Bounded To You (Star-Crossed)

By Al_Noodzi

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[Book 3] You have given me something that makes others envious of, they would die to have, and some live and... More

Chapter 1 - Parallel Circumstances
Chapter 2 - Reacquainted
Chapter 3 - Haunting Past
Chapter 4 - Immortality Threatened
Chapter 5 - Anamneses
Chapter 6 - Pain of Love
Chapter 7 - Unidentified Threat
Chapter 8 - Imminent
Chapter 9 - The Journey
Chapter 10 - Trapped
Chapter 11 - Unforeseen
Chapter 12 - Allay
Chapter 13 - Sliver
Chapter 14 - Destiny
Chapter 15 - Uncertainty
Chapter 16 - Uncontrollable
Chapter 17 - Confessions
Chapter 18 - Scars
Chapter 19 - Eternal Slumber
Chapter 20 - Contemplation
Chapter 21 - The Curse
Chapter 22 - Healing
Chapter 23 - Retreat
Chapter 24 - A Touch
Chapter 25 - Past Demons
Chapter 26 - Family
Chapter 27 - Control
Chapter 28 - 910 Years Long
Chapter 29 - Possession
Chapter 30 - Guilt & Blame
Chapter 31 - Agonizing Love
Chapter 32 - Therapeutic
Chapter 33 - Wyatt
Chapter 34 - Melting Snow
Chapter 35 - Beginnings
Chapter 36 - Surprises
Chapter 37 - Perplexed Mind
Chapter 38 - Agreements
Chapter 39 - Crossroads
Chapter 40 - Risks
Chapter 41 - Misery & Joy
Chapter 42 - Normalcy
Chapter 44 - Consequences
Chapter 45 - Blood
Chapter 46 - Return
Chapter 47 - Another
Chapter 48 - Overwhelmed
Chapter 49 - Unspoken words
Chapter 50 - Fulfilling Dreams
Chapter 51 - Mine
Chapter 52 - Desires Of The Heart
Chapter 53 - Threat
Chapter 54 - Love Lost
Chapter 55 - Dealing
Chapter 56 - Repercussions
Chapter 57 - Dying Flame
Chapter 58 - Reason I Love You
Chapter 59 - Aftereffects Of Immortality

Chapter 43 - Rift

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By Al_Noodzi

CHAPTER 43 – Rift

"Tell me what you want me to do!" Blayth protested, Leon again ignoring him only for him to finally blow his control.

"I want nothing from you but to leave me alone." Leon spat, groaning when he tried to leave only for Blayth to step in his path again.

"Not acceptable." Blayth protested.

"Come on, Leon, you are being unreasonable." Tobias said with a frown.

"I wasn't the one who killed Lucius!" Leon shouted over his shoulder at Tobias before turning back to Blayth who had a broken look on his face at being called a killer. Leon grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt, shoving him against the door as he said, "No matter what you spout, you know it was your fault. You might as well have held the blade that stabbed him yourself."

"That's a pile of shit and you know it." Blayth hissed at him, "If we are playing the blame game, then you should blame yourself as well. You stayed back. The only reason I had to return to your side was that. So stop being stupid-..." Blayth grunted when Leon's fist slammed against his already bruised cheek from his hit a few days ago, making Blayth's head bang against the door.

"Don't you dare-..."

Lazarus who had just walked into the room, seeing what the commotion was about went to the two, his hand landing around Leon's wrist where he held Blayth to the door as he said, "Leon if you don't unhand him this instant you will regret it."

"Will everyone just stay out of it?" Leon argued.

"Not when you are breaking the house rules." Lazarus glared, "You know we don't hurt each other on whims. Only when training are you allowed to do so."

"Then we are training." Leon glared back.

"Leon, don't make me do this." Lazarus threatened, his hand tightening around Leon's wrist. Leon glared at him for a few moments longer before shoving Blayth one last time then exiting from the door behind him. Lazarus placed a hand on Blayth's shoulder, but he stepped away. "Are you alright?" Lazarus asked.

"Peachy." Blayth grumbled as he rummaged through the bookshelves, tossing a few books before taking out a box hidden behind them.

"Go get Liam to check if your nose is broken." Lazarus said.

"No thank you." Blayth replied as he stepped out into the backyard.

Lazarus sighed, just then noticing Cole on the couch, Mel and Benjie held close to him as he stared at them with wide eyes. "Cole?" Lazarus asked quietly as he went to him, seeing Cole flinch and pull them closer to himself. "Son, no one will hurt you."

