The Hidden Alpha (Stryders #4...

By xoxoGGii

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Freya stumbles across a place where she's not supposed to be. These people aren't normal werewolves either. A... More

Vampire Prince Update
We're Live and Published!
Author Note
Chapter 1: Everything Goes Wrong
Chapter 2: Reprimand
Chapter 3: Accidental Trespassing
Chapter 4: Out of Here
Chapter 5: Stuck
Chapter 6: Here to Stay
Chapter 7: Settling In
Chapter 8: New Friends
Chapter 9: Ten Miles too Many
Chapter 10: Enter the Fighter Pack
Chapter 11: The Plunge
Chapter 12: Plans Fall
Chapter 13: Meditate
Chapter 14: A Little Hurt
Chapter 15: Chasing Waterfalls
Chapter 16: Peace of Mind
A/N: Timeline
Chapter 17: Waste No Time
Chapter 18: Unlikely Help
Chapter 19: Staged Right
Chapter 20: Truths and Lies
Chapter 21: Unveiling
Chapter 22: Predicament
Chapter 23: Too Many Realizations
Chapter 24: Small Delights
Chapter 25: The Calm
Chapter 26: The Rain
Chapter 27: The Storm
Chapter 28: Homecoming
Author Note- ugh!
Chapter 29: Family Drama
Chapter 30 : A Wrong Feeling
Chapter 31: Royal Announcement
Chapter 32: Setting the Stage
Chapter 33: Forgotten
Chapter 34: Undecided
Chapter 36: Anklets
Chapter 37: Connected
Update Info
Chapter 38: Woken Thoughts
Chapter 39: Stryder Men
The Vampire Prince is getting Published
Chapter 40: Stryder Men (Part II)
Chapter 41: Niceties
Chapter 42: Unknown Waters
Chapter 43: Runaway
Story on Hold

Chapter 35: Olive Branch

1.2K 118 65
By xoxoGGii

Okay this chapter was not at all how I wanted it to go, but hope you guys like!

Want to motivate me to update faster? Leave a nice thing to say.




The next morning, Mom gave me an annoyingly knowing look as I came late to breakfast. For no reason but myself, I put on a full face of makeup and a cute pink track suit. Mom had to call me two times saying that they were going to go ahead and eat breakfast without me.

They being Mom, Erico and our special guest Callum, who was invited to eat breakfast again. When Grand Lobby has a full service of food like the whole day. And their food is prepared by chefs. Better than Mom's cooking, usually.

I breezed passed everyone at the dining table, saying my good morning.

"Someone woke up on the right side of bed today," Mom commented as I sat across from her, next to Erico. Erico was on clean up duty, and started to pick up everyone's dishes. Callum offered to help my little brother, but Erico shook his head. All the while grumbling doing the dishes because he hated it.

Callum's presence was a like a ball of energy I couldn't look away from. He only gave me a nod as my good morning response. Not even bothering to look at me. Which grated some nerves.

"Today's going to be a busy day," I responded, grabbing the bowl of strawberries the first thing. 

"Before you got here, Callum and I had an interesting discussion about your magic and memories. Something is blocking it, but you have no jewelry on. Callum mentioned how last time he got them out was by touching you and two silver bracelets appeared." Mom surveyed me again, looking a little troubled. "This is very plausible since your magic isn't working. When I was about your age, you know that my memory and magic being gone because of some type of enhancement from the necklace I've worn."

Mom and Dad's relationship blossomed naturally, but her scent and the mate bond was masked from my dad because of this emerald necklace that the evil witch Helda gave her. Mom thought it was a gift of something or that it would protect her. 

"Your silver bracelets last time were invisible until I touched them. I think my magic activated something within them," Callum explained, finally looking over at me.  Under his scrutiny, I straightened a little more. Feeling more self-conscious. Hoping my mascara didn't smudge.

"You think they're on my wrists right now?" I asked.

Mom nodded, "Pull out your hand and let's see. Worth a shot at least."

Mom encouraged me to pull out my hands. 

Mom nodded, urging me to pull out my hands so he could inspect them. Again, that embarrassing feeling especially since Mom was right there.

I lifted both my hands up, towards him. Callum softly touched one of my wrists. I tried to hide my involuntarily shiver at his touch. Briefly, he glanced at me before he put a bit of pressure on both of my wrists.


"Where could it be," he murmured to himself, as he looked over at me, releasing my wrists. 

"Something does have to be blocking it,"  Mom agreed. She tilted her head to her side, inspecting me.

Feeling like a complete lab rat, I got up. "I've got a ton of work to do!"


Running away to go shopping was on my priority list, but I didn't even find the perfect shoes for Mom or me to wear at the coronation. Everything right now was to prepare for the coronation, but I needed a breather from everyone.

So I made a pit stop, about an hour away from Haven's Way, to one of Mom and Aunt Ava's bookstores that wasn't open fully yet.

Maybe I  could just be alone, read a book and sort them out. My favorite things to do to keep my mind off of everything. Reading books were always my getaway. Carrying my large tote bag, and bag of heels I bought, I froze.

Imagine my surprise when I was not the first person in the bookstore.

