Oh Boy ~ [Female Reader x Var...

AAwesome_SauceA által

412K 17.6K 8.8K

As (Y/N) is sent out on a mission for a whale named "Laboon" with her childhood friend Vivi, She encounters... Több

Chapter 1 - Laboon; Meet the Straw Hats!
Chapter 2 - Whiskey Peak
Chapter 3 - Miss All Sunday ; History...
Chapter 4 - Little Garden
Chapter 5: Hello Drum Kingdom: Save Luffy!
Chapter 6 - Nami Cured? : Off to Alabasta
Chapter 7 - Dance Powder : Firefist Ace
Chapter 8 - Back to Merry : Attack?!
Chapter 9 - The Journey Begins! : Walk, Walk, Walk...
Chapter 10 - Bye Ace : Mr.0
Chapter 11 - Really stuck : Sea stone?
Chapter 12 - Old Friends : Confronting Mr. 0!
Chapter 13 - Luffy? TWICE?!
Chapter 14 - Crocodile vs Luffy; Leaving?
Chapter 15 - Welcome!; Not Alone
Chapter 16 - Welcome to Jaya; Problems
Chapter 17 - I Hate Heights! : Special Rocks
Chapter 18 - Super Secret Meeting : GHOSTS!
Chapter 19 - Two Different Hunts Begin! : Gold and Survival!
Chapter 20 - Lost - Goat man...
Chapter 21 - The Man, The Myth, and The Fucking God
Chapter 22 - Rebellion! : I WANNA GO HOME!
Chapter 23 - Morning Starshine : Ark Maxim?
Chapter 24 - Two Immune! : Ascend?!
Chapter 25 - He fell! : The Sniper and The Cook
Chapter 26 - Morning Sunshine : The Giant Belfry
Chapter 27 - The Bell at Last! : Gold, Gold, Gold!
Chapter 29 - Pirate > Marine? : Acting
Chapter 30 - Escape, (Y/N)! : TWICE?!
Chapter 31 - See ya Jonny! : Foxy again?!
Chapter 32 - Tension: The Afro...
Chapter 33 - Betrayal?! : Escape again...
Chapter 34 - Ice? : Admiral Aokiji
Chapter 35 - Water 7: New Friends
Chapter 36 - Knock it Down! : He's Back
Chapter 37 - He's After Who? : She Did What?!
Chapter 38 - Usopp! : Kidnapped
Chapter 39 - Fight : Visitors
Chapter 40 - Unwelcome - Taken
Chapter 41- Knights: One in a Suit, One in a Mask
Chapter 42 - Operation Rescue Robin-chan!
Chapter 43 - Spanda : Power Level
Chapter 44 - Bite of 87 : Life
Chapter 45 - 'Badasses' Stick Together : Battle Plan
Chapter 46 - Trouble... : Sounds?
Chapter 47 - Merry : Goodbye, Water Seven!
Chapter 48 - Fog : Island?
Chapter 49 - Hogback: Invisible?
Chapter 50 - Escape : The Leader
Chapter 51 - Gecko Moria : The Plan
Chapter 52 - Brook: Old Memories...
Chapter 53 - New Plan: Pinky!
Chapter 54 - Ne-ga-tive!: Large Luffy
Chapter 55 - Vacation: Beginning
Chapter 56 - End : We're Off!
Chapter 57 - Vacation! : Jewels
Chapter 58 - FFR: Too Kind...
Chapter 59 - Shopping!: The 12 Supernovas?
Chapter 60 - Camie: My Dad?
Chapter 61 - Info. : Log Book
Chapter 62 - Trip: Jungle?!
Chapter 63 - Girls: Symbol
Chapter 64 - Ms. Hancock: heartless...
Chapter 65 - Banquet: Execution?!
Chapter 66 - Disembark: Phase 1
Chapter 67 - Phase 2: Unexpected Guests
Chapter 68 - Reunion in Hell; Friend and Foe
Chapter 69 - Synchronicity; Secrets
Chapter 70; Team Hijack!; Escape
Chapter 71 - Nurse; Marineford
Chapter 72 - Marineford : Whitebeard
Chapter 73 - Enter! : Warlords
Chapter 74 - Fallen : End
Chapter 75 - Luffy: Goodbye!
Chapter 76: Feudal Era Adventure!
Chapter 77 - (Y/N)'s Time-Skip Chronicles
Chapter 78 - Sabaody-take 2 ; Fakes
Chapter 79 - Assemble: Set Sail!
Chapter 80 - Journey: Disaster
Chapter 81 - Sea Kings: Lost and Found
Chapter 82 - Something's Fishy: Bestest?
Chapter 83 - Fight: Hordy
Chapter 84 - Battle: Recognition
Chapter 85 - Kidnapped: Situation
Chapter 86 - Stuck...?: "Truth"
Chapter 87 - Truth?!; Arrival
Chapter 88 - OVER 5,000!: Fight
Chapter 89 - Feast: Questions
Chapter 90 - Emji's Decision: Departure
Chapter 91 - Sanji: Fresh Air!
Chapter 92 - Z's Ambition I: Giant
Chapter 93 - Z's Ambition II - Lily's Dad
Chapter 94 - Z's Ambition III: Giant Mishap
Chapter 95 - Film: Z!
Chapter 96 - Punk Hazard?: Expedition
Chapter 97 - Dragon: ...What?
Chapter 98 - Centaurs: Cold
Chapter 99 - An Old Friend: Swapped
Chapter 100 - Beasts: Ally?
Chapter 101 - Alliance!: Stuck
Chapter 102 - Hearts: Biscuit Room
Chapter 103- Snow: (Y/N)'s New Technique!
Chapter 104 - Goodbyes: Not Done Yet
Chapter 105 - Nightshift: News
Chapter 106 - Missions: Toys?!
Chapter 107 - Roulette: Blind
Chapter 108 - Interrogation: Code-Names
Chapter 109 - Corrida Colloseum: Stalker
Chapter 110 - Suit Up!: Rebecca
Chapter 111 - Block B: Battle!
Chapter 112 - Battle; King Punch!
Chapter 113 - Victory; Bellamy
Chapter 114 - Memories: Bad Man
Chapter 115 - Decoy: Toy's Secret Revealed!
Chapter 116 - Saved?: More Bounties?!
Chapter 117 - Action!; Stone
Chapter 118 - More Competition: Round II, Pica!
Chapter 119 - Racing: Cornered

