60 Seconds

By MysteryHwang

6.2K 390 93

To me, such memories are only 60 seconds long. He settle into my heart in less than a minute, only 60 seconds... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 12

144 14 1
By MysteryHwang

"Where are we going?" New irritated asked Tay. They are walking for an hour now since they left school. They have been walking an hour already without a break and it starts the younger one to hurt his ankle. 

"Just trust me on this," Tay refuses to tell them where they are exactly going. He even carries New's bag because the younger boy keeps complaining about how tired he is and that his feet will collapse anytime soon. "Don't tell me you want me to carry you too?"

New rolled his eyes, "Tch. Just let me punch you and I'll be okay."

Tay chuckled. "You're so adorable." He said and pinched New's cheeks. New immediately shoved Tay's hand away from him and looked away. He took a deep breath and tries to stay calm. "Your cheeks are turning red," Tay added with a smirk. It feels like the older one is playing uno reverse card on him. Usually, he is the one who's flirting with him but right now, he can't seems to say a word to make Tay fluster.

"T-That's because you pinched it!" New defense himself.

Tay shrugged and nodded, "That makes sense since you have fair skin but I don't remember pinching you on the other side."

"Stop it, will you?!" Tay burst out laughing because of New's reaction. It's always New's reaction. New started to get pissed this time. 

"Okay sorry. I'm sorry, I'll stop." Tay said and stop himself from laughing. "Let's just go." He added.

The younger's anger vanish again, once the older grabbed his hand and they walked together holding each other. At this point, New was taken aback and watched the other's face as he held his hand but it was nothing. Tay's action is unpredictable. He can't focus with his hand holding Tay's. They started to sweat because of his nervousness but the older guy doesn't look bothered by it and kept his hand. He doesn't know if it's necessary to hold each other hand while walking but he's not complaining at all. He loves every minute of it. He's been waiting for this moment and it feels like they are almost there.

"The sun is gone but we are still on this stupid hill," New said. The sun is already set and they are not still there.

"That's even more perfect," Tay said. New ignored every Tay's word. It's no use arguing with him, he's already here and he can't do anything about it. Might as well save his energy to kill him later if he didn't like where they were going. 

"Just tell me we are going somewhere nice," New said.

"We are here," Tay said.

New is confused. He looked around and all he can see is a bunch of trees. Not even light or anything just a plain tree. He thought they going to a café, mall, or park since he remembered hearing from other students this popular coffee shop opened on top of the hill with a beautiful view that they can watch while sipping warm hot chocolates. It must be romantic but no, they are in the middle of nowhere. The younger's shoulder dropped as he glared at the tanned boy smiling at him. He wanted to be more appreciative to him but how the hell he can do that when they walked until the sky turns black for this? He hopes for nothing.

"What? Don't tell me we will carve our name on one of these trees?" New can't hide the disappointment in his tone. Still, he is hoping that Tay will say no to his assumption. Yeah, carving names on trees is romantic and things he wants to do with Tay but their house is surrounded by different trees that are free to carve on. They shouldn't waste their time going here.

Tay chuckled and steps forward towards the younger. He put his hand on New's head and messed it up. "I'm not done yet." He said and shoved all those leaves away from their way and it shows the city light and buildings.

From the dark forest to this beautiful view, one can see in New's eyes how amazed he was by it. The cold wind touches his skin and the smell of trees. This moment he can call peace he's been wanting ever since he was younger. It wasn't that unfamiliar with this kind of view. All of his life, he is staring at his window from his empty room watching the building starts to light up as soon as the sun goes down. It was a simple night view, but it was different feeling he can't explain. This time, New's heart feels at ease, and at some point, he feels like crying. Whenever he sees this, all he can remember of how lonely he is in his dark four-wall room, what makes this special to him? maybe because he wasn't alone this time.

While New is busy looking at the view, Tay was busy staring at him. He already says it to himself but his favorite part is when New is smiling like this. It gives him an unusual feeling in his stomach when the younger boy does.