"Why would they do that?" Cole asked in a stutter, "I thought they loved each other?"

"They do. Leon is just hurting over Lucius's death, that's all. You don't need to be so scared." Lazarus told him.

"Lucius said love is the best thing ever. Why would he ever hurt him like that? Did he really kill Lucius?" Cole asked.

"He didn't." Lazarus said, "He's just projecting his pain onto Blayth."

"Is that why father hit mama?" Cole asked, a tear sliding down his cheek, "Is that why he hurt me? If love is that, are you going to end up hurting us? I don't understand... I don't..." Cole shook his head, sniffling as more tears cascaded down his cheeks. Tobias came to him, barely managed to talk him to hand him Benjie who started crying as well, making him guess that they'd seen their father beat their mother, if not them as well. He held Benjie as Edmur took Mel taking them to the kitchen to let Lazarus speak to Cole. Lazarus sat down beside Cole as he grabbed his chin firmly, yet gentle enough not to hurt him.

"What did I tell you yesterday, Cole?" Lazarus asked the trembling boy. "What your father did was not love. It was his weakness. His inability to become a man that led him to what he did. As long as I draw breath, no one will lay a hand on you, understood? I swear to you on my life."

"You know..." Cole guessed, his frown deepening.

"Lucius told me. If I am to protect everyone I needed to know. To understand what I should do." Lazarus explained.

"If it is sympathy you are offering, I do not want it." Cole insisted, wiping his tears roughly, trying to be brave like he was used to, at least act as if he was, "I don't need it."

"Not sympathy, my boy. I wouldn't belittle you." Lazarus said, "What you have been through is more than a normal man would have. You are strong. Brave to still hold your head high after what you endured. Don't lose that. I draw strength from it when I see you." Lazarus told him sincerely, "But if it is a front, Cole, you don't have to take it with me. I will protect your secret, as I will protect you. So when it becomes too much to handle, I am here for you."

It took Cole a few moments to believe that Lazarus wasn't lying. Looking him in the eyes long enough to realize that his words were true. He saw deceit in everyone else, but not Lazarus. He felt safe around him. So when Lazarus ignored his instinct when he saw the tears gathered in Cole's eyes and pulled him to his chest, Cole stiffened, but then, not too long after, as Lazarus's hand merely caressed his hair, did he relax, letting himself cry for the very first time. He let his walls tumble. Walls that shouldn't have been there for a child his age. He fell apart in the strong arms that supported him, letting him know he wasn't alone anymore. He hadn't cried for himself. For his mother's death. He didn't cry for the pain he went through. For a childhood robbed from him. Not until that moment, and he didn't hold back as he wept. Because that was the moment he knew his siblings were finally safe, as the arms that held him did not bring him harm, not once since they met.

Lazarus whispered soft words to Cole, wishing he'd calm down, but he didn't let go of him, not until Cole himself was ready for it, and even after his tears stopped, he clung to Lazarus still, soaking in the warmth the big hand against his head gave, the strong embrace that promised safety from anything wanting to harm him. "Please don't let us down..." Cole whispered, his voice hoarse from crying.

"I am teaching you to fight, Cole. If I ever do, don't hesitate to take your revenge." Lazarus said with a small laugh, not letting go of Cole.

"Thank you, sir... for everything." Cole muttered.

"Lazarus is fine, son. No need for formalities. I think we are past that." Lazarus said as Cole finally sat up, Lazarus reaching over to wipe his tears away, heart aching to see the reddened eyes and face. "Let's get you cleaned up and ready for dinner, yeah?" Lazarus spoke softly. Cole nodded, getting to his feet as told and going to wash his face.

"Is Cole fine?" Lorena asked as she stepped into the library, having seen him walking out.

"He will be. He got riled up when he saw Leon hitting Blayth."

"Are you serious?" Lorena said in anger, "He did it again?"

"Can you talk to them? Make sure it doesn't happen. If it does the two will have me to deal with." Lazarus said, "Blayth's out back. I will be preparing dinner now, come help once you've spoken to him. I doubt Leon will help after what happened earlier."

"Alright." She said, already heading to the back door. She found Blayth sitting on the steps of the porch that lead to the backyard. She sighed as she sat beside him, looking away with a frown when she saw the smudged blood under his nose. "Why aren't you fighting back? Defending yourself? This isn't like you."

