
By Wortho22

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Love can be painful, exhilarating, and incredible. It can cause the highest of highs, and the lowest of lows... More

Chapter 1: Hard to Ignore
Chapter 2: Penny for your Thoughts?
Chapter 3: Sweet Torture
Chapter 4: One of those Days
Chapter 5: Keep Your Eye on the Target
Chapter 6: A Lost Cause
Chapter 7: Work-Life Balance
Chapter 8: Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 9: Spontaneity Killed the Cat
Chapter 10: Back Where it Began
Chapter 11 That's Impossible! And yet....
Chapter 12 So Close.... Yet So Far Away
Chapter 13 Is that Normal?
Chapter 14: Just a Bit Off.....
Chapter 15: An Appointment with a Medic
Chapter 16: On Matters Concerning A Prime
Chapter 17: One Often Meets their Destiny on the Path to Avoid It
Chapter 18: Two and Two Make Six
Chapter 19: Ain't No Cure for What I've Got!
Chapter 20: It's a Love Thing
Chapter 21: Enough is Enough!
Chapter 22: Contagious
Chapter 23: Here's The Plan!
Chapter 24: Back to Normal?
Chapter 25: Upping the Ante
Chapter 26: Distractions
Chapter27: This Wasn't Part of the Plan!
Chapter 28: As it Should Be...
Chapter 29: Claustrophobic
Chapter 31: Confessions
Chapter 32: Just Like Icarus...
Chapter 33: Defies Logic
Chapter 34: Drowning Your Sorrows
Chapter 35: Retreat
Chapter 36: Blindsided
Chapter 37: Unfamiliar Territory
Chapter 38: The Morning After the Night Before..
Chapter 39: Not Knowing is the Hardest Part
Chapter 40: A New Light
Chapter 41: Awkward
Chapter 42: A Prime Problem
Chapter 43: Ready or Not....
Chapter 44: Desperate
Chapter 45: Decisions
Chapter 46: Crossing the Bridge
Chapter 47: Unexpected Inquisition
Chapter 48: It's Easier this Way....
Chapter 49: Goodbye, Come Back!
Chapter 50: An Ocean Away
Chapter 51: Different
Chapter 52: Nothing More than Feelings...
Chapter 53: Slow and Steady
Chapter 54: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 55: You Gotta Be Kidding Me!
Chapter 56: An Opportunity...... Lost?
Chapter 57: Second Chances
Chapter 58: Need
Chapter 59: Consumed
Chapter 60: I Can't Lose You!
Chapter 61: Fall Out
Chapter 62: Numb
Chapter 63: Blessing or a Curse?
Chapter 64: Hope
Chapter 65: Starlight, Starbright
Chapter 66: Darkest Before the Dawn
Chapter 67: When All Seems Lost....
Chapter 68: Return to Me....
Chapter 69: Worth Fighting For...
Chapter 70: When One Door Closes....
Chapter 71: Another Door Opens.....
Chapter 72: Reunited
Chapter 73: What You Mean to Me..
Chapter 74: Stay
Chapter 75: Can't You See....
Chapter 76 - Slipping Through My Digits
Chapter 77: There's Something I Need to Tell You
Chapter 78: How?
Chapter 79: An Understanding
Chapter 80: A Perfect Night
Chapter 81: Ready
Chapter 82: Best Laid Plans
Chapter 83: Claimed
Chapter 84: Game. Set. Match
Chapter 85: Green Eyed Monsters
Chapter 86: I Was Hoping to Find You Here...
Chapter 87: Enlightening
Chapter 88: Surely Not....
Chapter 89: Playing With the Boys Part 1
Chapter 90: Playing With the Boys Part 2
Chapter 91: Serendipity
Chapter 92: It's Complicated
Chapter 93: Deja Vu
Chapter 94: A Dangerous Game
Chapter 95: Open Fire!
Chapter 96 - Toy Soldiers
Chapter 97 - Broken
Chapter 98 - Picking Up The Pieces
Chapter 99 - Torn
Chapter 100 - Regret
Chapter 101: We All Make Mistakes
Chapter 102: Shattered
Chapter 103: Alone
Chapter 104: Timing
Chapter 105: Somebody That You Used to Know
Chapter 106 Paradigms
Chapter 107: Letting Go
Chapter 108: One Step Closer
Chapter 109: Clarity
Chapter 110: The Heart Wants What the Heart Wants
Chapter 111 - You Alone
Chapter 112: Belong to Me....
Chapter 113: Always.....