"Do you like it?" Tay asked.

"Can't you see to my eyes how much I love it?" New asked back. Tay felt relief, he was a little bit nervous about bringing New here at first but seeing how he loves it, he's glad that he took the risk. Tay opened his bag pack and prepare what he brought with him secretly.

"Hin." He called. New turned around and saw Tay holding a small cupcake with a little candle on it and a small balloon in his other hand. Just looking at the younger's confused reaction, the older knew he was right. He was right about New forgetting his birthday today. "Happy birthday Hin! Let's celebrate this together." He added.

New's eyes got teary with Tay's words. He bit his lip, suppressing his tears to fall as he stepped forward and hugged the other. He was right in choosing Tay. He couldn't ask for anything better than him.

"Thank you, Te..." He said, still forcing himself not to cry. These past few days, all he did is to cry and cry in front of him. Today, he wants to show he is still strong like before. That he can also protect Tay like how he protects him.

"You're always welcome, Hin. Come on, blow this candle so you can eat this cupcake." He said. New nodded in response. He was to blow out his candle when Tay stopped him. "Make a wish first." He said. It's his first time celebrating his birthday. He always fantasizes wish in front of his cake on his birthday but he never did, only Tay made that wish come true. He grabbed the balloon in the older's hand and released it. They watched as the balloon became small and can't be seen in the sky anymore.

New holds Tay's hand, placing it in the middle of his hand, and makes a wish. He wish they can stay like this forever and blew out the candle.

"Happy birthday Newwiee!"

"Oh wait! You didn't sing me a happy birthday song," New said.

"W-What, uhm, you already blow the candle."

"Light it again!"

"No, I threw the lighter earlier."

"Liar! Sing it for me before I used my 60 seconds to you."

"Gosh, they didn't bless you a voice huh?" New can't still stop laughing after Tay sang a happy birthday song for him. "It's even easy to sing." He added, still laughing

"Oh yeah? If you didn't use your 60 seconds, I wouldn't do it even if you push me on the cliff."

"But you did."

Tay sigh. "Yeah, I did, stop laughing and eat this cupcake." He handed him the cupcake and New starts eating it. "What does it taste?"

"Horrible. You made this?"

"No. I don't have money to make or buy you a cake, a cupcake will do right?"

New nodded. "Even without it, it's totally fine in exchange for you singing me a happy birthday." Still, tease Tay about how his voice sucks when he sang a song. "I'm surprised you remember my birthday today." He added

"I always remember your birthday more than mine." He said.

"No way, liar."

"If you only knew." Tay murmured but New seemed didn't hear it as he was busy eating the 'Horrible' cupcake.

Before New turned 13, Tay collected candies and chocolate for New as his gift for him. He observes that the younger really likes sweets and hates vegetables. A month before his birthday, he saves at least 10 percent of his pocket money to be able to afford chocolates. He placed it inside a small blue box and planned to give it on his birthday day but New skips his class and stayed in his room all day. Tay's grandma said that New spend all day crying in his room, and didn't even eat even one meal. They didn't know what happened that day until now.

The tanned boy felt sad for New. How can someone cry for the whole day on his birthday? It should be his happy and special day. So the older promised to make it up on his 14th birthday instead, he asked his grandma to teach him to make a scarf and practiced for a couple of months making the blue scarf for New's birthday but it happened again. New locked himself up all day inside his bedroom.

Now, Tay makes sure that New won't go anywhere near his room after class. He even went to his house earlier to make sure that New will go to his class today.

After 2 years of trying, he finally succeed.

"Can you go to my house after this?" Tay asked New.


"I need to give you something I was supposed to give you a year ago," He answered.

New nodded in response. "Let's take a picture." He grabbed his bag and put out a Polaroid. "Glad I brought this." He added. "3, 2, 1," New counted and clicked the camera.

"Let's carve on the trees?" He asked. "I wasn't in my plan but since you mentioned it, let's do it."