Edith was carrying a box of box, pausing as she saw me open the doors of the store. Both of us were silent for a second.  Oh great- this is exactly what I didn't need.

"Freya?" she asked in surprise. "I didn't know anyone would be here."

"Me either," I said, wondering if I should make Des turn the car back around, but I came here for a reason. Shopping didn't do it for me. Leaving meant that Edith won. It would be even more awkward if I just immediately left. Even though I so desperately wanted to leave.

"Your aunt lets me help out the stores for some extra help when she needs to carry some things, so I offered."

"Huh. Where's West?" I looked around, hoping he wasn't here.

"Studying for a test," Edith smiled at that, and I just gave her a disgusted look. Remembering they both went to the werewolf academy. Wasn't that lovely that they both met each other there? I bet they had such a great time together.

Thinking about my own experiences left a sour taste in my mouth. In another lifetime, maybe I would grow out of my weird and unreasonable aversion to being Edith's friend. From the start of my time at school, I did have a group of friends. Friends who never treated me nicely. I realized it was never me who got invited to things- I was always left out. I never got a compliment or any kind of niceties from them. Realizing all the time they were jealous of me, but I gave them no reason to me. I tried - really, I tried to be so nice. Then Lainey came, and the same thing happened. Only, worse. I truly thought Lainey was best friend status.

My whole life people felt intimidated by me. They already made their assumptions about Freya Strdyer: spoiled, ditzy, full of herself, diva...the list goes on. Making friends is hard and Lainey's recent betrayal felt like a heavy boulder sitting on my chest. The pain though- that was strange of how it felt.

Humiliation that I had my supposed boyfriend for less than a week cheat on me with Lainey.

Was I even good enough?

I just couldn't do this right now. Suddenly, I couldn't breathe. I needed air. Without saying anything, letting Edith win this thing- whatever it was in my head- I walked out the bookstore. I couldn't even inhale properly before I heard a low growl of something I was used to hearing in Noctis Luna when the werewolves were training and fighting each other. 

Not at me.

Three shaggy looking werewolves with a stench that could make anyone want to puke, surrounded me.

"This is so not my day," I muttered to myself, about to run for cover as one of them pounced on me. I dodged it, but another louder growl-  Edith's wolf, I figured, fur a vibrant light brown tackled that werewolf.

I looked at my hands, trying to feel any magic. To conjure it up, but I felt nothing. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Unlike Erico, I didn't have any of my vampire traits. No speed or strength. My magic gave me that. Magic that was blocked off.

Edith was actually fighting them with such a ferocity, I recalled Wyatt mentioning she was an Alpha. I am all about girl power, and couldn't help but feel to cheer her on inwardly. She was outnumbered, but was doing a decent job of fending them off.

One of the wolves tried to get her, but I smacked it hard with my shopping bag, glad that the shoes were heavy enough to do the heavy lifting. Of course, it didn't do much to deter the werewolf, but I stood my ground, looking the werewolf in the eye. They were rogues which meant they feared usually nothing.

But they also wanted something.

"Maybe if you shift, we can talk it out. I don't really have time to ruin my nails and fight you guys," I said, annoyed. "If something happens to me, you'd have to deal with my uncle. Lance Stryder, the Demon Alpha? Ever heard of him?"

That always did it.

All three of the werewolves whimpered, and the ring leader, the one I smacked, shifted suddenly.  had to turn away quickly because werewolves were very comfortable being naked.

"We just wanted some money," she said, sounding like she smoked ten packs of cigarettes a day.

"Well hold on, let me see how much cash I have," I said. Eyeing her to make sure none of them made any sudden movements. Edith's wolf was turned to me, curiosity burning in those eyes. I took out the cash I had in my wallet, a couple hundred dollar bills, and handed her my shopping bag. "Here. Next time, you should ask nicely and not attack a lady like that. You are way better than that. If you feel up to it, in the next few weeks, this bookstore will open up. I'll personally get you jobs so you can start a life for yourselves instead of terrorizing people."

The she-wolf looked a little taken aback, looking at the cash and the shopping bag I just gave her. "Thank you."

"There's a nearby restaurant within like 4 miles from here, also werewolf owned called Davita's. Nice Italian place if you're hungry."

Again, the she wolf looked a loss for words. For a second too long before I realized something.

"Right." I shrugged off my long trench coat, and hoped that it would be enough to cover her. I took off my sweatshirt as well, baring a black camisole. I pointed at the shopping bag. "There are shoes in the bag." I kind of missed them already, but knew I could buy them again.

All three of them probably spoke to each other through their mind-link, but within seconds, they left us. Leaving Edith and I alone in the parking lot.

I let out a breathe, forgetting what made me so worked up in the first place. Edith trotted back somewhere, probably to change, and when she rounded the corner of the store there was something in her eyes that I couldn't put into words.

"What you did back there..." she trailed off, but I waved my hands dismissively. 

"Nothing some good shoes can't fix," I said, getting back inside without wanting to talk about it.

"You saved me back there," Edith said, following me inside. "You didn't have to, but you did."

