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By oh_anyways

131K 2.4K 765

oc x Marcus Lopez Arguello Ame Nyx Deianeira never wanted to be the feared assassin she had become. She wante... More

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1.2K 22 6
By oh_anyways

"Every great man has been hobbled with diarrhoea. Genghis khan, JFK, Gary Coleman. Time and diarrhoea, man. They're undefeated."
"I guess Saya's not coming?"

The group had now been situated in Shabnam's street. They were all sitting in the back of the truck. Ame sat next to Billy, it smelled better on that side of the truck. Saya hadn't shown up yet and it made everyone nervous that one out of the two great fighters and killers was absent.

"You think we can do this without her?" Lex asked, stating everyone's thoughts out loud. Before anyone could even think of an answer the doors of the truck opened and everyone inside took a defensive stand.

"I doubt it" Saya smirked at the group. "Oh thank god, I thought you weren't coming." Ame let out a breath.

Saya was on the lookout, Petra and Billy were securing the explosives, Lex was fixing the pistols and Maria was out doing some watching as well. Ame was getting herself suited up. Putting her belt in place, filling it with knives and guns, as well as bullet refills. She looked like a proper assassin.

"Wow, look at you, all dark and scary." Billy joked about her look, Petra laughed at his statement, the both of them had already seen Ame suited up, most times she went out as the goddess of the night she looked like she did now, she wasn't Ame anymore, she was now the men-destroyer, deadly assassin.

One by one the group gathered next to the bus, and Marcus and Saya joined them. Ame felt Marcus's eyes going over her body. She smirked.
"Look at you miss deadly, you look like a killer" Saya whistled.
"I'd rather call myself assassin, but whatever is fine." Ame joked back. Maria rolled her eyes. Marcus still hadn't said anything since he came back, Ame was nervous about him seeing her like this. Yes, they went to a school being trained to kill, but Marcus knew Ame was killing before she went to the school, she was scared he was gonna think badly of her, seeing her do what she does.

"You smell like a turd fucked an oyster" Lex scrunched his nose as he stood by the group

"We've got bigger problems than Pepe le pew. Chico's head is somewhere inside that house but there's no motion inside."

"Maybe no one's home"

"Maybe they're expecting us"

"How the bloody hell is this hillbilly riot squad gonna know when we're coming?"
"They know a lot of shit they shouldn't know."

"Well, if they know a lot about shit, maybe they can uncover the mystery behind Marcus'foul stench"

"What ya got yourself here is an old-fashioned pant shitter. Ame you sure you want to date a pant shitter?"

"You're together, like together together?" Petra asked, Ame shyly nodded.
"Finally, took you some time lads, Petra pay up" Lex held out his hand to the girl.
"You better on us?"
"Yes, I thought you weren't going to confess, have casual sex and never see each other again, Lex on the other hand-" "I knew you were straight-up banging each other's brains out, and Marcus is a romantic so he'd have to ask" Lex shrugged like he'd been so sure of himself.

"Clodpole" Ame hit him on the back of his head.

"Look, you wanna be in charge, control freak? Go ahead, happy to do it your way, but are you sure we can count on her?" Petra asked Marcus eyeing Maria who walked up to the group.

"Of course, we can"

"I got optics on the backyard, Saya's right. There are traps. There's no movement. No way of knowing if they're in there or not. So what now?" Maria explained and asked aggressively.

Billy, Petra and Lex had spoken their minds about what they were about to do and their fear but were interrupted by Maria "I didn't ask you to come" this statement ticked Ame off, "Maria, shut up, we are out here risking our lives because you couldn't keep your hand to yourself, so unless you have something useful to say, don't say anything at all, and if you do I'll cut your tongue out..." Ame showed no emotion of her face, she didn't raise her voice she stayed as neutral as possible. "...Now I know this is scary and we'd all prefer to be somewhere else but we got this." Ame stated, knowing it wouldn't be of any help if she go all motivational.

"We've heard the plan a million times" Lex groaned before Saya could speak. "Once more for good measure."

"Mailman Lex walks up to the front door, whistles a happy tune... Calm, cheerful. Just a happy mailman with a special package, with a not-so-happy delivery.

Petra and Billy go around back. Watch your step. The backyard is a minefield, literally. You're the backup team. Wait until Marcus gives the word, detonate the bomb, and flank any hillbillies causing trouble. This is bound to get noisy, so a distraction is mandatory. Like we learned in class, for a job like this, don't try and hide. Misdirect."

Fireworks were now heard and seen above the house, if Ame had been in any other situation she would've stared at the colours painting the sky, but with a light tap on the shoulder by Saya, Ame was brought back to the situation at hand.

"Boom, neighbours assume the white-trash residents are firing off fireworks, and we get a noise distraction to drown out Lex. We'll be topside, waiting for the cue to enter the second floor. This is the point where there's no room for mistakes."

Saya and Ame nodded to each other. Saya threw up the hook and claimed up, once she was inside, Ame climbed up the rope into the house.

"If they're in there, they'll know we're coming."

