Oh Boy ~ [Female Reader x Var...

By AAwesome_SauceA

410K 17.6K 8.7K

As (Y/N) is sent out on a mission for a whale named "Laboon" with her childhood friend Vivi, She encounters... More

Chapter 1 - Laboon; Meet the Straw Hats!
Chapter 2 - Whiskey Peak
Chapter 3 - Miss All Sunday ; History...
Chapter 4 - Little Garden
Chapter 5: Hello Drum Kingdom: Save Luffy!
Chapter 6 - Nami Cured? : Off to Alabasta
Chapter 7 - Dance Powder : Firefist Ace
Chapter 8 - Back to Merry : Attack?!
Chapter 9 - The Journey Begins! : Walk, Walk, Walk...
Chapter 11 - Really stuck : Sea stone?
Chapter 12 - Old Friends : Confronting Mr. 0!
Chapter 13 - Luffy? TWICE?!
Chapter 14 - Crocodile vs Luffy; Leaving?
Chapter 15 - Welcome!; Not Alone
Chapter 16 - Welcome to Jaya; Problems
Chapter 17 - I Hate Heights! : Special Rocks
Chapter 18 - Super Secret Meeting : GHOSTS!
Chapter 19 - Two Different Hunts Begin! : Gold and Survival!
Chapter 20 - Lost - Goat man...
Chapter 21 - The Man, The Myth, and The Fucking God
Chapter 22 - Rebellion! : I WANNA GO HOME!
Chapter 23 - Morning Starshine : Ark Maxim?
Chapter 24 - Two Immune! : Ascend?!
Chapter 25 - He fell! : The Sniper and The Cook
Chapter 26 - Morning Sunshine : The Giant Belfry
Chapter 27 - The Bell at Last! : Gold, Gold, Gold!
Chapter 28 - Leave The Sky! : Enter... a Base?!
Chapter 29 - Pirate > Marine? : Acting
Chapter 30 - Escape, (Y/N)! : TWICE?!
Chapter 31 - See ya Jonny! : Foxy again?!
Chapter 32 - Tension: The Afro...
Chapter 33 - Betrayal?! : Escape again...
Chapter 34 - Ice? : Admiral Aokiji
Chapter 35 - Water 7: New Friends
Chapter 36 - Knock it Down! : He's Back
Chapter 37 - He's After Who? : She Did What?!
Chapter 38 - Usopp! : Kidnapped
Chapter 39 - Fight : Visitors
Chapter 40 - Unwelcome - Taken
Chapter 41- Knights: One in a Suit, One in a Mask
Chapter 42 - Operation Rescue Robin-chan!
Chapter 43 - Spanda : Power Level
Chapter 44 - Bite of 87 : Life
Chapter 45 - 'Badasses' Stick Together : Battle Plan
Chapter 46 - Trouble... : Sounds?
Chapter 47 - Merry : Goodbye, Water Seven!
Chapter 48 - Fog : Island?
Chapter 49 - Hogback: Invisible?
Chapter 50 - Escape : The Leader
Chapter 51 - Gecko Moria : The Plan
Chapter 52 - Brook: Old Memories...
Chapter 53 - New Plan: Pinky!
Chapter 54 - Ne-ga-tive!: Large Luffy
Chapter 55 - Vacation: Beginning
Chapter 56 - End : We're Off!
Chapter 57 - Vacation! : Jewels
Chapter 58 - FFR: Too Kind...
Chapter 59 - Shopping!: The 12 Supernovas?
Chapter 60 - Camie: My Dad?
Chapter 61 - Info. : Log Book
Chapter 62 - Trip: Jungle?!
Chapter 63 - Girls: Symbol
Chapter 64 - Ms. Hancock: heartless...
Chapter 65 - Banquet: Execution?!
Chapter 66 - Disembark: Phase 1
Chapter 67 - Phase 2: Unexpected Guests
Chapter 68 - Reunion in Hell; Friend and Foe
Chapter 69 - Synchronicity; Secrets
Chapter 70; Team Hijack!; Escape
Chapter 71 - Nurse; Marineford
Chapter 72 - Marineford : Whitebeard
Chapter 73 - Enter! : Warlords
Chapter 74 - Fallen : End
Chapter 75 - Luffy: Goodbye!
Chapter 76: Feudal Era Adventure!
Chapter 77 - (Y/N)'s Time-Skip Chronicles
Chapter 78 - Sabaody-take 2 ; Fakes
Chapter 79 - Assemble: Set Sail!
Chapter 80 - Journey: Disaster
Chapter 81 - Sea Kings: Lost and Found
Chapter 82 - Something's Fishy: Bestest?
Chapter 83 - Fight: Hordy
Chapter 84 - Battle: Recognition
Chapter 85 - Kidnapped: Situation
Chapter 86 - Stuck...?: "Truth"
Chapter 87 - Truth?!; Arrival
Chapter 88 - OVER 5,000!: Fight
Chapter 89 - Feast: Questions
Chapter 90 - Emji's Decision: Departure
Chapter 91 - Sanji: Fresh Air!
Chapter 92 - Z's Ambition I: Giant
Chapter 93 - Z's Ambition II - Lily's Dad
Chapter 94 - Z's Ambition III: Giant Mishap
Chapter 95 - Film: Z!
Chapter 96 - Punk Hazard?: Expedition
Chapter 97 - Dragon: ...What?
Chapter 98 - Centaurs: Cold
Chapter 99 - An Old Friend: Swapped
Chapter 100 - Beasts: Ally?
Chapter 101 - Alliance!: Stuck
Chapter 102 - Hearts: Biscuit Room
Chapter 103- Snow: (Y/N)'s New Technique!
Chapter 104 - Goodbyes: Not Done Yet
Chapter 105 - Nightshift: News
Chapter 106 - Missions: Toys?!
Chapter 107 - Roulette: Blind
Chapter 108 - Interrogation: Code-Names
Chapter 109 - Corrida Colloseum: Stalker
Chapter 110 - Suit Up!: Rebecca
Chapter 111 - Block B: Battle!
Chapter 112 - Battle; King Punch!
Chapter 113 - Victory; Bellamy
Chapter 114 - Memories: Bad Man
Chapter 115 - Decoy: Toy's Secret Revealed!
Chapter 116 - Saved?: More Bounties?!
Chapter 117 - Action!; Stone
Chapter 118 - More Competition: Round II, Pica!
Chapter 119 - Racing: Cornered