Chapter 30: Revelations

75 2 0
By Wortho22

Author's Note: A few little expletives... par for the course. Hang in there people, we are almost at that point... Orianna's feelings are about to be made known to a certain Autobot Commander we all know and love.. Stick around to find out how Prime reacts...

Orianna P.O.V

Prime released my hand and removed his other hand from my face, sending me a small, knowing smile on his lips as he stepped back to face a rather defensive and angry Lennox.

''Is he bothering you OC? Has he done anything to you?'' Lennox strode over towards us and, although he stood a few inches shorter than Prime, he squared up to him. ''Who gave you clearance to be in here. Answer me soldier!'' Lennox barked at Prime, as he maneuvered himself between me and the unknown man.

Prime held his hands up in surrender as he took another step back from Lennox and me. His blue eyes shining brightly. ''Easy Major Lennox,'' that deep voice of his rumbled to life and Lennox's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he stared at the man who seemed to speak in a familiar voice. A ghost of recognition forming on his face as his eyes darted over his form. ''I meant no harm to your friend, Orianna.'' He smiled affectionately at me. ''Indeed, I could never harm her.'' I stared at Prime for a moment, before one of my hands shot out to rub the back of my neck as I laughed nervously.

Lennox looked between me and the man as he placed his hands on his hips. ''You seem to know him OC and vice versa. But I am yet to learn who you are, so I will ask one more time soldier. Who. Are. You?'' He took a half a step towards Prime, his eyes focused intensely on the man before him. ''Name and rank. NOW!''

Prime sighed out loud and lowered on of his large hands slowly, extending one towards Lennox. '''Major Lennox. I do believe we have already met but I must ask your forgiveness for not introducing this form of myself sooner.'' A crooked smile spread across Prime's lips. ''My name is Optimus Prime and I am the Commander of the Autobots.'

Lennox stared between the proffered hand and the face that smiled warmly down at him before he looked back at me. ''Is this some kind of sick joke OC? What the fuck is going on?''

I laughed nervously. ''Oh, it's no joke Lennox, believe me I've already gone through this. Look, I know this is really hard to believe and understand, but that man,'' I gestured to the handsome man waiting patiently before me, his hand still outstretched in friendship, ''IS indeed Optimus Prime - in like a hologram form.''

''As difficult as it may be for you to process this Major Lennox, what Orianna says is true. I am indeed Optimus Prime.''

Lennox's mouth worked rapidly as he fought to form a response. After what seemed to be an age, he slowly reached out his hand towards Prime's, his eyes darting between Prime's hand and his face. Prime wrapped his hand around Lennox's and shook it several times. ''It is indeed a pleasure to have the opportunity to shake your hand Major Lennox after all you have done for my Autobots and I.''

Lennox simply nodded numbly before he withdrew his hand, staring at it and then at Prime's as he brought it back by his side. ''Bu...but I can FEEL you? You're solid, real? How....''

Prime laughed, the sound of which automatically elicited a smile on my lips. ''You'll have to speak with Rachet, Major Lennox. He is the genius behind this technology.'' He sighed softly. ''I am sincerely sorry Major for not informing you sooner of my holoform's existence, and learning of it under such circumstances.'' Prime seemed to make a small coughing sound. ''However, it was highly classified.''

Lennox raised an eyebrow. ''Oh yeah?'' He nodded at me. ''So how did Miss Joan. Q. Citizen here find out about it before I did Prime? Did I miss a memo, or have we changed protocol and I'm the last to know?'' Lennox's voice held a small amount of hurt and annoyance in it as he stared at Prime.

