Bounded To You (Star-Crossed)

By Al_Noodzi

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[Book 3] You have given me something that makes others envious of, they would die to have, and some live and... More

Chapter 1 - Parallel Circumstances
Chapter 2 - Reacquainted
Chapter 3 - Haunting Past
Chapter 4 - Immortality Threatened
Chapter 5 - Anamneses
Chapter 6 - Pain of Love
Chapter 7 - Unidentified Threat
Chapter 8 - Imminent
Chapter 9 - The Journey
Chapter 10 - Trapped
Chapter 11 - Unforeseen
Chapter 12 - Allay
Chapter 14 - Destiny
Chapter 15 - Uncertainty
Chapter 16 - Uncontrollable
Chapter 17 - Confessions
Chapter 18 - Scars
Chapter 19 - Eternal Slumber
Chapter 20 - Contemplation
Chapter 21 - The Curse
Chapter 22 - Healing
Chapter 23 - Retreat
Chapter 24 - A Touch
Chapter 25 - Past Demons
Chapter 26 - Family
Chapter 27 - Control
Chapter 28 - 910 Years Long
Chapter 29 - Possession
Chapter 30 - Guilt & Blame
Chapter 31 - Agonizing Love
Chapter 32 - Therapeutic
Chapter 33 - Wyatt
Chapter 34 - Melting Snow
Chapter 35 - Beginnings
Chapter 36 - Surprises
Chapter 37 - Perplexed Mind
Chapter 38 - Agreements
Chapter 39 - Crossroads
Chapter 40 - Risks
Chapter 41 - Misery & Joy
Chapter 42 - Normalcy
Chapter 43 - Rift
Chapter 44 - Consequences
Chapter 45 - Blood
Chapter 46 - Return
Chapter 47 - Another
Chapter 48 - Overwhelmed
Chapter 49 - Unspoken words
Chapter 50 - Fulfilling Dreams
Chapter 51 - Mine
Chapter 52 - Desires Of The Heart
Chapter 53 - Threat
Chapter 54 - Love Lost
Chapter 55 - Dealing
Chapter 56 - Repercussions
Chapter 57 - Dying Flame
Chapter 58 - Reason I Love You
Chapter 59 - Aftereffects Of Immortality

Chapter 13 - Sliver

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By Al_Noodzi


Liam walked out of the infirmary with a frown, wiping his hands on a towel with Wyatt right behind him, shutting the door lightly before walking up to Cylus and settling between his arms, as if there was no other place in the world he'd rather be. The archer kissed his head, holding him back as he turned to look at Liam, waiting for him to tell them how their commander was.

Night had fallen, and everyone had gathered outside the infirmary at one point. Ira sat by Lorena, trying to comfort her as she broke down in tears again after she woke up, crying whenever her mind traveled to the worst case scenario. Noah sat on the arm of the couch, holding her hand. The moment the healer stepped out, they all got to their feet, waiting impatiently for him to tell them how Lazarus was doing.

"His wound was infected."

"How?" Lorena asked, her heart rate raising, "I made sure to clean it just like you taught me. I changed the bandages and made sure they too were cleaned before using them. How is it infected? I took every measure. Everything I knew. I used the herbs you showed me. Boiled them even, so-..."

"Ren, you were out in the woods the entire time. It could've happened while changing the bandages, it is not your fault. It happens." Liam explained, "And an open wound for days, it was bound to happen."

"So is he going to be alright?" Tobias asked. Liam looked towards him, his lips parting about to answer when instead he looked down at the towel still in his hands. "Liam, don't hide things from us. We are far past that."

"It's not only the infection." Liam said, looking at Noah, "You healed around the bullet."

"To stop the bleeding." Noah said with a frown, "It was the only way. It was all I could do."