Chapter 28 - Leave The Sky! : Enter... a Base?!

3.4K 160 77
AAwesome_SauceA által

We were all together again, waiting for Robin.

"What's taking her so long?!" Luffy whined, looking in the direction she went.

"Luffy, she's looking at the Ponyglyph I found in the big bell, remember?" I reminded him, and he nodded his head and turned back.

"I know, just, what's taking her so looonggg?! She's late!" He whined more.

His stomach then growled, and he stated he was hungry. I walked back towards the others.

" Why's this place so empty?" Zoro questioned, looking around with Usopp.

"Where the hell are the guerillas and the angels at?!" Sanji grumbled

"Well, wherever it is, it's better than here! If they saw us with the gold, they'd chase us around!" Usopp responded

"Well, the bell was the whole reason the two groups living up here were fighting," I explained as the 4 turned to me, "So it's probably a pretty big moment to have Robin read what it says."

"Ah." He responded, looking in the direction of his captain.

Luffy ran over, gold clinking inside his bag.

"Sanji, do you have something to ear?!" Luffy asked.

"Not until we get to the ship," Sanji said, puffing smoke.

As Luffy and Sanji were 'talking' Zoro got up and groaned, " We don't have to wait for that woman, do we?! I'm gonna go on ahead and get on board." He said, scratching the nape of his neck. Usopp, Luffy, and Sanji called him an idiot, but come to think of it.

"Guys, we can trust Robin, right? She is part of our crew and she knows where the Merry is. We could go and wait for her there?" I muttered, wanting to go and lay down.

"See?" Zoro said.

Usopp and Luffy called me an idiot and poked my face for some reason.

"Quit it!" I yelled, which caused them to poke harder.

They all started fighting with Sanji and Zoro and I turned my head towards the sound of chatter. My eyes widened.

"Um... Guys?!" I said, and only Sanji heard before he got hit and went to fighting again.

"Guys?!" I yelled this time, along with Usopp, who saw the same thing I did.

They all looked up now and Usopp and I pointed.

"It's Robin!"

"Robin-chwan!" Sanji said with hearty eyes.

"Haha! Robin! Hurry! Hurry up! We've gotta run! We stole some gold-!"

I slammed my foot into Luffy's face before he could finish, "Luffy don't say that! The angels and guerillas are right there!!"

"Oops. Shishishi!"

"H-Hey! Stop! Wait!" We heard one angel yell.

"See?! (Y/N)-chwan is always right and they found us out!" Sanji scolded.

Luffy grabbed me by the collar and got a head start before everyone, yelling 'Run!' and laughing his ass off.