Ame and Saya were now both in the house, Ame had her daggers in her hands and Saya had her katana ready. "See you later" Ame whispered to the girl, and the two split up, going their own way as they had planned.

Ame walked through the various rooms on high alert, it seemed like no one was there. Until Ame saw a cigarette, still hot. Her suspicion was confirmed when a lunatic woman jumped on her back. The woman's arms tightly around Ame's neck and her legs around her waist, rookie mistake.

Running backwards into the wall and pressing the woman against it Ame was able to slip her daggers underneath the woman's legs, and slit both her achilles, making it almost impossible for the woman to walk. The woman screamed out in pain and let go of Ame.
The woman clawed at her ankles. She screamed to Ame, now clawing at Ame's ankles hoping to trip her, but no luck. Ame lowered her booted foot onto the woman's face, leaving her to bleed out on the floor.

Going onto the next room hoping there'd be no one she stumbled upon a coupe, two junkies, busy sucking each others faces off.

"hm" Ame coughed alerting the two of her presence. "Look, dinner's arrived" The man taunted.
"Honey, I'll put on a show for you," The man told his wife, the matching rings on their right hands telling Ame they'd been married. "Come at me" Ame smirked

The show the man would put up, wasn't a long one as before the fight could start Ame heard many shots go off downstairs, grabbing her gun Ame shot first the man in his stomach, then the woman between her eyes, and then the man again, also between his eyes. Quickly she made her way downstairs, where she was met with two dead bodies on the floor and two large males with empty guns pointed at her.

There was no sight of Marcus or Lex, which was worrying, but she had other things to deal with.

"Gun's empty boys?" Ame mocked the two alpha males. And so the fight started, what Ame didn't know was that both Lex and Marcus were peeping their heads just above the fridge watching how Ame distracted one man as she fought the other.

She made one mistake and ended up on the floor. Marcus wanted to go and help her but Lex held him back. "She's got it"

Ame used her legs to trip the man in front of her, he hurried and leaned on top of her, giving her the chance to push his head back with her hand and throw her leg over his head and twist so she was now chocking the man with her thighs. She kept a strong hold on the man's head while she grabbed her holstered gun and laid back on the floor looking back by raising her chin as she aimed at the man's head with her gun. Her shot needed to be precise, if it wasn't he'd come for her and she wouldn't make it. Taking the shot was hard, as the other man was still wiggling and clawing at her thighs.


She took the shot, straight through his eye, it wasn't exactly what she was aiming for, but good enough to kill the man.
Now she put the end of her gun against the top of the struggling man's head and shot him. Both dead, Ame let all her muscles loose, panting on the floor, catching her breath, but was up on her feet after hearing footsteps. Luckily she was met by her two stunned friends.

"Thank god you're still alive" Ame breathed out and hugged the two boys.
"Chester went downstairs, I'm following him," Marcus stated, walking towards to basement, Lex and Ame following, but many footsteps were heard, as multiple junkies entered the room. "You go, we'll be right behind you," Ame told Marcus and he left, leaving the two brits.

"For Britain" Lex yelled out fist-bumping the air and going at the first junkies. "for Britain" Ame mumbled to herself, also going at the junkies. Lex shot them dead as Ame slit their throats one by one. Until there was one left, with a loaded gun. Lex was out of bullets, so Ame decided to try, going up to the man they had a short fight and Ame shot her last bullet in the man's shoulder. This angered the man and so he shot at Ame.

Ame fell down, the impact of the bullet too much to keep standing. The man went up to Lex, the man slowly penetrating the blade into Lex's chest, but Billy came to the rescue, suffocating the man. Petra ran towards Ame as Billy helped Lex.

"God you're bleeding"

"I'm fine"

"No, you're not."

"I'm fine"

"Get the others and go outside"

"You got shot, we're not letting you go there alone."

"Yes you are, I'm fine, I won't die"

"We aren't going to convince you are we?"


And so they did, Ame went downstairs, and Billy, Lex and Petra went to get the others. Ame was fine, she had used her shirt to tie off her wound, and the bullet had gone straight through her thigh, she was lucky, due to the adrenaline it didn't hurt much.

Ame walked downstairs, it was dark. Cages with dogs and some with humans were all over the place. Ame heard a fight and went towards the sound as quick as she could. Chester was on top of Marcus, beating him, Ame kicked Chester off and pulled Marcus up. Marcus pushed Chester down once more making him fall. Ame opened the cage from one of the dogs and the dog went straight for Chester. Marcus grabbed Ame's hand pulling her along with her, out of the basement, the sound of skin tearing fading as they got further from the scene.

The two caught their breath upstairs. "Chico's head is somewhere here, let's go" Marcus pulled Ame along again "Marcus wait, stop." Ame hissed as her leg started to hurt. "Ame you're bleeding!" Marcus sounded worried, he was. "Wait here, don't move," he told his girlfriend and went to get chico's head.

Marcus came back with chico's head in his hands. He put it under his arm, the other around Ame's waist, keeping her from falling. This way they stumbled to the exit.

