Bounded To You (Star-Crossed)

By Al_Noodzi

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[Book 3] You have given me something that makes others envious of, they would die to have, and some live and... More

Chapter 1 - Parallel Circumstances
Chapter 2 - Reacquainted
Chapter 3 - Haunting Past
Chapter 4 - Immortality Threatened
Chapter 5 - Anamneses
Chapter 6 - Pain of Love
Chapter 7 - Unidentified Threat
Chapter 8 - Imminent
Chapter 9 - The Journey
Chapter 10 - Trapped
Chapter 11 - Unforeseen
Chapter 12 - Allay
Chapter 13 - Sliver
Chapter 14 - Destiny
Chapter 15 - Uncertainty
Chapter 16 - Uncontrollable
Chapter 17 - Confessions
Chapter 18 - Scars
Chapter 19 - Eternal Slumber
Chapter 20 - Contemplation
Chapter 21 - The Curse
Chapter 22 - Healing
Chapter 23 - Retreat
Chapter 24 - A Touch
Chapter 25 - Past Demons
Chapter 26 - Family
Chapter 27 - Control
Chapter 28 - 910 Years Long
Chapter 29 - Possession
Chapter 30 - Guilt & Blame
Chapter 31 - Agonizing Love
Chapter 32 - Therapeutic
Chapter 33 - Wyatt
Chapter 34 - Melting Snow
Chapter 35 - Beginnings
Chapter 36 - Surprises
Chapter 37 - Perplexed Mind
Chapter 38 - Agreements
Chapter 39 - Crossroads
Chapter 40 - Risks
Chapter 41 - Misery & Joy
Chapter 42 - Normalcy
Chapter 43 - Rift
Chapter 44 - Consequences
Chapter 45 - Blood
Chapter 46 - Return
Chapter 47 - Another
Chapter 48 - Overwhelmed
Chapter 49 - Unspoken words
Chapter 50 - Fulfilling Dreams
Chapter 51 - Mine
Chapter 53 - Threat
Chapter 54 - Love Lost
Chapter 55 - Dealing
Chapter 56 - Repercussions
Chapter 57 - Dying Flame
Chapter 58 - Reason I Love You
Chapter 59 - Aftereffects Of Immortality

Chapter 52 - Desires Of The Heart

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By Al_Noodzi


Lucius walked back and forth in the library, taking in deep breaths to calm his nerves, glancing outside at where everyone sat waiting for the two of them. Noah, as he'd told him before about how he imagined it, was late. He gulped in a deep breath, going through his vows in his head again.

"Lucius." Lucius's eyes rose to meet Lazarus's. He smiled at Lazarus nervously before he nodded, walking up to him and taking the hand he offered him. "This is what you wanted, why so nervous?"

"It's all Noah's fault." Lucius grumbled, "And I forgot how heavy those robs are."

"Tobias did a great job." Lazarus said, admiring Lucius's outfit that consisted of a white shirt, black pants, boots that reached just beneath the knees. The entire outfit finished off with the blood red Eglar's robe, held with a golden rope tied around his shoulders, two gold plates sitting at each of his shoulder while the robe draped down behind him, reaching the ground, the emblem of the royal family sown into the back of it with golden thread, and at his side his family sword, dug up by Noah from where he'd hidden it for him. He reached over, taking Lucius's chin between his fingers and lifting it so their eyes met again as he said, "You look handsome. You have no idea how proud I am at this moment. I am sure your parents feel the same wherever they are."

Lucius gulped, his smile softening, more natural as he nodded, muttering, "I wish they were here."

"I am sure they are." Lazarus told him, "As long as you have them in your heart, they will always be with you."

"Thank you." Lucius muttered, turning to the door as Noah walked in, pulling at his robe, grumbling, almost tripping, making Lucius chuckle, Ren walking in behind him scolding him. "Took you long enough." Lucius said.

"This stupid robe. And Ren wouldn't let me leave until my hair was just the way she wanted." He said, glaring at her as she shrugged and walked past them going outside to join the others.

Lucius's lips tilted in a smirk as he said, "You should wear your hair that way more often."

Noah sighed, tossing it over his shoulder, not liking how Ren placed some of it so it showed from the front. "It's uncomfortable."

"Doesn't matter. We are late."

"WE are on time" Noah grumbled as he walked up to them, "It is our wedding after all."

"True." Lucius said.

Noah came closer to him, leaning in to kiss him as he said, "You don't look too bad yourself."

"No kissing." Lazarus grumbled from beside them, challenging Noah's glare, "You will be doing plenty of that soon enough."

Noah stood straight as he said, "You enjoy ruining my fun."

"As true as that is, we should get going." Lazarus said, offering his hand to Lucius again who took it without question. He then offered the other to Noah, who also took it smiling before he glanced at Lucius.

"Ready, Lu?" Lucius merely nodded, feeling his heart starting to beat faster to his chest, gulping as they faced the door, starting to walk out towards the arch of roses that Noah created for Lucius, underneath it Tobias stood, waiting for the two. They had all agreed that since he was the oldest other than Lazarus, and as was tradition, that he would be leading the ceremony.

Tobias smiled as they walked towards him, glancing at Benjie who had a camera recording everything, one they'd worked on especially for that day, nodding at him to confirm it was working. They stopped before him when they reached him, everyone having gone quiet the moment they walked out, the instruments Ira had made started to play a light melody. Lazarus placed their hands in each other's, looking between them before he stepped back, taking a seat.

As Tobias started the ceremony with a poem of Eglar, traditionally spoken at every wedding, Lucius's heart pounded even fiercer in his chest, making him deaf to the words that sounded jumbled, his eyes locked on their hands clasped in each other's. He remembered it happening only once before, the anxiousness. When he'd become king. The day itself when he walked down the throne room to his throne, he couldn't hear a thing over his heart. It was repeating, his breath becoming faster, hands unconsciously tightening around Noah's.

"Lu?" Noah muttered, quietly, trying not to disturb Tobias, but started becoming worried about Lucius when he heard his heavy breathing. He let go of one of Lucius's hands, reaching up for his cheek, making him look into his eyes before he asked, "Are you alright?"

"Doesn't feel real..." Lucius muttered, and before he could stop them, tears trailed down his cheeks, "I am going to wake up. This is just a dream. It's not real."

"Are you two going to let me get this over with?" Tobias asked.

Lucius glanced at Tobias before looking back at Noah, saying, "Good things don't happen to us. It's not real."

"Lu, it is-..." Noah started saying when Lucius pulled his hand out of Noah's, stepping away, walking towards the lake past the arch, leaving behind him a confused Tobias. Lazarus got to his feet in worry just as Noah caught up to Lucius who leaned down, bracing himself on his knees as he took in deep breaths. "Lucius, what is it?" he asked, grabbing his arm when he tried to walk away. "Talk to me, Lu."

Lucius turned to face Noah, more tears having fallen from his eyes made his face glister with wetness. "I don't want it to be a dream. I want this. Oh god, I want it more than anything, but we never get what we want, so how in the world could this possibly be real?" Lucius asked him.