Chapter 10 - Bye Ace : Mr.0

6.1K 226 43
By AAwesome_SauceA

After running into a man named Scorpion who was after Ace and his bounty, Ace parts ways with us and gives Luffy a Vivre card (and me because he was scared Luffy might lose his own), all of us getting separated, getting back together again, dealing with desert pirates, AND meeting that nice old man from the sandstorm town, and Luffy and Vivi's fight... I explained that Croco was stationed at Rainbase, a gambling city. I pointed to Rainbase on the map that Vivi brought and Usopp looked at me.

"How do you know this stuff (Y/N)?" Usopp asked.

"Well, I was Mr. 2's partner, and I was usually around Croco, unfortunately, so if we are careful, we should be able to get in there quietly." I put my hand on my chin, thinking, trying to find a plan that would work without getting the people, the billions, the number of workers, or the rebellion riled up. 

I unconsciously said, "Oh boy, this one's gonna be tough..."


We finally made it to Rainbase and Luffy was fired up. I stood between Zoro and Sanji because I was nervous he was going to drag me away, so I stayed away. 

Luffy ran off with Usopp, so I had nothing to fear, he had his buddy. I turned to Zoro after he bickered with Sanji for a bit, "Hey Zoro, you have battle experience, right?"

He looked at me, not expecting the question, "I guess I do, why'd you need to know?"

"Well, we found out Baroque works knows everyone but Sanji's face, and he wants you all dead and me alive..." I paused, hoping he was keeping up.

"Go on..." He said, a little annoyed.

"W-Well, should I go on my own, or stay with someone else?"

"That's a good question, it may be best to stay in small groups." Zoro finished by turning to the other Straw Hats, as he got their attention. I slouched next to Zoro as he started messing with the camel and a stick, 

"Don't get too comfortable (Y/N), I'm sure even Luffy will find trouble here, so be ready to run."

"Oh boy, that would suck. He's not that dumb, is he?" I joked, nudging Zoro in the arm.

He snickered and said, "Well, you can't expect too much from the guy, I'll say that much." I laughed as we heard yelling and footsteps.

"Already?!" I moaned as Sanji said it was Luffy being chased by marines.

Zoro grinned in an 'I-told-you-so' kind of way and I just rolled my eyes and started to run.

"HEY, GUYS I THINK THE MARINES ARE HERE!" Luffy screamed from behind us, Usopp's wails being heard close behind.