We had boarded the ship and left the sky islands when we heard a familiar sounding horn on the side of the ship.

I was resting in the crow's nest and listened as Conis described what we were approaching.

It was a gate called Cloud's End. I climbed down from the crow's nest and joined the others.

I stood near Zoro and Sanji. I remembered the Knock-up stream and decided that if I was going to not die, I should stay near the strong people.

As I approached, I realized that my bag with my camera was in my room. I wanted to get a picture of how we are going to get down, just like I took a picture of how we got up. I started walking back, catching the eyes of an archeologist and a swordsman.

As I entered my room, I didn't see my bag where I left it. I was going to start searching before the gravity sort of shut off.

I was floating aimlessly around the room all the girls shared until I remembered where my bag was.

'Silly me...'

As I went for the exit, I saw out the window that we were falling, and I passed out.


I was awoken with a thud, hitting my head on the floor. I sat up, rubbing my head and looking around. The room Nami, Robin, and I shared was a wreck, one of the bookshelves was tilted. I heard a few single splashes in the water and sirens. I peeked out of my door and realized 2 things...

It's nighttime.

We had landed on a marine base.

"What the fuck..." I muttered to myself. The searchlights were all pointed at our ship and as I exited my room, I noticed none of the Straw Hats were on board.

"Don't tell me they got caught... Then I have to save them and-"

"Freeze! Hands up!"

'Looks like I got caught instead. Great...'

I heard the cocking of a gun and immediately shot my hands up. So I guess the Marines boarded the ship. I bet they are searching and curious why it's empty. Well, not completely empty I guess.

"Slowly turn around." I heard the same voice from before.

I did as told and saw about 10 guys with 10 guns pointed directly at me. I started sweating bullets. Before I could say anything to defend myself, I felt a pair of handcuffs on my hands, and I immediately felt weaker, dropping to my knees.

"You're under arrest, Pirate!"

Two marines were controlling my arms behind me. At least they aren't killing me. I sighed a breath of relief. 

As I glanced to my side, I noticed three Marines entering the Girls' room. I'm not a secret keeper or anything, but that's my private stuff.

"OI!" I started battling the marines behind me to turn around, but they were stronger than me. If these cuffs weren't sea stone I outta...

~~ Somewhere nearby~~

"Lt. Commander Drake!" [Marine 1]

"The ship that has invaded our base is the Straw Hat Pirates' ship!" [Marine 1]

A taller marine enters the room.

"Lt. Commander Drake! We only see one person on the ship! A crew member! No sign of anyone else on the ship at all!" [Marine 2]

"Straw Hat you say?! Where's Commander Jonathan?! Who is the Crew member?!" [Lt. C. Drake]

"W-We can't find Commander Jonothan right now..." [Marine 1]

"The crew member's name is Red (Y/N). Bounty of 5,000,000 berries." [Marine 2]

(A/N - Y'all I had a name but I don't want the govt to know about her power yet, so it's just red, but it will be better I swear ToT)

"Honestly that man's... bring Red (Y/N) to the office and search the ship!"

"Yes sir!" [Marine 1 & 2]

~~Somewhere else nearby...~~

"Damn it, we can't even get close to the Merry like that. [Usopp]

"Ah. It appears our Strategist was caught by the marines! I hope she doesn't die." [Robin]

"AHH! Don't Say that!" [Usopp]

[flower power] "Keep your voice down!" [Robin]

~~ Back to (Y/N) ~~

I was kept in a temporary cell in the boat docking area and I watched from afar as they searched our ship. There were 2 guards watching me the whole time.

I was leaning against the wall. I hope wherever my dumbass put my bag, it won't be found. I've got personal things in there like pictures with Vivi. If the marines see that, it might cause her trouble and us unnecessary attention...

I chuckled as the south bird attacked the Commander dude. The Marine told me to zip it but I just stuck my tongue out at him.

Shortly after that, all of our treasure was hauled out and I saw a few marines pocket some of the coins. Bastards... 

I leaned to the edge of the cell towards the marine who told me to be quiet.

"Hey, tough guy!" I whispered. He glanced at me, though keeping an angry face on.

"Be a gentleman and tell me what dock this is?"

"In your dreams, pirate scum."

"No balls," I said under my breath, "That's no way to treat a lady."

He turned to me, seemingly offended by the first part of my sentence. He pointed his gun at me and I shrunk into the wall behind me.

"I'm not going to tell you about Dock 88!" He sneered, pushing the edge of the rifle through the bars and into my chest.

"So... This is Dock 88?" I smirked.