Noah reached over, grabbing a hold of Lucius's face between his palms as he said, "Love, it is."

Lucius held onto Noah's arms as he mumbled, "Doesn't feel like it. And I won't be able to handle it if it wasn't."

"Lu, what do you want us to do? Don't you want to get married anymore?" Noah asked him with a frown.

"No! God, no!" Lucius shook his head, "More than anything, I want this. More than anything I want to be married to you, to be bound to you with more than just my soul. In every way possible."

Noah smiled at him as he said, "Then let's do it, because, Lu, this is real. I promise you, this is real. And now that I want this, I won't let you take it away from me. Besides, if it wasn't real, you think I would be wearing this stupid robe? It is so damn heavy." Lucius couldn't help the laugh that left him with a sob, wiping at his eyes roughly before taking Noah's hands in his.

"Even if I wake up from this..."

Noah said, "Even if. I would be beside you to tell you that one day we would do this. But I did promise, didn't I? It is not a dream." Lucius gulped, nodding before Noah started to walk back with him to where Tobias was.

"Lucius, just say the word. I have a car on standby we can escape in." Tobias said when they came back.

"Why would you even say such a thing?" Ren glared.

Lucius let out a breath of a laugh, his eyes meeting Noah's, their fingers again intertwined as he said, "This is what I want. Where I want to be."

"Alright, just remember there is always that option." Tobias shrugged.

"You are supposed to be bonding us, stop trying to break us up while you are doing it." Noah glared, "Now get on with it."

Tobias rolled his eyes, smirking before he went on with the ceremonial speech. "Are the witnesses present?" Tobias asked.

"Here." Blayth said loudly.

"Here." Leon said from where he sat beside him.

Tobias then asked, "Do you wish to speak your vows?"

Noah nodded, eyes meeting Lucius's as he said, "If you weren't so traditional, this ceremony wouldn't be necessary because what I feel I have always felt. Nothing will change, not now, not ever. I will always be there for you when you need me, be it as a friend, brother, lover, whatever it is. I will always love you, even after I draw my last breath. I will always protect you. For the rest of our eternity, I will be yours. I have loved you for centuries, and that will not stop, no matter how much time passes. No matter the distance between us. No matter the memories that we might forget over time. Nothing will come between us." Noah smiled softly, reaching over to wipe Lucius's tears that didn't stop, "Even if we fight. Even if we don't speak to each other for days on end, I will always be there. You stole my heart the moment I met you, made me fall deeply and madly in love with you. I will never forget the moment I fell in love with you, Lu. I am tied to the dream of being with you that I am unable to settle for anything less. I chose you. I'd choose you in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality I'd find you and choose you each and every time. You make me happy. You make me laugh. You are smart and funny. You are a little crazy..." Noah paused to chuckle, barely hearing everyone around him do the same, focused on Lucius's tearful eyes, "But you are my crazy. My love. Mine forevermore."

"Lucius." Tobias muttered.

Lucius couldn't look away from Noah, he didn't know what else to say. What to add, as Noah had spoken what he himself felt. Only one thing came to mind, and as he spoke, his voice cracked as it left his lips, "You just gave me the world..."

A small frown caressed Noah's forehead as he smiled, "Hey, it's okay." He muttered as Lucius's eyes dropped, Noah's hand still caressing Lucius's tears away. Blayth reached over to Leon, hand slipping in his as he moved closer, eyes glued to Noah and Lucius as were everyone else's. Leon glanced at him, a small smile drew on his lips as he saw the glister of unshed tears in Blayth's eyes, making him think of how emotional his redhead was, making him tighten his hand around his, pulling it close to himself.

"Do I go on?" Tobias asked quietly, wanting to make sure Lucius didn't want to add anything else, a smile on his face, his heart light with happiness that Lucius was getting one thing that he'd wanted. At least the one thing, Tobias thought. At Lucius's nod, Tobias said, "Rings."

Ren nodded, getting up and handing Noah his ring as Lucius reached his shaky hand out, Noah placing the ring on his finger, pulling it to his lips to place a kiss against his hand before Lucius looked at Tobias who smiled, giving him his ring, one Noah hadn't seen yet. As Noah held his hand out, Lucius brought the ring forward, about to place it on Noah's hand when Noah muttered in shock, "Lu..."

"It was my family's ring." Lucius said, "I could think of no better ring to give to you since now you are my family. You have kept it for me all those years after all, might as well make it officially yours." Lucius sniffled. He had taken the ring from Noah the day before, not telling him why he needed the Delafontaine ring, and not returning it until that moment. The ring with the emerald stone looked different though, as Lucius had asked Tobias for help in changing it. He'd made the large stone into smaller ones that wrapped around the upper and lower rims of the ring, leaving the middle with the plain gold band, engraving within it the same thing Noah had engraved in his, merely changing the name. 'Lu's heart.' "The family engraving is from the inside, so I had to make space for this." Lucius told him, caressing the engraving to the upper side of the ring, "We should still be able to use it for the gates when the time comes...but for now. It's yours."

"Thank you." Noah smiled down at the ring, knowing what it meant to Lucius, and what it meant for Lucius to have given it to him.

Tobias then said, "I place upon you the blessing of our ancestors, may you move forth as one. Protect, love and respect one another." He said, wrapping a white cloth around their ringed hands, saying, "With this I bond you." he smiled as he added instead of till your deaths, "For eternity. You may seal it with a kiss."

Not waiting for another moment, Noah leaned in, Lucius doing the same until their lips touched, Noah's hand slipping up Lucius's neck, holding the back of his head, pulling him closer, parting his lips and deepening their kiss, Lucius's hand gripping him closer, breathing him in as they kissed, barely hearing the cheers in the background, flower petals raining over their heads. They only parted for a breath, a laugh leaving the two of them before Noah whispered to Lucius, "I am your husband now. Dream or not, you cannot escape me."

"I wouldn't want to." Lucius said, pecking Noah's lips again.

Ren wrapped both Noah and Lucius in her arms, pulling them into a tight hug, followed by everyone else after the ceremony had ended, congratulating them on finally being wed.

"Lucius, those were the lamest vows anyone could have spoken." Ren stated.

"I loved them, leave him alone." Noah said to her, but couldn't help smiling. His eyes turned red for a second before the entire place changed to two large round tables and chairs. One he made near the arch for the two of them alone. "Now go eat and stop bothering him."

"You are no fun." She grumbled before smiling at Lucius saying, "Now you are stuck with a crazy family. Congratulations."

"Doesn't matter, got what I wanted." Lucius shrugged, his fingers tightening around Noah's.

"Ready to dance?" Ira asked, the music changing.

"I don't want to dance in these robes." Noah sighed, glancing at Lucius to ask him if it was alright not to.

"I wouldn't be so cruel, Noah. You were tripping on them just by walking." Lucius chuckled, "You can take them off, but we are still dancing." Lucius said, wiggling his eyebrows at the defeated look in Noah's eyes.

