him.

And only , him.

".. i won't ask for anything else after this. Just..," His undertone caught Pico's attention. His breath hitting his neck while his hands smoothed up his toned torso.

",let me."

That's all Keith said. And honestly, that's all he had to say. Pico already established that the deal was he got a free bj as long as he kept his mouth shut.

But with the way Keith was making him feel right now, hell with it. The deal could be extended slightly.

The ginger grabbed onto Keith's shirt. Pulling him slightly forward to lean down into him. Kissing him deeply.

The other obliged quickly. Using his lips to kiss him back just as much as he did. He was so distracted into the kiss that he didn't realize the other backing him up.

The two hit something before falling onto it. It being Keith's bed. The blue one laid beneath the other.

Still engulfed in the kiss, the two started incorporating their tongue into the mix. Making the kiss a whole lot more intense than before.

Keith held himself up on his elbows while Pico sat in the other's lap. Feeling something grow beneath him once again.

He separated from the other, realizing he had gotten hard all over again. It made the other plaster a smirk on that freckled face of his.

"your dick already hard again..?" He questioned in a cocky manner. Keith just gazed at the one above him. Of course it was hard again. Just look at him.

Though he didn't have to embarrassingly point it out like that.. he looked to the side, flustered.

Pico started undoing his own pants, Keith mindlessly watching his every tender move. It's as if his mind was lost in the clouds. Still unbelievable that he was doing all of this with him.

He'd definitely dream about this for a good month or two.

Keith slid his hands up the ginger's sides, he was so toned. Like his hips fit perfectly under his hands. That's the way he wanted it to be.

The boy groaned slightly when he felt the other move in a harsh manner. Which caused variations of friction underneath.

Pico was so busy on himself, he almost forgot about the other. He just smirked lightly. It was no big deal.

Confidently, he started moving both of their pants down and out of the way. Why not just jerk each other off together? That sounded like a fine plan to him.

"..move back to the headboard." Pico told the other. Which he was confused, but did as said. Moving so that his back rested onto the wall.

Pico climbed on top of him once more, sitting down in his lap and facing him. Once he got comfortable, he held the two of their's in his hand. Slowly starting to jerk them both off at the same time.

"..shit--" Keith cursed. He was still sort of sensitive from the first round of this. But man was he totally down for another.

Though, he didn't want Pico doing all the work himself. So he held one arm to wrap around his waist. Pulling him closer. While the other snaked down and rubbed up against the other.

Pico felt this action and his body softly flinched. "..h..hands off." He said through a breath. But each time Keith managed to seduce him, it turned him on even more. He's never had somebody do such things like this before.

The only thing Keith did was shush him quietly. Instead of this position, he moved himself forward. Making Pico the one being pinned beneath him.

Keith held the other's dick in his hands. Moving it slightly while the other basically did the same. Each of their paces going a bit different. Though they still felt just as good.

His freckled face hinted lightly of red, his body felt lighter. And his breath couldn't stay contained. The blue one's pace continuously started to speed up. His grip tightening a little.

"-mnngh~.." A small moan left Pico under his breath. Keith started moving circles around his tip, wanting to see the reactions his crush would make next.

Pico lightly arched his back when he felt the other moving terribly slow. He opened his eyes and glared cockily at the other. "are.. you teasing me right now..?" The ginger asked.

Keith only smirked to himself.


Suddenly the ginger shut his eyes when Keith started carelessly moving his hand at a semi rapid pace. Pico could barely take it anymore that his own hands just gave out.

So instead, Keith held both of their cocks together in his hand. Jerking them off at the same exact time. Both of them receiving the same pleasure.

Keith's hair almost got into his face when his head dropped down. Eyeing the one almost trembling under him. He was so incredibly cute.

The way his hands and legs smoothed down his bedsheets like that.

The way his back curved whenever he delicately played on one of his sensitive spots. Moving into his touch even more.

The way his sweet moans infiltrated his ears whenever he reacted to a certain movement or maneuver he did.

Fuck, he was completely perfect.

Keith dropped his head further down, placing his lips onto the other. The impulse to kiss him again took over.

Surprisingly, Pico slowly wrapped his arms around the other's neck. Gently pulling him down closer. Deepening their kiss forcefully.

Yet, Keith loved every second of it. His tender lips connecting with his. He thought this had to be some sort of imagination of his.

But man was he overjoyed that it wasn't.

A short moan caused the two to split apart. They both were breathing slightly heavier. His hand proceeding to motion in a hard, and partially rough manner.

The sheets were gripped lightly by the one beneath. He could feel himself on the verge of release. Which that also went for the one on top.

"..fu..fuck--" The ginger faintly groaned out. Moving his head to the side. He could feel himself getting closer and closer just with every move.

"shit me too.." Keith replied. Knowing that he was getting close to cumming which he was also. So he didn't stop his pace. He kept at it until the two were able to have a good high ride.

Eventually after a few more seconds, Pico came first right into his hand. It dripped slightly on his clothes. Though Keith kept going til he came soon after.

His hand started slowing down. Just letting each other ride out their orgasms. Their breaths matching in the darkness.

Within time, Keith dropped down all the way onto the other. He felt tired, as if the lust drained all his energy out.

Which kind of went the same for Pico. After all the shit that happened this week, He's sort of been pent up. So this was a good reliever.

"that-- was amazing.." Keith said lowly. Pico heard it, and just looked up at his ceiling. He had to admit, it was sure damn good.




A few minutes went by and the two were now standing up, cleaning up properly, and now just resting.

It seemed that after all of this, Pico had taken a shower quickly. Then immediately fell right asleep in Keith's bed. Not a single word spoken since then.

Keith was in the shower after him. He came out wearing Pajama pants and no actual shirt. A towel dried off his hair. When he walked into the bedroom part, he noticed the ginger laying there soundless.

He would've thought he'd taken a shower and leave before Keith got a chance to say goodbye. But he guessed the freckled boy was just too damn exhausted.

Honestly when you go to college,
you'll understand.

The blue one also noticed he was wearing some of his clothes. Well damn, what a way to welcome himself. Snatch some clothes out of his dresser without permission.

Although, Keith only smiled. Walking further to him. He didn't mind him wearing his clothes, sleeping in his bed, nothing. Pico was free to do whatever he wished.

Keith couldn't help but gaze at him sleeping from the edge of the bed. He seemed so peaceful rather than when he's awake.

He felt his heart starting to pound. Just by looking at him his ears and face tinted a bit red. He felt nervous around him and he wasn't even awake.

This had to be love.

The blue boy stood up, walking to the other side of the bed and getting into it quietly. Not wanting to wake the other up. Yet he moved a little closed. Kissing the side of his neck lightly.

It made the ginger move slightly. As if something was tickling him. It only caught Keith's attention and making him laugh under his breath.

This was like a miracle come true. He just rested himself into the covers. As much as he wanted to cuddle up onto him and hug him, he controlled himself.

So he turned and faced the other way. He was happy just sleeping next to the other.

Keith raised his head up and turned it to look at the one sleeping. Then with a soft sigh, he whispered to the one across from him,

",i love you.."

And with that, he turned back around. Laying comfortably in a bed that was being shared by two.



part 3..?


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