Fracturization (Honkai Impact...

By Corrupted839

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A boy saved by the First Herrscher made it his mission to follow in his savior's footsteps and fight against... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Welcome to St. Freya Academy
Chapter 2: A Friendly Spar?
Chapter 3: Normal School Days
Chapter 4: Necessary Preparations
Chapter 5: The Valkyrie Trials Pt.1
Chapter 6: The Valkyrie Trials Pt.2
Chapter 7: A History Lesson
Chapter 8: The Holy Maid
EX Chapter I | Something to Protect
Chapter 9: Mysteries of the Stigmata
Chapter 10: The Dive
Chapter 11: The Blade's Curse
Chapter 12: Chiyou Awakened
EX Chapter II | Meet the Class Monitor
Chapter 14: Academy Infiltration
Chapter 15: Clash of the Herrschers
Chapter 16: The White Comet
Chapter 17: Dark Currents
Chapter 18: The Informant
Chapter 19: Imminent Crisis
Chapter 20: Reawakening
Chapter 21: Just Another Day
Chapter 22: Trouble in Soukai City
Chapter 23: Distant Voices
Chapter 24: Oceania Assignment
Chapter 25: Poem of the Wind
EX Chapter III | A Day to Heal
Chapter 26: The Smile of Betrayal
Chapter 27: Echoes of the Past
Chapter 28: Flames of Rebellion
Chapter 29: Will of the Herrscher
Chapter 30: Journey for Tomorrow
Chapter 31: The Void's Trail
Chapter 32: The Eye of The Serpent
Chapter 33: Unraveling Shadows
EX Chapter IV | Our Next Step
Chapter 34: Arc Nocturne
Chapter 35: Drifter
Chapter 36: Starfall
Chapter 37: Nightfall

Chapter 13: The Eternal Prison

3.4K 125 57
By Corrupted839

Fu Hua: You're...

Everyone was shocked as they saw a figure walk out from the shadows. Although her appearance is vastly different, they recognized her to be someone they had encountered earlier.

Her outfit is vastly different. There is now a murderous aura radiating in the atmosphere as she slowly approaches them with an intense gaze.

In her hand, she is holding the Xuanyuan sword. However, the once golden blade is now mostly covered in black instead of its bright, shiny colour.

Akiri: Ji Xuanyuan...?

Kiana: What happened to you?

Ji Xuanyuan?: It was nothing short of foolishness for you to try to fight

Fu Hua: What?

Akiri: What are you talking about?

The girl pointed her black sword towards them with a threatening glare.

Ji Xuanyuan?: I'm going to give you one last chance. Leave this place, and you'll be spared

Kiana: Leave? But, we have to seal Chiyou!

Ji Xuanyuan?: Seal Chiyou? Indeed, that was my host's wish. But she is no longer around. She gave up love and hope, and swallowed loneliness, fear and regret with the darkness, locking herself up in this place in order to keep the seal up for millenium. That naive girl is gone... And gave rise to me

They saw a black and red aura surrounding her. They feel a strong and powerful energy radiating from the aura.

Dark Ji Xuanyuan: Whatever it is you're fighting for, isn't worth it. I ask you once more. Do you still intend to fight?

Kiana: Of course! We're not letting this thing reach Guangzhou!

Ji Xuanyuan scowled at Kiana's answer before raising her black sword to brandish it at them threateningly.

Dark Ji Xuanyuan: Then you shall perish!

Akiri: Wait! We can still talk-

He couldn't finish his sentence as Ji Xuanyuan had already started her assault. Within a split second, she is already in front of them, swinging her blade. However, Akiri managed to block the strike with both his blades, although just barely and he pushes her away.

Kiana started shooting her pistols, but Xuanyuan was quick to react, reflecting the bullets away with her sword. Fu Hua took advantage while the enemy was distracted, getting behind her unnoticed and she reels back her fist for a punch.

Fu Hua's attack hits, but didn't cause much damage to Xuanyuan as she turns around to counterattack, but Fu Hua had reacted accordingly and retreated back.