"You are cruel." Noah said before walking up to the chairs meant for the two of them and unbuckling the robe from his shoulder before placing it over the backrest. He then went back to Lucius, took his hand and dragged him closer, making him trip and fall into his arms before he twirled with him. "Much better." Noah said, placing a hand on Lucius's waist and pulling him close.

"Glad to hear that." Lucius laughed, wrapping his arms around Noah's neck.

"I'm just happy you didn't drag tradition into our dances." Noah chuckled, remembering the long conversation they had before Lucius finally agreed that they could dance more modernly in their wedding.

"Everything else I picked. I didn't want you to feel left out." Lucius smirked.

The sun reflected at that moment, making Lucius's eyes seem lighter in their hazel color which had a thought passed in Noah's mind, his hand lifting to caress Lucius's hair out of his face as he muttered, "How did I get so lucky?"

Lucius merely smiled at him, leaning closer until their foreheads touched, breathing in one another as they swayed to the music, their lips brushing in a chaste kiss then Lucius whispered, "I am the lucky one." before he leaned closer for a deeper kiss.

As they sat down after the song, Rob walked up to them, a wide smile on his lips as he said, "Kind of makes me glad to know how different things are around here. I hope one day the entire world becomes open enough to let whomever is in love get married no matter the circumstances. I am really happy for you two."

"Thank you." Lucius said.

"So since you two are an odd couple, I thought this wedding gift is the best to suit both your tastes." He added, placing a wooden box on the table and opening it before turning it around to face them, pushing it towards them.

Noah smiled at him, reaching in for one of the daggers in it as he said, "They are beautiful."

"Thought so too. They are twin blades, each of you could have one and it will be as if you are fighting together." Rob repeated, "I honestly can't tell you how happy I am for you."

Noah stood up, holding out his hand to shake Rob's as he said, "Thank you. And thanks for being here."

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world." Rob replied as he shook his hand, "Guess I will leave you to it then, promised your sister I would dance with her."

"Careful. She likes to lead." Noah chuckled.

"Saw that. Poor Liam." Rob chuckled as he walked away.

Blayth walked up to them next, dragging a chair with him before settling down next to Noah, grabbing something from his pocket as he said, "A long time ago, mother gave this to me. I know I said she never spoke of her parents, and that I never knew who they were. It is true, but this one time, she gave this to me." He said, holding his fist out, "It was grandfather's. The only time she ever mentioned him. She said she missed him sometimes and this helped her remember him." Blayth opened his hand, holding the ring between his fingers as he said, "I've had it for a long time now, I think it is just fair to give it to my big brother as a wedding gift. Might as well say it is the only family heirloom that we have."

Noah took it from him, looking at the large blue stone atop with a crest engraved into it, much similar to the emerald one that Lucius transformed for him as a wedding ring. "I can't accept this, Blayth." He frowned, "It is the only thing you have of your mother."

"Our mother." Blayth smiled, grabbing Noah's hand before their eyes met and he said, "And I have memories. It is true that they fade with time, but I still have them. At least like this you will have something of her as well."

Noah took a deep breath before letting it out and said, "Thank you, Blayth."

Blayth nodded at him then turned to Lucius and said, "The gift Noah promised you? I helped him with it, so don't say I gave you nothing."

"Way to steal the glory." Noah grumbled.

Lucius chuckled before his eyes fell on the ring again, taking it from Noah to look it over. "I know this crest. The gray wolf. It was one of the powerful families in Eglar." Lucius said, frowning, "If only I could put a name to it..." he muttered, then looked up towards where Lazarus was, calling out, "Lazarus, can you come here for a second."

Lazarus walked up to them, asking, "What is it, son?"

"This." Lucius said, holding the ring out, "I know the family crest, I just can't remember the name."

"Clifford." Lazarus said, "Where did you get this?"

"It was my mother's." Blayth said.

"They were next in line for the throne. They had a claim on Eglar's throne. They were very unpleasant when Lucius gave the throne to me back then. Jason Clifford wanted his grandson, Elliot to take the throne. Elliot was the only heir to the Clifford family after his father had died, his older uncle, Avery, having died years before and his aunt had been kidnapped when she was about 22 years old. She was actually betrothed to the king at one point."

"My father?" Lucius asked with a deep frown.

"Yes." Lazarus nodded, "Timothy's father thought it was the right thing at the time, as it meant that the rivalry between the two families would cease once they were both to rule as one. But it was not meant to be. When her family declared her kidnapped, your father went out on a search for her, but only a week later he came back and said that she was found dead."

"No one went searching after that?" Lucius asked.

Lazarus smiled saying, "She wasn't dead. I was with Timothy when we found her. Her father had forced their engagement. Timothy was in love with your mother at the time, Lucius. As luck had it, he found Leann out in the countryside, in a small town. She had fallen in love with another man, and when her father refused to listen to her she eloped. Her father, not wanting the disgrace to befall his family, had said she was kidnapped, so the man would be killed when she was found and he'd be able to control her again. Timothy didn't want them to be found, and for him to be executed, so he said that he found her dead. He returned, and a few months later was betrothed to your mother."

"Oh god... what are the odds of that?" Lucius muttered, turning to Noah, "We wouldn't have been born if things were different."

"Are you telling me I belonged to one of the most powerful families in Eglar and had to share a room with Leon for almost 10 year?!" Blayth asked.

"Is that seriously the only thing that came to your mind?" Noah sighed.

"Did we ever meet them though? All those years in the castle, we must have crossed paths at least once." Blayth said.

"I met Jason Clifford once." Noah said, "He wasn't a pleasant man."

"He was very bitter and angry." Lazarus nodded, "And to think he is your grandfather." A small chuckle left Lazarus as he said, "You do look like him."

"Don't say that." Noah grumbled, making Lucius laugh at his reaction.

"It is the past." Lucius said, taking Noah's hand in his own, "You are merely learning more about the family you didn't know. It doesn't change who you are. And besides, you don't look like him. You are handsome, he was grumpy, rude and obnoxious. I don't know how my father was able to stand him." Lucius told him.

"The way you described him says nothing about the way he looked." Noah deadpanned, "And how many times did you see him?"

"Enough times to know that you do actually have the same face. Nothing else." Lucius said, taking a bite of his food so he wouldn't have to talk anymore after his statement, making Noah glare.

"Why was he so grumpy?" Blayth asked Lazarus.

"It was the fact that his family had magic." Lazarus said, "They thought they were more worthy of the throne because of that power, forgetting that the Delafontaine's, even though they had no powers to show, it coursed through their blood, made them even more valuable with the power to control the dragons. From the stories I heard, he was very horrible to his eldest, Avery, because he was supposed to be in line for the throne, but then we heard news of his passing almost 10 years after everything happened with Leann." He explained.

Lucius smiled before a small laugh left him as he turned to Noah, saying, "He should have known that one of his grandsons did actually rule."

"He might have died a happier man if he did." Lazarus shrugged, grunting when someone smashed against him from the back, almost making him fall over. He turned to grab Ren when she stumbled, laughing as she apologized, having gotten carried away when dancing with Rob. Lazarus smiled at her, grabbing her hands and twirling her before he started dancing with her instead.