Prime shifted on his feet awkwardly for a moment. ''Your ire is deserved Major, and ordinarily Orianna would not be aware of its existence, she had not been for many months,'' he paused a moment as he seemed to consider what to say, ''however, a certain situation arose a few months ago where I had cause to activate my holoform and Orianna happened to be in the vicinity.'' He shrugged his shoulders. ''It was unavoidable and necessary.''

I smiled to myself as I recalled the ''certain situation'' that required Prime to test drive his holoform. /A loose interpretation Prime, but technically true I guess/.

Lennox narrowed his eyes at Prime. ''So, do all the Autobots have one of these...'' he gestured to Prime, ''hologram things? Or are you the only one?''

Prime nodded, ''Affirmative. I am the only one with this capability at present Lennox. However, now you are aware of the holoform, I can divulge to you that Rachet is in the process of making his own and, following the success of that, it is envisioned that all Autobots will have this capacity.''

''Once you get used to it Lennox, it is kinda amazing, isn't it?'' I placed my hand on his shoulder in reassurance. ''How are you feeling now?''

''Yeah. It's still sinking in OC but, I guess I get that that is Prime.'' He snorted and shook his head as he seemed to recall something. ''Ya know, I was wondering why you didn't acknowledge me when I spoke to your truck form out front before I came in here.'' He shook his head. ''Now I know why. You were otherwise engaged.'' He smirked up at Prime. I removed my hand from his shoulder and took an interest in the ground at my feet.

Prime's laugh rolled around the room. ''Indeed, Major Lennox. That is one flaw at present with the holoform. Whilst it is being activated, my functions in my bi-pedal and alt modes are limited, hence why I did not acknowledge you as I normally would have. Rachet is looking into this.''

''So, you must be nearby to activate your holoform thing?'' Lennox queried.

Prime nodded once more. ''Affirmative, at this point the range is limited to a hundred meters to maintain a steady, consistent image that is capable of interacting with humans.''

A quiet descended upon all three of us for a moment as Lennox nodded his understanding and continued to process this new information. Prime seized the opportunity to take his leave. ''Well, Orianna, Lennox. I had best be on my way and prepare for this afternoon's meetings and training session.'' He nodded at Lennox and smiled at me, reaching out a hand to brush down my face, gently cupping my chin affectionately. I closed my eyes and felt my lips part slightly at the unexpected intimate contact. ''My apologies Orianna for distracting you from your task.'' I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me warmly. ''I just wanted to say hello.'' Our interaction was not lost on Lennox who watched silently beside me, a strange look on his face.

I nodded my head and brushed some hair behind my ear again as I grinned up at him. ''All good Prime, I ah, I'm glad you did.'' I laughed nervously. ''If only 'cause Lennox finally got to meet you.''

He stepped back and chuckled as he turned to face Lennox who was eying him very carefully. ''Absolutely''. He extended his hand again, ''Major Lennox. A pleasure as always and, apologies once again for having kept knowledge of my holoform from you. I hope you understand?'' Prime arched a brow at him.

Lennox grasped Prime's hand and pumped it firmly twice as a weird smile spread across his face. ''Yeah. Sure Prime. No worries, I understand perfectly.''

Prime's handsome holoform nodded at him and then back at me, smiling once more before he walked towards the door and disappeared. The sound of Prime's engine rumbled to life moments later as the semi truck headed off, presumably to Hanger 1.

Lennox did a double take and looked down at the hand that had just shook Prime's. ''Well. That was fucking weird!''

I exhaled out loud and ran my fingers through my hair as I nodded. ''Yeah, the first time is very weird, but you get used to it. Almost too used to it!'' I chuckled nervously as I turned to put the last of the items away.

Lennox had a thoughtful look on his face as he leaned up against the shelving. ''That's how you kissed him that day isn't it OC? Prime was in his hologram form at the range, and you kissed his cheek.''

I nodded my head slowly as I stowed the shirts on the shelf. ''Ahh, yeah. He was Lennox.'' I sent him an apologetic smile. ''Sorry I couldn't tell you about it. Above my pay grade.''