Akiri continued the offensive, charging in and swing his sword downwards towards Xuanyuan and they clashed blades. The boy attacked with an onslaught of slashes using both his swords, however his opponent is easily keeping up with his strikes.

They then strike their swords against each others and locked blades.

Akiri: We don't want to fight you

Dark Ji Xuanyuan: Then leave

Akiri: That's not an option!

They pushed each other away and kept on their fierce battle, neither of them giving an inch, each swing of their swords are with the intent to kill. Even Kiana and Fu Hua looked impressed by the intensity of their strikes.

Sparks flew as they block and parry each other's attacks. Akiri then saw an opening and swung his sword as hard as possible, which made Xuanyuan stagger backwards as she blocked the strike, which allowed Kiana to get some shots in.

As Xuanyuan was dazed by Kiana's attacks, Fu Hua then followed up with a powerful roundhouse kick which connects and sends her flying backwards and crashing to the ground.

Dark Ji Xuanyuan: You... How far are you willing to go...?

She muttered in between breaths as she stabs her blade into the ground, using it to support her as she got back up on her feet.

Akiri, Kiana and Fu Hua all got into a ready stance, preparing for another fight.

Dark Ji Xuanyuan: If you still insist on fighting, then you leave me no choice... I'll turn you into nothing but dust!

With an enraged shout, an immense black and red aura shot out from her sword. The powerful shockwave pushes the three backwards, making them lose their footing for a brief moment.

Kiana: Wh-What could we do against that...?

They were feeling quite nervous about what was happening in front of them. Being only rookie Valkyries, they never had faced a threat of this scale before.

The three of them considered their options, but they didn't have long until Akiri had made a decision.

Akiri: You two get out of here

Kiana: What?!

Both Kiana and Fu Hua were surprised at what he just said.

Akiri: Take Major Himeko and run as far as you can

Kiana: Then what about you?

Akiri: I have a plan. But I need you girls to leave first

Kiana: No! We're not gonna leave you!

Akiri: If you could get outside, you can call HQ for help

Kiana: I'm not gonna-!

Fu Hua: Kiana

As Kiana was disagreeing with the boy's decision, Fu Hua went over and placed a hand on her shoulder while looking at her straight in the eyes.

Fu Hua: Let's do as he says. If he says he has a plan, we should listen to him

Kiana: B-But-

Fu Hua: Although, we'll only leave if you could promise us one thing

She then turns back towards Akiri.

Fu Hua: Promise us you'll come back alive

The boy looked at her slightly surprised for a brief moment before nodding his head.

Akiri: I will

Fu Hua nods before picking the asleep Himeko up.

Kiana: You better come back alive, you hear me?!

The silver-haired girl shouted as she follows Fu Hua still slightly hesitant. She occasionally glances back towards Akiri as they ran off into the distance.

Dark Ji Xuanyuan: This changes nothing. Once I destroy you, I'll kill both of them before they could escape

Akiri: Not if I stop you

Dark Ji Xuanyuan: Try as you might, you won't be leaving here alive

Akiri: I know. But that goes to you as well...

He muttered as he sheathed both of his swords as he then closes his eyes while taking a deep breath, clearing his mind.

Akiri: (thoughts) The only thing that could rival a Divine Key, is a Divine Key...

He then held out an arm in front of him with his palm opened.

Akiri: (thoughts) Focus... Picture it in your mind...

With his eyes still closed shut, he started to concentrate his mind to picture a single weapon. A golden blade, shining brightly with a red gemstone embedded in the middle.

The picture of the weapon slowly came to form into his hand as he assembles the sword molecule by molecule, materializing it into existence.

The glow slowly dies down, and it is revealed that Akiri is now holding the golden Xuanyuan sword.

The boy looks up at his opponent with red, bloodshot eyes. His breathing has gone ragged and raspy, seemingly because of the strain put on his body to perform the feat of projecting a Divine Key.

Seeing the condition that he is in, Xuanyuan grits her teeth.

Dark Ji Xuanyuan: Why...? Why would you go to such lengths?!

The boy could only remain silent as he kept his breathing, trying his hardest to keep himself conscious.