Liam nodded, "I know. It was dangerous to take it out at the time but..." Noah's winced, waiting for the worst, taking in a breath as he waited to hear what happened because of him not healing his father completely, "Part of it was healed into a vessel. It didn't clog it, it just... part of it was in there, and it poisoned his blood."

"What are you saying?" Lorena asked, "Liam, what does that mean?" she demanded.

"I need to clean out his blood. It will take time and..." Liam broke eye contact with her, taking in a deep breath before looking back at her as he said, "You have to prepare for the worst. I cannot guarantee the success of it." Ren felt choked, stepping back before collapsing against the couch, covering her lips, not believing what she was hearing.

"Lorena..." Ira muttered, placing a hand against her shoulder which Ren shrugged off, moving away from her touch as she got to her feet, and before anyone knew what she was doing she had Tobias pressed against the wall, holding a dagger to his throat.

"This is your fault." She hissed, her eyes filled with tears, "This is all your damn fault!"

"Lorena!" Ira scolded, grabbing her arm as she tried to pull her away from the shocked alchemist, "Let go of him."

"You had to go and create those stupid guns! You had to take it out with you and forget it in a damn tavern!"

"That is not his fault." Edmur said angrily, holding onto her other arm almost the same time Ira did.

"It is! He made them! He is the reason father didn't see it coming! He is the reason he wasn't able to fight back, because how the hell do you fight back against a damn gun!" Lorena glared heatedly as her tears fell, "They made it smaller. Just like you were trying to do. It is smaller now. He had it hidden. We all didn't see it coming, Tobias. Any of us could've been the one in that room, dying, and it is all your fault!"

Tobias closed his eyes, unable to look into hers anymore because he'd always blamed himself for creating guns, and for leaving one in the hands of people who misused it. He did blame himself, and her saying those things didn't help.

"Sorry..." Tobias muttered, his brows furrowed deeply.

"Sorry won't make him better!" She exclaimed, shoving Tobias against the wall, making him groan as a sound of a thud was heard when the back of his head bumped against it, "Sorry won't bring him back if he dies..." she said in a much weaker voice, stepping away from him.

"Ren-..." Tobias was about to speak but was interrupted when her fist collided with his jaw, making his head hit the wall again at the force of it. He covered his face, leaning against the wall as Edmur grabbed for him when he stumbled. Tobias straightened, turning towards her again, only for her to throw another punch, about to hit him when Edmur grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"Enough!" Edmur's voice was loud in anger, "I know you are upset but that doesn't give you the right to hit others! If you must cry then do so, but I swear to god, Ren, if you try to hit him one more time, I will not hesitate in stopping you even by force." Edmur threatened.

"Then tell him not to speak to me ever again!" Ren said heatedly.

Ira placed a hand on her back, about to guide her away when she froze, turning around to see Noah's eyes had turned completely red, and the wall, where his hand was, starting to crack. "Lucius, calm him down. Now." Ira said, feeling his power bleed around them, triggered by his emotions.

Lucius frowned, turning around to see Noah's eyes, but not the color of them like the other saw, instead the pain, just then feeling the intense emotions seeping into him from Noah. He was scared, worried, and dreading what would happen to his father. Lucius took in a deep breath as he stepped up to him, about to touch him when Leon stopped him, grabbing his arm.

"Remember what happened before. You shouldn't get too close." Leon said, his body prepared to move in front of Lucius to protect him in case it came down to that.

"He will never hurt me." Lucius said, placing his hand over Leon's to pry his fingers from his wrist before walking up to Noah. "Love, he will be okay." Lucius tried to comfort. Noah took a step back, shaking his head, his eyes still downcast.

"Stay back..." Noah muttered, reminding Lucius of when they were in the forest, "It's taking over again... don't come close to me..." Lucius ignored him, walking until he stood in front of him, both his hands cupping his cheeks and making Noah's eyes close as he felt himself return to the moment, his own hands wrapping around Lucius's wrists.