"YA' THINK?!" Zoro yelled back as I whined and kept running.

Luffy told us we are going to go now and kick Croco's ass, and Sanji said it'd be better if we all split up. We all nodded and broke off into branches. They split into two ways, but I stayed with Luffy, to his shock.

"(Y/N)?" He questioned as I got next to him.

"If you're going to infiltrate the main layer, I should stay with you, I know my way around that place!"

He smirked and then nodded, "Right!" He dropped one of the barrels and held my hand, as he jumped up and over a building to lose the marines. I screamed, but more of a fun scream. 

I was getting a little used to it, surprisingly.

"Smokey! Hey! BlaH!" Luffy stuck his tongue out, flipping upside down as we went through the air.

"Luffy! Don't aggravate him!" I scolded as he just chuckled. Smokey yelled a move and the next thing I knew, Luffy and I both had a cloud around our waists like a lasso. 

My hands weren't free, but Luffy's were, with the barrels. Luffy did a Gum-Gum Balloon and rocketed Smoker to the ground, causing the lasso-like clouds to disappear from Luffy and I's waist. He grabbed my hand again and we kept running, though Smokey hot on our tail.

We were both screaming, cutting corners left and right to get away from this guy. When we saw Raindinners ahead, I yelled to Luffy just loud enough so Smoker couldn't hear, "Luffy! Let's lose him in Raindinners! It's a huge restaurant with hundreds of people inside! But you have to stay with me or we will be caught!"

"Got it!" He screamed back as I grabbed his hand and started to run a little faster. This was the first time I was dragging him anywhere. I looked ahead and saw Nami, Usopp, and Zoro. "GUYS LET'S GO WE HAVE TO GET INSIDE!" Luffy yelled to the others as I was still pulling him.

"YEA! HURRY INSIDE!" I yelled at them as we ran past them, and they followed us.

As we were running, tons of Baroque workers were shooting at us. "Ok guys! Listen up!" I got the three who joined us's attention, "Hide in the restaurant! There are over 200 people in there, so lay low and try not to get caught! Luffy and I are going straight to Croco!" I couldn't look back, but I could tell they heard.

When we walked in, it was an average casino, Billiard, Poker, Slot Machines, It honestly wasn't a bad casino, it just brought back bad memories.

When we walked in, Luffy yelled for Crocodile. My jaw dropped as I slammed a hand over his mouth, "Are you crazy?! This is a stealth mission! Shush!" 

We turned around to Smoker's voice and all split up into our former groups. I grabbed Luffy by the wrist and swiftly got lost in the crowd with him close behind me. I was rather good at assassinations and spy missions, so this was in my line of work. 

The only troubling part is that Croco knew that, so if he knows I'm with them, he will surely plan for my Strategic skills.

"Oh great, what's that refugee from an ashtray doing in a casino at Rainbase?!" Usopp whined with a sharp tone. He's honestly quite clever.

"If you ask me, I'd say he's developed a special affection for Luffy here!" Zoro mocked Smoker so he could hear, making Smoker visibly angrier.

"This building is surrounded by a lake! There's nowhere to run!" He yelled from behind us.

"Oh crap! He's right!" I put my hands on my cheeks and kept running. Somehow, security stopped a marine but not the people the marine was trying to catch. How ironic. 

If you ask me, Croco knows we're here. 

Now, Croco is no dummy, so I'd bet money this is a trap, but I'll try my best to lead them out of it.

Smoker broke free from the security guards, "Man he's stubborn!" Luffy whimpered.

"Hold it!" Smoker yelled after us as I kept crying and running. Security tried stopping us too, but Luffy took care of them easily. 

I don't even think he knew he took care of them. I looked to my left and caught a glimpse of someone I didn't want to see right now. Not yet at least...

Miss All Sunday...

I looked back but decided to keep running. 

'This is now definitely a trap, but now how to avoid it.' 

We were somehow allowed into the VIP room. Of course. I yelled before we got in, "Guys! This is a trap, be on your guard!"

"What?! A trap?!" Nami and Usopp yelled, but before they could back out, we were already closed in. We ran through an incredibly long hallway and There was a sign saying VIPs left and Pirates right. 

'I can't believe Crocodile thinks they are this dumb!'

Luffy convinced us to go right, but I knew it was a trap. I snuck behind Smoker and as the floor dropped out, I used a small trunk of wood, enough to hold me, and connected it to the floor of the room we just fell from. 

