The Sinz of Prinz

Von Elect0sharkus

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"You never realize what you miss until it's gone." That one line is something that goes through my head every... Mehr

Trailer(Bonus Content)
Who am I?
Where Demons Tread
The Hunt's Guests
First Impressions...Right?
All in a Day
Two Identical Souls
It's Worse in Person
The Chains Are Set
Blast to the Past
The Past Meets the Future
The Prinz and the Prince
Living Nightmare
To Call an Angel
The Twin Cinders
Her True Companions
Holy Blade, Damned Sinners
A Friend's Wake
To End the War
A Terrible Night
The Final Two
Freed from the Night
Eugen's Epiphany
Pissed off Hunter
Fragility of a Future Girl
The Cake isn't a Lie
Hipper Helper
Monarchy Malarkey
Entertaining a Prinz
Ghosts of the Future
Oil and Blood
Mechanical Miracle
Man and Machine
Angel of "Mercy"
Android Assault
To Be Duped
Science and Subject
Washing Away the Anger
Oh Hunter
Timeless Duet
The Three (Faded) Heroes
Other End of the Rope
Dusk Before the Rapture
Final Confessions
The Eventide
Of Heaven and Hell
To the End
For Their Sake

Fell from Grace (+18)

1.4K 49 25
Von Elect0sharkus

Azrael gently jumped down from the ship, careful not to drop the two headless corpses on the way down before they could get any proper burial rights. She could already tell that some of the girls were a bit green at the sight of the bodies, but at this point, she could care less.

The sunlight felt nice, especially since it was fairly cold inside the was definitely warmer than outside, but still. Now on the ground, she readjusted the corpses and set on a path towards the opening, knowing Hipper would be cleaning up the last of the girls right now.

Rapid footsteps approached from behind, yet when Azrael turned to see who it was, she just smiled. "Nice to see you here George."

The battleship had sweat pooling on her head, stopping just short and out of breath in front of her. "God...why is this massive..."

"They have to store their ships and material somewhere after all. Besides, it isn't that bad, you just refuse to do cardio."

George looked up at her with a stupid expression on her face. "You seriously can't be saying that! None of us can match up to the feats you pull!"

"That gap will only get worse too, so either get started or get left as a housewife instead of a battle sister."

"I...p-pardon?" She was going to argue back, but then what she said fully registered in her mind, and a small blush came to her face.

"George, sweetie, pumpkin, whatever the hell else you want me to say...I'm tired, I'm slightly depressed, and truthfully? I'm feeling frisky after all this bullshit."


"I'll ask once again...pardon?"

Azrael's eye twitched, before bringing her rigging forth and gently laying the bodies on it. Once done, she turned around, grabbed George's waist, and before the battleship could even squeak from the sudden grab, she kissed her.

In front of the entire attacking force...

Needless to say, George was blushing a storm now, both because of the kiss, and because of the embarrassment of having this event seen by all the people who came to battle the, now defeated without much of their help, Sirens. Azrael never relented, and after pulling the woman forward and behind her rigging, effectively hiding them from sight, she split up from the kiss and just stared into her eyes.

"I get this is quite fast compared to what we've been doing, but I really don't give a shit at this point."

The poor British woman was too stunned to make coherent words, so she just hid her face in the crook of Azrael's neck to hide her flustered face. Azrael smiled and put a hand to her head, gently petting her while they relaxed peacefully...well, as peacefully as you can get when there's two corpses laying next to you.

"To think I'd find you coddling George right after fighting and slaughtering dozens of Sirens..." She looked over and saw Hipper walking towards them with a smile, holding her left arm like she was preventing bleeding.

"Need repairs when we get back?"

"Nah, I can handle this after seeing you do it. It's easy to remember things when you can literally store them away like files."

"Ah..." That was something she didn't know she could do.

Shaking away the thought, she gently pushed George away from her, and grabbed the bodies again. "Hipper, feel free to grab anything valuable or upload anything useful. If this was anything to go by, we took out cybernetic super soldiers, destroyed a major base, and hopefully have a way to get back at them for all they've done."

"Right. Also, have fun tonight, you hear?"

Azrael smiled to her sister, while George was only left confused for a second until she blew up in red at the words.

George was beginning to dread what will happen in the next couple of hours.

Thanks to Azrael and her, quite frankly, ridiculous upgrades, she and George arrived several hours before the rest of the fleet, and she set to work on preparing a proper burial for the two. Hipper scrapped the rest of the girls, leaving nothing behind when she was done killing them so they were out of the equation.

However, there was one issue that she had. One tiny, itty problem that she simple must deal with.

She's stressed to shit, and she needs to let out that tension.


