The Fool

By spiralings

58K 2K 671

"But he who dares not grasp the thorn should never crave the rose" *** ExTr... More

Introduction & Aesthetics
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five

Chapter Thirty-Five

850 36 5
By spiralings

Aurora was getting ready the next morning for school in her room. With everything going on, the triplets gad manage to avoid going to school yesterday. The last ti.e Aurora was in school, she had been ignoring Synn. Fun times. She fixed her hair into a simple pony tail, a red ribbon tied around it to match her dress. She grabbed her back and slung it over her shoulders before stepping out of the room. However, she walked straight into a hard muscly back.

"Fucking hell" She groaned, grabbing her nose which she was sure was broken at this stage.

"I'm sorry Ms. King, are you okay?" Auroras eyes shot up once she heard the voice. Synns eyes shone in amusement as she stared down at Auroras tired but gobsmacked face. Her eyes raked his figure, dressed in black slacks and a black shirt. Balck suspended to tie the look together that Bruise told him to wear before he even showed up at the interview tomorrow. Bruise warned him bout alot of things, including his choice of clothing. Auror appreciated it. He looked hot.

"No, I actually have a boo boo riiiiiight here" She said, pointing at her lips. Synns eyes darted down to her full lips, watching as they stretched into a cheeky smile. "Can you kiss it better?" She asked, clasping her hands behind her back and rotating her body side to side innocently. Synn blushed lightly, wrapping a hand around to her back and pushing her forward.

"Isaac has breakfast ready" He grumbled, shoving her towards the staircase. Aurora skipped down the stairs while Synn walked slightly in front of her to her left, worried she was about to fall with her carelessness at the moment.

"Why were you outside my room?" She asked.

"I am your bodyguard, have you forgotten already? I have to be with you twenty-four-seven, expect in school. Thats the only time I get a break from being your bodyguard and supposedly 'my time off', but unfortunately" Synn paused on the stairs, causing Aurora to almost stumble into his back again. He turned around and bent down to her height, even though she was on a step higher than him. "You'll still be a major pain in my hole" He whispered bluntly before turning around and continuing walking nonchalantly. Aurora snorted in laughter and hopped down the rest of the stairs after him.

"Who's gonna take care of me in school then?" Aurora asked curiously.

"You're still gonna have your security guards from before watching from a distance. Levi said it works out since if I was walking around with you in a high-school it would look weird and at the same time, he can keep the Crudes happy too" Synn explained, everything now making sense to the young girl. Eventually the two made it to the kitchen. Aurora ran inside and hopped up onto one of the stools beside Elijah. Elijah looked down at the top of her head with a small smile and the glanced at the door to see Synn standing there, a watchful eye on his sister.

"Beau, take a seat. Help yourself to whatever you'd like" Isaac said kindly, gesturing to all the fruits, breakfast muffins and fresh juices on the counter top. Synn looked as Isaac, slightly surprised but tried not to let it show. Isaac noticed however. Synn didn't take a seat but instead stood beside Aurora who sat at the end stool. He reached over to grab the orange juice and while doing so, Aurora couldn't help but gaze up at him as she took off pieces from the muffin and ate it. Axel looked across at her as he stuffed a muffin into his mouth. I mean, he couldn't blame her really, the man was gorgeous. Synn stood back straight and poured the orange juice into the glass in front of him. He then poured some into the empty glass in front of Aurora. She looked down at it.

"Drink" He mumbled. Aurora did as she was told. Axel heard it, as did Elijah and they glanced at eachother with a shared look. They were all watching him like a hawke, and noted everything he was doing, including his intentions to keep her hydrated apparently.

"Buongiorno" Levi said as he entered the kitchen, folding the sleeves of his shirt up as he walked over towards the kettle.

"Beau, how did you sleep?" He asked, turning around to face the bunch with a piping hot cuppa in one hand, the other resting on the counter behind him as he leaned on it.

"Good, thank you" Synn said, nodding his head at Levi. Levi smiled, pleased by his answer.

"Alfred is taking ye to school. Beau, feel free to do whatever while they're out" Levi said, walking towards the counter and grabbing a muffin also.

"I suggest rest, Auroras a pain in the ass" Axel suggested, winking at Synn. Aurora grabbed another muffin and threw it Axel, smirking at it hit him straight in the forehead and dropped into his lap. He glared at her, grabbing it and was about to fling it at her until Isaac turned around and caught him.

"Axel, don't play with your food" Isaac scolded. Axel dropped the muffin with a frown. Aurora sat giggling to herself, causing Axel to stick his tounge out at her. Synn looked down at Aurora from the corner of his eye in amusement. "Alfred's probably out in the car, don't keep him waiting" Isaac continued. The triplets gathered their things and got down from the counter. Elijah kissed the top of Auroras head as she hopped dkwn drom the seat.

"Bye Beau!" Aurora yelled as she left the kitchen. Synn turned around, watching her leave. It was really weird this whole name thing. He wasn't even used to hearing her call him by his real name, but it was still weird hearing her call him Beau. He hated the name quite frankly. He nearly killed Bruise when he seen it but he told him he had a say but didn't bother with it, which was true.

"Someone has a crush" Elijah smirked. Synn turned back around and looked at Elijah with a flat look. He knew that it was only because they were friends, there was no chance that girl could have a crush on him. He couldn't justify it though to her brothers, which but him in an awkward position.

"I probably should have hired a 60 year old wrinkly man" Levi muttered spitefully.

"She'd still flirt with him" Elijah shrugged. Levi shot him a blank look, causing him to grin cheekily.


Synn hadn't showed up at school that day. Aurora was sure he was just busy though. School had finished and she was at her locker, waiting for Atlas and Axel, they were taking quite a while. Suddenly she heard footsteps. She looked towards her right and seen Atlas running towards her. She frowned when she didn't see Axel with him.