After they carved on trees, they went home. As Tay requested, New passed by their house. It's already late, his grandma and grandpa are already asleep. He quickly went to his room and grabbed the box.

"Here." He handed New the box.

"What's this? Another gift?" New asked and opened the box.

"I made it." Tay proudly said. "It was supposed to be a gift on your 14th birthday but I didn't get a chance to give it to you."

"You made it a year ago?" New asked, Tay nodded. "Te... you are full of surprises."

Tay shrugged. "Surprises are not always a good thing though," He said, ruining New's mood. The older boy senses it and immediately apologizes for it. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't think like that."

"Yeah, you shouldn't. Anyway, thank you for this day. I will treasure this even if I lost my memories," He said.

The older messed up New's hair again. How can he possibly lose his memories? Tay will be surely sad if ever that happens. "Happy thoughts only."

"Right, happy thoughts only."

"Sir New, breakfast is done." One of the maids said. New woke up in a good mood. How can he not? Yesterday was the best day he could ask for and aside from that, it's already a big step for both of them. He's excited to see Tay. He went downstairs and sat to eat his breakfast. He can tell that this is not how Tay's grandma cooks his breakfast. He asked the maid if Grandma is around, he already checked the kitchen but she wasn't around. Aside from that, the maid looks gloomy. The two maids looked at each other, hesitating if they will tell him or not.

"Uhm, grandma... She's—" One of the maids tried to answer him but he cuts him off instead.

"Nevermind, I guess she needs some rest. Prepare the car, please." New ordered he can't be late, it's almost time. He needs extra time to go to Tay's room and see him before his class start. The maid can't do anything and do what she asked for.

After New finished his breakfast, he went straight to his school. He go to the cafeteria in case Tay was there but unfortunately, he was not so he went to his class, and the older wasn't there. Even during lunch break, Tay was not in the cafeteria. He is nowhere to find. He went to the student council office to ask Mild where Tay was but Mew said, Mild went home early because of an emergency.

This time, New was not feeling good about what was happening. He doesn't have any clue but it's giving him a bad vibe. He even went to see Off and Arm but like Mild, they all went home early. He has still 2 more subjects but he wants to go to Tay's house. Why everyone went early and didn't inform him? He is having a bad feeling that the four of them were not around. Did something happen? Was it Tay? Or Off? He's frustrated thinking about why the four of them went missing. 

In the end, he waited for his class to end and he ran straight to Tay's house. He wants to see Tay's face or he will lose his mind.

"Tay? Tay!" New called him. The house is closed and it appears that no one is inside but he didn't stop. He went to Off's house but he wasn't there also. He was about to leave when he saw Off walking slowly facing the ground. "Off!"

"New..." Seeing Off eyes make New shivers. He wasn't crying but he can see the sadness in his eyes. It feels like he doesn't want to hear anything from him.

"Where have you been? Where's Tay? Is he with you?" New asked, trying to calm himself.

"I guess he didn't tell you also." Off said.

"Cut it out and tell me where's Tay!" New slightly raised his voice.

"Grandma passed away last night." One sentence is enough to make New shut. His eyes widen staring at the older, his hands start to shake, he doesn't know what to do, say or react. Tears started to fall from the older's eyes, "Tay's sister went here earlier to get Tay and Grandpa. What I heard, they will live in Bangkok from now on. We didn't get a chance to say goodbye—"

"No! No!" New yelled even before Off could finish his sentence. "Tell me it's not true! Tell me!"

Off tried to calm the younger by grabbing him on his shoulder even if New tries to shove his hand away from him. New's knee shivers at the breakdown. Off make sure he's holding New tight. He tapped his back to comfort him. How could this happen? New asked himself. Everything was just fine last night. Everything went so fast that he can't process what is happening. It's too much, the death of Grandma wasn't even sinking in his mind, and now Off is saying Tay left him.

"H-He will come back, right?" New asked Off.

Even Off doesn't know the answer to his questions. So he stayed quiet and listened to the younger boy.

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