I sat down on one of the comfortable large blue butterfly chairs. "Well, you saved me first, so I think it's only fair."

Edith smiled at me, shaking her head. "No, how you just stopped them from attacking us. It was awesome like- you just command respect. You diffused the situation so naturally. Even being Alpha, I've never had that power."

I stared at her.

Edith continued, sitting on the opposite chair from me. "Freya, you were seriously such a badass back there." There was actually some awe in her voice. She wasn't even trying to flatter me like the first time I saw her. "My best friend Penelope would just love you- especially your killer fashion sense. It's like you stepped out straight from the runway. And you gave her your clothes that easily, it's pretty obvious how Stryders have not a single mean bone in their body. All of you are just so pure, I love to watch it." Edith looked down. "Too bad you hate me."

"I don't- I don't hate you," I automatically said. It felt so wrong for her saying that. Hate was such a strong and ugly word. No one should feel that way. "Right now though, I'm mad at West."

"Ah, that makes sense now. The brothers wouldn't tell me, but Wyatt was trying to tell West something. Unfortunately, West is too stubborn for his own good. When there's something on his mind, nothing can change it."

Thinking back at West's words, it stung.. More than Lainey's betrayal. "Everything you just said about me, seems like West believes the opposite."

"Somehow, I doubt it. West being wrong means he's even more stubborn, but there is only good things ever said about you. From your aunt and uncle. They adore you- everyone does. So it feels crappy knowing someone who is amazing doesn't like you."

This just made me feel like crap. "It's really not you, personally. It's a me thing."

We were silent for a while.

The question burst out of me before I could give it a second thought. "Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"If, hypothetically, you got expelled from school, would your parents be really angry?" I asked. Remembering how the headmaster told me that she spoke to my parents and they disowned me. No disowning happened, but the fear of them being so disappointed in me struck me that I couldn't make a decision to tell them the truth. Eventually, I knew it would come out. "If, hypothetically, you got expelled from school, would your parents be really angry?" I asked.

Edith was silent for a second. So much I had to look at her. Slowly, she shook her head, looking a little sad. "My dad died before I went to the werewolf academy. My mom wouldn't have cared because at that time she didn't really care about anything. Not even her own daughter. In this hypothetical situation, I think it would be good if I had someone to get angry at me. That would have meant that someone cared. It was until the school caught wind of us- my cousin and I - that we had to go to school. Someone in the werewolf education system cared enough about us getting something. But not really my family."

I let it sink in. West was right that I didn't even know Edith- or her story. And it did seem like I looked at her unfairly. I mulled over her words.

"So, you got expelled?" Edith raised a brow at me, teasing almost.

"I regret everything," I sighed, wanting to move on, but she was the first person to know and it felt freeing and great actually to share it. She didn't even judge me.

"My lips are sealed," she made a motion to zip her lips. "How you got expelled from school before West though, now that is something I have to say is very admirable."


Leaving the bookstore on good terms with Edith, in a sort of peace treaty kind of way, I felt good going back. I even exchanged numbers with her. She offered me her jacket because it was cold out, but I told her it was fine.

As the gates of Haven's Way opened, I smiled a little, at the newfound friendship. Maybe your mate is actually great, I think, imagining myself saying this to West if we were on speaking terms.

"What happened to your shopping bag?" Des asked me, confused as I got out of the car to go eat something at Grand Lobby.

"Must have left it somewhere. Good news for me is more shopping," I gave her a bright smile that caused him to blush and fluster, hopping back in the car.

I placed a hand on my stomach, I am starving. It was kind of late, well past dinner time and dark out, but the lights behind Grand Lobby were on, in one of the courts. Erico's laughter was what made me walk briskly to the courts.

Watching Erico play basketball with Callum, and both of them looking like they were having fun. Seeing Callum bring my little brother out of his shell like this warmed me inside.

Despite the coldness and me shivering.

Erico ran to get the ball that was thrown way off the court. Callum looked up, straight to me. It was so unerving, his gaze. Like he could see right through me, through my very soul.

I raised my hand in a hello, but Callum scowled, saying something to Erico, and jogged over to me. My heart seized. Oh no, he was coming towards me.

I crossed my arms, feeling a little too naked with just my black cami all of a sudden.

"Hi," I said lamely, but Callum didn't say anything. He took off his hoodie, handing it to me as I marveled at its softness. Not the muscles he was sporting in his muscle tank.

"It's cold, you should wear this. What happened to your coat?" he asked.

Not even trying to me sly or seductive, I said grinning, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Wear the hoodie," Callum said, not amused. I pouted as I put it on. Not even getting a reaction from him.

"No, but really would you like to know about my adventures today?" I asked. "Not even curious?"

He eyed me before turning back to where Erico was. Erico gave us both a thumbs up. "Go on you guys. We all know Freya is scared to show how much she sucks at basketball."

I opened my mouth. "Rude! I am actually decent. Let me get something to eat and show you guys how it's done."

"You haven't eaten?" Callum's scowl was back. After taunting from Erico, Callum ushered me to Grabd Lobby. Sighing to himself, "What am I going to do with you?"

I gave him a bright smile and hugged myself. What a nice hoodie.

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