"Now you can't say I was useless. You got the information you wanted." Blayth chuckled as he stood up, slapping Noah against his shoulder, "I'll go make Leon dance."

"Don't force him." Lucius warned.

"I got more leverage on him than you do, Lucius. He will do whatever I want." Blayth laughed as he walked away, and true to his word, he dragged Leon to the place between the tables they'd turned into a dance floor, and not too long after, everyone was dancing.

Lucius leaned towards Noah from where they sat, pecking his cheek as he said, "I'll go get us something else to eat. I'm still hungry."

"Of course you'd be with all the dancing." Noah grumbled.

"Oh, shut it. You like dancing." Lucius laughed as he got up and went to where the food was splayed across a long table. His eyes landed on Logan standing with a plate in his hand, eyes following everyone on the dancefloor, even Atrabilious who was dragged by Ren and was too stiff to dance. "Why does this bother you so much?"

Logan startled at Lucius's voice beside him before looking back at the dancefloor and saying, "It doesn't."

"It's all over your face. Stop denying it." Lucius said.

Logan was quiet for a while before he answered, "Just that you mention Eglar traditions when this wouldn't have passed in Eglar's court."

"Holding on to traditions doesn't necessarily mean you follow them to the letter. Besides, the engagement bit, you didn't seem to mind." Lucius stated.

"I didn't mind it because it wasn't anything official." Logan said, "But you are the only Delafontaine alive, you shouldn't have disgraced your family as such."

"Disgraced?" Lucius asked, "I am alive, more than a thousand years more than I should have been, and all to fulfill my duty as a Delafontaine. Don't I get a reprieve? Don't I get a say in how I live my life? At least in whom I love?"

"That is why I held my tongue." Logan said, "You are still my liege."

Lucius smiled, muttering, "Just as stubborn as your dragon." Logan looked at him, wondering what the smile was about. Lucius added, "But what of you and Atrabilious? Isn't it the same? You don't seem to mind that either."

"Atrabilious is not male." Logan said simply.

"Atrabilious is half man half dragon. And by all human standards, in this form he is a man." Lucius told him, making him frown.

"He is neither male nor female." Logan said.

"How do you figure?" Lucius asked.

"He could produce a successor." Logan explained.

"Perhaps, but what he can do is because of the spell he was created with." Lucius said, "When you talk about him you say 'he' and 'him'. Either way, it doesn't matter, because you still love him, don't you?" Logan's frown of confusion made Lucius pat him on the shoulder as he added, "Just think about it. I am only following my heart. It is time I finally do. I have loved that man for over a 1000 years. Give me a break. I finally have the chance to marry him without judgment, so spare me, alright? Perhaps my father wouldn't have approved at the time, but if he'd lived with us this long, like Lazarus, like the rest of the ones here, then you would understand all that we went through. You'd understand what it means to enjoy a peaceful moment to celebrate love, like we are doing here."

"I wish nothing but happiness upon you. And what you said does make me think of things differently, but I guess I am not there yet."

"You are still stone minded. You will get over it." Lucius laughed as he walked back to the table with a plate full of food he placed between them.

"That's a lot." Noah said.

"I plan to dance a lot more." Lucius smirked, making Noah frown at him.

"Lucius." At his name being called, Lucius looked up to where Leon was standing next to him, saying, "I didn't get a chance to congratulate you."

"Thanks, Leon." Lucius told him.

"I made you a little something. I know I haven't worked in a forge since I was a child, but... I thought I'd try my hand at it again." Leon said, placing a small statue, as big as his palm in front of Lucius whose eyes grew wide.

"This is beautiful." Lucius breathed as he picked it up, looking at the small metal statue, "How did you get the details right?"

Leon smiled as he said, "I had plenty of time. I started working on it after your engagement. It didn't really take so long to finish, but I thought I'd hold on to it till the occasion came."

"Delafontaine's crest." Lucius mumbled, turning it from side to side as he inspected it, "Father would have loved this."

"I am glad you like it." Leon nodded.

"I get nothing?" Noah asked.

Leon leaned over the table, getting close to Noah's face as he said, "You get a promise. Hurt him, and I will not be forgiving as I rip you apart."

Noah's eyes were locked on his for the longest time before he smirked, saying, "I will hold you to that."

"As you should." Leon said, smirking back at him before he stood up, just as Blayth walked up to him.

"Speech." Blayth said, making Leon's shoulders drop and his face to twist with a frown. "Suck it up, you wanted to be his witness."

"At the moment, I wasn't really thinking of the details." Leon sighed

Blayth raised his glass, ignoring him as he called out loud to everyone, getting their attention before he said, "Thought it was time to say a few words about our newlyweds."

"Don't make it sound so weird." Lucius grumbled, making Blayth smile at him over his shoulder.

"I met Lucius when he was still a prince." Blayth said, making Lucius raise an eyebrow, wishing he knew where Blayth was going with his so called speech. "It was at a dark time in my life. I never thought a challenge in the castle's yard would end up with me facing him, not knowing he was the prince." Blayth laughed, "Not until these two held their swords to my throat to protect him." He said, gesturing to Leon and Noah. "I didn't know them then. I didn't know who Lucius was as a person, merely the prince he was. He offered me a job, made me see a different path to my life. I am the man I am now because of him. Of his kindness. If not for that, perhaps I would have never found out that Noah is my brother. I wouldn't have known I had anyone else in this world to call family." Blayth's smile turned to Noah as he said, "I never thought I would appreciate having a brother until I found out I had you, Noah. Thank you, for accepting me into your life. For making me part of your family so quickly.

"I have seen the two of you grow, have seen your love get so strong over the years. I have been there, every step of the way, watching the two of you become who you are. I am proud to call you my family, and so god damn happy for the two of you. I am sure everyone is thinking it, as horrible as it might seem to say this right now, we are all so happy that you get at least this one thing. Life can be hard sometimes, and the two of you know it more than any of us. The truth is that I would give my life for the two of you to have this moment for the rest of forever, so enjoy it. Because we know not when all of it could end. Tomorrow is unpredictable, but one thing is for certain. Now the two of you are married." Blayth smiled widely, "Marriage is for life, and our lives are long. Hope you are ready for that, because even if you aren't. It's a little too late." He laughed before lifting his glass and saying, "So here's to you. To a happily ever after just like in those stories Edmur likes reading. I wish you all the joy in life, and all the happiness that comes from being with the one you truly love."

"Here, here!" Everyone called, drinking to Blayth's speech before looking at Leon expectedly.

"I don't know what to say." Leon deadpanned, looking at Blayth.

"What you feel for once." Blayth shook his head.

