The forbidden (Straykids maf...

By your_local_hoee_

118K 2.8K 3.5K

⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ -violence -death -S/A -Drugs -Smut -etc Hey babes for those who have read my stories you kno... More

Part 1.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part. 5
Part. 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41 (last chapter)

Part 27

1.9K 56 22
By your_local_hoee_

Y/n POV:

Lia quickly pulls into the entrance of the emergency room getting out of the car yelling for help. I go to get out but my arm gets grabbed by Felix. "We can't go in y/n." He tells me. "Like hell I can't." I say yanking my arm out of his grasp.

"You can't, we need to get you cleaned first we don't want the police to get involved." Felix tells me. "Everyone will stay with Chan and Jeongin and I will drive you home to change and we will come back okay?" He asks. I watch as Jeongin and Chan get out on stretchers getting rushed into the hospital nurses running around.

"Okay." I tell him. I can feel warm tears fall from my eyes down my cheeks. "Don't cry y/n everything will be okay." Felix tells me I wipe my face nodding my head unsure of what he's saying is true or not.

"Let me go talk to everyone first and then we will go okay?" He asks me I nod my head yes as he gets out of the car. I get out of the car going into the front seat closing the door. A few minutes go by everyone still talking outside of the hospital aside from Soobin and Yuna who had ran in with the nurses.

I see Felix heading back towards the van with Hyunjin and lee know who are also covered in blood. Felix gets into the drivers seat and Hyunjin and lee know get into the back.

"Everyone is staying at the hospital then we will come back." Felix tells me. I don't respond because I'm unable to form words without crying even thinking about saying something makes my throat tighten up and my eyes water.

I turn my attention out the window trying to hide my face. He drives off out of the emergency parking going back onto the main road.

The ride back home is quiet no one talking much if they do it's just small talk to cover the dread in the air with them occasionally clearing their throats.


3rd person POV:

Y/n gets out of the shower now clean getting dressed into some more comfortable cloths wearing her grey sweatpants a black crop top with one of Jeongins sweaters she found in her closet.

Y/n brushes her teeth and hair grabbing her house slippers sliding her baby pink fuzzy slippers onto her feet.

She goes out of her room going into Chan's down the hall. She grabs him some shirts, underwear, pants, shorts, pajamas, his toothbrush, deodorant and other necessities.

Once she's done she goes to the door turning the lights off behind her. She grabs Chan's bags of things setting them by the top of the staircase.

She walks to the bedroom door across from hers. Y/n lays her hands in the door knob pausing looking down at the floor her breath shaky.

She goes in opening the door slowly turning on the lights. She looks around Jeongin room cleaned and organized as always. His bed neatly laid with his books on display organized by height not a speck of dust to be spotted.

She goes to his closet grabbing all of his favorite hoodies and sweatpants along with other clothes and socks. She folds them neatly laying them down on his bed. She walks into his bathroom getting his toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, and face wash then bringing them to his bed setting them next to his clothes.

She goes under his bed pulling out a duffel bag. She sets the black duffel bag on his bed nearly putting everything in their. She grabs a book he's been reading laying it on the top of his cloths then zipping up his bag.

Y/n sits on Jeongins bed laying her head in her hands as tears drip down her face. She looks up wiping her tears letting out a breath she's about to get up when a few picture frames catch her attention.

She picks up a picture frame propped on his nightstand of him and y/n. Looking at them each. "I didn't know he had these.." she whispers holding them all.

She puts them down picking up the second one holding it in her hands looking at the beautiful memory.

She can't help but cry now tiny sobs coming out. She holds the picture up to her chest hugging it tightly crying.

Hyunjin, Lee know and Felix hear the cries going into Jeongins room seeing her curled crying in a ball on the floor.

The three of them look at each other then back at y/n. They all go over to her sitting on the floor infront of her sitting criss cross.

Y/n feels their presence, looking up at them they see the picture she's holding to her chest then looking back into her sad eyes. Her eyes are red puffy and glossy and her nose is stuffy from crying. 

Though the three are now in front of her she still can't stop herself from breaking down.

"Come here." Lee know says opening his arms. Y/n quickly throws herself onto him, straddling his lap crying uncontrollably into his neck.  

Felix rubs her back as Hyunjin runs his hands through her hair reassuring her everything will be okay.

Y/n cries as she feels her life is crumbling in her hands her heart shattering into a million pieces.

Felix's phone starts to ring he looks at who it is seeing the caller ID it being seungmin.

He gets up walking into the hall outside of Jeongin room answering it. "Hey how is everything?" He asks seungmin. "Chan has just woken up about twenty minutes ago the doctors had kicked us out while they check on him but we can go back in afterwards. He is asking for you, y/n, Lee know and Hyunjin." Seungmin tells him.