Dark Ji Xuanyuan: You would rather destroy yourself to save them?

Akiri: I would do everything I can. At whatever cost...

Akiri tightened his grip and lifts the sword up, pointing it above as it bursts into a pillar of bright golden light which extends high up into the air, lighting up the area they're in completely. His movements were fluid, as if he had done the motion many times before.

Akiri: (thoughts) Weird... How was I able to use this power so easily...? It's like that time...

He recalled the time back inside of the virtual archive. When he had naturally used the power of a flaming greatsword despite having seen it for the first time.

Dark Ji Xuanyuan: You fool! You're trying to take us both down!

Akiri: ...

He once again kept silent.

Dark Ji Xuanyuan: If that is what you desire, then so be it!

Ji Xuanyuan also lifts up her blade as the black and red aura shot upwards with an immense force which shook the ground below.

The two of them brought down their blades at the same time, releasing a beam of immense, concentrated energy which then clashes in the middle.

A bright, golden beam collides with a beam of black and red, pushing each other with tremendous force.

Dark Ji Xuanyuan: How?! This is not possible!

Xuanyuan kept on putting more and more energy into her attack, however, she is unable to overpower the beam of light headed her way.

As a final push, Akiri channels all of his powers into the sword, releasing a massive amount of energy into his attack as it flashes brightly and overpowers Xuanyuan's attack completely.

Akiri: Ji Xuanyuan... It's time for you to rest...

The golden beam of pure energy blitzed through to pierce Chiyou's heart behind Xuanyuan and destroys it, finally killing the Honkai beast.

Back up in the bridge of the Hyperion, everyone was shocked to see a bright yellow pillar of light burst out from Chiyou's chest and extend high up into the air as Chiyou lets out an earth-trembling outcry in reaction.

Several moments later, the light dies down, and they saw that Chiyou had stopped its movement towards Guangzhou.

???: Madam Theresa, Chiyou's life signature has ceased!

Everyone in the bridge felt relief wash over them, including Theresa, Mei and Bronya.

Theresa: Looks like they did it...

She said as she lets out a sigh of relief.

???: We're getting a transmission request. It's A-rank Valkyrie, Fu Hua

???: It looks like the signal interference we've been having is gone

Theresa: Patch her in, quickly






Dark Ji Xuanyuan: So I lost...

Back in the insides of Chiyou, Ji Xuanyuan was seen lying on the ground, defeated. Blood runs down her lips, her clothes charred and blackened in some parts.

The sounds of footsteps could be heard and she turns her head to the side to see Akiri slowly walking up to her while breathing heavily as he had exhausted all of his remaining strength. Blood now runs from his eyes down his cheeks like tears.

Dark Ji Xuanyuan: Thank you...

She said with a slow and soft voice, which he barely heard.

Dark Ji Xuanyuan: Thanks to you, I won't have to suffer from this loneliness anymore... I can finally join my fellow comrades...

She said as tears started welling up in her eyes and flowed down her face.

Dark Ji Xuanyuan: Thank you... for releasing me from this endless darkness...

Akiri: No. We should be thanking you...

He replied, kneeling down next to her as he started coughing up blood.

Akiri: Thank you for sealing Chiyou, for protecting humanity for the past five thousand years

Ji Xuanyuan's body started to glow, and she gradually started disappearing into golden dust which floats into the air.

Akiri: We'll continue to protect humanity in your stead. Leave that burden to us and rest

Dark Ji Xuanyuan: Are you sure? Walking down this path, means that you'll end up just like me. This burden you're carrying, it will one day destroy you. You will be your own worst enemy...

The boy stayed silent for a brief moment, thinking of his answer.

Akiri: ...Someone has to walk this road. If it could be anyone, I'd rather it be me. And if I do end up like you, then someone else will stop me, just like how I defeated you

Xuanyuan quietly looked at him before she lightly nodded, and as the girl's body disappears completely, the insides of Chiyou's body had started to shake violently as it begins to collapse.

Akiri: I gotta get out of here...

He struggles to get up on his feet and he started to slowly limp away from the area.