"I will not fight him." Blayth muttered.

"Are you waiting for him to beat you close to death?" Lorena asked in frustration just as Blayth let out a puff of smoke from the pipe he held.

"It wouldn't be the first time someone I loved did." He said, leaning back against the step behind him as he looked up at the sky.

"Blayth, you aren't a boy anymore. You can protect yourself." Lorena said with a frown as she looked at him.

"You were the one to say it. He doesn't know how to deal with emotions."

"Doesn't give him the right to do this." Lorena argued.

"No it doesn't." He said, taking another drag from his pipe before tapping it against the stairs to empty it, then refiled it.

"Then what is the plan here?" she asked as she took the pipe from him before he could light it again.

"Smoke those to numb myself." He deadpanned as he snatched it back from her hand.

"I am serious. Besides, Noah told you to get rid of it." Lorena said.

"I hid it properly. No one will find it." Blayth replied. He lit it, taking a few drags before letting out a puff of smoke then sighed heavily before saying, "I'm leaving."

She looked at him with surprise, not sure what to say before she muttered, "What?"

"I can't stay."

"Are you kidding? What the hell, Blayth?" Lorena protested.

He turned to her, pointing at his face as he said, "This I can deal with. But not when it is from someone I love." He looked away as he added, "Not again. I won't go through that again. Yelling is one thing. Saying what he feels is one thing, but I will be damned if I become a punching bag again."

"Then fight!" Lorena said, frowning when she saw him smile sadly, wincing.

"Not an option." He mumbled, his eyes dropping.

"Why not?" She asked.

"I know what it is like, that's why. I won't hurt the ones I care about. It is a promise I made to myself decades ago."

"Blayth..." Lorena trailed off, not knowing what to say to it. She felt choked. She'd never see Blayth so distraught over something, yet powerless to do anything about it.

"I will come back when the time comes. But for now, it is better I am not here." Blayth said, then turned to her and said, "Promise not to tell anyone. I will speak to Lazarus before I go."

She looked him in the eyes for a long moment before her eyes dropped, a deep frown set on her face as she whispered, "Promise."

"Are you going to miss me, Ren?" He said teasingly, hoping to lighten the mood.

"It is not a joke." She spoke quietly.

"No it's not." He muttered, placing a hand over her head, making her look at him. "I will try to stay in contact with Lazarus. It is too bad letters can't reach this place or I would have sent you one every day." She stared at him for another moment before she wrapped her arms around him.

"You know, you are the brother I never wanted."

Blayth chuckled at that, "And you are the annoying sister I never dreamed of having."

"When you call Lazarus leave me a message. Every time, you hear." Lorena said.

"Of course. It will be hard enough not bothering you every day, so any chance I get."

"And when you are fed up just say the word and I will beat sense into that jerk." Lorena told him.

"Don't treat him differently, Ren. He isolates himself with us around as it is." Blayth said as he let go of her. "Just... be there if he needs you."

"You know it will be hard. I am quick to hold grudges."

"Oh trust me, I know." Blayth said as he got up.

"When are you leaving?" Ren asked.

"Tonight." He said, making her frown more. "Keep it up and your face will get stuck like that."

"Are you going to tell him?" Lorena asked.

"He made it clear that he doesn't wish to speak to me. It is for the best that I leave without telling everyone." Blayth explained.

"I get it." She nodded before getting up as well, "At least have dinner with us tonight."

"Of course." Blayth nodded before going inside.

That night after dinner Blayth closed his bag, a few changes of clothes and some necessities were in it. He looked around the room, trying to figure out if he forgot something before he sighed, settling down on the bed, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. He had decided that morning that it was the last time he'd try to speak to Leon, to reason with him, and if he'd failed he'd leave. Now that it was time to do so, he felt his throat close up. He didn't want to go, but he knew at that point anything was better than being abused by the person he is willing to give his life for. He ran his hands through his hair before tying it up, tossed the bag over his shoulder then went downstairs. The house was quiet. He knew most had retired to their rooms, but Lazarus didn't yet. He liked to stay up, making plans and checking their training schedule for the next day. Blayth was surprised that he'd managed to maintain his habits from his time as the commander of Eglar's army.

Blayth knocked on his study door when he got there, walking in when Lazarus told him too. He set his bag on an armed chair in front of Lazarus's desk making Lazarus finally look at him, frowning when his eyes dropped to the bag.

"I don't want to do this, but..."