'Luckily...' She looked over to George, seeing her stretch after the long journey, as well as from sitting on Azrael's rigging to get them home quicker.

Azrael licked her lips and came up behind her, her hands reaching out to George. "Well Azrael, thank you for taking me back with you. It was well worth it considering it's now late at niIIAAHH!!"

Azrael's hand found themselves on her ass, making the Battleship spin around to swing at the future Cruiser. Even as George went in for a slap, she simply ducked under it and spun around her, grabbing her from behind.

"Dammit! Let go of me Azrael!"

"But why would I do that? I'm enjoying this far too much to just give up."

George's face was red, and she was thankful there was no one around to see them. "T-This is embarrassing! If anyone were to see us like this then rumors-"

"Shhhh..." Her hand went to George's mouth, covering it and muffling the battleship's voice. "I know that already, and I planned ahead for such a thing Georgie~."

She was hoisted off her feet, and soon found herself airborne. She bit down the urge to scream while Azrael leapt from roof to roof, using her taloned legs to move quickly and silently towards the repair bay.

It wasn't that long a journey, seeing as the repair bay was right on the waterfront, so they didn't need to stay hidden and out of sight for long. Once she was put down again, George looked a bit worried at the building she was taken too. "This...isn't the Dormitory."

"Of course it isn't, we don't want to disturb the others after all."

She gulped down her fear, and turned to look at Azrael, but soon was unable to see a single thing once her hand covered her eyes. "Oh no you don't George. Tonight is my night, and I'm gonna cash in that favor you owe me."

"C-Can't we do this another time?!"

She shivered when she felt something touch her neck, and with the heat, she knew it was Azrael's tongue. "Nope! I've put down my feelings for so long, both here and in my time...but now?"

She chuckled, and the lust behind it sent a shiver down the Battleship's spine. "Now? I'm gonna make you scream~..."

This is gonna be some kinky shit mate, cause I don't hold back on details, as many of you know.

For those ready, I hope you enjoy.

Well, she was right.

George was breathing heavily, lying down on a table where she laid bare as the day she would have been born. Sweat coated her entirely as Azrael looked over her.

"N-No more...I yield..."

The German never gave her a true response, she only cruelly chuckled. "Darling, all of this has been just for it's time for me~."

George's unfocused gaze saw Azrael start to crawl into the table, her body naked just as she was, and her eyes paralyzing George, like a prey critter cornered by a predator. Soon, she loomed just above George, and much to her own embarrassment, her eyes were drawn to the, and she doesn't say this lightly, massive breasts that belonged to the future Cruiser.

"You aren't even a do you have breasts larger than a Carrier's?"

"Ah well...a good diet always goes a long way."

George pouted, feeling personally insulted as she knew she was very gluttonous. If the girl on top of her noticed it, she didn't give a rat's ass about it.

"Now Georgie, I want you to listen closely, okay?" The Battleship under her nodded, and Azrael's sultry smile, one that looked not too dissimilar to her younger self's one, only grew.

She grabbed one of her breasts, and lifted it slightly. "You see these? I'm sure you already know what I want~."

George was clouded in lust just as she was, but she really didn't want to be in this position. She knew what Azrael wanted, and she wasn't sure if she was willing to do it.

Azrael's smile slowly fell, and her lustful gaze turned into a murderous glare. "Georgie...I have been sexually frustrated for years now. Now that I've torn you apart, I expect it to come back in kind, otherwise I'll make you into something you won't like."

Under her glare, George felt incredibly small, almost powerless at that, and she knew that she truly was if the Cruiser was serious. "A-A-And that is...?"

This time, Azrael gave her a grin, her teeth shining in the dark while the glint in her eyes returned to their original predatory shine. "Oh nothing major...just my. Little. Bitch."

"...Very well..." Not really wanting to face whatever would make her so, she just went with what she wanted.

She took one of the Breasts in her hand, and very apprehensively, she began to suck on it. The woman on top shuddered lightly, and it was now how tense she learned Azrael truly was.

She didn't do anything much, it was light and it was gentle, but that seemed not enough for Azrael. "Come on George...more!"

She went with it, and put more intensity on her sucking. Azrael moaned lightly, but she still wanted more out of this, she NEEDED more out of it.

Gritting her teeth in frustration, she lashed out, slapping George's breasts. The sudden smack made George let go immediately of her breast. "OWW!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRO-"

A hand covered her mouth, and she was forced to look into Azrael's eyes. "Listen here will give me what I want, right now, or I'll make you beg for mercy. You'll be screaming my name as I tear you up like no man ever could."


The threat seemed to work, and George got back to her breast. A sudden gasp came from Azrael, as she finally smirked in victory.