It took Leon a moment before he heaved a sigh and said, "Love drives us crazy. Not the normal crazy. Crazy, crazy. Like you can't sleep thinking about it, you hate how your heart aches with how much love you feel. You want to tear it out and toss it away sometimes at how annoying it gets. But one thing is for sure, you can't escape it." Leon said, a small smile finally touching his lips as he added the last part, glancing at Blayth for a moment before he turned to Lucius and Noah saying, "You beat the odds at every turn. I don't know when it happened, but you became what I looked at for help when I needed it, especially when it came to love. Lucius said many times that the fates are against them being together, but I don't believe that. You got some bumps and bruises along the way, but you still hold strong. Because if it was true that you aren't meant to be, then you two wouldn't be here today, a thousand some years later, still together, still in love so insanely it makes me envy you sometimes. Even though I have that in my life, I've wished I had it for as long as you did. As much as I fought against it in the past, it truly is a wonderful thing being in love. And I wish you all the happiness this world could give, and to be in love with each other for the eternity I pray you have together. I have vowed to protect you, Lucius, and now I give you another vow: I will protect what you two cherish. Because if the great love story of Noah and Lucius doesn't exist, then what hope do the rest of us have?" Leon said, raising his glass towards Noah and Lucius who were smiling at him as he said, "To Lucius. To Noah. To love."

"Lucius, your vows were horrible in comparison!" Ren said loudly, making everyone glare at her.

Lucius bit his lip as he turned to Noah, muttering, "I really wasn't able to talk."

"I know."

"Sorry to have ruined it." Lucius said.

"It was perfect the way it was." Noah said with a smile.

"I still worked hard on my vows though." Lucius told him, fidgeting with his pocket till he got the papers he'd written, holding them out to Noah. "You can read them later."

"I'd love that." Noah said, kissing Lucius's knuckles as he took it from him, "So are you ready to see your gift?"

Lucius grinned as he nodded, saying, "Do you really have to ask?"

"Maybe one more dance?" Noah asked.

"Don't tease." Lucius hit him against his arm as he got up, dragging Noah with him, "So, where is it?"

"It's not here." Noah said.

"Don't be like that. Just give it to me." Lucius groaned.

"I am serious. We have to go there so I'll give it to you." Noah said, pointing at the distance towards the tree line.

Lucius looked at where he was pointing before turning to him with a board look as he said, "Middle of the woods? At sunset?"

Noah chuckled as he said, "Promise it will be worth it. Hey, everyone. I'm taking Lucius to his gift."

"Finally?" Blayth said, making Lucius more confused as he looked between them, Blayth handing Noah a scarf of sorts to wrap around Lucius's eyes.

"What's that for?" Lucius asked.

"How many times do I have to say it is a surprise?" Noah told him.

"You are making me hate surprises." Lucius grumbled as he let Noah tie it around his eyes.

"No, you don't." Noah laughed, "By the way, no one has seen it except Blayth because he helped me finish it."

"Really?" Lucius asked as Noah grabbed him by the shoulders and started guiding him to the trees, everyone following them curiously to know what the gift was. They walked for a while, Lucius stumbling a few times on tree roots but Noah kept a hold of him so he'd not fall. "This is taking too long." Lucius complained.

"Almost there." Noah told him just before they walked out of the thick forest into a clearing. Noah stopped, bringing Lucius to a stop with him before he whispered to him, "Ready?"

"More than ready." Lucius said, feeling Noah's hands starting to untie the scarf, the gasps and murmurs around him making him more curious.

"Open your eyes." Noah said when the scarf fell, warping his arms around Lucius from behind. Lucius's mouth fell open in surprise, eyes scanning the outside of a beautifully built cabin facing another part of the lake, a bit further away from the mansion to keep it out of sight. "It was running away, getting married, building a house by the lake and living there, right? That was what you always dreamt of, wasn't it?"

Lucius felt the same feeling from earlier start to take over, his heart constricting in his chest as his eyes blurred with tears, again not believing what he was seeing, what he was hearing. "Noah..." he breathed.

"I built it for you. For us." Noah said, letting go of Lucius who walked forward towards it before stopping in his tracks. "Do you like it?" Noah asked after a moment, starting to get worried when Lucius didn't move, didn't say another word.

A laugh left Lucius as he turned to Noah, smiling despite the tears that trailed down his cheeks, "You built me a cabin."

Noah smiled as he said, "I did."

"I...I don't know what to say..." Lucius said shakily.

Noah walked up to him, cupping his cheeks as he leaned down, forehead pressed to Lucius's as he said, "You don't have to say a thing."

"Noah, none of this feels real..." Lucius muttered, "I can't be this happy. There is no way I am this happy. Everything I ever wanted... everything I ever dreamed of can't be happening all at once. There's just no way."

"So you like it?" Noah asked, making Lucius chuckle as he nodded through his tears.

"Oh god, I love it. I love it so much. I love you so much." Lucius said, wrapping his arms around Noah's neck, "My god, I love you so damn much." He pulled away, kissing Noah deeply before he broke the kiss, laughing as he said, "Suddenly the blisters I got from the chair don't seem so bad anymore."

Noah chuckled at his comment, hearing Blayth behind him say, "Oh, you have no idea."

"Thank you." Lucius said over Noah's shoulder to Blayth before cupping Noah's face, looking into his eyes as he said, "Thank you for making my dreams become reality."

"I'd do anything for you, love. Anything. Even if you asked me to jump into flames." Noah told him with honesty, making Lucius's smile widen as he dipped in for another kiss.

Blayth suddenly appeared next to Noah, an arm around his neck as he said, "So if he said jump into the flames dancing, would you do it still?" Blayth groaned when Noah elbowed him in the ribs.

"Go away. All of you." Noah said louder.

"Don't be rude." Lucius scolded him.

"I am hungry, and I will go eat." Lorena declared, dragging Liam with her, then stopping to back trail and grab Blayth by his ear to pull him along.

"Wait!" Lucius said when they were about to leave, smiling at all of them as he said, "Thank you all for making this come together. For helping me make it perfect. It wouldn't have meant a thing without all of you there. Thank you. Really."

"You are more than welcome." Lazarus said.

"We'd do anything for you, Lucius. You should know that by now." Tobias said laughing as he turned around and started to walk away.

"Thank you." Lucius called after them as they disappeared into the forest between the cabin and the house.

"It's not the mansion-..."

"It's much better." Lucius said when Noah spoke, cutting him off. "It is perfect. Ours. By the lake. Just the two of us. Perfect isn't good enough to describe it."

"It is yours." Noah corrected.

"Just like you are." Lucius smiled.

"Exactly." Noah said, kissing him again before taking his hand and starting to guide him to the cabin. "Let me show you the inside. Blayth mostly helped with the fireplace and chimney."

"I can't even believe you built this from scratch." Lucius said.

"It helped me take my mind off of you. I started it after I'd lost you the last time."

"You've been planning this since then?" Lucius asked.

"I was going to give it to you before, but then... you talked about getting married, and I thought what better to gift you than this. So I waited." Noah explained as he pushed open the cabin door. "It has plumbing, running water and a radio. There is a small kitchen but I doubt we'll be using that. The two of us combined can't cook worth a damn. Built the bed with Blayth's help, some of the furniture." Noah said, "The rest I got from the main house." He stood at the door, a smile on his face as he watched Lucius go inside, his eyes wide as he looked at everything around. A large bedroom opened over the living room with a couch and a couple of armchairs, to the other end a counter overlooking them and behind it a quaint kitchen. Only one door in the entire place that Lucius guessed led to a bathroom.

