It All Started With A Tattoo...

By sassygirl93

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{COMPLETED} Book 2 of 'It All Started With A Tattoo'............. Please make sure to read the first book f... More

Chapter 100:
Chapter 101:
Chapter 102:
Chapter 103:
Chapter 105:
Chapter 106:
Chapter 107:
Chapter 108:
Chapter 109:
Chapter 110:
Chapter 111:
Chapter 112:
Chapter 113:
Chapter 114:
Chapter 115:
Chapter 116:
Chapter 117:
Chapter 118:
Chapter 119:
Chapter 120:

Chapter 104:

63.6K 1.4K 124
By sassygirl93

Allie’s POV

Yesterday I gave birth to my baby girl, and she was perfect. I was very sore and exhausted but I was so happy that it didn’t matter. I was currently breastfeeding Darcy while Harry was passed out on the couch next to me. Harry hadn’t slept since we got to the hospital yesterday morning. I don’t even know when he fell asleep last night. So I was trying to be quite and not wake him up.

After Darcy was done eating I burped her and then just held her in my arms. Darcy was looking straight in my eyes and I just smiled. She had such gorgeous blue eyes….

“Hey can I come in?” Anne whispered from the door. I shook my head and put my finger in front of my lips and pointed to a sleeping Harry. She smiled and nodded.

“How are you feeling?” She asked.

“Extremely tired and sore, but beyond Happy.” I smiled. Anne nodded and smiled at me. She looked at her granddaughter and then to me.

“Here why don’t you hold her for a little my arms are starting to hurt.” I lied.

“Liar, but I don’t care I want to hold her.” She giggled quietly. I passed Darcy to her and just hope she didn’t start to cry! I was happy when she didn’t.

“Is she feeding okay?” she asked.

“Yeah she is. Thank god I can’t stand the smell of baby formula, but I would have dealt with it if I needed to.” I smiled.

“Yeah that smell is vile. I was beyond happy when Gemma and Harry took to breastfeeding. Speaking of how long has he been sleeping?” She asked.

“I honestly don’t know. I think I heard him up at some point in the middle of the night, but I don’t’ know what time that was.” I shrugged.

“He was so worried about you. The whole time you were in labor he was trying to remain calm for you, but he was so nervous. Then when you passed out after giving birth to this little one he panicked. He was so glad when he found out you were just exhausted.” Anne said.

“I’m glad I was in too much pain to realize that he was freaking out. That wouldn’t have helped me too much. He was keeping me from panicking, which is why I love him.” I said as I smiled at him. He looked so cute when he was sleeping.

“He loves you so much that I know he will do anything for you. I can’t wait for you to get married.” She smiled.

“One thing at a time ya?” I laughed.

“She looks so much like you and Harry.” She said. I just nodded and smiled.

“Where is my niece?” Louis says as he and Eleanor walked into my room.

“Sshhh.” Anne said.

“Sorry.” Louis said. Eleanor came over to me and gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek.

“Can I hold her?” Louis asked Anne. She nodded and handed him Darcy.

“She is so light and cute.” Louis said.

“What time are you getting home today?” Anne asked me.

“I get to leave in 4 hours. Why?” I asked.

“I will make sure you and Harry have lunch waiting for you at home and make sure any last minute things are put together.” Anne smiled as she kissed my forehead.

“Thank you so much.” I smiled. Anne walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. Eleanor was sitting next to me in the hospital bed as Louis walked around the room with Darcy in his arms. Eleanor and I both took a picture of him.

“I’m going to be your favorite Uncle. I’m determined to teach you all the pranks I know.” Louis said in a baby voice to Darcy.

“No you are not.” I said to him.

“You mum isn’t going to have a say in the matter. We will be partners in crime.” Louis smirked.

“You aren’t going to have a say Allie, so I would get used to it.” Eleanor giggled.

“That’s what worries me.” I smiled.

After an hour Louis and Eleanor decided to go home. They and all the guys (and GFS) are coming over to mine and Harry’s house for dinner tonight. They wanted to have a ‘Welcome Home Darcy’ party.