Akiri: (thoughts) Damn... That took a lot out of me... But then again, that was the first time I've tried projecting a Divine Key...

The ground shook even more, making him almost lose his balance, but he managed to regain it as he kept on walking.

Akiri: (thoughts) It's to be expected... I'm surprised I'm even conscious right now, especially after I've used the Xuanyuan sword at full power...

Some moments later, his feet had started to feel numb, and his eyelids felt heavy, slowly closing his eyes no matter how hard he tried to keep himself awake.

Akiri: (thoughts) No... I can't die here... I've made a promise... I promised...

Soon after, his legs finally gave in and he fell face first into the ground. He used his arms to try lifting himself back up again, but his elbows also gave in, dropping him down again.

Akiri: (thoughts) Shit... Am I really going to die here...?

His breathing had begun to become ragged, even taking in air started to hurt, as well as the rapid beating of his heart. His eyelids once again slowly started to close, but this time, he didn't fight against it.

???: Young warrior, you are not to perish yet...

He heard a female voice say to him just before everything went black...






???: Madam Theresa. The extraction team have recovered Valkyries Himeko Murata, Fu Hua and Kiana Kaslana. Still no sign of Knight Akiri Shiranobu

Theresa: He's down there somewhere. Keep looking

Theresa went back to look at the screen in front of her, watching a top-down view of Chiyou's body as several Schicksal helicopters are seen encircling the carcass.


Otto: Interesting... Very interesting...

Back at Schicksal's Headquarters in Europe, Otto Apocalypse was looking at the same footage Theresa was watching at the Hyperion.

Otto: That was undoubtedly Subject 51 using the powers of the tenth Divine Key

He lifts his hand forwards and made a swiping motion on the holographic screen in front of him, the display changes to show a body scan of someone, various information such as heart rate, blood pressure and brain activity were shown as well.

Otto: He's over-exerted nearly every part of his body, yet he still managed to survive. Although only barely, it is still an incredible feat... I must further study this...

He kept on watching the screen with interest.






Currently, at an undisclosed facility, Sin Mal is seen walking down a corridor with someone behind her restrained with handcuffs. It is revealed to be the self-proclaimed mangaka, Nintou Bokutsuki, who had mysteriously disappeared during the whole ordeal back at Jiuling.

???: Sin!

A female voice called out, and she saw that it was a woman with long blonde hair and purple eyes, wearing a dark green military uniform with a white coat loosely worn over it.

Sin Mal immediately ran towards her and hugged the woman.

Sin Mal: Matushka!

Woman: Sin, please be more respectful next time

She said as she walked over to the handcuffed person in front of her. As she got closer, she then knelt down before him with her head lowered, making the man confused by her behaviour.

Nintou: M-Miss, what are you doing?

Woman: I think you've had enough fun, wouldn't you agree?

He didn't say anything as his lips then curled up into a smirk.

Nintou?: No matter what form I take... You still aren't easily deceived, Cocolia

He then easily breaks apart the handcuffs that were restraining him like it was nothing.

Cocolia: We have been awaiting your return, my Sovereign...

The woman now known as Cocolia said, still on her knee and the man snickered.

Sovereign: I assume the preparations are complete?

Cocolia: About that... There has been a slight deviation

Sovereign: Oh?

Cocolia: The attempt to awaken Raiden Mei's Stigmata has been met with some difficulties. She has been taken away by Schicksal to St. Freya Academy. Their Valkyrie training facility. Our attempts to retrieve her had failed

Sovereign: Then I shall personally retrieve her myself. Be grateful for my generosity to assist you with your task

Cocolia: Yes, my Sovereign. I am truly thankful

Sovereign: Then let us be on our way

With his permission, Cocolia lifted her head and stood up. The Sovereign began to walk away, with Cocolia following behind.







(A/N: Just wanted to take a moment to apologize for taking so long to finish this small arc. Things just haven't been the best for me lately, I'm not in the best state mentally right now, so writing has been a difficulty for me. So again, I sincerely apologize.

As always, feel free to let me know what you think of the last five chapters of the book. Just remember to be respectful. Thanks for reading.)

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