Lucius touched the furniture in the cabin, admiring them before turning to Noah. "Noah..." Lucius breathed, a loving smile on his lips, "My god, there are no words..."

Noah's smile grew as he walked up to him, cupping his cheeks as Lucius grabbed his arms, saying, "You've been crying all day. Why all those tears, love?"

"Happy tears, I promise." Lucius told him, "Truly happy. To the point where I am having trouble believing it to be reality."

"Perhaps by tomorrow it will seem real?" Noah asked.

"I don't know." Lucius let a small laugh leave him, "All I know right now is how much I love this place. How much I love you and the fact that you made sure the bed is facing a window overlooking the lake." Noah chuckled as he leaned close, making Lucius do the same as he whispered against his lips, "This is my happily ever after. Nothing else matters. No one else matters but you."

"I am perfectly content with that." Noah muttered, pressing his lips to Lucius's before he stepped back, looking Lucius in the eyes as Lucius unbuckled his robe, letting it fall on the ground by his feet, followed by his shirt. Noah bit his bottom lip before he asked, "Are you sure you are alright?"

"If you stop asking me that." Lucius countered, smiling back at Noah who made it a point to discard all his clothes without a second thought. "In a hurry, are we?"

"Just want to make you comfortable." Noah told him, a loving look ever present in his eyes. Lucius took off his own pants, but before he got to his underwear, Noah took the step that separated them, tilting Lucius's head before he started kissing him, feeling Lucius's arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer, Lucius's fingers playing with the short hair at the back of Noah's neck. Noah pulled away with a small chuckle, his nose brushing Lucius's as he said, "You like the fact that my hair is already down, don't you?"

"I can't say that I don't." Lucius laughed, and in a second, Noah hoisted him up so his legs were around his waist, kissing him again as he walked them to the bed, dropping Lucius on it before he leaned over him, ravishing his lips once more, his lips moving down his neck.

Lucius licked his lips as he closed his eyes, smiling as he felt Noah's lips down his neck, tilting it further to give him more access. His eyes slipped open, taking in a deep breath when he saw the view above the bed, the sky's colors having faded into the night sky where the first stars were starting to appear making his eyes blur with tears as he breathed, "Noah..." Noah lifted his head to look into Lucius's eyes, seeing the tears he frowned before Lucius cupped his face, saying, "I love you so much." His eyes then looked past Noah's head at the skylight, smiling as he said, "I can't believe you made this for me."

Noah's frown slowly faded as he tilted his head up to look at the window in the ceiling, muttering, "Had to make sure everything would be to your liking."

"This is more than I imagined." Lucius told him.

"Now you can stargaze all you want." Noah breathed, leaning in to kiss him again.

Lucius's arms wrapped around Noah, his hand tangled in his hair, pulling Noah in for a deeper kiss, parting his lips for Noah to slip his tongue into his mouth, exploring and tasting him. Lucius felt a shiver as Noah's hand glided down his side, slipping between them to cup his groin, rubbing against his slowly hardening member. It was the perfect moment, Lucius thought, the perfect moment and he didn't want to ruin it, so as his heart raced in his chest, and his body started to tremble, he tried hard to push it out of his head.

Noah pulled away from the kiss, breathing against his lips, "Are you alright?"

"Don't stop." Lucius said, leaning up to kiss his lips, pulling Noah back into him.

"Lu, don't force yourself." Noah whispered against his lips, his eyes closed as he tried to calm down his excitement, feeling as Lucius trembled in his arms.

"I want this." Lucius said, but his voice cracked.

Noah kissed him, wrapping his arms around him as he lay beside him, muttering, "I know. But we have eternity, remember? We don't have to rush things."

"I don't want to ruin today. I promised to be alright..." Lucius muttered, his eyes looking through the window atop the bed, hands wrapped around Noah's arm that was tossed over his chest.

"I have you. That is all I want." Noah told him, nuzzling the side of his cheek, "I am yours and you are mine."

Lucius tilted his head against Noah, repeated, "I am yours and you are mine." After a long moment of silence Lucius said, "It is one of those times."

"What times?" Noah asked, kissing his temple as he leaned on his elbow, looking down into Lucius's eyes.

"The times I wish would freeze. The moments I wish to live in forever." Lucius let a small smile touch his lips, his hand reaching up to caress Noah's cheek, "One of those times that I would do anything to stay in."

Noah leaned down, kissing his forehead as he muttered, "I know what you mean."

"Is there any food in here?" Lucius asked, making Noah laugh.

"You are eating quite a lot today." Noah said as he got up, taking his pants and putting them on while he spoke, "Had Cole help me stock the fridge yesterday. There is wine also."

"Sounds great." Lucius said, getting up as well and going to the fridge as Noah went to the fireplace, tossing a few pieces of wood in it before lighting it with magic. "Want something?" Lucius asked Noah.

"Wine." Noah answered, grabbing a blanket and spreading it on the ground by the fireplace, then going to the kitchen and making a few sandwiches, as Lucius placed fruits in a bowl and moved them to where he had settled with a bottle of wine by the fireplace, Noah soon joining him.

"You know, cooking for me is another thing that makes me love you." Lucius said, taking a sandwich from the plate.

Noah laughed as he said, "You call making sandwiches cooking?"

"More than I do." Lucius shrugged, taking a bite, "You know, I was thinking..." Lucius said, glancing at Noah, "Maybe if you tell me about the good memories, I'd stop having so many of the bad ones."

"I don't know." Noah muttered, "You start getting nightmares if I speak about things you don't remember."

"I am already getting nightmares whenever I sleep. It won't really make a difference unless it changes them to good ones." Lucius smirked, "So, tell me."

"Alright. I will start telling you, and if you remember it let me know so we'll go to the next one." Noah said, taking a sandwich for himself as he leaned against the couch while he spoke.

"Alright." Lucius agreed.

"Okay." Noah said, seeming to think before he asked, "Do you remember the one about your wooden sword?"

"No." Lucius said, taking a sip of his wine.

"You were 10, maybe. I wasn't there, but you told me this story so many times that I can't forget it." Noah laughed, "You weren't allowed to use a real sword yet, so you had to train with it. This one time you lost it, and you kept crying, refusing to use another one, even though no one was able to find it. Your father the king ordered a new one be made that looked like it, since you didn't want another he had to make it seem like it was yours." Noah laughed again, "You tossed it, cried again making everyone wonder why you were crying. When your father finally asked you why, you said that yours had a crack in it. That you only wanted yours."

Lucius laughed as he asked, "Why so stubborn?"

"That's just who you were." Noah said, "Who you are."

"So what happened?" Lucius asked.

"You were scolded." Noah said, "Weren't given a choice other than to use it."

"Wow." Lucius laughed.

"You remember how we met right?" Noah asked, making Lucius smile at him as he nodded, "How about when father caught us?"

"Oh I remember that." Lucius said, shaking his head.