I was currently holding Darcy when I heard Harry groan and roll over a little on the couch.

“What time is it?” he asked groggily.

“Noon, we get to take Darcy home in a little bit so get up.” I said. Harry shot off the bed when I said noon.

“Why didn’t you wake me up when you got up?” he asked.

“Because you haven’t slept and you needed sleep. Oh and when Darcy’s crying didn’t wake you up I knew you needed sleep.” I giggled.

“I didn’t even wake up to my own babies cry’s?” Harry said looking at his daughter with sad eyes.

“Come here.” I said holding my hand out for him to take.

“The only reason why you didn’t hear her cry was because you haven’t had an ounce of sleep since we got here. Plus I got some mother daughter time in while you were sleeping. If you feel better you can watch her while I sleep when we get home.” I winked.

“I think that is only fair. How are you feeling by the way?” Harry asked as he sat down next to me.

“I’m sore and tired, but I’m okay.” I smiled. Harry nodded and leaned towards my face. He pressed his lips firmly to mine for a second before pulling slightly away.

“I love you so much, and I can’t wait to go home as a family.” Harry said against my lips.

“I love you too. Can you hold her while I get dressed? I really want to go home and take a shower and a nap.” I smiled.

“Gladly.” He smiled as he kissed me one last time before taking his daughter into his arms. I smiled then got out of bed. Standing up and moving hurt like a bitch, but I tried not to show Harry how much pain I was in.

“Allie are you okay? Do you need help?” He asked me. I knew he would stress if he knew I was in pain.

“Yeah just a little sore, which is expected.” I said.

“Okay if you need help let me know.” He said more as a demand then a request.


Harry and I just got home from the hospital, and Darcy was sleeping in her car seat. I was thankful she was a quite baby and didn’t cry all the time. I was a quite baby, but Harry wasn’t so she could have been loud or quite :P

“Why don’t you go take a shower and I will bring you up some lunch. Then you can take that nap.” Harry smiled at me.

“Okay! Thank you so much.” I smiled.

“Ahhh where is my niece?” Gemma squealed.

“She is sleeping right now.” Harry said trying to quite his older sister down.

“Awww I wanted to hold her.” Gemma whined.

“Harry! Darcy won’t completely wake up. She will wake up a little then go back to sleep.” I said rubbing Harry’s back. He groaned then gave in. He bent down and picked her out of the car seat and handed her to his sister, and sure enough she didn’t wake up.

“Told you. Now please relax!” I said pressing my lips to his.

“Fine now go shower. You kind of stink.” He winked.

“Gee thanks Harry.” I said rolling my eyes before slowly walking up to our room so I could shower.

Harry’s POV

“So mum what’s for lunch?” I asked my mum as I entered the kitchen.

“Soup and grilled cheese. I figured some warm comfort food would be perfect today. Oh and I am making spaghetti and meatballs for dinner for everyone.” She smiled.

“Okay they both sound good. Thank you for being here. I know how much Allie wishes her family could be here.” I smiled.

“I love her like she was my daughter. Plus Allie’s family will be here in 2 weeks like they originally planned. Madi and Tyler are here so at least she has some family here.” She smiled.

“That is true.” I said. All of a sudden I heard Darcy crying, so I ran into the living room to my daughter.

“What happened?” I asked.

“Geez Harry! She is probably just hungry.” Gemma said rolling her eyes at me for panicking.

“Oh um….. I think Allie put some milk in the fridge so I will go warm it up.” I said calming down a bit.


All the lads were finally here and all taking turns holding Darcy. I woke Allie up not long ago, so she was just sitting on the couch taking in everything. She looked beautiful and the smile on her face was amazing. I was so lucky that she forgave me and gave me another chance. I WON’T do anything to jeopardize that chance. I have my perfect family and that is all I needed.



Well I don’t really have anything to say other then I thought this chapter was cute. I’m sorry it’s so late being posted, but I literally just finished writing it.

Please make sure to COMMENT and VOTE…… I really do love reading your comments they always put a smile on my face.

I will post the next chapter tomorrow as soon as I write it. :P

Lot’s of love,




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