"I-... You-... You can't-... WHATEVER!" He stuttered, flustered before turning back around, to be met with a slightly higher rank, I'm assuming his boss.

"Cadet! Commander Jonathan and Lt. Commander Drake want this pirate in their office for interrogation."

"Yes sir!" The flustered Marine replied, saluting.

"Well, this is great..." I groaned as they opened the door, leading me to the office where I am to meet the leaders. 

I'm assuming Jonathan is in charge but Drake is right below him. I do my research, I know the military ranks, Warlord ranks, and Emperor 'ranks' if you can call it that.

They led me through a bunch of different twists and turns before I saw a familiar orange head. Nami was dressed as a female janitor and was not really cleaning.

As the marines passed her, she glared at me. At first, it was in a mad way, then a pitiful way. Her glare was so intense...

She was mad at me for getting caught but then realized they all left me and it wasn't my fault. She probably isn't thinking that, but I hope she is because that's the truth.

We also walked past the kitchen and the food smelled amazing. I recognized 2 people there. Sanji and Luffy. 

They were doing their normal activities, just dressed as marines. Sanji was cooking and Luffy was eating.

I'm surprised Sanji convinced Luffy to wear that...

Right before they were out of my sight, Sanji caught notice of me. He looked directly back down at his food. I think he saw me and then the marines escorting me. 

Knowing that guy, he probably didn't want to cause trouble for me. How nice. We finally arrived at these big brown doors. When they opened, I was shoved inside.

I immediately turned towards the door and yelled.

"Oi!" I started kicking at the door, trying to scare them.

"Straw Hat Luffy, Red (Y/N), and Pirate Hunter Zoro..."

I turned quietly to see a marine with his head back and hat over his face. His feet were kicked back and he was relaxing.

"We can probably assume that the woman with countless hands and the hairy monster are also a part of the group."

I grumbled a little bit at the name 'hairy monster' before realizing he didn't know I was here. I slowly walked forward and stood a foot away from his desk. His eyes were covered by his hat, so he couldn't see me.

On his desk was a small plant, a chess board with some pieces missing, and pictures of random stuff on the Merry that looks like a crime scene. One was of my backpack and the stuff inside.

I also saw a picture of the pages in my notebook. Thankfully, not the Ponyglyph ones, but somewhere I wrote out my plans and Ideas.

"In any case, there are eight of them. Among them are...

... A skilled Cook...

... A knowledgeable ship's Doctor...

...and a Historian as well...

...And evidence of a planner of some sort."

'Hehe, that's me! But, I'm not a planner.'

He started to shift and I immediately dropped silently to the floor and stayed as close to the desk as I could. I could hear him moving a piece on the Chessboard.

"The only thing I don't know is their purpose. Why on earth did they come here?"

I looked around the room and almost gasped when I saw the three large bags of gold from Skypiea here. Nami was going to be pissed.

I heard the man behind me get up and walk to his window and I decided to fuck with him. I stood up and silently went to the middle of the room as he kept muttering to himself.

"Well, at any rate, The Naravone fortress is no laughing matter."

"Ha ha."

He turned around and pushed his back against the glass door, scared. I started chuckling as he stared petrified at me.

"Pft. What a scaredy-cat."

He suddenly started acting all nice to me, pulling up a chair and offering me a drink. Just as soon as it came, his nice façade slightly faltered and he sat at his desk.

"Red (Y/N)."

"Uuugh" That name sucks, couldn't they have given me a better one? (glares at author)

". . . Red (Y/N)" He responded, then hesitated, "Call me Jonathan."

"Okay, Jonny."

"...Anyway... Is the ship with the sheep head on it yours?"

"Why do you ask?" I wanted him to spill a little more information. Maybe if the others had a rumor going around and I can hop onto that.

Sadly, he didn't answer, so I sighed.

"Not technically. I found it while I was stranded. I got caught in a tornado and ended up here. That's why when they found me I was in my room. How late is it anyway? I'm tired."

Half of that was true. I was in my room when they found me, but not asleep by choice and I wasn't sent here by a tornado, obviously. 

If I stay cool, I may be able to get away with it.


. .


"... Liar."

I made a quiet noticeable noise and he knew he had gotten me.

I cursed myself in my head for being so easy to read. Maybe I should take lessons on lying from Usopp.

"The Government already knows about you being on the Straw Hat's crew, but there are also some other... rumors... going around about you."

"Really?" That's something I didn't expect. Before he could speak again, the door behind me slammed open.