"And what about Innie?" Felix asks. The other side of the phone was silent for a minute following a sigh.

"Jeongin is in the operating room...we haven't gotten much information yet but we do know that he got shot three times to in the shoulder and one hitting his stomach damaging a major artery.." Seungmins voice breaks trying to get out the rest but he starts crying on the phone.

"Hey." Taehyun says now having seungmins phone it being obvious that seungmin is having a hard time talking about it so Taehyun is doing it for him.

"Jeongin keeps coding. The bullet didn't hit his artery but it came close enough to do a lot of damage. He's lost a lot of blood and the doctor's aren't sure if he will make it. But they are still operating on him now." Taehyun tells Felix.

Felix looks at y/n crying holding onto Lee know as Hyunjin comforts her. Felix's eyes begin to water feeling as if he will cry.

"How's y/n?" Taehyun asks.

"She's okay. She will be okay." Felix says wiping his own tears. He's sure y/n would like to keep her pride he doesn't want the others to worry about her because he knows y/n wouldn't want them to.

"We will be on our way shortly is there anything you or ITZY need for us to pick up?" Felix asks him. Taehyun asks one of the members of ITZY then coming back to the phone.

"No we have people bringing our things already."Taehyun says to Felix. "Okay see you soon." Felix says hanging up the phone.

Felix goes back into the room putting his phone into his pocket. "Seungmin called.." Felix says. Y/n slowly lifts her head up her big scared doe eyes looking up at Felix breaking his heart.

"Chan is awake." He tells her. "What about Jeongin" she asks him worry and curiosity in her tone of voice.

Felix lets out a small breath not wanting to tell her but knows he needs to.

The news he is about to break does indeed give her reason to believe her worst fears even more.

"Felix why aren't you saying anything!?" She asks her voice scared and shaky tears on the brink of her eyes.

"Let's go. I will tell you on the way." He tells her softly looking down away from her eyes tears forming in his own.

Y/n gets off of lee know standing up grabbing jeongins bag.

"I'll take it." Hyunjin says getting it off her shoulder putting it on his own. They all walk out of the room y/n being the last one out.

She looks back into his room her eyes again catching the pictures. She then turns the light off closing the door behind her. She gets to the stair case seeing the nine bags sitting by the stairs with everyone's cloths and necessities that the Hyunjin, Lee know, and Felix had packed while y/n packed for her Jeongin and Chan.

They get to the garage this time taking a different car.

Felix gets into the front seat lee know getting in the passenger seat while y/n and Hyunjin get into the two seats behind them.

Felix drives out of the garage going back into the road all of them cleaned and has everyone's things in the trunk of the SUV.

                               ~one hour later~

Y/n POV:

Felix parks the car in the hospital parking lot. We all three get out of the car going inside not worrying about the bags right now. I feel so lost so scared so hopeless.

We go into the hospital going to the front desk. "Your name?" The lady asks at the desk but for some reason I'm unable to speak. My mind is going in a whirlwind wanting so desperately to say something but my mouth not wanting to.

"Hyunjin, Lee know, Felix, and y/n." Lee know says for me.

"And the patient?" She asks typing into her computer. "Chan and Jeongin." Hyunjin tells her. "Sixth floor room two thirty six." She tells us. We bow slightly thanking her them rushing up to the sixth floor.

Once the elevator doors open we walk down the hall reaching a door that reads two thirty six. We see changbin and Jisung walk down the hall coming towards us.

"Hey where we're you?" Felix asks. "Trying to get any information on Jeongin but they still can't tell us anything yet." Changing says. I look at Jisung and I can tell immediately he's been crying.

I can sense he doesn't want to look at me not wanting to show me he's been crying. "Chan's in there?" I ask quietly talking about the door.

Chagrin nods his head yes. "GOT7 left to go home and clean up they will be back later." Changbin tell us.

I open the door without thinking for another second I look at the bed and see Chan laying down. He looks at me and I immediately start crying. Chan rips some cords attached to him off and taking the needle from his arm.

He stands up rushing over to me pulling me into him tightly. Instantly a wave of relief washes over me making me cry harder. We've worked so hard to get him home and now we have Him.

But now Jeongin is on the brink of death.

I can hear Chan crying as he hugs me tightly. He leans his head up and I pull my head from his chest to look up at him.

"I've missed you so much." He says tears falling from his face. "I miss you too Chan. I-im sorry it took for I-im really sorry." I say starting to sob.

He holds my face in his large hands giving me a smile as tears continue to fall from both of our faces.

"Don't be sorry little one. You did so well." He says I can here the proudness in his voice. "Im so glad you are okay." I tell him crying. He pulls me back into his embrace he lays his head on mine kissing the top of it.

"You did good." He tells me again.

~three hours later~

We are all sitting in Chan's room everyone on their phone or talking quietly. Chan got scolded my his doctors and put back into bed unable to get up.