I lowered myself slowly to see the situation. There's a reason my IQ's so high.

The Idiots Luffy and Usopp got the others AND Smoker trapped in a cage. I can't believe it. 

I was still hanging above them, yet out of sight. If Croco wanted me alive and no one else, who knows what they'll do to me. 

I shivered at the thought and heard the others from below start talking.

"Clever trap, wasn't it?" Luffy said, and even I facepalmed.

"Oh, yea, no way to see that one coming." Usopp agreed blatantly.

It might be better if I don't let them know I'm here. If they even glance at me, Croco or Miss All Sunday will notice, they're smart too. Then I'll be captured and possibly killed for sure!

"What are you talking about?! (Y/N) told us it was a trap in the first place! I can't believe what a couple of idiots you are!" [Nami]

"Oh yea, where is (Y/N)?" [Luffy]

"Dunno, she was with us a second ago." [Usopp]

"Something's wrong here. I feel weak all of the sudden." [Luffy]

"Really? What's the matter? Ya hungry or something?" [Usopp]

"Luffy!" Zoro snapped quickly as Smoker landed a direct hit on Luffy's face. 


"AAAHHHHH!" Usopp screeched at the sight.

"Luffy?!" Nami yelled, taking her distance from the angry marine.

Smoker pushed the sharp metal into Luffy's chest, though not enough to pierce him, as Usopp threatened him, stuttering like a broken record.

"I-I'll take you d-down y-ya smoke-filled freak! I-I didn't d-do so bad ag-against the bomb guy, y-ya know?! S-So I'll just s-sit over here in the corner and you'll let me know when you're ready."

"What's wrong, why am I so weak?" Luffy whined like he just got drained of all nutrients in his body.

"All right, so just what have you done to Luffy? Why's he so weak?!" Nami yelled at the Smoking Marine.

"The tip of this staff and I'm assuming this cage are made up of sea prism stone, a metal found in the sea that can cancel the powers of devil fruit users because it has the same properties as Seawater." He explained.

"So I'm guessing this cell truly is the same way. "Nami said with noticeable anger in her tone.

"If it weren't, I'd be long gone, and you four plus that other pirate you were with would be on your way to prison getting a date with the hangman." 

I shivered at the thought, and so did everyone else down there. Well, except Zoro. He's really brave, he stood his ground.

Zoro unsheathed part of his sword, getting ready to attack and Usopp screamed. 

'This is the last thing we need right now. I gotta stop them.' 

I sprouted a branch from my foot because I hadn't touched the floor of the cell they were in. 

I tapped everyone in the cell on the shoulder and they all looked to see branches. Following the branch they saw me, with a finger over my lips, telling them to be quiet. Smoker and Zoro seemed quite surprised to see someone so smart with such a dumb captain, and with those looks, I smirked confidently.

For some reason, as soon as that happened, A random roof closed on the cage, which we didn't know was open. I decided the best thing for me to do was get on top of the cage and near the back, even though it's sea prism stone, I could still jump off and help if need be.

I dropped with my feet decently loud so the others would hear, as I laid on the back of the cage and waited. 

"There's no point in fighting a guy who's made out of smoke!" Nami yelled, trying to distract the others to forget I was there and not blow my cover.

"She's right..."

Oh god no. I thought I was ready to fight him, but hearing that voice in person shook me to my core.

"...Give it up."

The fact that he's in here means Miss all Sunday could be here too, and either of them could have seen our mere second long exchange. If so, we're screwed.

"You're all going to die together..." The man in the chair said, in a low groggy sounding voice, though with the tone, I could tell he was smiling at our situation, the bastard. I grimaced and my knuckles went white.

"...So why not make an effort to get along first!" He was mocking us. I was even angrier.

"It's Crocodile." Smoker said, releasing his hold on Luffy.

"All right!" Luffy said, sort of weakly.


They were relaxed about the situation as far as I could tell. Luffy was doing a Sanji impression and from his voice, I had to hold back the urge to laugh, While Usopp cackled like a hyena.

"Oh really..." Nami grumbled, scaring me a bit as well. She hit them so hard I could hear it...

"How can you two screw around while we're in this desperate situation?!" She yelled at the boys.

"Well, we can't get out so there's nothing else to do!" Luffy whined as Usopp agreed.

"The fact that we can't get out is the only reason it's so desperate! If we don't do something soon, we're gonna wind up dead! And why are you sleeping?!" Nami was screaming now. Another hit was heard and I could tell it was Zoro she hit because it grumbled in response.