"Do you remember our first time the night before that?" Noah asked.

"Barely." Lucius told him.

"It was when I first created a night sky for you." Noah said.

"Was it?" Lucius asked.

"Yes. After that, you'd ask me to create one whenever you were ill, or sad. Whenever you merely wanted an escape from reality." Noah told him.

"That I remember." Lucius said, reaching over to take Noah's hand in his, "And you never said no."

"Why would I say no to something that makes you happy?" Noah asked. "Do you remember our morning rides?" Noah said next.

"Not all, but yeah. I loved them." Lucius said.

"You remember when we took Leon and Blayth with us the first time?" Noah asked, laughing.

"No." Lucius said.

"We were telling them about our first kiss, and I was telling them how you kissed me-..."

"It was you." Lucius slapped his arm.

"Come on, we both know you loved it so much you wanted more." Noah laughed at how Lucius blushed, slapping his arm again.

"Shut up."

"What? It is true. My proof is this." Noah said, grabbing Lucius's hand with the ring, "I got you to marry me. You wouldn't have unless you liked it."

Lucius pulled his hand away as he said, "Just tell me what happened."

"Only that you tossed your boots at my head." Noah said, making Lucius laugh.

"Seems like you deserved it."

"Mhmm..." Noah smirked, "So what else?" He wondered before saying, "Oh, the yard. Do you remember the flower garden in the castle?"

Lucius smiled as he said, "It was beautiful."

"It was. Well kept. But that wasn't my favorite part." Noah said, "My favorite part was that it was like a maze. We would be there for an event, and I would snatch any moment we were hidden, kiss you all I wanted before we had to hide in the bushes." Noah said, making Lucius laugh, "You don't remember that?"

"No. I remember the library. Spending a lot of time there with Tobias or Emerson. Meeting you after."

"I once snuck in there with a basket of strawberries." Noah said, "You were studying with Tobias, and I brought you the basket, pushed you against the shelves and kissed you. My favorite part about the entire thing of being in love with a prince was the risk. We would kiss and hide, try and not be caught. It was exciting... and yet, I love this more."

"I love it better too." Lucius said, laughing as he took another sip of his wine before refiling both their glasses. Noah went on telling him stories, making him laugh, smile and even tease each other over the past. Lucius was laughing as he said, "Oh god, why do all your stories end with us kissing?"

Noah smirked, "Because, that's what we always ended up doing. Hard to believe that at the time, you wouldn't kiss me, but ordered me to kiss you when you felt like it."

"Not very hard to believe from what you are saying." Lucius laughed, eating another grape, feeling Noah's fingers brush against his cheek made him smile before he glanced at him. "Do you miss it? The way I looked before?"

"Lu, it wasn't just your looks I fell in love with, it was you. Everything about you." Noah told him.

"What about the past? Do you miss that? The time of Eglar?" Lucius asked him.

"I miss a country I almost gave my life to many times, yes. But Lu, if you are asking if I miss the you from the past, then no." Noah shook his head, before a small smile touched his lips as he turned to the fire sparking in the fireplace and said, "I don't miss that, because I still have you. You are the same man. You still love me so strongly. You are still loud, opinionated, strong minded, and fearless. You still care about others more than yourself. Not much has changed really. Maybe only one thing. Back then you were shy, very shy. But now, so open, I love it. I can't miss something I still have, now can I?"

Lucius's eyes were locked on Noah's face for the longest time, watching the shadows dance across his face as the flames in the fireplace swayed. A small smile tugged at his lips before he said softly, "Let's try again." Noah turned to him, raising an eyebrow in question as Lucius placed his wineglass down near the almost empty wine bottle. He leaned close, cupping Noah's cheeks as he said, "Let's try again. You are the one I want. The one I live for. You are my past and my future. I said it earlier, nothing and no one else matters. Not memories, not bastards that hurt us in the past. It is just us. So I want to try again. I want you to make love to me."

"Are you sure?" Noah asked.

"It doesn't matter if I am sure or not. I want this. I want you." Lucius said, "If my body trembles then hold me. If I get scared then talk to me. Because the truth is, all I ever need is you." Lucius told him surely, leaning close as he whispered against Noah's lips, "Make me remember only your touch, feel only you."

"It's like I said before, Lu." Noah muttered, "You wish, and I make it come true."

Lucius's smile widened as he asked "Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah." Noah nodded, laughing as he pressed his lips to Lucius's, kissing him. He leaned closer until Lucius was laying down under him on the blanket in front of the fireplace.

"Just don't stop this time." Lucius said as Noah trailed kisses down his neck.

"Not unless you tell me to." Noah breathed against his ear, nibbling on his earlobe before he started kissing down his chest, one hand caressing his right nipple as his tongue glided over the other one, making Lucius moan as his back arched, breathless when Noah lightly bit it, teasing it with his teeth before he did the same with the other, then started kissing down his torso, his tongue dipping in his bellybutton, hearing Lucius's breathing hitch made him glance up at him. Lucius's head was tilted back, eyes closed and lips parted as he breathed, his fists wrapped around the blanket beneath him.

Noah hesitated, biting his lip before he raised himself until his face was inches from Lucius's, watching his eyes part and look into his own. He caressed Lucius's cheek, leaning down to kiss him, his other hand trailing down his body, gentle, loving as they moved.

"You want me, right?" Noah asked him softly.

Lucius took in a deep breath as he muttered, "Yes."

"Then touch me." Noah said, his hand gliding down Lucius's arm until it was over Lucius's, and when Lucius's hand let go of the blankets, he moved it to his shoulder, whispering, "Show me. Teach me what is Okay."

Lucius cupped Noah's jaw, pulling him in for a kiss as he let his trembling fingers slide down Noah's waist, pushing down his pants, Noah helping him before Lucius's hand slipped between them, touching Noah's hardness, making a gasp leave Noah's lips as he kissed him. Lucius's other hand gripped the nape of Noah's neck, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss they shared, making him breathless.

Noah's hands slipped down Lucius's body again, reaching the hem of his underwear. He pulled away from the kiss as he whispered, "Is this alright?" Lucius's eyes glanced between them at where Noah's hands were. "Look at me, Lu." Lucius did as told before he gulped, nodding.

"There has to be a first step." Lucius breathed, repeating his words from a few nights ago, a nervous laugh leaving him, "Okay."

"Okay." Noah repeated, leaning down to kiss him as he slipped the last piece of clothes off of Lucius's body, he lowered himself on top of Lucius, their hardness touching. Lucius's breathing quickened, his hands grabbing Noah's arms as Noah leaned close, nuzzling against the side of his nose as he whispered, "Breathe."

"Noah..." Lucius said breathlessly, his eyes shutting tightly.

"I'm right here." Noah muttered, "Don't be scared."

"I'm not..." Lucius muttered, "My body is just reacting. I know it's you... I know it... just..." Lucius gulped, parted his lids to look up at Noah before he muttered instead of what he was saying, "Kiss me."