On their way, they were stopped by Maria. "You got it" she gasped.
"We did, where were you, the plan was that you'd help us," Ame asked the girl. "Whatever, we're done now." Maria shrugged

"God Maria we risked our lives for you here, and this is your way of thanking us." Ame stated "Maria, here's your boyfriend's head" Marcus gave the head to her.
"Do with it what you want, we, are done. We aren't a team anymore, we aren't friends, we are nothing. Goodbye." Ame told the girl, and together with Marcus went outside.

Saya stood outside, waiting for the couple. "The others are already by the truck, they saw the cartel out back so we need to leave," Saya spoke, slinging her arm around the girl supporting her so they'd get to the truck quicker. Saya didn't ask where Maria was, but the others did. Once the three got in the truck they were asked where she was. "She isn't our problem anymore," Saya responded, it shu everyone up. Lex drove the truck away. "Are we going back to school?" he asked the group.  "We can't, there'll be questions" Saya answered.

"I know where to go," Ame told the group, climbing into the seat next to Lex not so easily.

*knock knock*

Ame knocked a tune on the door, she hoped he'd be home, and willing to take in six teens.

"Ame, what are you d- why are you all here? What happened?" Cedric was confused as he opened the door to exhausted bleeding teens.

"Long story short, murder school problems and I got shot, so may we come in?" Ame explained, leaning on her boyfriend. "Uh sure yeah come in" Cedric opened the door further.

The teens all gathered in his living room, some falling on the couch, others still standing. Marcus kept Ame standing, not wanting to get blood on the couch. Cedric followed in with a stool for Ame to sit on. Marcus sat her down and went to stand behind her, his hands on her shoulders, her hands on his.

"Uhm, welcome to my house. I'm Cedric, Ame's brother." Cedric spoke, he knew some of the teens, and he had a suspicion of who the others were. "Billy, nice to see you again. Marcus, hi. Petra?" He looked towards the goth girl who nodded in response "Lex?" he looked at lex "Ello mate, you are bloody good looking, considering Ame's your sister." Lex joked giving Cedric a man-hug. The group let out some laughs. "And you must be Saya?" Cedric continued guessing. "That's me, nice to meet you" Saya smiled.

"Now you know everyone, can you stitch me up." Ame asked her brother "Oi don't forget me" Lex pointed at his chest. "Of course, I can sissy, come with me. Lex, I'll look at you in a second." Cedric pulled up his sister, supporting her. Marcus wanted to tag along "We're good, you get some stuff to sleep, it's in the closet over there." he nodded his head towards a closet in the living room, and Marcus nodded, asking Petra to help him.

Once in the bathroom, Ame pulled down her trousers so Cedric could look at the wound. "You're lucky, the bullet went straight through, doesn't look like it hit anything vital, should heal in a few weeks. I'll just stitch it up." Cedric explained, grabbing his bag with his doctor's stuff.

"So, you and Marcus looked awfully close? What's going on there?"

"We're kind of together," *hiss* "He asked me today."

"Oooh, you're blushing" Cedric laughed at his sister. There they sat, Cedric, stitching his sister once again while talking about life. Once finished with the wound the two kept talking until there was a knock on the door.

"Hey Uhm, when you're done, can I maybe shower?" Marcus spoke from the other side of the door. "Cedric and Ame stood up, Ame went into Cedric's room, getting some clothes. Cedric opened the door for Marcus, "Of course"

Everyone had their place in the living room, Billy and Petra snuggled up on the couch, the rest on the floor. "Well, I'm heading to bed, I'm free tomorrow so don't worry about anything. Good night, goodnight sissy, love you" Cedric turned off the lights and went to bed. All were exhausted after a long night. They had talked and joked around with Cedric for a bit but they were all to tired.

The group was woken up by the sun shining through the blinds, the smell of food and laughter from the kitchen. Marcus noticed he was no longer cuddling his girlfriend but now had a pillow between his arms. 

"Look they're awake" Cedric whispered to his sister "Just on time for breakfast" The girl smiled.

that was it, those were all the episodes of Deadly class. 
just to inform you, Lex never got shot, Lin never died, so the school is still the same. 

now in the following chapters everything is made up by me. We will be going into Ame's character a lot more than we previously have and i am so exited. 

I'm really happy with this chapter, it's way better than the previous one was. oops. 

and then i have only one thing left to say 


it's an amazing album and I'm already in love with the new era but i also miss the fine line era and I'm a bit homesick. 

as for the songs, mfasr got me dancing like no one is watching and matilda litterly breaks me.  i gotta say I'm a satellite, daydreaming and cinema girl i ove those but all are litterly amazing. the album is so good and I'm so proud of Harry and honestly myself, I've been a fan since i can remember, i used to listen to one direction on my mi2 (cheaper version of the 3ds lol) and watching the best song ever mv and the staircase diaries on my tablet, and now I'm still a fan, it makes me look back on my life and its so emotional. 

if you aren't a harry styles fan, you should be, he's amazing, if yo don't want to that's fine.

so treat people with kindness, and I'll talk to you soon

I love you guys <3

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