"Blayth, I will speak to him if you wish." Lazarus said as he got to his feet.

"I think we are past that." Blayth shrugged, "It is fine. At least until he sorts through his feelings and calms down."

"But where will you go?" Lazarus asked.

"I've always wanted to see the ocean. It is funny how we've lived so long and yet to see some things in this world." Blayth said with a small smile, "I will call every chance I get. At least once a week. I will try to find a telephone. The moment Lucius is back, I will be as well. I am not abandoning the mission. I am just taking a break from a situation I know I will not be able to handle for much longer."

Lazarus went to Blayth, he placed a hand on his shoulder as he said, "I wish there is more I could do."

"Allowing me to leave is what I need now." Blayth said.

"You may leave, but be very careful. I mean it. I don't wish for anything bad to happen to you." Lazarus frowned but a small smile touched his lips, "I don't think I could handle any more of you getting hurt."

Blayth's features softened as he said, "I never thought I'd ever meet a man that would replace my mentor, Lazarus. Thank you for caring so much."

Lazarus nodded, pulling Blayth in for a hug as he said, "Even if just to say hi, call. Don't let me wait long to hear from you. And if you were in trouble, let me be your first call, or try calling out to Atrabilious if you couldn't find a telephone. We will be there as fast as we could." Lazarus said, feeling Blayth nod before his arms wrapped around Lazarus as well.

"Thank you..." Blayth said shakily, "Can you do me a favor? Don't tell Leon where I am. Don't tell him when I call. There is no use in me staying, I am the reason he died because I wouldn't leave Leon alone. I don't regret saving Leon but that doesn't mean that what happened to Lucius isn't killing me right now. Tell Noah and Leon I am sorry, but this is for the best. I can't stay around much longer. And I cannot speak to Leon."

Lazarus stepped back as he asked with a frown, "Why not?"

"Because if I heard his voice, I will come back even before Lucius does." Blayth told him, "Even if it means I get hurt in the process."

"Don't worry. You will only be speaking to me." Lazarus reassured.

"Let me know the moment Lucius is reborn." Blayth added, making Lazarus nod.

"Take care of yourself, Blayth. I want you back in one piece." Lazarus said before rounding his desk, opening a drawer and taking out keys that he tossed to Blayth who caught them. "Take a car. It will be easier to move around with it."

Blayth smiled at him as he said, "Thank you."

After days of just driving, sleeping in the car and eating from what he'd packed, Blayth found himself at the very edge of the beach, looking out at the deep blue that captivated him. He parked, stared out at it with awe and before he even thought about it, he felt the dampness on his cheeks.

"Damn it Leon... you could have been here with me." Blayth mumbled, wiping at his eyes roughly before he took his shirt off, got out and made his way to where the waves clashed over the sandy beach, walking through them and closing his eyes as he breathed in the salty air, the scent of the ocean washing through him.

After spending a fair amount of time there, he got back in the car and went to find somewhere to stay. Before leaving Lazarus had given him enough money to last him a year, which he got a room at the best hotel with, got the best meals delivered to him and he indulged himself in it while listening to the radio and hearing news of what was happening in the world, something he'd not done back in the manor, not seeing the necessity in it, unlike Tobias who listened to it daily, saying it would lead them to Levi eventually as they followed what disasters were out in the world, depending on how severe that it might have been caused by him.

He stayed there for about a week before he finally decided on having his lunch in a restaurant in the town he'd ended up in. He ordered, sitting with a novel that he'd become interested in as the loneliness started consuming him. He was too engulfed in the story that his eyes didn't move from his book as the plates were set on the table. He only moved when he felt someone's presence, which only bothered him when that person moved, coming to his table and pulling the chair opposite him before taking a seat. Blayth's eyes rose, his hand already on the pouch at his waist, where he hid his blades. His eyes glared at the one who sat opposite him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The man said, tilting his head to the side where he showed his gun, making Blayth not reach for his blades, not yet.

"What is it you want?" Blayth questioned.

"Now is that a way to greet an old friend?" He asked in return, smirking, "Why are you alone? Finally got to your senses that they were fighting an unwinnable battle?"

"Zach, what do you want?" Blayth asked again.

Zachatious shrugged, replying, "To catch up with you, it has been centuries if not longer."

"Lucius is dead if you were wondering, so you will not find him here." Blayth said instead.

"Oh, I know that already. Levi finally was able to regain his strength back, so we figured it out." Zach said, "I as well am here alone. Didn't think I'd run into you. But even with all this time, you still seem to not remember me."