"Look at me." Lucius said, feeling Noah's hands tighten almost painfully around his, "Noah. Now." Lucius said firmly, which had Noah slowly open his eyes, meeting Lucius's mismatched ones. Lucius gave him a small smile as he said, "There you go. You trust me, don't you?" Lucius paused, waiting for an answer, only continuing when he got a nod from him, "Then trust me when I say that no matter what, you will be alright."

"H-he might die..." Noah muttered brokenly.

"He won't."

"He won't come back like you..." Noah mumbled, his hands sliding up until they rested over Lucius's that were still against his face.

"He won't need to." Lucius said.

"You're so sure." Noah said quietly, doubtful.

"Because I know him." Lucius replied, "The kind of man he is. He doesn't give up, and neither should we. He will not abandon a mission before he sees it through. You know that." Lucius said surely, "Now we pull ourselves together. You too, Ren." Lucius said, without turning to look at her, "And we do whatever it takes to help. We make sure Liam has everything he needs to help him pull through. And he will pull through. After all, he is the great Lazarus Abel." Noah relaxed somewhat when Lucius wrapped his arms around him, almost completely falling against him as Lucius muttered against his ear, "Don't give in to it. You are stronger."

"Just don't let go." Noah whispered.

"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." Lucius assured. When Lucius pulled back, he turned to Liam asking, "What do you need?"

"Tobias actually." Liam said, glancing at Tobias as Edmur dabbed a cloth against his bleeding lip, watching the alchemist push his hand away.

"Anything." Tobias muttered, feeling guilt eat him up.

"I need a device, and quickly."

"When don't you." Tobias sighed, "Give me the specifics and I will make it." Liam nodded guiding Tobias into the infirmary to explain to him as the rest settled down nearby in case needed.

Lucius ran his fingers through Noah's hair, sitting on the ground with his back to the wall as Noah lay down next to him, his head in his lap, Lucius's hand calming his nerves as they waited. Ira had an arm wrapped around Lorena, Blayth seated next to her, his hand on her knee. After Atrabilious had woken up, he joined them, standing near the door with his arms folded over his chest. Cylus was seated on a chair, his foot being bandaged tightly by Wyatt when Liam told him to as they waited for Tobias to finish working on the blood pump he needed.

Wyatt placed a kiss against his knee before looking up as he finished, a small smile on his lip as he said, "Could've been worse."

"You should've seen how big the trees were. You could've been treating a squashed archer instead." Cylus chuckled, ruffling Wyatt's hair, "Go check if Liam needs help." Wyatt nodded, kissing Cylus's palm before getting up and going into the infirmary.

"Do you enjoy bossing him around like that?" Blayth asked.

"Very much so. What is your point?" Cylus asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Do you think he is really alright with it? Because I tell you, if someone told me what to do I wouldn't be happy about it." Blayth said.

"Thanks for your input, but he isn't you." Cylus replied, "When you get your own girl... or man, I will make sure to tell them that." He said with a smirk at Blayth's raised eyebrow.

"Appreciated." Blayth replied.

"You're welcome." Cylus countered.

"Great to know."

"No problem."

"Are you two done yet?" Leon asked with a sigh, the two turning to him about to rebuke when he said, "You are. Now shut up. No one is in the mood to hear your squabble." Leon sighed, his head tilting towards Lorena to remind them of what was going on. A guilty look crossed their faces before they both looked away.

Noah turned on his back, eyes looking up at Lucius who smiled down at him, his hand still caressing his hair as Noah played with his other hand, both of his surrounding it. Lucius looked back at the door, but after a while asked, "What?" his eyes returning to Noah's.

"Is it scary? When my eyes are red." Noah asked, a frown knitting his brows.

"Not at all." Lucius replied.

"You looked scared." Noah said, closing his eyes.