"Oh, is it morning?"

"It's afternoon, ya moron!"

"You're certainly a high-spirited young lady." Crocodile grumbled from the large dining table in the room.

"Well, whatever. You better go ahead and enjoy yourself while you still have the time, mister! Because when these fellas get out of here, they're gonna kick your smug butt up and down the grand line like a flabby beachball!" Nami I could tell was being cocky and I was jealous of her confidence.

"Right Luffy?" She continued.

"YEAH!" He stretched it out and sounded pumped, "You better believe we will buddy!" He did it again.

Usopp whimpered a little bit, and then Crocodile started talking, "Your crew members seem to place a lot of trust in your talents, Straw Hat Luffy." He paused and took a bite of what he was eating, "How foolish. I think trust is completely unnecessary." He mocked the two.

"Who does that guy think he is, sneering at us like that?!" Nami complained

"Knock it off Nami! You're just gonna end up making him angry!"


Uh oh... she's here.

When I looked at the top of the stairs, sure enough, there Vivi was, with Miss All Sunday.

"Vivi?!" Usopp, Nami, and Luffy yelled.

"My humble greetings Vivi, the Royal Princess of Alabasta. I mean, Miss Wednesday. I compliment you on having evaded our assassins to get this far." He sneered at Vivi as she started walking down the steps.

"You have no idea... what I'd do... or how far I would go to see you dead. Mr.0..." She said his name in a sort of mocking tone, but with a completely serious face.

"... I wished you died in your cradle, you monster!" She lunged down the stairs, bringing out her weapons and going for Croco.

"Vivi! Wait first get us out of this thing!" Luffy yelled from below me. Then I had an idea. 

A brilliant idea that would make Croco pissed, but this situation is a lot easier. The whole crew started yelling at Vivi to get them out as I grabbed Zoro's hood while there was a distraction. 

I touched his hand and motioned him to put his hand near the lock. He did as told and I was super careful not to touch the lock. I made a model of the keyhole and brought it up to me, before cutting off the branch from Zoro's hand.

I was so proud of myself you have no idea. I shoved it in my pocket and waited for the right moment. If Croco thinks he's won, then he might explain his plan. That would help us so much.

While I did this, Vivi attacked Croco, he turned into sand and his head just poofed away. She landed on the table and just looked at him. The sand disappeared, then reappeared behind her. "Feel better?" 

Croco's voice said as he went behind her and covered her mouth, holding her there. I could hear Luffy growling from the cage and Usopp praying about something.

"You leave her alone! I'm warning you right now or I'll kick your ass!" Luffy yelled from below.

He sat her down in the chair across from himself and asked Miss All Sunday, "So, where is our other guest of honor?"

"It appears she is already here." She smiled at him.

"...What?..." Crocodile grimaced as Miss All Sunday crossed her arms. His voice was so scary, I knew he didn't know I was there, damn you Miss All Sunday! 

I felt two hands on my stomach and they catapulted me off of the cage and onto the ground right in front of the door to the cage.

"(Y/N)!" All of the people on the Straw Hats' crew and Vivi yelled when I hit the floor.

I grunted when I hit the floor, hiding that I secretly was checking my pocket for the key. When I pulled it out, it was broken. "WHY~?!" I screeched, showing the three others at the front of the cage who also gasped.

"I must say, Miss Good Friday, your timing is perfect, as always." Croco sneered at me.

"Well, it was my job for 2 years." I joked with a serious face as I stood up, not moving any closer.

"The party is about to begin! Isn't that right, Miss All Sunday?"

"Yes, it is! It's exactly noon right now. Time for Operation Utopia."

The Straw Hats behind me were as confused as I was. I looked at Nami to let her know that this was what we were waiting for, then she could open the cage. She nodded as we looked at Croco, laughing.

I didn't notice, but now he was closer to me, as I took a step backward, towards the cage.

"It will mean the demise of Alabasta, Miss Wednesday." He turned to sand and I got into a battle stance. He was gone, into thin air. I saw some sand glide around my face and noticed he had materialized behind me, 

"And you are a crucial part of the plan, Miss Good Friday, or should I say, (Y/N)?" Then he hit me with his golden hook and I passed out to the sound of him cackling and the Straw Hats calling my name. I gotta get stronger so I stop passing out all the time.

(A/N - Edited 7/26/22)

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