"I know who you are. Traitor to Eglar who sided with the devil himself." Blayth said, sitting back as he reached to grab a chicken leg and took a bite from it.

"Before that, Blayth. You don't remember, do you?" Zach said, making Blayth frown in more confusion. "Alright then, means it's time for a tale. Afterwards, you get to decide."

"Decide what? To die or battle?" Blayth asked.

"You get a free pass this time. After this I will leave, but you will get to decide if you'd like to join the winning side for once." Blayth merely glared at him, so he continued, "See I lived in this small village at the outskirts of Eglar called Soma. Rings a bell?" He asked when he saw Blayth frown, "I lived on a farm with my grandfather. Our neighbors were newlyweds. Your parents. Your grandfather had died and left the farm to your father. They had just moved in. At the time I was 5. I remember when they had their first child almost a year from then. I remember visiting with my grandfather. He was a beautiful child with the bluest eyes I had ever seen that they almost seemed to glow. His hair was pitch black." Zach told him.

"What are you talking about?" Blayth asked in confusion, "First of all I was an only child. Second, our neighbors had no child called Zachatious."

"Ty." Zach said, making Blayth look at him with surprise, "They used to call me Ty."

"Ty? No way. That scrawny kid?"

Zach smiled as he said, "Well, I grew up."

"I'll say." Blayth said, "But how do I know you aren't lying?"

"Because of what I know." Zach said, "The little lake in the far end of the valley. No one went there because they were too scared, but we wanted to explore. You were too young, but we snuck out to play. The small waterfall between the two stones behind the biggest trees in the forest at the far end of Soma. The one month we had snow, where it covered everything and we had to dig the fields even then to make sure the crops didn't die." Blayth stared at him for the longest time before he decided to speak.

"Why didn't you say anything before?" Blayth questioned.

"Levi was always there. He has trust issues. If I wanted to climb the ranks, I couldn't risk it." Zach explained.

"But why now? Why tell me now?" Blayth asked.

"Opportunity. I won't get another chance." Zach said.

"There is still the fact that I didn't have a brother." Blayth replied.

"You did." Zach said, "You do. A year after he was born, you were. I remember they spoke with my grandfather about more serious matters when you were born. You didn't resemble them, and that red hair. No one has it, not to this day. Something worried them enough to send your brother away to stay with an extended family they had in Marland, near the capital."

"Marland was destroyed." Blayth said with a frown.

"It was." Zach nodded, finally sitting back and putting his gun away. "Not a year after your brother was sent away, there was a raid on Marland. No one survived. That's what your parents were told and they were devastated. You were too young to remember."

"They never spoke of him." Blayth muttered.

"Perhaps it was too painful a topic to speak of. Especially that they sent him away to focus on what was happening with you, whatever that was." Zach said. "Anyway, years from then, when I turned 16 I left. I went to the capital to join the army, but they refused me. They wouldn't have me because I was too small. I trained, joined a forge and worked until I couldn't keep my arms up, and even then, I was refused. That was when I met Levi. He came to the forge to mend his blade. We got in a fight and I ended up challenging him to a duel. He accepted to amuse himself, but I proved my strength so he recruited me." Zach explained, "The thing is, after that I didn't have a chance to return to Soma. Not that I wanted to. I was a disgrace to my grandfather. Generation of my family had died in battle as part of the army so he wouldn't have welcomed me back with open arms. So when I had learnt that a general of the king's army had rescued a child years ago from Marland, I wasn't able to send news back to you without confirming it first. So I tried to figure out if it might possibly be your brother, the one we all thought was dead. The moment I saw the boy they spoke of... I was taken back. It was as if his eyes grew even bluer than before. He had grown up, and was in high spirits, training to become one day a part of the king's army. The general raised him as his own. He even called him his father."

"You're trying to tell me I had a brother out there that I never met?"

"You have." Zach told him, Blayth's frown deepening, "I finally sent word to your family. When I came back to Soma years later, I discovered that at the time I sent news, your mother had already passed. Your father had abused you enough for you to run away. So he'd decided he didn't care. At least that's what I'd come to conclude as when I spoke to him he was shocked but then expressed his disinterest in the news. Said his son was better off without him. That both of you were."

Blayth took in a deep breath before he said, "How can I believe what you say is the truth?"

"Ask the man that's been your general for the past... how many years now?" Zach snorted.