Thankfully with the power Chan has we got a private hospital room 'suite' so it's rarely large and comfortable. So it's big enough for all of us and we can all relax comfortably.

Though relaxing is the last thing I'm doing at the moment. I can't help but have so much anxiety I want to cry at this point I can cry forever.

I'm not usually like this but considering the situation and circumstances.

I can feel myself starting to get sick to my stomach the feeling only getting stronger and stronger. I quickly get up rushing into the bathroom puking into the toilet. The door opens and I can see the girls coming in.

"Oh y/n." Yeji says worriedly. One of the girls grabs my hair getting it out from my face e holding it back for me as I puke into the toilet.

After five minutes I finally feel okay to get away from the toilet.

Chaeryeong puts my hair in a low bun with one of her hair ties on her wrist.

"Are you okay?" Lia asks. I nod my head getting up Ryujin hands me some wet paper towels so that I can wipe my mouth off.

"You need to eat something babe." Yuna tells me. I nod my head knowing she is probably right. But there really is no point if I am just going to throw it all up again.

"I'll be right back." Yeji says going out of the restroom.

About a minute later she comes back with my toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste she hands it to me and I take it giving her a small smile. "Thank you" I tell her.

I squeeze the toothpaste out onto my toothbrush getting it wet then brushing my teeth. Once I'm done we all go out of the bathroom sitting back down as Chan is sleeping.

I watch him as he sleeps his chest moving up and down at a steady pace. I'm happy my brother is okay and out of harms reach.

There is a light knock at the door catching everyone but Chan's attention. The door opens a doctor coming in. He sees that Chan is sleeping and not wanting to wake him calls us out side using hand movements.

We all quietly get up slipping out of the room into the hallway with the doctor. "I want to inform you that Jeongin is out of the surgery room. He got out thirty minutes ago and is now awake in the next room. You are aloud to go in their but he can not make any sudden movements" the doctor tells us. He starts talking some more but my feet are faster than my manners.

I rush past him going into Jeongins room seeing him lying in his bed he turns his head looking at me giving me a small smile.

I smile back tears streaming from my face. I walk over to him laying my forehead on his tears falling onto his face from mine. "I was so scared." I tell him crying. "I'm so sorry." I tell him so many things going through my head it's hard to get them out in a way that makes sense.

"This was all my fault." I say sniffling shaking my head. "Y/n no don't say that." He tells me sternly. "I should have kept you with me Jeongin but I didn't I sent you with GOT7 if I would have kept you with me none of this would have happened." I tell him crying.

I lift my forehead off of his. He looks at me delicately with love filling his eyes so warm so inviting. He smiles at me caressing my cheek.

"I love you. I should have told you that a long time ago Jeongin I love you. And almost loosing you completely destroyed me. I don't want to loose you Jeongin I don't want to love anyone else the way I love you. Please don't ever leave me promise me Jeongin? Promise you will never leave me? You can't I love you too much please promise me." I say crying a state of panic washing over me.

"Y/n. I promise I will never leave you. Your the reason I smile you are the reason I can be happy your the reason why the light in my eyes is there. You are the reason I know how to love. I love you and im never going to leave you. Not until we are both old and grey. Wether we are together or not I promise you one thing you never have to worry about me leaving you y/n." He tells me.

"I want to hug you but I don't want to hurt you." I say crying. His arm goes up his hand touch Ming the back of my head pulling me in our lips connecting. His soft warm perfect lips on mine the familiar scent I love ever so dearly.

I cry during the kiss my emotions being overwhelming so many pent up emotions finally coming out as all of the stress lifts off of my body. I feel his hand move to my waste pulling me in I get on his bed as he scoots himself over grunting a tad bit from pain.

He puts his arm under my neck letting me rest on him as I cuddle up to his warm body. I lay a kiss on his cheek laying my head down hiding my face into his body.

3rd person POV:

The members aside from Chan go into Jeongins room to see y/n laying beside Jeongin fast asleep hiding inside of Him.

Jeongin looks at everyone coming in giving them a smile with a slight wave trying not to move to much so he doesn't wake y/n.

Everyone sits asking Jeongin how he is and if there is anything that they can do.

They all talk quietly for a while until everyone gets tired. All the members say goodnight to Jeongin going into Chan's room since there is more room they can all comfortably sleep in.

Soon everyone is sleeping getting a goodnights worth of rest.

Hiya!! I hope all is well!!! I want you all to know July 11th I will be in the hospital for a week im not sure for how long but I don't think I will be able to write much :( but I will try and get updates out faster and maybe start on some drafts and post them while I'm the hospital♥️ but who knows I still may be able to write idk yet. But the time isn't here yet so no need to really think abt it.

What I do want to know is what you thought about this chapter!!!!!💗💗💗💗

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