"What's taking ye so long? Where's Axel?" Aurora asked pushing away from the lockers.

"I know, we're sorry. Beau is outside, he's gonna bring you home" Atlas said apologetically. Auroras frown deepened.

"What, why?"

"Axel got in trouble with his history teacer, his project was apparently inappropriate or something. He called Alfred in to pretend to be his father so we don't really know how long it'll take before he figure out that we in fact were adopted and decided to ring home to Levi instead" Atlas explained breathlessly. Aurora was exhausted just listening to him. She was sure the teachers already knew they weren't adopted byt didn't bother to argue. It was obviously Axels lie anyway.

"Okay, well I'll see you at home. Text me if you need anything" Aurora said, giving Atlas a quick hug before making her way out of the school. Once she exited the building, she paused at the doors to have a look around for a car that could be Synns. She had only ever seen him ride the motorbike but there no chance he would have been allowed collect her on that. Levi would kill him. The doors to the school opened again behind her and chatter followed the arrival. She turned around and seen the varsity jackets before she seen the faces. It wasn't long before she locked eyes with Jace. Aurora quickly turned around, feeling slight panicked. Noah still wasn't back in school after the incident. Jace was however, liek nothing ever happened. She didn't mind Jace, but she thought he'd surely be bitter about what happened to his friend and might find a way to blame Aurora. Sebastian Knight certainly did.

"I'll catch up with you later guys" She head Jace say to the guys he was with. Aurora silently cursed and went to leave as quick as she could, but his hand came clamped down on her shoulder. She watched as Jaces friends left then felt him turn her around to face him.

"I'm sorry about what happened to Noah. But no offense, he deserved it" Aurora blurted with sass. Jace pursed his lips, trying not to smile.

"When I warned you about him, I didn't Really think you'd try and kill him" He said humorously. Aurora was slightly surprised by this. She went to open her mouth to protest but he cut her off. "I knowbye didn't try and kill him. But the rest of the Kinghts gang don't" He said slowly. Auroras shoulders sunk, causing Jace to drop his hand. She knew this already obviously, but hearing it from a member felt scarier.

"You shouldn't be out alone" Jace said seriously.

"She's not" Aurora turned around to see Synn walking towards them in the same attire from that morning. He cam to a halt behind Aurora. He was slightly taller than Jace, so Aurora watched as Jaces eyes darted up to Synns. She also watched as the flashed with fear as they glanced towards Aurora. Synn felt pleasure as he caught the fear in his eyes also. He always looked at their eyes from behind the safety of his hood, as they sneered and mocked him. So now, as he looked into his eyes that spiked with fear and intimidation, it felt liberating. He was angry however, Aurora could tell also by the way she could hear his breath quickening. She look down and seen his fists clenched at his side. She turned back and looked at Jace with a huge grin.

"This is Beau Parker, my hot new bodyguard. Hes very hot" She said proudly. Stepping back until the back of her head hit Synns chest. Synn clenched his jaw, feeling his cheeks heat up from her words but he couldn't do anything while in front of Jace. Jace stared at Synn. Something about him was familiar. Perhaps he seen him involved with another Mafia? Either way, he terrified him. He swallowed the lump in hsi throat before looking back at Aurora.

"Lets hope he can protect you as well as" Jace said, hesitantly. Aurora scoffed, waving her hand in dismissal.

"Are you kidding me? You should see him in action! Go on, show him S-Beau" Aurora encouraged, stepping back to let Synn have a go. Synn looked down at the top if her head as he noticed her little slip up. She was tempted to call him Sunshine. She knew what she was doing, as as soon as she did, Jace cute her off.

"No, no, that's okay, I have to get going anyway. Bye Aurora, watch yourself, or, you watch her" Jace said as he began walking away, directing the last part at Synn. Synn rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. Aurora continued to grin at Jace and waved enthusiasticly as he left them alone.

"You cannot say shit like that while I'm on bodyguard duty" Synn gritted, putting his hand between Auroras shoulderblades and leading him to the car Levi told him to take. Bruise had of coursed lied on his file that Synn had a car when in reality, he didn't, though it worked out in his favour when Levi gave him a sleek black Aventador as a 'working bonus'.

"Why not, I'm basically your boss. I can do what I want" Aurora replied sassily, clearly amused by the situation.

"Maybe, but when we're around other people I can do this" Synn replied, still through a clenched jaw.

"Do wha- hey!" Synn cut Aurora off her he slapped her on the back of the head. Both Auroras hands went to the back of her head to both sooth the pain and protect it from another potential blow.

"Stop whining and get in the car"

Jace glanced behind him as he walked away seeing Aurora and Beau at a safe distance away. He sighed heavily, feeling the guilt settle in. It wasn't long before his phone rang and he hesitated before answering it.

"Well?" Sebastian Knight questioned on the other side of the line.

"She's too well protected, Mr. King has hired a body guard on top of the protection she already has" Jace explained, trying to sound confident but in reality, he felt awful. He truly did respect Aurora but as Noahs out of action and Sebastion is out for blood, he got stuck doing the dirty work and unfortunately being in the mafia, hes left with no choice but to follow where his loyalties are supposed to lie. Or else it will be his blood he will be out for. Sebastian swore under his breath at the news.

"Do you know the name of the bodyguard or recognise him at all?" Sebastian pressed, eager to fund out more.

"No, he didn't leave much room for introductions" Jace responded carefully. He knew he couldn't prevent what was gonna happen, but he could slow it down.

"Keep an eye on them. Any new information, you report back to me immediately" Sebastion grinded out. Before Jace could reply, he hung up. Jace sighed and put hisnphoen back in his pocket. He knew he was fucked.

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