"He knows?" Blayth asked.

"Of the boy. Not that you are his brother. Ask him about what happened in Marland, maybe he will tell you." Zach shrugged.

"Zachatious, what do you gain by this?" Blayth asked.

"Repaying a debt to your mother." Zach smirked, "She'd saved me from a beating from my grandfather when I was younger. Almost killed me, the bastard. I had vowed to repay her, but didn't get the chance before she died. So, debt repaid. Don't expect me to spare you the next time we meet in battle. Unless you have changed your alliances to our side."

"Why do you want to destroy the world, Zach?" Blayth asked.

"The world has given me nothing my entire life, I owe it nothing." Zach said as he got up, "The world's given you nothing either. An abusive father. An alliance to a doomed royal family. So when you decide, Blayth, I will vouch for you with Levi. I never had a brother growing up, but the best times of my childhood were ones spent with you."

"Honored, but no thanks." Blayth smirked back, "Don't know if I trust you enough to believe the story you told me, but if it was true, don't think I will be indebted to you in any way."

"Don't expect anything from you, Blayth." Zach shrugged, "Have a nice lunch and get out of town before someone other than me spots you." He said as he turned around.

"Ty." Blayth said, stopping him, "If it was true, and it was you wanting to come to our side, just say the word. You have betrayed us so many times in the past and it will be hard to convince them, but... I will try. You weren't always so bad." Zach smirked, not turning around he raised a hand in a goodbye as he walked out.

Blayth waited for a bit before he tossed some money on the table and went to the nearest phone in the restaurant before he dialed Lazarus. It took a few rings before he answered, saying, "Blayth, is that you?"

"It is."

"Thank god. You said you'd call every week." Lazarus scolded.

"It has been only a week and a half." Blayth said.

"Don't argue with me on this. Before a week's time you call." Lazarus said.

Blayth let out a breath of a laugh as he relaxed, then asked, "Lazarus, you were the only one to adopt a kid from the generals, right?"

"Why?" Lazarus asked in question.

"Bumped into Zach-..."

"What? Are you alright? Are you safe?"

"Hey, hey, calm down. I am fine. Nothing happened. We talked... he talked, but he told me some things that had me wondering."

"Blayth, if you are in danger and cannot talk, tell me."

"I promise, I am fine." Blayth assured, "Can you answer me now?"

"I was." Lazarus said.

"Where was it that you saved him from?" Blayth asked.

"Is there a point to this?" Lazarus asked.

"There is, please. Just answer." Blayth said, his heart pounding faster in his chest as he thought about the possibility.

"Marland. When it was overcome by bandits and they destroyed it. We later found out they were mercenaries sent by a neighboring kingdom. No one was alive but Noah. We searched but nothing. We didn't know who his parents were, we didn't know if he had relatives, so he stayed with us. My wife didn't want to leave him so we adopted him. Now tell me, why the questions?"

"Lazarus, I will tell you when I come back, alright." Blayth said, feeling choked, "How is everyone? How is Noah?"

"Everyone is well. Noah keeps disappearing into the woods. I don't know where he is going, but he comes back seeming a little better every time." Lazarus said, "Leon is well, if you were wondering."

"I wasn't." Blayth said stubbornly.

"He seems to be calming down." Lazarus told him.

"Perhaps because I am not around to rile him up." Blayth muttered.

"How is the ocean?" Lazarus asked, changing the topic.

Blayth smiled slightly as he said, "Beautiful. Better than I imagined. So calming. But I think I will move on now."

"Where to?"

"Out of this town. I think Levi is here." Blayth said, "Zach warned me before he left, so I will be going to another town tonight."

"Don't trust him." Lazarus said.

"I don't... but the things he told me, Lazarus... I think they are true."

"How could you be sure?" Lazarus asked.

"He knew things... things no one knew but people I had met back in Soma." Blayth explained.

"You knew him then?" Lazarus asked.

"I don't remember him. I remember another boy that was our neighbor. To be fair I was too young back then to remember everything that happened. To remember how he looked. The kid I remember was small. Scrawny." Blayth said.

"It doesn't make sense why he'd tell you now." Lazarus said, which had Blayth explain Levi's trust issues and Zach's ambitions. "Just be careful. The moment you leave that town, call. Let me know you are safe."

"I will."

"And you owe me an explanation when you get back." Lazarus said.

"I know." Blayth said before he bid him farewell and hung up, going to his hotel to pack his things and leave.

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