"Not of you or your eyes. I was able to feel the power myself. Usually only Ira or Wyatt feel it, but I was able to and it scared me what it could do to you." Lucius answered quietly, a smile still on his face, "Never would I be scared of you, and your eyes are beautiful. But I still don't understand why one stays red." Lucius said, his finger caressing Noah's cheek bone just below his eye, "Levi's only turn red when he uses his power, but with you, one seems to be permanently that color."

"Because he is more powerful." Lucius looked up to see Logan limping towards them, a hand over his waist.

Noah looked at him asking, "What does that mean?"

"Levi is strong, that is true, so are all the mad mages who've awakened their power. Rarely, one even stronger than those mages would appear. I've had a hard time with two of them back when King Nicolas ruled Eglar. If the power of the mage is higher, much higher, then there would be some of that power seeping out of them almost all the time, and that is why one of your eyes is not returning to its previous color." Logan explained.

"I have read about that." Edmur said, a hand against his chin in thought, "It means you are stronger than Levi, it also means you will have a harder time with the murderous intent that all awakened mages have." Noah frowned, looking at the ceiling as he thought about it, but his thoughts were interrupted by a grunt, making him look towards Logan who leaned against the wall, brows furrowed in pain.

"You should've stayed in bed." Edmur said, reaching to grab him as Lucius got up after Noah sat against the wall instead of laying down, going to help Logan.

"I've been trapped for decades, I wasn't going to stay in that room any longer." Logan grunted, wincing when Lucius lifted his shirt, peeling back the bandages to look at the wound.

"It's festering." Lucius said with a deep frown, "It needs to be treated now." He turned to Noah, but saw the shake of the head that told him he wasn't ready to heal wounds in that state yet. "I will get you something for that. At least for now we could stop the infection from spreading." Lucius said, about to go to the infirmary when Atrabilious came to his side, placing a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

Logan looked at Atrabilious, gulping back his feelings as he watched the dragon bring his own palm to his lips before parting them, allowing his teeth to sharpen like when he shifts into a dragon before he bit down into it.

"What are you doing?" Edmur asked, worried as he saw blood drip from the dragon's hand.

Atrabilious didn't say anything in reply, instead brought his hand to the wound, covering it completely and letting his blood seep into it, his red eyes seeming to glow for a moment as did his hand. Logan hissed, a gasp of pain leaving him as he clutched Lucius's arm to keep from falling, but just as soon as he felt it, it was gone.

"My blood still heals you." Atrabilious muttered, eyes locked on his hand against Logan's waist.

Logan placed his hand over Atrabilious's, making the dragon flinch. "Our bond is still strong, Ray."

"I don't want it to be." Atrabilious said quietly, pulling his hand away from Logan's grasp only for the warrior to grab his arm, stopping him from walking away.

"Ray, stop being stubborn. Please." Logan said, "We can't part this way." He leaned forward, his forehead pressed to Atrabilious's, whose frown deepened as he shut his eyes. The last thing he wanted was to be that close, to breathe Logan's air that opened old wounds, reminding him of a once happy past.

"I despise you, and that will not change." Atrabilious said firmly.

"Look into my mind, Ray, please look. See that it was not an option. It was not a thought. It was an order that made me act without hesitation. I did not plan for it to end the way it did. I regretted it every second I was in that forsaken place. Trapped. Unable to move. Not knowing how long it was. All I thought about was you, Ray. All that went through my mind every second of every day was of where I went wrong, of how I ended up there."

"Why didn't my grandfather save you?" Lucius asked.

"To your family, the gates opened. But only to lock people within, not to let out any, not unless a spell was cast along with Delafontaine blood, and even then, you wouldn't know who you were letting out until it was too late. It wasn't a risk he could take, I am sure." Logan explained, "So please, Ray." Logan said, having pulled back from him, except his hand still held tightly to his arm.

"Let go." Atrabilious said, tugging at his arm.

"Listen to me!" Logan insisted, "Why are you ignoring my words?!"

Atrabilious didn't have to utter another word, and Logan didn't get the chance to either once he was forced back against the wall by a strong, invisible power before he heard, "He said to let go."