Lennox snorted angrily. ''And mine it would seem.''

A heavy silence fell between us.

''You need to tell him OC.'' Lennox's voice was firm and had a harsh edge to it. ''Now that I know he can look like that, that he can feel and touch and basically do whatever a real man can do,'' Lennox scoffed angrily, ''you need to quit playing games with us..''

''Us?'' I stopped what I was doing and placed a hand on my hip as I faced him. ''Games?''

He looked away, closing his eyes for a moment in annoyance as he placed one of his hands on the railing of the shelf. ''Look, OC I just meant...''

''Need I remind you it was your idea to flirt with me as part of your plan to make Prime jealous..''

''To help YOU!'' He spat back at me, his face contorting in anger. ''And it seems to have worked!''

I folded my arms and jutted my chin out defiantly. ''I beg to differ Lennox.''

''Oh, come on OC!'' Lennox threw his hands in the air in exasperation. 'He was practically marking his territory when I walked in on the two of you and again just now before he left,'' Lennox shook his head. ''What the fuck was that?''

I scowled at him. ''What? Prime often makes that gesture with me Lennox. It doesn't mean any..''

''Bullshit!'' He growled as he took two large steps to stand right before me, his body pressed up against mine.

''Lennox what the..'' I was almost pushed back into the shelves. My scowl deepened and I began to open my mouth to tell him off when I felt his right hand touch the side of my face, just as Prime's had done.

His eyes loomed before mine, as his thumb caressed my skin. His hand travelled slowly down my cheek and along my jawline. I held my breath at the sensation. ''OC,'' his voice was a deep and low, just as Prime's had been and I gasped. ''When a man touches a woman like this,'' his fingers brushed teasingly and sensuously along my jaw coming to rest under my chin, grasping it gently he lifted it up towards his face. ''It does mean something. Desire, longing, affection, infatuation, lust,'' his thumb brushed across my parted lips, and he leaned down towards me, his eyes never leaving mine. I held my breath as I felt his lips graze my ear and he whispered darkly, ''love.'' A searing heat tore through me and I hissed. Lennox pulled away slowly, his eyes never leaving mine. ''But it never means nothing.''

I closed my eyes tightly and looked away from him. ''Why are you being like this Will?'' my voice was small and confused as I turned to look at him once more.

Lennox's eyes swept across my face; his intense stare faded into a sad, apologetic smile as he heard me call him by his first name. He released his grip and stepped back away from me. ''I'm sorry OC, I didn't mean to frighten you or hurt you. I just...'' He paused in his retreat, his eyes fixing on the various cardboard boxes on the ground. His lips pursed together in quiet contemplation before the corner of his mouth quirked up into a small, wry smile. ''I really think it's time you told Prime how you truly feel.'' He tapped the shelving once with his closed fist as he turned to walk out the door. ''Time to take that leap OC.''

I slowly nodded my head and wrapped my arms about my waist as I looked at my friend. ''You're right...'' My shoulders rose and fell as I took a deep breath and sent him a hesitant smile. ''But Lennox, what if I fall?''

An answering ghost of a smile spread across Lennox's face as he held my gaze. ''After what I just saw between you both, what if you fly OC?'' He placed his hand on the door handle and turned the knob. ''Operation Green Eyed Monster'' is officially terminated, effective immediately. From now on Orianna, you're on your own.''

And just like that, I was alone.

/Alone with my thoughts which is never a good thing/.

I leant against the shelving, lowering my head to feel the cool metal against my forehead. It was a welcome embrace to soothe the heat that was rapidly rising as snippets of Prime's and Lennox's conversations rattled through my brain. I groaned out loud. ''He's right. They're both right. It's time to be honest.'' I bent down and grabbed the last of the shirts, quickly stowing them on the shelf before I strode to the door.

As I switched the lights and fans off and closed the door behind me, I tried to ignore the image that flashed through my mind of Icarus as he soared too close to the sun.

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