The marines ended taking me to a cell for the rest of the night, which was only a few hours before they brought me back to that office.

I couldn't sleep throughout the night. I kept thinking about what he said. When marines say rumors, that means that its's just something unconfirmed.

But, what could be unconfirmed and involving me. My mind instantly goes to my father, with him being a pirate, but then for some reason shifted to my mother. 

She is, maybe was an important person. According to Vivi's father, she was mean and cruel, especially to me. But she had a strong place in society. Maybe that was it.

I entered the office once again, while fiddling with the handcuffs.

"Yo! Jonny!" I called, as I saw 2 people on the balcony. Jonathan groaned and the other person looked at me.

"Red (Y/N)." He had disgust laced in his words. Jonathan invited me to join him on the balcony. I walked past the other person, who I identified as Lt. Commander Drake, as he stared at me the whole time.

I stood a decent space away, enough to hear them but far away to jump if needed, though jumping is a last resort. With the Sea water and the cuffs, I would certainly die.

"We'll moored the pirates' ship to Dock 88 for further investigation." Drake said.

"Sheesh, I feel so violated, that place is my home y'know," I turned to Jonathan, "How would you feel if I rummaged through your room?"

"I wouldn't care."

"Oh really now?" I walked into the room and started looking through books The handcuffs were in front of my body, so I could still hold things. When I was done I went to his desk and started aimlessly rummaging.

I found multiple things, including my bounty poster, a decently long rope, some pictures of family, some Military papers-

... some military papers?...

Jonathan and his friend started yelling at me but then something actually caught my eye.

After rummaging through a few papers and files of people, I saw one of me. Lot's of Unknown information, but some things were clear, but most weren't filled in. The only things filled out were:

Name: (Y/N) (L/N)

DOT : (put whatever you want idc)

Height : 5'7

Father : Waylen (L/N) / The Roger Pirates / Navigator and Assistant Shipwright

Mother : Lady Serenity (L/N) / Wo-

That was all I was able to read before the paper was snatched by Jonathan and shoved back into the drawer.

"Damn brat, didn't your parents ever tell you not to snoop?!"

"My dad said to do what makes me happy and to screw the Marines."

"Gah, of course he would say that..."

"Also, didn't you say you wouldn't mind if I rummaged through your things?"

He stayed quiet and I laughed. I turned to the side of the room and sat on a chair against the wall.

A hour or so after the guy named the Stan Marley demanded entry, Jonathan left and came back, cleared his chess board and put two white pierced on it. He hummed to himself before speaking aloud, I believe forgetting I'm here.

"Six more..."

"HAH?! Who did you catch?!" I scrambled to his desk and slammed my hands on it, scaring him.

"The Pirate Hunter, Roronoa Zoro."

"Oh coarse that stupid swordsman was caught first. Do you know what he was doing?"

"He was climbing the side of the mountain, reaching for what looked like swords. Three of them."

I sighed, "I guess I can't blame him, he loves those swords and they're pretty cool. But he shouldn't be so reckless!" I talked to myself before sitting back down in my seat. As soon as I sat down, that Drake guy was addressed.

"Drake, should we question him instead of this hopeless woman?"

I busted out laughing, holding my stomach to the point where I fell off of my chair.

"I haha! I wouldn't even try, to be honest. That guy's more hopeless than me! Haha!"

They stared at me funny before Jonathan spoke up.

"Red (Y/N)?"

"Oh c'mon Jonny, no need to be formal!"

"Red (Y/N)... why aren't you afraid right now?"

I turned to him, sitting up on the floor, "Afraid? Why should I be? I'll be honest, I'm a little afraid of this Drake guy because he's mean, but you're not a bad person. AND you're smart." I paused and sighed, looking a him.

"It's not often I meet people as smart as me. It's nice to converse with them. And it's not as common when they are smart and a good person."

I'll be honest, I was scared, just trying to seem innocent and not guilty...

It was silent, and my mind drifted to Crocodile and Robin. Crocodile was smart but a bas person, that's why I was scared of him, but Robin is deep down a wonderful person and brilliant.

She is fun to talk with and share ideas with. I enjoy sharing Ideas with the others as well, but solely because they have good personalities. 

People like the Warlords or the nasty pirates, not so much.

As I was zoned out, the two men started to leave, which caused me to jump up and question them.

"Hey! Hey! Can I join Zoro wherever he is? I bet he is in a cell right now!"

They looked at me funny, then Jonathan whispered something to Drake. Drake nodded and turned to me.


And they both walked out.


(A/N - Lol long chapter today!


Olvasás folytatása

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