"Stay out of it, mage!"

"What did I say about speaking to him that way?!" Lucius demanded, "Either shut up and stay away from Atrabilious, or go back to your room." Atrabilious moved away, his face once more not portraying any emotion as he walked until he was next to Noah, sitting down by him.

Noah reached over, taking his bleeding hand in his to examine it, then he extended his other arm towards Lucius as he said, "Lucius." Lucius turned to him, seeing Noah's eyes fixated on Atrabilious's hand. He understood what Noah wanted, making him walk up to him, placing his hand in Noah's and at that moment, as if regaining his bearings on his power, Logan fell to his knees as whatever was holding him finally disappeared, then Noah placed his hand over the gash in the dragon's hand, closing his eyes as he took in a deep breath, feeling Lucius settle down next to him, giving him more control as he spread his healing magic over the wound.

"It will heal by itself." The dragon said, knowing how the magic in his own blood helped him heal, though not instantly, it would close up on its own.

"It's alright, Atrabilious." Lucius said, "Let him do it. He needs the practice." He explained, thinking Noah would start having better control over his new power. When Noah was done he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, handing it to Atrabilious to wipe his hand.

"Are you alright?" Noah asked him. Atrabilious paused for a moment before nodding, folding his legs under himself as he settled down.

Their eyes turned to the infirmary door at that moment, seeing Liam walk out as he said, "He's awake."

"And?" Lorena asked, still worried.

"He's not yet healed, Ren. There is still poison in his blood. I wanted to keep him asleep but then I thought that if... if he didn't make it that you'd want to speak to him." Liam said, "I told him that it wasn't as bad as he thought. The last thing we need is for him to give up hope when it could be the only thing that actually gets him through this." Liam explained, "So do you wish to see him?" he asked her.

She hesitated, her eyes dropping, but then she looked up when she noticed someone standing in front of her. Noah held out his hand, Ren uncertain but finally grabbed it, getting up with him. "I'm right here." He said to her quietly, making her nod before the two of them walked into the infirmary.

Lazarus lay on a bed, pipes and wires all around him, his face pale, lips chopped. His breathing was shallow, almost wheezing. He opened his tired eyes when he heard the door, a tired smile on his lips when his children entered the room making him move his hand sluggishly towards them.

"Father..." Lorena wept, almost instantly taking a seat beside him, burying her face against his neck, barely hearing Liam tell her to be careful as she held him. He inhaled sharply, moving his arm with difficulty to put around her, his hand moving her hair from his face, caressing it down her back.

"Shh, sweet girl." He muttered, stopping for a breath, turning to Noah as he extended his hand to him, "It's alright, son." Lazarus muttered, watching Noah hesitate before coming closer, taking his hand as he stared into barely opened eyes. "How are you now?"

"I am the one who should be asking." Noah said, forcing a smile onto his face, "You worried us, old man. Hurry up and get better."

"I don't think I am. Saw that look on Liam's face. I taught him that look you know. When we were in battle, he saw the injured for the first time." Lazarus said, stopping to breathe every now and then, coughing a bit to try and regain his breath.

"You are not dying on my watch, Lazarus." Liam said as he went to the device that Tobias managed to put together, checking if it was still pumping the blood as it should be, removing it from his body to cleanse it of poison before returning it.

"Please, Father, you can't die. Please. What will we do without you? I cannot live without you." Lorena begged.

Lazarus closed his eyes, tilting his head against hers as he muttered, "Don't fret, darling, I won't die, not just yet. Besides, even if I did, you don't need me. You are strong, and you have your brother."

"Don't say that. Don't. I will always need you, Father." She whimpered, feeling his hand caress her hair still.

Noah's hand tightened in his as he said, "I am barely strong enough for myself, Father, don't put that burden on me, please. You have to stay with us. Everything is difficult enough, don't let us lose you too."