Noah didn't wait to lean down and press his lips to Lucius's, feeling the hands wrapped around his arms loosen the longer they kissed, relaxed into the embrace that surrounded him as Lucius's arms went around him, holding him close. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips in relief as Lucius's legs parted, wrapping around his waist.

Lucius pulled away as he breathed against Noah's lips, repeating, "I know it's you."

"Good." Noah whispered, "Is this enough?"

"Not yet." Lucius said, "We are both still aroused-..."

"You are barely hard, Lu." Noah said gently, his hand caressing Lucius's cheek as he gazed into his eyes, "You don't need to force it."

"Noah, please. Please let's keep going. I am alright now." Lucius tried to persuade, "You said you won't stop."

"If you are sure, I won't." Noah said when he saw Lucius's eyes start to become tearful.

"I am. Don't stop." Lucius told him. Noah looked him in the eyes a long moment before he pushed himself off of Lucius, sitting up against the couch making Lucius take a trembling breath as he asked, "What are you doing?"

"As we are married now, I think it is time for you to perform your husbandly duties." Noah said, looking at the shaken Lucius with a saddened heart, but it didn't stop him from doing what Lucius wanted, just deciding to take a different approach to it. He held his hand out to him, saying, "Come on now."

Lucius frowned at him, sitting up and taking his hand, wondering where he was going with what he was doing. "What now?" Lucius asked.

"Come here." Noah said, pulling him closer before his hand grabbed one of Lucius's thighs, pulling it over his legs so Lucius was straddling him, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him close so their lips were a hair apart as he whispered with a smile, "Show me what you want."

Lucius couldn't help the smile that touched his lips at Noah's action, making him move closer to kiss him, deepening it as he wrapped his arms around Noah's neck, tangling his fingers in his hair before one of his hands slipped down, taking Noah's hand in his own and putting it against his lower back, pulling away to look him in the eyes as he pushed the hand further down, saying, "This. You. It is what I want. I am alright. And you are perfect." Lucius whispered before pressing his lips to Noah's as he felt his finger circling his entrance, "My perfect." Lucius breathed before kissing him again, pecking his lips over and over again as he felt Noah fumbling with something before touching him again, this time with wet fingers as he stretched him, making him gasp into the kiss.

When Noah felt him ready, he pulled his fingers free, taking Lucius's hand in his own, making him grab his member as he pulled away from the kiss, whispering, "You are in control."

Lucius licked his bottom lip before biting it, lining himself up with Noah's cock before he started to lower himself, and as Noah's cock entered him, his hand gripped Noah's shoulder, fingers digging into his skin as their foreheads touched, his breath leaving his lips as he felt himself stretch around Noah's girth. "You feel bigger..." Lucius breathed, eyes closed as he was completely filled with Noah's cock.

Noah let a chuckle leave him, a hand holding onto Lucius's thigh, the other against the back of Lucius's head, keeping their foreheads pressed against each other's, as he whispered, "It's not. It's just been a while since we did this."

Lucius tilted his head so his lips brushed against Noah's as he muttered, "You feel good inside of me."

"Do I?" Noah asked, his fingers digging into Lucius's flesh as he fought against moving.

"Mmm... very good." Lucius moaned.

"Is it okay to move...?" Noah asked after a few minutes passed, "It's getting hard to sit still."

"Yes..." Lucius hissed, Noah not waiting another second as he pulled back only to thrust into Lucius, his movement confined with Lucius settled in his lap. His breathing started to quicken when Lucius raised himself, using Noah's shoulders as leverage before thrusting down onto him, a shaky moan leaving him as he repeated the action.

"Lu, don't stop..." Noah groaned, his hands finding Lucius's waist, fingers grasping for leverage against his back as he pulled Lucius back down when he rose.

"Noah..." Lucius breathed, arms wrapped around Noah's shoulders, their lips locking in another kiss, and when they weren't kissing, they brushed against each other as heavy pants left them, their bodies moving together, trembling with ecstasy, and building up a thin layer of sweat as they worked towards their release. Noah's hand slipped between them, grabbing Lucius's cock and pumping him until he reached his climax, Noah following a second latter as Lucius tightened around him, making him shudder, nails digging into his back in his release as his back arched, muscles tightening as their lips brushed, and as they relaxed against the couch, their mouths molded against each other in a tired kiss.

"Not bad..." Lucius breathed.

"Love, you can't say that." Noah said.

"Why not?" Lucius wondered.

"You were moaning too much for it to be just 'Not bad', Lu." Noah said, making Lucius punch him weakly against the shoulder as he laughed.

"Shut up." Lucius grumbled, "You're one to talk."

"What does that mean?" Noah asked.

"I've got scratches and fingerprints all over my back to prove it." Lucius told him, smirking at the look on Noah's face, "So should we maybe consummate our marriage some more?" Lucius whispered against Noah's lips.

Noah chuckled, his head falling back against the couch cushion as he said, "Can a man get a few minutes break first?"

"Few minutes is too long."

"God, you're insatiable." Noah laughed, "Maybe moving to bed would be best."

"Husband, why are you talking like an old man?" Lucius asked with a smirk, "First you need time to recuperate, then you can't stay on the floor?" Lucius frowned when Noah didn't answer, instead stared at him silently with a smile, making him ask, "What?"

"You called me husband." Noah said, his smile growing, "You are right, this feels so surreal."

Lucius smiled back at him, his hand caressing Noah's cheek as they merely stared at each other before Lucius asked, "Did you just marry me because I wanted it?"

"That is part of it." Noah said, "There is also the fact that there is only one Lucius in this world. Also that I wanted to make sure you understood that you belonged to me alone and no one else."

"Possessive much?" Lucius asked with a smirk.

"I am a mad mage, I get to be." Noah said, pointing at his red eye making Lucius chuckle.

"Good excuse."

"Lu, I want no one like I want you. No one understands me like you do, and for some reason, this mad mage curse has tethered itself to you... wait I know the reason." Noah chuckled.

"And that is?"

"Because it is you. Because I am madly, deeply, insanely in love with you." Noah said, making Lucius smile at his repeated words, "Because you are the best thing in this world and my only reason for living."

"Don't stop." Lucius said, "Keep saying nice things about me, I don't mind it."

Noah laughed as he whispered, "Yep. You are definitely the kind of crazy I like."

Lucius frowned, saying, "I said, say nice things."

Noah couldn't help but chuckle before he said, "Let's move this to bed. I want to ravish you some more."

"Old man." Lucius said before getting up, looking down at Noah with boredom.

"I am old, I don't know why you think that would rile me up." Noah laughed as he got up, grabbing Lucius's hand and dragging him to bed, laying down and pulling Lucius on top of him, who landed with a grunt.

"Can't you be a little gentle?" Lucius asked, probing himself up on his hands.

Noah grabbed his cheeks between his hands, pulling him close as he said, "Stop talking and kiss me like you've never kissed another before." Lucius chuckled but said nothing as he leaned down and planted a kiss against Noah's lips that left him wanting more. They made love for hours that night, until both couldn't move anymore, falling asleep in each other's arms with the feeling that everything was perfect and complete.

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