George was going much better on her now, and with her libido being as high as it was, the rush that went through her nearly made her arms collapse and flop her onto George. " that~"

They stayed like that for a few minutes, George sucking on her tit and Azrael simply bathing in the bliss of it. However, she looked down at George, and she smiled at the Battleship.

"Oh Georgie~, I have a prize for you~."

Now George didn't like the sound of that, but she knew that the fate that awaited her was far worse than what this could have been. Her eyes went up to look at Azrael, but they immediately shrunk as she saw what she was holding.

In Azrael's hand was a black cloth, long and loose on both ends that she knew was a bind. The sadistic bitch was going to blind her!

"I'm feeling a little nice for our first time doing this. So I'm going to help you!"

Before she could protest, the black blindfold was put on her eyes, and no amount of squirming was getting the bind off. Now completely blind, she couldn't see what Azrael was planning next, and that...excited her?

'Oh God...this better not be a sexual awakening...'

"You ready~? Even if you aren't, here we go~."

She wanted to question it, but both the large breast in her mouth and the sudden pain from down below prevented anything other than a muffled scream from leaving her jaw. Tears got into the fabric as she bit down on Azrael's breast, the girl on top letting out a small shriek before calming again.

"Oww...not as bad as Shinano, but still..."

George's muffled cries went ignored as the pain slowly went away. Eventually, she did hear Azrael cough. "Honey? You stopped..."

This time, George didn't dare continue, not letting her on any further with this sadistic game of hers. "George..."


"Hmph...very well..."

Instantly, the pain shot back, and she screamed into Azrael's breast that still muffled her. She tossed and turned, but nothing broke her away from the grip of the Crusier.

"Remember what I said? I'll make you scream Georgie~..."

The pain blasted through her, but oddly enough, it slowly opened way for a growing pleasure deep within her. George only now realized what was happening now that the pain was paving way.

Azrael had stuck something into her, and whatever it was was large enough to practically rip her, a virgin, open like a soda can. Her pained cries slowly melted into moans as the pain completely vanished under the white hot sensation of ecstasy.

"Ah~, looks like you fell right into rythm."

The Battleship moaned into her breast, the vibrations of it making the girl on top slightly join in with her. George's experience was terrifying yes, but now she found it opening gateways into things she never would have thought a lady like her would enjoy. all stopped.

A disappointed whine left her mouth, once again muffled by Azrael as the woman chuckled. "Oh? You thought I'd give you the satisfaction? I make true my words George, I'll make you mine~."

Even if she couldn't see, George felt Azrael press more of her breast onto her face. "Do it. Do it like there was no tomorrow, do it like a starving infant...maybe then I'll show mercy."

Her pride was crumbling fast under this...dominatrix she so happened to love. What the hell possessed Azrael to make her this way? Had the future twisted her in much more drastic ways than they thought possible?


No, questions for another, all that George can worry about was the searing heat that spread through her mere minutes ago, and the agonizing feeling of it all leaving her. She wants it back, she wants more, she wasn't even satisfied with the little taste she got from that...

'I'll comply with you then...I'm not going to hold back!'

With that, she went fully back in on it. Azrael's grip on the table faltered once more as a gasp and a shuddering moan left her once more. "Oh~! Just like that~!"

George held nothing back, and her tongue licked and twirled Azrael's nipples as well as any professional. The Cruiser's moans reaching George's ears only added to her own libido, finding herself enjoying this more and more as she felt Azrael lose strength and fall flat onto her.

" deserve a reward~..."

George felt it again, the feeling of whatever the hell she put in her moving once more, and the pure pleasure that came with it. Her toes curled as Azrael went to work on her, and her hands slowly moved without her mind wanting to.

"AHH~! Y-You sly girl, you caught me off g-uahh~!"

Her hands found themselves comfortably on Azrael's own hole, and with but a touch, she was sounding like a true Siren of myth. George found her sound enchanting, wanting to hear more of it...and thus she went to work.

Azrael was feeling it from two sources, George's wonderful work on her breast, and her sloppy, yet lovingly sleek handling on her crotch. She was working wonders with the shell casings and George's hole, making the girl melt into her hands as her sadistic side took full control for their session.

Eventually, Azrael felt the woman underneath her start to squirm, and that only brought a large smile to her face as she felt George come to a close. The battleship near screamed into her breast, her hand falling slack as she laid out on the table, the shell still stuck within her.

"Good George, very good...but I'm not finished yet~."

She felt the battleship seize up underneath her, and she could only laugh. It was a deep, dark laughter, and that easily promised George only one thing...

She was not leaving this room the same person she once was...


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