"Hear that, Liam." Lazarus breathed, glancing at the healer from the corner of his eyes, "I will hold on until I cannot anymore, so you have to do the same."

"I swear it on my life, Lazarus." Liam said, patting his leg.

"Find me Tobias will you?" Lazarus said. Liam nodded, heading to the door before returning with the alchemist. "Ren." Lazarus said, cupping her cheek as she pulled back, looking into her reddened eyes as he said, "Don't cry over something that's not happened."

"I love you, father." She muttered.

He smiled, tilting his head to press his lips to her forehead in a loving kiss as he said, "I too, darling. Give me a moment with Tobias, will you." She hesitated before nodding, getting to her feet and walking out with Noah just as Liam brought Lazarus a glass of water, helping him drink it. Noah's eyes met Lucius' once he left the room, making his way to him directly before wrapping his arms around him, Lucius holding him back just as tightly, muttering comforting words to him.

"What is it, Lazarus?" Tobias asked, taking a seat beside him.

Lazarus sighed, closing his eyes as he relaxed against the bed before saying, "If I don't make it, you will have to take care of everyone. They need someone to guide them. All of them. They are strong warriors, but when it comes down to battle, they need guidance. Someone to make sure they all get along, or this mission will fall apart." Lazarus said, reaching over to take Tobias's hand in his own.

"Forgive me." Tobias mumbled, his head lowering, "Forgive me for making the device that might kill you."

"You also made the one that might save me." Lazarus said, tightening his grip on the alchemist's hand, "Promise you will take care of them for me."

"I swear it on my life." Tobias vowed.

"Make sure Edmur is alright. He pretends to have everything figured out, but he needs you by his side."

"I know." Tobias muttered, "Lazarus, I truly am sorry."

"It was not your fault. None of it is. You weren't even there." Lazarus muttered, sighing as he tilted his head against the pillow. "You have to be strong for them. They will all look at you for guidance."

"I won't let you down." Tobias said, watching as Lazarus's eyes started to flutter shut, his words not making sense before he went quiet. "Liam, something is wrong." Tobias said, reaching over to check for a pulse.

"I just gave him something to sleep." Liam replied, "He needs to rest. His body needs time to heal."

Tobias sighed in relief, getting to his feet before saying, "Keep us updated." Liam nodded as Tobias went to the door, opening it and walking away from everyone gathered outside without looking at any of them.

Edmur looked at Logan before saying, "Behave." With that he followed Tobias, about to walk into the library when he noticed someone sitting on the armchairs in the hall, making him turn to see Tobias there, hunched over with his face buried in his hands. He made his way to his side, sitting in the armchair next to his, only a small table separating them before he reached over, placing a hand on his knee as he muttered, "It wasn't your fault. Lorena is upset. She didn't mean what she said."

"He's going to die, Ed." Tobias mumbled, rubbing his face with his hands before sitting back, "He is going to die, and there is nothing we could do."

"I didn't see his death." Edmur said.

"Did you see him alive?" Tobias asked.

Edmur was quiet for a while, a frown on his face before he muttered, "No. I have only seen visions of the gates for a while now."

"Exactly." Tobias replied, "You don't know."

"You don't either." Edmur insisted, "He is Lazarus, Toby. Lazarus doesn't die easily. Lazarus is always there. Toby, listen to me, he will not die."

Tobias sighed, glancing at Edmur, knowing how upset his words made him. Since their fathers passed, Lazarus was there for them, and after Edmur's mother died also, Lazarus made sure he never felt alone. He made sure that the seer always felt that his family was there with him, and that losing his mother didn't mean that he lost his family, because he was still there.

"You're right." Tobias mumbled, his hand touching Edmur's, even though he doubted it, Lazarus was right about Edmur pretending he had it all together when he didn't, so he knew he needed to comfort him at that moment. "He is Lazarus, and that man doesn't die easily."

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